Sei sulla pagina 1di 19




Ni~il nhlrtat

John M, A. Fearns, S.T.D.

Censer Lfbrorum

+ Francis Cardinal Spellman, Atc:h b islmp of New Y ork


- -

iGrtttfa nf &1. C1tmma Oktlgaltt


.~,,"b bg

lit .. GtrualUlllf' fit. Qan1 .. r.u • • "".IIntUd~

1B" r "tI!Ihrttll fnnu tI!t Jtallaa !rt IBIro lnuituli:qnl'_.r 01UJ1lb1lil!rld al!lla!dHJ. IbID l.r.Idll ...



Corpus. Christi Monastery New York Cily

Printing, binding, and decoration done by:

CoJ.~ Chlbtl M-Yc'lt:l:-V L&!af*1;t5 A ... ~. & :BnNotw St.

N~_ "m".1lftI: cay !r~ UriHI-d Statn M ,Alnnka


JUL - 61947



To those unacquainted whh 'be' life story.()f St.

G:emuili Cia!gil,ni. scme Itnletntroductlcn mly be we1c()m~

She- o,I!;,'L'i bern on March 12, 1i:!]8. :11 CAmtglial\Qi Iii !j.tnall wwn ill the Tlt.igbboOorhood of Lucca. haly. From. ne,r ~.f!,rLicH YO!;il-r~ she W'II,::;.i!.JJ angel of p'ic:h' !!lnd innocenceWhe~1 Gelilffl~L became of aehcc! age the: f:ii.mi.ty moved LC> LI,lCc.A a.ud he.r education W~ confided to me StsterS of ~t_. ZlLu.. het woO!hli;:'r died W]h.1l .sJ~t: 'NiIl.I:! Ull.t eight }'ea1S old.

in I~7 her Ictber's deeth occurred, and the lotlowing year Gemma hEh~~L tell aal1g'c!oDu!:;lr ill. This perlod (If her life m azks the begiuning of the eatrordi"a~' myatfcal graces whi ch chcrectertse her splriruel life, S~e was ([H:r.euIQtl~J (:,'I1;!.·d rhrougb the int't!rC~:!isi.OfL of 'St. Gehdel, end was Iavored by severn} apparitions of this eaint,

Not cnly St. Gabriel. berber Guardian Angel. tbe Blessed Vii1;;h). end Our Lord appeared to her and spoke '0 her. The E\'.U One himself was else emoag her vt~it· (lirg'" and he h.ft notblng cndcneto torment ~nd terrHy her.

Sb~ bore on her-body the mArks o-f lli.t:ll l:i.t.lgm&tl,. uLtlll,h:.o rbose QI the crOWIJ of thccns, Every-week, be:

tween Thtu-todal night e nd ~!'~d~r "ft'c:rncon., .she< wen.t through all the lit'.{f[;rl[!~ ot the Sacred Passion.

Because of ~bt;! Ul)-(:i)ilg;;:uialmlUos-phere of her owe htllne, aml iu obedience to the: wi,;bes of -Our ,L.I)td. Gt'lnmlll accepted .• .-_ t~.;,;. lilt' invitation of Ihe Giannini lamEly to ~'UI:n~ nnd make "'~r llt-~~ will'! them. Herl:'~h", Was loved and H'~ P'::(:L!.Iij even L(I> lite po-JR' of '''011 e-:rat(o-n., Her plm .. '"t!: in Lh~ f.o.mHy W5IS that cf an ;u]oQ1Hl:d dauthtc:r.

when, iu 1902.. Gemma. developed tl1li~l'4".i,da:;i:!t, th~ Gill.nl1illi 1110mily were -advlsed by the doct-or to :!ll!"!,nd 11 er ftw;,\y 1 tl. .c.:Ulo!!l1 uo ~aJ C!gU1L~d ,~c heal tn rn tllcia: OW!I 'CbHdf·~n, They defayed IOIlR; ill doit1.g so: b-Ul Iin.o.lIy. in J!J.L1LJ.afY~ 1'905. th~~ eenced a \'OflJ:o (ttl' her in a nc:ighb.or. in.c-1!J:olJ 8.(: and prevwlled u P"Dn one o f hl!r aunts to ;act ee her nurse. Here Gelllin3. died. i~ the arms of~. member of ilia c...:.i.nnnini !3.mily oDO April 12, 190.3 ..... ,J]lch, dJ:at year, WiLS Holy Seaurday.

The {ollml'ing letters are a.n,ly a few of tbt:: OJI.e hundred end fifty or ~I collected by Padre' GGrm:~mo, A-l!. Oemme never<l ~ -l~ueT. It, i,. lllJt p~ible 10 gfyc thero in chrouologicel order.

GetXI_ntll.'S_ cceresso- <luting pu!:,eileally the wb(llie. or her life was Msgl"_ Volp-i, who Inrer became tii:.;:b-t:1-p cf AiezfQ, 1.L'J order that be miUhL nor be "lout: i~ ,lie ~l,Ii~

a"DCC of tbts biiIJhIy, he *Sled s'II.d obtained. the a:!O(J"i.stllJ!l::C of Pad.rC! GermaDo, .. Pa;ssionist priest _ho~ of'diauy place of residence was. Rome. Bt:l:UDCiJl 01 one kind OJ" another to his Congrnpt,ion Q:{t.;1.1: brought him to l,.~CC31. While, there fie waS a gucs.t of I&~'til"I,~ ramily and it 'Wl1S here thllt he WiI;$:&1li (;}'c-wi(. IlI!!i~ of (_j.e.·mml1.'s extraordinary ticliness ,

Tbcugb me visits of PAdre Germano to L-I;]e~a .cr-e Irequeat, Gemme's ordinar),\COLlrge with him w.o.:s by means (If tenees. -everyone of \'ii bleb be preserved. 1hoLlgJ:Q. Di)t II:j i have ceen ,€j veu tao the publle, They d'::llI 'wHh aU lb.~ Ij'IUiC!ot!~ pbu ... s 1)( ILer'lpirLtll.o.!-Ufe and rl:;'IIc:1l th.e~l! tQ1I.!;I just as she 'WIIS, • .!Iil.'Qp.le as.a. .chiid:, J(Wab!". bumeu, end dGlE-ply .6J'_IDpa.till:ti.-c: witb UCff form q-t lIi'U:l:l.Iii.ii,WQ!1iI,



, ~.;.~, 1 '[,.



I. ~e begins limidty W open her hun 'no her new di~c~Q~. \",JHJ ilj.;)_ ~lr.oLnJ;er.

II. Salutary reflecfjons and pI'f!CL(JoLl~ ir"uic .drawn rrom OOu~bJ1i'· mcditet lon 000 creme! truths,

111, VisgU:;'L wi til Ith~ WQl'l(I: jO)' iii t being despised li.nd humiJloLLl.:tl; IIJJ'lgiog for attll {~Tdtlt!r perfection.

IV. She humbles hl!:~dt fer having Iclt some repuSI:al\n:: ill ObC)'Jllg"

V, She fears being in a ttttte,of Hlusioe,

Vl. She griCVI!:ti. Qver Jl~l\'j(!g been ~\lbjel;'ed to a physical !:XIiliD1lnl\t)Qh.


VII. H.,\.,ing learned that her djrececr was at. the tomb 1;)' St. Gabriel. she asks.

lQtp~)'m- 1'1

VH 1. On I\llool\li:r ·O«t.SiOn. she Qn'C~ m~'

~~ all embassy to St. G,.bri,~ I. I [ . -

I.X... Sb.of: enjro':3- such liberly ·Qof ~pj.rit ill! reg+!.N. to c:~thly' lbiDg~ that she

e&'liflo!~I:iDd .. llY a~t.i~n'" l.-jo



1. :':HR ~GJ}"S inIUio1." '7'0 ol'U" H'~R HEA.'RT 'to J:il'.~, };EW j1JR,Et'rOJl.. Wl:!O IS

.~ STR ..... ~(j.t:;R..

Pwlre.. j\1l thu.l I write i:!; wriHen ~iu~p'LJ' throogh obed-ience. and wnh the g rearesr repl:1, In rt:~o.rrl tCJ.'aJr these Lning..~ which it seems ic rot thm J. :iCC;' end b~o'!!l' eVM)' day. I f eel l he gn:::nt<:s~ paii Il; bll~ the oommlULu has-been Qi-VI::t1. and LI_~i ~Olll"'~ llcfll'rJ;: t::verything.

L'I\$t t'iig'h'. when I we::L to pr1lJ hefere J~s.'II:s. il'll tb.c Blessed Sacrament, I heard !>DIM:OIl(:; call me., it seemed t .... J moe th,;}..t it \\OiL":: j esus. [J'edre , before yOll reed any further, I h~g you, Icr (;~!Olritt'hake. not to belie ... e I,'H"tyl:hi!lg. ;'\nything at all: I write only to ob{'1; otherwise, r ~~'~Id not ha, v e said"1l. ~i"~!c ~'I'rd'ab'ol't what follo"_v~.) He said re f1)!!::_.iD3uglHer., "';tHI!! to thaI ji':tthel' wl\on'l your con, ies~<:~ "~j.sho!;",,. )0 jt becacse Jl is. My desire,"

"nut )C!i.liS", r rCFlli-cd,"do r understand Tllee? Dol) You wj..~ill rh B. j~~:t~e~· tg k I~OW !~ ... eJ' I!P'I.IU concerns me ?:!'

I was-about to- continua. but it seemed ttl me that Je:ms (Dr rathe}. mr J:iWIl h.e;t.d) would 001 I~r rae, lot H~

LETTERS OJ" ST. GEMMA "That is My wi!1 from now CiR. J>

Wlleli I beard this [ wM no longer ebte t6 spe-.alt an d J.esU$,.liO It seemed to me, ccerlnned-;

. "Dtl.u~bte-r. bUll(] (lo1-~~di!l!"nce.,p.~rlecr obedience, that ts the Hn.t tbil1g to r~LU~llJl_ier.'· J-:I-e ad:cJed;. '·VOu lI;u~t be: ae a ,o.ead b(loldy ~ t;\.~l)'( hi 11 {f L hat lhey would hl1r,rc you d~. oe It ~)fll'rupll~'_. lu these .d.ll.)'S you .!ibaH de f,ot.biitg without 'I~t a~ldng wlJ..l.lsc-1 u-/ Me," '

IJIil(Jn!!. f'OiI"cn;)..["ity'.!:i sake, dQn"t.iblCli-l!l ... e A. WOl'Qot&lJ 1]:iJ5;. 10 order ru Wl;'itc: )OU tl\-::~(l. L hal'l:l to:g_(I "iitlc'h "..(),IIll~C~ to mj·~jf ~ but 1 have wlsh'l!d to obe:r.

1 Jus RlOl!n,[11g. sJte.r H~ly Communion, Ie5.lIS' seemed lrlo ~tt run rll:~1 His pre-ecce. J\1dr.e. what t"r'Ioll:U~:I1tiod But. ~,j~~.~ n ~'~'~~, lJI11""~ ~jJ "" over, I koi!'F~ r~liealh.Jj 10· J ~!;IJ~~ Y 1 W;.:~ not au]!;,,,!;, express- myaeif very well, I~ut J~s:c:-.; lIloa(,!T!ilood,

mcll:l;; 1),0 and '){"~J' ni:'f' much lor Poor <';eo,Hlla.


II. s'Al,UTAR.V ttl!f'LECl'IONS ANl}- l"IECIOUS Fl.u~:r Da.A.WN PIWi\1 OONS't;-A:NT ,bi;lCl1l'l"ATION ON !rrEIL;:o.iAL vUITJ,ES,

AfJ.1.1 I1~~\', "Pll.llti.:. li:slen to roy hean.l Altl:!' JC$U.!i b3Srnndo!.. rue cry, ~tilll:-1e,aho,l'll)'swh:hes m~' good ... ad He nllLt~!:i. III';:; n::tmz~ it on1r L-()D welL Listen to wha.t I li.t:n (:otJ.lj~l:d 10. de when [~ill_ w~l"h o{hef!O aud th~1 spMk: (lIf Je:s:I,I~ • cr h .. aaven. or 9.1II¥ such Lbing, Scmctlmee I am 0- bl.ip=_d ec run n ..... a)' fi.l\d hide: eire ... 1 hlli;,,re to beg tb~,OD.c "iitl'i!J. ;lipc!IIJdns; ,0- .c:l1::J.Ci~e. tbe ccnsersencc, otllerw)$e l: [irel Jl.!; tb~Llgh 1 .s1,iGultl ~\io!;!. ~ut Oil. l&~w.l not. :;,He }'c:.::

JeSU$ ~t::d ~j) sa}' It) me.." Ne, you Mil not die DOW. l will nee stop ])QW to- ~e!l )on more, you 3Ilrc",6), know a~1,.,tl.ll~,

Padre. do }'[)l,l kocw I.hl'! luesl Idea that hils. come into lTIy lu .. .ad? It is to become II -semt at; IlH costs, I Q' (his lIC~luti'Jn ye:sterda), e\'ening. During my mt;dit::ttion 1 WlIJ$ tblnkjng~. one iins cnly once; it hi certain tbat one ,ba.t1.di.;;; ;a.n.ii'then one has to answer te.Gcd, Aud I knew -that d~i·:s. Goed punishes the wicked with ete.rnILI lin:::

Th.i~ '!nJL\cdieUoDn". Padre, oe1i.US-C5 me s.uch feo,.t'. For the l,Qve of J esI.l!;, aeud we y'\lur A:ugd '00 dri"ll;.e. aw .. y the



demon (whom, wUh the help (If CJ.1I.r Blessed Moth~r. I lie .... e CVVI::;ITort:!.e dUl'tng tb_f:.p~t: ~wo d3.YS-i) and oog'JeS:1I1 to-"ij;1veo me tbo grace to fi-gtn rictoslously .• Aiter ~y'" sins J bAve learned tJ~:n.lJ~Il.S i:s &. 1'(!+l.1 father, lull yo( me ... ~ cy-, How h: thll.d 1~ L. ril't:e,t sc lhany sins, dCl :clot knOw t"h::J.iI: the gooo i:L~_ cj the Heurt 01 J esna is mOrt! thaD 'pB;~ cernal. i must !:ia\'e lee; my J'.eEt5a-D! AnQ. w·h:3i1.&. heart is urtne! At [;J:s~ the [jgbt Ii;~.$ d.s.wl).ed apon 'my wul; I see hew much I h~ve·.rlIJoI .. e by nlu.

Ah! ' Lsee jeeds in ~e.:l.ts:~ j, pierces 1l!l.y heart; r ~illhe tl,l-IU I. by ~y sins, h'av~ i;ricr-ell,scd the !;.uro-e:n which .j)~fWb~Jmed Hilll while He pmved in tJ,egaraen. niomenn J esus sa W '",H lrLysins. aU [:01' Iaiiin.~, Btl d He :5~W, else, che pl.ilr.::e d1:llt I ,yhQ{l1~ J!;1l'(:'i!)cCl'Jpic=iI' in 1 ..... lI, ]i' 1'ny HeM~. 0 JCSlts. hild nQt


J ~us.~ J J~Il$! No. I will D0 longer be so $P.'Lo rin!; ~f Ifl,.~~lf~ b~ta."U1i~ I wlsh, with ebe harp 1)1 Thy gr.:d:e: 1.0 k-l!:cp.eJl within :tile sllbj eel to my Win. III ccllidtri;h:.n., o jesus,· :i!i; my ~ohltirtR;. I will malt rep·:::! 'I'hee, ·0 J e50U!J, by lreatil!:g m.y.5El'U aa orb), sl~ .... e and pLa_ d:q.g my shoulders beneath Thy cress . . . . 0 J IES'CI.s, mj' GOod'! __ • 1 know th!)1 he who tries to climb 'lII!:y high

Padre, ] ebandon m}'S>!::'U. I11es.s me iQ.~ every' ~me·nt_ Poe .. Gemma,

111.- 'DI 5GtJS'T WrTR ma


Pad.r;-~ 'Padt~, -- It is alwRf$ th.1Ii:: $D.!JIe Gemma who write~ to. }'(;IIi. I am :still crut i til L:be WO:N~ [ nu~. how di,s.. gusted :1 am i#ltb it 1 H j!l: q,u;;tl:: :ngid t:b;\C, we iShouJd net r~r,~ hpplness IJ:POD earth. rr 1. lh~~gh the 'mel'~ .or God, eeperienee setae happy ino-m.c.rt!'.(;·. Uiey nrc when J ·.lie,1i: Q!,l~'lf .[I~5l?lsed ~ !:t.umiliatl!;d.

An~ (It these to tt:1J 7041. the 'tP'l_tb, thue is :e.g



lick. je.fiUs. I.uo(n!:;a.~e$ them for me eul"}' dlty, Oh. how good He is! 1( 0.>1)11 yon knew what means He Ius used used in order to. hu eable my pride! Oh, if },()U but knew how bad I aml ~fho wIH ever gL1'C me the virtue that I need in order that I lnay please J~sus.? I pray and en. rreet jC'§.U5 to give me in a ;!ilhqrt time lion the helpa Lh:lH1 .ueed in order to repair my man,), miseries, 10 enligh~el. m:o' mind, end to lofi:'t me how tbe nQr]'Lbl~I' di 81Z::mling state of my $(IlJ,l. A.nd 1 dt':'~ire to combine into cne IlJl (he fervor. and love cf :((1I1llJ'b' S1:Iuls,. or :'fJ.Q, better slill,. ito r!q~al in purity an the ~:t)gel~. end that I m.ll.)' see at lau OUI'! Mother~ M n.ry most holy.

Sl ess poor. Gel'l,lm~L of J C'SU:!l_

IV. SHE HU.MBLES HERS.f':.L,~ F-Ol!. HAVIJiG 111!f.T SO:Mia REPtJeN,A.:.NCE B-1, Q:8E-YI~Q.

Padre mic.. May r{:-~w; reward you il, thousand nmes for -ibe groat good which your WI)1"d.i; did to my soul this m~lning. I tim quite re!:;ohed to do ever .:md .always the will of my cOItfu:sar witbout t'llillk~fl:(l: of whar mill' CIJ'IDC!' of t~ .. , JtyQn only kJ.:lew the gre:a.t gOM wbicb vcnr reproof


has done me! It. is true, every bit or it, ",btU you ~id to me, Iil.Rd yet there are th~gbts which trouble me •..

It is bigp. time that I should resolve It" do the will f)f m,. eonte,!l:!Ql' 11\ the flilturc:. Every time ttllH 1 have endeetaken :rometbing 'Gill 0' my own head, 1 have p'id. de:aru)' tor It. but neW', ae. it mu·n no longer be eo. 1 prom.iSle not to complain ;aga.i.n 'and not to cry, I wijl go ",lIe·re· my oonie$$o-:r wishes. BI,I ~ l t is MW Q.treQdy se ... era.l da]'s since thr:; WAS, made.

Once ~!n .1 wish to thank yOIl ror the rc:proor'thal yoao c'a".-e sae. 000 not have rmy doubt about h; I wi]~ knew how to [I:JC.olic by it ind I want )'00 fIJ'Ur:s~H to see h. Ble:s5 me ;Ui.d pm" to J BSUS for

~ Poor ~mmlR..

v. ,Hf; FUJ;S' ElSIl'G IN A ll,rATr.

QF u ..... I,JS1()~_

Padtc;- 1 am $(11 .o.fttid Ier my scull Padre. 1. am so frighte:nerll~1;t 1 blldn danger of damna=ioii because yest~.rdlly I l:\t!.r~ a prieu, who had ccme to see M.'lmm1. tell ot.a Dun wlio bAd tbe~tjglnu:tol) herhunds snd reet ,


kead and heart. -and who went Into CC$t~y. too. and it was .. n an iltlll.Slon.. And am [ like that, Padre? I:f I de ... ("ehe: euters, F_l shall go to h,,_H_ I wish lhiLt you would c~pl&in 1:0 me [uat wbet dete1t 11!1ally is: becaase I do not wisb to deceive 1l~}'One. Recceaaeed me '0' J e:j.1IS:. I went to be £~d and eincere and 1Jb=edie:of_

Onl, the othel'- night dloi!:l~e carne to-me a d\<Qought, and 1 t-.!iDS sai4 to me in ~be' depths 01 my hearts- ".Per.ll:lI.p5 100, think that Illmilll::lI.pliblo:.o.f workings mir.adeeitbcrin E'Cib,..m to yoor&elf or jo regard tc ::r-our co:a.fesso;r?'· I do not undct&t:and wb!ILt j~ ,nl:lUlt, Padro, ruk] e;;1J,,1I to 1D; it·'lO joe.

Bles-s me. I'll be good,.

Poor Geeama oDf J esaa.


o _Pa.ihe~ how much Ilu.d tt) :su[fer yesterday! A'11d how muoh these d_ispklll,scd Jfi5USI. , . lesd&dQe5 nq.t like thi"J It ~ , very ~t humilia.li_1)1II Icr rae, but 1 do 'Il0~, mind.


'Jesus. iii In my hea.rt.. This mr"min,l conld nOi go to chilreh And J cS1JS Him.seU came to me, He as'kc:6' me ... betber He were mom l(lovable· in cot:lso1a.ticlIII or io humUiation. Padre, how much mere Iovable He ts in haml&tlonl Here I ,had HiJ!l. ~:I;I,.a there 1 had my j\nge1, who, h'Onl rime to time, presented me a. large GroSS; to kiss. Hbw tnu,ch m'Ol'O lov~bll! He is 1111 humili1dio~! N-DIlC!l Qr tm:~ lb.ilig.8 trouble me IIll1J m)' own seke, but beeeuee ·o( Je~L!$. 'beC!UL5~ He i15 no~ ,ple.(l.:St"ld with. ~hll.t took piaoe )'estCl".cJ&}' Cy.cotn.g:. On the (;tInttalJ'. He is ","cry milch displeased.

And D1J'IIf, Padre, Y(l1! should lee how h::.ppy I am widt Je.!;I~ on!", how much more He lo .. es me: dU[5 huml1 iated, AU.D~ ~ .. lao ,'ery much distressed. I obeyed :is best I could and have no"Ul·wiUto",a.rdanyone, not even (hie probe. 1 remained si.1efll. I am hsppywith onlj J~1l5.

Poor GcD'lP'l'-_

(Gcrn.TtL;t. .!IOl'lleHmc:s makt::~ 1IilJC! at tbe word ".Unt" and somt:UInt!.!I of '"malll"D1I1.·' to d.e~JPItt.~ t"'e: pfl;)u$ r"dy, wliD had adop'(ed ker 1lS' a daugh.ter.)




Padre mior- ¥Ol! Me doing.(l,ll tb""t y.ou. can in order thil.t you m;!.;Y know what is the tome will.of Ged, Then, 1iStIJD to this, Padre. 'On the: part of .Brothf!r Gabriel Y-Q,u hull:' made-eo ma.n)' premises. Pleeec do this. G-Ct 10 his lOU:.!), where hL5. hod:r j~. and corul"l)a.L'Ld ltdm, tn Ille eame cj.ebedf ence.. "Tell me what- I must do with rcgillX'! to Gemma." A.J:J,(i then, whe.:n y-ou CCJ.J1I,t::, you w'tll write t-o me, won't ~'(!Ol;l} i will pm}' us much as 1 can. Write; soon. I will pr.ay very fefiVenLly so tb:lt J Cl5U.s milY give you. light in my reg:uil, :50 '1\111.1: yen :rot-y net- be decehed, for charity's. aake . , • my God! I am

POOr Gemmll"

(In 'hI! bjography of Gemma a full accoact is given of her render and affcctiollat'e devotion te-St. C"-briel. It w~ iI. de"otion f,rllitfu.l in many gpod works. At the tuae fh-iLl these lerteee were written Padre Ger~nr) WAi w'Olk· ,ing to. th-e beatHLcilitioD, o-l St, G~b.ri.t!!1.

LETTl!:RS OF 81'. GEMMA 11

VIU. ON AliOTI:{ii.1t. OCCASION SKB O.tCC E MQ~ cacea A£Il EM.IIASS\' -H~

:ST. GABIt.[l.l.,

By tbislimc I IUn. scee ~ho.l you .ha'~-~nc.oC &,galn b~ thll"'~o.d f(J.'rtllnCl tDpr.ll.y'-tthc. Feet ~r Ve.uerahle GaBril:l_ How' I-I!:D"f yen! I neve 3. great many things to IBn :;-0,1, to be re [erred to the Sttint.. 'Ftr.§.t. of 1i:l.1l. Padre. plcce ih his. hll\'ld..!!- th;'i'mpo.rt&:n.t Q.{fair o( my soul. ,~him if 1 ,mar hope to 5!11;Ve it_ As~ him net, eo permit me. to b-e deceived, and also DoL to p~I_i'i:'Llt my director to be. decet-ed in guiding me as. be eees at prf':!i:ent. KI."I.C!:1:l1 Bind zepea .. to. bj""'; fuiLl I beve all the good will in the world 1.0 S!.:'rC thi'i poor rou~ of mine, at the cost of IlIn)' sIiHeN~g,t IiIn1 sl1eriiicG1 or humiliation whatsoever. Tell him that, if I heve neglected my 6011.1. please to int~cede for me with Je~us. 1 cnght to have acted diffnrently, I ouglH to have Wi.ken great.e_r cam of my soul became of J esua ito-a 0111' Blessed Mothe.T. The hour of repentance ought to have struck long -ago for me, were'tr not tllat I am so ohstiaate in'my sins. Tell him with all y-our heart to pray ttl JCS.\Ui net to. ~re me l:n t:he matt-er of trials, Sufh::rlng will' up-lift me spi"rihl.'i,liy, BJ. abpi_ll( me. it wilJ give mc the

i :'.


12 LETTERS 01<' 81' GEM!.U

.Cl'E;l)glh necessary [0 correspond to rbe gra(le of JCl>lIt. Tell him that I nm resolved to f~l)ilir a,1t my pas.t. sins, to be obedieua, and so O-U ..

-.0 Padre. Padre. beseech !:Jim, pray to him like this: 1IIs;k him to nnswer these queattoca: .. ·'Gsmmll! Wh:nL ever will become oQ! he:r;il A,Jllb~~ ~lIjli;g:j; wl~ieh ~JIC: sot:ot-m.-; so see and I:Q heir. whence come. they? . ~. I' I stop. bcec b~. C::LU:~e jou know '~e=ll whli.t I would like to add. JO'{)r'the .!i:1lke of chari~y. it won't do "Q. ..... y h;'lJ'm il ,"OLl tose e I lule . time.~ if Y{lll have ether i:.usinc=k. PIt·asc· ~tn.J awbfle be, iift-c ~rother Gabriel. Speak [0 hiin of me,- of :11] my at.f:; Tellhfmtc send j esus to me ccnrtnually. tr..3.r·!.jl.1n ,1oCJnl(ing_ w. be at the Ieee (tf Jesus. Tell h.m to he!p me: !.i;l. p:ray better. beg him to m3KC= obedience sweet to me. to obtilifl forme a little patience, Take a little jove 1rom Br~l:.h~' Gllhliel and send it to me. There are , then, [WOo th~~!Cs. w~lf(;h I J"e(;(;lmmend .especia.Jly to )'6u,~ fjr.!;t, 1't11 sout, end then" all that the future may have in stcee for me, P~rB. I h!\verl!commen4ed SI) !I1;lny thillg:s to ),Oll, but you wbt AIlSWE:I'-me. won't )'Oll'? I pmy 111.{Lt ~'O(I mal' bot: IghTi1;l1~ much ~l;I.ligbtenmeM jn, 011 regerd. L-h-::s mI.,

"Poor Gcrnmm: ",r Jesu~ only.


IX. SHE KNJO'(S 1iIJCH 1.lJ't:I.T'V 1'1'1 RI!OAtlO "1'0 JtA:II.TilLY TnING~

:;>HT. CA,fo.'J'oioT Flt.:D AN\' .... Tl·AC;t!kkNTS.

Pacl ... e mioa- Listen to l.nis.. E"er: time lh'ar I ~m I::I:~ poetin:J;: 1JDC el ymu l.eners I ask J esee ahout it and .foI e. ~]f"rl m<t.:~-··I, is C(j;m~ ... g.r. This lu[ timl!l,lL:!iIl$oon a:syt;lI~r ll:ttte: arrived. l w4!'nt_ to l!'U 1 &&'115, ",. And deeen't he tdl you II;n~rib.i:I''2_''· He asked. "Ob, yee," J ~ep:lj.ed. • 'he il5 ('o1'II1Io't.&n,IY ~CClmmIllDdiD&_JIUl' 1:0 be hl,tlflbh: .tld detach-, ed; but LM:rt. tbe blessed Pedrel -che :tlevut:trpla:ins.wbat he: itJ.ellfl:5l," Abcral beine; bumble, tb_t the c:onle51l)f" explatn!il~ bat as. f.or b-e~ng detecbed. I re:a.Jly do no~ under.lit~lld D<f'(aUSC. I no longt:'l h ... e lI;o)tbing_ 1 dID tI(lt know ",bat wen is: from which I clI;n detacll myself. lliavt only Tbee... my jesus,"

B!.lt Ji!;m5.~-- Padre. do'You know .. bat H~ s&1id1--,'·Tha.ttootho! Ven. Gabriel. tell MI!, My d.11glttcr. ue )'Cl'U ~ eco much aUAched to that]"

I. wu $UC::D.t for .. memeet and then 'bepb 10 eom.-

(ThiJ tlj(ltb, wu a relle of the Sai:llil ~d hlld tlU& P"""'l'O ber bj' Padnt. GctlUU hi.ILI'U.) .


li'r~ci (IUS relict"

"i\;1."J.d J~1iJ..S II-D!fWoIlir~d r;Jther ~eltiOU:!iilr. ··J:i:~:ugblel"l iI 11;- thy J eeue Who tells ~n~~ ac, ;t.nd Ut'll:t :s.1tDI1.1d, be .!j:u,Hi. eient Ior .L.h(:.e,r~

-0-13.5-, it 15 true, Padre, Ji;!i~S, is. right. Sr - M ~ri" eaked mit fo!" it i~ o[Jrocx. tOo ~ it ro the :rU.L!:!S, ~ml ~hen 1 hrad gi ... -en h to bel' I lC(icd b~~3.U1ie 1 wanted to h'3.'Wt j ~ ;UWlo\ys ;telU '[J;\e.. Bilt J~! J e~~. it is re .aim tha.t I m~t be. Ilttic.h¢. f!lH Padr~ miot Pr.a.:r alwd'ffi; iClf

Th-~ LranMII.'tiQll of .. hese l,eu~,~ W!;~ made between lilly I'9!i9~ &-J'!Ily 194:0.· The; "",p,! bl:!gull Jl,!Doi;! ,;;l, 1'9"fIo,

anci rt(1o~S;lH~d No-v" 2.5F l~

T h,e t)'pe used is. 8 l)Qi ut F.-OJ[L3.D

en the Kelsey ··ExealsiClt" pressThi s edi LiQD consists or S.i. x teen eepiee .... tlI,(!O present co-py being

No. 4

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