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Kariadi hospital is one of all hospitals in semarang. Named kariadi, why? Because
Kariadi isv a hero who works doctor who died as provided in poison drink. Kariadi hospital
established in the dutch colonial era september 9th 1925 known as the centrale buzgerlijke
ziekewsichting (cbz) later on the japanese colonial era became purusara (the center of
people's hospital). Until today, Kariadi hospital became the center of central java hospitals
that receive referrals handling of health problems that can not be dealt with hospitals in the
area. Location of Kariadi hospital is on Dr. Sutomo street number 16 Semarang. You can
get information in the contact: phone number 0248318617. in email.
In general, Kariadi is the largest hospital owned by the city of semarang. Kariadi
situated close to the city center so that almost everyone in semarang know its location.
Kariadi hospital luxurious look with towering architecture and beautiful buildings. In
addition and in my opinion, Kariadi hospital is maintaining cleanliness of their
environment. There are many trees that make an atmosphere there be shady. In Kariadi
hospital there are several polyclinic department which is open every day from Monday to
Friday. Before entering the polyclinic we can see the physiotherapy department on the right
side. the building looks like a new building. There are elevators and stairs. in the
physiotherapy room facilities such as fitness health for patients who experience pain in the
tool motion, then there is also the therapeutic development of the child. Polyclinic is
include pediatric department, neurology department, dentistry department, ear nose and
throat department, womb department, urology department, and others. This polyclinic are
near the parking area and behind the emergency unit. There is also a laboratory and a
pharmacy are located near the poly of kid on the 1st floor. The patients can use the elevator
or stairs to climb to the top floor.
Kariadi hospital also has inpatient wards, before entering inpatient treatment room,
visitors can enter through the visitor door. There are plenty of seats and a food store. After
that get past the second door that is guarded by a security guard. Then we can see a long
straight road and where there are deviations-junction to get to certain wards. Visiting hours

at the Kariadi hospital on Monday to Friday are 17.00 to 18:30 o clock, while on holiday is
11:00 to 12:00 and 17:00 to 18:30 o clock. Children under 14 years are not allowed to visit
into the patient room
Among others, a special children's inpatient ward. There are ground floor and 1st
floor. The patients in the pediatric ward is a range of children age 0 to 17 years old. On the
ground floor, each room using air conditioner and in second floor using a fan. Furnished
rooms here are designed specifically for children. Colorful walls like a playground. This is
done, so that pediatric patients are not afraid of being in the hospital. On the right side of
pediatric ward, there is Rajawali ward that reserved for patients who use the health card
treatment facility grade 3. Space Rajawali is a large patient room, of the 1st floor to the 6th
floor and there is a room left and right treatment coded A and B for woman and man. In
Rajawali ward, there are treatment rooms containing more than three patients. To go up to
the top floor the visitors can use the lift or stairs.
There is a special room in Kariadi hospital for chemotherapy treatment, the name is
Cendrawasih ward. Cenderawasih ward is behind the pediatric ward. This space look
cramped and dark. There are hallways leading to each room and each room contains about
3 to 4 patients undergoing chemotherapy. Kariadi hospital also provide facilities for public
patients who want to get the maximum health services, such as in the pavilion garuda. This
pavilion is located near the emergency unit and the rear parking lot of Kariadi. In this
pavilion looks very clean and the service is very maximal. Doctors who examined here
usually a doctors who has experienced in the world of medicine. In front of the pavilion
Garuda there are canteen and As-shifa mosque which is the only mosque in the Kariadi
hospital environment.

From As-shifa mosque, we can walk a little further to the right direction and will find X-ray
department. Here many patients undergoing radiotherapy. This department is away from
hospital another facility because of the effects of the treatment beam is very hard to the





A 14.2

Jurusan Keperawatan
Fakultas Kedokteran
Universitas Diponegoro

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