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DETAIL Practice

Building with
Large Clay Blocks

Built examples

Theodor H u g ues
Klaus G re i l i c h
Christi ne Peter

Edition Detail


This book is also available i n a German

language edition ( ISBN 3-920034-09-0).

Theodor Hugues, Prof. Dr. - l n g . , architect

Chair of Design, Construction and Building
Materials, Technische Universitat M u nchen
Klaus Grei lich, D i pl.- l n g . , architect
Christine Peter, D i p l . - l n g . , architect

A CIP catalogue record for this book is avail

able from the Li brary of Congress, Washing
ton D.C., USA

Editors for Deta i l
lna Philipp, Dipl.-lng.
Anna Werth, D i p l . - l n g .

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Marga Cervinka
Editing and proof-reading:
Nicola Kollmann, Dip l.-l ng.
Andreas Gabriel, Dipl.-lng., architect
Translators (German/English):
Gerd H. Soffker, Philip Thrift, Hannover

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2004 lnstitut fUr l nternationale Architektur

Dokumentation GmbH & Co. KG


A specialist publication from Redaktion DETAIL

ISBN 3-7643-7 1 1 1 -0
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All the detail drawings are drawn to a scale

of 1 : 1 0. The various components have been
shown i n a number of variations.
They represent typical solutions which must
be coordi nated with the respective boundary
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facturers' information val id i n each specific,
ind ividual case. Neither the authors nor the
publ isher shall be liable for any claims for
damages arising from the content of this book.
Decisions relating to the construction, con
struction law and building performance char
acteristics are based o n the situation in
Germany and the D IN standards plus- if
already introduced- the EN standards valid
i n Germany.


Building with Large Clay Bloc ks

Theodor Hugues
Klaus Greilic h
Christi ne Peter


I ntroduction
House A
External wal l , rendered plinth
External wal l , concrete p l i nth
External wal l, window
External wal l , window and c lay hollow pot floor
Double-leaf party wall
Load bearing and non-loadbearing partitions
Clay hol low pot floor
Double-leaf party wall and c lay hol low pot floor
External wal l and u nused roof space
Double-leaf party wall and c lay-tile roof
House B
Non-insu lated external basement wall
External basement wal l with peripheral insulation
External basement wal l with c avity i nsulation
Masonry external basement wal l
External basement wal l made from lig htwei g ht
c lay bloc ks
Rad iator recess, window with rol ler shutter
External wal l and converted roof space
Partition and false wal l concealing servic es


Princ i p les
Clay brick and bloc k formats, dimensional
Masonry bonds
Dimensional coord ination
Structure and constr uction
Plaster/Render on c lay masonry


Clay masonry b u i l d ings - Examples

1 14

Standards, referenc es, assoc i ations

Subject index
I ndex of persons, picture cred its


Bauen mit groBformatigen Ziegeln, a book of practical

exerc i ses and the forerunne r of this book, ori gi nate d
at the suggestion of the Munic h-base d Ziegelforum e .V.
The graphic layout and the production of the original e d ition
was c arrie d out at the office s of Sc hwe i ge r Wi nsc he rman,
also in Munic h .
The authors are grateful to the assistance give n by
Dr.-lng. Be rnhard Be hringer (str uctures) and
Dr.-lng. Pete r Roe ke (plaste r/re nder and masonry
tec hnology) .

Building with lar ge c lay bloc ks

In or der to i l l ustrate the problems and relationships,

two, basically sim ilar, terrac e house types, A and
B, wer e devised . These do not c laim to be spec ial
in any way but rather are intended to represent the
"standard c ase". The d iffer ences between the two
house types lie in the degree to whic h the i nter ior
space is used as wel l as the building methods and
building mater ials employed .
is a simple house . A has no basement and the roof
space is not used as living acc ommodation. The
intended high degree of self-build involved is
helped by omitting the central heati ng and hot
water systems, the use of clay hol low pot or timber
joist floors, and the use of conventional b u i l d ing
elements. The separate electr ic or gas-fired heat
ers requir ed are placed in front of the wal l .

Cold roof space

No basement
Raised ground floor
H i g h degree of self-build

Longitudinal loadbearing walls

Timber stairs
Minimal chimney
False walls concealing services

is a more elaborate design. B has a basement
and a roof space for use as living accommod a
tion. Solid rei nforced conc rete floors and central
hot-water heating and hot-water supply systems
call for a hi gher stand ard of construction, l i kewise
the windows with roller shutters. The use of ex
perienced contractors is highly advisable. The
couple roof is supported on abutments monol ithic
with the topmost rei nforced conc rete floor and pro
vides a roof space free from intermed iate columns.
Easy acc ess for handicapped occ upants is guar
anteed by having the ground floor at th e same
level as the surround i n g ground .

Converted roof space

Heated and un heated basement
Same-level access
False walls concealing se rv ices
Radiators and chimney
Construction by contractors

House A

External wal l , rendered plinth

External wal l , concrete plinth
External wal l , window
External wal l, window and c lay hol low pot floor
Double-leaf party wal l
Loadbearing and non-load bearing partitions
Clay hol low pot floor
Double-leaf party wal l and c lay hol low pot floor
External wal l and unused roof space
Dou ble-leaf party wal l and c lay-tile roof


Exte rnal wal l, re nde re d p l i nth

Ve rtical se ction through fo undation and plinth

D a
Use an excavator to dig the
tre nche s for fo undatio ns i n
stab le subsoils. The width o f
the fo undatio n is the refo re
dete rm i ne d by the width of
the excavato r b ucket and
must also be checke d with
re spect to the permissible
beari ng pre ssure . The nece s
sary depth to preve nt frost
heave ( m i n . 800 mm, in ex
pose d locatio ns as much as
1 200 mm) can be achieved
with a strip fo undatio n of
ade quate de pth .

12 DF


D b
Build a p l i nth wal l on the
levelling bed joint on the plain
co ncrete (grade C 1 2/1 5)
foundation and prote ct this
wal l agai nst saturatio n o n
both side s .
One approach we l l te ste d
fo r re nder makes use of a
waterproofi ng syste m made
from an elastic sealing coat
ing. Apply a suitable fi l le r to
achieve a smooth surface
and then paint o n the coat
ing with a b rush in seve ral
layers to achieve a minimum
thickness of 2 mm; o n the out
side apply a coat of p laste r
ing mix gro up P I l l suitab le
for p l i nths.
In o rde r to ensure that
wate r running down the
facade drains c le ar, both
wate rproofing and re n de r
co ntinue to the outside e d ge
of the fo undatio n via a
rounde d corne r fil let.
The surrounding strip of
coarse gravel re duces the
amount of wate r splashing
up o n to the p l inth.
D e
Spread a layer of hardcore
ove r the excavation betwee n
the walls to preve nt capillary
action and permanent satu
ratio n fro m unde rne ath, and
to provide re l ief for a te m po
rary b uild-up of wate r. This
layer should consist of 1 50 mm
of coarse -graine d , c le an


gravel ( D I N 1 81 95}, ideally

grad ing curve 1 6/32 , which
is readily co m pacte d b ut is
sti l l sufficiently pe rmeab le .
In o rder to preve nt co ncrete
see page whe n casting the
ground floor slab, cove r the
hardcore with a sheet of
0 . 2 mm po lyethyle ne .
D d
To protect against mo isture
rising through cap il lary
actio n , a continuous damp
proof memb rane (dpm) is
re quire d . The dpm and the
damp-proof co urse (dpc) i n
the wal l must be jo i ne d
to gethe r.
I n o rde r to minim ise the
d iffe re ntial settle ment
betwee n wal l and ground
floor slab , careful co m pac
tion of the subso i l and the
anti-capillary hardco re is
necessary. lt is he l pful to
cast the floor slab as late as
possib le . The floor water
proofing, assuming non
hydrostatic pre ssure and a
mode rate load i n g , sho uld
consist of o ne layer of b itu
men fe lt (e . g . G 200 DD with
g lass cloth inlay) or o ne
laye r of b u i lt-up b itume n fe lt
(e . g . V60 S4 with g lass
fleece inlay) with 1 00 mm
bo nde d laps: laid loose, fully
o r partially bo nde d .
Bo nd the dpm unde r the
floor to the dpc in the wal l
with 1 00 mm ove rlapping
jo ints. As these are made at
d iffe re nt time s , a rob ust dpc
using a b itumen fe lt with a
metal fo i l inlay (e . g . Cu 0 . 1
D ) i s to be re comme nde d .

Vertical section through foundation

D e
If the subso i l around the
foundation trench is unsta
b le, formwork is required on
both sides of the strip foun
dation . Setti ng up the form
work in turn requires a work
ing space of 500 mm. I n
addition, the sides o f the
excavation must be sloped
back ( 60-40 ) to suit the
angle of repose of the part ic
ular soi l .














D f
The masonry p l i nth wal l con
structed on the foundation
must be waterproofed and
the waterproofing must be
protected agai nst mechani
cal damage. This can be
achieved by means of, for
example, corrugated bitu
men sheeting or synthetic
studded sheeting.
Backfi l l the foundation
trench in layers and com
pact the backfi l l i ng material
inside and outside simu ltane
O g
Build the ground floor slab
i nto the masonry p l inth . I n
order to accommodate
stresses due to d ifferential
settlement, the slab must be
reinforced, at least around
the edges.
Covering the anti-capil lary
hardcore with polyethylene
sheeting i s the simplest
approach. However, damage
caused by the reinforcement
or while casti ng the rein
forced concrete floor slab is
a risk here (see p . 1 2 , b) .

D h
One key advantage of the
rei nforced concrete ground
floor slab is that the junction
between the damp- proof
membrane (dpm) and the
damp-proof course (dpc) is
not vulnerable to settlement.
The continuous dpc in the
wal l at the same leve l , to
gether with the standard
plinth height of approx.
300 mm (DIN 1 8 1 95), deter
m i nes the position of the
ground floor slab above the
surrounding ground. Water
proofing agai nst ingress of
moisture from the side "must
be desig ned to continue up
the wal l for max. 300 mm
above ground level in the
standard case in order to
guarantee suff icient adjust
ment options i n the ground
level. U pon comp l etion ,
this d i mension should not
be less than 1 50 m m . "
( D I N 1 81 95 part 4 )

D i
The moisture-resistant render
to the plinth continues to the
top of the p l i nth. lt is possi
ble to achieve no d ifference
in texture between p l i nth
render (P I l l} and lightweight
render (P 11) by choosing
suitable plastering systems.
The dpc continues to the
outside edge of the structural
masonry. Attach a strip of
expanded metal over this
problematic interruption in
the substrate to provide a
background for the render.


External wal l , rendered pl inth

Vertical section through glazed door

D a
Set up the frame to the
glazed door on the ground
floor slab. Align the frame,
wedge it in p lace and fix it to
the floor slab with steel fixi ng
cramps. Join the floor water
proofing to the frame.
After positioning the frame,
add a concrete topping with
an approx. 1 0 % fal l to the
outside. To prevent satura
tion, the wood of the frame is
wrapped in polyethylene
sheeti ng or crepe paper.
D b
The strip of insulating mate
rial ( moisture-resistant poly
styrene, mineral fibre or per
l ite batts) required at the
wal l j unction conti nue unin
terrupted. Add the thermal
insulation after casting the
concrete ground floor slab in
order to avoid damage to
masonry and insulation. The
facing of cut c lay blocks
creates a uniform substrate
for the render.


D e
Place the step ( p recast con
crete, reconstituted stone or
in situ concrete) in front of
the door on the compacted
backfi lling but separate from
the house; better still, on
300-400 mm of properly
compacted gravel to pre
vent frost heave. All surfaces
should have a 1 -2 % fal l .
D d
Supporti ng the open grid
flooring on an angle bracket
screwed into the step en
ables the sequence of ope
rations to be separated.
D e
Tuck the sheet metal sill
over the screed behind the
render on both sides, screw
it to the galvanised water
bar and seal it at that point
with a fi l let of sealing com
D f
Fix the galvanise d , close
mesh open grid flooring by
means of spacers and self
tapping screws, or by
means of bolts welded to the
flooring. The floor water
proofing must remain per
manently bonded to the
water bar.
Th is robust detail with water
bar and single-rebate frame
is only possible in a lobby
that is not permanently

Vertical section throug h entrance door

'---l---'1 L__--


Ext ernal wall , concrete plinth

Vertical section through foundation and p l i nth

Build the foundation only on
virg in subsoil (no fill) and
deep enough to prevent
frost heave . Set out the
external wal l exactly on the
strip foundation , which is
wider than the wal l and is
cast d i rectly against the
sides of the trench . Set up
the formwork for the con
crete p l i nth on this.
Cover the anti-cap i l lary
hardcore with an approx.
50 mm layer of bl inding con
crete (grade C 8/1 0) to pre
vent seepage of the cement
slurry. This also eases the
positioning of the reinforce
ment required for the rein
forced concrete floor slab.
To prevent damage caused
by splashing water, con
struct the plinth with ade
quate concrete cover to the
rei nforcement and without
any construction joints , and
compact the concrete care
A flush finish with the render
above is achieved by creat
ing a chamfer to the top out
side edge of the concrete by
means of a triangu lar fil let
( 1 5 x 1 5 mm) . Separation at
this point is necessary owing
to the d ifferent deformations.
Use a galvanised, better sti l l
stai nl ess steel, stop bead at
the bottom of the render and
fi ll the joi nt between stop
bead and concrete with an
elastic sealing compound to
accommodate the different
changes in length due to
shri nkage and thermal


As bitumen felt can split
when subj ected to bending,
employ a bitumen felt with a
metal foi l inl ay for the damp
proof course (dpc) i n the
wal l .
I nsert approx. 50 mm thick
i nsulation (mineral fibre,
rigid expanded polystyrene
foam) i nto the middle of the
wal l to guarantee the neces
sary thermal i nsulation.
Reduce the effect of the
thermal bridge - masonry
backin g/p l i nth concrete
by extending the i nsu lation

Vertical section through g lazed door

D f
The damp-proof course
(dpc) in the wal l continues
across the door open ing
and must be protected for
the duration of construction
work. Carefu lly bond the
exposed edge to the sub
strate in order to prevent
moisture seeping under
neath .
Build in the door threshold
on preformed compressible
sealing strips glued i n place.
O g
Lay the stiffer thermal insu
lation on the more elastic
im pact sound insulation and
cover this with a separating
layer before pouring the
scree d .
O h
Pour the floating screed
without any material connec
tion to the adjoining parts of
the construction ; only in this
way can the sound insula
tion qual ities be guaranteed.
The perip heral strips of insu
lation (mi neral fibre,
expanded polystyrene foam
8-1 0 mm thick) should
extend 20-30 mm above the
finished floor leve l . Cut this
off flush after layi ng the floor


External wal l , concrete pl inth

Plan on entrance door

D a
The " bridge-like" arrange
ment of the open grid floor
ing has advantages: the
space between the flooring
and the door reveal is wide
enough to allow easy c lean
ing, and the door frame does
not need to be notched to
accommodate the floori ng.

D b
After positioning, aligning
and fixi ng the door, cast the
galvanised water bar into
the concrete. Then clean the
concrete ground floor slab
and remove all loose debris.
To im prove adhesion,
roughen the surface and wet
it; alternatively, apply a
bonding coat.
The door frame finishes j ust
above the screed and is
screwed to the continuous
water bar. Protect the end
grain of the wood and seal
the joi nt on all sides with a
permanently elastic sealing
compoun d .


Elevation on and vertical section throug h entrance door

- - - - -- - -- - -------- -------- -
. --------------- -

.- --------. --------------


- ,

- - - - - ------ --------- -- ------- - - - ---- - - - ------------ - - ------------

- ------ - - - - - - - ,






: : [1.

::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::


----- ------- -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -----


External wal l , wi ndow

Horizontal sections throu gh different reveals

===;:;::::===;:;:===;:;==:=::;l --------------------------------------------


D a
The masonry shoulder at
doors and windows has a
long trad ition . Derived from
brick masonry bonds, the
depth is 1 1 5 mm ( 1 /2 brick)
and the width approx. 60 mm
( 1 /4 brick) . In l i g htwei ght
clay block masonry the
shoulder can be created
with specials or by sawing
whole blocks to suit.
This somewhat more elab
orate detail is becomi n g
popular a g a i n for practical
and other reasons. For
instance, it improves thermal
insulation and moisture con
trol aspects, and the joint
between window frame and
render is set back and thus
protecte d .
I nstall t h e window frame,
primed and given a first coat
of paint, on a preformed,
compressible and i mpreg
nated seal ing stri p ; this
compensates for irregu lari
ties as it tries to return to its
ori g inal size. Fill the joint
between frame and masonry
with a moisture-resistant
i nsulating material ( e . g . non
CFC foam) . Sealing the joint
on the inside with a mois
ture-resistant seal ing com
pound prevents saturation
due to condensation water
and ensures that the seal ing
compound remains fully
effective over the long term .
Prefabricated sealing gas
kets are available to ensure
airtig htness and moisture
tightness between wal l and
window; the use of these
helps to guarantee a good
detai l .

D b
The om ission of shoulders
at the head and reveals sim
p l ifies the detail consi dera
bly. However, many prob
lems have to be overcome
at the resulting "straight"
joi nt:
- accommodati ng d i men
sional and flatness toler
ances ( D I N 1 8202 ) ;
- fixing the frame (fixing
cramps, screws every
approx. 800 mm) ;
- accommodating tempera
ture-related changes in
length, deformations and
movement without damage;
- sealing agai nst wind (from
the outside) and water
vapour (from the inside)
because condensation
water can be expected in
the joint due to the tempera
ture d ifference of 1 5-20 ;
- protection against rain and
driving rain - the most
favourable values in terms of
moisture control have been
measured in the middle of
the reveal, the isotherms are
d istributed over the entire
width of the reveal.
D e
If the window moves further
outwards, it is not j ust the
stresses on the components
and their joints due to sun,
wind and rain which increase.
We find with hi gh-qual ity
wal l insulating materials in
particular that the tempera
ture in the reveal can drop
below the dew point in the
winter. The result is conden
sation water and mould
growth. I nsulation across the
reveal is advisable.
Positioning the window at
least 20 mm back from the
l i ne of the structural wal l
h e l p s t o achieve a decent
return for the render.

Vertical section through sill and l i ntel

D f
The l i ntels used here consist
of shal low U-shaped clay
channels in which the conventional or prestressed
reinforcing bars are laid and
cast in. In structural engineeri ng terms these bars
form the tension tie of the
l i ntel . A "compression zone"
of masonry shou ld therefore
be built over such shal low
l i ntels; use lightweight clay
blocks of compressive
strength class 1 2 .
Shal low clay li ntels are
available in depths of 7 1
and 1 1 3 mm, and widths of
1 1 5 or 1 75 mm. Without a
structural analysis, shal low
clay l intels may be used only
as single-span beams up to
a span of 3. 00 m. Temporary
supports during erection are
necessary for clear spans
exceeding 1 .25 m. PrefabriD e
cated conventionally reinforced or prestressed shalIf the desired sill height is
low clay l i ntels are covered
not a multi p l e of the size of
by approvals.
blocks being used, saw
Sawn make-up blocks are
blocks to form appropriate
required at the supports for
make-up un its.
Rustproof masonry reinforce- shallow clay l i ntels, either
ment laid as high as possible above or below, in order to
match up with the bed joi nts
in the spandrel panel helps
i n the wal l (every 250 mm) .
to prevent cracking.

D d
I rrespective of the type of
reveal and the position of
the window withi n the thickness of the wal l , there is
never a masonry shoulder at
the s i l l . Fix the standard type
of window sill - made from
2 mm sheet aluminium with
a fal l of approx. 1 : 1 0 - to the
wall with brackets in such a
way that the rainwater drip
projects approx. 30 mm
beyond the render. Attach
L- or C-shaped sections to
both ends of the aluminium
sill for tucki ng behind the
render on both sides. Do not
remove the factory-applied
plastic wrapping around the
aluminium sill until all the
rendering and painting works
have been completed in
order to avoid, for examp le,
splashes of l i me or cement.



External wal l, window and clay hol low pot floor

Vertical section throug h lintel and floor-wa l l j unction





Clay hol low pot floors can
be laid qu ickly without form
work for self-build projects.
Merely the beams require
temporary support during
erection .
The floor un its- the hol low
cl ay "pots" - are laid on in
situ concrete ribs with pre
fabricated lattice beams
acting as the reinforcement
(see p . 28) .
To al low hei ght adj ustments,
but also to avoid excessive
bearing pressure at the
edge and to prevent the
voids of the clay b locks
being fi l l ed with concrete,
provide a leve l l ing bed of
mortar 20 mm thick.
Lay the lattice beams of the
ribs with a m i n . 1 00 mm
bearin g on the bed of mortar
and connect them together
by means of an in situ con
crete ring beam . The i nsula
tion, about 50 mm thick,
between beam and block
work is best inserted after
casting the beam.
To create a uniform sub
strate for the render, saw a
large-format clay b lock to


If shal low clay l intels with
d ifferent widths (1 1 5 and
1 75 mm) are being used,
the thermal i nsulation can
be considerably improved
by fitting i nsulation approx.
80 mm thick (mi neral fibre
or extruded polystyrene)
between the l i ntels. Position
the window in l ine with this
i nsulation.

Vertical section through li ntel

D e
L i ghtweight clay channels
matching the thickness of
the wall, 238 mm deep and
240 mm long, serve as per
manent formwork and pro
vide a uniform substrate for
the render. Position the insu
lation and the reinforcement,
then fi l l the channels with
concrete. Th is type of rein
forced concrete l i ntel can
span clear openings up to
about 2.75 m.

D f
The use of shal low clay l i n
tels with d ifferent depths
and widths permits the con
struction of l i ntels with shoul
der and thermal i nsulation.


Double-leaf party wal l

Vertical section through foundation


Plan on party wal l-external wal l j unction

D a
The sound reduction i ndex
(57 dB, D I N 4 1 09) required
for the party wall can be
achieved with a double-leaf
wal l comprising two leaves
of 175 mm lightwei ght clay
blocks, gross density class
0.8, p l us m i n . 30 mm thick
semi-ri gid mineral fibre i nsu
lating batts . The batts are
positioned loose and held in
place by the masonry
The sound reduction index
can be increased to 67 d B
(enhanced requirements,
DIN 41 09) and the wal l
classed a s a fire compart
ment wal l (Bavarian Building
Code) by using vertically
perforated clay blocks with
B-type perforations and
gross density class > 1 .2 .
D b
Continuing the damp-proof
course (dpc) across the
separating joint has no
adverse effect on the acous
tic properties of the wal l .
Build the leaves of the party
wall i n succession , not
simu ltaneously, in order to
rule out - as far as possible
- acoustic bridges for struc
ture-borne sound caused by
debris and mortar drop
pings. Separati ng joint
b oards with an inorgan ic
coating on one side, devel
oped for dou ble-leaf con
crete walls, can be used
here to help keep the work

D d
I n both variations, conti nue
the construction of the party
wal l as for the external walls
and plinths shown on pp. 1 2
and 1 6.
D e
Shear wal l s do not need to
be built into the external
wal l s - a butt joi nt is ade
quate - when other means
(e.g. flat anchors cast in) are
provided at the j unction to
resist the tensi le and com
pressive forces.
O f
The separati ng joint, fi lled
with elastic insulating mate
rial , must continue through
to the render and be sealed
there with an elastic mate
ria l . Stop beads, fixed with a
background to the wal l , are
frequently used . The joint
itself is then covered with a
folded PVC profi le.
The solution shown here
makes use of two stainless
steel stop beads along the
sides; the render continues
right up to these stop beads.
The space between the stop
beads is fil led with a closed
cell foam profile and after
su itable treatment the joint is
closed off with a perma
nently elastic sealing com

The ideal place for the rain
water down pipe would be
directly over the joint. How
ever, it is d ifficult to fix the
p i pe clips securely to the
soft joint material - special
fixings wou l d be required .

D e
The separating joint must
continue through the foun
dation if the en hanced
requirements are to be met.
To do this, cast the strip
foundation i n two halves.
Place the separating joint
board agai nst the part cast
first and cast the other half
against the coated side of
the board.


Load bearing and non-load beari ng partitions

Vertical sections through foundation

12 DF

D a
If separate concrete ground
floor slabs are used i n each
room, this saves concrete
and rei nforcement and also
enables the use of d ifferent
floor constructions . How
ever, this does subj ect the
damp-proof mem brane
(dpm) to an increased risk of
d ifferential settlement and
hence damage.


Vertical sections throu gh ground floo r slab

D b
The constru ctional advan
tages of the co nti nuous rein
forced co ncrete ground floor
slab become clear at the
partitio ns.
No n-lo ad bearin g partitions
can be "carried" by a rein
forced concrete grou nd floor
slab if the slab is provided
with su itable reinfo rcement
to distribute the load .

Secure joi nts in the d p m are
also necessary below load
bearing partitio ns.
The fou ndation to the par
titio n , which is not affected
by frost heave and can
th erefo re be shallower, is
co nnected to the d eeper
fou nd ation at the externa l
wal l either v i a a shou lder or,
if the d ifference i n d epth is
o n ly smal l , by a slo pi n g (30 ,
approx. 2 : 1 ) arangement.


Clay ho l low pot floors and non-load bearing partitio ns

I sometric view of clay ho l low pot floo r

C lay ho l low pot floo rs con

sist of beams, or rather ribs,
with no n-stru ctu ral clay ho l
low "pots" in between . The
prefabricated ribs must be
temporarily su ppo rted dur
ing erectio n , but further
formwork is u nnecessary.


The compression zo nes of

the ribs, rei nforced as lattice
beams, are finished on site
with in situ concrete. Spans
of 5-7 m are possi ble by
using floor u n its of d ifferent
depths (between 1 60 and
250 mm) and by varying the
spac ing of the ribs (500 o r
625 m m centres) . A n in situ
stru ctu ral concrete to pping
added o n site improves the
load -carrying capacity and
sound i nsu latio n .

Vertical sectio ns through partitions

,.,.,,. .,.
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. . . , ,, ; .,,
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11( - '11


6 OF

D a
In this detail the partition
and the rib are on the same

D b
If the partitio ns do not co in
cide with the ribs, a rein
forced trimmer formed by a
row of concrete-fi l l ed "nega
tive pots" is required .


Dou ble-leaf party wal l and clay hollow pot floo r

Vertical sectio n throu g h floor without co ncrete topping

If the structu re is not a mu lti

ple of the size of the clay
ho l low pot floo r u n its, co n
struct make-u p (end) bays.
D a
With large ed ge marg ins lay
flat "negative pots" and fi l l
them with co ncrete to form
an ed ge beam (reinforced
as requ ired ) . The brick-o n
end masonry u n its guaran
tee the function of the sepa
rating jo int.
The beari ng fo r the floor
units, a bed of mortar approx.
20 mm thick, should be at
least 30 mm deep.
D b
With small ed ge marg ins
between lattice beam, or
rather the ri b , and wal l, fi l l
the space between the floor
u n its and the brick-o n-end
masonry u n its with concrete
(rei nfo rced as requ ired) to
fo rm a ring beam .
D e
If the ring beam has to co n
tinue u p to the separating
jo int, then it shou ld be cast
in two pieces, with the sound
i nsu lation being positioned
after the first concrete pou r
and kept c lean with a poly
ethylene sheet. The po ly
ethylene sheet u nd erneath
the mortar l evelling bed pre
vents cement slurry seeping
into the separating jo i nt.
D d
A concrete to pping co nsider
ably improves the load -car
rying capacity with regard to
imposed loads and light
wei ght partitio ns, but also
the acou stic perfo rmance of
the clay ho l low pot floor. I n
terrace hou ses - assu m i ng
no high demands o n impact
and airborne sound insu la
tion withi n the same resid en
tial u nit - a carpet with good
sou nd insu lation pro perties
cou ld well be adequate.


Vertical section th rou gh floor with concrete topping



7 , 5 OF


External wal l and roof space not used as living accommodatio n

Vertical sectio n through eaves, purl in roof and clay ho l low pot floo r

12 DF


Vertical section throu g h eaves, pu rlin roof and clay ho l low pot floo r

D a
The floo r u n its should bear
max. 30 mm on the external
wall, or rather mortar levelling bed . They are jo ined
to gether and to the ribs with
an in situ co ncrete ring
b eam.
D b
lt is easy to co nstru ct a ventilated, "co ld" roof space
and this presents no pro blems in terms of insu l atio n ,
mo istu re co ntro l , etc. The
roof is simply an "u mbrel la"
over a heated, heavyweight
structu re. lt is l ittle trou ble to
provide the to pmost floor
with thermal insu l atio n . This
type of floor is airtight and ,
thanks to its mass, stores
heat wel l .
Ventilation in shal lowpitched roofs ( < 1 0 ) takes
place from eaves to eaves
(min. 20 mm net per m) ,
controlled by wind pressure
and wind suctio n. On steeper
roofs ventilation at the rid ge
or near it (e. g . i n the seco nd
row of tiles from the to p) is
As it is not possible to prevent dust and driving snow
fro m entering the roof space
throu gh the jo ints in the roof
covering, this limits the use
of the roof space.
Co nnect the eaves pu rl in to
the ring beam with ragbolts.
Th ragbolts are inserted
into correspond ing pockets
which are fi l l ed with concrete after aligning the pu rI in.

D d
The thermal insu l ation laid
over the clay ho l low pot floor
is afterward s covered with a
screed , which has joints
arou nd the ed ge and every
25-40 m2. The screed serves
as a wearing cou rse, prevents d amage caused by
any mo istu re present in the
roof space and also acts as
fire protectio n .




D e
When using interlocking clay
roof tiles, check the length of
the rafter to ensure that it is
su itable fo r the cover length
of the particu lar ti les chosen.
D f
"Negative pots" act as permanent fo rmwork fo r the
stiffening transverse ri b .
O g
Gable wal l s, if not su p po rted
by maso n ry piers or crosswalls, must be fixed to the
roof stru ctu re ( D I N 1 053) ,
e . g . by means of galvanised
steel flats or ru stproof ragbolts. The jo i nt between the
final rafter and the maso nry
of the gable must be able to
transfer the forces invo l ved .
D h
After setti ng u p the rafters,
finish off the to p of the gable
wal l with a screed , flush with
the rafters. Cover this with a
flashing of, fo r examp le, fu l ly
bonded bitumen roofing felt
V 1 3 . The 1 0--1 5 mm deep
cou nter battens of AW 1 00
p lywood prevent water co llecti ng behind the tiling bat,
tens. The cover width of the
clay verge ti les must co incide with the width of the
bu i ld i n g .

12 DF


External wall and roof space not u sed as l iving accommodation

Vertical sectio n thro u g h eaves, p url in roof and clay ho l low pot floor

1----r'----YI: ::::::::: :::==-12



Vertical section thro u g h eaves, purl in roof and clay ho l low pot floor

D a
The roofing felt u nder the
tiles is a water-repel lent but
vapo u r-permeable material
which remains stable despite
temperature changes, e . g .
mesh-rei nforced polyethylene. lt prevents the ingress
of d ust, rain and d riving
snow. Stretch it taut, secure
it with co unter battens and
ensure that water can d rain
away at the eaves - id eally
into the gutter (see p . 36, d ) .
D b
As on p. 32, flat-pan tiles are
used here as wel l . The roof
pitch of approx. 3JO chosen
for our examp l e is suitab l e
for virtually all types of clay
roof tile: bullnose tiles as
crown or slip ti l i n g , pantiles,
interlocking tiles with single
or do uble tro ughs, right u p
to the ever mo re accurately
interlocking varieties.
Determ ine the cross-sectio nal areas of g utters and
downpipes based o n the
size of the roof area to be
d rained . C reate the fal l of
the gutter - min. 1 mm/m by bend i n g the g utter
b rackets to suit.

D d
The roofing felt below the
tiles co ntinues over the to p
of the maso n ry, to which it is
bonded . The thin counter
batt ens prevent water collecting behind the ti ling battens.

D e
Use the two-piece bent
sheet metal verge whe n , for
example, the width of the
build i n g is not a multi p l e of
the cover width o f the interlo cking clay tiles. Otherwise,
special o r cut tiles are necessary.
D f
Connect t h e masonry gable
to the roof structure by
means of cast-in ragbolts.
Bracing i n the p lane of the
roof i s thereby necessary.

12 DF


External wal l and roof space not u sed as living accommodatio n

Vertical sectio n throu gh eaves, pu rl in roof and timber joist floor

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12 DF






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Vertical section throu g h eaves and timber joist floor

The timber joist floor over
the u pper storey represents
an inexpensive and , for self
bu i ld projects, simple form
of construction . Virtually any
depth of thermal insu lation
is possible with loose mate
rials, and easi ly laid . lt is
possible to improve the low
heat storage capacity by
using heavy loose materials
or by laying solid bricks 5070 mm thick below the lo ose
materia l .
O b
The stability of the bu ild i n g
in all d irections is guaran
teed by joining a l l load bear
ing and shear wal l s to the
floors with proper structu ral
connections. If ring beams
are provided , the walls can
be regarded as being su p
ported on all four sides; the
floor joists only need to be
held in position in that case .
Line the joists pockets in the
masonry with a moistu re
resistant thermal insu lation ,
at least at the end of the
joist, preferably on al l sides,
to redu ce the risk of d amage
by condensation water.
The airti ght connection
between the 0.2 mm poly
ethylene sheet and the wal l
i s achieved with ad hesive
and by using a clamping
batten pressed onto a pre
formed compressi b le seal
ing strip along the wal l . The
most secure connection is
when the polyethylene sheet
is wrapped arou nd a batten
and screwed throu g h this
into the wal l .

O d
G lu e the roofing felt below
the tiles to the nai led sheet
metal. The perforated sheet
metal bent into an i nverted
V-shape ensures ventilation
below the clay roof tiles.
D e
Even if the plastering work is
carried out before l aying the
timber joists, the u neven
ness of the wal l and the ring
beam must be evened out
with an ad aptable "system"
which closes off the joints
This can be achieved with
a batten nailed throu g h a
preformed compressi b l e
sealing stri p . Fill t h e void
between joist and wal l com
pletely with an u ncompacted
mineral fibre material.
After fi l l i n g the bays
between the joists with a
loose insu lati ng material, nail
on the actual flooring mate
rial . The gaps at the ed ges,
necessary to al low move
ment of the flooring, can be
covered with a triangu lar
fi llet.

D f
C onnect the gable wal l to
the roof constru ction in such
a way that forces can be
transferred .

6 DF

12 DF


Dou ble-leaf party wal l and clay tile roof

Vertical sectio n throu gh ring beam and timber jo ist floo r


Vertical section th rou gh ring beam and clay ho l low pot floor

D a
If th e floo r jo i sts are paral lel
with th e wal l , th e slender, tall
party wal ls must be secu red
with ring beams if th ey are
not co nnected to th e braced
roof stru ctu re.
D b
Connect th e u nsu p po rted
tops of the walls to the braced
roof structure such th at forces
can be transferred . Continue
th e separating joint th rough
to th e roof even in a roof
space not u sed as living
acco mmodatio n .
D e
Th e roofing felt h eld by th e
cou nter battens - essentially
taut but sagging sl ightly due
to temperatu re ch anges and
extension of th e material - is
bond ed to th e mortar level
ling bed .
D d
lt is advisable to replace th e
tiling battens by galvanised
steel angles. A clearance of
1 0-20 mm between the angle
and th e to p of th e masonry
enables th e roof structu re to
defo rm without restraint. Fill
the space between the angles
with an inco m bu sti ble, vo lu
metrically stable insu lating
material . If th e roof space is
to be co nverted into living
accommodatio n at a later
date, th e separating jo i nt
must co ntinue u p to th e
roof covering and th e tiling
battens must be d ivided .


House B

Non-insu lated external basement wal l

External basement wal l with perimeter i nsu latio n
External basement wal l with cavity i nsu latio n
Maso nry external basement wal l
External basement wal l made fro m lig htweig ht clay b lo cks
Rad iator recess, window with ro ller shutter
External wal l and converted roof space
C h i mney
Partitio n and false wal l co ncealing services


No n-insulated external basement wall

Vertical sectio n through co ncrete plinth

D a
C ast the upper, and rein
forced, part of the strip fo un
d ation to gether with the rein
fo rced concrete basement
floor slab in one pour, then
strike the outside formwo rk.
The depth of the reinfo rced
concrete basement floor
slab d e pends on the loads
from the basement part itions
but sho uld be m i n . 1 20 mm
in o rder to ensure the neces
sary co ncrete cover to the
reinfo rcement.
D b
A d amp-proof mem brane
(d pm) beneath the screed
is not required when the
build i n g is fo unded on a
quick-d raining subso i l and
neither a high- q ual ity floor
coverin g nor impact so und
i nsulation or thermal insula
tion is required . However, if
a d amp-proof mem brane is
not included , a layer of hard
core to prevent cap i llary
action is necessary . An
approx. 30 mm bonded
cement screed is adequate
as the wearing co urse in
simple basement rooms.









D e
Basement wal ls constructed
i n normal-weight concrete
even if they are reinfo rced must be waterproofed on the
side in contact with the so i l .
The type of waterproofing
depends on the level of
mo isture to be expected on
the outsid e . D I N 1 81 95 part
1 tab le 1 categorises types
of waterproofing accord i n g
to moisture load and so i l
type. Moisture in the so il must
always be reckoned with .
Furthermo re, in cohesive
so ils and/o r on slo p i n g sites
the presence of water in
dro p let/l iquid form is to be
expected . This means that
waterproofing to protect
against non-hyd rostatic
pressure must be backed
up with a drainage system

which prevents sho rt-term

hyd rostatic pressure (see
p p . 48 and 52) .
Special measures must be
taken fo r hyd rostatic pres
sure on the o utsid e .
Fo r moderate loads water
proofing to the normal-weight
co ncrete of the external
basement wal l can be
achieved i n various ways:
e.g. with one layer of bitumen
felt, bitumen bui lt-up felt, in
each case with a fabric in lay
and 1 00 mm laps o n a prim
ing coat; with b itumi no us
coatings in several layers;
with two layers of a mineral
sealing coati ng with build ing
authority approval. Whereas
in the case of flexible sheet
ing good protectio n is
required d uring backfil l ing
and the upper "exposed "
end must be sealed, the
mineral coati ngs cannot
brid ge over any cracks
owing to their inherent
D d
The gro u nd floo r co nstruc
tion in this example includes
thermal insu lation to i nsulate
agai nst the unheated base
ment. Take the presence of
heavy co ncentrated loads
into account when choosing
the insulating material. Place
the impact so und i nsulation
beneath the thermal i nsula
tion and around the ed ges without i nterruption - in
o rder to prod uce a "floating"
floo r constructio n . Conse
quently, the floor finish must
be fully isolated as wel l ; con
tinuing the ed ge insulating
strip up to finished floo r level
is advantageous.

Vertical sect io n t h rough co ncrete lightwell

Lightwells of in situ co ncrete
"hang" on t he basement wal l
and must b e co nnected to
t his - possibly wit h fo lding
anchors which are placed i n
t he formwork a n d , after strik
ing t he fo rmwo rk, are ex
posed again and fo lded o ut
into posit io n .
The base of t he lightwell can
be covered with a coarse
gravel , which wi l l have to be
rep laced from time to t ime
assuming a q uick-draining
subso i l and backfi l l i n g .

The to p edge of t he lightwell
in t hi s example is reduced to
match t he size of t he grat ing
so t hat any paving or grass
can co ntinue right up to the
edge of t he frame. Cast t he
top edges of t he lightwells
later to mat c h t he level of
ext ernal works and external
doors, also wit h falls if neces
sary .
If t he t hermal insu lat io n is
attached to t he u nderside of
the ground floor slab, this
results in a thermal bri dge to
t he external wall. This has to
be minimised by including
insulat io n wit h i n t he t h ick
ness of the wal l which ex
tends down at least to t he
underside of the ground
floo r slab.


External basement wal l with perimeter insu l ation

Vertical sectio n throu gh prefabricated p l i nth

1 2 DF

D a
The basement wal l can also
be waterproofed by using
impermeable co ncrete. This
type of concrete is achieved
with m i n . grade C 25/30
concrete havi ng a l i mited
water penetratio n depth
(max. 50 mm) , and by ad
hering to the requ ired water/
cement ratio and grad ing
curves. Rei nfo rcement to
prevent/limit cracking is
essentia l . Carefu l com pac
tion and su bsequent treat
ment is requ ired . The mini
mum thickness is not pre
scri bed but should not be
less than 250 mm.
External - perimeter thermal i nsu lation to compo
nents in contact with the so i l
is produ ced from c lose-cel l
extrud ed , polystyrene foams
or cellu lar g lass , which
absorb little o r no mo istu re
and are attached to the
waterproofed basement wal l
with dabs o f , fo r example,
bond ing mortar.
Cover the i nsu lation with
corrugated bitu men sheet
ing o r studded flexible
sheeting to protect it against
mechanical d amage du ring
backfi l l i n g .
D b
Fou ndatio ns to small hou ses
are often simpl ified and co n
structed together with the
grou nd slab as a raft fou nda
tio n , which must be pro perly
designed and reinforced
accord ingly. Thickening of
the slab may be necessary
u nder heavy load s , e . g . i nd i
vidual co lu mns, i ntermed i ate
load bearing wall s with larger
If the raft fou ndatio n is
constructed from imperme
able concrete l ike the exter
nal wal l , seal the jo int
between the two co ncrete
compo nents with a water
sto p o r water bar.


D e
A heated basement forming
part of the living accommo
d ation requ ires an acou stic
a l ly and thermally insu lated ,
waterproofed floo r slab with
a flo ating screed . To prevent
satu ration of the impact
sou nd insu lation by the co n
structio n mo istu re i n the
concrete floor slab, provide
a separating l ayer of, for
exam ple, po lyethylene
D d
Protect the transition between
basement wal l and external
wal l - the p l i nth - agai nst
splashing water and mecha
nical d amage by means of
precast co ncrete or natu ral
stone panels. Su p port these
on cast-in ancho rs. Finish
the render at a sto p bead
and close off the jo i nt to the
pl i nth with a permanently
elastic sealing co mpou nd .
The external maso nry pro
jects approx. 90-1 00 mm
beyond the concrete wal l .
The u nderside o f the perfo
rations in the clay blocks
should be closed off at the
proj ectio n . On the insid e ,
reinfo rce t h e p laster with a
textile mesh at the transition
between the two materials.

Vertical section thro u g h rendered p l i nth


D e
Lay the insulation below the
reinfo rced co ncrete base
ment slab on a fi lter gravel
or layer of blinding and cover
over with a separati ng layer.
C ast the basement slab o n
this. A covering o f lean-mix
concrete is advisable.
When calculating the heat
ing requirements allow for
small heat losses via the
thermal bridges at the strip
fou ndatio ns u nder the exter
nal walls and load beari ng
wal ls.


5 DF

O h
D I N 1 81 95 part 4 calls for at
least one horizontal d amp
proof co urse (d pc) i n the
internal and external walls.
The number of horizontal
d amp-proof co urses is left to
the d iscretion of the design
The damp-proof course
beneath the masonry of the
wall represents a precau
tionary measure preventing
mo isture rising from the co n
crete below.

D f
Co nti nue the mineral sealing
coating beneath the external
wal l and jo i n it to the flexible
sealing coating o n the o ut
side of the external basement
wal l .
O g
The b u i ld i n g trade is d ivid ed
on the best method of con
structin g a rendered plinth
on properly fixed perimeter
insulation batts. At least two
coats of impermeable render
(suitable fo r plinth work) will
be necessary on splatterdash
and a galvanised back
gro u nd, add itio nal ly rein
forced if necessary.
Whether the normal rend er
thickness of 20 mm is suffi
cient fo r this type of detail is
q uestionable. The render
that extends into the gro u nd
must be protected against
lo ng-term saturatio n .


External basement wal l with perimeter insu lation

Horizontal section through prefabricated lightwe l l


Vertical section throu gh prefabricated lightwel l

D a
Fixing a lightwel l to a wal l
with perimeter i nsu lation i s
not without its pro blems
because the insu lation should
not be penetrated or, at
best, only min imally . I nd ivi
d ual fixings using heavy-duty
anchors and spacers with
bu ild ing authority approval
are therefo re employed . The
approved ed ge d istance
between ancho r and window
opening must be assured .
O b
Fu rthermore , the "surface of
the wal l " presents pro b lems.
Althou gh the render to the
plinth can co ntinue down
into the lightwell to gether
with the backgrou nd , su ch
small areas of render com
plicate the co nstructio n . The
area can be rendered before
mou nting the lightwe l l .

1 2 OF

5 OF

D e
If requ ested , some manufac
turers wi l l position the rebate
at the to p of the l i g htwel l
externally . A n inco nspicuous
ed ge is thu s possi ble.
O d
Below ground level seal the
jo int between the bu i ld ings
with flexible sheeting. The
small loop of excess mate
rial is necessary to accom
mod ate movemerit. The jo i nt
between the bu i ld ings must
co ntinu e throu gh the plinth.

r - -- - - - -



._ _ _ - - - - J.IJ


External basement wal l with cavity i nsulation

Vertical sectio n through co ncrete plinth

Lay the pipes, min. 1 00 mm
N B , fo r the perimeter drain
age o n a gravel bed to a fal l
o f 0.5%, better 1 % , and sur
ro und them with a filter mat
in order to keep out the fin
est so i l particles. In o rder to
avoid undermining the fo un
d ation , do not lay the d rain
p i pe and the filter bed lower
than the underside of the
fo undatio n . A d i stance of
m i n . 200 mm between the
to p of the structural slab and
the underside of the d rain
p i pe is mand ato ry.


The reinforced concrete
strip fo undatio n req uires
fo rmwo rk to both sides.
Cover the anti-cap i l lary
hardcore layer, included for
add itional security , with a
layer of b l ind ing co ncrete,
grade C 8/1 0, and then cast
the reinfo rced concrete
gro u nd slab on to p of that.
This forms a good base for
worki ng in d ifficu lt, e . g .
clayey, subso i ls d uring rai ny
Drainage around the
perimeter is necessary o n
slo ping sites o r i n cohesive
so ils.

The concrete d rainage un its
protect the waterproofing
against mechanical d amage
and ensure that water is
d rai ned away fro m the
external wal l .

Vertical section through lightwel l and entrance door

D d
The detail with moisture
resistant cavity insulatio n ,
e . g . polystyrene o r mineral
fibre batts, and an i nner l eaf
ensures adequate thermal
insulation and a good mois
ture balance in heated base
ment roo ms. lt is not usual ly
necessary to include a vapour
barrier o n the inner side of
the thermal i nsu latio n .
D e
The thermal insulation on the
underside of the slab over
the basement is necessary
in this case in order to reduce
the thermal brid ge effect of
the mono l ithic reinfo rced
co ncrete co nstructio n .
D f
If complicated junctions are
to be avo id ed , seal the pro
jecting basement wal l with
a dense, mesh-rei nfo rced
screed . Such a detail requires
a location protected fro m
the weather and preferably
roofed over.
D g
A co ntinuous slot in the base
of the lightwel l ensures water
can drain away into the quick
draining backfi l l i n g material.


Maso n ry external basement wal l

Vertical sectio n throu gh rendered p l i nth

D a
The wal l s to u nheated base
ments are bu ilt using verti
cally perforated clay blo cks,
e . g . H lz 1 2- 1 . 2-6 OF, which
have a greater compressive
strength but, mainly , a higher
gross density.
As maso n ry basement
wal l s can o n ly resist lateral
so i l pressure o nce the verti
cal load of the bu i ld i n g is
available, backfi lling is car
ried out later, e . g . after com
p leting the stru ctu ral wo rks.
A water-repellent basement
wal l rend er of grou p P I l l
provides the waterproofi n g .
A s this rendering is relatively
expensive and time-consum
ing, is also rigid and there
fo re vu lnerable to cracking,
flexible seal ing coatings
which can be rendered over
may also be u sed .
Drainage mats, e . g . corru
gated o r studded sheeting,
protect against mechanical
d amage during backfi l l i n g .

12 DF

1 6 DF




D b
Lay a damp-proof cou rse
(d pc) of R 500 b itumen roof
ing felt, better sti l l Cu 0. 1 D
waterproof sheeting ( D I N
1 8 1 95) , o n the strip fou nda
tio n and bond this to the
d amp-proof membrane
(d pm) over the rei nfo rced
concrete ground slab. Great
care must be taken with the
jo i nt where the strip founda
tion projects beyond the
basement wal l ; the provision
of a rou nd ed fil let and a fal l
to the outside is advisable.
The dpc beneath the walls
should be jo ined to the
grou nd slab dpm in o rder to
produce an id eal , contro l l ed
horizontal waterproofing sys

D e
The 25 mm mastic asphalt
floor finish (surface finished
with a smoothing compound)
laid o n a special bitu men
bu i lt-u p felt satisfies basic
requ irements regard i n g ther
mal i nsu latio n and impact
sou nd insu latio n .

Vertical section through prefabricated lightwel l

D d
The pl inth render u p to the
level of the d amp-proof
course has the same com
position and thickness as
that on the external base
ment wal l . lt is finished flu sh
with the render to the masonry
above; s l it the joint between
the two types of rendering
with a trowel. An ang led
undercut is reco mmended .

D e
Bu i ld u p the prefabricated
lightwel l units o n the backfi ll
ing separate fro m the house.
This arrangement overcomes
the need to fix complicated
anchors i nto the masonry
but does requ ire the backfi ll
ing to consist of clean, com
pactable material. lt is essen
tial to compact the material
carefu l ly and pro perly in
o rder to reduce settlement
of the free-stand ing lightwel l
and hence damage to the


External basement wal l made fro m lightwei ght clay b lo cks

Vertical sectio n throu gh rendered p l i nth

D a
Basement walls mad e fro m
large lightweig ht clay blocks
provide the necessary ther
mal insu l atio n fo r heated
basement roo ms and all the
cond itions fo r a comfortable
interior climate.
A structu ral analysis must
be carried o ut befo rehand to
ensu re that the wal l thick
ness co mbined with the ver
tical load are able to resist
the lateral so i l pressure over
the depth of the basement.
Waterproof the wal l with
an elastic coating, e.g. made
fro m a bituminous material,
which contin ues as a flexi ble
sealing coati ng i n the area
of the rendered p l i nth. Drain
age mats guarantee protec
tio n fo r the waterproofi ng.
D b
The damp-proof mem brane
(d pm) to the ground slab,
required to protect against
water held or flowi ng in the
so i l du e to cap illarity (suc
tion water, retained water,
cap i l lary water), shou ld be
secu rely bonded to the
d am p-proof course (d pc)
beneath the masonry wal l
(protectio n against capillary
mo istu re) and also the ex
ternal waterproofi ng.


D e
Lay the peri meter d rainage
o n a gravel bed and protect
it on all sides with a filter mat
agai nst ingress of fine par

Vertical section throu gh prefabricated lightwell

D d
A nu m ber of manufactu rers
produce prefabricated p las
tic lightwells fitted with a
su itable grati ng. These are
ancho red in the maso nry .
D e
If the reinforced co ncrete
floor slab spans over the
wi ndow opening, it is not
necessary to provide a
masonry "compression
zo ne" over the shallow clay
l i ntels (see p. 2 1 ) .
12 OF

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External basement wal l made from lightweight clay blocks

Vertical section thro ugh entrance door

D a
The wooden threshold to the
door prevents condensation
water and the fo rmation of
ice in winter; the rebates
and seals can continue right
aro und the door. However,
special precautions for this
d etail are necessary, also
because it is subjected to
high mechanical load s: the
cho ice of a su itable species
of wood , e . g . oak; the provi
sio n of fal l s to the o utside;
keeping o ut heavy or d riving
rain by means of the close
mesh o pen grid flooring
screwed on clear of the
wood ; the fo rmation of a
water bar with d ri p throat to
repel incoming water.
Th is latter task is o n ly ful
filled by the botto mmost
board of the o uter leaf to a
very l i mited extent. To do
this, the entrance door m ust
be protected fro m the wind
and weather.
As mechanical d amage is
hardly avo idable, this detai l
is not suitable for heavily
trafficked areas.


D b
The build i n g of a "naturally"
coo l and damp basement
fo r storage purposes requires
a subso i l in which d rai nage
is abso l utely guaranteed . A
build-up of water m ust be
ruled o ut. An anti-capil lary
hardcore layer m i n . 150 mm
d eep below the floo r of so l id
clay bricks bedded in sand
is advisable for extra secu
rity . The inside of the base
ment wal l s should be pro
vid ed with an elastic sealing
coati ng painted over with a
m ineral whitewash , l ime
wash or mi neral paint.

Vertical sections throu gh partitio ns

D e
The d rawi ng shows the tran
sition between the storage
roo m with its floo r d i rectly o n
the ground and the thermal ly
and impact-sou nd insu lated
floor of the heated basement
area. The damp-proof mem
brane (d pm) u nder the
heated area must be fixed to
the water bar at the door.

D d
Partitio ns in the basement,
ju st l ike externa l walls,
requ i re protectio n against
moistu re rising from below.
D e
A d pm is not requ ired below
partitio ns over basement

12 DF






6 DF


Radiator recess, window with ro l ler shutter

Vertical sectio n throu gh clay ro ller shutter box

/ 8'



...... __ _ /

D a
The ro ller shutter box and
the outer leaf co ncealing the
floo r slab fo rm a u n ifo rm
su bstrate for the render.
Such boxes are facto ry-pre
fabricated , no n-load bearing
items which can carry their
own wei ght over o penings
up to about 5 m wide thanks
to their integral reinforcement.
They are approx. 300 mm
deep and available fo r wal l
thicknesses of 300 o r 365 mm.
D b
The mai ntenance opening
cover, made from 1 2-1 5 mm
BFU plywood and a layer of
thermal insu l atio n , e . g . m i n .
3 0 mm rigid polystyrene foam,
is screwed i nto a rebate
formed by an alu m i niu m
lt is rare fo r any attention
to be paid to the detail at the
ends of the mai ntenance
o pening cover; heat losses
and d rau ghts are the resu lt.
Co nti nu i n g the angle frame
arou nd all fou r sides and
jo i n i n g it to the thermally
insu lated su p po rts fo r the
ro ller shutter box wou ld be


The 1 75 mm maso n ry leaf
behind the rad iator recess
enables the rad iato r to be
mou nted in the usual way o n
cast-in wal l brackets. The
i nterru ptio ns to the thermal
insu lation simply have to be
accepted .
D d
Fit the thin wi ndow board ,
e . g . 25 mm natu ral stone,
into chases i n the maso nry
reveals and su ppo rt it o n
brackets every approx.
600 mm.
D e
Cut an o pening in the
masonry fo r the shutter
o perating cord if a special
brick with a ready-mad e
o pening is not being used .

Horizontal sections throu g h ro l ler shutter box, window, rad iator recess

The brush o r l i p seals to the
o pening for the shutter o per
ating co rd cannot com
pletely ru le out heat losses
at this po int.


A clay ro ller shutter box
requ ires a m i n . 80 mm bear
ing, 1 50 mm on the operat
ing cord sid e . Cut off the
rend er sto p bead at the
u nderside of the shutter box
to match the clear o pening
of the window.








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Rad iator recesses must be
co nstru cted to match the
masonry bond of the wal l .
Ru nning the p i pes in verti
cal slots in the external wall
and weakening the sides of
the recess fo r con necting
the rad iato r pipewo rk was
fo r a lon g time the standard
solutio n . In o rder to meet the
enhanced thermal i nsu latio n
requ irements of newer leg is
latio n , insu late the slots at
least on the outsid e , prefer
ably on three sides. Cut the
slots fo r co nnecting the rad i
ator pipework with a masonry



Cutting the thermal insu la
tion to fit exactly in the
recess is the standard so lu
tio n . Heat losses throu gh
the no n-i nsu lated sides are
igno red ; any condensation
water that does occu r here
is simply d riven off by the
heat from the rad iator.
Wood -woo l slabs o r sand
wich panels with a poly
styrene core have suffi
ciently rou gh su rfaces to
provide a key for plaster.




Radiator recess, window with rol ler shutter

Vertical section through prefabricated roller shutter box


"Half" roller shutter boxes
are available for windows
with a masonry shoulder at
the window head .
A l i ntel flush with the ceil
ing or a shallow clay l i ntel
spans over the opening in
the masonry. This deter
mines the size of the rol led
up shutter and in turn the
hei ght of the window.
From the point of view of
thermal i nsulation , operating
the shutter with a winding
mechanism fitted in the
reveal or on the wal l is pref
erab le to the operati ng cord .
I ncorporating a 300 mm c lay
masonry unit (5 OF) in the
365 mm external wal l (6 OF
or 1 2 OF un its) but flush on
the outside creates a recess
in the wal l , 1 35 mm high x
65 mm deep, above the re
inforced concrete floor. With
i nsulation at the back of the
recess, this can be used for
the radiator p ipework. Con
nect the p ipes to the rad i ator
underneath in the radiator
recess. Smooth , fi l l and coat
the screed . A structural ana
lysis is required for this hori
zontal slot.

Span over the radiator recess
with a shal low clay l inte l . The
window board can be corre
spondingly thinner in this
case .


Horizontal sections through roller shutter box, window, radiator recess





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O d
The ends of the rol ler shutter
box bear m i n . 40 mm on the
external wal l . The bond of
the masonry above the
shallow clay lintel must
match the masonry bond of
the large clay b locks of the
external wal l .


-- -

D e
The masonry shoulder en
ables the guide track for the
roller shutter to be fitted vir
tual ly flush with the render.
The bottom end of the track
is welded closed and rests
on the sheet metal window
sill. The U- or L-shaped
bent-up ends of the window
sill are notched to suit.
Precautions to prevent
galvanic corrosion are nec
essary if the metal of the
track and the metal of the
window sill are different.
Slit the joint between
rendering and roller shutter
track with a trowel , or fi l l the
joint with sealing compound.
D f
Continuous reinforcement in
the masonry, at least in the
uppermost bed joint, is neces
sary to minim ise cracki ng.

1I 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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Radiator recess, window with roller shutter

Vertical section through wi ndow/rol ler shutter element

D a
The removable external
fascia board of this special
construction overcomes the
problems of a maintenance
cover that does not close
tightly. The inside face of the
wal l can continue uninter
rupted . Roller shutter and
window are incorporated as
a single element from the
outside, with a neat transi
tion to the render.
Operating the roller shutter
by means of an electric
motor is more complicated
but does avoid the weak
poi nts described earlier.
D b
Screw the fascia board to
the shutter box, e . g . water
proof-glued grade AW 1 00
plywood , to the frame tucked
behind the render. Leave a
small gap to highl ight the
joint and protect the top of
the fascia board with a metal
D e
The rad iator p ipework runs
in a slot (parallel with the
external wall) in the rein
forced concrete floor slab.
Thermal insulation is not
necessary because the
existi ng thermal perform
ance is unaffected and any
heat lost from the p ipes sti l l
benefits the same residential
unit, in this case a terrace


Horizontal sections throug h roller shutter box, window, rad iator recess

A steel flat bracket fixed to
the frame supports the shaft
of the roller shutter.
This detail permits the win
dow element to be fitted
flush with the render. How
ever, it is advisable to inset
the window by m i n . 1 0 mm,
preferably 20-30 m m , in
order to al low for tolerances
and to provide some protec
tion from the weather.

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External wall and converted roof space

Vertical section through eaves of couple roof




Section throu gh verge, roof ti les-render junction

D a
The rei nforced concrete
floor slab can be used as
the tie for the rafters and
therefore eliminates the
need for any columns in the
roof space. Fix the eaves
purlin with ragbolts every
approx. 1 .5-2 .0 m cast i nto
pockets in the reinforced
concrete abutment mono
lithic with the slab. Notch
the continuation of the raft
ers to suit or provide counter
D b
The areas outside the con
verted roof space are col d .
Conti nue the thermal insula
tion to the roof together with
the airtig ht membrane or
vapour barrier down the out
side of the timber stud wal l .
Provide thermal insulation on
top of the reinforced con
crete slab.
D e
Bond the roofing felt below
the roof tiles to the eaves
flashing. The bottom course
of clay roof tiles rests on a
strip of bent-up perforated
sheet metal fixed to the eaves
flashing with clips. The per
forated sheet metal guaran
tees ventilation and al lows
any moisture to drain away.
D d
If the roof surface is in the
form of a "stiff plate " , the
connections to adjoining
components around the
edges of the roof plate must
be capable of transferri ng
the forces which occur.
The gable wal l is attached
to the roof structure. Rag
bolts fitted carefully into the
masonry every approx. 1 .52.0 m are suitable. I n order
to prevent corrosion caused
by condensation water, it is
advisable to select stainless
steel fasteners. Insert plywood
spacers as necessary.

The junction with the gable

wal l may also include a rein
forced concrete capping
beam along the top , unsup
ported edge of the masonry.
As the rei nforced concrete
beam is cast in "steps" ,
which are determined by the
masonry bond and the size
of the masonry units, spec ial
care should be taken to en
sure that no therma l bridges
through the concrete ensue.


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> - - -


D e
Bond the roofi ng felt under
the roof tiles to the screed
with a small loop. Any rain
water reaching this point can
drain away safely thanks to
the strips of waterproof-glued
grade AW 1 00 plywood
screwed to the top of the
wal l .
D f
Continuing the render right
up to the underside of the
clay bullnose tiles is a sim
ple and elegant deta i l . The
tiles should project min.
30 mm, preferably 50 mm,
beyond the render. Rein
force the render with a tex
tile background. In order to
reduce the amount of rain
water draining off the verge,
the roof tiles along the edge
are raised sli ghtly.
D g
Clamp the airtight
membrane/vapour barrier
tightly against the p lastered
inside face of wall with a
conti nuous board .

12 OF

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External wal l and converted roof space

Vertical section throu gh eaves of couple roof


Section through verge with parapet

D a
The gutter adjoins the roof
covering directly and is joined
to the downpipe via a coni
cal header. The ventilation
layers below the roofing felt
and above the thermal i nsu
lation end at the perforated
plate through which fresh air
can enter. Th is p late is fixed
to the tilting board with con
cealed nails, held in place
by a continuous c l i p , and
the bottom edge is finished
as a rainwater drip.
O b
The "ventilated" roof, also
known as a "cold deck", re
quires a continuous air i nlet
along the eaves (2 %o of the
associated sloping roof area,
min. 200 cm2/m unobstructed
opening) and with this roof
pitch an air outlet at the
ridge too (0.05 %o of total
slop ing roof area) .
In this case a vapour bar
rier is not required, which is
difficult to i nstall properly on
site anyway. Instead , a
"vapour check" is incl uded
which only allows as much
vapour through as can be
carried away by the move
ment of air in the ventilation
Airtightness is absol utely
imperative. Use, for exam
ple, impreg nated paper,
crepe paper or polyethylene
sheet for the airti ght mem
brane and vapour check.
Care should be taken to
ensure that all joints are
adequately overlapped or
bonded and, above al l , con
tinuous and tightly sealed
junctions with other compo
nents. Provided the material
chosen has a suitable
vapour d iffusion resistance ,
the airtight mem brane can
also act as a vapour check.

D e
The gable wall is constructed
as a parapet projecting wel l
above the roof surface and
thus accentuating the edge
of the roof. Clad the inner
face of the parapet with sheet
The parapet also has a
sheet metal cap p i n g . Lay
this on a separating layer bitumen roofing felt, PVC
sheet, oiled paper depend
ing on the metal - and on
approx. 25 mm grade AW
1 00 plywood battens fixed
with c l i ps.
The capping overhangs
the render by about 30 mm
and the bottom edge finishes
with a rai nwater drip. Bend
ing up the capping a long
the outside edge and/or pro
viding a gentle fal l towards
the roof surface avoids satu
ration of the gable wal l .
O d
Use sheet metal soakers at
the junction between the
overlapping plain bullnose
tiles and the masonry para
pet. Fix the sheet metal para
pet cladding with clips and
provide a generous overlap
to the soakers.
D e
After fixi ng the airtight
membrane/vapour check,
seal the plasterboard cei ling
agai nst the gable wal l with a
permanently elastic material.


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12 DF


/ /


, , / , , , // /

1' / /

/ /
/ /





/ / /


External wal l and converted roof space

Vertical section through eaves of couple roof

12 DF


Section through verge with profiled bargeboard

D a
A patented rafter abutment
made from galvan ised sheet
steel and screwed to a cast
in proprietary channel elimi
nates the need for a concrete
abutment. Side plates hold
the rafter i n place.
D b
Providing full-depth insula
tion between the rafters in
the form of a loose material
(e. g . cellulose fibres or per
lite) requires the construc
tion of a box. Attach an air
tight membrane/vapour
check to the underside of
the rafters and cover this
with 19 mm tongue-and
groove or p lai n-edge floor
boards. This ensures ther
mal insulation right down to
the eaves. Dwarf walls can
be provided as required to
close off areas of the roof
space. Add itional counter
battens only at the rafters
reduce the number of per
forations in the vapour check,
compensate for b u i l d ing
tolerances and provide
space for electric cables.
D e
Accord ing to the manufac
turer, the 22 mm bitumen
impregnated wood fi bre
insulating board attached to
the top of the rafters can
function as a water run-off
layer below the roof cover
ing. The vapour permeabil ity
of this material should be
such that it is suitable for use
with the airtight mem brane/
vapour check. Rule of thumb:
the vapour permeabil ity
should increase towards
the outside.
Fire protection require
ments with respect to the
roof structure, e . g . F 308,
must be taken i nto account
and may require different
sizes of loadbearing tim ber
members or a fire-retardant
lining or cladding.

D d
I n roof structures with verti
cal framing the purlins,
kneebraces and posts or
common rafters are respon
sible for transferring the
wind loads.
The gable wal l is "sus
pended" from the roof struc
ture. The junction detail here
is no d ifferent to that for a
roof p late (see p . 63) . Cast
the rei nforced concrete cap
ping beam on the stepped
gable wal l . Thermal i nsula
tion to the top of the beam is
required because owing to
the stepped arrangement
the concrete extends into
the heated area below and
wou ld otherwise result in a
thermal bridge. The antici
pated deformation of the
rei nforced concrete beam
(as a result of the unavoid
able shrinkage, aggravated
by temperature fluctuations)
must be taken i nto account
when designing this deta i l .
The use of a gable wall with
out a reinforced concrete
cap ping beam overcomes
this problem (see p . 33) .
Whatever the situation, care
fu l ly fi l l the gap between the
wal l and the final rafter fully
with insulating material and
connect the vapour check at
least airti ght.



D e
Cut the outer leaf at the top
of the wal l to suit and finish it
off with a cement scree d .
The "serrated" bargeboard,
cut to match the line of the
b u l l nose tiles, i s screwed to
a batten and that in turn to
the overhanging ti ling bat


Chimney with flue lining

Vertical section through rendered chimney stack

D a
The advantageous position
near the ridge means that
the chimney only needs to
conti nue 400 or 500 mm
above the ridge capping,
depend ing on the appl ic
able G erman building code.
Cast the in situ concrete
flaunching on a levelling bed
of mortar. The cast-in expan
sion sleeve a llows for the
changes in length of the flue
lining, which is insulated and
enc losed in masonry.



, ...,








..... ,


12 DF


D b
A rendered chimney stack
requires a sufficiently wel l
insulated flue.
The ch imney stack should
be as smooth as possible in
order to improve flow char
acteristics. On the other
han d , to protect the render
and accommodate move
ment, a sheet metal capping
with a large overhang is
If there is no risk of corro
sion, this confl ict can be
overcome by providing a
sheet metal capping of, for
examp le, stainless steel .
Connect the capping to the
expansion sleeve with a
welted joint. The rai nwater
drip around the edge of the
capping stands wel l clear of
the render.
D e
If joints fi lled with perma
nently elastic material are
deemed undesirab le, the
only option is to accept the
risks and fit a capping strip
flashing behind the render.
Separate the render and the
sheet metal with a
2-3 mm wide slit.
Sheet metal flash ings in
facing masonry are fitted
into raked-out joi nts, fixed
with c l i ps and sealed.

Prefabricated chimney
Vertical section throug h chimney stack with facing brickwork

D d
The chimney here consist of
lightweight concrete flue
blocks around a thermally
insulated flue lining of refrac
tory clay.
The min. 1 1 5 mm facing
masonry of frost-resistant
clay bricks - VMz or VHLz is seated on a built-in pre
cast concrete element and
must be built and pointed
particularly carefully. Per
pends left open act as in lets
and outlets to the ventilation
D e
Place the prefabricated
flaunching on a bed of mor
tar, rake out the joint min.
20 mm deep and fill it with a
permanently elastic material
to secure the joint against
driving rain . If the flaunching
oversai ls the masonry, this
protects the joint to some


Partition with services concealed behind false wall

Vertical section through san itary fittings

D a
False walls for conceal ing
services are desirable owi ng
to the rational installation.
There is no need to mod ify
the masonry in anyway.
In those cases in which
the sound insu lation to the
wal l , particu larly a party wall ,
i s adversely affected by pipe
work, a false wal l i nstallation
is i n d ispensable.
The system shown here
makes use of prefabricated
instal lation elements made
from polymer concrete for
the respective sanitary fit
tings .





' ' '

/ /











I _,:

L T , _j
\ \I



/ , / /


/ / '

D e
The junction between the
flexible floating screed and
the ri gid false wal l must
allow for movement. Include
a seal ing strip with a loop,
conti nue this up the wal l and
bond it to the wal l . Seal the
-itjoint between floor and wal l
!I I
with a permanently elastic
material .
I il
I il
As neither a shower nor a
I il
floor outlet are intended , this
bathroom is classed as a
area (but not a flooded
-; , : <,>', <<<<, >:, :> , ->> :-"/:</>'/>>',->>',
, ->
/ ; , , , / / / , , / / " , .
, " , ; , , , , , , / , , , / / /
area) and does not requ ire
waterproofing beneath the
floor covering and screed. lt
is usually sufficient to lay the
ceramic floor tiles in a water
proof tile adhesive with nar
row joints.



D b
The false wal l can terminate
at a typical shelf height, and
be finished off with ceramic
tiles, or it can continue up to
the ceiling.
The vertical soi l pipe is
vented above roof leve l .

Plan on false wal l conceal ing services

:1 /l===



- -




1- ,1







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- -



J! i





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The following section deals with the most important pri nciples
for building with large clay blocks:
- Clay block formats and d i mensional tolerances
- Clay block types and mortar
- Masonry bonds
- Di mensional coordination
The essay "Masonry of large clay blocks - structure and
construction" by Dr.-lng. Bernhard Behringer clearly i l lus
trates the i nteraction of the components to form a complete
The report "Plaster/Render on c lay masonry" by Dr.-lng.
Peter Roeke explains the basic rules for applying plaster/
render to clay masonry by way of the behaviour of the wal l
and its "cladd ing".
Just how building with large clay blocks is affected by the
Energieeinsparverordnung (EnEV - Energy Economy Act) wh ich has rep laced the 1 995 Warmeschutzverordnung
(WSchVO - Thermal I nsu lation Act) - is not consi dered in
this publication. The new Act is a com prehensive document
wh ich has repercussions for building design and b u i l d ing
services: the heat gains and/or losses associated with ori
entation and fenestration , airtightness, thermal bridges and
also the heating systems.


Clay brick and block formats , di mensional tolerances

The various sizes of clay

bricks and blocks are de
rived from a basic module,
the thin format designated
by the format code OF. Th is
allows d ifferent brick/block
formats to be com bined in a
masonry construction .
Larger formats made up of
this format are easi ly imag
ined, whereby the un its - as
in the masonry construction
- are assembled with joi nts.
Clay bricks/blocks without
conventional perpend mor
tar are given the nearest for
mat code ( D I N 1 05) .
When desi gnating large ver
tically perforated clay blocks
it is necessary to specify the
thickness of the masonry in
order to d istinguish the
blocks exactly. For example:
clay blocks with the code
6 OF are avai lable for vari
ous wal l thicknesses and
course heights; clay blocks
with the code 1 2 OF can be
manufactured for 240 mm
and 365 mm walls. In these
cases the webs and fins
separating the perforations
or special perpend arrange
ments are designed for a
particular wal l thickness.


The dimensions g iven for the

clay masonry un its are refer
ence sizes. D I N 1 05 permits
d imensional deviations from
the reference sizes: min imum
sizes and maximum sizes.
So the actual d imensions of
a c lay masonry unit 240 mm
long may vary between 230
and 245 mm; for a 300 mm
unit a length of 290-308 mm
is permissible; for a 365 mm
unit, 355-373 mm.
However, on the building
site it is im portant that the
del iveries for a certain struc
ture a l l lie with in a certain
tolerance: the d imensional
deviation is 1 0 mm for
240 mm units, and 1 2 mm
for 300 and 365 mm units.
The deviations for the height
of a unit are stricter:
233-243 mm for a reference
hei ght of 238 mm, and a
d imensional deviaton
of 6 mm.

Clay block formats , d i mensional tolerances

Lightweight vertically perfo

rated clay masonry un its are
clay bricks and blocks per
forated perpendicular to the
bed joint ( D I N 1 05 part 2 ) .
The d ifference between
these and vertically perfor
ated clay masonry un its type
Hlz is their low gross den
sity, which may not exceed
1 000 kg/m3. They are avai la
ble as type HLzA with type A
perforations ( 1 5-50% of bed
face area, each single open
ing :s:: 2.5 cm2) , as type HLzB
with type B perforations (as
type A but with size of open
ings specified ) , or as type
H LzC with type C perfora
tions (closed on five sides,
total cross-section of perfo
rations max. 50% , each sin
gle open ing :s:: 1 6 cm2, size
of opening specified) . Light
weight vertically perforated
clay masonry units type W
(HLzW) of hei ght 238 m m
have type B perforations
and must also comply with
requirements regard ing
gross density and the number
of rows of perforations in the
direction of the wal l thick
ness. New developments
outside the D I N standard
are covered by building
authority ap provals.

Lightweight vertically perfor

ated c lay masonry units are
available with d ifferent per
forations and perpends.
Here are a number of
examples of clay blocks of
format code 1 2 OF for 365 mm
external wal l s :
D a
Block with grip (thumb)
openings for masonry with
mortar to the perpends.
D b
Block with mortar slot for two
methods of laying: laid indi
vidually with mortar to the
perpends but the slot l eft
empty, or laid in rows brick
to brick and the slot fi lled
with mortar.
D e
Block with grip (thumb)
openings for interlocki ng
perpends without mortar.
D d
Toothed block for multiple
interlocki ng perpends (no
mortar) or as a gauged
block for thin-bed mortar
joints .
The method of layi ng the
blocks without mortar to the
perpends reduces the work
load during layi ng and the
amount of mortar req uired,
and also improves the ther
mal insulation value of a
plain external wal l . However,
deviations in the sizes of the
individual units cannot be
compensated for in the mor
tar joints like with conven
tional masonry. At corners
and junctions with other
wal l s the perpends sti l l have
to be filled with mortar; and
at door and wi ndow reveals
mortar joints or make-up
units are necessary.

Mortar for masonry work is a

mixture of sand and binder
(lime or cement) p lus admix
tures and additives which
alter the properties of the
mortar by physical or chemi
cal means ( D I N 1 053) .
Normal-weight mortar is
either m ixed on site or sup
plied ready mixed ( D I N 4226
part 1 ). We d istinguish
between mortar groups
MG I , 11 a, 11 b and I l l , and
each group has to com ply
with certain conditions
( D I N 1 053) .
Li ghtweight mortar is sup
plied ready mixed or as pre
mixed dry mortar. Due to its
lower oven-dry bulk density
and the use of a lig htwei ght
mi neral ag gregate, this type
of mortar improves the ther
mal insulation properties of
sing le-leaf external walls.
We d isti nguish between
groups LM 2 1 and LM 36
( D I N 4226) .
Thi n-bed mortar is a fine
grain premixed dry mortar
( D I N 4226) . lt must be used
with a bed joint thickness of
1 -3 mm. lt is classed as a
mortar group MG I l l .


Masonry bonds

Walls are built accord i n g to

the followin g b aslc princi
p ies - the b ondlng rules
( O I N 1 053) :
- U n its in on e course sha l l
be of equal h eight, the bed
JOints shall b e continuous .
- The perpend s and wal l
JOi nts of succe sslve courses
must b e offset . This offset
the bon d i n d imension
must be 0 . x unit height
but not le ss than 45 mm
( e . g . 95 m m for a unit
238 mm high) . Large clay
blocks are u:ally offset by
half the len g . of the block.
Crosswal ls - tc l u d i n g shear
walls - do no necessarily
have to be bonded In - a
b utt JOint .1s ade q uate when
other m eans are provided
resist tensIOn and compresSlon, e . g . fl at anchors b u i lt
Simpl e masonrY b onds are
used for la rge clay bl ocks,
which usually m atch the thickness of th e wal l . For exampie, stretch bond for parti
tions 1 1 5 ' 1 5 and 240 mm
thick, hea d er bond for external walls 365 mm thick.


For estimatin g purposes , th e

approXl mate work 'lng times
are as follows:
per sq uare metre of 1 1 5 mm
OF 1 .5 hours
2 OF 0.9 hours
6 OF 0.3 hours
per square m etre of 240 mm
P art1' t1on:
O F 2 . 1 hours
1 .5 hours
2 OF
1 2 O F 1 2 hours

per square etre of 365 mm

external wa
O F 3 .3 hours
2 OF 2 . 1 hours
1 2 O F 1 .4 hours

Masonry bonds

D a

1 1 5 mm wal l

stretcher bond with DF units

D b
1 1 5 mm wal l
stretcher bond with 6 DF units

D c

240 mm wall
header bond with DF u nits

0 d

240 mm wal l
stretcher bond with 1 2 DF
u n its

D e

365 mm wal l
E n g l i s h b o n d with DF u n its

Stretchers are masonry units

l a i d with their longitu d i nal,
i . e . stretcher, faces parallel
with the line of the masonry.
Headers, however, are laid
perpendicular to the l i ne of
the masonry. The outward
appearance of both bonds
is therefore simi lar, i . e . successive courses offset. But
the appearance of this
b lockwork masonry is different from the fami l iar brickwork bonds - i n t h i s case
English bond - characterised by their regular alternation between stretchers and
headers .

D f

365 mm wal l
header bond with 1 2 DF


D i mensional coordination

Masonry dimensions are

based on the "octametric"
system: the 1 1 5 mm u n it
plus 1 0 mm joint form the
basi c module of 1 25 mm. By
adding or su btracting joints
we arrive at the three basic
d i mensions:
External dimension
A = n x 1 25 - 1 0 mm
Open ing dimension
6 n x 1 25 + 1 0 mm
Projection d imension
V = V = n x 1 25 mm


D i mensional coordination
also applies to clay masonry
un its laid without mortar to
the perpends. In this case
the perpends are taken to
be 3 mm wide and the u n its
247 mm long. Smaller un its,
ends and junctions are cut
to suit. Even though these
days cutting and sawing on
site can be carried out accu
rately and efficiently, wast
age due to cutting should be
avoided when structures are
designed accord ing to the
masonry dimensions of the
"octametric" system . lt should
be remembered that stand
ard windows and doors are
also desig ned to fit the
"octametric" system.

Masonry of large clay blocks - structure and construction

Dr.- l n g . Bernhard Behringer


Three-dimensional construction
Buildi ngs, with their load-carrying and bracing elements ,
are loadbearing structures whose stabil ity must be guaran
teed. That concerns both the individual loadbearing ele
ments and the overall three-d imensional construction of the
loadbeari ng structure.
The primary load beari ng elements (apart from roof struc
ture and foundations) are the walls and the floors. In the
construction an individual wal l acts together with other wal l s
with w h i c h it is d i rectly connected or coupled v i a floor
plates or capping/ring beam systems.
Masonry wal l s forming part of the load-carrying construc
tion (" loadbearing wal ls") usually assume two different
structural functions:
Load-carrying :
- vertical dead and imposed loads from floors, other walls,
- horizontal loads perpendicu lar to the wal l due to wind or
soil pressure
Braci n g :
- horizontal loads paral lel to the wal l due to floors, capping/
ring beams, crosswalls
Walls without such functions are designated "non-load
beari ng".
1 .2
Floors, capping/ri ng beam systems
The primary structural function of the floor is always to the
transfer the load per u nit area to the loadbearing elements
(walls/beams/columns) . In addition , floors also act as hori
zontal restraints for the walls; when designed as shear
resistant p lates they form, together with the shear walls, a
construction braced in all directions.

If a floor element is not designed to act as a p late (e.g.

timber joist floor, clay hol low pot floor without concrete top
ping) , the function of the three-d imensional coupling of the
walls is ach ieved with capping and ring beam systems.
Capping beams are components su bjected to bending
which provide restrai nt transverse to the p lane of the wal l ,
i . e . resist forces d u e t o wind or soil pressure. R i n g beams
accommodate axial forces (tension or compression) , i . e .
"anchor" together, for example, t h e walls - normally pro
vided with capping beams - transverse to the beam .
Capping and ring beams - normally of reinforced concrete
- can be om itted in certain circumstances (max. 2 proper
storeys, length < 1 8.00 m, window/door openings < 60% of
wal l length, or if wi dth of opening > 2/3 x storey height, then
< 40% of wal l length ) . In these cases the floor beams (every
2.00 m) must be suitably anchore d .
1 .3
Simplified structural analysis
D I N 1 053 prescribes cond itions which, if comp l ied with,
enable a wal l to be designed using a simplified structural
analysis with simpler stress verification. In addition , for sim
ple types of b u i l d i n g , l i ke the terrace houses considered i n
this book, the stabil ity is also g uaranteed for :
- max. 2 storeys with storey hei ght up to 2 . 75 m
- load beari ng walls: d = 365 or 240 mm for internal and
external wal l s
- non-load bearing walls: d = 1 1 5 mm
- u pper floors of concrete, tim ber joists or c lay hol low pots,
max. span 4.20 m
- normal i mposed loads for residential use (max. 5.0 kN/m2)
- proportion of windows < 60%, for windows > 1 .80 m wide
< 40%
I n these cases the only structural analysis requ i red for all
load beari ng masonry walls is to show that the actual com
pressive stress cr = N/A is less than the permissible com
pressive stress.
N is the vertical compressive force due to the self-wei g ht of
the wal l plus the floor and roof loads carried by the wal l .
A is the cross-sectional area o f the wal l o n which this com
pressive force acts. The permissible stress is the "basic
permissible stress" cr0, which is merely dependent on the
type of clay masonry u nit being used (masonry u n it
strength) and the mortar (mortar group ) .


Structure and construction contd .

1 .4
Detailed structural analysis
Exceptions or special cases in which the geometric
framework cond itions given in 1 .3 above are not com p l ied
with are dealt with i n section 2 below. I n these cases the
components covered by the simp l ified stress verification
accord ing to D I N 1 053 part 1 must be checked for various
other effects.
One primary parameter for assessing the stresses in a
wal l is its "slenderness", i . e . the ratio of buckl i n g length hk to
wal l thickness d . The buckling length of a wal l is the clear
storey hei ght m ulti plied by a factor p which takes into
account the lateral restrai nt and the type of connection to
the floors. The factor p l ies between 1 .0 (wall held on two
sides, no restraint due to rei nforced concrete floors) and
0.35 (wall held on four sides, spacing of lateral restraints
max. 2 .00 m) . The value h/d may not exceed 25.
The basic permissi ble stress cr 0 must be reduced by a
factor k, which in turn depends on the coefficients k, and k
or k3 . The reduction factors take i nto account the length of
the wal l (k1 = 1 .0-0. 8) , the slenderness (k
1 .0-0) and the
effects of floor deflection (angle of rotation at supports) for
floor spans between 4 . 20 and 6.00 m (k3 1 .0-0.7) . The
background to these coefficients wi l l not be explained i n
detail here ; the reader is referred to D l N 1 053 part 1 (7 . 2 ) .

Special situations ("d isruptions" , special cases)
A detailed structural analysis for the simple houses con
sidered here i ncludes the roof structure , floors, concrete
components and foundations (structure/subsoil i nteractio n ) .
The masonry walls c a n generally be assessed accord ing to
1 .3 above. Special situations may make it necessary to per
form calculations accord ing to 1 .4 , or the construction may
require special consi deration.
"Disruptions" to the overal l construction
The overal l loadbearing structure, the walls and floors, is
weakened if the connections between the elements are
"disrupted". We d isti nguish between two main cases :

The lack of a connection between wal l and floor, e . g . at
large floor openings in areas with galleries or stairs, where
rooms (and hence walls) are two storeys h i g h .
The floors do not act as plates ( e . g . tim ber joist floors, clay
hol low pot floors without concrete topping) .
" Disruptions" to the masonry wall
The stability of a loadbearing wal l element can be impaired
if local " d isru ptions" impair the restraint with i n the overall
construction or reduce the thickness of wal l :
Openings in the wal l (wi ndows, doors) i nterrupt the wal l
plate effect locally a n d t h e sections of wal l between the win
dows represent "unsupported edges" without lateral
restrai nt. The slenderness of the wall i ncreases, the load
carrying capacity decreases.
Horizontal chases in the wall red uce the structural ly effec
tive cross-section ; vertical chases or recesses can , beyond
a certain depth , weaken the wal l so severely that the slen
derness increases because at these poi nts an " unsup
ported edge" must be al lowed for. However, chases up to a
certain depth (depending on length) are permitted which do
not have to be consi dered in the structural analysis . We dis
ti nguish here between the way in which the chases are pro
duced (milled or chisel led) . D I N 1 053 tab l e 1 0 contains
more detailed information .
Special case "col umn"
Masonry columns are usually constructed using small
masonry units (i.e. bricks) . They represent a special situa
tion in two respects:
The lateral restraint to this "short wal l " is missing on both
sides, so columns are always held only on two sides ( i . e .
the ends) . Column cross-sections < 0 . 1 0 m 2 may carry only
80% of their permissible design loa d , those < 0.04 m2 are
not permissible as loadbearing elements.
Columns are generally positioned at points where loads
from floors or wal l s above concentrate. The load-carrying
capacity with respect to these i ncreased loads must be
proved .


Structure and construction contd.

Special case "basement wal l " (in contact with t h e soil)
Masonry external basement wal l s have to resist the soil
pressure of the backfi lled excavation . This horizontal load is
much greater than the horizontal load due to wind. The soil
pressure causes the wal l to bend, which i n turn sets up ten
sile and compressive stresses. As it is not permissible to
design masonry for tensile stresses , it is necessary to can
cel out the tension by means of appropriate compressive
stresses (minimum vertical load ! ) . On the other han d , the
vertical load should not be so high that the compressive
stresses due to bending can no longer be resisted (maxi
mum vertical load ! ) . An accurate structural analysis is not
requ i red when it can be guaranteed that the vertical load
lies between these minimum and maximum figures (see
3.4 below) .

Measures to al low for "d isruptions" and special cases
The "d isruptions" described i n 2 . 1 above generally call for
additional constructional measures to be taken. In some cir
cumstances, however, an accurate structural analysis may
show that the stabil ity is sti l l guaranteed and ad d itional
measures are su perfl uous.

"Disruptions" t o the overall construction, t h e walls and floors
The lack of horizontal restrai nt to the wal l provided by the
floor ( e . g . at large floor openings, galleries, stairs) is solved
in constructional terms by providing a capping beam at the
level of the floor and parallel to the open i n g . However, this
is not necessary when the two-storey wal l at this point can
be shown to be structural ly adeq uate. Th is is possible when
appropriate lateral restraint from crosswal l s ("wall held on
three sides") is avai lable.
Floors that are not designed as p l ates ( e . g . timber joist
floors, clay hollow pot floors without concrete top ping) can
provide horizontal restrai nt for walls if su itably anchored
(see 1 . 2 above) . However, i n terms of the construction it is
better to include capping/ring beam systems, i . e . restrain
ing and cou p l i ng the wal l s at floor level by way of concrete
components. In certain cases cappi ng/ring beam systems
can be provided in the form of reinforced masonry.

Capp i n g and ring beams:

The width is governed by the thickness of the wal l minus
any i nsulation necessary. The depth is equal to a course of
masonry. Capping and ring beams must be reinforced .
Rei nforced masonry :
Rei nforc ing bars in the bed joi nts must be protected
agai nst corrosion (galvanise d , coated) or of stain less steel .
R i n g beams i n the form of rei nforced masonry are only per
missible with corresponding perforations in the units (pro
portion of perforations < 35%, webs and fins not offset with
respect to each other) . This requi rement is not met by large
aerated clay bricks. Rei nforced masonry is therefore to be
regarded as a special solution hardly used in practice and
not advisable for the simple build ings considered here .

" D isruptions" t o the masonry wal l
Openings in the wal l (windows, doors) are to be spanned
over with clay or concrete l i ntels, or by the rei nforced con
crete floor slab (beam with i n depth of slab ) . Critical points
here could be the supports (end of wal l or column) because
the concentration of load here results in higher stresses and
the wal l is restrained on only two or three sides, which calls
for a buckl ing analysis (see 1 .4 above) .
Clay l i ntels:
Clay l i ntels are prefabricated tension chords for a load
bearing element consisting of l i ntel plus masonry or con
crete compression zone. The load-carrying capacity of clay
l i ntels is generally defi ned in tabl es specifying width , depth
and span . The maximum perm issible span of clay l i ntels is

3 .00 m .

Concrete l i ntels :
Lintels not monol ith ic with the reinforced concrete floor
slab should have dimensions l i ke those of capping and ring
beams. With h 240 m m , spans of approx. 3.00-4 .00 m are
possible, depending on vertical loa d . I n the case of a mon
olithic l i ntel/floor slab, the depth of the l i ntel should be cho
sen sensi bly: e . g . slab depth 1 60 mm + masonry course
250 mm = 41 0 m m . Spans of 5. 00-6.00 m are therefore
possible, depending on vertical load.


Structure and construction contd .

Rei nforced concrete floor slab:

Suitably reinforced , a beam can be produced within the
depth of a reinforced concrete floor slab, which can then
span over an open i n g without the need for a l inte l . The
spans possible depend on the depth of the floor slab, the
d i rection in which the slab spans, and the vertical load .
Deflection is critical for beams within the depth of the slab
carrying vertical wal l loads because cracks ensue i n the
masonry above. Without vertical wal l loads, spans of 3 .004.00 m are possible.
Horizontal chases with d imensions exceed i n g those g iven
i n D I N 1 053 table 1 0 must be checked structurally. The
analysis should take account of the eccentric ity e. Addi
tional bending stresses occur due to the moment M n x e .
The method of analysis is dealt with i n 3.4 below.


Special case "col umn"

Special constructional solutions may be necessary for
very slender columns or those carrying heavy loads. If the
permissi ble stress is exceeded for a g iven column size, it
may prove prudent to use masonry units with a h i gher
strength and/or a h i gher grade of mortar. The use of rein
forced concrete columns or even steel stanchions is some
times unavoidable.
Special case " basement wal l " ( i n contact with the soil)
lt is not necessary to check a masonry external basement
wal l in contact with the soil for compression (vertical load)
and bending (soil pressure) if various cond itions (vertical
load/geometry) are com p l ied with.
Geometric cond itions:
- max. 2 . 60 m clear basement storey hei ght
- max. 2 . 50 m depth of ground surcharge
The surcharge due to imposed loads may not exceed
5.0 kN/m2
The minimum and maximum vertical loads are as follows:
Wall thickness
240 mm
300 mm
365 mm

M i n . vertical load
7.50 kN/m
5.00 kN/m
4.00 kN/m

The maximum vertical load is such that the resultin g com

pressive stress does not exceed 45% of the permissible
compressive strength of the masonry.


Thanks to the self-weight of the floor slab over the base

ment and the wal l to the ground floor above, the necessary
m i n i mum vertical load is normally reached in the house
types considered here with 365 mm external walls. At worst,
the only problems occur at open ings in the floor slab at
ground floor level ( e . g . stairs) or in areas without an external
wall at ground floor leve l . Analyses may be requ i red in such
cases, maybe also constructional measures (e. g . capping
beam or reinforced masonry) i n certain circumstances. The
maximum vertical load is normally never reached in these
house types, even with low-strength masonry in the base
ment wal l .
If t h e above conditions are not com p l ied with, i t is neces
sary to carry out a more accurate analysis of the stresses
for the superim position of the compressive stress due to the
vertical load cr0 N/A on the bending stresses (tensile and
compressive) crP = +1-M/W. The tensile stresses due to bend
ing must be cancel led out by the compressive stresses due
to vertical load i n g . The same method of analysis should be
used for an eccentric compressive load, as mentioned in
3 . 2 b above.

Plaster/Render on clay masonry

Dr.- l n g . Peter Roeke



Plaster and render are used to protect the building fabric
and also for decorative purposes.
That the latter is particularly sign ificant can be seen from
the many different surface textures and colours that are
possible. However, this aspect is also documented in prac
tice by the many complaints concerni n g the appearance of
plastered or rendered surfaces.
That shows just how much significance is attri b uted to the
visual appearance of p laster and render.

Types of plaster/render
The standard defines plaster and render as wal l/soffit fin
ishes produced from mixes and coating materials.
Plaster and render are applied i n a certain thickness i n
o n e or more coats. T h e p laster/render achieves its final
properties after sol id ifying on the building and i n conjunc
tion with this.
We d istinguish between the fol lowing types of plaster/
render accordi n g to their constituents:

I n terms of appearance, the main complai nts are:

Plaster/Render with mineral b i n ders

The m ixes from which this type of plaster/render is pro
duced are a mixture of b i nder, aggregate and water. And
recently in particu lar, add itives and admixtures have been
added to i nfluence the properties of the p laster/render and
the workabil ity of the mix.

spal l i n g
colour variations (streaks or blemishes)
different textures i n the finish coat
uneven surfaces, offsets
uneven edges at b u i l d i n g corners and wal l openings
inaccurate junctions with other components

Careful selection and han d l i n g of the mix, observing a l l the

recommendations associated with this technology and tak
ing care with details can help to avoid such defects. These
pages are intended to provide g u i dance.

Plasteri ng and rendering is these days covered by
D I N 1 8550 parts 1 to 4.
D I N 1 8550 part 1
- Plaster; terminology and requ i rements
D I N 1 8550 part 2
- Plaster; p l asters made of mortars containing mineral
binders; application
D I N 1 8550 part 3
- Renderi n g ; renderin g systems for thermal insulation pur
poses made of mortars consisting of mi neral binders and
expanded polystyrene ( EPS) as aggregate
D I N 1 8550 part 4
- Plasters and renderi n g ; l i g htwei g ht p lasters and render
ing; execution
D I N 1 8558
- Synthetic resin plasters; termi nology, requirements,


The standard d istinguishes between additives and admix



These affect the properties of the plaster/render by way of

chemical and/or physical actions.
(Air entrai ners, waterproofers, retarders , accelerators, stabi
l i sers for increasing the water-retention capacity and addi
tives to i mprove the adhesion between mix and substrate. )


Adm ixtures in the mean ing of the standard are finely d istrib
uted substances which also affect the properties of the
mortar but whose volume, i n contrast to add itives, general ly
has to be taken into account.
( F i l lers, e . g . stone d ust, to improve workabil ity; pigments to
provide colour.)
The standard d isti nguishes between the following types of
p laster/render in terms of the tasks to be fulfi lled:
- plaster/render that satisfies general requirements
- plaster/render that satisfies add itional requirements
water-retardant plaster/render
water-repel lent p laster/render
render with enhanced strength
plaster with enhanced abrasion resistance
plaster for walls and ceilings in wet areas
- plaster/render for special purposes
thermal insulation p laster/render
plaster/render providing fire protection
plaster/render with enhanced radiation absorption


Plaster/Render on clay masonry contd .


Plasters/Renders with organic b i nders

These are p lasters/renders contai n i n g synthetic resins
and produce a coating with an appearance resemb l i n g that
of plaster/render.
If these types are applied to a m ineral undercoat, this
must be given a coat of primer fi rst. (For further details of
synthetic res i n plaster/render see D I N 1 8558 . )
The binders i n synthetic resin plaster/render are synthetic
resins. The other constituents, l ike sand and fil lers, are the
same as those for mi neral plaster/render.

The standard disting uishes between m ixes and coating

M ixes
The standard classifies mixes in five groups P I to P V.
Mix groups
Mix group 1 1

These types of p laster/render are primarily used for :


- the finish coat on m ineral undercoats or other mi neral

- the final coat over thermal i nsulation composite systems



Silicate plasters/renders
These types are related to synthetic res i n p laster/render.
However, the binder is different - in this case consisti ng of
potassium water g lass with a d ispersion add itive for stabili
The water vapour permeabil ity of sil icate plaster/render is
hi gher than that of synthetic resin p laster/render.
This characteristic makes this type of p laster/render suita
ble for historical b u i l d ings, for i nstance, and, if i ncombusti
bil ity has been verified, as the final coat over thermal i nsula
tion composite systems.
This type of plaster/render cannot be used on substrates
of wood , wood-based products or plastics.

P ill


Type of binder

non-hydraulic l i mes21 ,
semi-hydraulic limes,
hydraulic l imes

h i ghly hydraulic limes,

p laster b i nder and masonry
cement, l ime-cement mixes


calcined gypsum with and

without b u i l d i n g l i me

anhydrite binder with and

without building lime

1 For further subd ivision of mix groups, see DIN 1 8550

part 2, 1 985 edition, table 3 .

2 A l i mited amount of cement may be added .

Mixes consist of one or more b i nders , aggregates and

water , possibly also with add itives and/or admixtures.
The grain size of the majority of the aggregate l ies
between 0 . 25 and 4 m m . In finish coats the proportion of
grains > 4 mm can domi nate.
The grain size has a great influence on the shrinkage
behaviour of the p laster/render. The smaller the size of
aggregate, the greater is the tendency to shrink. Mixes
made from calcined gypsum and anhydrite binder mostly
contain no aggregates.
M ixes are also d isti ngu ished according to their state and
p lace of production.

State :

green (sti l l workable)

hardened (solid ified)


Place of production:
in situ (constituents mixed together on the building site)
ready mixed (constituents mixed together in a factory)

Plaster/Render on clay masonry contd.



Coating materials
These consists of organic binders and aggregates or
fil lers and are used for producing synthetic resin p laster/
The grain size of the majority of the aggregate is
> 0.25 mm.

Thermal insulation p laster/render

This type of plaster/render was specially developed to
provide good thermal insu lation and exhi bits a bulk density
considerably lower than that of l i g htweight plaster/render.
Characteristic values for thermal conductivity = 0.07 W/mK
are possible with thermal i nsulation plaster/render.
These types are manufactured as premixed dry materials.
Thermal i nsulation plaster/render with a m ineral bi nder and
expanded polystyrene (EPS) as the aggregate are currently
covered by D I N 1 8550 part 3 .
The compressive strength of the hardened m i x must l i e
between 0 . 8 N/mm2 a n d 3 . 0 N/mm2 . Besi des polystyrene as
an aggregate, covered in the aforementioned standard ,
mineral aggregates ( e . g . perlite and cellu lar g lass pellets)
are being i ncreasingly employed. However, these do not
generally achieve the aforementioned characteristic val ues
for thermal conductivity.

These materials are produced i n a factory.

Disti nguishing plaster/render accord ing to its appl ication

Plaster/render for g eneral req uirements (normal-weight
This type of plaster/render is covered by D I N 1 8550
parts 1 and 2 .

6. 2

Lightweight plaster/render
Th is type of p laster/render is l i ke a normal-wei ght type
with a mineral binder. However, in contrast to these they
have a limited bulk density.
The lower b u l k density is achieved by means of mineral
and/or organic ag gregates with a porous microstructure.
D I N 1 8550 part 4 includes su itable provisions for app ly
ing l i g htweight p laster/render.
Lightweight plaster/render and the associated finish
coats must be manufactured i n the form of premixed dry
Compressive strength of l i g htwei ght plaster/render (mix
group P I l l ) :
between 2 . 5 and 5 . 0 N/mm2
Bulk d ensity of lightwe ig ht plaster/render:
between 600 and 1 300 kg/m3
If a l i g htweight p laster/render comp l ies with the req u i re
ments of mix group P 11, the compressive strength of the fin
ish coat should be in accordance with the req u i rements for
group P I c or P 11.
Owi ng to its deformation behaviour, l i g htwei ght p laster/
render is particularly suitable for masonry comprising ther
mally insulatin g , porous, l i g htweig ht vertically perforated
clay masonry u n its.
Lightweight p laster/render is not a thermal i nsu lating mate
rial in itself.
An organic finish coat, e . g . synthetic resin render, should
not be applied to a l i g htweight render.

Renovation plaster/render
This type of p laster/render exh i bits a h i g h porosity and
water vapour permeabil ity. The capil larity is considerably
Renovation p laster/render is used on damp masonry and/
or masonry containing salts. The high vol ume of entrained
air allows the salts to crystal l ise with in the p laster/render. I n
t h i s way the salts are retai ned withi n the material a n d d o not
reach the surface.
The high water vapour permeabil ity is useful for al lowing
the masonry to dry out.

Plastering/Renderi ng systems
These systems are defined by the standard as all the
coats of a plastered/rendered wal l/soffit finish in conjunction
with the substrate.
Even single-coat plasteri ng/rendering can be classed as
a system .
The system , i n its entirety, must comply with the particular
requ i rements of the specification .
Compatib i l ity betwee n the properties of the various coats
i n a system is essential. The same is true for the compatib
i l ity between plaster/render and su bstrate . The substrate
must be prepared if necessary.
Apart from leg itimate exceptions, e . g . render to basement
walls and p l i nths, the strength of the finish coat for p laster/
render with a mi neral binder should be less than or equal to
that of the undercoat.
This principle also applies to the compatibil ity between
undercoat and substrate .


Plaster/Render on clay masonry contd .

8.1 . 1
Basically, for render we d istinguish between the fol lowing :
wal l render above the p l i nth
basement wal l render ( i n contact with the soi l)
pl inth render
soffit render (underside of slabs in contact with the out
side air)
8 . 1 .2
Wall render above the p l i nth
The render must be resistant to the effects of the weather,
moisture, temperature changes, wi n d , etc.
In terms of protection from the rai n , 0 IN 41 08 part 3
specifies the exposure groups and the resu lting requ i re
8 . 1 .3
Basement wal l render ( i n contact with the soi l )
I n areas in contact with t h e s o i l t h i s render forms a sub
strate for the waterproofing.
M ixes with hydrau lic b inders must be used for this type of
render, which must also exh i b it a compressive strength of
at least 1 0 N/mm2. If mix group P I l l is employe d , it is not
necessary to verify the compressive strength.
If masonry un its of compressive strength 6 N/mm2 or less
are used for the basement wal l , the compressive strength of
the mix shou l d not be significantly higher than 1 0 N/mm2,
but may be less ( 5 N/mm2) .
8.1 .4
Plinth render
This type of render must be sufficiently hard . it may
absorb only small amounts of water and must be resistant
to the effects of moisture and frost.
Render made from m ixes with m ineral b i n ders must
exhibit a compressive strength of at least 1 0 N/mm2.
it is not necessary to verify the compressive strength when
using render accord ing to the following tab le. If masonry
un its of compressive strength 6 N/mm2 or less are used for
the wal l , the compressive strength may be lower (but at
least 5 N/mm2) . However, the requirements for water
repellent render systems must be complied with .


Plinth render
M ix group or coating material type for

finish coat1l

add itive

P ill




P ill

P Org 1

P Org 1 2l

l l Finish coats can be finished with or without some form

of surface decoration (e. g . on surfaces to be coate d ) .

2l O n l y on a concrete substrate with a closed microstructure.

Plaster must comply with the normal requirements, e . g .
suitable a s a substrate for paint a n d wal l paper.
The compressive strength must be at least 1 .0 N/mm2.
it is not necessary to verify the compressive strength
when using the p lasteri ng systems classed accord ing to
the req u i rements or applications of D I N 1 8550 part 1 .

Th ickness of p laster/render
A minimum thickness must be mai ntained in order to fulfi l
physical and other requ i rements. However, there is also an
upper l i m it to the thickness.
The standard prescri bes the fol lowin g average thick
nesses for general requ i rements:

20 mm (permissible m i n . thickness 1 5 mm)


1 5 mm (permissible m i n . thickness 1 0 mm)

single-coat plaster made from premixed d ry materials :
1 0 mm (perm issi ble m i n . thickness 5 mm)
The permissi b l e m i n imum thickness must be confined to
isolated patches.
In the case of add itional req uirements, the thickness
should be chosen to meet those req uirements.
Single-coat water-repellent render made from premixed
d ry materials: average thickness 1 5 mm ( m i n . thickness
1 0 mm).

Plaster/Render on clay masonry contd.

As a rule, the average thickness of l i g htwei ght render

when used as an u n dercoat should be 1 5 mm. Here agai n ,
the minimum thickness must b e confined to isolated
The minimum thickness of thermal insu lation p laster/
render is given as 20 m m . However, in order to ach ieve a
better thermal insu lation effect, it is usually thicker.
Plaster/Render should be appl ied to achieve a consistent
1 0.
Su bstrate
A suitable su bstrate is a vital cond ition for durable p laster/
render free from defects.
The properties of the substrate have a considerable influ
ence on the adhesion of the p laster/render.
A detailed examination of the substrate is therefore espe
cially important and must be carried out by the plastering/
rendering contractor. Any objections must be recorded i n
writi n g .
Any work necessary t o rectify defects i n t h e substrate are
the responsibil ity of the client ( D I N 1 96 1 : Contract proce
dures for building works, part B: general conditions of con
tract for the execution of b u i l d i n g works - c l . 4 para. 3 ) .
Conditions for a suitable substrate:

- The substrate must be dry, free from d ust, clean, firm and
capable of supporting the p laster/render.
- Visi ble deposits that could damage the plaster/render
shou l d be rectified; lime bloom and m i n imal efflorescence
do not represent any p roblems.
- The d i mensions of the substrate must be such that the
p laster/render can be applied with a consistent thickness.
- When used as a substrate for p laster/render, masonry
must comply with the sti pulations in D I N 1 053:
all joints must be fi lled with mortar,
if perpends without mortar are used , these must be
filled on the faces with a su itable mortar on both sides
of the wal l if they are wider than 5 mm,
the prescri bed bonding d imension must be maintained,
defects, unfi lled slots and the exposed header faces of
dog-tooth courses must be filled with mortar.
The necessary mortar work should be carried out as the
masonry is b u i lt. If the mortar is applied subsequently, a
waiti ng time of at least four weeks is requ ired before apply
ing the plaster/render.

I nterdependence of p laster/render and substrate
The p lastering/rendering system chosen must be suitable
for the type of substrate available. The first move i n select
i n g a plaster/render is to make sure that it is suitable for the
substrate .
The choice of p lastering/rendering system depends on :
- the suction rate of the substrate,
- the loads to be expected during usage,
- the properties of the masonry,
and other factors.
1 2.
Prepari ng the substrate
Preparation of the substrate i nc l udes all those measures
that are necessary in order to g uarantee a permanent bond
between plaster/render and su bstrate.
After exam i n i n g the substrate, the ensu ing preparatory work
should be carried out:
- H i gh ly absorbent substrates may need to be pre-wetted
(observe instructions of mix suppl ier) . Other measures
may also be necessary (high suction primer, prim i n g , full
coverage spatterdas h ) . I n every case , follow the i nstruc
tions of the mix manufacturer.
- M ixes suitable for h i ghly absorbent masonry are avai lable.
I n these the water-retention capacity of the undercoat is
matched to the suction rate.
- On a low-absorption substrate, blobs of spatterdash (not
ful l coverage) are preferred in order to improve the adhe
sion of the plaster/render. Adequate adhesion can also be
achieved by other measures such as bonding coats or
- If the substrate consists of different materials with different
suction rates, a ful l-coverage spatterdash is necessary in
order to achieve a un iform suction rate.
- If the substrate i nc l udes components made from materials
that are unsu itable for use as a plastering/rendering sub
strate, some form of background must be provided.
- If stresses in the plaster/render are to be expected due to
the type of construction or details, the p laster/render
should be reinforced.
- Wood-wool slabs should be covered with spatterdash.
Reinforce the plaster/render in such areas.
- Always follow the i nstructions of the mix manufacturer and
the relevant techn ical information with respect to the sub


Plaster/Render on clay masonry contd .

1 3.
Examining the substrate
- Visual inspection for:
dust and loose fragments on the surface
coatings or foreign matter on the surface
protrud i ng mortar
excessive unevenness
perpends and bed joi nts not fully filled (primarily substrates for render)
excessively wide perpends without mortar
correctness of bonding d imension
strength (scratch test)
- Wetti ng test with water for :
suction rate of substrate
d ifferent suction rates on varying substrates, if neces
sary also for different clay masonry u n its
excessive moisture (no d i scoloration)
release agents etc. on , for examp l e , concrete compo
nents, wood-wool slabs
- Measurement for:
unevenness of wal l surface (straightedge, plumb line,
etc . )
surface temperature a n d air temperature
1 4.
Applying the p laster/render
- The deformations specific to the material of the substrate
shou l d be completed before starting to apply the p laster/
- When using spatterdash, this must be sufficiently firm.
- The su bstrate must be free from frost (not below +5C) .
- Owing to the constituents (e.g. add itives) in premixed dry
materials, the properties of the plaster/render are not
usually identifiable for the user. Good contact with the
customer service department of the manufacturer of the
premixed p laster/render is therefore h i ghly advisable.
- The undercoat for render, especially when spatterdash is
not being used, should be applied i n two operations. The
fi rst (dubbing-out) coat should even out any irregu larities
(approx. 7- 1 0 mm) . Only after this coat is stiff (after wait
ing at least three hours or longer, depend i n g on the suc
tion rate of the substrate) should the second undercoat be
applied. The finish coat can be applied after the standard
waiting time (1 day/mm thickness) . The leading mix manu
facturers point out i n thei r techn ical information that the
mix requ ires sufficient water in order to cure properly.
With a th i n coat or excessively fast d ryi n g , the finished
surface of the plaster/render should be wetted at least
- If the finish coat is to be painted , then this shou l d not be
carried out on the "green" p laster/render. The paint must

exhibit an adequate water vapour permeabil ity. The sub

strate ( i . e . finish coat) must be suitable for painting and
the paint must be compati b l e with the p laster/render.
1 5.
Recommendations for obtaining p laster/render free from
1 5. 1
The setti ng process of the p laster/render is accom panied
by shri nkage .
Every type o f plaster/render - also those types with a
small grain size to achieve good machine worka b i l ity
produced from the ready-mixed varieties avai lable today is
subjected to shrinkage processes to some degree - large
or small - after application.
These shrinkage processes cause stresses i n the p laster/
render and, consequently, deformations. If the shri nkage
stresses can be transferred to the substrate, the plaster/
render generally remains free from cracks.
Essential for this is a good bond between plaster/render
and substrate. If this bond is not achieved, the stresses
cannot be relieved and the p laster/render cracks in areas
where an adequate bond is lacki n g . The tensile stresses
resulting from the shrinkage are greater than the tensile
strength of the p laster/render.
Continuous support for the p laster/render is therefore
necessary over the entire surface of the substrate.
If, for example, there are voids in the p laster/render over
joints, there is no adhesion and the plaster/render cracks at
those positions; the crack wi l l follow the l i ne of the joint. The
cause of the cracking is therefore not the clay masonry itself
but rather the plaster/render in conjunction with inadeq uate
ad hesion at the joi nt. So the joint determines the course of
the crack. For this reason it is absolutely essential to fi l l
completely a l l the joi nts in the masonry.

Plaster/Render on clay masonry contd.

However, cracks over the joints can have other causes.

If the mortar in the joints of the masonry has a lower suc
tion rate than that of the clay masonry u n its , the p laster/
render over the surface of the clay masonry units will set
earl ier and the tensile stresses due to shrinkage cause
cracks at the joi nts because there the p laster/render is sti l l
wetter and hence softer. T h i s problem c a n be remed ied b y
wetting t h e surface o f t h e clay masonry units, following the
instructions of the mix manufacturer.
The magnitude of the d ifferent effects also depends on
the thickness of the p laster/render, and the spacing of the
joi nts also p lays its part. If the p laster/render is too th i n , the
influence of the joi nts is more noticeable.
The thickness of the plaster/render also affects its
If the plaster/render does not adhere wel l to the surface of
the clay masonry u n its, e . g . because the properties of
p laster/render and clay masonry are not i deally compati b l e ,
i t becomes detached due t o t h e stresses; a network of
cracks is the result.
I nadequate adhesion between finish coat and undercoat
due to, for example, poor workmansh i p , can also cause the
two coats to separate. If, for example, the surface of the
undercoat is not rou g hened or, during hot weather, the sur
face is not wetted , an i nadequate bond can be the out
come. This also happens when the finish coat is stronger
than the undercoat.
The contractor wou l d be wel l advised to keep to the tried
and-tested rule of decreasing the strength from inside to
outside and to ignore what has been said recently about the
opposite being better!
However, the p laster/render should not be too thick
because otherwise excessive stresses occur i n the surface
of the plaster/render, which in turn lead to cracks. The
shrinkage stresses at the surface can no longer be ade
quately rel ieved because the distance of the surface from
the substrate is too large and the stresses cannot be prop
erly transferred to the su bstrate.
Shrinkage is affected or increased by : :
a high proportion of b inder
a too rap i d water loss
too much water in the p laster/render
the grad i n g curve of the ag gregate

1 5. 2
Loads on the p laster/render
In most cases of damage, moisture in one form or another
is at least partly to blame.
The constituents of the mix also play an important role
with respect to the take-u p and release of water through
capil lary action.
The greater the effects of moisture, the greater is the
stress on the plaster/render.
Cracks which are frequently no cause for complaint
become defects later due to the effects of water. Th is situa
tion can often be seen primarily on the side exposed to the
prevailing wi n d .
Patterns of damage
- A network of fine, i rreg ular cracks not penetrating the full

too much bi nder in the mix

impurities i n the aggregate
plaster/render rubbed too early, too long and too

Shrinkage cracks:

a too rap i d water loss (due to sunshine, high temperature

or d raug hts)

Network of wider cracks:

( i nadeq uate ad hesion to substrate)

too much b i nder in the mix (cracks penetrate full coat
a too rap i d water loss
Hairline cracks not penetrating deep into the plaster/render:

these cracks are caused by rubbing the surface of the

p laster/render where the surface is rich in binder and
fi ne-grain ag gregate with a smooth surface to the plaster/

Cracks following the line of the masonry joints:

I n this situation the stresses in the plaster/render over the

joints are d ifferent to those over the masonry units them
selves (capil lary water absorption of masonry units and joint
mortar is different and results in different drying cond itions) .


Plaster/Render on clay masonry contd .


mortar remains damp for longer when the masonry un its

have a h i gher suction rate than the mortar
defective substrate (joi nts not filled completely)
perpends closed off only on the i n ner and outer faces
(thermal bridge with formation of condensation water)

Plaster/Render separates like "puff pastry"

excess water in the mix has frozen before it could escape

mix was not yet strong enough
frost progresses from outside to inside and the freezi ng
water causes the mix to become detached in layers

Low mix strength

too l ittle b i nder, too rap i d loss of moisture, poor grad ing of
coat too dense when using P I (lime m ix) (P I requ i res a
regular supply of moisture to reach its strength)

Plaster/Render detaches from substrate

(with good bond between finish coat and undercoat)

inadequate bond when the surface absorbs too l ittle water
- the binder paste is not absorbed to a sufficient extent
(bond i ng forces are i neffective)
excessively absorbent substrate (spatterdash recom
mended as regu lating i ntermediate layer)
absorbent clay masonry u n its should be pre-wetted d u r
ing hot weather
p laster/render is not compatible with substrate (regu lated
by means of high suction primer)

Inadequate adhesion between finish coat and undercoat

undercoat was not pre-wetted (during hot weather) ,

undercoat not roughened
finish coat stronger than undercoat (dense coats transfer
add itional stresses as they dry out)
temperature grad ient - in thi n p laster/render especially
due to direct sunli ght (low heat d issi pation inwards , par
ticularly in thermal i nsu lation masonry)


Supplement, August 2003

A masonry structure made from large l i g htwei ght

vertically perforated clay blocks is much more effi
cient in terms of thermal insu lation ( i n accordance
with today's req uirements) than the masonry struc
tures of the past built from (smal l-format) clay
bricks. This development has brought about a
change in the gross density and the strength. I n
combination with other materials (principally con
crete) , careful design is necessary plus compre
hensive foresi ght i n weighing up the possible risks:
Stresses due to deformations caused by
thermal processes (hot - col d , sun - shade, day
night, summer - winter . . . )
moisture-related processes (water - vapour, rain
- snow - ice, moisture due to construction and
usage and the associated shrinkage and swell
material-related and chemical processes

Estimates or calcu lations of deformations together

with the structural engineer are i nvaluable. In doing
so, the loads from outside (orientation with i nci
dence of solar rad i ation, preva i l i n g wind side . . . ) are
to be included in the catalogue of risks to the same
extent as the loads from the structure itself: its size
and usage, the type of loadbearing structure and
the materials used in its construction. Likewise,
also any protective arrangements such as roof
overhangs, canopies , balconies . . . right up to pro
jections, re-entrant corners and shoulders.
What are the consequences for this book? The
detail drawings are "compati ble" with each other
but remain as typical, partial i nformation . Thei r fea
sibi lity and compati b i l ity must be carefully checked
in each individual case because integrating these
into the design of each new, d ifferent structure
could necessitate fundamental changes.

Designers wishing to create d urable structures

must be prepared to learn from recent experiences
in order to avoid vulnerable situations (see Schaden

freies Bauen mit Mauerwerk, Katalog von Riss

schaden und Maf3nahmen zu deren Vermeidung,

Prof. P. Schubert; Masonry Construction Manual,

Pfeifer et al . , p. 1 06) .
Differential deformations

As differential deformations represent a key prob

lem, the primary parameters of wal l materials are
l i sted below (characteristic values but also ranges
which indicate someth ing of the d iversity and scat
ter of the materia l ) . Th is will enable a rou g h esti
mate of d ifferential tem perature or moisture defor
mations to be made and hence the compati b i l ity or
i ncompati b i l ity between materials.
Supports for reinforced concrete floor slabs

Deformations in rei nforced concrete floor slabs

cause stresses in the external masonry; these can
be superimposed on and increase other deforma
tions. If temperature-related deformations can be
ruled out thanks to adequate and properly installed
thermal insulation , deformations due to the loads
plus shrinkage and creep of the concrete are the
principal causes :

Deflection of the slab and l ifting of the slab at the

supports due to the rotation of the edges of the
slab, aggravated by the excessive slenderness of
the slab and a low vertical load at the supports.
The result is horizontal cracks at the supports or
in the u nderlying courses. The corners of roof
slabs without any vertical load are particularly at
risk due to the " d ishing" effect.

Deformation parameters for shrinkage, creep and temperature changes to D I N 1 059 table 2

Type of
masonry unit


Calcium sil icate

Lightweight concrete
Aerated concrete

Final moisture expansion

shrinkage, chem. swel ling

Char. value

- 0 .4

Final creep coefficient


Char. value


-0. 1 t o -0. 3
-0. 2 to -0. 5
-0. 1 t o -0.3
+0. 1 t o -0.3

1 .0

1 .5

0.5 to 1 . 5

+0.3 to -0.2

1 .0
1 .5

shortening (shrinkage) : - s i g n ; len gthening (chemical swelling) : + sign

1 .0 to 2 . 0
1 . 5 to 2 . 5
1 .0 to 2 . 5

Coeff. o f thermal expansion

Char. value
1 0 -6/K
1 0 (8*)

1 0 -6/K

5 to 7




* for lightwei ght concrete with expanded clay as principal aggregate


Supplement, Aug ust 2003

Shortening of the slab and " p u l l i n g " the masonry

units at the support. The res u lt is horizontal
cracks at the support but also downward diago
nal cracks i n internal crosswalls at the supports or
horizontal cracks in the middle of the wal l .
Eccentric load transfer at the support - also a
conseq uence of the aforementioned deforma
tions. The result can be cracks on the outside of
the wal l or also cracks beneath the support on the
i nside due to excessive edge beari ng pressure.


Concrete technology and workmansh i p : the use

of low-shrinkage concrete with a low water/
cement ratio (beware of uncontrolled addition of
concrete additives ) , careful curing (striking the
formwork later, protecting concrete surfaces
against sunshine and wi nd by coveri ng keeping
moist, sprinkl ing with water . . . ).

A sufficient slab depth: DIN 1 8530 specifies maxi

mum slenderness ratios for roof slabs (generally
without vertical loads) ; it is also possible to
replace the lack of vertical load by i ncorporati ng
a vertical tie to the slab below.



r /l<

"/ / <. ,.- // /



/ /"' / //

Reduce the shortening due to shrinkage , espe

cially that of the roof slab, by l imiting the length
of the slab or incorporating contraction joints.
Include a bed of h i gh-strength mortar or a sepa
rating layer between the concrete slab and the
masonry at the supports.

A sufficiently wide bearing for slabs with larger

D a: I ncorporate compressible strips on the inside
of the support to centre the load transfer and avoid
damage due to the beari ng pressure on the edge
D b : Reduce the thickness of the fac ing leaf (brick
slips instead of half-brick units) or bed the concrete
in a suitably prepared clay channel b lock.

Capping and ring beams

The shrinkage of ring beams, capping beams and

other concrete and reinforced concrete compo
nents with i n the masonry can lead to damage if
these processes are not considered when design
ing the detai l s . Concrete components which are
not absolutely essential should therefore be




Supplement, August 2003

Securing unsupported edges of masonry and the

stability of the building can be achieved by provid
ing structural connections to appropriately braced
components, l ike roof or floor plates.
Openings in walls

I n masonry structures wel l-known patterns of

cracks can occur, e . g . in spandrel panels, which
usually run d iagonally downwards from the corners
of openings. To avoid these, the drawings else
where in this book show "anti-crack rei nforcement"
in the spandrel panels. Th is "anti-crack reinforce
ment" , which merely l imits the width and d i stribu
tion of cracks, should comprise steel bars pro
tected agai nst corrosion, better sti l l , specially
designed brickwork rei nforc ing elements of stain
less steel - such reinforcing elements have nodes
and cannot be p u ll ed out. The reinforcement
should extend i nto the masonry adjoi n i n g , for
example, an opening by about 600-800 m m .

At larger openings the reinforcement should be

i ncorporated as "high" as possible, i . e . in the top
most bed joi nt. lt is also possible to incorporate the
approx. 5 mm reinforcing elements in l i g htwei g ht
mortar because this is not classed as rei nforced
masonry ( D I N 1 053 part 3) .
Chases and recesses

These can severely weaken the load-carrying

capacity of the homogeneous masonry due to the
change i n the cross-sectional area, the flexural stiff
ness and the eccentricity of the remaining area.
Chases and recesses made in the finished masonry
can lead to considerable damage because they
are often cut unsupervised and in particularly sensi
tive areas without consultation . In external walls
they also form undesi rable thermal bri dges. In
other words, chases and recesses must be prop
erly planned and integrated into the structure

Chases and recesses not requiring a structural analysis in load bearing walls to D I N 1 053 table 1 0
Vertical chases a n d recesses i n a masonry bond
Wal l thickness (mm)

Chase wi dth (mm)

Residual wal l thk. (mm)


max. 385

min. 1 1 5

max. 385

m i n . 240

1 15


Edge d i stance
m i n . 2 x chase width
but at least 240 mm

Distance between chases and recesses to be at least equal to m i n imum chase wi dth .

The total width of chases per 2.00 m of wall len gth may not exceed the maximum chase width.

Chases and recesses cut subsequently ( length of chase u n l i m ited)

Wall thickness (mm)

Horizontal and d iagonal


Vertical chases and recesses

depth (mm)

depth (mm)

width of single chase

max. 1 5

max. 30

max . 1 50

max. 20

max. 1 0

max. 30

max. 1 00

max. 200

Edge distance of chases and recesses from openings to be at least 1 1 5 m m .

Horizontal and d iagonal chases are o n l y permissible w h e n a t least 0.40 m above or below t h e structural floor slab

and only on one side of a wal l . When using tools with which the cutting depth can be set accurately, the depth
may be i ncreased by 1 0 mm and walls at least 240 mm thick may have chases cut on both s i des max. 1 0 mm

deep. Chases max. 80 mm deep and max. 1 20 mm wide that extend no more than 1 .00 m above the floor may be

cut in walls at least 240 m m thick.


C l ay masonry b u i l d i n g s
Exam p l e s

Clay masonry buildings - examples


Hou s i n g complex i n M u n i c h
Christoph Wallner, M u n i c h


Semi-detached h o u s e i n M u n i c h
Andreas M e e k and
Brig itte Puis, M u n i c h

1 00

Houses in M u n i c h
Thomas M . Hammer a n d
Doris Schmi d-Hammer, M u n i c h

1 02

House in Hal lertau

Waiter Stolz, Rose nheim

1 04

1 06

Studio house in Eichstatt

D i ezin ger & Kramer, Eichstatt

Housing development in Neu-Uim

G .A.S.-Sahner, Stuttgart

1 08

Hous i n g complex in Waldkraiburg

Andreas Meek, M u n i c h

1 10

Hou s i n g complex in Ludwi gsburg

Hartwig N . Schneider with
Gabriele Mayer, Stuttgart


Clay masonry buildi ngs

Exam ples

Housing complex in M u nich


Ground floor plan Section
Detail Scale 1 :20

Christoph Wal l ner, Munich

Situated to the north of Munich in a
residential district with detached and
terraced houses, this brightly painted
oblong building immed iately catches
the eye . The complex, containing four
apartments, is located on a corner plot
with apple trees and is not out of scale
with its surroundings. The flat sides of
the box are broken up by openings for
logg ias at ground floor level and a
spacious staircase to the apartments
on the first floor. The wal l s are sol id
with a thermal i nsulation composite
system . The windows are emphasised

Scale 1 :400

by their dark wooden frames fl ush with

the wal l . The c l ient, a ski lled pai nter
hi mself, also had a hand in deciding
on the final colour scheme. The entire
external skin was first given two coats
of an opaque yel low silicone resin
pai nt. The final coat of outdoor glaze
with a terracotta shade was applied
with brushes and sponges i n delicate
wi ping movements. From outside, the
building looks as though it has been
coloured with a pigment
ClJ DETAIL 1 2/2003


Clay masonry build ings

Examp les

Semi-detached house i n M u nich


. __2


Andreas Meek and Brig itte Puis,

At first sight this small sem i-detached
house seems to represent the arche
typal housing development unit a d is
tinct, compact envelope with a steep
p itched roof and eaves and verge vir
tually flush with the walls, standing out
peacefully from the surrounding, i nho
mogeneous built environment. Th is is
hel ped by restricti ng the number of d if
ferent building materials. Only upon
closer inspection do we appreciate the
sensitive treatment of the everyday ar
chitectural language. Simplicity is the
basic concept behind this building. I n
stead of the conventional Velux-type
roof windows, conspicuous boxes with
straightforward top-hung opening
l ights penetrate the roof surface. Un
treated mahogany windows fit flush
with the external wal l but sti l l seem to
protrude just a l ittle from the facade.
The omission of g lazing beads and the
way the panes of g lass are g lued flush
into their frames allow the windows to
appear as flat elements without any
depth. Only the entrance doors set
back into the facade create a distinct
accent and correspond to our idea of
the customary "hole in the wall" so
typical of masonry facades.
The 240 mm clay masonry is covered
completely on the outside with a ther
mal insu lation composite syste m ; the
smooth surface of the render has been
given no further treatment. No coats of
paint conceal the irregularities of the
ind ividual stages of the work or sub
sequent maki ng good. The surface ap
pears animated and can already tell its
own story. The render on the gable ter
mi nates elegantly in classical style at
the del icate, zigzag line of the clay
bullnose roof tiles.
ClJ DETA I L 1 /2 2002

Ground floor plan Section scale 1 :400

Section through facade scale 1 : 1 0


M i neral render, finished directly o n the

underside of the clay roof tiles
Render background:
30 mm wood-wool slabs
80 m m rigid polystyrene foam
U ntreated mahogany window
Balustrade, welded 30 x 8 mm steel flats,
galvanised and coated
U ntreated mahogany entrance door
In situ concrete step
60 m m rigid cel lular glass insu lation

Clay masonry buildi ngs


Houses i n Mu nich


Thomas M. H ammer and

Doris Schmid-Hammer, Munich
The governing idea for the design of
this pair of houses was independent
yet joint l ifestyles. The loose coupling
of the houses gives each of the clients
- two brothers - space to enjoy his
own l ifestyle. Two different envelopes
were created , li nked by a tal l wal l on
the road side. The entrance and
garage doors along this facade are
protected by a continuous canopy,
signifying the access zone. The per
sonal lifestyles of the brothers are
primarily evident in the d ifferent i nterior
layouts. One of the houses is partly in
ti mber and takes account of the needs
of a communal l ifestyle. Here, the
open-plan living room/kitchen forms
the communal, communications hub
of the house , although each occupant
is provided with living and working
areas, all the same size.
The external wal l of the other house,
which is parallel to the road , is of
365 mm l i ghtweight clay masonry with
a white render finish . The spacious
open-plan living and dining area for
the family occupies virtually the whole
of the ground floor. The various private
rooms are located on the upper floor
and under the roof; these serve as
bedrooms, studies or children's rooms
depending on the size of the fam ily.
Despite the compactness of this build
ing, skilful design has resulted i n an in
teresti ng interior layout with d iverse in
ternal and external views. The i ngen
ious use of natural l i ghting underli nes
and rounds off this effect.
QJ in DETA I L Single Family Houses

1 00

Sections Ground floor plan

scale 1 :400
Details scale 1 :20

Standing seam roof covering of sheet

2 layers of bitumen roofing felt
24 mm rough-sawn tongue and
g roove boards
1 00 mm ventilation cavity between
1 00 x 1 00 mm rafters
1 9 mm bitumen-impregnated softboard
220 mm cellu lose insulation between
1 20 x 220 mm purl ins
24 mm open boarding
2x 10 mm p lasterboard with vapour
barrier between
2 365 mm clay masonry
Hlz 1 2- 1 ,0- 1 2 OF units
3 Basement wall:
cement render on bonding coat
cellu lar glass insu lation
4 Sol i d wood lining, 50 mm larch


Clay masonry buildi ngs


House in Hallertau

Waiter Stolz, Rosenheim

The plot is located in a new residential

development with a variety of detached
homes on the outskirts of this l ittle town
in Bavaria. The house and garage are
positioned at the top end of this gently
sloping site. Together with the wal l in
between , they form a boundary on the
road side and enclose the west-facing
garden with its view towards the town
in the valley.
The north elevation of the main buildi n g has very few openings but includes
a g lazed porch, which acts as a climate
buffer and lobby for the entrance.



1 02

Careful choice of materials and simple,

precise detai ling have resulted in a
building that relates to both contemporary architecture and regional building
traditions. The wal ls are of 365 mm
lightweight clay masonry with a finish
of three-coat lime render pai nted sienna red . The natural-colour concrete
roof tiles termi nate at the eaves and
verges without an overhang , simply
with sheet metal flashings.
Q:l DETA I L 1 /1 999



Ground floor plan Section

scale 1 : 250
Section Verge detail
scale 1 :20


Roof construction:
natural-colour concrete roof tiles
battens and counter battens
roofing felt, open to d iffusion
22 + 40 mm wood fibre insulation
80 x 1 76 m m rafters with
1 00 + 60 mm thermal insulation between
vapour barrier
1 6 m m spruce boards
240 x 300 mm rei nforced concrete
ring beam
Lightweight clay toothed blocks,
8-0,8- 1 2 OF
3-coat l i me render
Heat-absorbing g lass
(2 panes of toughened safety glass)
Perforated sheet titanium-zinc
60 x 1 60 mm wall plate
Steel angle, 90 x 90 x 7 mm both
sides of rafter
8 mm toughened safety glass
25 x 25 x 3 mm stai nless steel angle
Wood/Aluminium window
Louvre blind
Prefabricated clay lintel
Drainage channel
24 mm veneer plywood
Titanium-zinc verge flashing
Clay channel

1 03

Clay masonry buildi ngs

Exam ples

Studio house in Eichstatt



Kramer, Eichstatt

On the edge of the old quarter of the

town, a compact, rendered studio
house has been erected to replace a
ruined artisan's house dating from the
1 6th century while retaining the con
tours of the old building. With its dis
tinct, modern stance, the new house is
not intimidated by the confines of its
surroundi ngs and introduces a striking
urban highl ight. The diagonal entrance
elevation, like the old building, and the
freely arranged open ings animate the
envelope with its rigid contours. The
white, brightly lit i nterior contrasts with
the rendered external walls with their
coat of dark grey paint. This two-storey
house has a total of about 75 m2 of
floor space. The ground floor has a
small display area and a larger room
for receptions and similar events (but
also suitable as guest accommoda
tion) . U pstairs is the scul ptor's studio.
The bathroom, in red-painted wood , is
a stark contrast to the white of the rest
of the interior surfaces. The two levels
are l inked by the small display area
next to the entrance, extending right
up to the underside of the roof. Passers
by can see into this area throug h the
"disp lay window" which is finished
flush with the render and conti nues
around the corner of the building.
Despite its small size, the display area
forms a l i nk between interior and exter
ior, and acts as a foca l point for the
internal layout. All the fixed l i ghts are
positioned flush with the render. There
are no frames around the panes of
glass; the glass is held in p lace by
clips between the panes. The top-hung
Velux-type roof windows open outwards.
QJ DETA I L 7/8 2002

1 04

I/ I I I I

l ""'


J! I 11


Sections Plans
scale 1 : 200
scale 1 :20


Wal l constructio n :
2 5 mm painted mineral render
365 m m vertically perforated clay masonry
galvanised rei nforcement to top 3 courses
2x 0 8 mm bars per bed joint
1 5 mm lime-gypsum plaster
Floor construction:
60 m m end-grain wood-block flooring
1 0 mm hot-rolled asphalt
45 mm cement screed on PE sheeting
20 mm impact sound insulation on
PE sheeting
220 m m reinforced concrete floor slab
50 mm mineral fibre thermal insulation to
side of 1 40 mm reinforced concrete beam
Clay channel l i ntel on galvanised steel
angles, 200 x 200 x 1 6 mm
Wooden window with single glazing
36 mm white-faced p lywood
Glazing clip between panes
Double g lazi n g : 6 mm float glass + 1 6 mm
cavity + 8 mm toughened safety glass,
edge seal enamelled for UV protection

1 05

Clay masonry build ings


Housing development in Neu-Uim

G. A S.-Sahner, Stuttgart
Georg Sahner
Not far from the town of Neu-Uim,
adjoining an area of farmlan d , there is
a small residential district with a core
of 20 system houses. With their asso
ciated storage sheds, the small en
trance yards to these L-plan houses
form an im portant private area. At first
sight it is not obvious that all the houses
here have an identical ground floor lay
out and belong to the same system .
The picture is too d iverse - d u e t o the
different roof shapes but, principally,
the various grouping options. The basic
idea is to build houses with a modular

1 06


structure. Starting with a minimum unit

size, which encompasses two rooms,
the stairs and the central util ities b lock
with kitchen, bathroom and WC, the
houses can be extended by adding in
d ividual rooms. The largest variation
has seven rooms spread over three
The sizes of the rooms and the layouts
are similar so that hig hly diverse occu
pancies are possible. Further varia
tions are possible by including base
ments and attach ing different roof

The concept also allows for the use of

the most d iverse building materials i n
order to suit the local suppl iers and
availabil ity of materials. The grou p of
houses i n Neu-Uim was built using
c lay masonry.
CO DETA I L 4/2001

Ground floor
scale 1 :250
scale 1 : 20




Roof construction:
1 8 x 76 mm corrugated aluminium sheeting
50 x 40 mm battens and counter battens
roofing felt
24 mm roug h-sawn spruce boards
80 x 220 mm spruce rafters
200 mm mineral fibre insu lation
between rafters
vapour barrier
48 x 28 mm spruce battens
1 2 . 5 m p lasterboard
3-ply core plywood, 25 mm spruce
U p per floor construction:
carpet or PVC floor covering
50 mm screed on polyethylene
separating layer
50 mm thermal and impact
sound insulation
200 mm precast concrete flooring units
365 mm gauged clay masonry units
(/.A 0 . 1 1 W/mK)
Ground floor construction without
carpet or PVC floor covering
50 mm screed on polyethylene
separating layer
50 mm thermal and impact sound
insu lation
200 mm i n situ concrete ground slab
polyethylene separating layer
80 mm perimeter insu lation

1 07

Clay masonry buildi ngs

Exam ples

Housing complex i n Waldkraiburg

Andreas Meek, Munich

Th is complex is the fi rst phase of what
is intended to be a larger develop
ment. Situated alongside a busy road,
it is desi gned to act as a noise barrier
for the plots further from the road.
Access is via two staircases and there
are 1 1 apartments p l us a cafe. The
eight maisonettes are arranged in two
groups of four on two levels, mean ing
that the entrances are at ground floor
level and second floor leve l . On the
road side the anc i l l ary rooms serve as
a buffer for the living accommodation
and bedrooms, which face away from

1 08

the road. Every apartment has its own

garden or rooftop terrace.
The arrangement of the access to the
maisonette entrances at ground floor
level nearest to the road helps to pre
serve privacy: a paved pathway be
tween grassed areas leads to the two
steps up to a covered landing in front
of the entrance door. From here we
pass through a lobby, which projects
from the main line of the facade, into the
hallway which leads to the various
rooms. Access to the upper floor is via
a single fl ight of stairs.

The entrances to the upper maison

ettes are situated along the covered
wal kway, with only a narrow opening
on the side fac ing the road. Th is open
ing allows the afternoon sun to shine
through on to the larch wood benches
next to the doors. These extend the
private sphere and encourage social
contact between the tenants.
()) DETA I L 4/1 997

Ground floor
scale 1 : 200

1 st floor

Horizontal section
scale 1 : 20

Vertical section

Wall construction:
1 5 mm plaster
240 mm vertically perforated clay masonry
40 mm m i neral wool thermal insulation
between counter battens
50 mm battens/ventilation cavity
8 mm fibre cement sheets
2 Double glazing in wooden frames, outer
pane of wired glass



Bench of 40 x 40 mm larch wood strips on

T 50 steel section brackets welded to end
Wooden double-skin door, painted
Rooftop terrace/covered walkway
300 x 300 x 50 mm paving flags in
50 m m chippings
waterproofin g on separating layer
1 60 (80) mm thermal insulation
vapour barrier
reinforced concrete slab
Precast concrete coping
Rendered vertically perforated clay
masonry, 240 mm
Roller shutter box
Linoleum floor covering on floating screed




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1 09

Clay masonry buildings

Examp les

Housing complex in Ludwigsburg

Hartwig N. Schneider
with Gabriele Mayer, Stuttgart
These 60 publ icly assisted rented
apartments for d ifferent occupancies
sing les, single-parent fam i l ies, couples
and fami l ies - were erected in a q uiet
urban location between the city centre
and the suburbs, among low-density
developments from the 1 950s. Clearly
arranged around three semi-private
courtyards, this development comple
ments the open design of the surround
ings while providing a high density
(plot ratio 1 . 2) through a d ifferentiated
concept of accommodation and open
spaces. All the apartments, with one,
two and three rooms (plus bathroom
and kitchen) , sometimes on two floors,
are wel l l it from two sides. The living
rooms lead on to logg ias with sliding
windows i n the rendered facades.
Sliding glass shutters with an enam
el led inside face provide privacy for
the bedrooms. The tree- l i ned court
yards face the road and are accessed
from there via open staircases; covered
passageways link them to the gardens
on the south side. Located beneath the
courtyards are two natural ly venti lated
underground parking areas.
The envelope was built in lightweight
clay masonry and finished with pig
mented mineral render, the surface of
wh ich changes with the weather. To
contrast with this some parts of the
facade make use of untreated timber
cladding. _On the south elevation slid
ing wooden shutters and narrow balco
nies of coloured precast concrete ele
ments define the appearance. Wooden
windows with heat-absorbing glass were
installed but in some more exposed
areas wood/aluminium windows were
C::O DETA I L 1 /1 999
employe d .



Section Plans
scale 1 :500
Section through west elevation
Horizontal section through sliding
glazing and render
scale 1 :20


8 mm toughened safety glass,

inside face enamelled
Wall construction:
20 mm mineral render
300 mm Hlz lightweight clay masonry
1 5 mm p laster
300 mm lig htweight clay channel
1 00 x 50 x 5 mm aluminium channel
Wood/Aluminium window
Reconstituted stone window board
8 mm toughened safety glass
60 x 20 x 3 mm steel hollow section,
Loadbeari ng thermal insulation element
Floor construction:
5 mm floor covering
0.2 mm polyethylene separating layer
20 mm impact sound insu lation
60 mm thermal insulation
1 80 mm reinforced concrete floor slab


Clay masonry build ings



Horizontal section
scale 1 :20

Vertical section


Wall construction:
15 m m p laster
240 mm Hlz clay masonry
80 mm m i neral wool
protective covering (non-woven fabric)
58 mm prefabricated cedar wood cladding
1 40 x 30 mm timber closing piece
Fixed cedar wood cladding
Cedar wood sliding shutter
Parapet claddi n g , 1 4 mm wood-cement
U p per track for sliding shutters
Lower track
Balustrade of galvanised, colour-coated
steel sections
Precast concrete element, coloured
220 x 48 mm timber closing piece


1 14

Standards, references, associations

Subject i ndex
I ndex of persons, picture credits


Standards, references, associations

The brick and b lock formats used

in this book, their designations and
the statutory instruments mentioned
correspond to G erman standard s .



1 05 :


Clay bricks


1 045 :

Structural use of concrete


1 053:


Masonry Construction Manual

G u nter Pfeifer, Rolf Ramcke,
Joachim Achtziger, Konrad Zilch

D I N 4095 : Planning, design and

installation of drainage systems
protecting structures against water i n
the ground
D I N 4 1 08 : Thermal i nsu lation and
energy economy in build ings
DIN 4 1 09: Sound insulation in
buil dings


Aggregates for concrete

D I N 1 8 1 95 : Waterproofing of build ings

and structures
D I N 1 8530: Solid structural decks for

1 8550:


Der Mauerziegel
Franz Hart, Ernst Bogen berger
1 964

Trade associations

Bayerischer Ziegelindustrie-Verband e.V.

Bavariaring 35
D-80336 Miinchen

+49 (0) 8 9 74661 6-0

Tel :
Fax: +49 (0) 89 7 4661 6-30
Fachverband Ziegelindustrie
Sudwest e.V.
Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 1 1 - 1 3
lnd ustriehaus
D-67433 Neustadt a. d . Weinstrasse

Baukonstruktion fUr Architekten

Franz Hart
1 959

Die Kunst der Wi:il bung

Franz Hart
1 965

Rissschaden an Mauerwerk
Werner Pfefferkorn
1 994

Schadenfreies Bauen mit Mauerwerk

Peter Schubert

Information supplied by the clay

i n dustry:
Ziegel lexikon
1 999

Aussenputz auf Ziegelmauerwerk


Tel :
+49 (0) 6321 852-0
Fax: +49 (0) 6321 852-290
www.verband-steine-erden .de
Ziegel industrie Nord e.V.
Bahnhofsplatz 2a
D-261 22 Oldenburg

+49 (0) 4 4 1 2 1 0260

Tel :
Fax: +49 (0) 441 2 1 02620
Fachverband Ziegelindustrie
Nordwest e.V.
Am Zehnthof 1 97-203
D-45307 Essen

+49 (0) 2 0 1 5921 306

Tel :
Fax: +49 (0) 201 5921 359
Bundesverband der
Deutschen Ziegelindustrie e.V.
Schaumburg-Lippe-StraBe 4
D-531 1 3 Bonn

+49 (0) 228 91 493-0

Fax: +49 (0) 228 91 493-28
www.ziegel . de
Massiv mein Haus e.V.
Falkensteinstr. 9
D-8631 6 Friedberg

+49 (0) 821 7849773
Fax: +49 (0) 82 1 784447


G erman manufacturers/associations arranged accord ing to postcode

Otto Bergmann GmbH

Heinrich-Spier-Str. 1 1 (Werk 2)

Ziegelwerk Friedland GmbH

HeimkehrerstraBe 1 2

07607 Eisenberg/Thiiringen

32839 Steinheim-Bergheim

37133 Friedland

+49 (0) 36691 7 1 - 1 00
Fax: +49 (0) 36691 7 1 -1 1 5
i nfo@wzi .de


Wienerberger Werk Eisenberg

Jenaer StraBe 56

Wienerberger Werk Zwickau

BOrgerschachtstraBe 6a
08056 Zwickau

Tel : +49 (0) 375 27535-0

Fax: +49 (0) 375 27535-99
Wienerberger Werk Hainichen
Frankenberger StraBe 60
09661 Hainichen

+49 (0) 37207 45-0
Fax: +49 (0) 37207 45-29
i nfo@wzi .de
Wienerberger Lager BrOck
Paui-Ruoff-StraBe 2
1 481 1 Briick

Tel : +49 (0) 33844 6 1 0

Fax: +49 (0) 33844 6 1 1 25
info@wzi . de
Wienerberger Werk
Bad Freienwalde
Eberswalder StraBe 1 07
1 6259 Bad Freienwalde

Tel : +49 (0) 3344 41 7-0

Fax: +49 (0) 3344 41 7-1 1 9
Wienerberger Werk Gransee
Strelitzer StraBe
1 6775 Gransee

Tel : +49 (0) 3306 7983-0

Fax: +49 (0) 3306 7983-83
Wienerberger Werk Jeddeloh
Jeddeloher Damm 26
26188 Edewecht

OT Jeddeloh 1
Tel: +49 (0) 4405 7020
Fax: +49 (0) 4405 8496
Wienerberger Werk Sittensen
27419 Sittensen OT Tiste

+49 (0) 4282 2041

Tel :
Fax: +49 (0) 4282 2044
i nfo@wzi . de
Wienerberger Ziegelindustrie GmbH
Olden burger AI lee 26
30659 Hannover-Lahe

+49 (0) 5 1 1 61 070-0
Fax: +49 (0) 51 1 61 4403
Ton- und Ziegelwerke
Werner Florke KG
N iedermehner Str. 36
32351 Stemwede

Tel :

+49 (0) 5773 202

+49 (0) 5773 3 1 7

Otto Bergmann GmbH

I m Roten Lith 3 (Werk 1 )
32689 Kalletai-Hohenhausen

Tel : +49 (0) 5264 6482-0

Fax: +49 (0) 5264 6482-64
l nfo@Bergmann-Zieg

+49 (0) 5233 9558-0

+49 (0) 5233 9558-28

Aug ust LOcking GmbH & Co. KG

Postfach 2409
33050 Paderborn

Tel :
+49 (0) 5251 1 340-0
Fax: +49 (0) 5251 1 340-20
Pasel & Lohmann GmbH
Salzkottener Str. 35/36
33178 Borchen-Aifen

Tel : +49 (0) 5258 6001

Fax: +49 (0) 5258 6588
Wienerberger Werk Rietberg
33397 Rietberg OT Westerwiehe

Tel : +49 (0) 5244 9039-0

Fax: +49 (0) 5244 9039-1 7
Aug ust LOcking GmbH & Co. KG
E g gestr. 2
344 1 4 Warburg-Bonenburg

Tel :

+49 (0) 5642 6007-0

+49 (0) 5642 6007-22

Wienerberger Lager Volkmarsen

Steinweg 65
34471 Volkmarsen

+49 (0) 5693 9896-0

Tel :
Fax: +49 (0) 5693 6350
Heinrich Abhau GmbH
Lispenhauser StraBe 1
361 99 Rotenburg a. d. Fulda


+49 (0) 6623 9248-0

+49 (0) 6623 9248-2 1

J u l ius Zan ge GmbH & Co.KG

Schlitzer StraBe 40
36272 Niederaula

Tel : +49 (0) 6625 91 51 -0

Fax: +49 (0) 6625 9 1 5 1 -79
Ziegelwerk Schenklengsfeld
GmbH & Co. Baukeramik KG
Ring bergstraBe 1 0
36277 Schenklengsfeld

Tel :

+49 (0) 6629 332

+49 (0) 6629 7861

Wienerberger Werk Wefensleb.en

Zechenhauser Weg
39365 Wefensleben

+49 (0) 3 9400 961 2-0

Tel :
Fax: +49 (0) 3 9400 2081
Wienerberger Lager Lauterbach
Ziegelei 1
36367 Wartenberg/Angersbach

Tel: +49 (0) 6641 9644-0

Fax: +49 (0) 6641 9644-1 1

+49 (0) 5504 8080
Fax: +49 (0) 5504 80827
friedland-zieg el@t-on
Wilhelm Alten Ziegelei
Ziegelweg 1
37586 Dassei-Wellersen

+49 (0) 5562 252
Fax: +49 (0) 5562 66 1 0
Ziegelwerk Buch GmbH
HansastraBe 1
37671 Hi:ixter

+49 (0) 527 1 2248
Fax: +49 (0) 527 1 381 84
Janinhoff GmbH & Co. KG
ThierstraBe 1 30
48163 M unster

+49 (0) 2 5 1 981 680

Tel :
Fax: +49 (0) 251 981 6830
Wienerberger Werk Buldern
R6dder 59
48249 Diilmen-Buldern

Tel :
+49 (0) 2590 9455-0
Fax: +49 (0) 2590 41 85
Eifeler Ziegel- und Klinkerwerke
Peter Koos GmbH & Co. KG

54675 Utscheid- Neuhaus

Tel :

+49 (0) 6522 7 1 7

+49 (0) 6575 1 300

Adolf HOning GmbH & Co. KG

HauptstraBe 1
59399 Olfen

Tel: +49 (0) 2595 9642-0

Fax: +49 (0) 2595 9642-22
J UWO-Porotonwerke
Ernst Jungk & Sohn GmbH
Ziegelh OttenstraBe 42
55597 Wi:illstein

+49 (0) 6703 91 0-0
Fax: +49 (0) 6073 91 0-1 59
Keraform Spezialziegel
Hamburger StraBe 97
61 1 1 8 Bad Vilbel

Adolf Zeller GmbH & Co.

Poroton-Ziegelwerke KG
Markerstr. 44
63755 Alzenau

Tel :
+49 (0) 6023 97760
Fax: +49 (0) 6023 301 57
Ziegelwerk U . GrOn
Hahner StraBe 80
64354 Reinheim

+49 (0) 61 62 341 5

Fax: +49 (0) 61 62 331 6
Trost Mauerziegel
An der 83
69254 Malsch

+49 (0) 7253 208-0
Fax: +49 (0) 7253 208- 1 6
Hess Ziegelwerke
AmeisenbOhl 40
71 332 Waiblingen

+49 (0) 7 1 5 1 5 1 034

Fax: +49 (0) 7 1 51 1 8949
Neuschwander GmbH
Nei ppergerstraBe 4 1
74336 Brackenheim

+49 (0) 7 1 35 961 09-0

Fax: +49 (0) 7 1 35 961 09-3
Ziegelwerk Schmid
Erligheimer StraBe 45
74357 Bi:innigheim

+49 (0) 7 1 43 8744-0

Tel :
Fax: +49 (0) 7 1 43 8744-50
Wienerberger Werk MOhlacker
ZiegeleistraBe 1 2
7541 7 Miihlacker

Tel :
+49 (0) 7041 8706-0
Fax: +49 (0) 7041 8706-55
Ceraline GmbH
Weisweiler StraBe 6
79771 Klettgau-Erzingen

+49 (0) 7742 9240-0

Fax: +49 (0) 7742 9240-40
Ziegelsysteme Michael Kel lerer
ZiegeleistraBe 1 3

+49 (0) 61 01 5448-48

Fax: +49 (0) 6 1 01 5448-40

82282 Oberweikertshofen

Franz Wenzel
Offenbacher LandstraBe 1 05
6351 2 Hainburg

Leipfinger-Bader KG
Puttenhausen (Werk 2)
AuBere Freisinger Str. 31

Tel :
+49 (0) 6 1 82 9506-0
Fax: +49 (0) 6 1 82 9506-20



+49 (0) 8 1 45 923-0

+49 (0) 8 1 45 5422

84048 Mainburg

+49 (0) 8751 9021

+49 (0) 8751 4571

Schlagmann Baustoffwerke
Grafentraubach 505
84082 Laberweinting

+49 (0) 8772 9686-0
Fax: +49 (0) 8772 9686-1 0


German manufacturers/associations arranged accord ing to postcode

Erlus Baustoffe AG
Hauptstr. 1 06
84088 Neufahrn/NB


+49 (0) 8773 1 8-0

+49 (0) 8773 1 8-1 1 3

GIMA Girnghuber GmbH & Co. KG

Ludwi g-G irnghuber-Str. 1
84163 Marklkofen

Tel :

+49 (0) 8732 24-0

+49 (0) 8732 24-200

Schlagmann Baustoffwerke
Lanhofen 1 00
84367 Tann

Tel : +49 (0) 8572 1 7-0

Fax: +49 (0) 8572 81 1 4
Schlagmann Baustoffwerke
Lengdorfer StraBe 4
84424 1sen

Tel: +49 (0) 8083 5399-0

Fax: +49 (0) 8083 1 563
Ziegelwerk Aubenham
Adam Holzner KG
Aubenham 3
84564 Oberbergkirchen


+49 (0) 8637 841

+49 (0) 8637 454

Ziegelwerke Lei pfinger-Bader KG

Vatersdorf 1 0 (Werk 1 )
847 1 2 Buch a. Erlbach

Tel: +49 (0) 8762 733-0

Fax: +49 (0) 8762 733-1 1 0
Zieg elwerk Gerhard Turber
Riedenburger Str. 25
85104 Pforring


+49 (0) 8403 9294-0

+49 (0) 8403 9294-25

Ziegelwerk l g naz Schiele

Wittenfelder StraBe 1 5
851 1 1 Adelschlag

Franz X. Hanrieder OHG
Kratzerimbach 3

Ziegei-Kontor Ulm GmbH
O l gastraBe 94

85406 Zolling

89073 Ulm

Te l :


+49 (0) 8 1 67 950233

+49 (0) 8 1 67 931 7

Hiirl Ziegei-Technik
ZiegeleistraBe 24
86368 Gersthofen

+49 (0) 821 4789-0

Tel :
Fax: +49 (0) 821 4789-299
Schlagmann Baustoffwerke
ZiegeleistraBe 3 1
86551 Aichach

Tel: +49 (0) 81 68 9062-0

Fax: +49 (0) 81 68 9062-23
Ziegelwerk Anton Hanrieder OHG
Harland 1 9 1 /2
85406 Zolling

Tel : +49 (0) 81 67 950284

Fax: +49 (0) 8 1 67 9036

Ziegelwerk Gundelfingen GmbH

AuBere Haunsheimer Str. 2

Ziegelwerk Waldsassen AG
Am Bergwerk 1 2

86633 Neuburg-Ried

89584 Ehingen

Ziegelwerk Englert GmbH

Krautheimer StraBe 8

Tel :

Tel: +49 (0) 7391 5008-0

Fax: +49 (0) 7391 5008-33


+49 (0) 8431 83 1 9

+49 (0) 8431 4 1 1 28

Creaton AG
D i l l i nger Str. 60
86637 Wertingen

Tel :

+49 (0) 8272 86-0

+49 (0) 8272 86-500

Markt Wald GmbH
Lechfelder Str. 20


+49 (0) 9073 9599-0

+49 (0) 9073 9599-60

Walther Dachziegel GmbH

Lohmuhle 3-5
90579 Langenzenn


+49 (0) 9 1 01 708-0

+49 (0) 91 01 708-38

Wienerberger Werk Spardorf

Buckenhofer StraBe 1

86830 Schwabmiinchen

91 080 Spardorf

+49 (0) 8232 4074
Fax: +49 (0) 8232 3321

+49 (0) 9 1 3 1 509-0
Fax: +49 (0) 9 1 3 1 509-50

Ziegelwerk Klosterbeuren
Ludwig Leinsing GmbH & Co.
ZiegeleistraBe 1 2
87727 Babenhausen

+49 (0) 8333 9222-0
Fax: +49 (0) 8333 4405

+49 (0) 7564 308-0

Fax: +49 (0) 7564 308-90
Georg Rimmele KG
J.G. Scheerle KG
Pfullendorfer StraBe 1 Q-1 2
885 1 2 Mengen


+49 (0) 7572 8275

+49 (0) 7572 6764

Ott Ziegel
Pfu llendorf GmbH & Co. KG
Oberlinger StraBe 70
88630 Pfullendorf

Tel : +49 (0) 7552 921 6-0

Fax: +49 (0) 7552 921 6-22
Ziegelwerk Ott
ZiegeleistraBe 20
88662 Uberlingen-Deisendorf


1 16

95652 Waldsassen

+49 (0) 9632 848-0

Fax: +49 (0) 9632 848-48

Georg Rimmele KG
Riedlinger StraBe 49

Hiirl & Hartmann

Ziegeltechnik GmbH
Pellheimer Str. 1 7

85395 Wolfersdorf

89297 Bellenberg

+49 (0) 7306 9650-0
Fax: +49 (0) 7306 9650-77

Ziegelwerk Stengel GmbH

l ngolstadter Str. 1 01

8841 0 Bad Wurzach-Arnach

Wiihrl GmbH
Berghaselbach 5

Ziegelwerk Waldsassen AG
Mitterte icherstraBe 6

89423 Gundelfingen

Ziegelwerk Arnach
J. Schmid GmbH & Co. KG
ZiegeleistraBe 1

Tel : +49 (0) 8 1 3 1 555-0

Fax: +49 (0) 8 1 3 1 555-222
info@hoerl-hartmann . de

Ziegelwerk Bellenberg
Wiest GmbH & Co. KG
Tiefenbacher Str. 1

95490 Mistelgau

+49 (0) 9279 998-0

Fax: +49 (0) 9279 998-66

Tel :
+49 (0) 8251 888 1 -0
Fax: +49 (0) 8251 8881 - 1 0

Tel: +49 (0) 8424 8922-0

Fax: +49 (0) 8424 8922-22

85221 Dachau

+49 (0) 731 966940

+49 (0) 731 63053

Dehn-Ziegel GmbH & Co. KG

Culmer StraBe 1 4

+49 (0) 755 1 622 1 4

+49 (0) 755 1 4947

Dehn-Ziegel GmbH & Co. KG

Am Hutsberg 1
9 1 4 1 3 Neustadt a. d. Aisch

Tel: +49 (0) 9 1 6 1 8998-0

Fax: +49 (0) 9 1 6 1 8998-22
Ansbacher Ziegelei
NaglerstraBe 40
91 522 Ansbach

Tel: +49 (0) 981 96955-0

Fax: +49 (0) 981 96955- 1 5
Schlagmann Baustoffwerke
ZiegeleistraBe 5
92444 Rotz

Tel: +49 (0) 9976 2001 1 -0

Fax: +49 (0) 9976 2001 1 -504
Ziegelwerk Sittling
Kiiglmaier OHG
Sittl ing 23 1 /2
93333 Neustadt a. d. Donau

Tel :

+49 (0) 9445 2834

+49 (0) 9445 2598

Jungmeier GmbH & Co. KG

Landshuter Str. 1 30
94315 Straubing


+49 (0) 9421 5007-0

+49 (0) 9421 5007-400

95706 Schirnding


+49 (0) 9233 771 4-0

+49 (0) 9233 771 4-1 4

97509 Zeilitzheim

+49 (0) 9381 2433

+49 (0) 9381 4740

Wienerberger Werk
Bad Neustadt
BesengaustraBe 1 9
976 1 6 Bad Neustadt

+49 (0) 9771 6 1 340

Fax: +49 (0) 9771 2952
info@wzi . de
ZU Bayerische Ziegelunion
Zur Ziegelei 1 6
97753 Karlsstadt-Wiesenfeld

Tel :
+49 (0) 9359 971 0-0
Fax: +49 (0) 9359 971 01 8
Wienerberger Werk
Erfurt-G ispersleben
Zur Alten Ziegelei
99091 Erfurt-Gispersleben

Tel :
+49 (0) 361 7401 8-0
Fax: +49 (0) 361 7 401 8-99
Wienerberger Werk Bol lstedt
Am Silberrasenweg 1
99998 Bollstedt

Tel : +49 (0) 3601 8816-0

Fax: +49 (0) 3601 881 6-1 4
i nfo@wzi .de

Subject index

Subject index


75, 83, 84, 88, 92


75, 83, 84

Airtight membrane

62, 63, 65, 67


20, 64, 72

Background for plaster/render
4 1 , 42, 43, 44, 45,
Basement wall
48, 50, 5 1 , 52, 54, 81 , 82, 85, 86, 1 0 1
Basement wall render
50, 86
Bitumen felt

Glazed door

1 4, 1 5

Grip (thumb) openings

25, 50, 75, 9 1

Gross density
Ground floor slab

1 3, 1 4, 1 8, 25, 26, 43

76, 77

Header bond
Interlocking perpends

1 6, 45, 48

Lig htweight mortar

76, 87, 88

Lightwei g ht plaster/render

Bonding rules

80, 81
75, 85

Bulk density
Bullnose tiles
Butt joint

34, 62, 65

75, 93

63, 67, 81 , 82


56, 80, 82, 93


68, 69

Chimney stack
Clay channel

67, 69
2 1 , 23, 91 , 1 03, 1 05 , 1 1 1

Clay hol low pot floor

Coating materials

30, 33, 79

59, 81 , 82, 1 03, 1 05

8, 44, 45, 78, 79, 80, 93

Compressive strength
Concrete l i ntel

2 1 , 75

Make-up unit

20, 73, 76, 77

Masonry bonds
Maximum vertical load
Minimal chimney

8 1 , 82

Minimum vertical load

81 , 82

80, 82

Non-loadbearing wall

2 1 , 50, 82, 85

Normal-wei ght mortar

42, 82, 83, 88, 89, 91 , 92, 93


33, 76, 78, 80, 92

92, 93
1 3, 1 6, 1 7, 25,
45, 50, 5 1 , 52

Damp-proof membrane 1 3, 1 6, 42, 5 1 , 53, 55

Dimensional coordination
1 4 , 1 5, 1 6, 1 7 , 1 8, 20, 43, 47, 54,


"octametric" system

22, 44, 56, 74, 75,


79, 80, 81 , 83, 93, 97, 1 02, 1 04

55, 75, 78, 79, 80, 81 , 97, 98, 1 00, 1 08, 1 09

42, 48, 50, 52, 54, 1 03
30, 3 1 , 32, 33, 34, 35,

62, 63, 64, 66, 98, 1 02

End-grain wood-block flooring
1 05
54, 1 08
Entrance door
1 0, 1 1 , 1 2 , 1 6,

1 1 , 22 , 23, 25, 28, 36, 39, 70

Perimeter insulation
41 , 44, 45, 46, 47, 1 07


2 1 , 20, 23, 27, 58, 59, 90


1 6, 67, 85, 88, 89, 91 , 92

Sound insulation

80, 91 , 92
1 7 , 29, 31 ' 42, 44,
50, 70, 1 05, 1 1 1
87, 88, 90

Stab i lity

36, 79, 80, 81 , 93

1 6, 25, 45, 57
76, 77

Stretcher bond
Strip foundation

1 3, 1 2 , 1 6, 24, 42, 45, 48, 50

24, 30, 32, 33, 35, 39, 63, 67,

73, 74, 78, 79, 80, 81 , 85, 86, 90, 91 , 93, 1 06

83, 84, 85
Synthetic resin plaster
1 6, 43, 45,

Thermal bridge

49, 63, 67, 73, 90, 93

Thermal insulation

1 4, 1 6, 1 7 , 20, 22, 23,

62, 65 , 67, 73, 75, 83, 84, 85, 87, 90, 91 , 97,
98, 1 03, 1 05, 1 09, 1 1 1
Thermal insulation plaster/render
83, 85, 87
Thickness of plaster/render

Pl inth
Plinth render
Purl in roof

1 1 , 1 2 , 1 3 , 1 6, 25, 40, 44, 45,

46, 50, 5 1 , 52, 85, 86
1 3 , 5 1 , 86
30, 31 , 32, 33, 34

Rad iator recess

4 1 , 55, 57, 56, 58, 59


Raft foundation
Rai nwater drip

2 1 , 65, 69

Reinforced masonry

Thin-bed mortar
Three-dimensional construction
Timber joist floor
Toothed block


34, 35, 36, 37, 79, 80, 81

20, 6 1 , 67, 72, 73,
75, 1 03


84, 85, 87, 88, 89, 90

4 1 , 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 80, 93

48, 50
81 , 82, 93

Vapour barrier

48, 62, 64, 1 03, 1 07 , 1 09

Vapour check

64, 65, 67
32, 37, 63, 65, 69, 1 0 1 , 1 09


33, 35, 63, 65, 98, 1 02, 1 03

1 1 , 1 2 , 1 3, 1 4 , 1 6, 20, 2 1 , 22, 24, 45,

47, 50, 5 1 , 52, 56, 57, 59, 60, 6 1 , 63, 65, 68,
69, 73, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 98, 1 00,
1 01 ' 1 03 , 1 04, 1 05 , 1 09, 1 1 0, 1 1 1

33, 67, 83
69, 68
74, 75

Rendering system

83, 85, 87

1 2 , 1 4 , 1 6, 27

Renovation plaster

1 8, 20, 2 1 , 56, 58, 75
22, 30, 33, 36, 37,


2 1 , 22, 23, 53, 58, 59

25, 37, 76, 79

84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 1 0 1 ,

1 05, 1 07 , 1 09, 1 1 1 ' 1 1 2
1 3 , 86
Plastering system

Reinforced concrete ground slab

33, 37, 63, 65, 67

Shallow clay lintel

Shear wall

33, 37, 42, 43, 44, 48, 50, 52, 56, 57, 58, 60,

1 3, 1 6,
Reinforced concrete floor slab
53, 60, 63, 81 ' 82, 91 ' 1 05, 1 1 1

Gable wall
Gauged block

1 7, 45, 65,
92, 1 07, 1 09, 1 1 1

1 2 , 1 3 , 37, 45, 57, 63, 65, 73, 83,


48, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62 , 64, 75, 76, 79, 82,

8, 9, 41 , 69, 70
83, 84, 85, 86, 88, 89, 90

1 4, 1 7 , 1 9 , 33, 42, 44, 48, 58, 63,

67, 7 1 , 1 05, 1 07, 1 09

Party wall


93, 98, 1 00, 1 04


Synthetic resin render

1 8, 20, 23, 25, 27, 30, 32, 34, 4 1 , 43, 44, 45,

Frost heave

33, 35, 37, 39,

50, 62, 65 , 1 01 , 1 03, 1 07

1 1 ' 24, 26, 27, 29,



Flue l ining

33, 34, 38, 40, 62, 63, 66


3 1 , 4 1 , 42 , 53, 55, 68, 76

Damp-proof course

Format code

33, 35, 37, 63, 7 1 , 98, 1 02, 1 03

Stop bead



False wall

Roof tile
Roofing felt

Silicate p laster/render

83, 84, 85


Finish coat
Fire protection
Flat-pan tiles

8, 9, 1 1 , 30, 32,

Separating layer

perforated clay masonry

75, 85
4 1 , 43, 46, 47, 49, 5 1 , 53
2 1 , 20, 22, 23, 53, 58,

25, 76

Capping beam

External wall

62, 67

Roof space

1 3 , 83, 85, 87

Lightwei g ht vertically

Load bearing wall


58, 59, 60, 6 1 , 1 09

Roof plate

1 2 , 1 6, 42

Bonding dimension


9, 41 ' 55, 56, 57,


Bl inding

Couple roof

Roller shutter

1 2, 1 3, 1 6, 42, 48, 54

Hard core

79, 81

Ring beam system

Ring beam

39, 79, 81 , 92, 1 03

Waterproofi ng

1 2 , 1 3, 1 4 , 42, 48, 50, 52, 70,

86, 1 01 , 1 07, 1 09
9, 1 1 , 20, 2 1 , 22, 4 1 , 47, 53, 55,

56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61 , 75, 78, 79, 80, 81 , 97,
98, 1 03, 1 04 , 1 05, 1 1 0, 1 1 1
Window board
Window sill
Wood-wool slab

56, 58, 1 1 1
21 , 59
57, 87, 88, 98


I n d ex of person s , p i cture cred its

Picture credits

Index of persons
page 97

page 1 06

pages 7, 1 08

Housing complex in Munich

Housing development in Neu-Uim

Franz Wimmer, M u n i c h


Cl ient:

Christof Wallner, Munich

Bettina Gbrgner, Corinna M u l l er
Structural e n g i n eer:
Joachim Eiermann , M u n i c h
p a g e 98
Semi-detached house in Munich
Cli ent:
Brig itte Puis, M u n i c h
And reas Meek, Munich
Brig itte Puis, M u nich
Detailed desi g n :
Stephan Kbppel, M u n i c h
Structural e n g i neers:
Hans-Ludwig Hausdorfer,
Markt Schwaben

N UWOG/Helmut M i l d ner,
G .A.S.-Sahner, Stuttgart
Georg Sahner
Structural e n g i n eers:
l n g . Buro Mul ler, Kirch berg/l ller
page 1 08

Doris Schmid-Hammer, M u n i c h
Timo Jeskanen,
Manfred Weihermann
Structural engi neers:

Andreas Meek, M u n i c h

House in Hallertau
Waiter Stolz, Rosenheim
Georg Treng ler
Elisabeth Mehrl (colour scheme)
Structural e n g i n eers:
Bauer l n genieure, Landshut
page 1 04

Studio house in Eichstatt

Mr and Mrs Lan g , Eichstatt

Diezinger & Kramer, Eichstatt

1 18

page 1 04

Andreas Gabriel , M u n i c h

pages 1 06, 1 07

Peter Bonfi g , M u n i c h

Egbert Ackerman n ,

p a g e 1 09

Christoph Engler

Edwi n Kunz, Berg

Structural eng i neer:

Franz Mitter-Man g , U nterreit
page 1 1 0

Woh n u ngsbau Ludwi gsburg G m b H

Hartwig N. Schneider with
Gabriele Mayer, Stuttgart
Project architects:
Andreas Gabriel,
l n go Pelchen
Franz Lutz

Behringer und Muller, M u n i c h

page 1 02

Gerhard Sc hlbtzer, Bamberg

page 1 05

Housing complex in Ludwigsburg

Thomas Hammer and

Job Roman, M u n i c h

p a g e 1 03

Stefan M u l ler-Nauman n , M u n i c h



H e n n i n g Koepke, M u n i c h

p a g e 1 02

Housing complex in Waldkrai burg

page 1 00

Norbert und Klaus Weigl

M i chael Heinrich, M u n i c h

pages 1 00, 1 0 1


Houses in Munich

pages 95, 97, 9 8 , 9 9

I n dex of persons
The names are listed after specifying the
respective architect.

pages 1 1 0 , 1 1 1

Christian Kan dzia, Essl i n gen

page 1 1 2

Roland Halbe/Contur, Colog ne

Photographs not specifically credited
were taken by the architects, provided
by the manufacturer, or suppl ied from
the DETA I L archives.

ISBN 3 - 7 6 4 3 - 7 1 1 1 - 0

L 7 OO

1 1 1 11111 1 111 1 1 1 1 1
7 8 3 7 6 4

3 7 1 1 1 1

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