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Bishops Committee March 14, 2010

Attending: Maria, Carrol, Krista, Peter, Wynne, Jessie, Pam

Peter opened with a prayer.

Minutes were accepted with a spelling change.

Treasurer’s report:
Pam noted that we sent a check to the Haiti fund: ERD for $1337 from the
choir dinner and $480 from a plate offering.
A motion to accept the treasurer’s report was made by Maria and seconded
by Krista. It was approved.
Pam asked if we were interested in hiring someone for a few hours a week to
do management things like collect mail, coordinate the bulletin, make
necessary phone calls, write checks, and pay bills. Krista thinks that we
should have a written job description and a person for this person to be
accountable to.

We decided to finalize the specific job description, consider it and vote on it

next meeting.

Interim Vicar Report

Taize Service will be Palm Sunday evening.

Parochial report was passed out. This shows things like attendance,
membership, etc. Total active baptized members for this year was 65. This
was pared down from the number last year as it was felt to be inaccurate.
Average Sunday attendance was 47. A move to accept this report was made
by Krista and seconded by Jessie. The report was approved by the Bishop’s

Peter gave Maria the forms for the Church Assistance Grant which can
provide a congregation up to $7500 in matching funds for capital
improvements. It was suggested that this could be used for Vicarage
improvements. The 2009 financial audit/review report is required as a part of
this application.

The letter of agreement for the interim Vicar was extended through July 31.
Moved by Krista and seconded by Maria. Approved.

Discernment Committee for Maria was discussed. The Bishop has given his
approval for the process to begin (since Carrol is a “stable” priest in place in
the congregation).

Dan Smith will be here on March 21st to meet with the Bishop’s Committee.
We may ask him to make a short presentation to the congregation at coffee
hour before this meeting.
We will wait on appointing a parish profile committee until we meet with him.
Carrol asked if we will send out a survey to the congregation – we might do
this. We should gather a packet of materials about Kirksville to give to

Peter will take two Sundays off: April 11 and June 13. Carrol will cover those

Associate Priest’s Report

Carrol wanted to talk about the monthly weekday Eucharist that was
discussed last meeting in light of the Taize Service. We agreed we would still
like to try it. This would probably take place on Wednesday night and begin
after Easter.

A wedding policy and building use policy was also discussed. Two people
inquired about having a wedding here and although they ultimately decided
not to get married here, Carrol felt that we should have a wedding policy.
She suggested that we adopt the one that Peter used which includes the
requirement to attend church for 3 months before discussing the wedding.
Carrol will put something together and bring it to the next meeting.

Carrol will be gone June 15th through the end of the month. She will also be
gone in August for a week.

Bishop’s Warden Report

The directory revision is underway. Krista is gathering bids for printing.
Wynne moved to approve the expense of printing and Maria seconded. It was

Pete, Wynne, Peter, and Krista attended a leadership training workshop on

Public Narrative last Saturday. They felt that it was worthwhile.

The Stations of the Cross are up and the service has been done 4 times.
There have been 6 to 10 people at each service.

A student of Alan Davis (with Alan’s supervision) has met with Pam about the
audit. He wondered what we should do about the years that we missed
(2007 and 2008). He will report in June and we will review it then. We need
an audit if we want to apply for any grants for capital improvement such as
improvements at the vicarage. (Deadline for this grant is April 30.)

It was brought up at the town hall meeting that we are not communicating
with the congregation very well. We will expedite the approval of the
minutes so we can post them on the website in a timely fashion.

Junior Warden Report

For the website, Maria has moved the calendar to google calendar. She also
made a fllickr account for photographs and subscribed to ScribD for
uploading copies of the minutes and newsletter etc. These are all free
software. Some portions of the website still need text and she would like to
solicit others in the parish who have ideas for and would like to compose the
text for two sections: ”Care with us“ and “Worship with us”. We also need to
revise the “Grow with us” section. She eventually would like to stop being in
charge of the web site.

We have a fire inspection every six months. Maria met with the fire inspector
and every thing was good. The fire extinguishers need to be recharged.

Clean-up day is March 27. This is also Maria’s 50th birthday.

Canterbury club – no report.

No new business.

It was moved by Jessie and seconded by Maria to adjourn the meeting at


Closing prayer.

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