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growing in faith...sharing Gods love
ays &
July B

Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in
I open this letter with that line because of what I received at Annual Conference this
year. If I havent shared these words with you before, I remind you that they are the
opening line of that fantastic document, Desiderata. If you are interested in reading the
entire document, you can look it up on the internet, or you can ask me and I will get you
a printed copy. It is a remarkable read.
I know that I have offered my rather critical comments in the past of the actions and
behaviors of participants at the conference. I am delighted to share that this years
attendance was more enjoyable. In the many discussions that occurred across the
conference floor, it seemed attendees were less confrontational. At least, they were
more civil. Thank you, Lord.
A very delightful part of this years conference were the messages given by Adam
Hamilton, author and principal pastor of The Church of the Resurrection UMC in
Kansas City. The church started in 1990, with four people. Today it has grown to be the
largest UMC in the US, with 18,000 members. Impressive, eh? Yet the delightful aspect
of Rev. Hamilton is that he is not so much a motivational speaker as he is an
encourager, and a downright common, yet knowledgeable human.
The other thing I brought home, in addition to Hamiltons encouragement, is a book
by the former, and now late, Iowa Bishop, Reuben Job. Rev. Job was a remarkable
leader of the Iowa Conference and an author of many books. One of those books,
Listen, Praying in a Noisy World, was given as a gift to all attendees by our current
Bishop, Julius Trimble. The books emphasis is helping Christians (really, anyone would
benefit) to work towards greater peace with self and responding to Gods guidance.
It is designed to be used during the forty day period of Lent, but can be implemented
at any time of the year/life to help anyone seeking a transition to a more peaceful life.
You see, the number forty has a special significance in the Bible. The Israelites
wandered for forty years, Jesus was in the wilderness for forty days, and it was forty
days between the resurrection and the ascension of Christ. All of those forties were
times of significant learning. Interesting that many modern day rehab and recovery
clinics are designed to last forty days. Unfortunately, insurance pays for only thirty days
and many programs have to be adjusted. It is also said that it takes forty days to
develop a habit, or as I would like to say, forty days to transform a bad habit into a
healthier lifestyle. Seriously, if you have something in your life that is not helpful or
healthful in your life, abstain from it for forty days and see how well your personal
strength has developed. In my twenty years of counseling, I had many clients who
found success with eliminating addictive behaviors using this forty day philosophy.
There is a little more to it though than just charging forward into recovery on your own.
You invite the Creator to be your guide and strength.
Seeking Gods presence and direction may seem overwhelming until we remember
Christs words in John 14:26, the Companion, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will
send in my name, will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have
told you. God does not leave us alone to discern His will. He has sent a Friend, the
Holy Spirit.
If you are struggling with an issue like addiction, or anger, or grief, I want you to know
that many have had the same struggles and have overcome their challenges when they
stop struggling on their own, and invite Gods true and Holy Spirit to be their companion
on the journey.
Max Ehrmann was an attorney from Terre Haute, Indiana. He was the author of
Desiderata. He must have known something of the stresses and challenges in life. He
also must have known a great deal of the Holy Spirits power in his life, for he closes
Desiderata with these words, be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with
your soul.
continued on next page





Ryan Hook
Grace Schewe
Joshua Yergler
Andy & Sara (Koster) Schrodt
Jacob Collins
Brenda Arnote
David Yungbluth
Kyle Weitzell
Sandreana Lamer
Tom Fleming
Bill & Linda Havelka
Larry Read
Chuck Rosacker
Darrin Anderson
Bryce Newcomb
Fred & Barb (Fleming) Yergler
Doug Hlas
Janine Anderson
Ava Kloster
Marcia Smith
Ryan & Crystal Anderson
Beverly Worden
Cael Handorf
Tricia Steen
Aidan Kloster
Amelia Steen
Ethan Kloster
Dennis Lemker
Allison Schaffer
Summer Langenbau
Phil & Karen Collins
John Winters
Janel McVey Sullivan
JJ Isaiah Sullivan
Ryan Anderson
Frances Jackson
Linda (Collins) Reynolds
TJ Schaffer
Doug & Marla Hlas
Cheryl (Appelgate) Callahan
Aaron Bessman
Shirley Svendsen
Lynn Handorf

Lois Groth
Merle & Jane Appelgate
Cam & Sara (Krull) Himes
Adam Yungbluth
William Worden

pel N ew s
Listen for God in this noisy world. He is in all places and in the midst of all confusion.
Genesis 1 speaks of the earth being without shape or form and in darkness. The
Hebrew word from which that phrase is derived could also be translated as chaos. Over
that chaos, that darkness, God spoke and light appeared. His light will overcome the
darkness in our lives now as it was in the beginning.
I pray, and ask for your prayers, that our worship services bring the Word of God,
Jesus Christ, into our darkened spirits and transform us into light for a weary and noisy
world. See you in church. Pastor Mark

Update on Jace
Thank you to everyone who has prayed for Jace's recovery! He is doing well,
but the recovery has been slow on his right leg. He has only healed 35% on his
right leg compared to 85% on his left leg. We really appreciate all the cards,
Jace loved them!
Lets give a Chapel warm welcome to newcomers, Trisha Slifer and son Caden.
Chapel Friends,
Moving is a difficult time to say the least. In past moves, Dan and I
have always been ready to go on to our next home with excitement. That has
not been the case with this move. The Chapel family has been our extended
family. We have enjoyed watching your children and grandchildren grow. We
have worked beside you, celebrated with you, mourned with you and prayed
earnestly for those who find themselves on bended knee pleading with the
Lord. You give your time, talents and dollars to help those in need close to
home and in faraway places. You are truly the light of Christ. You dont just say
it on Sunday, you live it and dont hesitate to give financially for it.
On our last Sunday at Chapel, while Kathryn was playing the beautiful
medley of songs, my eye went to the aisle end of each pew. The rounded tops
are worn. Antique Roadshow would say the pews have patina. That patina is
from years of Chapel members holding on to those pew ends during holidays,
worship services, funeral services, and wedding celebrations. That wear is
from past generations, as well as current members, and will continue to the
next hundred years of future Chapel members. You have heard of Boston
Strong; well, you are Chapel Strong.
I wish I could clone all of you and bring you to South Dakota with us,
but I assume most of you would rather not move north. The Lord brought us to
Chapel so I know He will guide us in finding another church. But the members
of Chapel Church will never be replaced. You are our dear friends. Thank you
for the wonderful ten years.
Your friends,
Dan and Tricia
Dan and Tricia Steen
48512 Fairway Circle
Garretson, SD 57030
Phone number: 605-594-3331
P.S. If you need a weekend away, Google: Palisades State Park, Garretson. It
is only five hours from Gladbrook. Our home is right next to the park.

Opening Adult Sunday School
Sunday School superintendents, Vaugn Kloster, Lynn Handorf, Mike Vint
and Randy Beichley take turns giving much food for thought from
9:30-9:40 each Sunday. Please include this ten minutes as part of your
Sunday School experience!

Sun/June 28: 8-12:30, Corn
Carnival Omelet Breakfast,
Memorial Bldg
Thurs/July 2: No UMW
Sat/July 4: Happy Fourth of
Sun/July 5: 9:30 SS; 10:30
worship, communion; potluck &
pool party at Doug & Linda
Svendsens following church
Tues-Sun, July 7-12: Marshall
County Fair
Wed, July 8: 1:30 pm at Connie
Appelgates home, 408 Spring
St, Gbrook; Devotions Karen
Handorf; Program Marie Benda
Table Setting & Floral
Arrangement; LCA
Sun/July 12: 9:30 am Sunday
School; 10:30 am Worship,
Mission Minute
Wed-Sun/July 14-19: Tama
County Fair
Fri/July 17: Newsletter items
Sun/July 19: 9:30 am Sunday
School; 10:30 am Worship
July 20-Aug 5: Belize trip
Sun/July 26: 9:30 am
Sunday School; 10:30 am
Mon/July 27: 9 am
Newsletter Preparation

Cha pel N ew s
July/August Tasks
Children ages 3 sixth grade are enjoying summer Sunday School together
in one group! The theme is Amusement Parks, such as the roller coaster
that goes up and downjust like life has its ups and downs. We hope to see
you at 9:30 am Summer Sunday School!
July Jr/Sr: Randy & Susan Beichley
July 5 Ages 3-Grade 6: Carol Lamer
July 12 Ages 3-Grade 6: Lynn Handorf
July 19 Ages 3-Grade 6: Dana Rosacker
July 26 Ages 3-Grade 6: Backoffs
Aug Jr/Sr: Chris & Marci Krull
Aug 2 Ages 3-Grade 6: Ron & Lois Groth
Aug 9: Ages 3-Grade 6: Bill & Tammy Backoff
Aug 16 Ages 3-Grade 6: VISITATION SUNDAY
Aug 23 Ages 3-Grade 6: Janice Collins
Aug 30 Ages 3-Grade 6: Heidi Langenbau
Heidi Langenbau, Jr Sunday School superintendent, would like to finalize
preschool through high school Sunday School teachers for Sept 2015-May
2016. The more teachers we have, the less work it is for everyone. The
material is easy to use because Barbara Burt organizes each weeks lesson
in one folder and Ann Jackson replenishes the pencils, markers, scissors,
etc. Please contact Heidi ASAP at 641-499-2541 or if you can help. Thanks!


M&M Sunday School Edited Teaching Rotation

July: Lynn Handorf
Aug: Stan Koster
Sept: Vaugn Kloster
Oct: Mike Vint
Nov: Stan Koster
Dec: Dan Beane
July 5 Picnic & Games at Svendsens
Plan now to attend Sunday School and church at Chapel on July 5, and then
trek to Doug & Linda Svendsens at 1632 Zeller Ave for a potluck, games and
pool time. Word is that last years party at the Svendsens was the most fun
ever! Please bring table service, lawn chairs, a covered dish to share, a swim
suit if you plan to swim, and sunscreen! We hope you can join us for food,
fellowship and fun on July 5!
Our Sympathy
Family of Earl Hoing, former Chapel resident, passed away May 25 in
Colorado. Graveside service is on Fri, Sept 4, at 11 am at Chapel
cemetery. Lunch will be at Gladbrook Peace Church. Survivors
include his wife of 56 years, Janice; a brother, Edward; three sons;
grandchildren & great grandchildren.



Sun/Aug 16: Visitation Sunday, no

Sunday School or church (note
change; there will be church
August 9)
Sun/Aug 30: 4-7 pm, Ice Cream
Social, Gladbrook Peace Church
Fri/Sept 11: 11:30 am, Volunteers
serve lunch to Gladbrooks senior
citizens at Chapel
Thurs/Sept 17: 7 pm Volunteers
meeting at church; devotions and
lunch volunteers?

Cha pel N ew s
Thank you for serving! Please trade if you have a conflict with your time.
Suggested maximum time: 10 minutes
(edited 7.14.15)
July 5 Marla
July 12 Claire
July 19 Cathy
July 26 Pastor Mark


Nick Niedermann,
hospitalized June 13-14,
Donald Mann, recovering
Aug 2 Susan
Jace Hlas, concerns about one leg
Aug 9 Marci
healing correctly.
Aug 16 Visitation Sunday
Philip Ormston, slow
Aug 23 Claire
progress; Bill & Cindy visited
Aug 30 Pastor Mark
him several times recently.
Noah Winters, grandson of
Sept 6 Marla
Carol & Leon Lamer,
Sept 13 CC: Owen Collins, Matthew DeSchamp
gallbladder surgery, home on
Sept 20 Cathy
June 3
Sept 27 Pastor Mark
Sharon Somers, stone from
pancreas removed and
Oct 4 Marla
gallbladder surgery early June;
Oct 11 CC: Carter Anderson
back in hospital June 11 for
Oct 18: Marci
heart attack, seizure,
Oct 25 Pastor Mark
pneumonia; Lori Somers
Nov 1 Marla
Ryan Hook, health concerns,
Nov 8 CC: Max & Lincoln Handorf
Nov 15 Susan
Vivian Dennis, recuperating from a
Nov 22 Claire
fall; Cimber Strayers grandmother
Nov 29 Pastor Mark
Rose Cox, 85, part of finger
amputated due to infection; Diana
Dec 6 Marla
Collins mother
Dec 13 CC: Betula & Denjinia Zeller
Dan Steens mother passed away
Dec 20 Marci
June 9, the day of her 90th birthday;
Dec 27 Pastor Mark
prayers & sympathy to Dan & Tricia
________________________________________________________ and family
Ice Cream Social
Don Mann, recovering at home
JD Shouse, Susan Beichleys
Chapels 88th annual Ice Cream Social is history! We hand-cranked
father, passed away
190 gallons total of vanilla, lemon and chocolate ice cream and served it to
about 450 guests and workers on June 20. We sincerely thank all of you who Dean Messerlys sister, lung
helped in any way! It is truly a blessing to see some of our oldest and
youngest Chapel family members coming together to serve! What amazing
things we can accomplish when we come together!
Another piece of great news is that we SOLD OUT of ice cream quarts!
Looks like we may have to up production for next year! Some of you may
have heard about an experiment out in the shed. We decided to try to speed
up the process by pouring a few quarts directly from the freezers into the
paper quart cartons. At the end of the night we did a blind taste test with
several Chapel ice cream connosuiers, including Allen Burt, Barbara Burt,
Vaugn Kloster, Tammy Backoff, Diana Collins, Duane Mann, Cimber Strayer
and Jacob Burt. Not one person could tell the difference in the packed iced
cream and the ice cream poured directly from freezers!! You may have heard
a rumor that we sold poured ice cream quarts last year, but that is not true.
We only poured four quarts last year; two went to Ron Groth and the other
two went to Darrel Burt.
Kevin & Carrie Groth have volunteered to join the committee next year!
For questions or suggestions, contact Dale & Heidi Langenbau, Matt & Ann
Jackson, or Rusty Brown & Kristen Rhodes

ip At
May 31: 64
June 7: 65
June 14: 77
June 21: 72

Cha pel N ew s



Weird Animals at Bible School

The GMG Community Bible School, Weird Animals, was held the week of
June 8-12 at Chapel Church from 1:00-3:30 pm. Students were introduced
to wonderful animals around the world. When "weird" means special, unique,
and one-of-a-kind, kids are reminded of Jesus' special love for them - even
when they feel different!

Congratulations to Mike Mann

for being inducted into the
National Wrestling Hall of Fame.
He was All American all four
years he was at Iowa State!
Seventy children from area churches attended and about 25 adults, junior
Donald & Phyllis Manns son
high and high school students helped everyday. Students participated in
Cimber Strayer started a new
Sing and Play Stampede, Critter Crafts, Untamed Games, One-Of-a-Kind
job June 15
Bible Adventures, Critter Cafe, and the Closing Tail End.
Dean Messerly is part of the
The daily lessons of the week included:
Peter Pan production, end of
Monday: Even when youre left out... Jesus loves you!
July & August
Passage: Jesus heals the lepers. (Luke 17:11-19)
Memory Verse: "I am with you always, even to the end of the
Pastor Mark and Dottie enjoyed
age." (Matthew 28:20)
a vacation with their family to
Tuesday: Even though youre different...Jesus loves you!
Orlando after Iowa Conference.
Passage: Jesus reaches out to a Samaritan woman. (John 4:1-30)
Memory Verse: "For we are Gods masterpiece. He has created us anew in Thank you to Jennifer Daniel for
Christ Jesus." (Ephesians 2:10)
filling the pulpit June 7 and 14.
Wednesday: Even when you don't understand...Jesus loves you!
Orphans of Teso presentation
Passage: Jesus washes the disciples' feet. (John 13:1-17)
and lunch was at Chapel June
Memory Verse: "Do to others as you would like them to do to you." (Luke
Thursday: Even though you do wrong...Jesus loves you!
Welcome to Trisha Slifer and
Passage: Jesus dies and comes back to life. (Luke 22:4724:12)
son Caden, first grader at GMG;
Memory Verse: "God...loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take
1801 Taylor Ave, Marshalltown
away our sins." (1 John 4:10)
Friday: Even when you're afraid...Jesus loves you!
50518; 641-691-1588;
Passage: Ananias bravely helps Saul. (Acts 9:1-19)
Memory Verse: "Dont be afraid...Take courage. I am here!" (Matthew
Chapels newest babies, Knox
Raymond, Jacob White and
Participants included:
Cullen McBride, all attended
worship service on June 14! All
KINDERGARTEN: Riah Boege, Berkley Dvorak, Skyler Murty, Allison
Tremaine, Jacoby Woodbury, Adline Campbell, Bodee Hutchinson; CREW
received rose bowls from UMW
LEADER: CeCe Woltermire
June 17 Chapels gardeners
met to clean up landscape in
FIRST GRADE: Landon Balmer, Max Handorf, Violet Jackson, Caden
preparation for Ice Cream
Karns, Ethan Klemesrud, Delaney McCubbin, Landon Stonewall, Jordan
Rhodes, Ty Smith, Eathan Petermeier; CREW LEADER: Tammy Burt
Social; Karen Handorf, chair
Dan Beane thanked Chapel for
SECOND GRADE: Jay Bessman, Jonas Buchanan, Izzy Cobb, Drayke
Dvorak, Rhianna Murty, Mikayla Pendleton, Macie Sanders, Peyton Laffoon;
support of school in Nova Scotia
CREW LEADERS: Tammy Backoff, Grace Schewe
where son, Doug Beane, is
THIRD GRADE: Jay Bru, Jacob Collins, Avery Duden, Abigail Kemp, Sofie
principal. Recent dedication of
Wickham, Emmitt Petermeier; Carleigh Balmer; CREW LEADER: Garrett
schools remodeling.
FOURTH GRADE: Stella Betts, Lilly Bru, Abby Cobb, Matthew DeSchamp,
YFers, save the dates: Sat &
Reese Dielman, Alivia Edens, Allison Vaverka, Lesli Waltermire, Jabari
Sun, July 11-12, trip to southern
Woodbury, Austin Vaverka, Trey Laffoon, Jocee Mason; CREW LEADERS:
Sue Koster, Jackson Edens
FIFTH GRADE: Brayden Duden, Wyatt Jackson, Carter Kemp, Gwen
The Witness committee and YF
Schaffer, Mariah Stonewall, Taylor Tremaine, Kaylea Duden, Karsyn
presented all fathers June 21
Broekmeier; CREW LEADER: Jake Hlas
with candy bars. We appreciate
Contd next page
you, Fathers!

Cha pel N ew s
SIXTH GRADE: Abe Dielman, Owen Collins, Bryce Edens, Emma Reed, Hannah Vaverka, Chloe Wickham, Kaden
Laffoon, Hunter Ziener; Sean Turnock; CREW LEADER: Diana Collins
SEVENTH GRADE: Nick Collins, Jayden Hessenius, Jace Hlas, Frances Jackson, Zach Krull, Cooper Langenbau,
Conner Murty, Layne Murty, Ross Murty, Angel Schewe; CREW LEADERS: Bill Backoff, Tom Handorf, Emma Knoop
SING AND PLAY STAMPEDE: Denise Kemp, Barbara Burt, Claire Handorf
CRITTER CRAFTS: Carol Lamer, Kasey Winters, Janice Collins
ONE-OF-A-KIND BIBLE ADVENTURES: Claire Handorf, Cathy Vint, Tom Handorf
UNTAMED GAMES: Lynn Handorf, Tom Handorf, Presley Bland
CRITTER CAFE: Shirley Svendsen, Karen Handorf, Carolyn Kloster
KID VID CINEMA: Denise Kemp, Claire Handorf
BUS GUIDES: Curt Bacon, Greg Ochs
DECORATING: Amy Bland, Claire Handorf, Heidi Langenbau
VBS DIRECTOR: Claire Handorf
Please forgive us if anyone was overlooked. Thank you to all who brought your children and helped in any way and to
Vaverkas Preschool and Cathys Daycare in supporting VBS. Also, a big thank you to GMG and Mr. Polich for allowing a
school bus to daily pick up children in Garwin and Green Mountain. It was a great week of exploring one-of-a-kind animals
and recognizing that each of us are unique and special, too. We hope to see you next year!

The Chapel LCA members traveled to Dysart on Wednesday, June 10, 2015, for a day trip. We met the Dysart
Hospitality and Tour team at the Dysart Public Library. They reviewed the shops on Main Street and the gardens we
would be touring. We then left to see the first garden. We were treated to a beautiful garden of a master gardener.
We then traveled to the Zion Lutheran Church, where a power point presentation described the stained glass wall
and several pieces of ironwork made by the local blacksmith artisan. These pieces depict a dove, cross, butterfly, star,
and crche scene. A son of the congregation created a beautiful three -panel painting of the Last Supper, Jesus
Crucifixion, and Jesus Resurrection.
We ate a delicious lunch at the KE Black Mercantile Shop. After lunch we were treated to a tour of garden beds
and potting shed of one of the H.A.T. ladies. We also stopped at the citys rose garden at the Historical Center.
We were then left on our own to visit the many shops on Main Street. We had a very enjoyable day.
Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn Kloster, secretary
The Chapel UMW met Thursday, June 4, 2015, at 7 pm in the church fellowship hall. Carolyn Kloster and Kathryn
Burt presented the program on people with disabilities. A DVD was shown of Joni Tada, a paraplegic, presenting a
speech on Hope is the Best Thing. She emphasized to never give up.
President Susan Beichley called the meeting to order. Ten members answered the roll call by telling, if they knew,
how their parents met. The secretarys minutes of our May meeting were read and approved. Correspondence was read
from The Storks Nest. The treasurers report of $419.08 in checking, and $1003.56 in savings was presented and placed
on file. There were no bills presented.
Four cards have been sent. A rose bowl will be prepared for the child of Kristin Rhodes and Rusty Brown.
There was no old business.
New Business: We discussed doing a project this month dealing with disabilities. Sue Koster made and Claire
Handorf seconded the motion we give $50 to Jace Hlas. Motion carried.
We wont have a meeting in July, so there was discussion on a project for next month. Claire Handorf made and
Janice Collins seconded the motion we give $50 to the House of Compassion. Motion carried.
Our next regular meeting will be September 3 at 7 pm. Our pledge is due in July. Kathryn Burt made and Sue Koster
seconded the motion we pledge $50. Motion carried.
Susan Beichley mentioned that the mission team, the Transformers, will be in Belize July 20-August 5, working with
people with disabilities-the deaf. They will be working on the house for the youngest boys and also a house of a Spanish
speaking family.
Susan Beichley read a blog from a missionary who has had experience handing out Christmas Child shoeboxes in
Senegal. She listed many good hints and ideas on what to purchase and pack in the boxes. These ideas will be posted in
our newsletter near to the date for packing the shoeboxes.
Prayer requests were expressed. Susan Beichley read the scripture for this month and then closed the meeting with
A delicious dessert was served by Sue Koster and Claire Handorf on tables decorated in a childs summer theme.
Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn Kloster, secretary

growing in faith...sharing Gods love
A monthly publication of
Chapel United Methodist Church
1597Abbott Avenue
Gladbrook, Iowa 50635

Pastor Mark Keefer (319) 479-8502; cell (319) 239-4743;
Secretary Amy Niedermann- (641)499-2530; cell (641) 691-3315
Group Email:
Chapel Blog:


Bill & Cindy



M u s i c & F l o w e r s Childrens sermon


Marcia Wiese &

Kathryn Burt

Chris & Amy Bland

Marla Hlas

Jake Hlas &

Garrett Groth


Chuck & Dana


Claire Handorf


Mike & Barb Plaehn Cathy Vint


Stan & Sue Koster

Ann Jackson &

Ann Jackson &
Claire & Karen


Pastor Mark

Dale Langenbau Susan Beichley

& Dain McBride & Sue Koster
Susan Beichley

Donald & Phyllis

Karen Handorf


Visitation Sunday

Visitation Sunday


Randy & Susan


Claire Handorf


Dale & Heidi


Pastor Mark

Marci Krull

Claire & Karen

Lisa Stanley &
Lisa Stanley &
Cindy &
Madison Krull

Sunday School
Jr/Sr: Randy & Susan Beichley
M&M: Lynn Handorf
Adult: Kathyrn Burt
Multi-Age: Carol Lamer
Multi-Age: Lynn & Claire Handorf
Multi-Age: Dana Rosacker
Multi--Age: Bill & Tammy Backoff
Jr/Sr. Chris & Marci Krull
M&M: Stan Koster
Adult: Kathryn Burt
Multi-Age: Ron & Lois Groth
Multi-Age: Tammy Burt
Visitation Sunday
Multi-Age: Janice Collins
Multi-Age: Heidi Langenbau

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