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5 pontos da reflexologia que ajudam a perder peso

Postado por IAH Brasil s 06:54


Conhea cinco pontos mgicos da regio do p que, massageados, ajudam a perder peso

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Massagem nos ps uma delcia e, o melhor, d at pra emagrecer com ela! Com a
reflexologia, tcnica oriental milenar que trabalha o equilbrio fsico e emocional do corpo
tocando ps e mos, possvel desinchar o corpo, diminuir a gula, acelerar o metabolismo e
aumentar a sua disposio!

Apertando pontos especficos dos ps, possvel tratar os principais distrbios que levam
obesidade, como ansiedade, explica a reflexologista Thabata Martins. Existem cinco pontos
nos ps capazes de auxiliar na guerra contra a balana. No dorso, por exemplo, voc ativa a
circulao do sistema linftico e desincha o corpo. Veja quais so as regies dos ps aliadas
do emagrecimento, aprenda a massage-las em casa e entenda seus benefcios para o

1. Acelere o metabolismo

Estimulando este ponto (da tireoide), voc acelera seu metabolismo e turbina a queima de
acares, massas e gorduras, viles do cardpio! A tireoide a glndula responsvel pelo
equilbrio hdrico e trmico do corpo. Ela faz voc queimar calorias pra manter a temperatura
corporal, explica o reflexoterapeuta rik Motta Pereira.

2. Aumente a disposio

Este ponto trabalha a respirao, a circulao e a digesto. Estimulando esta rea com uma
massagem de vaivm, na horizontal, voc respira melhor e facilita a absoro de nutrientes.
Assim, o corpo ganha mais disposio pra queimar calorias!

3. Diminua a gula

Aqui fica o ponto da glndula adrenal, que produz o hormnio adrenalina. Quando voc faz
massagem nessa rea, equilibra o nvel de adrenalina do corpo, controlando a ansiedade e a
tristeza! E a, vamos combinar, fica mais fcil resistir comilana! Para isso, pressione os
dedos sobre a regio da glndula adrenal por dez segundos, trs vezes.

4. Faa o intestino trabalhar

Massageando esta regio do p, voc atinge o ponto do intestino grosso e estimula os

movimentos peristlticos do rgo, responsveis por voc ir ao banheiro. Para isso, deslize
os dedos sobre a rea, de baixo para cima, acompanhando a curva que leva ao meio do p

5. Reduza medidas

Neste ponto voc ativa a circulao do sistema linftico, elimina o acmulo de toxinas nos
tecidos e evita a reteno de lquidos no corpo. s massagear o dorso do p com
movimentos circulares no sentido horrio e, depois, no anti-horrio. Pressione tambm as
quatro regies entre os dedos para ter um efeito de drenagem linftica. Com esses dois tipos
de toque, voc diminui o inchao, melhora o aspecto da celulite e reduz medidas.

Dica: faa todos os movimentos que mostramos aqui por dez segundos, sempre trs vezes.
Comece a massagem no p direito e, depois, passe para o esquerdo. A regrinha vale para
todos os tipos de toque, OK?!

Contedo do site VIVA!MAIS

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Rapid weight loss reflexology 5kg lost month

Foot massage can not only help you to lose weight, to promoting the blood circulation and the body's
metabolism, play diet fat burning a detoxifying role. The massage is a healthy way to lose weight. Here I
present the five foot massage weight loss method, allows you the simple month 5kg lost Oh!
Foot massage principle: to achieve a therapeutic effect by it
As the body structure, all organs nerve Yanjie at the foot and its peripheral blockades, the so-called reflex zones.
Clinical trials show that combines human feet is three-dimensional distribution of human organs and tissues in
miniature. If the body organ or gland is abnormal, it will have a foot reflex zone Crystal deposition and itself (pain
points), every pain point some tactile feedback, such as sand, some form of particles, some only a feeling of
swelling. Stimulus will naturally accelerate surrounding tissue to eliminate stored toxins and waste, and to
achieve a therapeutic effect.
5 Types of reflex zone massage diet
Method 1, foot percussion
Every evening before the fist percussion foot bed, can you eliminate fatigue the day, promote blood circulation, is
enhanced detoxification organs, so that the body of the secretion of vascular smooth speed up the fat burning.
Practice: Foot-centric, rhythmic performed to a slight sense of the degree of pain, about 100 times per foot,
exercise about two minutes completed.
Method 2, trembling legs
Poor circulation is visceral dysfunction and endocrine phenomenon, there are physical toxins cannot be ruled
out, accumulation causes slow metabolism of fat, obesity is. Simple foot local stimulation can promote the blood
circulation, speed up the metabolism.
Practice: sit on the bed or on the floor, let your feet in the air, to shake, and then let your legs such as bicycle
drive rotation. For 2 minutes the province immediately smooth blood circulation, burn fat and improve sleep.
Method 3, barefoot

The biggest advantage of this method is to perform to get the opportunity to palm, palm oil massage, hiking is an
important part of maintaining the balance as much as possible, so that the Palm of the hand is exciting, you can
try to go to dirt road, or prepare a mat with a rounded edge at home.
Practice: Let the finger movement fighting for one of the most important advantages is barefoot, to lose weight
and maintain good health, barefoot, at home as much as possible, so you free your feet from the shoes and
socks. Last 2 minutes.
Method 4, massage toes
Massage the toes not only weight loss, as well as the role of memory.
Practice: You can use both hands, grab the feet of the big toe, a circular massage, massage several times a day,
every two minutes, you can in a circular motion, outside of the little toe rubbing the hand, because the memory
associated with the cerebellum, and small toe reflex is the cerebellum, so little toe massage help to improve
memory performance. Massage for 2 minutes.
Method 5, friction feet
You can rub your feet tightly together so that blood flow to smooth, to footsteps, feel warm, you can fat burning to
increase effect in a short time to detoxify your body.
Practice: sit on the bed or on the floor, lift your feet rubbing firmly against each other, and if at the same time
rubbing his hands better. About 20 times as long as the friction force can, about 2 minutes. This method helps
even sleep.


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