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Ornate shadow ring that increases the

user's wisdom and gives user hiccups!
2. Chipped astral bell that creates acidic fog
and the user gets chills!
3. Shining divine rod that lets the user stop
time and causes a ringing in the user's ear!
4. Rough ethereal stone that lets the user
slow a creature and the user begins to
5. Plain ethereal hammer that lets the user
summon nightmares and the user grows
6. Warm elemental flute that protects the user
from spells and the user can only speak in
a whisper!
7. Warm elemental opal that shrinks the user
and the user becomes hungry!
8. Delicate pre-humanoid rod that lets the
user break inanimate objects and vexes
the user!
9. Smooth elemental flute that lets the user
create an obscuring mist and fills the user
with euphoria!
10. Cool dwarven bone that creates food and
drink and the user cannot read!
11. Old otherworldly coin that lets the user
alter their appearance and grass grows on
the user's skin!
12. Chilling orcish ring that lets the user drain
energy and emits the stench of decaying
13. Ornate elemental crown that increases the
user's intelligence and the user sees
everything in stark black and white!
14. Chipped abyssal ring that lets the user
communicate telepathically and is slimy to
the touch!
15. Crumbling hellish lamp that projects the
user into the astral plane and unbalances
the user!
16. Chipped abyssal ring that lets the user fire
a scorching ray and the user believes
they're a god!
17. Smooth astral opal that lets the user emit
ghost sounds and makes the user
18. Old dark elven pipe that turns user into
unbreakable stone and gives the user a
19. Runed astral crown that lets the user
charm someone and garbles the user's
20. Crumbling elven coin that helps the user
solves puzzles and forces the user to
speak the truth!

21. Ancient arcane gemstone that lets the user

create a safe place and the user is unable
to do math!

41. Burned abyssal pipe that lets the user

summon swarms and the user sees silent
angry ghosts!

60. Warm goblinoid stone that increases the

user's constitution and the user sees
spiders crawling on all living things!

79. Shining undead flute that increases the

user's dexterity and summons
uncontrollable rats!

22. Rough unholy coin that lets the user

soothe someone and the user can only
sing when speaking!

42. Ornate ethereal bell that lets the user

summon a faithful servant and the user
gets the sniffles!

61. Plain shadow brooch that provides limited

telekenesis and the user sweats heavily!

80. Burned otherworldly hammer that

increases the user's strength and the user
becomes lethargic!

23. Smokey ethereal crown that lets the user

emit a cone of cold and drips blood!

43. Warm shadow flute that lets the user locate

an object and the user grows whiskers!

24. Crumbling hellish pipe that answers a

user's question and the user grows
excessive body hair!

44. Ornate arcane brooch that lets the user

create an invisible wall and the user cannot
stop talking!

25. Ornate ethereal lamp that engulfs a

weapon in flame and the user becomes

45. Decorated divine amulet that lets the user

turn rock to mud and the user can only
speak the language of the item's origin!

26. Burned dwarven lamp that lets the user

walk in shadows and shakes vigorously!

46. Decorated orcish gemstone that enlarges

the user and the user becomes afraid of

27. Shining orcish dagger that lets the user

finds traps and insults those around in the
user's voice!

47. Smooth shadow crown that lets the user

create and control an illusional
doppelganger and the user becomes tired!

28. Grimy gnomish opal that lets the user

locate a creature and the user grows claws! 48. Chilling arcane amulet that lets the user
summon webs and shouts angrily at
29. Ancient divine flute that lets the user create
a wall of fire and is uncomfortably cold to
the touch!
49. Ancient elven brooch that lets the user
draws someone closer and makes the user
30. Chilling royal rod that lets the user create a
shell of magical protection and gives the
user an uncontrollable muscular tick!
50. Burned draconic gemstone that lets the
user fire magical missiles and the user
31. Smokey goblinoid lamp that makes the
gains temporary amnesia!
user fall like a feather and makes the
user's skin transparent!
51. Warm elemental tooth that speeds up the
user and smells horrible!
32. Pristine elemental hammer that lets the
user walk on air and glows in bright white
52. Warm pre-humanoid mask that provides
true seeing and attracts mindless monsters!

62. Delicate draconic coin that lets the user

summon a spiritual weapon and shocks
the user randomly!
63. Cool divine bell that lets the user summon
tentacles and turns the user's skin blue!

82. Old elemental stone that lets the user

silence an area and the user gains weight!

64. Decorated dwarven stone that increases

the user's charisma and drips with oil!

83. Cool undead flute that lets the user create

an icy storm and the user becomes a child!

65. Shining elemental lamp that lets the user

reverse gravity and the user becomes

84. Ancient otherworldly glove that lets the

user fires flaming arrows and causes the
user to drool!

66. Delicate goblinoid flute that turns the user's

skin into flexible steel and the user giggles

85. Smokey dark elven coin that increases the

user's luck and makes the user clumsy!

67. Smokey arcane glove that lets the user

open a dimensional door and the user
appears undead!
68. Shining otherworldly dagger that lets the
user command plants and makes the user
69. Decorated elven bone that lets the user
push someone away and emits bright
harmless flames!
70. Plain pre-humanoid gemstone that lets the
user heat metal and the user's hair stands
on end!
71. Decorated pre-humanoid bell that lets the
user control a rope and turns the user's
skin green!

33. Smokey shadow mask that allows passage

through solid objects and turns the user's
skin red!

53. Chipped abyssal ring that lets the user

create an illusion and the user gains acute

72. Chilling astral glove that lets the user

create a wall of rock and the user grows a
thick beard!

34. Rough ethereal mirror that provides

historical visions of the current location and
the user sneezes sporadically!

54. Crumbling orcish ring that lets the user see

through the eyes of another and the user's
extremities go numb!

73. Pristine royal mirror that creates wild

growth and the user becomes paranoid!

35. Burned dark elven pipe that lets the user

levitate and whispers horrible truths!

55. Shining dark elven mask that creates a

magical alarm and sets one of the user's
possessions ablaze!

36. Delicate goblinoid brooch that lets the user

detect motives and the user's eyes glow
37. Plain undead amulet that lets the user
strike true and smells like freshly baked

56. Carved otherworldly mirror that lets the

user create an arcane lock and the user
grows a third eye!

74. Grimy unholy flute that lets the user allows

water breathing and the user appears 50
years older!
75. Chilling unholy mirror that lets the user
walk on water and increases the user's

57. Ornate hellish rod that lets the user create

a blinding light and the user moves slowly!

76. Crumbling shadow coin that lets the user

enrages someone and the user
experiences vertigo!

38. Pristine dark elven tooth that lets the user

make someone sleepy and the user
continually tastes blood!

58. Chipped goblinoid mirror that lets the user

summon a large magical fist and the user's
eyes go totally black!

77. Old astral hammer that lets the user

anchor teleportation and the user becomes

39. Grimy dark elven lamp that lets the user

secure a door and deafens the user!

59. Burned gnomish stone that lets the user

impart a suggestion and the user becomes
overly optimistic!

78. Chipped arcane crown that lets the user

create darkness and the user's flesh
becomes magnetic!

40. Runed dwarven brooch that lets the user

read any language and the user's eyes
move independently!

81. Delicate divine flute that shines like the sun

and attracts insects!

1d100 Random Mundane Magic Items courtesy of Sly Flourish.

86. Carved elven bell that lets the user create

fear and the user becomes depressed!
87. Old ethereal lamp that lets the user create
an explosive rune and shines with
multicolored light!
88. Cool dark elven crown that gives the user
gaseous form and the user grows a tail!
89. Runed ethereal opal that makes the user
invisible and is uncomfortably hot!
90. Crumbling pre-humanoid amulet that
creates an antimagic shell and the user
becomes slightly drunk!
91. Cool divine ring that engulfs the user in
protective flames and renders the user
92. Warm unholy ring that helps the user
opens locks and the user loses a tooth!
93. Old pre-humanoid amulet that lets the user
polymorph an object and smokes!
94. Runed draconic mirror that lets the user
summon a spectral steed and the user
becomes self conscious!
95. Old gnomish flute that lets the user cure
someone and the user is dehydrated!
96. Warm unholy stone that offers brief
glimpses of the future and the user loses
its temper!
97. Warm hellish amulet that lets the user
dispel magic and the user grows a tail!
98. Ornate abyssal bone that lets the user call
lightning and covers the user in purple!
99. Smokey shadow coin that lets the user talk
to plants and the user's bladder always
feels full!
100.Burned divine mirror that gives the user
spider climbing and the user's skin
becomes scales

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