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Theriogenology 68 (2007) 443446

Overview of sexing sperm

G.E. Seidel Jr.*
Animal Reproduction and Biotechnology Laboratory, Colorado State University, ARBL Building,
Foothills Campus, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1683, USA

Hundreds of thousands of off springs have been born as a result of AI with sexed sperm. Although this technology has been used
for many species, the overwhelming majority of pregnancies have been in cattle, nearly all as a result of sperm that were sexed and
subsequently frozen. The technology for sexing sperm has not changed greatly in the past 7 years, but refinements have speeded up
the process and reduced damage to sperm.
The process of commercialization of sexed sperm has accelerated recently. However, this technology is characterized by high
costs, complexity of implementation and lower pregnancy rates than with control sperm. Nevertheless, sexed, frozen bovine sperm
are being produced commercially in many countries, although from a limited number of bulls.
The main application of sexed sperm to date has been to breed dairy heifers to produce female calves. Because of the slow speed
of sexing sperm, fewer sperm are used per insemination dose of sexed than conventional sperm, and pregnancy rates with this
product are often only slightly decreased. Successful use of sexed sperm requires excellent management of cattle, careful handling
of sperm and use of skilled inseminators. As costs decline, sexed sperm will be used increasingly for cattle breeding, horse breeding
and niche applications in other species.
# 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Sperm; Sexing; Bovine; Flow cytometer

1. Introduction
There has been great interest in sexing sperm ever
since AI was practiced widely. More than a dozen
approaches to sexing sperm have been attempted, but
convincing results were not produced prior to 1980. The
major breakthrough was development of flow cytometry/cell sorting in the early 1980s [1]; the initial methods
separated X- and Y-sperm effectively, but killed the
sperm, making the procedure impractical. A major
refinement to this procedure was making the system
work without killing or severely damaging the sperm

* Tel.: +1 970 491 5287; fax: +1 970 491 3557.

E-mail address:
0093-691X/$ see front matter # 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

The currently successful method of sexing sperm has

been reviewed by Seidel and Garner [3]. This method
has one major limitation: sperm are sexed one at a time,
serially, rather than sexing multiple sperm simultaneously (in parallel). Another constraint is that sexing
works best with fresh sperm, so sorters usually are
located near the bulls, and sperm are cryopreserved after
the sexing process. While other, more practical methods
of sexing sperm have been proposed and continued to be
tested, none of these has been found that meets two
essential criteria: accuracy of sexing and retention of
sperm fertility.
The instruments currently used for sexing sperm are
remarkable feats of engineering, capable of evaluating
thousands of sperm per second. However, this is still
slow relative to needs for routine AU. Therefore, for
sexed semen to be practical, fewer sperm are used per


G.E. Seidel Jr. / Theriogenology 68 (2007) 443446

insemination dose than are used normally, which means

that applications for sexed sperm currently only fit
systems of excellent management that result in high
2. How sperm are sexed
The basic principles are simple; the X-sperm
contains more DNA than the Y-sperm (approximately
4% more in the case of cattle). Although this difference
is small, by attention to details, it is possible to measure
DNA content of individual sperm with sufficient
accuracy to distinguish between X- and Y-sperm with
about 90% accuracy for 50% of the sperm. Therefore,
about half of the sperm are discarded as unsexable, and
there is a 10% error rate for those sexed with routine
procedures [3].
The DNA content of sperm is determined using a
fluorescing dye, Hoechst 33342 that readily penetrates
the sperm cell membrane and binds to the DNA
stoichiometrically. Thus, X-sperm ends up with about
4% more dye bound to their DNA than Y-sperm. This
dye only fluoresces when exposed to a particular
wavelength of light, and this is usually provided by an
expensive laser. The fluorescence is measured by a
detector and analyzed by computer. Since X-sperm have
4% more DNA, and therefore, bind more dye than Ysperm, they give off 4% more fluorescence, which the
computer can recognize. Note that we can also observe
the fluorescence with a microscope, but our eyes and
brains are not designed to discriminate a 4% difference
in the amount of brightness of fluorescence, so X- and
Y-sperm appear equal to us, even though they appear
different to the instruments used for sexing.
The principles just discussed are combined to make a
system to sex sperm. The basic instrument used is a flow
cytometer/cell sorter (Fig. 1). It consists of a pump to
move the fluid containing sperm past a detector of
fluorescence. A laser provides the correct wavelength of
light to cause fluorescence without damaging the DNA.
A powerful computer also is needed to analyze the
The cell sorting part of the system works as follows:
when the stream of fluid exits the flow cytometer, it is
broken into little droplets by a vibrator, forming about
70,000 to 80,000 droplets per second. About one-third
of the droplets contain a sperm and about two-thirds are
empty; a few droplets contain two or more sperm. If a
droplet contains an X-sperm as analyzed by the
computer, a positive electrical charge is added to the
droplet; if the droplet contains a Y-sperm, a negative
charge is added; and if the droplet contains no sperm,

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of a sperm sorter. The electronic signals

from the photomultiplier tubes (PMT) are sent to a computer for
analysis. Modified from Johnson and Welch, 1999 [13].

multiple sperm, damaged sperm, or sperm that are

indistinguishable relative to DNA content, no charge is
placed on the droplet. As the droplets fall when they exit
the nozzle of the flow cytometer (at a speed of about
80 km/h), they pass through electric fields that are
positive on one side and negative on the other. Since
opposite electrical charges attract each other, the
droplets with a positive charge (containing X-sperm)
move toward the negative part of the field, those with a
negative charge move toward the positive field, and
those with no charge continue straight down. Thus,
three streams of droplets are produced that can be
collected into three test tubes, thereby separating the Xfrom the Y-sperm. In practice, about 20% of sperm end
up in the X-fraction, 20% in the Y-fraction and 60% are
damaged or not sexable for one reason or another.
The method for detecting and discarding dead and
damaged sperm is to add food coloring to the sperm to
be sorted. Sperm with a damaged cell membrane
become colored, whereas those with healthy cell
membranes exclude the food coloring. The food
coloring in dead and damaged sperm quenches the
fluorescence of the Hoechst 33342, and those poorly
fluorescing sperm are discarded in the process. This is a
fringe benefit of sexing sperm.
The equipment for sexing sperm functions quite
well, but is fairly complicated and expensive, over
$350,000 per sperm sorter. It also is expensive to install
and maintain. Skilled operators are required, which
results in training costs. Because of these large fixed

G.E. Seidel Jr. / Theriogenology 68 (2007) 443446

costs, most sorters are operated in shifts for 1416 h or

more per day.
3. Low sperm dose insemination
Typically, a dose of frozen bull sperm for artificial
insemination contains 20  106 sperm. However, for
most bulls, fertility is satisfactory at 10  106 sperm,
and for some bulls fertility remains high at 2  106
frozen sperm per dose [4]. Routine operation of a flow
cytometer/cell sorter for sexing sperm results in sexing
about 10  106 sperm/h of each sex [3]. Thus, use of
typical insemination doses of sperm that are sexed is
impractical. There are two approaches to deal with this
problem, and both involve using fewer sexed sperm per
dose (usually 2  106 sperm). The first approach is to
select bulls with good fertility at low doses of sperm,
and the second is to use sexed sperm under management
conditions in which normal fertility occurs even if
sperm numbers per dose are low. It usually is
impractical to screen bulls to use the first approach,
although bulls with lower fertility than average usually
have unacceptably low fertility with low doses of sexed
sperm. Therefore, the second approach is almost always
used. With excellent management (nutrition, disease
control, estrus detection, semen handling and insemination techniques), fertility of heifers usually is higher
than for lactating cows, especially dairy cows. It has
been demonstrated repeatedly that with good management, pregnancy rates with breeding heifers are only
slightly lower than normal using low doses of sexed
sperm [5,6]. In one study with substantive numbers of
heifers balanced among three bulls and two inseminators [6], the pregnancy rate for 2  106 sexed sperm per
inseminate was 56%, whereas the control pregnancy
rate with 10  106 unsexed sperm was 61%. However,
pregnancy rates with sexed sperm are very low with
marginal management [7], and usually are low with
estrus synchronization protocols in which heifers are
bred by appointment instead of on the basis of observed
standing estrus. Pregnancy rates with sexed sperm in
lactating dairy cows can be similar to controls when
selecting only those cows with completely normal
reproductive characteristics using ultrasound examination, records, etc. [8]; such selection usually is
4. Normality of calves
One concern of using sexed sperm is that the calves
produced might have abnormalities. This concern is
primarily because of using the DNA binding dye


Table 1
Normality of calves from sexed sperm (least squares means)

Abortion rate (%)
Gestation length (d)
Neonatal death (%)
Calving ease score
Birth weight (kg)
Live at weaning (%)
Weaning weight (kg)

Sexed a




There were no differences between sexed and control groups for

any response (P > 0.10).
Numbers for gestation length, neonatal death and live at weaning;
N were lower for the other responses because not all data were
collected at each farm (adapted from Tubman et al., 2004 [5]).

Hoechst 33342 plus exposing sperm to laser light of low

wavelength. We, therefore, studied calves resulting
from our field trials with sexed sperm, including calves
from control semen from the same bulls used in the
same herds [5]. We found no evidence of abnormalities
in the calves (Table 1), nor could we document
increased abortion rates. In a few cases, calves were
produced from sexed sperm whose mothers also were
produced from sexed sperm. While these studies do not
provide absolute proof that there is no genetic damage
to sperm from the sexing process, they indicate that the
calves produced are phenotypically normal. Genetic
damage likely is very low, or does not occur at all.
5. Applications of sexed sperm for cattle
Because sexed sperm have been used to breed heifers
successfully on many occasions, one obvious application is to breed heifers to have female calves. These
should result in excellent replacements for beef and
dairy herds, since the youngest cattle in any herd with a
genetic improvement program are genetically superior
to the older cows. A major additional benefit is that on
the average, female calves weigh about 2 kg less at birth
than male calves, so the incidence of dystocia in first
calf heifers will decrease with this application.
Another application is to obtain male calves from the
very best cows in the herd to use as breeding bulls. One
example is dairy cows that artificial insemination
companies contract for their bull calves. Sexed sperm
could be especially useful for superovulation, in which
case it often is desirable to obtain calves of one sex or
another for a particular mating. One must be careful
when using sexed semen for this application because
more, rather than fewer, sperm typically are used for
superovulated cattle, so embryo production will be


G.E. Seidel Jr. / Theriogenology 68 (2007) 443446

lower and more variable than with unsexed sperm [9].

Nevertheless, the calves produced will be about 90% of
the desired sex, so even if embryo production is reduced
by one-third, this application may be appropriate.
One concern with dairy cattle breeding is that when
use of sexed sperm becomes widespread, female calves
will be produced in excess numbers, and their value will
decline. This will be offset somewhat if sexed sperm are
used primarily in heifers; in this case, many older,
genetically less valuable cows might be bred to beef
sires (with sexed or unsexed sperm) to produce dairy X
beef crossbred calves for meat production. For example,
Charolais X Holstein cross calves are excellent for
growth and fattening, especially the males, and likely
could be sold for considerably more than male Holstein
calves. One other obvious application is to increase the
number of heifer calves when increasing the size of a
herd. Herd expansion could occur more quickly, and
possibly without purchasing females. This would be
very valuable from a biosecurity standpoint, and
possibly from a genetic standpoint, too. An analysis
of the economics of sexed sperm was done by Seidel
[10], and some ideas about how sexed sperm might fit
the AI industry have been summarized [11].
One special application of sexed sperm is for in vitro
fertilization. One dose of sexed sperm can be used to
produce many embryos. Of course, this application only
is appropriate if an in vitro fertilization program,
including the costs and logistics of embryo transfer,
makes sense for other reasons. One application may be
to produce embryos to increase pregnancy rates under
hot, humid conditions. Hansen and Block [12] have
shown that embryo transfer results in higher pregnancy
rates than artificial insemination with Holstein cows
under these conditions in the southeastern United
6. Future possibilities
Although no promising alternative methods of
sexing sperm are currently available, it is likely that
someone eventually will find a method of mass sexing
of sperm in parallel, so that low dose insemination is not
a constraint. This also would make sexing sperm less
One recent development is configuring sperm sorters
with two or more nozzles, instead of one. This is
analogous to having an eight-cylinder engine instead of
one-cylinder. Even two nozzles speed up the sperm
sexing process, and decrease costs. The current cost of a
low dose of sexed sperm in most countries is usually

more than twice the cost of a normal dose of frozen

sperm from the same bull.
Numerous students and colleagues contributed to the
research summarized here. I especially acknowledge
the many farmers and ranchers who allowed us to use
their cattle and facilities. Most of the research was
funded by XY, Inc., Fort Collins, CO, and the Colorado
State University Experiment Station. This is an updated
version of Sexado de Semen from Proc. XLI Reunion
Nacional de Investigacion Pecuaria, pp. 154160
(2005), which first appeared in Spanish.
[1] Garner DL, Seidel Jr GE. Past, present and future perspectives
on sexing sperm. Can J Anim Sci 2003;83:37584.
[2] Johnson LA, Flook JP, Hawk HW. Sex preselection in rabbits:
live births from X- and Y-sperm separated by DNA and cell
sorting. Biol Reprod 1989;41:199203.
[3] Seidel Jr GE, Garner DL. Current status of sexing mammalian
spermatozoa. Reproduction 2002;124:73343.
[4] Den Daas JH, DeJong G, Lansbergen LAM, Van WagtendonkDeLeeuw AM. The relationship between the number of sperm
inseminated and the reproductive efficiency of individual dairy
bulls. J Dairy Sci 1998;81:171423.
[5] Tubman LM, Brink Z, Suh TK, Seidel Jr GE. Characteristics of
calves produced with sperm sexed by flow cytometry/cell sorting. J Anim Sci 2004;52:102936.
[6] Schenk JL, Brink Z, Suh TK. Use of competitive fertilization to
evaluate a simple laser for flow cytometric sexing of bovine
sperm. Reprod Fertil Dev 2005;17:306 (abstract).
[7] Schenk JL, Seidel Jr GE. Pregnancy rates in cattle with cryopreserved sexed spermatozoa: effects of laser intensity, staining
conditions and catalase. In: Juengel JL, Murray JF, Smith MF,
editors. Reproduction in Domestic Ruminants VI. Nottingham,
UK: Nottingham University Press; 2007. p. 16577.
[8] Crichton E, Huffman S, McSweeney K, Schenk J. Artificial
insemination of lactating Holstein cows with sexed sperm.
Reprod Fertil Dev 2006;18:281 (abstract).
[9] Schenk JL, Suh TK, Seidel Jr GE. Embryo production from
superovulated cattle following insemination of sexed sperm.
Theriogenology 2006;65:299307.
[10] Seidel Jr GE. Economics of selecting for sex: the most important
genetic trait. Theriogenology 2003;59:58598.
[11] Seidel Jr GE. Sexing mammalian spermintertwining of commerce, technology and biology. Anim Reprod Sci 2003;79:145
[12] Hansen PJ, Block J. Towards an embryocentric world: the
current and potential uses of embryo technologies in dairy
production. Reprod Fertil Dev 2004;16:114.
[13] Johnson LA, Welch GR. Sex preselection: high-speed flow
cytometric sorting of X- and Y-sperm for maximum efficiency.
Theriogenology 1999;52:1323413.

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