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Macro developments

Apart of the fact that there are micro developments, there are also macro
developments. A lot of the developments that have taken place have been very
important to the beer industry. There have been a lot of developments, so only
the five main developments will be discussed. To start with, it is the number five
of the list: The Economic crisis. Because of the economic crisis, a lot of people
really focused on their expenses, and automatically saved on buying beer.
Besides the fact that it was the economic crisis, there was still a lot of beer sold.
Even though it was the cheaper beer that was been sold more often than the Abrand beers.
Number four on the list is the weather. The weather has a lot of influence whether
people feel like drinking beer or not. When it is a really hot day, you can count on
a lot of beer drinking people, but when it is a rainy day, people do not want to
drink beer. They want to drink hot drinks, like tea or coffee.
Number three on the list is the healthy lifestyle. The healthy lifestyle is something
that can be seen a lot on social media, for instance Instagram. Instagram has a
lot of accounts where people can show what they think of a healthy lifestyle. This
has a big impact for the beer industry, because there has been a lot of
discussions about whether beer is healthy or not. And still, there are a lot of
things unclear. Some people say beer is healthy, some people say it is not good
for you.
Number two on the list is the age changing for legal drinking in the law. Before
the age of drinking alcohol got changed, it was allowed to drink at the age of 16.
Now, after changing the drinking age, it is only allowed to drink from the age of
18. There were a lot of youngsters that drunk alcohol at the age of sixteen, and
suddenly, they cannot drink anymore. This was one of the moments that the
Radler became really popular, because the Radler is beer without the alcohol, so
legal to drink under the age of 18.
And last but not least, the number one on the list: SABMiller might be taken over
by the biggest beer producer of the world. Last September this year, AnheuserBusch InBev has made an offer for SABMiller. It is something that SABMiller was
scared for to happen. Last year, SABMiller approached Heineken with an
acquisition proposal, but the proposal got rejected. Market Experts saw in that
step a protective structure of SABMiller against a takeover by Anheuser-Busch
InBev. There has not really been a very big development. Although, on the day
SABMiller revealed they were approached by Anheuser-Busch InBev, the market
of SABMiller rose with 20%. The market of Anheuser-Busch InBev rose with 7,4%
and the market of Heineken rose with 5,2%.

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