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Section A: Literature 1700-1815

(including Goethe's works to 1832)

1. Poetry
Candidates should study poems by two or more of the following
Gnther, Gedichte, Reclam no. 1295
Brockes, Gedichte, Reclam no. 2015
Haller, Die Alpen und andere Gedichte, Reclam 8963
Hagedorn, Gedichte, Reclam no. 1321
Klopstock, Oden, Reclam no. 1391
Wieland, Musarion, Reclam no. 95
Schiller, Gedichte, Reclam 7714
Novalis, Gedichte, Reclam no. 3236
Brentano, Gedichte, Reclam no. 8669
Eichendorff, Gedichte, Reclam no. 7925
Also relevant are poems by Goethe (topics 3 and 5 and Special Topic I)
and Hlderlin (topic 7).
Interpretations of selected poems in Gedichte und Interpretationen:
Aufklrung und Sturm und Drang, Reclam no. 7891; W. Segebrecht
(ed.), Gedichte und Interpretationen: Klassik und Romantik, Reclam
7892; Kevin Hilliard, 'Religious and Secular Poetry and Epic (17001780)', in: German Literature of the Eighteenth Century:
Enlightenment and Sensibility, ed. Barbara Becker-Cantarino (2005),
pp. 105-130; Charlie Louth, 'The Romantic Lyric', in: The Cambridge
Companion to German Romanticism, ed. Nicholas Saul (2009), pp. 6784; Judith Ryan, The Cambridge Introduction to German Poetry
(Cambridge 2012).

2. Drama
Candidates should study dramas by two or more of the following
Lessing, Miss Sara Sampson, Minna von Barnhelm, , Emilia Galotti, ,
Nathan der Weise,
Gerstenberg, Ugolino
Lenz, Der Hofmeister, Die Soldaten
Wagner, Die Kindermrderin
Klinger, Sturm und Drang, Die Zwillinge.
Also relevant are dramas by Goethe (topic 3 and Special Topic I),
Schiller (topic 6), Kleist (topic 8).
Relevant theoretical works: Lessing, Hamburgische Dramaturgie, esp.
Sections 11, 14, 19, 46, 59, 70, 74-83, 89-91, 101-4; Herder, essay
on 'Shakespeare' in Von deutscher Art und Kunst, R. Grimm (ed),
Deutsche Dramentheorien, Vol 1, 3rd edn, 1980.

Francis Lamport, Lessing and the Drama (Oxford, 1981), German

Classical Drama (1990), Edward McInnes, 'Ein ungeheures Theater':
The Drama of the Sturm und Drang (Frankfurt, 1987), D. Hill (ed.),
Literature of the Sturm und Drang, 2002, Karl S. Guthke, Das
deutsche brgerliche Trauerspiel, 6th edn., 2006.

3. Goethe to 1790
(a) Goethe in Frankfurt. Gtz von Berlichingen, Die Leiden des jungen
Werthers, ed R. Paulin 1993; Von deutscher Baukunst, Zum
(b) Goethe in Weimar. Iphigenie auf Tauris, Egmont,; Torquato Tasso
For both (a) and (b): relevant poems from: Gedichte, Reclam no.
6782 or CUP selection, ed. Swales, or from T. J. Reed, (London: Bristol

Classical Press, 1999)

All of the works listed can be found in Goethes Werke, Hamburger
Ausgabe (=HA), ed. Erich Trunz, 14 vols (Hamburg, 1948-64); this is
a useful annotated edition of Goethe's works. Also recommended are
the Frankfurther and Mnchener Ausgaben of Goethes works.
T.J. Reed, Goethe (Oxford, 1984). For a fuller list of works by and on
Goethe, see Section B below and the supplementary reading list. See
also relevant sections in Nicholas Boyle, Goethe The Poet and the Age,

4. Goethe's narrative works

Questions will require answers on two or more works, except that a
question will also be set requiring reference only to Wilhelm Meisters
Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre, Wilhelm Meisters theatralische SendungR.
Pascal The German Novel (Manchester, 1956) 3-29; M. Beddow, The
Fiction of Humanity (Cambridge, 1982), 63-158; M. Minden, The
German Bildungsroman : Incest and Inheritance (Cambridge, 1997);
Die Wahlverwandtschaften;W. Benjamin, 'Goethes
Wahlverwandtschaften' in: Illuminationen (Suhrkamp Taschenbuch);
H.G. Barnes Goethe's "Wahlverwandtschaften". A literary
interpretation (Oxford, 1967);
Italienische Reise;Novelle; Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre;N. Boyle,
'Goethe: Novelle' in: Landmarks in German Short Prose ed. P.
Hutchinson (2003)
Die Leiden des jungen Werthers (topic 3), Unterhaltungen deutscher
Ausgewanderten and Campagne in Frankreich (Goethe Special Topic I),
and Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre (Goethe Special Topic II) are also
relevant to this topic.

5. Goethe's later poetry

Post-1790 poems from: Gedichte, Reclam no. 6782 or CUP selection,
ed. Swales, or HA1; Rmische Elegien (HA 1, 157-73) + suppressed
elegies and Priapic poems (eg. WA I, 53, 3-7 or ed. & trans. D. Luke
and H.R. Vaget (London, 1988));West-stlicher Divan (HA 2); 'The
Spectrum of Goethe's Poetry', German Life and Letters. Special Goethe
Number, 1982-3, pp. 77-115. See also relevant sections in Nicholas
Boyle, Goethe The Poet and the Age, 2000. Hermann und Dorothea
(Goethe Special Topic I) is also relevant to this topic.

6. Schiller
Die Ruber; Kabale und Liebe; Wallensteins Tod; Maria Stuart; Die
Jungfrau von Orleans; Wilhelm Tell. Schiller-Handbuch, ed. M. Luserke
(2005); Lesley Sharpe, Schiller (Cambridge, 1991); W. Hinderer (ed.),
Interpretationen: Schillers Dramen, Reclam 8807; K.S. Guthke,
Schillers Dramen, 1994; Paul E. Kerry ed. Friedrich Schiller. Playwright,
Poet, Philosopher, Historian (2007); John Guthrie, Schiller the
Dramatist. A Study of Gesture in the Plays (2009)

7. Hlderlin
Gedichte, Reclam no. 6266; Hyperion; Empedokles, ed. Maurice Benn,
Clarendon Series.David Constantine, Hlderlin, (Oxford, 1998)

8. Kleist
Dramas and stories, ber das Marionettentheater
Hilda M. Brown, The Ambiguity of Art and the Necessity of Form
(Oxford, 1998); A. Stephens, Heinrich von Kleist: The Dramas and
Stories, 1994; S. Allan, The Plays of Heinrich von Kleist, 1996, The
Stories of Heinrich von Kleist, 2001.

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