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Now I ask you to consider the counsel of my word which speaks this truth, Your tho

ughts are not my thoughts; for as high as the heavens are above the earth so are
my thoughts above your thoughts? If your words/thoughts are not my words/thought
s, then whose words/thoughts have you been thinking and meditating on? Do you re
ally believe my words
which testify that none of your thoughts are right or good? What about all those
words/thoughts that pass through the thinking of your mind in the course of one
day, are you
not confident in many of them that they are right and true? Does not my word als
o speak on this wise saying, Righteousness belongs only to God? If your thoughts a
re not my thoughts, then surely it is not possible for your righteousness to be
as my righteousness; and if your righteousness is not my righteousness, then who
se righteousness are you living your life after? Surely you are not living your
life in the manner that I created for you to live your life. Again I ask for you
to consider, if your words/thoughts are not my words/thoughts, then whose words
/thoughts are you believing on and trusting in? Did I not tell you that you were
not your own?
If your words/thoughts are not my words/thoughts, says the Lord, then how is it po
ssible for there to be any agreement between man and God? What communion can the
re even be between two who have differing thoughts, and each one believes and tr
usts that his thoughts are right and true? Do you really believe me when I tell
you that not even your most righteous word/thought has any agreement with the le
ast of any of my thoughts? If then my words/thoughts are right and true, and the
y have no agreement with your words/thoughts, then who has been instructing you
to believe that your words/thoughts are right and true? Who counsels you to argu
e, or to reject, or to strive against, or to make light of, or to fight, or to r
esist, or to hate all words/thoughts that you hear that do not agree with that w
hich you believe and trust? From where come the seducing desires within that bur
n within you to believe that your words/thoughts are right and true; deceiving y
ou into believing that there cannot be any other words/thoughts that are more ri
ghteous than your own? Who/what is dwelling in the tabernacle of your mind? How
is it possible that all of your words/thoughts, which seem to be so right and tr
ue in your own eyes, have no agreement with any of my words/thought? Is not ever
y man captive to the words/thoughts that he believes on, to serve and to do them
because he believes that they are right and true counsels? What man is there wh
o has any thought that there truly may be other men, or other spirits, or anothe
r God who can be more righteous in his thinking than they? Who can even believe
God when his word testifies that he sees all of mans imaginations to be evil and
that all of the thoughts of man are nothing but vanity?
I have seen the thoughts of man, and I have seen death; and I see that they are
one and the same. From where comes all of the vain, miserable, and evil words/th
oughts that men
continually think upon except from the death that rules over all of the imaginat
ions of those who are carnally minded? I have seen the death that brings into th
e thinking of all those who are carnally minded such carnal thoughts as these; b
itterness, envy, confusion, worry, cruelty, contention, pride, anxiety, loneline
ss, covetousness, hatred, greed, doubt, murder, arguments, self-glory, unbelief,
malice, spitefulness, hypocrisy, impatience, strife, depression, arrogance, bor
edom, corruption, hopelessness, meanness, revenge, dread, stress, disappointment
, self-condemnation, as well the various kinds of fears that torment the mind. D
o you believe that I created man to live his life in bondage to these types of w
ords/thoughts? Again I say to you that my thoughts are not as your thoughts, for
I would never bow my heart to entertain for the slightest of moments to ever th
ink upon any such vain and miserable words/thoughts as these; lest the same deat
h that has overtaken man should overtake me; and I would myself would become lik
e death. How deceived is the man who establishes his righteousness for living on
the counsels of any of these words/thoughts?

Do you believe that I am as you are, that the same words/thoughts that you think
upon are the same words/thoughts that I think upon? Do you still think that I s
aid in vain that your thoughts are not my thoughts? Do you think that a man who
is led by the counsels of any of these words/thoughts is a man of a sound mind?
Do you really think that I would allow for any of these words/thoughts to lead m
e in the decisions that I would make? Do you really believe that I would ever al
low myself to be transformed into the images of darkness? Did you not know that
Death is the very image of darkness; and that the darkness shows itself in the i
mage of the words/thoughts that appear in the carnal mind? Do you believe that t
he abundant life of God has any agreement or communion with the death that rules
over the imaginations that control the thinking of the carnally minded. Do you
really think that the life that I have promised to you consists of any of these
wicked and miserable counsels?
I say again to you that my thoughts are not as your thoughts. I see the words/th
oughts that men believe in their hearts when they blame others, when they curse
others, when they find fault with others, when they have evil suspicions one of
another, when they accuse others, when they threaten one another, when they revi
le one another, when they judge others, when they slander others, when they spea
k falsely one of another, when they spread rumors about one another, when they c
ondemn others, when they do not forgive one another, when they speak evil of oth
ers, when they backbite, when they intimidate one another, as well as the reveng
e they seek one against another when one has been offended or sinned against. Wh
ere do such evil and wicked words/thoughts come from that instruct the thoughts
of men to do such things? And again I ask you to consider this, do you think tha
t any man who is led by any such counsels as these is a man of sound mind? How c
an any man think to himself that he is a man of a sound man when he judges and a
ccuses others without mercy seeing that it is in the same manner that he has jud
ged others that he is going to be judged on that last day? Should not a man take
heed to the counsel of this word seeing that the day is fast approaching when h
is own judgments are going to judge him? Do you not know that all who judge in s
uch an evil and unmerciless manner are only storing up wrath against themselves
in the Day of Judgment? Do you think that I created man in the image of these wo
rds/thoughts; words/thoughts that would then lead my creations to do those thing
s that would bring about his own destruction and condemnation? Who is doing the
thinking for all those who would do such a foolish and insane thing?
Have I not given unto each one of you the good instruction that says that you ar
e to cease from walking after the vain words/thoughts that the rest of the Genti
les walk after? Have not I asked you to put off the old man which is corrupted b
y the words/thoughts of death and that you are to put on the new man which walks
after the words/thoughts of my Holy Spirit; words/thoughts that are full of lif
e? Is it not as it is written, that the knowledge of the life of God can only be
found in the consciousness of those who are spiritually minded; those who follo
w after my Spirit in that strait and narrow path that leads to life? Do you desi
re for death to do your thinking, or do you desire for life to do your thinking?
Which thinking is right and true unto you?
I came into this world to set my creation free from their bondage to death. I ca
me into this world to destroy the death that entered in at the fall. I have come
into this world as the spirit of life. I am spirit and I am life; my words are
spirit and life; my thinking is spirit and it is life. I am the words/thoughts t
hat inhabit the spiritual mind. I am the Spirit of the spiritual mind. I am the
life and peace that dwells in the spiritual mind. I have come to give life, and
to give it abundantly. But who will give to me their thinking in exchange for th
at thinking that I desire to give? Who will let me redeem the death in minds wit
h the Spirit of my life? Who will give to me the words/thoughts that inhabit the
place that I desire to make my dwelling place; for I am the words/thoughts of l
ife? A man is as he thinks.

I see all of the lively and the lifeless words/thoughts that inhabit the thinkin
g of the carnal mind, and they are all death. I see all of the vain and foolish
words/thoughts that dwell in the thoughts of all the carnally minded, and they t
rouble me. I see all of evil and wicked words/thoughts of the carnal mind, and t
hey are all abominable. I see all of the fearful
anxious, and dreadful words/thoughts that torment the thinking of the carnally m
inded, and they are all miserable. I see all of the deceitful words/thoughts tha
t hide in the darkness of the carnal mind, and they are all lies. I see the word
s/thoughts that men choose to believe on as well as the words/thoughts that are
rejected and scorned. I have see all of the thoughts of the mind, those with pur
pose and those without purpose, and they are still all vanity. I have seen best
and the most righteous words/thoughts that the carnally minded can think on, and
they are all illusions. Is it possible for anything that is vain to bring forth
anything that is profitable? Is it possible for anything that is evil to bring
forth anything that is good? Is it possible for anything that is dead to bring f
orth any life of itself? Is it possible for any amount of wrongs to make anythin
g right? I have all seen all of the words/thoughts that inhabit the thoughts of
the carnal mind, and there is no life in any of them. I came into this world to
give life to the dead. I am willing to give life, but where are the dead who are
willing to give themselves to me in exchange?

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