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Sarah Penn

FRIT 7236 KA1 Final

GPS Standards
S4E2 - Students will model the position and motion of the earth in the solar system and
will explain the role of relative position and motion in determining sequence of the
phases of the moon.
a. Explain the day/night cycle of the earth using a model.
b. Explain the sequence of the phases of the moon.
c. Demonstrate the revolution of the earth around the sun and the earths tilt to
explain the seasonal changes.
d. Demonstrate the relative size and order from the sun of the planets in the
solar system.
Written Objectives
1. 4A - Analyze Factual Knowledge
o Students will identify how the rotation of the moon around the Earth and the
rotation of the Earth around the sun affect the phases of the moon.
2. 4A Analyze Factual Knowledge
o Students will identify how the tilt of the Earth on its axis as it revolves around
the Sun causes of the seasons.
3. 2A - Understand Factual Knowledge
o Students will explain that the rotation of the Earth on its axis creates the day
and night cycle.
Multiple-Choice Items
1. What causes the phases of the moon?

Earth reflects light from the Moon all the time.

The Sun goes around Earth and the Moon every day.
The Moon reflects light from the Earth.
The position of the Moon as it revolves around the Earth.

2. Seasons are caused by the _________________.


position of the Moon.

tilt of Earth as it moves around the Sun.
distance of Earth from the Sun.
Sun getting warmer and colder.

3. Which of the following pictures show what causes day and night?

Picture A
Picture B
Picture C
None of the pictures

Sarah Penn
FRIT 7236 KA1 Final
Short-Answer Items
1. The phases of the moon are caused by _________________________.
ANSWER - the position of the moon as it revolves around the Earth
2. The seasons are caused by ________________________.
ANSWER the tilt of Earth as it moves around the Sun
3. What creates the day and night cycle?
ANSWER The rotation of the Earth on its axis creates the day and night cycle.
Essay Items
1. Explain what causes the phases of the moon and why the sequence is important.
ANSWER The phases of the moon are caused by the position of the moon as it
revolves around the Earth. The sequence is important because they form the same
pattern as they rotate around the Earth.
2. Explain the seasonal changes and how they affect us.
ANSWER The seasons change because of the tilt of the Earth as it moves around
the Sun. Each season has a general temperature range. This determines the type of
clothing we wear, if we have the AC or heat on in our homes, if animals hibernate or
search for food, what type of outdoor activities we participate in, etc.
3. Draw and explain the day and night cycle.
ANSWER The part of the Earth that is facing the Sun is day
and the part of the Earth facing away from the Sun is night.


3 Exceeds

Question 1
Explanation of
moon phases

Includes full
explanation of
moon phases.

Question 2
Explanation of

Includes full
explanation of how
and why the
seasons change.

Question 3 (x2)
Drawing &
explanation of
day/night cycle

Includes accurate
drawing & full
explanation of the
day/night cycle.

2 - Meets

1 Does not meet

Explanation includes
parts of the moon
phases, but does not
explain how each step
leads to the next.
Explanation includes
parts of how and why
the seasons change, but
not a complete

Explanation provides
misunderstanding or
inaccurate information of
how and why the seasons

Drawing & explanation

include parts of the
day/night cycle, but not

Drawing & explanation

provide misunderstanding
or inaccurate information
of the day/night cycle.

Explanation provides
misunderstanding or
inaccurate information of
the moon phases.

Score: __________/12

Sarah Penn
FRIT 7236 KA1 Final
Higher-Order Thinking Items
1. Why does the moon look different throughout the month?
ANSWER The moon looks different throughout the month because it goes through
phases. The phases are caused by the position of the moon as it revolves around
the Earth. There are eight different phases and they go in the following order: new
moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous,
third quarter, waning crescent.
2. Why does Georgia experience summer in June, July and August and winter in
January, February and March?
ANSWER Georgia experiences summer in June, July and August because it is tilted
towards the Sun during those months. It experiences winter in January, February
and March because it is tilted away from the Sun during those months.
3. Explain how the relationship between the Sun and Earths movement create the
day and night cycle.
ANSWER As the Earth rotates on its axis, it experiences the day and night cycle.
When it is facing the Sun, it is daytime. When it is not facing the Sun, it is nighttime.


3 Exceeds

Question 1
Explanation of
moon phases

Includes full
explanation of
moon phases.

Question 2
Explanation of

Includes full
explanation of how
and why the
seasons change.

Question 3
Explanation of
day/night cycle

Includes accurate
full explanation of
the day/night

2 - Meets
Explanation includes
parts of the moon
phases, but does not
explain how each step
leads to the next.
Explanation includes
parts of how and why
the seasons change, but
not a complete
Explanation includes
parts of the day/night
cycle, but not a
complete explanation.

1 Does not meet

Explanation provides
misunderstanding or
inaccurate information of
the moon phases.
Explanation provides
misunderstanding or
inaccurate information of
how and why the seasons
Explanation provides
misunderstanding or
inaccurate information of
the day/night cycle.

Score: __________/9

Sarah Penn
FRIT 7236 KA1 Final
Performance Assessment Items
1. Create a presentation on the phases of the moon and identify why the moon
appears differently throughout the month. Remember to show all 8 moon phases,
the correct names of each phase, and an explanation of what causes the changes
in the moons appearance. Some examples of Web 2.0 tools are listed as follows:
Animoto, Voki, GoAnimate, Powtoon, and Prezi.
Displays the
moon phases
Labels the
moon phases

3 Exceeds

2 - Meets

1 Does not meet

Displays all 8 phases


Displays 6 7 phases

Displays less than 6 phases


Labels all 8 phases


Labels 6 7 phases

Labels less than 6 phases


of moon

Includes full explanation

of moon phases.

Explanation includes
parts of the moon
phases, but does not
explain how each step
leads to the next.

Explanation provides
misunderstanding or
inaccurate information of
the moon phases.


Information is
sequenced logically;

Information is sequenced

Quality &

The presentation
functions with screens
not being cluttered.
Color and font allow for
easy viewing.

The presentation
functions, but color or
font choices may make
viewing difficult.

The presentation
demonstrates no logical
sequence of information.
The presentation
demonstrates minimal
effort to create a quality
presentation; spelling
errors; screens are dark or
hard to read.

Score: __________/15

Sarah Penn
FRIT 7236 KA1 Final
2. Demonstrate how and why the seasons change. You may use multiple modalities to
demonstrate your understanding, including a written report, oral report as a
forecaster, storyboard, Power Point, or a diorama with explanations.
Displays the
Labels the

3 Exceeds

2 - Meets

1 Does not meet

Displays all 4 seasons


Displays 2 3 seasons

Displays less than 2 seasons


Labels all 4 seasons


Labels 2 3 seasons

Labels less than 2 seasons


of seasons

Includes full explanation

of how and why the
seasons change.

Explanation includes
parts of how and why
the seasons change, but
not a complete


Information is
sequenced logically;

Information is sequenced

Quality &

The presentation
functions without being
cluttered. Color and
font allow for easy

The presentation
functions, but color or
font choices may make
viewing difficult.

Explanation provides
misunderstanding or
inaccurate information of
how and why the seasons
The presentation
demonstrates no logical
sequence of information.
The presentation
demonstrates minimal
effort to create a quality
presentation; spelling
errors; screens are dark or
hard to read.

Score: __________/15
3. Create a presentation on the day and night cycle using a Web 2.0 tool of your
choice. Some examples of Web 2.0 tools are listed as follows: Animoto, Voki,
GoAnimate, Powtoon, and Prezi.
Displays the

3 Exceeds

2 - Meets

1 Does not meet

Displays day/night
cycle correctly.

Displays part of the

day/night cycle

Does not display the

day/night cycle correctly.

of day/night

Includes full explanation

of how and why the
day/night cycle.

Explanation includes
parts of the day/night
cycle, but not a
complete explanation.


Information is
sequenced logically;

Information is sequenced

Quality &

The presentation
functions with screens
not being cluttered.
Color and font allow for
easy viewing.

The presentation
functions, but color or
font choices may make
viewing difficult.

Explanation provides
misunderstanding or
inaccurate information of
the day/night cycle.
The presentation
demonstrates no logical
sequence of information.
The presentation
demonstrates minimal
effort to create a quality
presentation; spelling
errors; screens are dark or
hard to read.

Score: __________/12

Sarah Penn
FRIT 7236 KA1 Final
Assessment Plan
Improving item reliability: Reliability is the degree to which an assessment tool
produces stable and consistent results (Brookhart & Nitko, 2015).

Multiple Choice Items: I feel that in order to improve reliability, a comparison

can be made across the grade level to ensure student success and determine if
the test items are reliable.
Short-Answer Items: I feel that in order to improve reliability, a comparison can
be made across the grade level to ensure student success and determine if the
test items are reliable.
Essay Items: I feel that in order to improve reliability, a comparison can be
made across the grade level to ensure student success and determine if the test
items are reliable. I also feel teachers need to grade these items with a scoring
rubric to reduce the inconsistencies from one teacher to the next and to
improve the reliability (Brookhart & Nitko, 2015).
Higher-Order Thinking Items: I feel that in order to improve reliability, a
comparison can be made across the grade level to ensure student success and
determine if the test items are reliable. I also feel teachers need to grade these
items with a scoring rubric to reduce the inconsistencies from one teacher to the
next and to improve the reliability (Brookhart & Nitko, 2015).
Performance Assessment Items: I feel that in order to improve reliability, a
comparison can be made across the grade level to ensure student success and
determine if the test items are reliable. I also feel teachers need to grade these
items with a scoring rubric to reduce the inconsistencies from one teacher to the
next and to improve the reliability (Brookhart & Nitko, 2015). For classroom
performance assessments, scorer reliability and alternate forms are usually the
most problematic (Brookhart & Nitko, 2015).

Improving item validity: Validity refers to how well a test measures what it is supposed to
measure (Brookhart & Nitko, 2015).

Multiple Choice Items: In an effort to make sure that the test items are valid,
additional resources such as Georgia Department of Education Frameworks and
the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Science textbook could be used to compare and
determine if the items are consistent with the expectations of the standard. By
using a test blueprint, the assessment can be evaluated. The results can then be
used to determine how the learning should be adjusted for the learners.
Short-Answer Items: In an effort to make sure that the test items are valid,
additional resources such as Georgia Department of Education Frameworks and
the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Science textbook could be used to compare and
determine if the items are consistent with the expectations of the standard. By

Sarah Penn
FRIT 7236 KA1 Final

using a test blueprint, the assessment can be evaluated. The results can then be
used to determine how the learning should be adjusted for the learners.
Essay Items: In an effort to make sure that the test items are valid, additional
resources such as Georgia Department of Education Frameworks and the
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Science textbook could be used to compare and
determine if the items are consistent with the expectations of the standard. By
using a test blueprint, the assessment can be evaluated. The results can then be
used to determine how the learning should be adjusted for the learners. A
scoring rubric will reduce the inconsistencies in grading from one teacher to the
next and will improve the validity of the assessment (Brookhart & Nitko, 2015).
Higher-Order Thinking Items: In an effort to make sure that the test items are
valid, additional resources such as Georgia Department of Education
Frameworks and the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Science textbook could be used
to compare and determine if the items are consistent with the expectations of
the standard. By using a test blueprint, the assessment can be evaluated. The
results can then be used to determine how the learning should be adjusted for
the learners. A scoring rubric will reduce the inconsistencies in grading from one
teacher to the next and will improve the validity of the assessment (Brookhart &
Nitko, 2015).
Performance Assessment Items: In an effort to make sure that the test items are
valid, additional resources such as Georgia Department of Education
Frameworks and the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Science textbook could be used
to compare and determine if the items are consistent with the expectations of
the standard. By using a test blueprint, the assessment can be evaluated. The
results can then be used to determine how the learning should be adjusted for
the learners. A scoring rubric will reduce the inconsistencies in grading from one
teacher to the next and will improve the validity of the assessment (Brookhart &
Nitko, 2015).

Differentiation of instruction: Differentiation of instruction is used to meet the needs,

abilities, interest, and motivations of students. It is commonly characterized by clearly
focused learning goals, pre-assessment and responses, flexible grouping, appropriate
student choice during instruction, and ongoing formative assessment. It gives all
students avenues towards learning (Brookhart & Nitko, 2015).

Multiple Choice Items: Students will be grouped according to their

misconceptions. This will allow them to correct their misconceptions while being
re-taught the information. By giving formative assessments after meeting with
the small groups to address the misconceptions, you can determine if progress is
being made towards meeting their goal.
Short-Answer Items: Students will be grouped according to their misconceptions.
This will allow them to correct their misconceptions while being re-taught the

Sarah Penn
FRIT 7236 KA1 Final

information. By giving formative assessments after meeting with the small groups
to address the misconceptions, you can determine if progress is being made
towards meeting their goal.
Essay Items: Students will be grouped according to their misconceptions. This
will allow them to correct their misconceptions while being re-taught the
information. By giving formative assessments after meeting with the small groups
to address the misconceptions, you can determine if progress is being made
towards meeting their goal.
Higher-Order Thinking Items: Students will be grouped according to their
misconceptions. This will allow them to correct their misconceptions while being
re-taught the information. By giving formative assessments after meeting with
the small groups to address the misconceptions, you can determine if progress is
being made towards meeting their goal.
Performance Assessment Items: Students will be grouped according to their
misconceptions. This will allow them to correct their misconceptions while being
re-taught the information. By giving formative assessments after meeting with
the small groups to address the misconceptions, you can determine if progress is
being made towards meeting their goal.

Improving student learning: Improving student learning can be accomplished by

differentiation of instruction.

Multiple Choice Items: By differentiating instruction, students are able to master

the objectives through their learning style: small group, visual aids, individualized
instruction, or peer-tutor. Daily formal assessments give a quick check of the
students that need extra help due to misconceptions, simple mistakes, or
strategies for solving the problem at hand. All of these will increase student
learning and promote success.
Short-Answer Items: By differentiating instruction, students are able to master the
objectives through their learning style: small group, visual aids, individualized
instruction, or peer-tutor. Daily formal assessments give a quick check of the
students that need extra help due to misconceptions, simple mistakes, or
strategies for solving the problem at hand. All of these will increase student
learning and promote success.
Essay Items: By differentiating instruction, students are able to master the
objectives through their learning style: small group, visual aids, individualized
instruction, or peer-tutor. Daily formal assessments give a quick check of the
students that need extra help due to misconceptions, simple mistakes, or
strategies for solving the problem at hand. All of these will increase student
learning and promote success.
Higher-Order Thinking Items: By differentiating instruction, students are able to
master the objectives through their learning style: small group, visual aids,

Sarah Penn
FRIT 7236 KA1 Final

individualized instruction, or peer-tutor. Daily formal assessments give a quick

check of the students that need extra help due to misconceptions, simple
mistakes, or strategies for solving the problem at hand. All of these will increase
student learning and promote success.
Performance Assessment Items: By differentiating instruction, students are able
to master the objectives through their learning style: small group, visual aids,
individualized instruction, or peer-tutor. Daily formal assessments give a quick
check of the students that need extra help due to misconceptions, simple
mistakes, or strategies for solving the problem at hand. All of these will increase
student learning and promote success.

Improving future assessments: Improving future assessments is necessary as data is

collected and analyzed for reliability and validity.

Multiple Choice Items: Share data with other colleagues to discuss the teaching
strategies each person used during your instruction. Discuss which strategies
were successful and which ones were not. Therefore, changes can be made to
the teaching strategy used previously. After sharing with colleagues, have
discussions with the students about strategies they can use for the upcoming
assessments. Most often they will make you aware of where they are struggling
and you will be able to work with them through differentiation of instruction.
Short-Answer Items: Share data with other colleagues to discuss the teaching
strategies each person used during your instruction. Discuss which strategies
were successful and which ones were not. Therefore, changes can be made to
the teaching strategy used previously. After sharing with colleagues, have
discussions with the students about strategies they can use for the upcoming
assessments. Most often they will make you aware of where they are struggling
and you will be able to work with them through differentiation of instruction.
Essay Items: Share data with other colleagues to discuss the teaching strategies
each person used during your instruction. Discuss which strategies were
successful and which ones were not. Therefore, changes can be made to the
teaching strategy used previously. After sharing with colleagues, have
discussions with the students about strategies they can use for the upcoming
assessments. Most often they will make you aware of where they are struggling
and you will be able to work with them through differentiation of instruction.
Higher-Order Thinking Items: Share data with other colleagues to discuss the
teaching strategies each person used during instruction. Discuss which
strategies were successful and which ones were not. Therefore, changes can be
made to the teaching strategy used previously. Especially if it was not effective
for future assessments in order to promote student success. After sharing with
colleagues, have discussions with the students about strategies they can use for
the upcoming assessments. Most often they will make you aware of where they

Sarah Penn
FRIT 7236 KA1 Final

are struggling and you will be able to work with them through differentiation of
Performance Assessment Items: Share data with other colleagues to discuss the
teaching strategies each person used during instruction. Discuss which
strategies were successful and which ones were not. Therefore, changes can be
made to the teaching strategy used previously. Especially if it was not effective
for future assessments in order to promote student success. After sharing with
colleagues, have discussions with the students about strategies they can use for
the upcoming assessments. Most often they will make you aware of where they
are struggling and you will be able to work with them through differentiation of

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