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1. Vino otra vez el vendedor a la oficina para darme la lata.

2. Deja de darme la lata ya!

3. Vino a casa Mara y nos dio la lata casi toda la noche.

4. Mi mujer me est dando la lata porque dice que bebo demasiado.

5. Este coche nunca me ha dado la lata como el otro.

1. The salesman came to the office again to pester me.

2. Stop bothering me!

3. Maria came to the house and pestered us almost all night.

4. My wife is bugging me - she says I drink too much.

5. This car has never given me problems like the other one.

De tal palo tal astilla: A chip off the old block

Ojos que no ven, corazn que no siente: Out of sight, out of mind
Sobre gustos no hay nada escrito: Different strokes for different folks
Dios los cra y ellos se juntan: Birds of a feather flock together
Ms vale tarde que nunca: Better late than never
Quien calla otorga: Silence speaks volumes
A rey muerto, rey puesto: Out with the old, in with the new
Segundas partes nunca fueron buenas: A Spanish expression which means that the
second part of anything is never better or as good as the first
Es como hablar a la pared: Its like talking to a brick wall
Ms vale pjaro en mano que ciento volando: A bird in the hand is worth two in the
Como quien oye llover: Its like water off a ducks back
A caballo regaado no le mires el diente: Dont look a gift horse in the mouth
No es oro todo lo que reluce: Not all that glitters is gold
Las palabras se las lleva el viento: Actions speak louder than words
Tanto monta, monta tanto: Its as broad as it is long
Siempre llueve sobre mojado: It never rains, it pours
No por mucho madrugar, amanece ms temprano: A Spanish expression which means
everything will happen in its own time
Mucho ruido y pocas nueces: All mouth and no trousers

Tan cierto como dos y dos son cuatro: As sure as eggs

Al hambre no hay pan duro: Beggars cant be choosers
Ms vale maa que fuerza: Brain is better than brawn
La prudencia es la madre de la ciencia: Discretion is the better part of valor
El que la sigue la consigue: If at first you dont succeed, try, try again
El mundo es un pauelo: Its a small world
Ms vale estar slo que mal acompaado: A Spanish expression which means solitude
is better than bad company
En boca cerrada no entran moscas: A Spanish expression which means that you are
better off keeping quiet and minding your own business
"A ti te sacan de los Beatles y no tienes ni idea de msica"
"a los espaoles os sacan del vino y no tenis ni idea de bebida"
"Beatles aside, you know nothing about music."
"You Spaniards! Take away your wine and you know nothing about drinking."

01. acordarse de alguien besides meaning to remember someone it can also be

an expression of threat, like Im going to hunt you down, or something like this.
Te acordars de m! - Im going to hunt you down!
Ese se va a acordar de m! - That guys going to get a piece of me!
02. acostarse con las gallinas - to go to bed very early
Mi abuela se acuesta con las gallinas. My grandma goes to bed very early.
Realmente tienes que acostarte con las gallinas? Do you really have to go to bed
so early?
03. agarrarse a un clavo ardiendo to do anything to get out of a bad situation, to
be clutching at straws
Se agarr a la oportunidad como un clavo ardiendo. He was clutching at straws for
that opportunity.
Quiero trabajar, y no me importa que sea en turno de noche; con tal de trabajar, me
agarro a un clavo ardiendo. - I want to work, and it doesnt matter if its night shift; as
long as Im working, Id do anything.
04. aguar la fiesta to spoil somebodys fun
Se pone tan serio que siempre agua la fiesta. - He always gets to serious and ends
up spoiling everybodys fun.
Nos la estbamos pasando bomba pero lleg mi madre y nos agu la fiesta. We
were having a blast but my mother arrived and spoiled our fun.
05. ajustarle las cuentas (a alguien) to get back at someone; to get even with

Si nos ha hecho una faena, le ajustaremos las cuentas. If he played us, were
going to get even.
Nos sirvieron mal y les ajustamos las cuentas, no volvimos ms a comer all. We
were badly served and we took action and never went back there to eat.
Se me hizo un nudo en el hilo. I got a knot in the thread.
Mara se hizo con el premio. Mara got the prize.
No te hagas el tonto. Dont play dumb.
Se hace dos veces el camino toda semana. He makes that journey twice a week.
No me hago a vivir solo. Im not used to living alone.
Juan se hizo al fro. Juan got used to the cold.
Me hace un plato de gambas. I feel like eating a plate of shrimps.
Este sof se hace cama. This couch becomes a bed.
El ciclista se hizo a un lado para que pasaran los coches. The cyclist moved to the
side so that cars would drive by.
Me hice un tajo en el dedo. - I cut my finger.
Me hice dao. I hurt myself.
l se hizo un nombre en la medicina. He made a name for himself in Medicine.
No me hago enemigos. I dont make enemies.
Se hizo famoso cantando boleros. He became famous by singing boleros.
Me estoy haciendo viejo. Im getting old.
Se hace de noche muy pronto. Its getting dark very early.
Se nos hizo de noche esperndola. It got dark waiting for her.
Eso se me hace muy pesado. - This is very boring for me.
Qu se habr hecho Juan? - I wonder whats become of Juan.
Se me hace que todava ests enojado conmigo. - I get the impression youre still
mad at me.
l es un chico que se hace querer. Hes a likable kid.
Hazte ver por un mdico. Get a doctor to see you.
Yo me hice el tonto. I pretended not to see that.
Lograron hacerse con el control de la compaa. They managed to take over the
Feliz Navidad! Merry Christmas!
Qu le pediste a San Nicols? What did you ask Santa?
San Nicols te trajo todo lo que pediste? Did Santa Claus bring you everything
you asked for?
Feliz Ao Nuevo! Happy New Year!
Harta plata en el bolsillo! Lots of money for you!
Mucho amor, mucha paz y salud! May you have love, peace and health!
Santa Claus has more than one name in Spanish: Pap Noel, San Nicols, Santa
Claus and Viejo Pascuero. December 24th is called La Noche Buena in Spanishspeaking countries
Now some more expressions related to Christmas and New Year.

armar el rbol put up the Christmas tree

cantar msicas navideas (villancicos) sing Christmas carols
comprar regalos buy gifts
desear feliz ao nuevo wish someone a happy new year
esperar las doce de la noche wait until midnight
hacer la cena de Navidad have Christmas dinner
hacer pedidos / promesas de ao nuevo make New Years resolutions
hacer regalos give presents
ir a la misa del gallo go to midnight mass
recibir regalos get presents
reunirse con la familia get together with your family
reunirse con los amigos get together with your friends
tomar champn drink champagne
trasnochar stay out all night
acordar - to agree. Acordaron de encontrarse a las dos en la casa de Mara. (They
agreedo to meet at two at Maras house.)
acordarse - to rember. Seguro que te acuerdas de cuando fuimos a Italia. (Im sure
you remember when we went to Italy).
dormir - to sleep. El nene est durmiendo. (The baby is sleeping.)
dormirse - to fall asleep. Se durmi mientras vea la pelcula. (He fell asleep while
he was watching the movie.)
matar - to kill. Los traficantes mataron a diez personas en el tiroteo. (The drug
dealers killed ten people during the shooting.)
matarse - to kill oneself, commit suicide. Cuando se percat que Jorge ya estaba
con otra, se mat. (When she realized that Jorge was with another woman, she killed
abrazar - to hug someone; to support/embrace a cause. Abrac a mi hijo con mucho
amor. (I hugged my son with a lot of love.) Abraz la causa ecolgica. (She
embraced the ecological cause)
abrazarse - to hug each other. Echaron a llorar y se abrazaron. (They burst into
tears and hugged each other.)
peinar - to comb (someone). Pein a su hijita. (She combed her little daughter.)
peinarse - to comb oneself. Se pein mientras escuchaba la msica. (She combed
herself while she was listening to music.)
pintar - to paint. Quiero saber quin pint tu casa. (I want to know who painted your
pintarse - to put on makeup. Las muchachas se estaban pintando para la fiesta.
(The girls were putting on makeup for the party.)
acostumbrar - to be in the habit of, to usually do something. Acostumbra a dormir la
siesta. (He usually takes a nap.)

acostumbrarse - to get used to. Me acostumbr a despertarme temprano. (I got

used to getting up early.)
valer - to be worth. No s cunto vale eso. (I dont know what this is worth.)
valerse - to resort to, to use. Se vali de sus amistades para conseguir un empleo.
(She used her friendships to get a job.)
cambiar - to change. El mundo ha cambiado. (The world has changed.)
cambiarse - to change clothes. Espera que me cambie entonces salimos. (Wait for
me to change so we can go out.)
parecer - to seem, to look like. Parece que va a llover. (It looks like rain.)
parecerse - to look like (physically). Se parece a su padre. (He looks like his father.)

El limpiaparabrisas se ha quedado sin lquido. Translation: The windscreen wiper has run out of fluid

No me des la tabarra ahora, que estoy ocupado. Translation: Stop bothering me; I'm busy
Adrede on purpose
aprobar por los pelos

"I passed the exam by the skin of my teeth" (o, "by a hair's breadth

es todo un comecocos y los tiene a todos haciendo lo que l quiere he brainwashes

everyone into doing what he wants
Ya que hay sol, est de buen talante. - Since it's sunny, he is in a good mood.

resaca hangover
gota drop

engancharse a algo - hooked on someting

ser fiable - Trustworthy, reliable

convalidar confirmar, dar validez

A flor de piel is something that is vivid, that is always with you
te llevo a flor de piel= I always remember you
a flor de = on the surface of
piel = skin
Tena sus sentimientos a flor de piel= tena sus sentimientos expuestos (entendido como
La herida estaba a flor de piel= La herida estaba expuesta
llevar a flor de piel" = tener presente
"estar a flor de piel" = estar nervioso, con los pelos de punta


nervioso; con los nervios a flor de piel

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