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Definiti sistemul COEX si prezentati cele 4 Matrici Perinatale conform teoriei lui
Stanislav Grof.

A COEX System (Systems of Condensed Experience) is a concept coined by Grof (1976) to

describe the way the human brain organizes its experience. A COEX is basically a set of related
experiences organized around a powerful emotional center.
According to Grof, COEX systems are organized around a "root experience." The "root" of a
COEX system (the COEX Root) is formed when a powerful and emotionally charged experience
becomes imprinted in the neural structures othe brain. Subsequent experiences, which the
Physical Unit perceives as related, will become "filed" along with the original memory trace.
According to Dr. Michael Sharp (that's me), in addition to being organized around a root
experience (or root experiences), COEX Roots and COEX systems are also shaped by ideas and
archetypes. The Postnatal Authority Matrix, for example, is organized around the individual's
experience with their Primary Authority Figure. The Postnatal Authority Matrix is also shaped by
the individual's ideas about about authority and power. Of course, the individual's ideas about
authority and power are not randomly derived but are part of an indoctrination process whereby
archetypes and archetypal constellations are implemented in the consciousness of the individual.
In the case of the Postnatal Authority Matrix, the Authority and Power constellation is most
According to Grof, COEX systems can be weak or strong. The strength of a COEX system is
determined by its "root" (or nodal) experience (often to be found in perinatal or early childhood
trauma) and any subsequent experiences that become imprinted along with the root. A strong
COEX system will have a strong root experience and many subsequent reinforcing experiences.
Weaker systems may have a strong root, but will have few to none significant reinforcement
According to Dr. Michael Sharp, COEX systems can also be positive or negative. Under healthy
social conditions, COEX systems are primarily positive and not pathological. They are simply a
means by which we organize our experiences in the human body. Unfortunately, under current
social, political, and economic conditions, most of our experiences are negative. Beginning with
the over medicalized, frenetic, and violent birthing program of this earth, our Physical Units are
subject to continuous assault at emotional, physical, and intellectual levels. These experiences
become organized in the brain around powerfully negative COEX systems that lead to Neurosis
and even Psychosis.
A Negative COEX system is a system that requires constant energetic input. For example the
Postnatal Authority Matrix, a matrix that revolves around the destruction of self esteem, is a
negative COEX system that requires the individual to constantly seek out approval in order to
avoid bad feelings about self, emotional depression, and even neurosis or psychosis. This
negative COEX emerges as a result of the psychological damage experienced the child. It should

be noted that, owing to the pernicious and violent imposition of an unnatural and psychological
perverse System, the vast majority of individuals raised within The System suffer the
consequences of several negative COEX systems.
Like a positive COEX, a negative COEX has triggers. These triggers consist of "sensual" or
"psychic" reminders of the original experience. There are an infinite variety of triggers, most of
which are idiosyncratic (Grof, 1976), and therefore rules or guidelines for the identification of
triggers are impossible to provide. However generally, a trigger is "created" when an organism
focuses on a specific aspect of the negative experience (whether it is location, ambience, color,
music, etc.). The trigger(s) is often, even normally, unrelated to the negative COEX and is
selected in a process of "avoidance" (i.e., the organism selects a random feature in the
environment in futile attempt to avoid experiencing the trauma of the body or mind). There can
be one trigger or,in COEX systems which have seen continuous consolidation, many. Triggers
may be added to the COEX in subsequent experiences.
Typically, reliving negative COEX experiences is not pleasing. A naive Physical Unit, or a PU
which has been encoded with "repression" and "guilt" programming, will not see the value of
reprogramming negative COEX systems and will resist reprogramming and Reconsolidation. In
some cases where the COEX is extremely negative and frightening, and repression and guilt
programming is particularly strong, resistance can be manifested in various forms of
psychopathology ranging from neurosis (typically Freudian in nature) to psychosis to the
organized and pathological efforts to avoid negative COEX triggers seen in Obsessive
Compulsives Disorders.
The level of dis-ease may be discerned by considering the number of triggers, the strength of
efforts to repress, and any pathological manifestations of the mind or body that may be observed.
As a final comment, the absence of even mild pathology (as defined in classical psychology)
does not mean the absence of negative COEX systems. That is, "normal functioning" in society
cannot be considered an indicator of psychological health and the absence of negative COEX
systems. When compared against the full potential of the Physical Unit, normal functioning is a
parody of a fully functioning Physical Unit. All "normal" really means is that negative COEX
experiences have been organized, filed, repressed, and boxed in so as to allow "productive"
functioning. Sadly, even serious psychopathology can be contained within the parameters of
"normal" life.
Negative COEX systems, or rather repressive and fear or guilt led attempts to avoid reexperiencing them, drain available energies from the Physical Unit and weaken the systems of
the Physical Unit. This weakening may contribute, over the short or long term, to failures and
breakdowns of various systems within the body.

Negative COEX systems are treated through Reconsolidation. Straightjacketing (i.e., the
application of Crown Stupifiers) only redirects energy internally. Straightjacketing may, over the
long term, lead to physical illness and psychological breakdown of the Physical Unit

Grof (1976) provides a wealth of clinical examples of negative COEX systems, their formation,
and treatment using Psycholytic and Psychedelic therapy.
COEX Systems generally involve energy blockages. These blockages are typically associated
with the major energetic pathways (i.e., Chakras) of the Physical Unit. When associated with
major pathways, the energetic blockages that result will impair our ability to think (Crown
Chakra), feel (Heart Chakra), communicate and express (Throat Chakra), create (Sacral Chakra),
and ground properly (Root Chakra). As explained in Sharp (2004), when coupled with proper
visualization technique, reinstatement of energy flow is unproblematic. However reinstating
energy flow inevitably leads, because the body is primarily designed as a Manifestation Device,
to the rapid manifestation of COEX triggers. This may lead, as the triggers are invoked, to
considerable mental, emotional, and physically manifested chaos that can be disconcerting to the
Physical Unit to say the least. Expert Guidance (Sharp, 2004) is advised before attempting direct
activation of energetic centers, especially in cases where we may suspect the existence of strong
negative COEX systems.

Matricele perinatale
Stanislav Grof este unul dintre fondatorii psihologiei transpersonale si un pionier in domeniul
cercetarii starilor de constiinta modificate, folosite cu scopul de a vindeca, a evolua, a cunoaste.
El a construit deasemeni cadrul teoretic pentru psihologia pre- si perinatala. Cercetarile moderne
prezinta psihicul uman ca fiind proportional cu intregul Univers si intreaga fiintare.
Grof reuseste sa distinga patru niveluri ale psihicului si experientelor corespunzatoare: bariera
senzoriala, inconstientul individual, nivelul nasterii si al mortii, domeniul transpersonal.
In psihologia traditionala exista o focalizare exclusiva asupra traumelor psihologice. Traumele
fizice nu sunt considerate ca influentand direct dezvoltarea psihica a individului sau ca
participand la geneza psihopatologiei respective. Observatiile din experimentele abisale arata ca
traumele fizice au o importanta extraordinara. Emotiile reziduale si senzatiile fizice din situatiile
care au amenintat supravietuirea sau integritatea organismului se pare ca au un rol semnificativ
in dezvoltarea diverselor forme de psihopatologie. Cand autoexplorarea experimentala ajunge in
profunzime, elementul de durere fizica si psihica poate atinge o intensitate atat de mare, incat
este interpretata de obicei ca moarte. Persoana in cauza poate simti ca transgreseaza granitele
suferintei individuale si traieste durerea unor grupuri intregi de persoane, a intregii umanitati sau
chiar a tot ceea ce este viu.

Confruntarea experimentala cu moartea, la acest nivel de autoexplorare, este strans legata de o

multitudine de fenomene privitoare la procesul nasterii. Din acest motiv Stanislav Grof a
denumit perinatal acest domeniu al inconstientului. Secventele experimentale de natura
perinatala au aspecte emotionale si psihosomatice distincte.
Intalnirea experimentala cu nasterea si moartea este asociata cu o criza existentiala de proportii
extraordinare, timp in care individul isi pune serios problema sensului existentei, problema
propriilor valori si strategiei de existenta. Transformarea de personalitate care rezulta se poate
compara cu schimbarea descrisa ca rezultand din participarea la ritualurile initiatice sau riturile
aborigene de trecere. Aici considera Grof ca se afla punctul de intersectie intre individ si
inconstientul colectiv sau intre psihologia traditionala si cea transpersonala sau misticism.
Grof a considerat util pentru teoria si practica activitatii experimentale abisale sa postuleze
existenta unor matrice dinamice ipotetice care guverneaza procesele legate de nivelul perinatal al
inconstientului numindu-le: Matrice Perinatale Fundamentale (MPF). Pe langa continutul
emotional si psihosomatic propriu ele functioneaza si ca principii organizatoare a materialului de
la alte niveluri ale inconstientului. La nivel biografic elemente importante legate de abuzul fizic
si viol, amenintare, separare, durere sau sufocare sunt in relatie cu aspecte specifice ale MPF.
Desfasurarea perinatala se asociaza deseori cu diverse elemente transpersonale, ca de exemplu
viziunile arhetipale pentru: Paradis, Cer, Iad, Purgatoriu, Mama Mareata, Zeita Mama Cumplita.
Iata in continuare cele patru Matrice Perinatale Fundamentale descrise de Stanislav Grof:
Baza biologica a acestei matrice este experienta unitatii simbiotice cu organismul matern in
existenta intrauterina. Starea uterina netulburata poate fi insotita de alte experiente, cu care
impartaseste absenta frontierelor si a obstructiilor, precum constiinta oceanului, o forma de viata
acvatica sau spatiul interstelar. De asemenea imaginile naturii cu tot ce are ea mai bun (Mama
Natura) se pot asocia in acest stadiu.Imaginile arhetipale din inconstientul colectiv trimit la
raiurile sau paradisurile din diferite culturi ale lumii.
Tulburarile vietii intrauterine sunt alaturate imaginilor si experientelor referitoare la natura
neospitaliera, pericole subacvatice, demoni. Disolutia frontierelor este inlocuita cu o distorsiune
psihotica cu nuante paranoide.
Este asociata cu momentul initial al nasterii biologice si primul sau stadiu clinic. Echilibrul
existentei intrauterine este perturbat, la inceput prin semnale chimice, apoi prin contractii
musculare. Cand se atinge dezvoltarea deplina a acestui stadiu fetusul este periodic comprimat de
spasmele uterine, colul este inchis iar drumul nu este inca liber.
Insotitorul simbolic al acestui stadiu este experienta sorbului cosmic. Implica anxietate
crescanda si constiinta unei iminente amenintari vitale. Sursa pericolului nu poate fi identificata

clar, subiectul avand tendinta de a interpreta lumea in termeni paranoizi. Poate exista si asocierea
cu experienta de a fi inghitit de un monstru infiorator sau experienta coborarii intr-o lume
subpamanteana periculoasa. Temele religioase inrudite sunt caderea ingerilor si paradisul pierdut.

Atata vreme cat subiectul se afla sub influenta acestei matrice, el este in mod selectiv orb la orice
aspect pozitiv

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