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The Five-Cornered Game:

Physicality and the Pancha
28 Aug 2015

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Sadhguru looks at how important it is

to have some mastery over the five
elements, and explains the two ways to
access the source of creation.

Sadhguru: Over 15,000 years ago, Adiyogi spoke

about the five elements or the pancha bhutas. He
pointed out for his first seven disciples that the whole
universe is just a play of five elements, and in what
proportion it plays within our body and how, if one
can gain mastery over these, in a way you have
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mastery over the creation. By having even an element

of mastery over the creation, you have a very direct
access to that which is the source of creation. When
this science was expounded in great detail and in all its
manifestations, the Saptarishis who were sitting there
as disciples, and Parvati, his wife, who was also
witness to this, were amazed. They were incredulous.
They couldnt believe that the whole existence is just
five things and one is nothing, so only four things.
Adiyogi went about
describing the
intelligence behind it:
with just four
ingredients, you can
cook up such a soup
that we call the
cosmos today.
Everything that is
physical is largely four
elements. Y ou do not
experience the fifth one
most of the time. If I
just give you four
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Adiyogi went
behind it:
with just four
you can cook

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just give you four

things, can you even
make sambar out of it?
Even to make sambar
you need twenty-five
ingredients! If someone
can cook up a whole

you can cook

up such a
soup that we
call the

cosmos with four

things, that is
astounding brilliance.
Adiyogi went about describing the science and
technology of gaining mastery over these elements.
These seven plus one who were listening to this and
were watching the little demonstrations that he setup
were absolutely taken by this. Then he said, Either
you can master all these things or you can just
surrender to this intelligence and it will be yours. The
seven men were excited about mastering it. Parvati,
the woman, decided to surrender to it and make it a
part of herself.
So the seven were sent away to do work. Parvati was
kept there because she gave in to the intelligence and it
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kept there because she gave in to the intelligence and it

became a part of her. These seven were labeled as
sages. She became a Goddess. I am talking about how
to promote yourself! If you get into the intricacy of
how everything has manifested, even if you live here
for a million years and study, study, study, it will be an
endless process. It is exciting but it is an endless
process. Or, you simply put this endless process aside
and touch the dimension that is the source of all these.
If you want to play the game, you involve yourself
with the elements of creation. If you dont want to
play the game, if you are a match-fixer and just want
to win you are not interested in the game, you just
want to pass and go on then you touch only that
which is the source of Creation. Y ou dont have to get
lost in the elements.

You play the game or the game

plays you
But if you do not play the game, the game may play
you. Keeping the whole game of life aside and just
being focused on being one with the source of Creation
seems to be the simplest thing. If you have no sense of
you, if you have that level of dispassion about your
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own body, mind, thoughts, emotions and everything,

it comes naturally. Otherwise, this is the most difficult
thing. Is it possible to keep you aside when you are
the hero of your life? When you are the main role,
keeping you aside doesnt happen so easily. But that
is the simplest and greatest way. Otherwise there is a
big game to play quite an endless game. But if you
want to play the game, you better play it skillfully. A
lousy player is hated by everyone.
Once you choose to
play the game, having
some mastery over the
elements is important.
Otherwise you will be a
lousy player with life. If
people have succeeded,
that means knowingly
or unknowingly, in
some way there is some
mastery. Otherwise
there is no success in
anything. Maybe they
worked for it elsewhere
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shuddhi or
gaining a
mastery over
the elements
is a way of

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worked for it elsewhere

or they are working for
it here, but without a
certain element of
mastery over
something, there is not
going to be any success
in life.

mastery over
what you are
doing, victory
will be

If we have chosen to do
activity, success is the
sweetest thing in
human life. There are some people going about
spreading this kind of rubbish they are referred to as
philosophies It doesnt matter if you win or lose, its
all right. There is no such rubbish in life. When you
play a game you want to win. After the game is over,
in case you lost, yes its all right that you lost but
before you play if you think its all right to lose, you
dont know what a game is. Once you have chosen to
play the game whether the market place, marriage,
life or spiritual process you must win. Many times it
may be a team sport. Y ou may forget that you
winning means people with you also need to win. If
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you are married and you think only you should win,
he or she will make it miserable for you!
Bhuta shuddhi or gaining a certain mastery over the
elements is a way of consciously winning because
without mastery over what you are doing, victory will
be accidental. Y our opponents may be lousy, so you
may win. That is of no consequence. Whichever way,
you play to the best of your capabilities and beyond.
Whenever we give instructions for Hatha Y oga, we
say, Stretch yourself as much as you can and little
more. It is that little more which is the most
important aspect. Thats where life is. That is the
difference between victory and failure someone is
doing that little more and another is not.

Out of control, with control

In the 1970s, Kenny Roberts won the world
motorcycle championship three times in a row. Thats
not easy because these are the best machines on the
track and the riders are of the highest order on the
planet, so you win by hundredths of a second. If you
have to win a championship, you have to win some
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twelve, fifteen races in a season and three times in a

row is almost impossible. So people asked him, How
do you do this? He said, I go out of control with
control. Having the courage to cross that line of
control and having the wisdom not to go too far.
If you have to have the
courage to do
something, you have to
have some capability.
Otherwise courage will
turn into disaster. If
you do it successfully,
people will say you are
courageous. If you
crash, people will say
you are stupid. That
line is very thin and
your ability to traverse
that line, your ability to
walk that line becomes
better and better if you
have more mastery
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For those
people who
are not
willing to do
any sadhana
towards this,
we organize
the Pancha
Aradhana so
that at least
you benefit

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over the fundamentals

of your existence.

you benefit
by being

For those people who

are not willing to do
any sadhana towards this, we organize the Pancha
Bhuta Aradhana so that at least you benefit by being
there. This is the significance of a ritual. A ritual is
essentially for those who cannot do it by themselves
public sadhana. A thousand people can sit and benefit
from it. But if you do sadhana, its just you. Sadhana is
definitely of a higher nature but ritual is of a larger

Editors Note: Every month, during the Pancha

Bhuta Aradhana, Sadhguru opens up a unique
opportunity for devotees to benefit from this deep
yogic science which would otherwise require intense
On the 14th day of every lunar month, known as
Shivaratri, and especially on Mahashivarathri , there
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will be an opportunity to experience the Pancha

Bhuta Aradhana at the Dhyanalinga between 5:40
pm and 6:10 pm.
For more information, check the schedule of
upcoming events or contact: Tel: 0422-2515345,

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Saibanna Biradar

3 minutes ago

thank you Sadhguru!

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