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Sarah Daum

April 29th, 2015

Yoga I
Jo Schneiderman
Yoga I Final Paper: Standing Forward Bend and Wheel Pose
Standing forward bend is very good for the body and mind. The Sanskrit word for
this pose, uttanasana comprises ut, which means intense, powerful, or deliberate,
and the verb tan, meaning to stretch, extend, or lengthen. This translation is very
appropriate for the pose, which stretches out the backs of the legs, the upper and lower
back, and the hips. It also calms the brain and helps relieve stress and mild depression. It
stimulates the liver and kidneys, improves digestion, and helps relieve the symptoms of
menopause, fatigue, anxiety, and sinusitis. It also helps alleviate asthma, back pain,
infertility, and osteoporosis. Those with back injuries are encouraged to do this pose with
bent knees, or substitute it with Ardha Uttanasana instead to lessen strain on the spine.
To increase stretching in the backs of the legs, raise the balls of your feet a few inches off
of the floor or rest them on a slanted block. working with a partner can also help, if they
press against your sacrum while youre bent over.
Wheel pose, also known as upward bose pose or urdvha dhanurasana, is a
backbend. In some ways its the reverse of Uttasana. Wheel pose stretches out the
abdomen and strengthens the quadriceps. According to Yoga Journals website, it also
stretches the chest and lungs, strengthens the arms, wrists, legs, buttocks, abdomen, and
spine; stimulates the thyroid and pituitary glands. Like Forward Bend, Wheel pose helps
to relieve asthma, back pain, infertility, and osteoporosis. For those who have difficulty
doing this pose, Yoga Journal has some modifications: it says you can support your hands
or feet on a pair of blocks to help get into the full backbend. To deepen the pose, you can

lift your heels away from the floor and lift your tailbone toward the ceiling. Walk your
feet closer to your hands, and press the heels into the floor.
Personally, I love both these poses. Uttasana allows me to relax and encourages
blood flow to the brain. I always feel refreshed when I come out of this pose. However, I
find that I cant remain down for too long or else I get a bit dizzy. Wheel pose also feels
really good, but for different reasons. It really stretches out my abdomen and strengthens
my quads, but it is quite a challenge to get into, and I find that I cant stay up for very
long. However, Ive definitely noticed an improvement over the course of the semester in
both poses. I am able to feel more of a leg stretch in Uttasana, and Im able to stay in
Wheel Pose for longer.
I have to say that a yama that spoke to me was contentment, or Santosa. I tend to
worry a lot and focus on my weaknesses rather than my strengths. This isnt great for my
mental health, and I find myself often concerned over trivial things and insecure about
myself. This attitude often prevents me from doing things I want to do. The Santosa
affirmation suggests that one who is lacking this yama shy away from dependence on
others for self definition, negative focus on the past or future, jealousy, and dependency
on material wealth. It suggests that one practice willingness, loyalty, self-healing,
acceptance, meditation, contemplation, desire to live in the present, acts of kindness, and
focusing on lifes non-material offerings. I love the mantra included in the hand-out. It
reads, today I choose to be contented. I accept myself and I accept others as they are. I
accept the world as it is, and choose to contribute to its healing.
Overall, I really enjoyed Yoga, and I plan to continue the practice.

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