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The Big Deception in 2012 Doomsday Prophecies

(Note: You can read my free book Prophecy Proof Insights of the Future by clicking this link)

Disclaimer: This research report is written from a Christian perspective. However, I cite several
non-biblical sources in this report to provide you with an understanding of what the forces of
evil are telling their followers in hopes that their plans can be exposed. For background on some
non-biblical sources I cite and more about why I use them click this link.

December 21, 2012 is viewed by many people as an incredibly important date in human
history. Some self-proclaimed prophecy experts claim that December 21, 2012 is Doomsday
while others claim that this date will mark the beginning of a New Age. People have come up
with a variety of theories to explain how the world will change on December 21, 2012. Some
people believe there will somehow be a pole shift on December 21, 2012 causing widespread
chaos on Earth. Other people claim that a hidden planetary-sized object named Nibiru (Planet X)
will either collide or come close to hitting Earth in 2012. Meanwhile, some people point to the
fact that December 21, 2012 will see the alignment of the sun with the center of the Milky Way
Galaxy for the first time in about 26,000 years as evidence that the world will somehow end or
be transformed on this date.1
At one time quiet chatter amongst small groups of people, speculation about the Year
2012 has hit the mainstream with the help of the media. The History Channel has broadcasted
several shows about the Mayans and potential Armageddon scenarios for the Year 2012 in recent
years. Mayan prophecy experts are booked on radio shows whose hosts ask them whether
something will happen in 2012 as if the audience has an expectation that something will happen
in that year. The speculation about the Year 2012 has even appeared in some major newspapers,
magazines, and movies. The level of speculation and the prevalence of the speculation about the
Year 2012 remind some people of the speculation leading up to Y2K.
In this special report I demonstrate how the 2012 phenomenon is really a big deception
setup by Satan and his minions and reveal what Satan and his minions are trying to achieve with
this big deception.

MacDonald, G. Jeffery. Does Maya Calendar Predict 2012 Apocalypse? 27. Mar. 2007. Last Accessed 16.
Sept. 2009.

Background On 2012
Predictions concerning 2012 were popularized by those who studied the Mayans.
However, the Mayans are apparently not the only people who view or viewed the next few years
as a special time in world history as some individuals claim that the Hopi, [Ancient] Egyptians,
Kabbalists, Essenes, Qero elders of Peru, Navajo, Cherokee, Apache, Iroquois confederacy,
Dogon Tribe, and Aborigines spoke about this upcoming time period as well. 2
December 21, 2012 represents a special date on the Mayan calendar marking the end of a
planetary cycle that began on August 3114 B.C. and the start of a new cycle. 3 Since the Mayans
were incredibly skilled in Mathematics and in time-tracking many people take their calculations
seriously and try to understand what the Mayans thought of their calculations. Many people
have gone as far as to claim that the Mayans believed that the end of this current cycle would be
marked by Apocalypse as the old world passes away and a new world takes its place.
Drunvalo Melchizedek is a well-known New Age teacher and is the premiere authority
on the Mayans like esotericist and author Benjamin Creme is the premiere authority on a
spiritual being named Maitreya, (the spirit I believe is the Antichrist Spirit spoken of in 1 John
Ch. 4).4 According to Drunvalo, the talk from scholars and others about 2012 is just speculation
as the National Mayan Council of Elders has never spoken in unison about this subject
publically. For instance, Drunvalo says the Mayans actually view December 21, 2012 as an
unlikely date for a Doomsday event. Instead, the Mayans believe that there is an End Times
seven-year window that began in October 24, 2007 and extends into the Year 2015.5 Drunvalo
also stated in a recent interview that the Mayans are currently filming a movie informing people
about their prophecies and about what actions people should take. 6

Is 2012 Biblical?
Many Christians believe that we are living in the End Times (a notion that I disagree
with). The hype surrounding 2012 has caught many Christians attention, including mine, and

The Mayan Prophecies of 2012. 07 Dec. 2005. Last Accessed 24 Sept. 2009.
Experts claim the Tibetans, the Sumerians, and the Ancient Egyptians utilized a similar calendar system as the
Melchizedek claims to have two angels as his guides. He claims that a few decades ago these angels appeared to
him and told him to seek out teachers around the world to train him in many types of New Age religious practices.
The Mayans leadership totally trusts Melchizedek as they have been given signs telling them that Melchizedek and
his group are the ones they have been waiting for since the Mayan prophecies have been given. I believe these
angels that are guiding Melchizedek are fallen angels and that Melchizedek is not your ordinary Mayan prophecy
teacher given the effort the forces of evil have exerted in grooming him for his role.
Noory, George. Interview with Drunvalo Melchizedek. Coast to Coast AM. 11 Sept. 2009.
has caused them to wonder whether something will happen on December 21, 2012. Some
Christians believe that something big will happen on December 21, 2012 by citing things like the
Bible Code, which is something that I strongly disbelieve in, and things that a typical 2012
supporter would cite. In this section I answer whether three major end time events could
possibly happen on December 21, 2012: Armageddon, the revealing of Antichrists true identity,
and the start of the End Times.
The End Times seven-year period is known as the 70th Week of Daniel. Most of the
future events prophesized in the Bible will occur during this seven prophetic year time frame.
The 70th Week of Daniel is prophesized to last 2520 days (Daniel 12:7, 7:25, Revelation 12:6,
14, and 11:2-3, also see the appendix). 7 Since the length of the 70th Week of Daniel is a defined
period of time we can use it to assess whether these major predictions can possibly happen
December 21, 2012.

Some people claim that Armageddon will commence on December 21, 2012. I feel that
people who claim this need to strongly reconsider what the Bible says. The world must first go
through the 70th Week of Daniel before the Battle of Armageddon can occur. For December 21,
2012 to be the date when the Battle of Armageddon occurs, the 70 th Week of Daniel must have
begun in 2005. You would be very hard pressed to find many Christians who believe the End
Times began in 2005, including those who believe that we are living in the End Times right now.
Therefore, the world is not ending on December 21, 2012.

The Start of the End Times?

However, what about the possibility that the 70th Week of Daniel begins on December
21, 2012? I pose this question because some Christians still cling to this date anticipating that
the End Times may begin on this date. I believe it is impossible for the End Times to begin on
December 21, 2012 due to the way the 70th Week of Daniel will end. There is a strong indication
in end time-related verses that the 70th Week of Daniel will end on a Yom Kippur, which is
holiest Jewish holiday falling on Tishri 10 of the Jewish calendar or sometime between

The length of a prophetic year differs from the length of year on our calendar. A prophetic year is 360 days in
length. For more about the 70th Week of Daniel and the length of prophetic weeks and years access this link or read
the appendix.
September and October in our calendar.8 The following table illustrates whether it is possible for
the 70th Week of Daniel to begin on December 21, 2012.


Start of the 70 Week of

End of the 70th Week of

Our Calendar
December 21, 2012

Hebrew Calendar
Teveth, 8 5773

Add 2520 Days

November 15, 2019

Heshvan 17, 5780

This calculation demonstrates that the 70th Week of Daniel cannot begin on December 21, 2012
because it would contradict the Bibles designation of when the End Times will end after adding
2520 days from the start of the 70th Week of Daniel.

Antichrist Reveals His Identity?

Some claim that the Antichrist may reveal his true identity to the world on December 21,
2012. The Antichrist is prophesized to reveal his true identity to the world halfway through the
70th Week of Daniel when he breaks a seven-year treaty he made with Israel and desecrates a
newly built Temple located in Jerusalem.

o Dan 9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the
week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of
abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined
shall be poured upon the desolate.
o 2Th 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there
come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
o 2Th 2:4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is
worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
Halfway through the 70th Week of Daniel will come 1260 days before the 70th Week of Daniel
ends as 2520 divided by 2 is 1260. The following table illustrates whether it is possible for the
Antichrist to reveal his true identity to the world on December 21, 2012.

The purpose of the 70 Weeks of Daniel is to atone for the sins of Jerusalem and the Jewish people (Dan 9:24).
Since Yom Kippur is the Day of Atonement on the Jewish calendar it is fitting that the final atonement of sins is
completed on the Day of Atonement. For more access this link...


Start of the 70 Week of

Halfway Point of the 70th
Week of Daniel

End of the 70 Week of


Our Calendar
July 10, 2009

Hebrew Calendar
Tammuz 18, 5769

December 21, 2012

Teveth, 8 5773

Add 1260 Days

June 3, 2016

Iyyar 26, 5776

This calculation demonstrates that the Antichrist cannot reveal his true identity on December 21,
2012 because it would contradict the Bibles designation of when the End Times will end after
adding 1260 days from the halfway point of the 70th Week of Daniel. In addition, the 70th Week
of Daniel would have to begin on July 10, 2009 for December 21, 2012 to be the halfway point.
Recall, the 70th Week of Daniel is initiated with the signing of a 7 year peace treaty between
Antichrist and Israel. There was no such announcement on July 10, 2009 as Israel was not
negotiating with the Palestinians.
Therefore, Christians should not view December 21, 2012 as a tremendously important
day because nothing monumental can happen, like the start of the End Times, the revealing of
the Antichrist, or the end of the world, on this date. Could an event that helps bring on the End
Times happen on December 21, 2012? Yes, but we can say that about any date on the
calendar Christians should also not stop trying to understand the 2012 phenomenon even after
realizing that nothing monumental will happen on December 21, 2012 because by stopping they
will deny themselves the opportunity to learn what is really going on behind the scenes.

The Forces Behind 2012

Since the predictions about 2012 are completely unbiblical it is reasonable to conclude
that Satan and minions are somehow behind it all. When you examine the messages given by
Satans minions (primarily high-level fallen angels called Ascended Masters) to the followers
of the New Age Movement concerning 2012 you will clearly see that they claim and accept full
responsibility for what is going on. For instance, there have been channelings [an event where a
spirit contacts a person] by Sanat Kumara (Satan) and by Ascended Master Jesus Sananda
Immanuel claiming they are responsible for preparing the earth to undergo a planetary ascension
in 2012. As an example, in May 2008 Jesus Sananda Immanuel told a channeler, I am speaking
today for all of the Ascended Masters and other beings that are in charge of the ascension
process on your planet earth. The earth itself is going through a major shift at this time and is
well on its way to make the step into the 5th dimension in 2012 (emphasis added).9 These and
other messages are a major reason why New Age followers hold the expectation that 2012
represents a major shift in human consciousness leading us into a New Age. Meanwhile, others
point to miscellaneous things like crop circles as a sign something will happen in 2012, which
my research indicates are inspired by low-level fallen angels (posing as aliens). 10
However, very recent New Age channelings reveal that the Ascended Masters are no
longer committed to making 2012 the important date they once claimed it would be. For
instance, a few months ago Jesus Sananda Immanuel began to emphasize the importance of
divine cooperation for the events of 2012 to happen: As we have said all along, the transition
through 2012 is a spiritual transition and requires Divine Intervention. 11 The detail that the
spiritual transition requires Divine Intervention is very telling because reveals that any major
action that the Ascended Masters and the forces of evil can do in 2012 requires approval by a
higher power. The backtracking by Jesus Sananda Immanuel was complete on June 9, 2009
when he admitted to a prominent channeler that nothing will probably happen on December 21,
2012: The hype around 2012 will be anti-climatic. The date will come and go much as the year
2000 came and went and your Y2k never happened. As you remember, we shifted the timeline to
spare you the mass confusion it would have caused.12 Jesus Sananda Immanuels admission
that he and his Ascended Master (fallen angel) counterparts need to push back the timeframe
demonstrates that the forces of evil are restricted by God as He will not allow conditions on
Earth to be conducive for them to executive what they claim they would in 2012.

The Big Deception Explained

I do not believe the plan ever was to bring Doomsday in the Year 2012. The Ascended
Masters intentions were most likely made clear several decades ago when Ascended Master
[Fallen Angel] Djwhal Khul told New Age pioneer Alice Bailey that there would be a long
preparatory period lasting until 2025 and that after the completion of this preparatory period we
would in all likelihood then see the appearance of the Ascended Masters. 13 14 While the
Ascended Masters initially promised that something would occur on December 21, 2012, I do
not believe they were completely serious about fulfilling these promises in 2012. Instead, I

Margolis, Petra. Sananda on Ascension in 2012. 20 May. 2008. Last Accessed 16. Sept. 2009.
I realize that New Agers look at other signs besides the ones I mention like the Harmonic Convergence.
However, using astrological signs to predict the future is also something that the forces of evil want people to do and
is prohibited in the Bible.
Stahr, Alexandriah. Sanandas Redemption Prayer. 23 May. 2009. Last Accessed 16. Sept. 2009.
Stahr, Alexandriah. Ashtar Command: Reconnection Update. 9 Jun. 2009. Last Accessed 16. Sept. 2009.
Bailey, Alice. The Externalization of the Hierarchy. New York: Lucis Trust. 1957. 530
My own biblical-based calculation of when we may see the Ascended Masters appear produces a 2025 date.
believe the initial promises made were intended to help build up fervor large enough that it
would be picked up the media, who excel at making a mountain out of a molehill.
Furthermore, I believe the presence of 2012-related crop circles, the allusions to Planet X
Nibiru in Sumerian texts, and all the other 2012-related signs and prophecies are all inspired by
the forces of evil to give people multiple reasons to believe that some higher power is warning
them of an upcoming danger in the time surrounding the Year 2012. For instance, some people
argue that the similar predictions made by different civilizations throughout history about the end
of an upcoming cycle shows that there is something truly special about this upcoming time
period. However, I believe this is more proof that 2012 is a well-constructed deception by the
forces of evil. How else could civilizations scattered across the globe in different historical
periods hold similar beliefs about the importance of a single, future time period? Someone or
something had to give these civilizations these unbiblical prophecies, and since these predictions
are unbiblical, they surely were not from God. Therefore, the 2012-related signs and predictions
are part of a giant deception that the forces of evil have been setting up for hundreds, if not
thousands, of years.

Why Such a Major Deception?

The following explanation is quite complex and most likely includes a lot of information
you have never heard before. Although I describe some New Age concepts in this section, I am
not trying to convert you into a follower of the New Age Movement. I am trying to arm you
with vocabulary because those who have knowledge of what the forces of evil are doing describe
their actions using specific terminology. If you are patient and are willing to consider this
upcoming explanation with an open mind I believe you will garner great insights into what are
the motivations behind this big deception.

The Importance of Consciousness

In order to understand Satans motivations behind creating this gigantic deception you
must first understand two things that very few Christians understand: (1) consciousness and (2)
the forces of evils need to raise humanitys consciousness level. 15
I view consciousness as a state of awareness. When a person is asleep we say they are
unconscious because they are unaware of what is going on around them and we say they are
conscious when they are awake because they are aware of what is going on around them.


I want to make it known that I am not an expert on the topic of consciousness. However, I have researched this
topic enough to make some statements about the topic.
There are apparently different states or levels of awareness (consciousness) because the forces of
evil state that they are focused on elevating peoples consciousness levels.
I believe the impact of raising a persons consciousness level is comparable to the impact
of changing the signal switch on your radio. As you probably know, your radio has an AM and
FM switch where you can pick up AM radio signals when the switch is set to AM and pick up
FM radio signals when the switch is set to FM. When a person raises their consciousness level
an internal switch is changed, which enables that person to pickup signals from the spiritual
realm, the realm where fallen angels operate most efficiently. Although I have not found
confirmation of this, I suspect that an individual is permanently susceptible to messages from the
spiritual realm once their consciousness levels are raised.
The need to raise humanitys consciousness levels is a key requirement the forces of evil
need to fulfill before they can come out in full force. In fact, Djwhal Khul and Alice Bailey
wrote that the spiritual hierarchy (of Satan) decided a few hundred years ago that two tasks
needed to be accomplished before the full effect of New Age energy could be felt: (1) raise
humanitys consciousness level (2) facilitate oneness in the politics, religion, science, and culture
(later they added finance, psychology, and philosophy). 16
There are several reasons why raising humanitys consciousness level is essential to the
forces of evil. First, humanitys current consciousness level is somehow not conducive to
bringing the change the forces of evil want to bring. This information is revealed by the
Ascended Master who advises Creme when he noted, Without doubt, the greatest hindrance to
change is the present state of mass consciousness. The masses of humanity are deeply fearful of
changes the outcome of which they cannot foresee. 17 Second, the average persons current
consciousness level somehow severely restricts them from understanding the New Age teachings
that will constitute the New Age Religion. 18 Third, an increase in humanitys consciousness
level makes it easier for the forces of evil to interact with humanity as people will become
capable of receiving their spiritual signal. Finally, perhaps the main reason why raising
humanitys consciousness level is important was hinted at in the previous paragraph. The forces
of evil want to elevate humanitys consciousness levels so people will be able to receive the full
force of New Age energy. 19 The reason this so important is because the more people who are
capable of receiving New Age energy the more people Satan will be able to deceive when he
utilizes his full power during the End Times.

Bailey, Alice. A Treatise on White Magic. New York: Lucis Trust. 1934. 405
The Master (through Benjamin Creme). Fear of Change. 15 Oct. 2005. Last Accessed 22 Sept. 2009.
Bailey, Alice. Esoteric Astrology. New York: Lucis Trust. 1951. 53-54
New Age teachers speak of an extremely powerful spiritual entity and energy source called the Avatar of
Synthesis. This entity may or may not be the entity that unleashes the full force of New Age energy to the earth.
Djwhal Khul claimed this entity will facilitate the annihilation of evil (Christians and Jews) in a manner that
cannot be disclosed and will facilitate global unity/oneness in humanity, including the teachings of the one world
religion (Bailey, Alice. The Externalization of the Hierarchy. New York: Lucis Trust. 1957. 301-302)


o 2Th 2:7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until
he be taken out of the way.
o 2Th 2:8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the
spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
o 2Th 2:9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and
lying wonders,
Therefore, it should be no surprise to find that the forces of evil doing all they can to raise
humanitys consciousness level.

The Goals for 2012

I believe Satans main goal with the Mayan prophecies, the 2012-related events, and the
2012-related hype is to induce many people to accept a very evil energy which triggers an
increase in consciousness. Recall that Drunvalo said that the Mayans are currently working on a
movie where they will educate people about their prophecies. Drunvalo also said in the same
interview that the Mayans are also being visited weekly by extra-terrestrial beings (low-level
fallen angels) and are in constant contact with them. 20 While we do not know what is being
discussed during these meetings, you have to wonder if fallen angels are influencing what the
Mayans will say in their upcoming movie. This is an important question to consider because the
Mayans plan to tell people that they can survive the coming turmoil if they take a step that is
exactly what the forces of evil want people to undertake:

There are certain things that they suggest we do and this has to do with inner-levels of
consciousness. They say there is really not much you can do externally. It doesnt do
any good to dig a hole-put a lot of food and guns in it It has to do with a relationship,
according to them, with the human heart. That we have to be centered in our heart rather
than in our brains and that we have to have a connection to the heart of the earthThey
say that if you are in your heart and you are connected to the heart of the earth, that you
will not die. That you will just be in the right place at the right time and you will survive
this. 21 22


Noory, George. Interview with Drunvalo Melchizedek. Coast to Coast AM. 11 Sept. 2009.
Similarly, Hopi Prophecies emphasize that people who reconnect with their heart and to go back to the old ways
of understanding will be unharmed by the impending disasters.
Noory, George. Interview with Drunvalo Melchizedek. Coast to Coast AM. 11 Sept. 2009.

The call to listen to your heart may sound benevolent and innocent, but it is a treacherous trap.
According to the Bible, the heart is probably the last thing you should listen to:

o Jer 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
In addition, after searching through several New Age websites I found that opening up
your heart or thinking with your heart is the key to raising your consciousness level. New Age
teachers say that each person has special energy points on their body called chakras which
collect energy signals from the surrounding environment. They also say that the heart is almost
always the first chakra that a person seeking a higher-self opens and is the most important chakra
because it contains the seed for the ability to feel divine, pure love for everyone and
everything.23 24 While I will refrain from describing how a person opens their heart chakra, I
will tell you that Creme says the Ascended Masters are striving to open peoples heart chakra
through a variety of activities.25 New Age teachers say that the opening of the heart chakra
enables a person to begin receiving an energy called the Christ Consciousness, which brings an
increase in consciousness to the person.
New Age teachers claim that Christ Consciousness is an energy that Jesus accessed
when He was on earth and is an energy that will enable the person who receives it to feel a new
type of love and freedom. However, both teachings are bold face lies. The name Christ
Consciousness is a very deceptive and blasphemous name because the energy does not originate
from Jesus Christ, but from the Antichrist Spirit Maitreya. In fact, Creme says that Maitreya is
the embodiment of this energy: Maitreya embodies what we call the Christ Consciousness - the
energy of love - and it is this energy, as it manifests through us, that will change the world.
Maitreya will inspire in us a 'change of heart' to create justice - and therefore peace - in the
world.26 It is also apparent from analyzing Cremes statements that people who receive this evil
energy are transformed spiritually in a negative way. Creme says that Maitreya is able to
influence people who receive this energy to execute his will: he releases it daily into the world.
And as that is awakened in the human heart, so Maitreya can work through that individual. 27 28


Creme, Benjamin. Service and the Disciple. 15. Oct. 2005. Last Accessed 22 Sept. 2009.
Klein, Birgit. Chakras: The Heart Chakra. Last Accessed. 22 Sept. 2009.
Creme, Benjamin. Service and the Disciple. 15. Oct. 2005. Last Accessed 22 Sept. 2009.
Creme, Benjamin. Maitreyas Mission-FAQ. 15 Oct. 2005. Last Accessed 22 Sept. 2009.
Creme, Benjamin. Breaking the Biggest Story in History. 19. Jun. 2006. Last Accessed 22 Sept. 2009.
Cremes Ascended Master said that Maitreya believes men will respond to his calls through their hearts.

Creme also says that people who receive Christ Consciousness will accept Maitreya as their
savior when he finally reveals himself to the world.

The recognition of the Christ is up to each one of us, individually. The Christ is the
Embodiment of the energy we call the Christ Consciousness or Christ Principle, the
energy of the Cosmic Christ. It is released into the world for us by Maitreya, the Christ,
and to the degree that it manifests in us, we will recognize him.29

In addition, people with this evil energy inside of them become prepared to undergo the initiation
ceremony where the Mark of the Beast will be given. In fact, Creme claims that when the
Christ Consciousnessis lit, as it were, in the human heart, the man can then be prepared for
Initiation. 30
The rapid spread of this evil energy into the hearts of people worldwide is a major
development helping to prepare the way for Antichrist and his fallen angels to reveal themselves
to the world. According to Creme, millions around the world have already have accepted this
energy and are now spiritually prepared to follow Maitreya and The Christ Consciousnessis
manifesting in countless people. It is this fact which is behind the reality of the externalisation,
for the first time since Atlantean times, of Hierarchy. 31 32 Thus, the buildup for the time period
around the Year 2012 appears to be a monumental and historic deception designed to induce
millions of more people to become influenced by this evil energy and to ready the world for the
appearance of Antichrist and his fallen angel counterparts.
A second reason I believe Satan wants so much interest and attention given to Mayan
prophecies, 2012 related-events, etc is that people who go to investigate these topics are likely
going to become conditioned to expect the appearance of special beings on Earth in the near
future.33 For instance, Don Alejandro, the Head of the National Mayan Council of Elders of
Guatemala, quoting Mayan Prophecy wrote: At the time of the 13 Baktun and 13 Ahau is the
time of the Return of our Ancestors and the Return of the Men of Wisdom". 34 Drunvalo believes
the phrase Return of our Ancestors refers to the Nephilim, the giants referred to in Genesis


Creme, Benjamin. Top 50 Frequently Asked Questions. 2. Nov. 2006. Last Accessed 22 Sept. 2009.
Creme, Benjamin. Initiation FAQ. 15 Oct. 2005. Last Accessed 22 Sept. 2009.
Creme, Benjamin. The Esoteric Work of the Christ. 15 Oct. 2005. Last Accessed 22 Sept. 2009.
Creme, Benjamin. Initiation FAQ. 15 Oct. 2005. Last Accessed 22 Sept. 2009.
Hopi prophecies also speak of special beings from the stars returning to Earth
Return of the Ancestors. 31 Jul. 2009. Last Accessed 18 Sept. 2009.

6:4.35 This event would not be out of the question during the End Times because Christ said in
Olivet Discourse that the time around Christs return would be like the Days of Noah where there
were Nephilim roaming the earth.36

o Mat 24:37 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
o Mat 24:38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking,
marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
Meanwhile, the clues about the Men of Wisdom are a dead giveaway that the Mayan
prophecies are conditioning people to also expect the coming of the Ascended Masters. The
term Men of Wisdom refers to the Ascended Masters because this term is synonymous with
their nickname: the Masters of Wisdom. Further confirmation that the Men of Wisdom are
the Ascended Masters comes from another one of Alejandros statements these wise ones
will return again. There are some now incarnated in bodies, we do not know who they are and it
is a secret until the time comes".37 The detail we do not know who they are and it is a secret
until the time comes indicates that the Mayans are only given a certain amount of information,
the information that the forces of evil want them to know. However, with a little bit of
knowledge and discernment we can understand what the Mayans do not. According to Creme,
the majority of the Ascended Masters present on Earth are currently in bodies at this moment 38,
The Masters who have come into the world now have come in fully physical bodies. Two-thirds
of the Masters today are in fully physical bodies. 39

How to Explain No Doomsday?

At this point you are probably wondering how those associated with the forces of evil
will explain why the great cataclysms predicted did not occur without losing all their credibility
in the minds of most people. I suspect that the forces of evil have already devised an explanation
to answer why these events failed to transpire in a way that will enable them to gain favor with
people at a later date.

Interview with Drunvalo Melchizedek. 9 Sept. 2009. Last Accessed. 18 Sept. 2009.
Some theologians limit the similarities between the end times and the days of Noah to people eating, drinking,
marrying, and giving in marriage. However, this limited comparison is incorrect because Christ said that it would
exactly like the days of Noah.
Gershinsky, Ron. 2012: The Future of Humanity. 14 Oct. 2008. Last Accessed 18 Sept. 2009. Pg 18.
I do not necessarily believe the Ascended Masters are in physical bodies. These are spiritual beings who can take
on a physical form but can also be invisible when they choose to.
Creme, Benjamin. Masters of Wisdom FAQ. 15. Oct. 2005. Last Accessed 18 Sept. 2009.

An India Daily special correspondence piece featured someone who has knowledge of
what Tibetan monks are telling visitors about the Year 2012. Tibetan monks apparently believe
the time period leading up to 2012 will be turbulent, but at that time something remarkable will
happen... Supernatural divine powers will intervene. The destiny of the world is not to selfdestruct at this time. 40 These monks claim our earth is blessed and is being saved continuously
from all kinds of hazards all the time that we are not even aware of.41 This claim is very similar
to what Creme tells followers about the work of space brothers (UFOs). Creme says that
without the space brothers the world would be infinitely more painful to live in and without
their help we would be in a very sad state.42 43 This claim is also similar to what is being said
in recent channelings where spirits claim that there is work behind the scenes to delay events like
the impending pole shift.
I sense the India Daily special correspondence piece, the statements from Creme, and the
claims made in recent channelings reveal what explanation those associated with the forces of
evil will offer people. I suspect that people like the Tibetan monks will claim that a higherpower intervened to prevent the arrival of Doomsday. While some people will be skeptical of
this explanation, I expect many people-particularly those whose hearts are opened-to believe it. I
also suspect that Satans spiritual hierarchy will claim that they were the higher-power that
worked behind the scenes to not only save us from a pole shift but also from other unknown
disasters when they finally appear physically on Earth. They will probably cite many past
events, including past instances where they told channelers and followers of their work, as
evidence that they actually were working behind the scenes to protect us. Therefore, I suspect
that the forces of evil will attempt to capitalize on their explanation by making people feel
grateful to them for saving us from events that they have lied to us about. Thus, the parade of
deception and lies continues

If you are a Christian you should not buy into the hype and fear that will the media will
generate leading up to the Year 2012 and beyond. The end of the world, the start of the End
Times, and the revealing of the Antichrists true identity will not happen on December 21, 2012
because it is biblically impossible. Furthermore, Satans elite fallen angels, who are behind this


Subramanium, N.K. Remote viewing Tibetan monks see Extra Terrestrial powers saving the World from
destroying itself in 2012. 26 Dec. 2004. Last Accessed 24. Sept. 2009.
The Reality and Work of the Space Brothers. 15. Oct. 2005. Last Accessed 25. Sept. 2009.
Creme, Benjamin. UFOs FAQ. 15. Oct. 2005. Last Accessed 25 Sept. 2009.

deception, are now telling their followers that predictions regarding the Year 2012 are hype and
that the year is going to pass like Y2K did.
Unfortunately, many people will buy into the hype and the fear that the media will
generate. These people will become afraid and will try just about anything to protect themselves
from the perceived danger. Many people are likely going to heed the calls by the Mayans and
others to open their hearts because they will be portrayed as the authorities on the predictions by
the media hype machine. These people will become victims of Maitreyas evil energy through
the opening of their hearts and will unlikely be able to understand that they have been deceived
by the forces of evil before it is too late.

My Expectations of the Hype
I anticipate that the Year 2012 will be the most turbulent year in a very long time. I
expect there to be tremendous economic turmoil and political turmoil worldwide. I anticipate
that these events will raise peoples expectations for something to happen around December 21,
2012 to a fever pitch because many people will find some correlation between ongoing events in
that year and events that are prophesized to occur during the End Times. I also anticipate the
hype for 2012 to be also fueled by daily reminders from the media about how the world might
end or something is going to change following December 21, 2012. The calls the Mayans and
others will give to humanity to connect with (or open) their heart will lead to a lot of fearful
people to advertently or inadvertently to open their hearts, begin receiving Maitreyas evil
energy, and raise their consciousness levels.

The Pole Shift

Many people note how a reversal in Earths magnetic field could be a way for the
predictions can come true. I feel an upcoming shift in the Earths magnetic field is an intriguing
scenario because scientists say that it would trigger devastating events and say that the Earth is
overdue for one. A reversal Earths magnetic field would devastate humanity as it would trigger
violent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions among other things. Some scientists believe that a
pole shift is so overdue that they claim that it can happen at any moment.
I think a pole shift will occur during the End Times. I need to do some more research
before I am 100% sure, but at this point I think the conditions on the earth following the opening
of the 6th Seal are consistent with a pole shift.

The Length of the 70 Week
Gabriel told Daniel that 70 weeks have been given to the people of Israel and the city of
Jerusalem to end their disobedience, atone for their sins, and to be saved.

o Dan 9:24 Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish
the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to
bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the
most Holy.
o Dan 9:25 Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to
restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and
threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous
o Dan 9:26 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself:
and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the
end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.
Most Christians who study Bible prophecy agree that the first 69 weeks of this prophecy was
fulfilled over a several-hundred year period with a call to rebuild Jerusalem in the 20 th year of
Artaxerxes Longimanuss reign (Nehemiah Ch. 2:1-5) and the death and ascension of Christ.
Therefore, Gabriel did not mean 70 literal weeks where each week is 7 days in length . The
Hebrew translation of the word week in Daniel is shabua , which actually means seven.
Therefore we can also refer to Daniels prophecy as the 70 sevens. The length of a prophetic
week can be determined by analyzing the structure of the 70 th week of Daniel. Daniels 70th
week is divided into two halves. In the first half Antichrist will make and keep a covenant with
Israel, but will break it halfway through the seven.

o Dan 9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the
week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of
abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined
shall be poured upon the desolate.
The 2nd half of the week is a period of severe persecution. This period of time will last for time,
times, and a half. The Hebrew word for time is moed , which also can mean a year.
Nearly every commentator who analyzes Daniels 70 week prophecy agrees that time, times,
and a half means 3 years. Therefore, a prophetic week is a seven year period.

o Dan 7:25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the
saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his
hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.
In Revelation 12:14 we learn that 3 prophetic years is the equivalent of 1260 days. If we
divide 1260 days by 3 years we will find that a prophetic year is 360 days long.

o Rev 12:14 And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into
the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time,
from the face of the serpent.
o Rev 12:6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God,
that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.
Similarly, 3 years is also defined as 42 months since seven years is the equivalent to 84
months. Therefore a prophetic month is 30 days long since 1260 days divided by 42 months
equals 30 days/month.

o Rev 11:2 But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is
given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months.
o Rev 11:3 And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand
two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.
Given this information, we can confirm that the 70th Week of Daniel will be 2520 days long
three different.
1. 30 Days (in a Prophetic Month) x 42 Prophetic Months (in Half a Prophetic Week) x 2
Halves = 2520 Days
2. 7 Prophetic Years (in a Prophetic Week) x 360 Days (in a Prophetic Year) = 2520 Days
3. 1260 Days in Time, Times, and Half x 2 Halves = 2520 Days.

For more about the 70 Weeks of Daniel you can access my research study where I provide a
completely new explanation of the prophecy by clicking this link.


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