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musicians and artists / DAAD: Berlin Artists-in-Residence programme

DAAD: Berlin Artists-in-Residence


Kilian-Davy Baujard

The DAAD Berlin Artists-in-Residence programme (BKP) is one of the

world's most renowned programmes, offering grants to artists in the
fields of visual arts, film, literature and music.
Programme Description
Every year around 20 scholarships are awarded to international students for a
stay in Berlin of usually one year. This is an award scholarship: the scholarships
are granted to extraordinary and internationally established artists from abroad,
who have already established their reputation and style. The Berlin
Knstlerprogramm is designed to give artists freedom for creative work, promote
the variety and diversity of artistic approaches and strengthen the freedom of
expression and the arts. Age is not taken into account. The scholarship holders are
given every freedom to evolve, focus on their artistic works or exchange ideas.
The scholarship benefits provide for an adequate lifestyle; furnished apartments
and work areas are provided.
The Berlin Knstlerprogramm is a platform for cultural and artistic exchange which
transcends the borders of Europe. An artistic dialogue which reaches beyond the

cultural, geographical and political borders is one of the key notions in the
programme's work. The artists' presence and their production as well as the
events organized by the Berlin Knstlerprogramm in cooperation with the various
cultural institutions in the German capital or elsewhere bring to life the forum's
artistic dialogue and transform it into action.

DAAD: Berlin Artists-in-Residence
Markgrafenstrae 37
10117 Berlin
Facebook: DAAD: Berlin Artists-inResidence programme

Target Group
Internationally known and outstanding international artists who want to come to
Berlin in order to work on their medium and exchange ideas

Number of Scholarships
around 20 scholarships every year

The scholarships generally run for 12 months, or 6 months for film-makers.

Sholarship Value
Monthly scholarship instalments for living expenses and rent
Travelling and luggage expenses (also for the spouse and children, if they are
staying in Berlin for the entire duration of the invitation)
Health and accident insurance (contributions will be deducted from the
German language courses

Application requirements
Internationally renowned artists who have already established their reputation
and style

Application Papers
The application documents and further information on the application process can
be found here [].
Please note: applications are not accepted in the field of visual arts. In this case, in
contrast to conventional application procedures, a commission issues invitations
to internationally renowned artists.
Applicants are required to turn in the following portfolio of artwork labelled with
their name via mail (electronically submitted applications will not be considered):
Writers: own publications, preferably in German, otherwise, if possible, in English
or French; limited to 4 or 5 books; reviews. No manuscripts.
Composers: scores, records, CDs, DVDs, tapes, videos, own publications, but no
more than 3-4 audio samples please. The material ought to be coordinated very
precisely, i.e. score, description of the work, photos or videos belonging to the
samples should also be submitted. If specific pieces should be listened to, they
should be marked accordingly.
Film-makers: videotapes, DVDs (please note: burnt DVDs are often not readable,
therefore NTSC, PAL, Beta is preferred), scripts but please no more than 2 work
samples, preferably most recent works, with subtitles. Please include a synopsis of
every film submitted. Maximum viewing time per candidate: 15 minutes. So,
please mark the extracts that you would prefer to be viewed, especially with
regard to long films.
For all applicants: All materials submitted must be clearly marked with the name
and year created. For financial reasons, only original work material (books, scores,
films) can be returned. Copies, manuscripts, burnt CDs, DVDs, videos, etc., will
not be returned. The DAAD assumes no liability for submitted materials.

Application Deadline
International juries consult on the application. These juries meet in Berlin every
spring with constantly changing members. The selection decisions are then
communicated to the applicants as quickly as possible. Those invited then also
find out about the duration, scope and all the other details of their scholarship.

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