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rebel youth

the economic crisis:

migrant workers:

Coup in

PLUS: Les Cinq Cubains; How to cut through

the Boss’s BS; dub poetry; BC HST; & more!
Issue #8 | $2.00 1
Graphic par Association pour une Solidarité Syndicale Étudiante

’ S
The WOMEN of Canada are fac-
ing sharp new challenges
to equity rights & gains
from decades
of struggle. The
agenda would
return women
G H ! to second-
class citizens.
We stand in
solidarity with all
those fighting the
Harper agenda,
& working to stop
& oppression
and win a
better world
where want
and misery
are ended forever
table des
5. Editorial
6. Editorial 10. Abolish the BC HST 18. Raids, Reforms & Racism
7. Letters 14. Evaluating an Occupation Mary Carl
34. Culture Drew Garvie 14. Political economy of call
- Class war kids 36. Resisting 2010 Olympics centers
- The Dils 39. Aboriginal Baricade Bilal Awami
- Inglorious Basterds David Jacks 7. Minimum wage fight-back
- The Brat Attack 32. Racism, Sexism, Heterosexism Stephen VonSychowski
- Legally Blind Asad Ali 12. Anatomy of a crisis: dis-
- Street Sweeper Social 33. L’offaire ideologique cussion on the recission
Andre Luz Johan Boyden
- d’bi.young: dub
39. Blog features EDUCATION, HIGH
11. Red Square: Quebec 2005
30. Sommet Populaire 15. SPECIAL FOCUS ON
Marianne Breton Fontaine - Two letters to R.Y. talk
26. Les Cinq Cubains about student attitudents and
26. The Cuban Five ciriculum
21. Post-coup Hondu- - Debating High School poli-
ras: the resistance tics: student democracy
Arnold August Jamie Burnett
22. Cuban Democracy 17. Student politics: Canada
Chevy Phillips YCL-LJC Central Committee
38. Jack on Afghani- 39. Tories attack York YFS
stan? K. Cariou


Rabbits - Ben Heine www.benjaminheine. Woman protestor - a Belgian political artist, carica- Melanie Cervantes is a young artist in the USA
turist and sometimes photographer. who does fantastic stuff. Check out her website: and view an mini-
Mr fist - This is taken from a great Cuban Poster. interview video with Melanie talking about “Post
Google “Cuban Poster Art” to check out the fantastic illustra- Chicano” Art and politics on the RY blog
tions by artists in Cuba!


Rebel Youth is again published under condi-


tions of a Harper Conservative regime hell-
bent on a big business agenda. What’s


new since our last issue? Despite their

unstable grip on power, the Conserva-

tives are forcing the economic crisis’

burden onto our communities, our

class, our generation and our en-

vironment. They’ve developed

their attack on youth and stu-

dent organizations. And


they’re acting as a diplo-

matic prop to various

reactionary creations

of US imperialism.

1. No aid to youth
Harper’s budget provided no aid to students, young moth- 3. Resistance
ers, young workers, aboriginal youth, racalized youth, or Against a backdrop of Canada’s ghoulish dip-
young farmers. The federal scenario has percolated like lomatic support of reactionary regimes, there’s
sour coffee through all levels of the bourgeoisie state. growing campus-based international solidarity
May to August saw the general failure of youth summer with Palestine, Cuba and Honduras. On the other
jobs programmes (youth unemploy- hand, the Harper Conservatives,
ment is the highest since Statistics 2. The Big Lie in concert with Zionists and uni- 4. Yet another
Canada started tracking in the 70s). Over this darkening night, a great bold-faced versity administrations, are step- area of sharp-
Frosts and snow will be accompa- corporate media lie has risen like a full moon: ping up their attack on campus
nied by the cold winds of continued Canada has exited the economic crisis. The freedom of speech. Last spring,
ening strug-
inaccessible childcare, employment lie illuminates only what the cheer-leaders of the Conservatives held Canada- gle has been over
insurance, post-secondary educa- capitalism want us to see, like claims of 0.1% wide training workshops with status and non-status
tion, as well as cut backs to public growth. Deep in the shadows are crowds of MP’s: how to attack progressive workers. RY presents
education and no break in terms of unemployed. Can we (and unite ultra-right) campus a special article here.
housing costs, car insurance, cell remain there? Check groups. More recently, students exposed direct interfer- MP Jason Kenney, pit

phones, the price of food and home out our focus on the ence by a Tory cabinet member into the York Federation bull of this attack, also
heating – let alone recreation. economic crisis. Is of Students elections. These are dangerous developments. venomously supports

the outlook of our apartheid Israel. MP
generation polariz- Peter Kent, caught meddling in student elections, is the spokesperson for
ing? More people are Harper on Honduras. We also present in this issue an over-view about
discontented. New that neo-fascist coup, plus elections in Cuba, the 11-year case of the Cuba
thinking ruptures with Five (with whom the Canadian Federation of Student recently expressed
previous assump- solidarity) high school student activism, and music and movie reviews.
tions and it’s the chal-
lenge of the young 5. If these articles don’t piss
left activists to bring you off or fire you up, what
progressive content will? Join these fights – don’t worry about
into that debate. knowing everything, figure that out when you get
into the struggle. As our cover says: Rebel Youth
5 – now is the time to organize.
En- es- tre
u n e p a raît t e u rs n t é s des r n i e r nu- r v a t eurs b i t o ns, no

cor e ou t h er v a volo e de nse s ha
i s, R ebel Y e des cons âme aux epuis notr oir, les co tés où nou t
fo im s et fd ouv au on e
o u s le rég endu cor p uoi de neu ée sur le p s commun e générati
s v Q r le r
r per, ions. l assu e sur a, not
de Ha cor porat poigne ma de la cris au Canad es contre AUCUN
n d e s l e u r d e a u m é e s t t a q u
gr a lgré e fa r ppr i rs a SOUTIEN POUR
é r o ? Ma e por ter l nations o branle leu lus, ils
m i r s
t de f a
utes l
saien ociale, to nt. Ils ont étudiante a-
mis e n
es e ns ré
class vironnem ganisatio ouce les c Le budget de Harper ne contient rien pour les étudiants, les
en or r en d es de
notre sse et les u v o i jeunes mères, les jeunes travailleurs, la jeunesse autochtone, la
ne omo s et varié
la jeu oient à pr e jeunesse de couleur et les jeunes cultivateurs. Le scénario fédéral a fil-
’ e m pl c t i o nnair US. tré comme du café amer à travers toutes les pores de l’État bourgeois. Depuis
s réa sme
tions é r i a l i
mai jusqu’au mois d’août, on a assisté à la faillite généralisée des programmes
d’emploi d’été pour les jeunes (le chômage des jeunes est à son plus haut niveau depuis
que Statistiques Canada en tient compte à partir des années 1970). Le gel et la neige seront
accompagnés par les vents froids : des soins inaccessibles pour la petite enfance, l’assurance emploi,
l’éducation post-secondaire, ainsi que les coupures dans l’éducation publique, sans compter les coûts de
logement, l’assurance pour l’automobile, les téléphones cellulaires, le prix de l’alimentation et le chauffage du loyer
– pour ne pas mentionner les loisirs.

Peut-on accepter cela? Fa
éc on om iqu e.
isons le point sur la crise
Est-ce que le regard sur no
génération se polarise?
plus en plus, les gens son
s t
Au-delà de cette nuit san mécontents. Et on voit
lueur, le pire de s me n- la situation d’un autre
songes a vu le jour angle que par le pas-
dans les médias; il sé; c’est le défi des
faut le faire: le Canada jeunes militants
est sorti de la crise de gauche
économique (sic). Le d’a pp or te r
mensonge éclaire
s un contenu
seulement les meneuse pro gre s-
de claque du capitalism e,
comme l’affirmation vou- dans le
lant qu’il y a une crois- débat.
sance de 0.1%. Alors
que dans l’ombre,
et profondé-
me nt, des
masses de
ch ôm eu rs
le Honduras coup d’État néo-fasciste

cro up is-
rebel youth
3 RÉSISTANCE Comite de Redaction | Editorial Board
Stephen Von Sychowski (Coordinator), Marianne Breton Fontaine
Avec, comme toile de fond, un appui diplo- (Quebec editor), Johan Boyden (Circulation/Design)
matique du Canada pour les régimes réac- Anti-racism - Asad Ali; Aboriginal issues - David Tymoshchuk; Culture
tionnaires, des solidarités internationales - Stephen Von Sychowski; Gender Equity and Homophobia - Shone
établies dans les campus sont en croissance Au printemps derni- Bracken, Betsy MacDonald; International - Johan Boyden; Latin America
incluant celles pour la Palestine, Cuba et le er, les conservateurs - Suzanne MacNeil; Political Economy - Jason Mann; Student movement -
Honduras. D’un autre côté, les conserva- ont organisé des Shone Bracken; Young workers - Asad Ali, Jason Mann.
ateliers de formation Special thanks to Chevy Phillips, Erin Searle, and Barteck Chlebowski
teurs de Harper, de concert avec les Sion-
à l’échelle du Cana- for their help with copy-editing, Daniel Mozarowski and Kaley McLean for
istes et les administrations d’université, ac-
da avec des députés design assistance, Melanie Cervantes, Ben Heine, Peter Yanke, Cristy C
célèrent leurs attaques contre la liberté de Road, Andrew Rejano, Alexandra Martellacci, Alex Filipe and all the New
parole sur les campus. : pour attaquer les
Labour Press crew for inspiring us to sing pirate songs late into the night.
groupes progres-
sistes sur les cam-
Contributions | Submissions
pus (et unir l’extrême droite). Plus récemment, les étudiants ont We welcome letters, poetry, artwork, photos, comics, reviews and article
dénoncé l’interférence directe d’un membre du cabinet tory à ideas. If we accept your work for publication we can’t pay you — but radi-
l’Université York lors des élections à la Fédération étudiante. cal youth around the country will see what you’ve got to say. Please limit
Voilà de dangereux développements. letters and editorials to 300 words. We may edit.
Advertising rates on request. Email submissions to
domaine o
Un autre ê tr e
lutte s’avère Publication | Publishing
s’accentue la tut
bsence de sta Rebel Youth is published by the Young Communist League of Canada
le statut et l’a is,
rs. En frança - Ligue de la jeunesse communiste du Canada
des travailleu a rt ic le
un court
RY présente va il
alement le tra
relatant spéci lus étudiants en
. Un article p > find the YCL on myspace & facebook <
à Leamington d é d ié. français.
y est
ng en anglais
En anglais, nous
lo arque ue q Distribution & Subscriptions
assant, on rem
présentons un
E n p
survol sur ce enney, le Si ces sujets To get Rebel Youth on your campus or community, contact Coordinator
le d é p uté Jason K p- ne vous en
coup d’État néo-
it b u ll d e ce tt e attaque, su mettent pas
Johan Boyden: or 416-964-3894.
fasciste, les élec- p eusement le plein la vue, Subscriptions are $12 for 4 issues; $16 for USA.
e a u ss i ra g
tions à Cuba et le port ël Please make cheques payable to “Young Communist League” and mail to:
rtheid d’Isra
cas des Cinq de régime d’apa qu’est-ce
Peter qui le fera? Rebel Youth, 290A Danforth Ave, Toronto ON, M4K 1N6
le d é p u té
Cuba qui entament alors que
leur 11ème année Kent, surpris en tr
ain de se P a r t a g e z
diantes, ces ba- Reprinting
d’emprisonnement mêler d’élections étu
er tailles – Copy-left 2009 Reprints by community organizations and progressive media are welcomed, with source
arole de Harp
(la Fédération ca-
est le porte-p
credit to the author and RY Magazine. All other media or institutions please request permission .

s. ne vous
sur le Hondura
nadienne des étudi-
ants leur a exprimé inquiétez We support union print shops
sa solidarité récem- pas de ne Printed by union labour in Montreal, Quebec, on recycled Newsprint
Payette & Simms Inc. 1-866-672-6380
ment), le militantisme étudiant pas savoir tout, sachez seule-
dans les écoles secondaires ainsi que ment que ça viendra en par-
des chroniques sur la musique et le ticipant aux luttes. Comme le
cinéma. En français nous publions dit la page frontispice : Rebel
un reportage spécial sur le mouve- Youth – voici le temps de
ment de la paix. Nous publions aussi s’organiser. HIGH THEIR: May bee yew are a null re: tent hive anb yew
lyek two spot spooling Eeyore’s, well there is a dilliberate
Jeunesse Militante qui couvre encore mistakke & typo hiddun in thus magozine. Fined eat
davantage sur la jeunesses et les
7 und wheel guv yew a pryse: money of big Mig’s antique
uzed sweaters!

RY in Le Blo- sires today; [like the] ecological

awareness that was not present in
for the previous 30. Socialism isn’t
just possible, but imminent.
From lush forests teeming with life
To gray factories reeking of strife
gosphere the earlier part of the 20th century. The laws have changed
The internet and other communica- David, student From love thy neighbor
I will take a little of your time to tell tions technologies have opened for To slave for checks or starve to
you a story. One woman working the youth new and fascinating ways death
with me at the magazine Menta- of accessing information, and we
lité was looking for the name of a have adapted along with it, growing SLAVE OR STARVE
famous poet she said, but she could more able to distinguish between No one cares if you live or die
not remember the name. It turned reliable and unreliable information. CRAVE YOUR SCARS
out to be Pablo Neruda. I asked her Because you know that you’re liv-
if she knows Nathalie Caderon. She ing a lie
said no. So we went on the com-
puter and I said search: Ligue de la Money money money
jeunesse communiste du Québec, money money!
now Solidarité, look on your right up Doesn’t something here seem
to Commandate Che Guevara. We funny?
put on the song Hasta Siempre. A bitter taste left in my dry mouth
Engulfed in doubt
Tonight, she sent me an e-mail: “J’ai Greedy capitalists are the only ones
écouté le clip de Hasta Siempre une that laugh
bonne douzaine de fois. J’ai tout ça No longer after they feel the
dans la tête ce soir... Je comprends True Wrath
que tu sois habité par tous ces per-
sonnages (she referred to Victor SLAVE OR STARVE
Jara, Pablo Neruda), ils viennent No one cares if you live or die
s’ajouter à ceux qui m’habitent aus- CRAVE YOUR SCARS
si mais ils sont si différents. J’admi- Original in colour pastel by Sandra Stevens, Vancouver BC
Because you know that you’re
re ces hommes pour leur courage, living a lie
merci de m’en avoir parlé.”
Á la prochaine camarades, Do you want to break your chains?
Then rise with me, rise with us all
Daniel, writer
Montreal ABOLISH
consumerism It’s time to unite
Even if we have to fight
Many young people, especially In many quarters, there’s a rejec- Slave -- It’s time for a brand new world
those who hold strong views, feel
like their voice doesn’t matter – like
tion of neo-liberal economics that or Starve! We won’t be forced into the mold!
preach consumer capitalism like
nobody else feels the way they do. dogma and demand ever-increasing SLAVE OR STARVE
But consider: levels of consumption. We see the Why hello there, The name’s Akai, No one cares if you live or die
The socialist movement today is profound disrespect offered to indi- and I’ve written a song I think you CRAVE YOUR SCARS
growing – people are starting to see viduals by consumerism. Socialism would appreciate. If anyone wants Because you know that you’re
this system for what it is, and reject and post-consumerism are ironical- to go ahead and use this in a band living a lie
it for something better. What we ly both more fair and equitable, and or something I’m fine with that as
desperately need is a rejection of more individual and expressive. long as I’m given some credit. REMEMBER THAT!
consumerism. Look no further than And society has changed more
the collapse of the economy. in the last ten years than it had Oh, how the world has Akai, musician
Many more people have new de- 8 changed

Email land environment, which in turn risks our KSM Victory

War & Peace health and the health of future gen-
erations, cuts to Canadian arts and
Previous issues of RY (Summer ’07, Spring ’08) have reported on the ban-
ning of the Communist Youth in the Czech Republic, the KSM, for advocat-
culture, which economically limits ing socialism. We are very happy to report that the KSM has won a legal
The logic employed by those in the personal expression of artists. challenge and regained its legality! In a statement, the World Federation of
power today – Stephen Harper’s
Democratic Youth said “This decision is the result of KSM and Czech youth’s
Conservatives - attempts to explain World peace could very well be the struggle, as well as of the intense and worldwide solidarity expressed by the
peace ‘here’ (in Canada) as a result highest ambition of humanity. And youth of all corners of the world… proof that, despite the obstacles, difficul-
of war ‘there’ (in Afghanistan). Noth- while world peace is a certainly a ties and attacks, the struggle is the way for victory against imperialism.
ing could be more untrue. lofty ambition, it is only achievable ”
if we, the people, accept personal Big in Japan
Let’s examine some of Stephen responsibility for our actions and
Harper’s remarks on Afghanistan: Last issue of RY examined the growing interest in the Japanese Commun-
accept our connectedness to one ist Party by youth. This summer Japanese politics saw its biggest shake-up
“Our Canada is a great place, but another and to the world.
Canada is not an island. And what in decades, when the ruling parties suffered a crushing defeat. The JCP re-
happens in places like Afghanistan ceived almost 5 million votes, an increase from 2005 election. It has attracted
threatens and affects all of us back Adam, student jour- 14,000 new members in the last 18 months, a quarter of whom are under 18.
home in our own country.” “If we nalist, London
fail in Afghanistan, if that country BC Election
relapses into anarchy and once
again becomes a haven for extrem-
Unemployed We also reported in the last issue about the BC election. We congratu-
late student activist Zach Crispin for winning over 200 votes for the
ists and terrorists, the world will be Pudding Communist Party in Trail, and 17% of the high school vote. The second
manifestly more dangerous.” attempt to win the support of British Columbians for the Single Transfer-
In Quebec there is a recipie from able Vote (STV) electoral system went down in flames. Were it for the
Harper constructs a notion of ‘Cana- the Depression called pouding students, there would be an anti-Liberal majority in the Legislature today
dian-ness’ as honourable, just, and chômeur, unemployed pudding. Try -- but as YCL BC said “The re-election of the Campbell Liberals is very
in need of protection. Harper uses it! dangerous news... [we need a] militant, united fight back to stop and re-
an opposing strategy in describ- Sauce: 1 cup of maple sirup, 1 cup verse the agenda of the Campbell Liberals and win a better BC, and a
ing some Afghans as a dangerous of brown sugar, 1 cup of boilling wa- better world. For us, that means socialism!” More commentary inside.
threat to Canadians, and other Af- ter, 1/4 cup of butter. Cake: 1 1/2 cup
ghans as in need of Canadian pro- of flour, 1 c.t. of baking powder, 1/4 Toronto 18
tection. Such simple constructions cup of butter, 1 cup of sugar, 1 cup Our Spring ’08 issue reported on the case of the Toronto 18. Three were
of the ‘nation’ attempt to elide differ- of milk 1) Put the oven at 325 F Mix held for over two years solitary confinement, just released this July and
ence and create neat categories of the flour and the baking powder. Put August; nine have been denied bail and remain in detention awaiting
people. How can war in Afghanistan aside 2) In a bowl, undo the butter trial; one youth has been convicted and released; one has plead guilty
possibly bring peace to all Cana- until it becomes creamy. Incorpo- and awaits sentencing; seven youth have had their charges dismissed/
dians when 127+ Canadians are rate slowly the sugar until it has an stayed. It is with great concern that we note two of the young men have
dead as a result? World peace can- unctuous texture. 3) Put a quarter now been convicted, the first cases under the quasi-fascist Anti-Terrorism
not be achieved through violence. of the milk and the flour. Mix. Do it Act. The young men were subject to police entrapment. In the trials their
War there, in Afghanistan, cannot until there’s no flour and no milk left Charter rights were violated. More information will be posted on RY blog.
account for peace here in Canada, 4) Butter a scare pan (13x9 inch).
precisely because war there is war Pour the mixture into it. Put aside.
here. We are all connected. Education is a right
5) In a pan, mix all the ingredients That was the demand of the students occupying the UofT Presi-
for the sauce. Make it boil for a little dent’s office (Spring ‘08). All the activists have now had the charges ei-
In Canada, there are countless moment. 6) Pour the sauce on the
social problems that are direct re- ther thrown out of court or dropped (more on the blog). The Spring ‘09
paste. Don’t mix. Cook for 45 min. RY analysed the Drop Fees campaigns, check this issue for updates.
sults of the government’s inaction
– thorough restricted access to
education, labour relations founded Sara, student Anti-homophobia in Durham
on profit over human integrity and Montreal The article “Fighting Hate In Oshawa,” about the homophobic attacks on
family needs, the oppression of Ab- lesbian mothers Anji Dimitriou and Jane Currie, was written by Jeff Tomlin-
original peoples, the criminalizing of Thanks everyone for the letters! son. RY apologizes for not attributing the article. This fall the case will go to
peaceful behaviour such as mari- Keep ‘em coming. These letters court and will be, thanks to public pressure, tried as a hate crime
juana use, disrespect for the natural have been edited. 9 not random violence.

Minimum Wage Fight not effectively used to rally anti-Liberal

Must Go On forces to fight back or even vote.
Stephen Von Sychowski, Since May 12th, the $10 NOW campaign
has been slow to recover its pre-election
On November 1st, 2001, BC’s minimum wage energy and exuberance. Yet it is neces-
increased to $8 per hour. I was working that day. sary more than ever before to fight for
It was at my first job, Super Save Gas. We were BC’s low paid workers. BC, like the rest
minimum wage workers with no benefits, no job of Canada, is in the midst of a global
security, no paid vacation, and all things consid- capitalist economic crisis. The temporary
ered, this was the best news any of us had heard boom caused by construction and devel-
since we entered the workforce. opment for the 2010 “Five Ring Circus”
is dissipating, and homelessness is in-
Almost eight years later, the wages of BC’s lowest creasing dramatically. There’s no doubt
paid workers haven’t increased a single cent. In that those living on poverty level wages
fact, with inflation sitting just under two percent, desperately need an increase.
their real wages in terms of buying power have
plummeted significantly, leaving over 350,000 Waiting four years for another election
working for poverty level wages. is too late for workers. Furthermore, in
four years the powerful corporate forces
It’s no wonder that the $10 NOW campaign, that Gordon Campbell’s Liberal Party represent
which calls for an immediate increase to $10 per may succeed in returning him to office yet again and the Federal Goods and Services Tax, into
hour, a subsequent increase to $11, indexing to if a mass, militant movement against their poli- one federally administered sales tax. When this
inflation, and abolition of the “training wage,” has cies cannot be built in advance of the election. takes place, almost everything which PST does
garnered the support of 80% of British Columbi- Elections are not the be all and end all of politi- not apply to will see a 7% increase in cost. Among
ans. Already over 70,000 people have signed the cal struggle. It’s true that we must fight to elect these are some of the most important parts of a
petition for $10 NOW and young workers have a progressive, anti-Liberal majority in the next working class family’s budget: residential fuels
organized rallies, pickets, petitioning sprees and election. But we can and must put political and (electricity, natural gas) and heating, food prod-
other actions to voice their demands. economic pressure on the Campbell Liberals ucts, non-prescription medication, work-related
now in order to force progress on the immedi- safety equipment, smoke detectors and fire ex-
On May 12th, as the polls closed on another pro- ate needs of working people for work and wages. tinguishers, and household maintenance such as
vincial election, minimum wage workers watched Nobody is going to hand that to us, but together renovations and painting. Even grieving families
in horror as their impoverisher, Gordon Campbell we can take it. will now pay 7% more at a funeral home.
and the Liberal Party, returned to power aided by
immense corporate funding, dismal voter turn- The Harmonized Tax system puts a massive
out, and a weak campaign by the opposition New
Abolish the HST
weight on working people in British Columbia.
Democrats characterized by tame, toned-down YCL-BC Cmte
Northern B.C.ers who are seeing forestry jobs
policies hopelessly aimed at trying to please both lost and already pay far more for many essen-
the workers, and their bosses. As the economic crisis continues to endanger jobs tial products will now see home heating costs
and force down wages, British Columbians are increase dramatically. Commuters in urban ar-
During the election campaign the $10 NOW faced with another attack. On July 23th, 2009 the eas will see bicycles and bicycle repairs jump in
campaign was effectively put on hold while the right-wing B.C. Liberal government announced price, which continues the B.C. Liberal policy of
majority of its volunteers flocked to electoral its intention to implement a Harmonized Sales profits before people and the environment.
work for candidates who pledged to support their Tax by July 1st, 2010. Despite explicit promises
demands. Without the backing of a mass move- not to introduce such a tax during the last provin- Youth will be affected drastically by the new sys-
ment, the debate quickly became abstract. The cial election in May, the Liberal government per- tem. Movies and theatre tickets, repairs for home
Liberals were represented by the media as the sists in forcing working class British Columbians appliances, and other costs often born by young
Party to be trusted on economic issues like mini- to pay for the failing capitalist economy. people will increase substantially. Even school
mum wage because, ironically, of Campbell’s supplies will see a 7% increase in cost when stu-
“business experience.” The issue was largely
disarmed during the election period and was
10 The Harmonized Sales Tax combines
two taxes, the Provincial Sales Tax
>>Pg. 36
The Student’s
Red Square
“The red square is associated with a
mobilization of objection to
all policies that impoverish…”
RY Quebec Bureau tells the story behind the little felt square that became the
symbol of the most powerful student strike in recient Canadian history.

On October 5, 2004, the red square was born. Worn by strike. On March 16, several institutions historically less
members of the Collectif pour un Québec sans pauvreté mobilized than other campuses (such as the Ecole Poly-
(for a Quebec without poverty) against Bill 57, unaccept- technique de Montreal, Concordia University and graduate
able legislation on social assistance proposed to the Com- of McGill University) voted yes on taking 24 hour strikes,
mission Social Affairs of Quebec’s National Assembly, it joining already huge demonstrations. In total, 80 000 stu-
quickly became a symbol of the front of welfare: dents answered the call and marched peacefully through
the streets of Montreal. At that time, 230 000 of 450 000 of
“... We urge you to refuse that political institutions continue all Quebec post-secondary students were on strike.
to conceive, for the poorest citizens, escalators that go
down instead of up, and which each put us a little deeper At its first congress during the strike, the Coalition de
“into the red” [debt]. We l’Association pour une soli-
light a very, very big red darité syndicale étudiante
light... so that [this issue] (Coalition of the Association
will be even more visible. for expanded student-union
“* solidarity) which was an
ASSÉ coalition with some
Thus, little hand-made independent student unions,
red felt squares began adopted the red square as a
to appear, pinned on symbol of student struggle.
people’s coats and bags. “Students are also put into
By the fall, the move- the red by the Charest gov-
ment of the red square ernment!” was the cry. The
had multiplied, together small square was now not

* Source: Collective for a Quebec without poverty in the Gazette officielle du Québec, October 5, 2004
with a broad mobilization only worn by the young stu-
against Bill 57. The Al- dent strikers, but also by all
ternative Forum, held on supporters of the students
6 and 7 October by the involved, even the leader of
Réseau de vigilance (Net- the opposition in the Quebec
work of Vigilance), as well National Assembly. PHOTO: Students in 2005 bring giant red squares together in a mass action..
as demonstrations opposing the regressive measures of On March 30, 2005, a daring group of students hoisted
the newly elected Liberal government, popularized the red a giant version of the red square on the famous cross on
square as a radical symbol. On November 20th more than Mount Royal. The cross is a giant metal structure over-
10 000 people, all most all wearing the red square, pro- looking all the city. It took over 24 hours for the authorities
tested cut-backs that forced people “into the red” outside to remove the symbol. Under the red square, it was pos-
of the Liberal Party of Quebec’s offices. sible to read from the streets below: “Let’s stop sacrificing
our children.”
At the same time, the Charest government was also at-
tacking the students, cutting student financial aid by $103 Now well known in Quebec, the red square made its way
million while the student organizations were campaigning across Canada and into France thanks to the international
for free education. solidarity between student activists. Today, the red square
is associated with raising resistance to austerity policies.
The next year, in 2005, the Association pour une Solidarité In the struggles for equally distributing social wealth, the
Syndicale Student (ASSÉ) as well as student associations red square continues be a powerful symbol.
in Quebec (FECQ and FEUQ) opposed the reform of
financial assistance and began an unlimited general
Anatomy of a Crisis
Unprecedented developments are shaking global capitalism to its very core. RY looks closer.
While the global crisis is still in its early stages and is unfolding unevenly around the globe, general features can now be identified, and conclusions drawn.
Drawing from central convention documents now being debated throughout the Communist Party of Canada, J. Boyden presents this special feature.

Who pays? we pay! GLOBAL RE-
Leading capitalist states had little choice but to
massively intervene: bailing out the banks, fi- General strikes in
nancial and insurance companies and some of
Greece, bosses
the largest transnational corporations in order to
stave off complete economic collapse. The infu-
held hostage by
sion of public funds by capitalist states around the French workers,
world (bankrolled in large measure by mounting strikes in South
government debt) has been truly staggering. Africa, migrant
workers in jam
A Vicious Offensive MOOD OF
Dubai highways,
Capitalism is mired in the deepest world-wide TENT continuous picket
economic crisis since the Great Depression. outside Philipine
Meanwhile, its systemic decline continues: At the same time, factories, Japa-
militarism and war, and an environment crisis, the deepening nese Communist
both threatening the survival of humanity. The crisis are having a Party gains in elec-
root cause lies in the private ownership of the radicalizing effect tion, South Korean
means of production and its contradiction with on sections of factories occupied,
the increasingly social character of production.
the working class strikes in Domini-
The maturing of this contradiction makes the
capitalist system more volatile and destructive, whose economic can, Guadeloupe
with dire and sometimes unpredictable results. and social condi- What is holding shut down: Mass
tions are sharply protests against
Ruling circles are stepping up a vicious offen-
sive against our class in order to ‘save’ capital- deteriorating and back the fight? the economic
ism, shifting the cost of the crisis onto the backs are increasingly The labour and people’s fightback against the crisis are on the
of working people. Democratic and social rights driven to fight consequences of the crisis remains largely un- move almost
are under increased assault. Ultra-right, narrow back. even and sporadic, even though important ad- everywhere.
nationalist and neo-fascist groupings are prolif- vances have been made. Why? (1) the
erating in many countries in the cultivated soil Anti-capitalist sen- impact of fear and insecurity among broad
of reaction. sections of the working class, weakening –
timents and advo-
cacy of socialism if only temporarily – their capacity to unite
as the systemic and fight; (2) the imposition of state mea-
sures to restrict, and sometimes directly
alternative to
repress, organized dissent; (3) the dis-
decadent capital- orienting effects of the intense bourgeois
ism are growing ideological offensive directed at the work-
on a much wider ing class to split its ranks between public/
scale. private sector workers, unionized and un-
organized workers, and to scapegoat the
These are dynamic unemployed, new immigrants, women; and
times indeed, full finally (4) the betrayal of the right-wing, op-
of dangers and portunist leadership of social democracy
challenges and and the vacillation/retreat of sections of
the trade union leadership, obstructing the
also with the po-
development of a united and coordinated
tential of resurgent fightback movement.

A STAGERING USE OF PUBLIC FUNDS: Jan.20th Fed. Budget: $30 Billion + Borrowin
So-called nationalization
The so-called ‘nationalization’ of some financial
houses in various countries are not genuine ef-
forts to shift the balance of forces from monopoly
interests to the people. On the contrary, these
actions are intended to shore up capitalism using
state funds until such time as they can be handed
back to the private sector.

The danger of war

The crisis is aggravating contradictions among
the leading imperialist states and blocs, as each
scramble to defend ‘its’ own industrial/financial
Unhappy with the pace and substance of change, Canadians in the interests at the expense of foreign competi-
Great Depression sat down in plants and in the fields, marched, tors. Protectionist measures (such as the “Buy
America” conditionalities attached to U.S. gov-
petitioned and lobbied for a social safety net, established unem-
ernment-financed infrastructure projects) is fur-
ployed groups, and organized industrial workers into unions. ther crippling international trade flows that have
already fallen due to shrinking demand and ‘tight’
Everywhere the credit conditions. Notwithstanding the rhetorical
crisis is attended defence of ‘free trade’ spun at G-8, G-20, World
by growing Bank and other global and regional summits, the
impoverishment: evidence unmistakably points to increasing eco-
job losses, rising nomic nationalism and retrenchment. Over time,
unemployment this will in turn lead to rising inter-imperialist ten-
(especially among sions and rivalries – the historical precursor to
imperialist aggression and war.
full-time work-
ers), economic But isn’t it over?
insecurity, and An ideological offensive aims to mollify working
degradation of people with misleading and sometimes falsified
social conditions, reports that economic recovery is now in ‘full
especially for swing’, even though such optimistic claims are
women, youth, se- belied by the facts: unemployment now stands
niors and the most at 1.6 million workers and is rising. So too are
vulnerable. The foreclosures and bankruptcies, plus the percent-
dismal employ- age of working people slipping below the ‘poverty
line’. Domestic consumption and exports lan-
ment situation has
guish. New housing starts have almost halted.
been made worse Internationally, world trade is off sharply while
by the actions of most capitalist governments are mired in un-
financially healthy sustainable debt. Why then all the talk of ‘robust
corporations, recovery’? Because of the recent ‘bounce-back’
taking advantage of stock prices. Similar reports of false recovery
of the economic were common during the last Great Depression.
crisis to carry out All this serves a sinister purpose: deluding work-
radical restructur- ing people into believing that the worst is over.
ing (layoffs), often ‘Bunker down.’ Ride out the rest of the economic
storm. No way! The only choice is to educate,
with the help of
organize and fight!
government funds.

g to bail out financial sector: $200 bil. + buy- 13 ing morages & other toxic assets: $125
HCBP has been subject to heated community (Land Is More Important Than Sprawl), it is un-
debate since 1993. However, this summer the likely that any of Guelph’s recently unemployed
City of Guelph pushed ahead with construction. manufacturing workers would be eligible for a
Situated on the Paris-Galt Moraine, the HCBP research position in these offices. The industrial
site is essential to the integrity of local drinking section of the park will not be built for years, if
water. It is home to one of Southern Ontario’s last ever. While Guelph has 175 “brownfields” (un-
surviving Old Growth Forests. The site also con- used and toxified industrial/commercial sites)
tains provincially significant these must first be cleaned up, making them less
wetlands and protected On Monday profitable.
species. Environmental-
ists, scientists and commu- July 27th at Opponents of the HCBP have demanded re-
nity members agree that the
supposed precautions taken
6:30am, a sponsible development. YCL-Guelph called for
all levels of government to put nature and people
by the City are insufficient to
ensure that significant dam-
group of pro- before profits: create meaningful, decent paying
jobs, compatible with environmental sustainability
age is not done. The failure testers set and conservation. As one of the land defenders
of the city to properly ad- on the occupation site put it, “there’s no shortage
dress these concerns was up camp on of things that could be done to make the world’s
the real cause of the work environment a better place, rehabilitate the eco-
stoppage. the proposed systems, and keep the world from heating up”.

HCBP: not a solu-

Hanlon Creek Criminalize and intimidate
tion to recession Business Park
The City’s reaction was an eviction notice. In 24
The City and its corporate
development hours over a 100 people gathered on the site in
support, responding
friends have “framed” the
opposition to the Business
(HCBP)... ...and shut down to flyering, going
door to door, and
Park as opposition to em-
ployment. Guelph is facing a jobs crisis. Work-
construction. mobilizing progres-
ers have lost over 2 000 manufacturing jobs sive forces. The
since last year alone. Guelph is also a university City and its armed wing (the cops) were not will-
town. The capitalist crisis has also hit students ing to confront this mass of people. Instead of
hard making secondary education even less ac- negotiating, the City threatened a 5 million dol-
cessible to working-class youth. lar lawsuit. Unable to name the hundreds who
joined the occupation, the City had a detective
The tenants that the HCBP hopes to attract are identify six activists.
biotechnology and agri-science firms. According
to the Guelph environmental coalition LIMITS The first court appearance was Aug. 5. However
Justice Wein refused to dismiss the community

u a t i o n o f
eva cupation
an oc
concerns. “Instead of granting the City’s injunc-
tion to force them to leave the site, she issued HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT
an adjournment during which the occupation was
given the legal right to stay put and the construc- STRUGGLES
tion crew was legally kept out” as Ontario Public
Interest Research Group Volunteer Coordinator In any high school, it is inevitable that you TWO LETTERS
Mandy Hiscocks said. The campaign was then will come across a student wearing a T-shirt fea- TO REBEL YOUTH
able to put forward an injunction request, de- turing Che Guevara or the hammer and sickle.
manding construction stop. “And this is when the I have been a dedicated communist for some
shit hit the fan”. time, and one day I decided to ask a boy I seen It was a cold dark January morning,
wearing a hammer and sickle on his belt buckle if the type of morning most people just want to stay
In the next court appearance it was exposed he supported the communist party, in bed – but not me. I was excited
that the Jefferson Salamander, covered by the and his response was no. I asked to go to school. I had just learned
Endangered Species Act, had been discovered him why he would wear a commu- about something new, something
at HCBP. While the City had repeatedly claimed nist logo. He said to me, “This is the I thought would change the world:
to have the Ministry of Natural Resources’(MNR) Russian symbol. And anyways, you Socialism. I was excited to go talk
support, in court it was discovered that MNR had can’t even be communist in Cana- to my teachers about this wonderful
actually asked the City to not proceed. While da, it’s illegal!” new thing I just discovered, about
Justice Gray’s decision granted the City’s injunc- We need education in our schools how we could set plans in motion.
tion to remove the occupiers, he also granted the about communism. From my el- I walked into my first period Sci-
MNR authority to put a stop work order on the ementary school years I can re- ence class, which was taught by
project. member “Politics” being taught over one of our schools most respected
a one month period as a unit in ge- teachers who I had a good friend-
It appeared that the City had royally screwed ography. All this class ever taught ship with. As I sat in class waiting
themselves. The occupation ended. me was that there were two political for the bell to ring I told my friends
parties in Canada, the Conserva- about the wonders of socialist think-
But many people did not trust the MNR. Marxism tives and the Liberals. And at that, ing expecting that I would get great
101 says the state is a tool of the ruling class and more time was used to educate us reactions.
is not an objective “mediator” between classes. about the Conservatives. Later, in All I got, to my disappointment was
Municipalities are dominated by developers just grade 10 civics we are educated “isn’t Communism what Hitler be-
as the federal government is with the big monop- about 4 parties, the Conserva- lieved in?” and no matter how much
olies. When the MNR was given the authority to tives, the Liberals, the NDP, and the I tried to explain to them, they kept calling me Nazi boy.
actually stop the HCBP it soon changed its tune Greens. There isn’t even the slight- When the bell finally rang I went to my teacher with new hope
and allowed work to continue imposing a few, est mention of other political beliefs: thinking that he as an intelligent man would agree with social-
largely meaningless, regulations. it’s as if they want us to believe the ism. I walked up to him and said “if you could live in a nation
world stops and ends at the four that had any ideology what would you choose?” He said An-
Current situation major parties. We don’t even learn archy. I was surprised but responded “what about a Socialist
much about [the Bloc Quebequios] country?” His eyes is narrowed on me and said, “That is the
On August 27th the MNR allowed construction the fifth biggest party in Canada. lowest on my list!”
on a culvert at the HCBP, but by Sept. 3rd City In my school library, the communist One other thing I will always re-
had cancelled the HCBP – for the summer. Ap- manifesto is in-between “What is member is that during History we
parently the City can no longer fit the construc- Fascism?” and “Nationalism, from were going over some slides on the
tion into its summer work schedule. Hitler to Gandhi” In fact, when I great depression and the teacher
say I’m communist most people was going over great detail about
According to Mayor Farbridge “A handful of pro- think I’m kidding. Some people every picture. One picture for some
testers have held our City hostage and ignored even think of communism as akin reason he skipped over, some
democratic processes”. But what is less demo- to Nazism. Among the more open of the students asked him about
cratic than a city council ignoring the wishes of minded teens of today, communism that picture and he replied by say-
its electorate? Opinion polls show the “handful” is generally accepted as a correct ing there was no time to look at it,
had support. This support from the community theory but not supported. Among but the kids persistency made him
caused the campaign to be successful. the closed minded, it is the enemy. go back. The picture was of Fred
We must work to change this. Rose – the former YCL leader and
The environmental movement is now smarter, Mike, Vancouver activist with the Communist Party of
stronger, more militant and more united. Meet- Canada who was the second Com-
Left, top and next page - drawings by Christy C. Road,
ings continue. Further actions will be taken. a young artist and illustrator floating in a pool of her munist elected to Ottawa (from a
Many people, including youth, have been radical- own blood, sweat, and occasional tears. Check out riding in Montreal). My fellow class
ized. These victories can not be taken away. mates wanted to learn more – but
our teacher refused.
For more information check out: http://hcbpoccupation.wordpress. Kyle, Quebec
S ch
HiPgohlitics ool
My recent ob-
session has identify as “political”. They’re more
working class, and they’re generally
They tend to become uncomfort-
able when politics becomes chal-
or hate the working class.

been the prod- less likely to go to university lenging, unpopular, or potentially The struggle for youth liberation is
uct of a year .
The other group is more middle
contentious. When the other group
of students doesn’t care about what
also one of the only major historic
struggles against oppression that
spent really class. Their parents are, say, profes- they’re doing, they believe it is be- receives almost no attention from
committed sors at the University, or engineers,
they’re a bank manager or they own
cause this group of students is igno-
rant. This excludes working class
mainstream leftists. (If people said
many of the things they say about
to the idea of a business. None of these groups students, and when they live in a teenagers about women, they’d be
high schools are homogeneous, but there’s a
general tendency for these people
society and attend a school where
they learn that this is what political
totally ostracized from public life.)
Unfortunately what little attention it
as a site of or- to do well in school. They’re more activism is, it’s easy to come to be- does get comes mostly from anar-
ganizing. likely to be “politically aware”. They
participate much more in extracur-
lieve that they must themselves not
be interested in politics
chists. But a perspective in favour
of youth liberation is as compatible
ricular, in clubs, and sometimes in . with Marxism as is feminism.
Jamie Burnett what are generally considered to be .
Why high schools are
“activist” groups. Some are more important One of the few Marxist books to even
My high school is pretty middle
right wing, some are more liberal. hint at this relationship is School-
class. When we talk about the
But there’s a very visible class char- ing in Capitalist America (1976) by
school’s “politics”, there’s some- High schools are politically impor-
acter to how “activism” within the Herbert Gintis and Samuel Bowles.
thing like two groups of people (of tant for several key reasons. First-
school works Perhaps the most important is that
course the whole story is more com- ly, the class composition of high
. schools express purpose is to shape
plicated). schools is in almost all cases very
I didn’t find either of these groups workers for capitalist production and
particularly appealing at first. The different from the class composition “citizenship”. While no real school is
One is often simplistically referred of universities. Those who believe
second group continue to do pro- quite so simple, an ideal capitalist
to as “politically apathetic”. They’re that political activism is something
gressive things, but they’re limited school teaches – in addition to use-
not necessarily comfortable in the best left to those who have attained
– they can give the appearance of ful technical skills like mathemat-
school. They don’t go to class or or are attaining postsecondary edu-
believing that they are saving the ics, communication and computer
assemblies a lot. They very rarely cation are either totally delusional,
world and everyone else is wrong. skills – obedience, acceptance of

Student De- The August crash in university campuses.

mocracy. The youth employment is the
basic mandate context of September’s student Resistance: In Ontario the
of the group is loans. CFS is campaigning against the
to fight for stu- economic crisis with the slogan
dent democ- May to August saw the general “Drop Fees for a poverty-free
racy: student failure of youth summer jobs pro- Ontario.” In BC, the CFS is focus-
participation in grammes (youth unemployment is ing on student debt (about $27,000
the functioning the highest since Statistics Canada per student). CFS Manitoba will be
of the school, started tracking in the 70s). It is continuing its campaign against the
like bringing a hard to get concrete facts here. One 4.5% annual tuition fee increases
student voice example: the Saanich, BC, Service of the NDP.
to discussions Canada Centre for Youth faced
about dress “triple the number [of inquires] seen The Quebec national student move-
code or code by the centre the year before,” but ment organization ASSE is continu-
of conduct. “only about half walked away with ing its fight against Bill 38 (forced
While these jobs.” (Reportedly, 75 % of Youth privatization of post-secondary in-
are not things Skills Link funding went to Conser- stitutions). The Federations (FEUQ
that get any vative ridings.) The unemployment et FECQ) have criticized the call
revolutionary rate among returning students aged by the young ADQ to deregulate
very excited, 15 to 24 in Canada jumped to 20.9 tuition. Both organizations (FEUQ,
the group is per cent in July, the highest rate re- FECQ and ASSÉ) are campaign-
actually devel- corded since Statistics Canada be- ing to reform student loans and
oping incred- gan collecting data on the subject bursaries (open only to the most
ibly quickly, in 1977, and a 51 per cent increase impoverished students but profiting
and incredibly from the same month last year. The banks). Now in Quebec there is a
the hierarchy of production, and on well – it got started late in the year, number of youths under 25 years big increase of the tuition fees for
a broader social level, appreciation and most of its members have very old receiving regular Employment the international students.
for the capitalist nation state and its little “activist” experience (even in Insurance benefits has more than
“liberal democracy”. Any serious the narrow “water-bottle-selling” doubled in the past year up 108.6%. Finances are the main obstacle to
political analysis of schools entails sense). But what is developing is This despite specific regulations in access to education – which is a
recognizing that they play a crucial a sort of institutional criticism, not EI frustrating youth collection – right, not privilege or a commodity.
role in capitalist reproduction – not just “why can’t we wear t-shirts like requirements of hours worked Yet recent OECD numbers show
producing commodities as such, with swear words”, but “why are before collection which should be that rising tuition has caused a de-
but reproducing capitalist society. some programs and departments eliminated. Requirements on hours cline in the number of people get-
It’s worth considering that disruption better funded than others”, “why is especially hits Aboriginal youth, ting degrees: one-fifth of 15 to 19
of this process could be for that rea- X taught and Y not”, “what is the part-time workers, and farm-worker year-old Canadians are no longer
son alone be valuable. Gintis and relationship between marking and youth. [1] pursuing an education.
Bowles also warn that liberal reform learning”, or even “why is that rela-
is not sufficient for creating funda- tionship so tenuous”. Currently, when a Canadian student It is in this context
mental change in schools; to see applies for financial assistance, it is
“real” change in schools, we need The people who are coming out so that we should view
assumed they’ll contribute a portion
to change the whole society. While far are mostly of the more “middle of their summer employment income the developed attack
this is true in the grand scheme of class” group of students – that’s toward their education – whether by the Harper Tories
things, that doesn’t mean there okay, but for the reasons I’ve al- they earned any money during the on the youth and stu-
aren’t a lot of gains to be made in ready mentioned it has its challeng- summer or not, and regardless dent organizations.
reforming high schools, and educat- es. However, there’s a surprising of how much they earned. (We
ing students about politics. and exciting awareness among the should note in passing that this is
group itself that this is a problem, These attacks include:
being raised by the tepid Canadian
Our action and there’s a real commitment to Alliance of Student Associations).
ameliorating it. There are a lot of Organizing late-spring workshops
Not surprisingly, as CFS freedom of
questions and uncertainties – for across the country, brining together
Back at my school, the work I’ve information requests have exposed,
example, the reaction of the teach- Conservative Party youth with Party
been doing over the past year even- there is already a 10-12% increase
activists and sitting MPs, local stu-
tually materialized into Centennial in student loan requests at Toronto
>>Pg. 37 >>Pg. 37
Terreur et violence
contre les migrants
par Mary Carl

Au début d’avril, l’Agence des services frontaliers

du Canada (ASFC) et la police de South Sim-
coe ont effectué des raids similaires à Simcoe,
Toronto, Leamington et Windsor, pour arrêter
des centaines de travailleurs venus de l’étranger
avec un statut précaire.

Près de 100 travailleurs détenus ont été encer-

clés dans les installations de transformation
d’aliments «Cericola Farms». Les travailleurs
ont été conduits sous la menace d’armes à feu
et parqués dans une cafétéria, où l’ASFC ont sé-
paré les personnes ayant une preuve de citoyen-
neté et de résidence permanente des travailleurs
n’ayant pas tous les documents, qui ont immédi-
atement traités comme des criminels.

Ces derniers ont ensuite été transférés et main-

tenus immobiles au moyen de menottes dans Raids, Reforms and Racism
un autobus pendant huit heures. Des dizaines Mary Carl writes about the growing terror, violence and
d’autres sans-papiers ont été arrêtés ailleurs
exploitation of immigrant and migrant workers in Canada.
qu’à leur lieu de travail, certains par des agents
qui attendaient hors des abris ou par des per-
sonnes se faisant passer pour des avocats. This spring, Canadian-(im)migrant relations when they pursued their hostile raids. The crimi-
have been marked by violent, US-style raids. nalization of migrant workers, with or without sta-
Plus d’une centaine de ces travailleurs ont plus Throughout southern Ontario, hundreds of over- tus, is wrong. What truly has been their crime?
tard été conduits au centre de détention de seas workers have been aggressively arrested
l’Immigration de Rexdale, où ils ont été gardés and denied due process. Many of those arrested Canada continues to make it close to impossible
dans une pièce sans meuble, sans aucun soin were detained in public places in sting opera- for hardworking (im)migrants of trade and man-
pendant plusieurs heures. Un agent des services tions, including cases in which Canadian Border ual labour skills to enter this country legally with
d’immigration a alors expliqué à la hâte quels Services Agents posed as lawyers willing to help full rights. In turn, the number of “legal” migrants
étaient leurs droits en une quinzaine de minutes them with their paperwork. Others were arrested in Canada is rapidly dwindling in numbers. This
en utilisant un langage compliqué, saturé de in workplaces or their homes, and held at gun- is caused by changes to Canada’s point system.
termes juridiques. point and left handcuffed. (To emphasize the rigidity of these changes, a
professor at the University of Guelph, a Cana-
Le fonctionnaire a donné aux travailleurs mi- The latest example of this disturbing trend took dian citizen, took the immigration test and did
grants des conseils biaisés et sans expliquer place this past May 27. Early Wednesday morn- not qualify for citizenship.) Coupled with this re-
correctement quels documents il leur demandait ing, immigration enforcement officers swarmed striction on providing citizenship, the system has
de signer. Lakeside Greenhouse in Leamington, Ontario, placed economic needs over the well-being of
and arrested at least nine female migrant food migrants by introducing and expanding exploit-
Les documents fournis ne sont pas indiqués packaging workers. The Mexican women, includ- ative temporary worker programs.
dans la Loi fédérale sur l’immigration et la pro- ing a pregnant detainee, were being detained in
tection des réfugiés. Ce manque d’informations Windsor County Jail prior to their deportation. Bill C-50: Catastrophic Barrier
et de soutien a fait en sorte que de nombreux
travailleurs ont, contre leur volonté, renoncé
to Settlement and Integration
Some of the arrested were in Canada on valid
à leurs droits à avoir l’aide d’un avocat, et aux visas and others had pending refugee claims. In- into Canada
possibilités de retarder leur suspension et d’en dividuals awaiting refugee hearings legally hold
appeler par des mesure de procédure. a level of protection against immigration arrests Repression and raids are part of the regressive
and are legally allowed to work. With these raids, changes made to the Immigration system in re-
Un peu plus tard en avril, 43 travailleurs détenus, immigration enforcement officers bypassed pro- cent years by the Harper Conservatives. These
dont un grand nombre avaient eu leurs passe- tocol and disregarded any humane sensitivity raids that are accompanying current immigration
ports confisqués par leurs employeurs, ont été
Illustration by Kaley McKean for Rebel Youth.
policy are designed to ramp up the exploitation of academically educated migrants. However, the forcés de quitter le Canada et ont été déportés
(im)migrants in Canada. All throughout Canada Canadian system has rigid or unconquerable en Thaïlande.
last summer, mass protests were held against barriers that often suppress their ability to use,
the passing of the racist and classist Bill C-50. and discredits, the skills and academic creden- Un fois de plus, faisant preuve de manque de
The bill was passed in June 2008 with the Liber- tials of (im)migrants, which they had worked hard sensibilité et de sens de la justice, les autorités
als refusing to vote against it for fear of prompting to achieve in their country of origin. Contrary to des services d’immigration n’ont pas tenu compte
a politically undesirable election. (im)migration myths, migrants do not take-on du contexte de ces cas.
“low-skilled” jobs because they are incompetent
The Immigration, Citizenship, and Multicultural- or “low-skilled”. These jobs offered by Canadian Un grand nombre de personnes arrêtées avaient
ism Minister (currently, Jason Kenney) now has temporary worker programs should not be seen eu un permis temporaire de travail, mais avaient
the power to set quotas on the “category” of as “low-skilled”. They are valuable and require fini par se retrouver titulaires d’un statut précaire
person that can legally set foot in Canada. This much skill. The system pushes these (im)mi- pour un certain nombre de raisons légitimes.
includes setting quotas on countries of origin. grants into low-paying and “low-skilled” jobs. Certaines de ces personnes ont déclaré qu’elles
Setting quotas on the basis of a person’s country This also forces (im)migrants to work longer and étaient confrontées à de graves dangers si elles
of origin represents a critical shift in Canadian harder in an attempt to secure a stable livelihood devaient retourner dans leur pays d’origine. Au
policy towards exclusionary legislation that has in Canada. moins l’une d’elles, dont les documents étaient
precedents in the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1923, en règle, aurait dû quitter son emploi à cause de
the Order in Council of 1911 prohibiting the land- Overseas workers are not making enough money. son employeur qui la harcelait sexuellement et
ing of “any immigrant belonging to the Negro A lot of their earnings are sent overseas to sup- qui lui avait enlevé son permis.
race”, and the “None is too many” rule applied port their families back home. When discussing
to Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi-occupied Eu- the income of Canadians it is almost always ex-
rope during the Second World War. Under Ste- pressed in terms of “household” income. Provid-
phen Harper, and Minister of “Censorship and ing for your family is part of being “paid enough
Deportation” Jason Kenney, Canada’s immigra- to live a ‘decent’ life”. This should hold true for
tion policy has taken a significant step backward migrant workers sending money back home to
towards its racist roots. support their families, as well. This should be
taken into account to understand the inadequa-
With the new changes made by the Tories, rich cies of monies being earned by people working
(im)migrants can now be bumped to the front of in these jobs.
the line and granted Canadian citizenship. Poor
PHOTO: Aux fermes Cericola.
(im)migrants have little chance at status and are For example, according to a National Post editor,
forced into migrant worker programs if they wish many migrants in Canada working with work per-
to work in Canada. This increases temporary mits, such as many live-in caregivers, get paid
workers who have limited rights and tries to pit $3.50/hour, and regularly work overtime with-
Canadian workers against them in the job market out pay. This is not even approaching a living Despite this, there are many reports of both
creating a “race to the bottom”. In short, these wage and is illegal by the standards set by all worker abuses committed by employers who
immigration policies give exploitative employers provincial minimum wage laws. Also, in recog- hire overseas workers and systemic problems
a tool to erode wages and rights for all workers. nizing that many (im)migrants to Canada are not that facilitate exploitative work conditions within
making enough money, including those deemed (and outside of) Canadian migrant worker pro-
Canadian immigration system eligible to work in temporary worker programs, it grams. Canadian immigration officials rarely
is deplorable that migrants are subjected to pay investigate immigration law violations committed
fosters severe worker abuse
exorbitant bureaucratic fees such as recruitment by employers. Instead, resources are devoted to
and exploitation agency fees. This is a huge drain on income and hounding the workers to create a culture of fear
leads to a severely burdensome financial situ- and intimidation. Immigration officials know that
There are so many systemic problems, and all ation for many migrants. Additionally, from the going against citizen employers, unregulated re-
of them contribute to the intense hardships and beginning, the provincial wage laws for indus- cruitment agencies, or multinational corporations
exploitative conditions that migrant workers face. tries where migrants are hired are unjust. For staffed with powerful and well connected lawyers
When the worker has violated immigration policy, instance, migrant agricultural workers who are will not likely lead to a conviction. Instead, they
it often means that the illegal act at its core has to working extremely long hours are exempted from focus their attention on overseas workers such
do with the restrictive nature of the work permits overtime, holiday, and vacation pay. Coupled as those from impoverished nations (e.g., live-in
given to migrants. The Canadian immigration with these unjust wage laws, unjust Canadian nannies from the Philippines, Somalia, Paraguay,
system is geared at creating a class of dispos- immigration legislation and enforcement also re- or vegetable pickers from Jamaica, Mexico, and
able people who can easily fired and deported if inforces the low and unjust pay of migrants. The Thailand). These workers speak little English,
they attempt to demand safe working conditions precariousness of their immigration status makes and, again, earn little and have borrowed large
or a living-wage, or attempt to unionize. them vulnerable to deportation, and makes it sums of money just to pay a broker back home
so that migrants often do not speak out about to arrange for their underpaid and brief period of
Some migrants do enter Canada outside of tem- wages. Hence, this makes it easy for employ- stay in Canada. Many hope to find a path to im-
porary worker programs. People who have more ers to get away with these wrongdoings, and migration when they are here.
academic credentials, do get into the country be- employers rarely receive a penalty.
cause of the point system’s favourability to highly 19
Immigrants for (Im)migrants:
Fuerza/Puwersa Takes Action
Against Imperialism’s Bullying
In response to these recent raids that have occurred under
the public’s noses, there have been many mass public ac-
tions throughout Canada denouncing these dehumanizing
attacks on (im)migrant communities, including in Guelph,

Formally known as Student Support for Migrant Workers,

Fuerza/Puwersa (both meaning ‘strength’; the former being
in Spanish and the latter being in Filipino) is a volunteer-run
group which has been organizing out of Guelph for three
years. Fuerza/Puwersa consists of students attending the
All people should have the ability to walk away Human Beings, NOT Economic University of Guelph, and members of the broader Guelph
from an abusive or a bad job. Granting these in- Commodities! community. Fuerza/Puwersa works to build awareness about
dividuals open work permits would allow them to Canadian migrant worker programs, including the Seasonal
Agricultural Workers Program, the Temporary Worker Pro-
travel within certain certified industries, including Shamefully, all of this is happening while the gram and the Live-in Caregiver Program.
those recognized as having labour shortages. government continues to bail-out the wealthy
This would alleviate the high frequency of cases whose unrestrained greed has caused the cur- Furthermore, Fuerza/Puwersa is active in working with tem-
where migrating individuals experience abuse in porary migrants in Guelph, Bradford, Simcoe and Niagara,
rent economic crisis, while working people, both contributing to the provision of free resource support to these
the workplace and are forced to choose between (im)migrant and Canadian, pay the price. These individuals while working in solidarity with them on various
enduring the abuse and becoming “illegal”. This latest arrests are part of a wider crackdown that projects aimed at promoting their agency and dignity.
would also allow them to work multiple jobs if emphasizes that our immigration sys-
they so choose, which coincides One Guelph response took place on April 30 in the form of an
tem is in dire need of reworking. If migration awareness and community discussion event orga-
with their right to strive to better we aim to live in a democratic and nized by Fuerza/Puwersa. The event featured speakers from
themselves and support their humanist society, clearly we must a variety of associations: Janet McLaughlin, a University of
family back home. continue to address issues concern- Guelph International Development Studies instructor; Marco
Luciano, a coordinator with Migrante Ontario, an alliance of
ing our immigration system through Filipino (im)migrant advocacy organizations; and Craig For-
Accompanying the economic a perspective affirming the dignity tier, a community organizer with No One is Illegal – Toronto.
crisis, racist and anti-(im)mi- and worth of all people, not dismiss- All spoke eloquently on the plight of migrating individuals with
grant sentiment has a tendency ing anyone in the name of profits. temporary, precarious and no statuses throughout Ontario.
to grow as people look for easy Migrants, with or without status, Next, on May 2nd, along with 2,000 other participants, sev-
scapegoats to pin job losses on. working people and the poor should eral full vehicles organized by Fuerza/Puwersa headed from
In the context of the economic not be criminalized. Newcomers de- Guelph to Toronto for the May Day of Action Rally and March
crisis, it is important to realize serve respect and dignity. Canada to express opposition to increased government cruelty to-
that we’re not “competing for wards under-protected workers. In the spirit of May Day (May
should regularize non-status mem- 1st), an annual day devoted to workers’ rights, this march
jobs” with (im)migrants. Expand- bers of our communities so they is co-organized annually by a number of marginalized (im)
ing rights and a living wage to all those living in can live in safety and peace. We should discard migrants’ rights advocacy organizations including No One is
Canada by granting status will combat the ero- status-based identification, provide equal rights Illegal –Toronto and Migrante Ontario. Interested in work-
sion of wages and increase purchasing power ing with Fuerza/Puwersa in the upcoming year? We’d love
for everyone, and put an end to the discrimina- for you to get involved. Do connect us at fuerza.puwersa@
across the board. This accompanied by other tion and unfounded scapegoating against (im)
measures, such as attainable employment insur- migrant communities!
ance (EI) that meets living wage standards, is
the only way forward in reconstructing a healthy PHOTOS – Top left: Community members listen as speakers describe desperation among margin-
economy that meets everyone’s needs alized migrating workers in Southern Ontario and Canada (Alexandra Martellacci); Top right: Fuerza
members with YCL-Guelph unfurl their homemade banner at the annual Mayday of Action No One
Is Illegal! Rally and march in Toronto. (Andrew Rejano); Centre: Women jumping at the Migrante
Ontario camping event at Guelph Lake last August. Local (im)migrant Filipina women who
20 work as live-in caregivers play a traditional Philippine game (Alex Filipe). Eduardo Huesca also
roots movement,” Zelaya said [as
reported in The Nation, September
4, 2009], has only one purpose, the
transformation of Honduras, includ-
ing deep structural changes. “This
movement is now very strong. It can
never be destroyed,” he said. On
September 5, when the people s
resistance against the military coup
was going on for 70 days, the Fr-
ente Nacional de Resistencia was
analyzing its next actions.

Post-coup Honduras has now

joined the movement that has been
spreading like wild-fire across South
America, even if its elected Presi-
dent Zelaya is not in the country at
this time. This grass-roots South
American movement represents a
push in favour of people’s power
and against neo liberal policies and

Post-coup Honduras US domination.

“Fighting for democ-

racy shouldn’t be a
Arnold August has also called for the boycott of the that time) for the Partido de Unifi-
crime. We have to
elections. The non-recognition of cación Democrática (UD) and cur-
The Frente Nacional de Resistencia the elections and the simultaneous rent deputy César Ham stated that seek to come together
is leading the courageous struggle continued mass movement in the that there is a pre and post-coup directly in order to
of the Honduran people. For 70 streets for a new Hondu- Honduras. His statement, in very achieve peace... my
consecutive days the peo- ras is a most impor- few words, crystallized the current position is fatherland,
ple of Honduras, from tant phase in the situation in Honduras and provides
restoration or death.”
all walks of life, are battle. Workers’ the historical context. The UD has
confronting vio- and employ- joined the Frente Nacional de Re- Manuel Zelaya
lent repression ees’ unions, sistencia in the streets. In fact two
by the military women ac- of UD’s leading members were as-
and the police. tivist groups, sassinated by the military regime.
They are peace- peasants, On August 31, according
fully, with a very students, in- to a Prensa Latina re-
coherent politi- tellectuals and port, Ham and oth-
cal and increasing- other sections ers UD members
ly sophisticated orga- of the society are confirmed that
nization, putting forward all in the forefront. The they are
their demands. These include Honduran putschists are hop- boycotting
the restoration of the constitutional ing to legitimize the coup through the elec-
order in Honduras and the return of the holding of the elections. tions.
President Zelaya. As the situation is Other
evolving the people are more and Political forces not connected with non-tra-
more pressing for a constituent as- the military regime are also join- ditional
sembly to re-found the constitution ing forces with the mass move- a n d
and the nation. They are saying that ment. The Resistance has gained e v e n
whether Zelaya returns or not, this so much prestige that it has suc- s o m e
has become the objective of the on- ceeded in winning the adherence of sections
going resistance. a wide range of political forces. For of the tra-
example, on July 18 (over one and ditional po-
Now that the elections have been a half months ago), in an interview litical forces
called by the coup perpetuators, with Prensa Latina’s Raimundo Lo- are doing the
the Frente Nacional de Resistencia pez, the presidential candidate (at same. “The grass-

Cuban d e m o c r a c y
Chevy Phillips
Despite his supposed agenda for change, even neo-slave colony at the mercy of US capital. The three levels of government in Cuba (municipal,
President Obama has stuck to the same, tired coalition of people’s forces that the July 26th provincial, national) are ordinary Cubans elected
line – the trade and travel embargo aimed at Movement represented became the bedrock by their constituency communities and the com-
Cuba will stay until “democratic elections” are upon which the Communist Party of Cuba was munity groups known as People’s Associations
held on the island. In fact, little has changed for formed in 1965. (these are numerous and include: the Cuban
half a century when it comes to the behaviour Federation of Women, the Union of Young Com-
of the US towards Cuba (behaviour repeatedly Earlier in 2009, in response to renewed calls for munists, and the National Association of Small
condemned and declared illegal by the UN, Eu- ‘reform’ emanating from the Whitehouse, Raul Farmers). Nominees are elected from a long list
ropean Union and numerous other international Castro declared that he had been elected “to of candidates, the list itself being composed by
bodies), and consequently the widespread belief defend, maintain and continue perfecting social- the local constituency, and subject to recall at any
that the “Castro regime” and a “communist dicta- ism - not to destroy it.” Since the early years of time. Of course, some candidates are members
torship” continues to stifle “freedom and democ- the formation of the new Cuba, the people have of the Communist Party but most are not. There
racy” in Cuba persists in the popular imagination repeatedly made it clear that the kind of corrupt, are no professional politicians in Cuba, a para-
(at least in North America and most of Europe). plutocratic, two party ‘democracy’ that predomi- sitical burden from which the people there are
nates in capitalist countries would not be toler- free, and during elections there is no formal cam-
Perhaps it is typically ironic that the US, of all ated on their island. The undignified spectacle paigning; rather, the biographies of candidates
countries, should target Cuba for ‘suppressing of professional politicians (bought and paid for are posted in public places and the people make
freedom and democracy’. Despite half a cen- by their respective backers) competing to be the their choice. Cubans also go to great lengths to
tury of anti-communist propaganda and shrill most convincing liars simply to gain office only ensure the integrity of their electoral process,
demands for ‘democratic elections’ to be held, to abuse it, is not one that would be welcome posting children and young people (in the form of
the US knows perfectly well that Cuba regularly in Cuba. The difference between socialist and the ‘Young Pioneers’) to guard the ballot boxes.
holds such elections, it just happens to do so in bourgeois democracy is well understood here, This not only encourages political consciousness
a manner of which Washington disapproves, i.e. by a population with a very high level of politi-
in the interests of the people of Cuba and not cal literacy unlikely to be fooled by the kind of
in the interests of international (and particularly shambolic insult that passes for democracy in the
American) capital. The Cubans are also perfectly country of their would-be tutors. The people of
aware of what kind of democracy the US has in Cuba are keenly aware of what takes place when
mind when it repeats its familiar mantra about Democrat confronts Republican every four years,
elections – that kind where the outcome is deter- and they know it has nothing whatsoever to do
mined by corporate sponsorship, or as we saw with democracy.
in the US in December 2000, a coup d’etat by a
far-from-neutral Supreme Court acting on behalf Consequently, the socialist democracy of Cuba
of the extreme Right. does not have a multi-party system of the sort
found in countries like the US or Canada. In fact, TOP: Biographies
But the Cubans have seen what this democ- there are no political parties here in the way bour- of candidates.
racy looks like, and they have suffered the con- geois democracy understands them, and far from LEFT: A sample
ballot in a Cuban
sequences. During the years before the 1959 being an engine of ‘dictatorship’ as their enemies municipal election
Revolution the island was subject to a brutal dic- charge, the Communist Party of Cuba is neither a RIGHT: A young
tatorship, a dictatorship that deprived the people source of governmental nor legislative power. Not girl, a member of
the Young Pioneers
of their land and their political voice. It was the only does one not have to be a member of the organization, guards
July 26th Movement, led by Fidel Castro, that re- Communist Party to stand for election, the Com- ballot boxes in the
last Cuban election.
stored both land and voice to the people of Cuba munist Party does not even nominate candidates.
and expelled the vulture-capitalists (both foreign Rather, the entire process is in the hands of the
and domestic) bent on turning the island into a people themselves. The members of each of the
and participation from an early age
among the citizens of the Republic,
it’s a far safer way to ensure a fair
vote than relying on, for example,
corporate- controlled electronic vot-
ing machines (widely used in the
US and responsible for massive,
although often unreported, electoral
fraud in the Presidential elections of
2000 and 2004).

This is not to suggest that the Com-

munist Party of Cuba does not have
an important role to play in political
life on the island. The party acts to
continually raise the political con-
sciousness of the Cuban people
(a truly terrifying concept to bour-
geois politicians) and promote the
benefits of the socialist system, a
system which is known the world
over for producing superlative
health and education services to
its people (and working diligently
to export these benefits in the form
of a generous overseas volunteer
programme). The Communist Party
also regularly consults the people
over issues of concern and has held
referenda to gauge support for the
socialist system: the 1993 national
elections were not only an electoral
process but a plebiscite on social-
ism itself, one which produced a
99.6% turnout with 92.97% of votes
cast being valid, and 94.99% of
those valid ballots cast in favour of
socialism and the leadership of Fi-
del Castro (see Canadian academic
Isaac Saney’s detailed examination
in Cuba, A Revolution in Motion).
Such a level of consent and political
legitimacy is unheard of in capitalist
countries. The Communist Party’s
primary role is to overcome the
gap between the government and
the governed (a gap which we can
recognise as not only enormous but
forever growing in capitalist coun-
tries). In Marxist terms, the party is
working to abolish the ‘abstraction’
or ‘alienation’ of government from
the people; something which can
eventually be done by increasing
participation and accountability to
the level, ultimately, of the ‘withering
of the state’ so that, in the words of
Engels in Anti-During, “...the gov-

>> Pg. 37
put in a dollar, they don’t just care that you will
The Political bring in some money on that dollar, they want to
Economy of know how much so they don’t invest some where
an Outsource else. Even though with paying overtime the to-
Call Cen- tal profit will be higher for the call centre than
ter Job, not having anyone do the work they don’t have
people for, it would lower their profit rate since
you would get to keep more of the money that’s

To brought in than if you were working the regular

wage rate. In other words, the rate of exploita-
tion is lower when you are paid overtime because
the owner gets to keep less of the money you
bring in.

So the call centre owner would rather make a
lower total profit, and have fewer calls answered,

Th the
than taking a lower profit rate by paying for over-
time for someone to take the extra calls they
didn’t schedule people for.

s B S
There are some situations where call centre

s ’
owners will want people to work a lot of overtime

o s
however, if the penalty for not answering a certain

number of calls is looking too high for example.
standing the political economy 2. Why do supervisors send us
of where you work is important for figuring out home on VDT (Voluntary Down
what’s really going on, why things are setup the Time) when I know that there
way they are, and where they are headed. It isn’t
Bilal Awami
as simple as it looks from the surface: as Marx will be more calls coming than
said if things worked on the inside the way they the people who are left can
At almost any job you’ve had looked on the outside we wouldn’t need science handle?
you’ve probably wondering to tell us anything.
why things were setup the way Outsourced call centre managers are judged on
they were. If you asked a man- This is just a taste of what lurks behind the way the profitability of their queue or section or de-
your workplace is setup. Dig into your own work- partment. But even the managers and supervi-
ager you would probably get place’s political economy and write in to Rebel sors ultimately can’t make whatever decision
a BS answer that stops making Youth with what you and your co-workers have they want, they have to defend their decisions
sense if you dig deeper. Talk at figured out. based on call forecasts from the client.
work probably included trying
to figure out what was really go- 1. Why don’t they let us work The forecasts are based on a mathemetical mod-
all the overtime that’s available, el, called the Erlang C equation, which basically
ing on. assumes a random distribution except that some
they’d still be making more they people will give up and call back later. However,
Political economy is the science of how we re- pay us even with overtime? call centres often don’t know day to day how
late to each other in making wealth, which under
many people are out there who would want to
capitalism is for those who own the equipment It’s true that call centre outsourcers pull in so call (the customer universe), so the model is a
we use. An outsourced call centre might do the much more money per hour or minute or call than guide at best. The model might tell you, based
same physical work as an in-house call centre, they pay, that they could be paying overtime and on last year’s calls, when there will be a bump in
but the difference is with outsourcing are mak- still make a profit. It might look like a win-win to calls, but not how big of a bump.
ing a direct profit for the owner by the call. Marx get lots of overtime so you can make money while
wrote that in his time people who didn’t make any- the call centre owner makes money too. But it’s For this reason managers think it’s better to
thing physical but still made a profit for someone, the profit rate (profit per $ spent) and not actually make a safe decision they know is wrong that
and so are “productive” in the capitalist sense, profit that the call centre owner is after. This rate they can defend with the client’s forecast than
were very few. Today however, according to the has to be a higher than what other industries (not take a risk in keeping people on that could end
Government of Canada, Canadian outsourced just other call centres) offer. up costing them unnecessarily if they’re wrong,
call centres pull in US$14 billion/year and are the
because when the managers are put on the spot
second-biggest market after India.1 Think about it from the perspective of by their managers the upper management can
1 “Canada’s Key Sectors”, Government of Canada (http://investin- an investor. If an investor is going to pull out the forecast and blast them for wasting
money when the forecast said there wouldn’t be tories (more profit per each dollar invested). This the different capitalists getting in to the business.
any calls coming in. On the other hand, if calls is because more of a dollar spent in a call centre This means call centres end up charging their cli-
gets missed because more came in than were pays for work bringing in money than in an auto ents less than the value of the calls they take as
forecast, the manager can always hide behind plant or steel factory, where for each dollar spent the price is driven down by competition. Similarly
the forecast and blame the client. much more of it is going into equipment than the in capital-intensive (high organic composition) in-
labour. An hour of labour might produce more in dustries, because there is decreased competition
3. Why do they care so much an auto plant or steel factory, but the capitalist’s from a lower profit rate (less profit per dollar in-
about my being late – is it be- dollar doesn’t buy as much labour there because vested because more of the dollar goes to equip-
more of the dollar goes to the expensive equip- ment and raw materials that doesn’t do anything
cause they don’t want too many ment and raw materials. Remember the profit by itself), they can sell their goods for a higher
calls to be in queue? rate is per dollar invested in both capital and la- price than the real value since there is much less
bour, not how much you get out of an hour of competition.
Outsourced call centres will want you to be on labour which is the exploitation rate.
time even if there are no calls in queue, it has This means that when you look at what’s hap-
nothing to do with catching calls. Their forecasts But outsourced call centres aren’t in a different pening from the perspective of capitalist society
for how many calls are coming in aren’t that ac- society than auto and steel factories, capitalists as a whole, the value produced by workers in in-
curate. can shift their dollars from auto and steel plants dustries with a low organic composition of capital
with lower profit rates to call centres with higher is effectively “moved” to the capitalists in indus-
The real reason call centres are big on tardiness profit rates. Capitalists don’t care about the total tries with a higher organic composition of capital
is because they make money for every minute profit as much as the profit rate, since to maxi- by the averaging out of profit rates.
you are on the phone or taking a call or, in some mize profits they need to make more for each
cases, in your seat regardless of whether there dollar they put in. In this way in capitalist society In other words, when you take a call you are not
is a call or not. Losing money because agents as a whole more investment goes for a while into only making money for the owner of your call
aren’t bullied enough for tardiness by a manager industries with higher profit rates, until because centre but also for the owner of an auto plant or
will make the manager look like they can’t man- of competition from all these capitalists crowding steel mill. More broadly, under capitalism work-
age to their supervisors, and since tardiness is into call centres the profit rate goes down in call ers aren’t just making money for their employ-
one of the things managers think they can control centres, and goes up in auto and steel factories ers but as a class we are making money for the
more than other things they will pick on tardiness. from capitalists pulling out and decreasing com- capitalists as a class. This is a big reason why
They might excuse it saying it puts stress on the petition. In this way most of the businesses in a call centre workers should be in solidarity with
team to not have someone who is scheduled capitalist society end up with a similar, average their brothers and sisters in auto plants and steel
there to take calls in queue, but that’s not why rate of profit. If any industry could do better than mills, and vice-versa. This analysis is not obvi-
the manager cares about attendance. average, and they do, capitalists would crowd ous and requires some serious following of the
into there and drive the profit rate towards a new money, as Marx said in Capital III “The actual dif-
4. What does the outsourced average. This is constantly happening under ference of magnitude between profit and surplus
call centre’s profit rate have to capitalism as the economy develops. value (money you bring in over your wage) … in
do with auto and steel, or gen- the various spheres of production now conceals
So what does this average rate of profit under completely the true nature and origin of profit, not
eral, profit rates? capitalism mean for your call centre job? It means only for the capitalist who has a special interest
that the profit rate the owner of your call centre in deceiving himself on this score, also for the
Outsourced call centre’s biggest expense per dol- takes in doesn’t just depend on the industry your labourer.”2
lar spent on a call is the wage they have to pay calls are in or the call centre industry itself, but it 2 Capital vol. 3, Karl Marx, Kerr Edition, p. 198
a worker – their variable cost of production (tak- depends on the whole of capitalist society and
ing calls which bring in money). The fixed costs what the average rate of profit is.
of the telephone bill and equipment you use is
relatively low. Call centres are labour intensive From my own call centre company’s numbers
rather than capital intensive, constant capital (the there are different minimum profit rates to do
means of production) is low compared to labour business in different countries. Profit rates from
costs. In other words the “organic composition” centres in underdeveloped ex-colonies are about
of capital is low (less constant capital than vari- 150% the rate for an imperialist country like Can-
able capital). With auto and steel plants the or- ada. 40% profit might be super in Canada but
ganic composition of capital is high: the equip- won’t cut it in the Philippines. This is related in
ment and raw materials that go into a car or roll part to less capital-intensive industry (lower or-
of steel take up more per dollar invested than the ganic composition of capital) in ex-colonies, but
labour that makes the wealth. that is changing.
Because profit is made from only the labour and Notice how because call centres will initially turn
not the equipment and raw materials, i.e. a tele- a higher profit for each dollar invested (even
phone or car factory only makes money while though they may require fewer dollars), their
someone is working on it, call centres should profit rates go down from the competition from
have a higher profit rate than auto and steel fac- 25
The Cuban Five
les cinq cubains

Call to Parliamentarians and Peoples of the World

Appel aux parlementaires et aux peuples du monde

Gerardo Hernández Nordelo, unprecedented universal clamour Le 1er août, l’Assemblée nationale incarcérés aux États-Unis. Voici le
Ramón Labañino Salazar, Antonio for the case to be reviewed. The du pouvoir populaire (Parlement cu- texte de la déclaration.* * *
Guerrero, Fernando González Llort judges preferred to do what the bain) a adopté une déclaration qui Gerardo Hernández Nordelo,
and René González Sehwerert will Obama administration requested est un appel urgent à la solidarité Ramón Labañino Salazar, Anto-
soon have served eleven years of and without paying any attention, de toutes les instances législatives nio Guerrero, Fernando González
unjust prison terms. they ignored the solid arguments et de toutes les organisations poli- Llort et René González Sehwerert
After a devious and arbitrary trial presented by the defence and by a tiques et sociales du monde pour entameront prochainement leur
hearing last June 15, the US Su- dozen supporting documents signed exiger la libération immédiate des onzième année d’emprisonnement
preme Court decided to ignore the by ten Nobel laureates, legislative cinq patriotes cubains injustement injuste.
bodies, hundreds of parliamentar- ing for them to lodge their appeal Suite à un procès détourné et arbi- dans le cas de dangereux prison-
ians, jurist organizations from nu- before the Atlanta Court. traire le 15 juin dernier, la Cour su- niers ayant commis des crimes
merous countries including the US, Throughout more than ten years, prême des États-Unis a décidé de graves à l’intérieur de la prison.
and personalities defending human they and their lawyers, have faced ne pas tenir compte de la clameur Cette pratique cruelle a été utilisée
rights, academics, religious people the greatest of obstacles in order universelle sans précédent en contre eux à plusieurs reprises par
and others representing millions of to exercise their rights. They were faveur d’une révision du dossier. la suite, sans aucune justification,
people on all continents. denied access to a large part of the Les juges ont préféré faire ce que pour les empêcher de préparer leur
In this manner, the Court validated evidence that sustained the fraudu- l’administration Obama a demandé défense. Ils furent donc enfermés
a never-ending series of violations lent accusations set down against et n’ont accordé aucune attention à nouveau pendant plusieurs se-
of law and of legal procedure and them, rejecting more than ten mo- aux arguments solides présentés maines dans l’infâme « trou » en
also became an accomplice of the tions presented by the defence be- par la défense et à la dizaine de juin 2001, alors qu’ils devaient se
shameful policy of promoting and fore the trial began. They remain in documents en appui signés par dix préparer pour leur unique possi-
supporting terrorism that has been five separate prisons, spread apart Prix Nobel, des instances législa- bilité de s’adresser à la cour, à la
and is the substance of the mighty in isolated places over US terri- tives, des centaines de parlemen- clôture du procès ; ils revinrent à
injustice of which our Five Com- tory, whereupon it is very difficult taires, des organisations de juristes l’infâme double incarcération, avec
patriots have been made victims. for them to communicate with their de plusieurs pays, y compris des des conditions encore plus sévères,
The list of those violations is long; lawyers. We must add that several États-Unis, et des personnalités en- durant tout le mois de mars 2003,
any one of them would be enough times, always at decisive moments gagées dans la défense des droits soit exactement au moment où la
to decree immediate liberty for the in the process, the legal correspon- humains, des professeurs, des gens possibilité d’appel devant la Cour
accused. dence they needed to draw up their de religion et d’autres, représentant d’Atlanta tirait à sa fin.
Immediately after being arrested appeal, was not received by them des millions de personnes sur tous
in the dawn of Saturday, September or it was delayed. Gerardo Hernán- les continents. Pendant plus de dix ans, eux et
12, 1998, the FBI informed repre- dez Nordelo never received the La cour a ainsi validé une série leurs avocats ont affronté les pires
sentatives of the terrorist mafia and documents relating to his petition to d’atteintes à la loi et à la procédure obstacles dans l’exercice de leurs
the mass communications media in the Supreme Court that were sent juridique et s’est fait complice de la droits. On leur refusa l’accès à une
Miami, who started at that time an to him by certified mail at the be- promotion de la politique éhontée partie importante de la preuve en
unleashed and intense campaign of ginning of this year. This clear and d’encouragement et d’appui au ter- appui aux fausses accusations por-
hatred and lies that has not ceased, inexcusable violation of the rights of rorisme, qui a été et qui demeure le tées contre eux, et plus de dix mo-
describing them falsely as “spies” the prisoner and his lawyer is an ex- fond de la grande injustice dont sont tions de la défense furent rejetées
and plotting with the government to ample of the constant obstacles to victimes nos cinq compatriotes. La avant le début du procès. Ils sont
include the February 24, 1996 inci- Gerardo’s communication with the liste de ces violations est longue et restés dans cinq prisons séparées,
dent as part of the accusation after outside that persist in spite of the chacune d’elle suffirait à justifier le réparties sur le territoire des États-
they had been imprisoned for more numerous Cuban protests to the décret de la libération immédiate Unis dans des régions isolées où il
than six months. US authorities. des accusés. leur a été difficile de communiquer
From the moment of their arrest Development of the fallacious trial Immédiatement après leur arres- avec leurs avocats. Nous devons
and during 17 months they were was, in its entirety, a macabre farce. tation le matin du samedi 12 sep- ajouter qu’à plusieurs reprises, tou-
submitted to solitary confinement, The government insisted that it be tembre 1998, le FBI en informait les jours à des moments décisifs dans
placed in punishment cells, isolated held in Miami where, precisely at représentants de la maffia terroriste le processus, ils n’ont pas reçu, ou
from the outside world, in violation the same time, the scandalous kid- et les masse-médias de Miami, qui ont reçu avec délai, la correspon-
of the very US prison regulations napping of Elián González was tak- déclenchèrent à ce moment-là une dance légale dont ils avaient besoin
that limit such treatment to a maxi- ing place, a six-year-old child whose campagne intense de propagande pour formuler leur appel. Gerardo
mum of sixty days and is used only rescue was achieved by Washing- haineuse et de mensonges qui n’a Hernández Nordelo n’a jamais reçu
for dangerous prisoners who have ton sending Special Forces from the pas cessé depuis, les qualifiant les documents relatifs à sa pétition à
committed serious crimes inside capital since all the local authorities à tort d’« espions » et complotant la Cour suprême qui lui avaient été
the prisons. This cruel procedure and agencies were accomplices avec le gouvernement pour inclure envoyés par courrier certifié au dé-
has been practiced against them, of the kidnappers. The district at- l’incident du 24 février 1996 dans but de cette année. Cette violation
later, on several occasions, with no torney’s office refused to move the les chefs d’accusation après qu’ils flagrante et inexcusable des droits
justification whatsoever, to prevent trial to the neighboring city of Fort furent emprisonnés depuis plus de du prisonnier est un exemple des
them from mounting their defence. Lauderdale, half an hour away. six mois. obstacles continuels à la communi-
Thus they were again locked up for The government flagrantly lied cation de Gerardo avec l’extérieur,
several weeks in the ominous “hole” when it alleged that Miami was a Du moment de leur arrestation et qui ont persisté malgré les nom-
in June 2001, while they were sup- suitable place in those days, in a durant 17 mois, ils furent soumis breuses protestations cubaines au-
posed to be preparing for their only hostile and threatening atmosphere à l’isolement solitaire, placés dans près des autorités américaines.
opportunity to address the Court at created by Elián’s kidnappers and des cellules de châtiment, isolés
the close of the trial; they returned nevertheless some years later in du monde extérieur, en violation Le procès fallacieux fut du début
to the infamous double incarcera- 2002, when government officials des règles du système carcéral à la fin une farce macabre. Le
tion, under even tougher conditions, appeared in a civil lawsuit, they américain qui limitent ce traitement gouvernement insista pour qu’il ait
during the entire month of March, requested the change of venue à un maximum de soixante jours et lieu à Miami où, précisément à ce
2003, exactly when time was expir- adducing that nothing, even some- qui n’en permettent l’utilisation que moment-là, avait lieu l’enlèvement
thing of lesser importance and only who appeared as witnesses or scandaleux d’Elián González, un sentences soient les plus sévères
indirectly related to Cuba could be experts and went over the alleged enfant de six ans secouru par l’envoi et les plus injustes possible. Il fit
tried fairly in Miami (Ramírez vs. evidence, stated, all of them without des Forces spéciales de Washing- preuve d’un racisme évident dans
Ashcroft, 01-... Civ-Huck, June 25, exception, under oath, that they had ton puisque toutes les autorités et la sélection du jury, parvenant à ex-
2002). The question of the denial of not found anything that implied the agences locales étaient complices clure la majorité des jurés potentiels
a change of venue and the prevail- searching of secret information nor de l’enlèvement. Le bureau du d’origine afro-américaine. Le bu-
ing environment there, lead to the that affected the national security procureur de l’État refusa de démé- reau du procureur de l’État permit
panel of judges in Atlanta on August of the United States. […] The en nager le procès à Fort Lauderdale, des pressions et des menaces de
9, 2005 to unanimously declare the banc Court of Appeals unanimously à une demi-heure de route de là. toutes sortes contre les jurés, qui
entire trial null and void and to order determined in September 2008 that étaient pourchassés à l’intérieur de
that it be held in a different venue there was no evidence that the ac- Le gouvernement a carrément men- l’immeuble, traqués par la foule et
(Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeal, cused had “gathered or transmitted ti lorsqu’il a soutenu que Miami était harcelés par les journalistes payés
No. 01-1..., 03-11087). In an unusu- top secret information” nor that they un endroit convenable à l’époque, par le gouvernement et agissant
al action contrary to US norms and had damaged the national security dans le climat hostile et menaçant au service des terroristes, au point
practice, the government appealed of the United States and thus it de- créé par l’enlèvement d’Elián, et tel qu’ils ont dit à plusieurs reprises
against this historical decision and cided that the sentences for Charge pourtant, des années plus tard, en craindre pour leur sécurité ; ce qui
forced the Court of Appeals, by a 2 (conspiracy to commit espionage) 2002, lorsque les représentants du força le juge à porter plainte et à
divided vote, to reverse it. were erroneous, it vacated them gouvernement ont comparu devant implorer le gouvernement de faire
On May 27 of the same year, the and remanded Ramon and Antonio les tribunaux dans le cadre de pour- quelque chose pour remédier à la
United Nations Working Group on for resentencing. Nevertheless, as suites au civil, ils ont demandé un situation.
Arbitrary Detention concluded, for an astounding discrimination, even changement de lieu en alléguant
the first time in a case related to the though it acknowledged that the que rien, pas même un cas de La prétendue preuve retenue con-
United States, that the privation of same procedure should be applied moindre importance et relié à Cuba tre eux, arbitrairement déclarée se-
liberty of the Cuban Five is arbitrary to Gerardo, it refused to do so ad- que de façon indirecte, ne pourrait crète, fut manipulée pour fabriquer
and in contradiction with the inter- ducing that a life sentence was al- être jugé en toute justice à Miami les principaux chefs d’accusation
national covenants due to the vio- ready weighing against him. (Ramírez c. Ashcroft, 01-4835 Civ- dont la fausseté allait être recon-
lations committed during the legal As for Fernando González, for Huck. 25 juin 2002). Le refus du nue plus tard par le gouvernement
process and urged the US Govern- other reasons, the Court also de- changement de lieu et le climat qui lui-même et par la Cour d’appel.
ment to immediately take measures clared the sentence imposed to existait à l’époque amenèrent le De hauts officiers militaires qui,
to resolve that arbitrariness. be erroneous, declared it null and tribunal d’Atlanta, le 9 août 2005, comparaissant à titre de témoins ou
After forcing the trial to be held in void and remanded for resentenc- à déclarer à l’unanimité le procès d’experts, ont examiné la prétendue
Miami, the government took other ing. We must emphasize that these nul et non avenu et à ordonner qu’il preuve ont tous déclaré sous ser-
steps to ensure the most severe “errors” cannot be attributed only to ait lieu dans une juridiction différ- ment n’avoir rien trouvé qui puisse
and unjust sentences. In the jury the Court that imposed the exact ente (Onzième Cour d’appel, No. justifier le secret des renseigne-
selection it manifested evident rac- sentences requested by the district 01-17176, 03-11087). Posant un ments ou qui affecte la sécurité na-
ism when it succeeded in exclud- attorney’s office. geste inhabituel et contraire aux tionale des Etats-Unis. […] La Cour
ing the majority of the potential There is no greater evidence of normes et pratiques américaines, d’appel en formation plénière jugea
Afro-American jury members. The prevarication than the other life sen- le gouvernement interjeta appel de à l’unanimité en septembre 2008
District Attorney’s Office allowed all tence punishing Gerardo Hernández cette décision historique et obligea qu’il n’y avait aucune preuve que les
kinds of pressure and threats to the Nordelo for the so-called Charge 3 la Cour d’appel à la réviser par un accusés aient « recueilli ou transmis
jury members who were chased into (conspiracy to commit murder). vote divisé. des renseignements top secrets
the interior of the building, hounded The government itself, in May » ou causé des torts à la sécurité
by the crowd and harassed by jour- 2001, recognized that “in light of Le 27 mai de la même année, le nationale des États-Unis et décida
nalists who were paid by the gov- the evidence presented in this trial” Groupe de travail de l’ONU sur la par conséquent que les sentences
ernment and in the service of the Charge 3 could not be proven since détention arbitraire concluait, pour pour le chef d’accusation numéro
terrorists, to such a point that sever- it supposed “an insurmountable la première fois dans une affaires 2 (conspiration pour commettre
al times they expressed apprehen- hurdle to the prosecution”, it asked reliées aux États-Unis, que la priva- l’espionnage) étaient erronées, les
sion and concern for their safety; for it to be modified at the last min- tion de la liberté des Cinq Cubains annula et renvoya Ramon et Antonio
compelling the judge to complain ute and appealed to the Court of At- est arbitraire et contraire aux con- à une nouvelle sentence. Or, la cour
and implore the government to do lanta for that, in a step that the dis- ventions internationales à cause a fait preuve d’une discrimination
something to remedy the situation. trict attorney’s office acknowledged des violations commises durant ahurissante lorsqu’elle a refusé de
The so-called evidence against lacked of precedents (Emergency le processus juridique, et pressa le faire dans le cas de Gerardo, tout
them, whimsically classified as petition for writ of prohibition- pages le gouvernement des États-Unis à en reconnaissant que la même pro-
secret was fraudulently manipu- 1 to 8 and 27 to 31). Having been prendre des mesures immédiates cédure s’appliquait, sous prétexte
lated in order to fabricate the main denied the petition the most unlikely pour corriger cet arbitraire. qu’une peine d’emprisonnement à
charges whose falseness would be thing happened. Without one single perpétuité pesait déjà contre lui.
acknowledged later on by the gov- question, in a few minutes, the jury Après avoir obligé la tenue du
ernment itself and by the Court of declared Gerardo guilty for an al- procès à Miami, le gouvernement Quant à Fernando González, la
Appeals. Senior military officers, leged crime he did not commit and prit d’autres mesures pour que les Cour jugea pour d’autres raisons
that the US Government itself rec- ously condemned by all humanity. que la sentence était erronée, la Ceux qui ont injustement incarcéré
ognized that they could not prove. By refusing to review the case, the déclara nulle et non avenue et Gerardo, Ramón, Antonio, Fer-
This is the undeniable evidence Supreme Court practically closes ordonna un nouveau prononce- nando et René font preuve d’une
that in Miami that so-called trial the legal channels for its solution. ment de sentence. Nous devons cruauté impardonnable envers leurs
could be nothing other than a gross All that is left are the next resen- souligner que ces « erreurs » ne familles en leur imposant des pro-
lie. Terrified, pressured and threat- tences for Ramón, Antonio and peuvent être uniquement attribuées cédures compliquées et frustrantes
ened, the jury had spent seven Fernando before the same Miami à la Cour, car elle a imposé les sen- pour l’obtention de visas, bafouant
months in a room overflowing with judge. We must demand her to free tences précises demandées par le ainsi les droits des prisonniers et
the same delinquents whom they them now. bureau du procureur de l’État. de leurs familles. La situation que
had seen in the local media carrying We are entering into a new phase vivent Adriana Pérez et Olga Sala-
out the kidnapping of a child, defy- where the responsibility of the ad- Il n’y a pas de plus grande preuve vnueva est particulièrement scan-
ing the government and the law and ministration, specifically that of de prévarication que l’autre peine daleuse. On leur a systématique-
threatening to set fire to the city and President Obama, is greater. d’emprisonnement à perpétuité ment nié la possibilité de voir leurs
they heard them demand that the The president has the constitu- contre Gerardo Hernández Nordelo maris. Les autorités américaines
Court pass the worst punishment tional authority and the moral obli- au prétendu chef d’accusation nu- ont refusé jusqu’à présent de leur
on Gerardo. gation to see that justice is carried méro 3 (conspiration pour commet- accorder le droit de visite, faisant
In spite of being aware of such out. He can and must do so. For tre un meurtre). la sourde oreille aux pétitions répé-
precedents, the district attorney’s that he must see to it that the prin- tées des organisations religieuses,
office asked for and got the life sen- cipal charges being used against Le gouvernement a lui-même re- des droits humains, syndicalistes et
tence. […] our compatriots are dropped. Both connu en mai 2001 qu’« à la lumière intellectuelles du monde entier.
Those who have unfairly incar- charges were already severely de la preuve présentée à ce procès
cerated Gerardo, Ramón, Antonio, questioned: by the Appeals Court » le chef d’accusation numéro 3 ne La manière dont Adriana est traitée
Fernando and René show an un- and by his predecessor in the pouvait être prouvé puisqu’il sup- est si méprisante qu’elle est difficile
pardonable cruelty towards their rel- White House. He has to do this pose « un obstacle insurmontable à imaginer. Gerardo doit servir deux
atives with complicated and frustrat- if he hopes to project an image of pour la poursuite ». Il demanda qu’il peines d’emprisonnement à per-
ing procedures to get the visas they change towards Latin America and soit changé à la dernière minute et pétuité plus quinze ans, il n’a pas
need to visit them, thus ignoring the world. en appela à la Cour d’Atlanta à cet vu sa femme depuis onze ans et la
the rights of the prisoners and their The terrorists jubilantly celebrate effet, un geste qui, de l’aveu même Cour suprême a refusé de revoir son
families. Especially outrageous is the conduct of the present adminis- du bureau du procureur de l’État, cas. Le département d’État a choisi
the situation faced by Adriana Pér- tration that continues to guarantee était sans précédent (« Emergency le 15 juillet, exactement un mois
ez and Olga Salanueva who have the impunity of Luis Posada Carriles Petition for Writ of Prohibition », après cette décision condamnable
regularly been denied the possibility and Orlando Bosch, guilty of the de- pages 1-8 et 27-31). La pétition lui et le jour de leur anniversaire de
of visiting their husbands. The US struction of a civilian flight in mid-air ayant été refusée, une chose tout à mariage, pour annoncer à Adriana,
authorities have refused up to now and the death of 73 people, while fait improbable s’est produite. Sans pour la dixième fois, le rejet de sa
to allow them the visits, turning a cruelly punishing those who, without poser une seule question, le jury n’a demande de visa, alléguant qu’elle
deaf ear to the repeated petitions of harming anyone, handed over their pris que quelques minutes pour dé- « est une menace à la stabilité et
religious, human rights, trade union youth in order to stop the misdeeds clarer Gerardo coupable d’un crime la sécurité nationale des États-Unis
and intellectual organizations from of these and other criminals. qu’il n’a pas commis et que le gou- ». À la sentence absurde infligée
all over the world. The National Assembly of the Peo- vernement des États-Unis admet à Gerardo, s’ajoute cet abominable
The way Adriana is treated is so ples’ Power demands the urgent lui-même être incapable de prouvé. tourment, quelque chose de vrai-
despicable that it is difficult to con- solidarity of all legislative bodies, ment sadique pour ces deux jeunes
ceive. Gerardo has to serve two life parliamentarians and political and Voilà la preuve indéniable qu’un personnes innocentes. Ce geste
sentences plus fifteen years, he has social organizations and people of procès à Miami ne pouvait être doit être condamné avec vigueur
not seen his wife in eleven years good will all over the world and it autre chose qu’un grossier menson- par l’ensemble de l’humanité.
and the Supreme Court refused to calls on them to mobilize and de- ge. Terrifié, pressuré et menacé, le
consider his case. July 15, exactly mand the immediate freedom of Ge- jury avait passé sept mois dans une En refusant d’examiner cette af-
one month after that condemnable rardo, Ramón, Antonio, Fernando salle remplie des mêmes voyous faire, la Cour suprême ferme, en
decision and the day of their wed- and René. We the Cuban men and qu’ils avaient vus dans les médias pratique, les voies légales de sa so-
ding anniversary, was the day cho- women, for whom they sacrificed locaux enlever un enfant, défier le lution. Tout ce qui reste est le réexa-
sen by the Department of State to their lives, know how to tirelessly gouvernement et la loi et menacer men des sentences de Ramón, An-
communicate her, for the tenth time, fight until we have them returned, de mettre le feu à la ville, et il les a tonio et Fernando à Miami devant
the negation of a visa, alleging that free, to their grateful Homeland. entendus demander à la Cour d’im- la même juge. Nous devons exiger
Adriana “is a threat to the stability poser à Gerardo le pire châtiment. qu’elle les libère immédiatement.
Havana, August 1, 2009
and national security of the United National Assembly of the Peoples’ Power of the
States”. To the irrational sentence Republic of Cuba Bien que conscient de ces précé- Nous entrons dans une nouvelle
imposed on Gerardo, this abomina- dents, le bureau du procureur de phase où la responsabilité du gou-
ble torment has been added, some- l’État demanda et obtint l’emprison- vernement, en particulier celui du
thing truly sadistic for two innocent nement à perpétuité. […] président Obama, est encore plus
young people; it should be vigor- >> Pp. 36
S’organiser pour dire
non à la guerre
Sommet populaire québécois
contre la guerre et le militarisme
Par Marianne Breton Fontaine

Au Canada et encore plus au A People’s Summit in Quebec lectif Échec à la guerre est un regroupement
Québec, la majorité des gens against war and militarism d’organisations sociales et politiques qui se ral-
lient sur le principe de s’opposer à toute guerre
s’oppose fermement à la
d’agression, à toute volonté de domination ou de
guerre en Afghanistan. Mais Most people oppose the Afghanistan war, but
contrôle entre pays, nations ou autres commu-
la démocratie bourgeoise Canadian will not withdraw the troops. In this
nautés humaines. C’est notamment ce collectif
context, le collectif Échec à la guerre is organiz-
n’étant pas véritablement ing a People’s Summit against war and militarism
qui a prit les devants au Québec du combat con-
démocratique, Stephen Harp- tre la guerre en Afghanistan.
in March 2010.
er continue cette guerre qui
dure maintenant depuis 8 ans The important summit comes two years after the Vers le sommet
sans problème. C‘est aussi un popular success of Quebec-wide hearings for the
withdrawal of Canadian troops from Afghanistan À chaque année depuis l’invasion de l’Afghanistan,
virage militaire complet que in February ‘08. Peace rallies have been get- l’Alliance canadienne pour la paix et Échec à la
prend le gouvernement con- ting smaller in size, and an annual protest is not guerre appellent à une manifestation pancana-
servateur. enough to stop the imperialist war machine. We dienne contre cette guerre. Mais manifester une
don’t know if Canadian participation will end in fois par année n’est pas suffisant pour arrêter la
En 1990, 10% des forces militaires canadienne 2011 as Harper says. The war has now spread machine de guerre impérialiste du Canada. Sans
étaient engagées dans des missions des Casques to Pakistan. compter que dans les dernières années, le nom-
bleus. Aujourd’hui, elles ne sont plus que 0,08%, bre de participants et participantes aux marches
soit seulement 56 soldats! Des dépenses sup- Thus the summit’s main goal is to strengthen the s’est amoindri.
plémentaires de 490 milliards de dollars ont été Quebec anti-war and anti-militarism movements.
annoncées pour les 20 prochaines années et le That means exposing the media’s pro-war lies, Et ne soyons pas dupes; rien ne garantit qu’en
recrutement militaire des jeunes devient de plus especially the claim that the war is for women’s 2011, la participation canadienne sera défini-
en plus agressif dans les médias et sur les cam- liberation, and that we must respect our NATO tivement terminée. C’est, comme le dit Stephen
pus des collèges et des universités. commitments. To respond, two booklets were Harper, «la mission telle que nous la connaissons
drawn up before the summit’s (the article pres- actuellement» qui prendra alors fin. Depuis 2005,
C’est dans ce contexte que le collectif Échec à ent’s excepts). la situation n’a fait qu’empirer et cette guerre dé-
la Guerre organise un sommet populaire con- borde maintenant des frontières afghanes. Ainsi,
tre la guerre et le militarisme en mars 2010. Ce But talking is not enough and doesn’t replace l’objectif principal du Sommet est de renforcer le
sommet sera d’une importance majeure pour le mobilization. We should be concerned that there mouvement québécois d’opposition à la guerre
mouvement pour la paix et anti-impérialiste au is no demonstration this year. Protests stopped et au militarisme en ce qui a trait à sa réflexion,
Québec. Il arrive deux ans après le succès des the Liberal’s from sending Canada into Iraq. à ses revendications et à son unité d’action,
Audiences populaires pour le retrait des troupes The Conservative’s speak for the imperialists, comme le mentionne le collectif dans son com-
canadiennes de l’Afghanistan de février 2008, and see Afghanistan’s geo-political significance. muniqué.
qui avaient réussies à faire converger pour une Therefore the struggle against militarism Canada
première fois les oppositions à la guerre. contributes to a much broader struggle against Pour se faire, il faut s’attaquer aux mensong-
extreme right and capitalism. es pro-guerre véhiculés dans les médias. Le
Le collectif
plus populaire est sans doute celui qui dit que
The Summit will be held from 19 to 21 March 2010 in Montreal. For
l’invasion de l’Afghanistan avait comme dessein
Créé en 2002 et développé durant la vague more information (also in English - People’s Summit Against War and
Militarism): la libération des femmes. Vient ensuite les idées
de protestation contre la guerre en Irak, le col-
30 que nous ne pouvons nous retirer immédiate-
ment du pays et que nous devons respecter «Les membres de l’OTAN sont responsables d’au fait que cette année, il n’y aura pas d’appel à une
nos engagements face à l’OTAN. Pour répon- moins 75 % des dépenses militaires mondiales, manifestation pancanadienne contre la guerre en
dre à ces mensonges, deux brochures ont été allouant maintenant 1 000 milliards de dollars Afghanistan est inquiétant.
produites en préparation du sommet. Voici un US par année à cet effet. En dollars constants,
extrait de chacune : les dépenses militaires de l’OTAN ont augmenté Seul une mobilisation de masse peut vraiment
de 31 % de 2000 à 2008. Le déséquilibre des changer le cours des choses. Rappelons-nous
«En janvier 2002, G.W. Bush déclarait : « Le forces au sein de l’OTAN est illustré par le fait que c’est la mobilisation populaire contre la
drapeau américain flotte de nouveau au-dessus que les États-Unis sont à eux seuls responsables guerre en Irak qui à forcer le gouvernement
de notre ambassade à Kaboul (…). Aujourd’hui de la moitié des dépenses militaires mondiales.» libéral d’alors à ne pas participer officiellement
les femmes sont libres! ». Ainsi, la libération Bochure «L’OTAN : alliance défensive ou instru- à cette guerre. Les conservateurs sont très bien
des femmes afghanes était présentée comme ment de guerre ?». informés des enjeux et n’ont rien à faire de la dé-
l’objectif principal de cette guerre déclenchée au mocratie et de l’opinion de la majorité. Ils défend-
lendemain du 11 septembre 2001. Rappelons- Cette campagne pré-sommet est d’autant ent les intérêts des impérialistes et l’Afghanistan
nous cependant que les talibans étaient au pou- plus importante que la propagande pro-guerre est un enjeu stratégique pour eux. La main mise
voir depuis 1996, que la situation d’oppression s’intensifie. L’armée canadienne s’est donné sur l’Afghanistan, c’est une porte d’entrée ouverte
vécue par les femmes afghanes était connue comme objectif de trouver 13 000 nouvelles re- au coeur du Moyen-orient et de ses ressources
et largement dénoncée par des féministes par- crues cette année et elle a besoin de justifier ses pétrolières ; C’est un point stratégique pour con-
tout dans le monde et que ni les États-Unis, ni interventions à l’étranger. De plus, le gouverne- trer l’influence de deux puissances concurrentes
d’autres puissances occidentales ne semblaient ment conservateur doit défendre les dépenses : la Chine et la Russie.
en faire grand cas. Comme le dit la féministe militaires en constante expansion qui survien-
Christine Delphy, « Les États-Unis n’ont que faire nent au moment où nous traversons la crise C’est pourquoi la lutte contre le militarisme ca-
des droits des femmes. Pas plus en Afghanistan, économique. nadien s’intègre à une lutte beaucoup plus large
qu’au Koweït, en Arabie-Saoudite ou ailleurs. Au contre l’extrême droite et le capitalisme. Travail-
contraire, ils ont sciemment et volontairement Parler ne suffit pas lons pour que ce soit chose comprise au sommet
sacrifié les Afghanes à leurs intérêts. » Brochure populaire québécois contre la guerre et le mili-
«Mener la guerre pour le bien des femmes... vrai- Si le sommet est un grand pas en avant pour tarisme. Le Sommet aura lieu du 19 au 21 mars
ment?», en collaboration avec la Fédération des l’unité du mouvement anti-guerre, il est loin d’être 2010 à Montréal.
femmes du Québec. suffisant et ne rem- place en rien
la mobilisation dans 31 les rues. Le
Pour plus d’information (also in english - People’s Summit Against War
and Militarism) :
mad activist skills 101

Understanding Racism,
Sexism, and Heterosexism
Rebel Youth reprints edited notes from a talk by Asad Ali given at the March different people as part of a histori- Karl Marx said “there is something
09 Young Communist League’s Ontario school, and developed further at cal and social process as well. in human history like retribution:
the August 09 YCL school. We reprint this here as one perspective on a and it is a rule of historical retribu-
important question, with the hope that it will be of interest not just to other 3. Recognize denial and tion that its instrument be forged not
YCLers but all people in the broad movement for social justice. We welcome dodging admission of privi- by the offended, but by the offender
dialogue on how to better understand and address racism, sexism and het- leges as a “defense mecha- himself.” (The Indian Revolt, New
erosexism. (If you would like a copy of the full notes, unedited, please write nism.” When getting screwed York Tribune, Sept. 16 1857). What and we will put you in touch with the author.) over, we can usually feel it in our Marx is saying is that there is such a
gut – even if we don’t understand thing as payback. In this particular
by Asad Ali Engels in The Origins of the Family, case Marx was criticizing the British
how we’re getting screwed over. It’s
Private Property, and State explains public for being horrified at the tac-
good to trust your gut in those situa-
Why is understanding racism, sex- how these processes develop with tics of Indian revolutionaries. If they
tions. But if you know you don’t fully
ism, and heterosexism important? private property and pre-capitalist wanted to see the source of the hor-
understand racism, or sexism, or
Do we here today reflect the full economic systems, how patriarchy ror, Marx said, look instead at how
heterosexism, don’t trust your gut.
potential of a revolutionary organi- developed so men (fathers specifi- the British were treating the Indians
Instead, slow down, take a breath,
zation? Does racism, sexism, het- cally) could keep control of private and others before the revolution.
if you feel a “defense mechanism”
erosexism exist outside the YCL? property while the state developed Take the sexist and male suprema-
kicking in, and consider where it’s
If you think it does, are we immune so one people could dominate other cist attacks Thelma and Louise
going. It might best better not to say
from it? peoples. Similarly, the movement went through in the famous movie
something, even if you don’t see
to liberate ourselves from these of that name. If this wasn’t consid-
why it is racist, sexist, or heterosex-
No one is immune from the racism, historical and social oppressions ered, you might end up just blaming
ist. Avoid jumping to an opinion.
sexism and heterosexism. We can’t is also historical and social; like the Thelma and Louise for the violence
You might not “get” the issue yet, so
overthrow capitalism in Canada by class movement against capitalism – instead of recognizing what they
avoid giving uninformed opinions.
ourselves as we exist today; the it is rooted in our development as are giving payback to.
Realize your own role in the his-
revolutionary movement will need humanity.
torical systems of racism, sexism,
to include broader sections of peo- 5. How can we perpetuate
heterosexism and check yourself
ple of colour, women, and queers if 2. There are social process- anti-racist, anti-patriarchal,
before you dodge an uncomfortable
we’re going to have a chance. This es that maintain racial and and queer liberation? We
talk is about some of the things we patriarchal supremacy, and should support the development
need to understand so we can grow social processes are also of leadership of people of colour,
4. What are the ways white,
even further than we already have. trying to break out of it. This women, and queers, and orient our-
male, and straight suprem-
is not a “zero sum game.” Capital- acy are perpetuated? What selves towards the organizing hap-
1. We need to understand ism uses these pre-existing sys- pening within communities of peo-
ways are people of colour, women,
racial and patriarchal su- tems of oppressions and transforms ple of colour, women, and queers.
and queers kept in their place – or
premacy, and the liberation them, but they do exist apart from If we’re not aware of the organizing
even threatened? Maybe it’s just a
from it, as historical and so- capitalism because they are rooted happening in these communities it is
suggestion that things could get ugly
cial processes. These aren’t in pre-capitalist systems of produc- not because it is not happening – it
for them. Could we be reproducing
arbitrary oppressions that divide the tion that haven’t disappeared even just seems that way because we’re
or repeating stereotypes, jokes,
working class. For example, there though capitalism is the dominant not paying attention. In personal
behaviors, references? What is
is discrimination against left-hand- one. Religion also is closely tied interactions, be aware of interrupt-
the role of the news and media in
ed people too, but why don’t we with different forms of racism in ing and listen: pay attention. Social
perpetuating white supremacy, and
find capitalists dividing workers into terms of why some peoples adopt- movements that are here today are
how might we be playing into that?
right-handed workers who oppress ed certain religions throughout their not necessarily what will be around
Taking racism, sexism, and hetero-
left-handed workers? The process- communities. It’s no accident that tomorrow. This is different from
sexism out of an analysis of any
es of racism, sexism, and hetero- the northern Germans and Swedes tokenism (which is just including a
news event can give twisted results
sexism are not arbitrary; they are are Protestants while the French, representative for formality’s sake)
that can be the opposite of what is
historical processes, like capitalism, Spanish, and Italians are Catho- instead of connecting with the pro-
actually going in.
that predate capitalism. Fredrick lics. Religions were adopted by
32 cess of change, revolution.
6. Conduct meetings, events,
those who don’t have a choice.
Solidarity is empty if it doesn’t go
L’offensive idéologique sur la
and ourselves everywhere into action when it’s needed and
André Luz
not just for today’s YCLers is just words said from comfortable Mais il existe d’autres examples,
but for future YCLers who positions. Trust is built only when comme le jeu « Call of Duty » dans
Les contradictions du sys-
will be joining us from com- it counts. If you hold back support lequel, soi-disant, on rejoue dif-
tème capitaliste s’accentuent
munities we haven’t reached because it makes you feel uncom- férentes batailles de la Seconde
toujours plus chaque jour, et
yet. Would we act the same way fortable, who is winning: white/ Guerre Mondiale. Dans tout le
comme les manières de les
if they were here today? Would patriarchal supremacy or liberation jeu, il existe près de 12 niveaux
justifier aussi s’usent, le sys-
the people of colour, women, and from it? et pendant près de 9 niveaux le
tème vit dans une recherche
queers who will be joining the cur- incessante pour renouveller, joueur commande un soldat allié,
rent YCL people of colour, women, 10. Keep reading and dis- français ou anglais, alors que dans
actualiser et créer de nou-
and queers find our group to be dif- cussing current events as an tout le jeu on joue seulement deux
velles manières de se légi-
ferent in terms of racism, sexism, exercise. Is a certain news story niveaux avec l’Armée Rouge, sa-
timer et de faire obstacle à
heterosexism than other groups out part of a racist, patriarchal, sexist, chant que la première mission du
la lutte des peuples.
there? We should make sure that or heterosexist project? Be aware joueur est de commander un soldat
we don’t tell jokes or make com- of the stereotypes and how you qui doit monter une colline mais qui
Le système capitaliste use de toutes
ments that perpetuate the racism, might be perpetuating them. n’a pas de balles car il n’y en avait
ses armes pour tenter de dominer
sexism and heterosexism that ex- et de formater les esprits et il a à pas pour tout le monde, comme
ists outside the YCL, echoing the 11. Don’t be silent or passive on nous l’explique avant même de
son service d’immenses ressources
subtle and open threats that rever- or accepting of anything commencer à jouer. Ainsi, un jeu
pour permettre la diffusion de ses
berate outside. just to avoid dominating if qui, soi-disant, reconstitue la Sec-
idées. Les jeunes sont naturelle-
you are white/male/hetero- onde Guerre Mondiale est fait pour
ment la cible principale de cette
7. Get the people, issues, sexual, play your role in lib- nous donner l’idée que ceux qui ont
offensive. Aujourd’hui, l’offensive
and communities of color, eration because no one else combattu en fait étaient les forces
idéologique se fait sentir partout,
women, and queers on your will play it for you. alliées du monde capitaliste, et
dans des domaines de grande
radar. If it looks like nothing is importance comme dans ceux de qu’elles étaient très efficaces, et que
going on, it probably means you’re 12. We are part of the social l’Armée Rouge, qui pourtant a été la
moindre importance, et en usant de
not looking deeply enough or with change we are fighting for force qui a apporté la plus grande
tous les moyens possibles. [...]
an orientation towards what is de- and “things don’t stay stand- contribution, et la plus décisive, à
veloping. As we build relationships ing.” la victoire, n’y était pour rien, ou en
with each other, and learn to recog-
Dans les jeux vidéos
De nos jours, tout le monde joue à tout cas a eu un rôle bien moindre
nize each other, our ties will come If you are not developing forward que celui des autres forces. Par-
un type de jeu ou à un autre, soit
in handy when “the shit hits the fan” on these questions, then chances ler d’offensive idéologique dans les
sur ordinateur, soit sur console de
and we all need to find support from are that you are not developing in jeux vidéos peut paraître étrange,
jeu, et il existe mille et uns type de
people we can trust. the direction you choose – you are mais la vérité c’est que le gou-
jeux, de sport, d’action, d’aventure
moving in the direction the boss vernement américain s’intéresse
et encore bien d’autres. Nous
8. Initiate solidarity and sup- chooses for you! Stay on top of énormément à ce domaine, car des
savons aussi que les plus grands
port when people of colour, these issues, because unbeknownst milliers des personnes jouent, dans
producteurs de jeux vidéos sont
women, and queers are un- to you, racism, sexism, and hetero- le monde entier, à ce type de jeu,
nord-américains, mais c’est que les
der attack. Initiate corrections sexism could be staying on top of tous les jours. [...]
gens savent moins c’est que le gou-
and challenges within the YCL and you, and using you.
vernement américain donne tous
workplaces and other organizations. Cette offensive idéologique est
les ans 120 000 dollars à l’Armée
Do the capitalists have a better Additional readings: forte, car la vérité est que le sys-
nord-américaine pour le développe-
sexual harassment policy than we tème capitaliste a ce grand objectif
(1) ment de jeux vidéos. Comme nous
do? Would we initiate disciplinary parce qu’il sait très bien que le futur
html Ten Things to Remember: Anti-Racist Strate- le voyons, l’Armée nord-américaine
charges against someone for racist gies for White Student Radicals by Chris Dixon de l’humanité ne réside pas dans
crée et développe des jeux vidéos,
sexist homophobic remarks? Initi- cette société, ce n’est pas cette
(2) qui n’ont rien de jeux innocents. Par
ate criticism and self-criticism, don’t What I Wish I Knew: My Own Goals for Anti-Racist société que les peuples veulent
exemple, dans tous les jeux d’action
leave anyone hanging alone to fight Practice by Catherine Jones
et il sait bien que la solution est le
qui existent le personnage est tou-
for themselves as that will be a mor- socialisme. Et c’est parce qu’il le
(3) jours un individu, jamais un collectif,
tal danger to our organizations. The White Collective (a blinding glimpse of the ob- sait bien qu’il investit des milliers
vious) by Barbara Karens il est toujours un commandant de
forces spéciales qui se débrouille d’euros dans le développement de
9. Privilege is not the same (4) Anti-Racist Code nouvelles manières de contrôler les
seul, et tue tout seul, l’action collec-
as power. True solidarity is when of Practice, National Community Development Pro-
idées, mais la lutte se chargera de
gramme, December 1999 tive n’existant pas. Ainsi, de cette
it counts, when you have to sacrifice rétablir la vérité!
manière, on défend l’idée que nous,
privilege/comfort to defend those (5) From the classics: Engels Preface to Origins of André Luz est un Membre de la Commission poli-
the Family Private Property and State seuls, arrivons à tout faire et que tique de la Direction Nationale de la Jeunesse
who have no comfort in the current nous n’avons en aucun Communiste Portugaise, Traduction AC pour http://
situation, and pay a price alongside
33 cas besoin du collectif.
Peoples culture
Resistance in music, movies
The Dils Sow Sorrow Shall Reap Rage,” is
made up of fourteen songs taking
Inglorious The movie exits the generic World
War Two film role when it becomes
on such issues as religion, capi- Basterds apparent that none of the char-
talism, racism, war, and of course acters are fighting for the good of
our favourite advocate for all of the some western state. In fact, most
above: Stephen Harper. of these guerilla warriors display
outright disdain for their bourgeois
The album is a call-to-arms; it’s fuel masters in one way or another. The
on the fire, it’s a brick in the hand, a leader of the Inglorious Bastards,
wrench in the gears, and a kick in Aldo Raine, even directly disobeys
the ass. It’s inspirations and incendi- orders near the end of the film just
ary. Perfect for fans of Propagandhi, to ensure one of the most repulsive
Leftover Crack, Anti-Flag, The Fall- Nazis sees some resemblance of
out and The Rebel Spell. Favorite justice, even though he is order
The Dils were a punk band in Cali-
tracks include “Spark,” “Hey Harper bound to let the SS officer live.
fornia from 1978 to 1980; in 2000,
You Anti-Choice Homophobe Fuck
the Bacchus archives imprint of
Die Die Die,” “This Police State The idea that these courageous sol-
Dionysus records released an al-
Causes Urban Genocide,” and “End diers are all Jewish is included with
bum (Class War) of a live show
the Occupation.” Check them out a positive approach, as well. Never
plus two studio tracks. A quote the
today at [SvS] do these hero Hebrews succumb to
old liner notes, describes them: “...
simply youthfully rebellious. It didn’t The Class War any of the Hollywood stereotypes or
profess to seek any Zionist goals,
matter if some members of the
band were admitted communists,
Kids Being an avid movie buff can get unlike those depicted in Adam San-
a little complicated when you are dler’s 2008 film You Don’t Mess
or that they were outspoken critics
a leftist. Most of the films we see With The Zohan and others. Like
of the local scene.” One track, “Red
in Canada are from corporate Hol- these, the African Frenchman char-
Rockers Rule” makes it even more
lywood and contain the usual right- acter Marcel also escapes any neg-
obvious. They are noted as open-
wing biases of the movie industry. ative race role, and takes an active
ing for the Clash during the bands
Still, there are some flicks which part in the most dangerous scene of
first North American tour. For such
are able to avoid United States- the film.
a short lived band, their songs are
Christian moralism and the com-
well covered: “You’re Not Blank”
mon tendency to distort events in In the end, this is a Tarantino film
was covered by the band Dillinger
favour of one western government and those not accustomed to this
Four, while the song “Mr. Big” was
or another. I would say Quentin unique style may be a little shocked.
covered by the band D.O.A [D.T.].
Tarantino’s Inglorious Bastards is No part of the violent and sadistic
The Brat The Class War Kids are a political one of those films. Nazi method is censored, and the
Attack punk group from Newfoundland
playing upbeat yet aggressive ac- The story follows two groups as
strange back and forth storytell-
ing which has come to define the
tivist rallying cries. Building on their they unknowingly work together director can be a put off for some.
last album, they seem to have found towards killing the leaders of Nazi Of course, if you enjoy the director’s
a perfect mix of music and mes- Germany. The ‘Inglorious Bastards’ other films and watching fascists
sage in their new album “Reflection! are a group of mostly Jewish sol- get unequivocally owned you will
Rage! Rebellion!” Fans of bands like diers who operate in Nazi occu- like Inglorious Bastards. ZC
The Rebel Spell, D.O.A., Anti-Flag, pied France, while the other major
and Propagandhi will love these anti-fascist plotter is a young Jew-
fourteen songs of resistance with
healthy doses of humour and anger
ish girl named Shosanna Dreyfus
whose family is killed in the begin-
packed into just over half an hour. ning of the film. Each of the many
Favorite tracks include Policeman, protagonist characters continually DT - David Tymo-
Cherry Poppin’ Conservatives, Riot and unquestioningly enters into im-
The Brat Attack is a rabble-rousing schuck
2010. Check them out on Myspace mensely dangerous situations to
punk band from Winnipeg who play
and order “Reflection! Rage! Rebel- fight fascists, many of them dying in SVS - Stephen Von
songs of protest and resistance. Sychowski
lion! from Rebel Time Records. [SvS] the process.
Their fourth album “Those Who
ZC - Zach Crispin
What is Dub Poetry?

Legally Blind Social Club was formed less than

a year ago by Tom Morello (Rage
Against the Machine, Audioslave,
Nightwatchman) and rapper Boots
Riley of the legendary hip-hop
group The Coup.

Their first, self titled, album is prob-

ably the first album of its sub-genre
worth listening to since the likes of
Fred Durst hijacked it, turning it into
Legally Blind is an anti-Olympics,
a mere cash cow and discarding its
anti-capitalist punk rock band based
progressive roots.
in Vancouver, British Columbia.
They are described by their Mys-
pace page as “three experienced Although Morello’s guitar seems
Vancouver area musicians and one quite a bit more toned down and ba-
experienced three chord propagan- sic than in the days of Rage Against Dub poetry has been around since the 1970s. This summer d’bi.young, a
dist united to take the shine off the the Machine, this album is no less Jamaican-Canadian dub poet, as well as a Dora-winning actor and play-
2010 Winter Olympics…,” and “like than brilliant. There is no filler here, wright, led a youth dub theater in Toronto. Here is an explanation of dub
the Communist Manifesto in Braille, no songs that suck, and thankfully from her website, verbatim.
through a used Boss distortion no obnoxious guy in a red hat jump-
pedal.” If that doesn’t make it clear ing around screaming about “doing
enough for you, their message can language
it for the nookie.”
be easily summed up in a couple of originally story-told in the nation language of jamaica - a mix-up of west-
simple slogans “Fuck 2010” and “No afrikan languages/english/some spanish/some french, birthed from the co-
Instead there are 11 catchy tunes,
Olympics on Stolen Native Land.” lonial experience of the trans-atlantic slave trade - dub chants in the tongue
each of which carries forward the
In 2008, they released their first of the under/working class. the form speaks to and for the people by break-
revolutionary, anti-capitalist mes-
EP titled Best Before 2010. The EP ing with british hierarchical linguistic rule and grammatically, syntactically,
sage of both Rage Against the Ma-
contains four catchy tracks attack- and stylistically represents the working class experience.
chine and The Coup. Morello has
ing the corporate five ring circus
recently been quoted as describing
and the resulting war on the poor, musicality
the album as “revolutionary party
environmental degradation, and the at the time of the birth of dub poetry, reggae was urgently making a national
jams,” which Boots has referred to
police state. Dead Kennedys fans and international name for herself. in jamaica, dance halls, street corners,
it as “something to listen to while
should check out “Vancouver Uber the insides and outside of tenements were booming with the inventive
storming Wall Street.”
Alles,” for a modern local spin on a sound. through the storytelling musical culture of reggae music dub poetry
classic punk rock tune. Check out rode-di-riddim into the hearts of the people.
Favorite tracks include “Fight!
Best Before 2010 on (Myspace.
Smash! Win!” “100 Little Curses,”
“Promenade,” and “Nobody Moves political content
(Till We Say Go).” Check out Street dub insisted/insists on being a political form. based on the premise that
Street Sweeper Sweeper Social Club online at http:// people’s personal realities are a result of political decisions, dub chants
Social Club about grassroots working-class realities; emphasizing the cause and effect
relationship between political action and social change. this analysis goes
even further to de-construct the socio-economic decisions that lead to pov-
erty and degradation and offers solutions towards change.

dub is one of the many branches of mama afrika’s griot tradishun. this
ancient/present storytelling form demands musical, physical, and vocal
Miss Rage Against the Machine? creative embellishment of a story to engage the listener wholly and com-
Well, you probably shouldn’t hold pletely. live performance has the ability to transcend time and space and to
your breath for a new studio album, magically transform a dub poet’s story into a story for the entire village; pri-
but there’s something else you oritizing the spiritual connection between the storyteller and the
people. dub is primarily oral. this fact however does not restrict
ought to pick up. Street Sweeper
35 it to the stage.
NO 2010
Cinq Cuban
grande. Le président a le pouvoir constitutionnel
et l’obligation morale de veiller à ce que justice
soit faite. Il peut et doit le faire. Pour cela, il doit
voir à ce que les principales accusations contre
nos compatriotes soient abandonnées. Déjà,
deux accusations ont été sérieusement remises
en question par la Cour d’appel et par son pré-
décesseur à la Maison Blanche. Il doit le faire s’il
souhaite projeter une image de changement en
Amérique latine et dans le monde.

Les terroristes jubilent devant la conduite du

gouvernement actuel qui continue de garantir
l’impunité de Luis Posada Carriles et de Orlando
Bosch, coupables de la destruction en vol d’un
avion civil et de la mort de 73 personnes, tout Nahanee and 78-year old environmentalist Betty
en punissant cruellement ceux qui, sans nuire à Resisting 2010 Krawcyzk were two of the arrested at a blockade
personne, ont sacrifié leur jeunesse pour empê- opposing construction at Eagleridge Bluffs. Har-
cher et faire cesser les crimes de ces derniers et riet Nahanee contracted pneumonia at the Sur-
d’autres criminels. Last issue of Rebel Youth looked at the BC 2010 Olympic games, rey Pre-Trial Center. She died a few days later,
un-surrendered indigenous lands and corporate profiteering, and in- while hospitalized, on Feb. 24, 2007.
digenous people’s resistance. This issue we look at three other prob-
L’Assemblée nationale du pouvoir populaire de- lems with the games as presented by the Vancouver-based Olympics
mande la solidarité urgente de tous les organes Resistance Network (ORN). Repression of dissent: Anti-Olympic activists
législatifs, des parlementaires et des organisa- are already being subjected to heavy surveil-
tions politiques et sociales et des personnes de Increasing homelessness and gentrification: lance and repression and countless people,
bonne volonté dans le monde entier et il les invite It is projected that the number of homeless in particularly Indigenous defenders, have been
à se mobiliser pour exiger la libération immédiate Vancouver will triple from 1,000 homeless peo- intimidated and harassed by CISIS and VISU
de Gerardo, Ramón, Antonio, Fernando et René. ple since the Olympic bid in 2003 to over 3,200 (Vancouver 2010 Integrated Security Unit). A
Nous, les hommes et les femmes de Cuba, pour people by 2010. The hardest hit area has been May 2008 CSIS Threat Assessment document
qui ils ont sacrifié leur vie, sauront combattre Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside (DTES), the notes that “opposition to the 2010 Olympic
sans relâche jusqu’à ce que nous obtenions leur poorest off-reserve postal code in Canada. At Games is most noticeable amongst the more
retour, libres, dans leur patrie reconnaissante. present, over 1,200 low income housing units extreme elements of First Nations communities
have been lost in the DTES since the Olympic in conjunction with groups like No One is Illegal,
La Havane, le 1er août 2009 bid in 2003. Meanwhile, real estate speculation the Anti-Poverty Committee, and the Downtown
Assemblée nationale du pouvoir populaire de la République de Cuba
and gentrification has led to a projected 1,500 Eastside Residents Association.” Protest pens,
new market housing units, primarily condomini- fenced-in areas for demonstrators that are iso-
Abolish the HST in BC ums, being built in the DTES. According to a lated from the public, and control of political dis-
report by the Geneva-based Centre on Housing plays are already planned for the Games under
Rights and Evictions, the Olympic Games have the guise of “free speech zones”. Sociologist
dents already pay a criminal tuition fee to attend
displaced more than two million people around David Lyon has dubbed Vancouver 2010 “the
college or university. While the Liberals refuse to
the world over the last 20 years. This figure does Surveillance Games” since security operations
raise minimum wage or legislate a living wage
not include the estimated additional 1 million dis- will include over 13,000 RCMP, military & other
system they continue to increase taxes on those
placed due to the Beijing Games. security personnel as well as joint US-Canada
who fall below the poverty line.
military & North American Aerospace Defence
Unprecedented destruction of the environ- Command operations. The 2010 security budget
To add insult to injury the B.C. Liberal government
ment: This includes massive deforestation in the is estimated at $1 billion, almost five times the
will receive a 1.6 billion dollar payout from the
Callaghan Valley to build the Whistler Olympic original estimate of $175 million. In the name of
federal Conservative government to implement
Center, clearcuts of Cypress Mountain which “national security”, additional funding is provided
this system. As working people try to balance
is a designated 2010 venue location; massive to law enforcement and security agencies to pro-
meager budgets the provincial sellout continues.
sand and gravel mining operations to build con- cure advanced technologies, such as Closed Cir-
If it was not clear before, British Columbians now
struction materials; and the destruction of Ea- cuit TV’s, that are used well beyond the duration
know exactly how much they sell for in the capi-
gleridge Bluffs due to the Sea-to-Sky Highway of the Games.
talist market.
construction. In 2007, 71-year PHOTOS: Top - Harriet Nahanee’s arrest; Right -
old Pacheedaht
elder Harriet Manitoba students protest rision tuition in 2008
Student struggles ing their ability to fight a coming wave of cuts. or wilfully distort. This is understandable, as they
fear what takes place in Cuba - in so far as there
We note that nowhere in Canada are our schools is any suppression taking place, it is suppression
dent unions the CFS, setting up front groups, and adequately funded, which will require billions of of the interests and ambitions of capital; suppres-
working with ultra-right forces like Zionists and dollars. That money is in the corporate purse. sion of those which would turn the clock back to
anti-Abortionists; We declare that teachers working conditions are before the victory of the July 26th Movement;
Attacks on several Public Interest Research students learning conditions and call for youth suppression of the enemies of socialist democ-
Groups in Nova Scotia and Ontario and students to stand with educators in opposing racy who would trample on the progress made
The interference of MP Peter Kent’s office, with these attacks! These issues should be brought by the Cuban people. For this, Cuban democracy
the collusion of senior university administrators, to the attention of our conference calls of post- deserves our attention, our study, and our admi-
in the York Federation of Student’s elections; secondary and high school activists. ration in this 50th Revolutionary year.
Continued attacks on student groups in solidarity
with Palestine. (Endnotes)
1 Sources:, “Youth employment centre job
High school politics
vacancies plummet,” Aug. 12; Winnipeg Free Press, “Worst year on ers and administration is mixed and not yet clear
This goes much further than previous efforts, like record for students seeking work,” Aug 14 – but what has already been accomplished is im-
the Ontario Conservative Campus Association’s pressive. It’s not a way to change an entire so-
“Millennium Leadership Fund” (a secret fund ac- FOCUS: CUBAN ciety, or even an entire educational system, but
tive since 2000 and used to support Conservative
students “taking back” student unions). We ex-
DEMOCRACY it is something else – a way to create a political
ernment of people is replaced by the administra- space. Coupled with serious proposals for action,
press our strong condemnation of these actions tion of things.” No candidate at any level of gov- this will create, at a minimum, a better school.
which should signal a high alert to all democratic ernment can be installed without a majority (i.e. And if it works, which it has a lot of potential to, it
student organizations. more than 50%, not just a plurality as so often can provide a model for similar projects at other
happens in ‘first past the post’ electoral systems) schools. Creating some sort of a leftist activist
High schools: This meeting of the Cen- of the votes cast in his or her local constituency, club hasn’t worked, and I’ve certainly tried. And
tral Committee of the Young Communist League and once elected, representatives are bound to that sort of a format, at least right now, is not ac-
of Canada should also expresses extreme con- regularly return to their constituencies in person cessible to working class students. A group that
cern at the recent announcements of provincial to hear the concerns and demands of the people focuses on immediate concerns within the school
governments across Canada regarding pub- they represent. All these conditions placed upon welcomes a diverse group of people with similar
lic secondary school funding and legislation. elected representatives extend to all levels of concerns into a potentially very political space
government – including senior figures like Cas- they might not otherwise find themselves in.
In British Columbia the Campbell Liberals are tro (it is worth pointing out that neither Fidel nor
again pressuring school boards to make mas- Raul are appointees, but elected and subject to High schools are places which present real prob-
sive cuts, forcing them to pay for an increase in the same rules as other representatives). Most lems for students, but those same students have
Medical Plan service rates, and over $122 million elected officials do not even receive a salary and real potential to fight for a better society.
in cuts, plus cuts to sports. In Alberta the prov- continue with their previous jobs (as far as pos-
ince has recently imposed a wage settlement on sible and practical) whilst acting as the people’s
teachers and is implementing $56 million in cuts. representatives. The contrast between Cuba and
bourgeois democracies like Canada and the US
We also express alarm of recent announce- could hardly be more profound.
ments in legislation. The province of Alberta
is putting forward legislation under the Alberta Those voices hysterically denouncing Cuba, par-
Human Rights code for parents to opt-out of ticularly those emanating from the notorious ul-
lessons on religion, sex and sexual orientation tra-right base of exiled Cubans in Florida, should
(which parents already have the ability to do un- ask themselves: Does your democracy allow for
der the School Act). Education on sexual health elected representatives to be recalled at any
and countering homophobia, as well as faiths time? Does your government consist of ordinary
other than the Christian faith, is a right of the workers receiving an average worker’s wage? Do
youth and can not be taken out of their hands. your elections take place free from billion dollar
media and corporate manipulation? The reality is
In Ontario the province is proposing the Student that Cuba, when compared to virtually any coun-
Achievement and School Board Governance try in the world but particularly when compared to
Act and has only allowed email consultation. countries like the US or Canada, is democratic
This draconian legislation attacks the local de- in a way that bour- geois inter-
mocracy and autonomy of school boards, limit- ests either do not
37 comprehend
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Read Rebel Youth Online
News for the youth and student movment across
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I was interested the forms now posted on this screen. such as one explaining the term
in doing this as He explained that in order to volunteer I rice Christian. Are these missions
I had wanted to had to be all of the things on the qualifi- simply doing good work or exploit-
volunteer but cations sheet (1st image) Well I looked ing a person down on their luck?)
was always too at the form and thought “this is why we
busy working at separate church and state”. I questioned the legality of this set
a minimum wage of forms. It’s a church, albeit a right-
job that I didn’t I had two choices: either I lied through wing church by the sounds of it so I
enjoy. I thought my teeth to accomplish my goal of get- did not push the matter. “Oh well” I
I’d try out the ting a volunteer posistion, or I just say I thought. I had school to worry about
soup kitchens in am anything but the things on that form. first, and bills to pay, before I find
Winnipeg. The Qualifications Form and me: out more on that. And finding out
more through a government office in
Well, there were 1. I’m not born again. NDP Doer’s Manitoba is like pulling
many to choose 2. I consider myself Catholic and hardly teeth. Sort of like filing for EI. “Meh”.
from: Winnipeg in any congregation. I just say I am not all of the things
Harvest which 3. Well, okay I guess I can agree with the form says I should be for vol-
was the major this one. unteering. So, that said and done,
foodbank, Si- 4. I enjoy a good drink now and then. the church man was kind enough to
loam mission And I still smoked back then. suggest Winnipeg Harvest.
In 2005, I was a 5. I’m gay nothing wrong with that. Ex-
youth starting which had just moved into a recently
out in university closed down garment factory (which cept in the eyes of Union Gospel, I’m Next time I feel like working at a
and interested moved production overseas), and Damned. soup kitchen, I’ll find the local food
in a provincial Union Gospel Mission, which had for- 6. Who knows, but I’m guessing a big not bombs.
government tress like buildings in skid row areas of NO on this one.
program that the city. On a whim I decided to hit the Read stories of young workers and
gave students Union gospel one first. A man greeted (After this episode I was interested in student’s lives, as well as other up-
tuition money for me and buzzed me in. And I was told the history of such missions and found dates on news and information on
so many hours of to wait. Another man showed up and some books interesting among them Rebel Youth magazine blog. Make
volunteer work. called me into his office and showed me How the other half lives and articles a submission today!

Tories meddle in York Aboriginal Barricade at Wuskwa- Where is Layton's NDP on
student politics cloak and tim Hydro Dam: What the media the war in Afghanistan?
dagger style... RY MB missed… David Anton Jacks K. Cariou
Emails secured through a recent Free- I’ve been following some This is an urgent
dom of Information request revealed of the stories about the question for the
that Conservative MP Peter Kent, MPP Wuskawatim blockade, and anti-war movement,
Peter Shurman, and senior York Univer- once again, mainstream regardless of our
sity administrators were interfering in media has created a situ- various political af-
this year’s general elections of the York ation where the story is filiations. I'm sure
Federation of Students. During the elec- about a group of protest- we're all interested
tions York University’s Vice-President ers, rather than the core, to hear what Jack
Students warned the students’ union underlying issues faced by Layton has to say on
not to disqualify candidates who were many Aboriginal people in this issue. The un-
caught violating the elections rules be- Manitoba: Poverty, systemic discrimination, and fortunate problem is that it has been many
cause the University and members of months since he explicitly called for bringing
the consistent denial of self-determination. So I
Parliament “were watching the election the troops home...
decided to do a little research....
o f th e Palestinian
p e r il : it ’s the exis
at’s in
e o p le s ’ e xistance th
e Israeli p
It is not th

free palestine!


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