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On Silence and Prayer

Pm 46:10-11
Ps 62:1-2
1 Kg 19:9-13 Mt 6:6
Mk 1:35
Lk 6:12
Lk 10:38-42
Lk 22:41-43

Hs 2:14-15
Mt 6:30-32
Lk 5:16
Lk 9:29

Ez 3:22-27
Mt 15:2
Mt 14:23

Mary, Beloved Daughter of Abba Father

Mary's daughterhood
Song 4:12
Lk 1:38
Song 6:10
Song 8:6
Ps 45:11-18
Song 2:2
Gn 3:15
Chosen before world began
Eph 1:3-21
1 Pt 3:20-21
1 Pt 1:3-5
Col 1:15-20
Pv 8:23-25
Gal 4:4-7
Rm 8:15-17
Belovedness: Mk 1:7-12
Mt 3:16-17
Lk 3:22
Retreat graces: Mt 17:1-9
Mk 9:2-9
Lk 9:28-36
Jn 4:34
Jn 8:29 Rm 5:19
Phil 2:8 Hb 5:8
On Humility
Is 5:1-7
Jn 3:28-30
Mary's humility:
Jesus' humility

2 Sm 22:26-28 2 Kng 22:19

Mic 6:8
Mt 13:24-30;36-43 Lk 12:1-3 Lk 18:9-14
Lk 1:38;46-53 Song 2:1-2;14 Pv 31:10;20;25
Phil 2:5-11 Jn 13:3-5 Hb 12:2 Jn 19

On Baptism
Mt 3:16-17
Rm 8:14-17
Gal 4:4-7
Jn 17:17
Jesus' Sonship Jn 3:5-6
Jn 8:28-29
Jn 10:30
Mk 14:36
Acts 2:37-42
1 Cor 12:13
Jesus is the only one who can reveal Abba fully Mt 11:25-30
Jn 14:6-10
Col 1:15
Hebrews 1:2-3
Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ, Our Lord and God
Mary ultimately helps us accept Jesus as Savior and
Liberator from sin
We are banished by sin Gn 3:3-23
Encounter w/Woman at well patterns encounter Jn 4:2-42
Jesus seeks enters into dialogue John 4:5-30
He presents himself in his need and vulnerability Jn 4:7
Novel that God would desire to enter into conversation Jn 4:9
Jesus starts out with consolations and living water Jn 4:14
We hesitate to enter into communion yet want more Jn 4:15
His love reveals painful self knowledge and heals Jn 4:17b-18
Then leads us into depths of worship Triune God Jn 4:23
We then go to tell everyone about him Jn 4:29
Jn 20:19-23 This is what actually happens in Confession
Crippled Man is healed of sins then his lameness Mark 2:1-12
Zaccheaus climbs the tree Lk 19:1-10
He says to us in his hearings- This is my Body Lk 22:19
We should say to him in return, this is my body.
Who do you say he is? Mt 16:15
Who is he?
Col 1:15-20
Heb 1:3-4
Mt 28:18
Mt 2:11
Mt 5:6
Lk 24:52
On Purity
The sign of God's love is family, especially mother and child
Gen 3:15;
Rv 12:1
Is 7:14
Lk 2:12,16
Yet devil, the flesh, the world push to destroy this sign
Rn 7:13-2
Pv 7
2 Sm 12:1-23
1 Jn 2:16
Sir 9:8
2 Cor 4:7-18; 12:7-10
God's grace is a new invitation to restore this sign
Rm 12:1
Ps 42:7
Jn 4:14
Jn 7:38
Lk 1:46-47
Celibacy is God's sign of love to his people, but first and
foremost to the person to whom the grace of celibacy is given
Mt 19:11-12
1 Cor 7:7-8; 32-34; 38-40
Is 43:1
Song 8:6-7
Jer 1:4-10
Acts 2:41-47

On General Confession
Institutional the Sacrament John 20:19-28
Mk 2:2-12 Only God can forgive sin. Jesus is God. Jesus has
shared that power with the Church through the Apostles in the
gift of ministerial priesthood.
Mt 13:24-30;36-43
In confession we must weed the
garden of our souls, pulling each sin by the root, confessing
them, according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church and
canon law, in kind and number.
Please, please, please, do not believe "theologians" who say
there is no mortal sin.
Hogwash! Scripture testifies: 1 Jn 5:16-17
Pope St John Paul II reaffirmed in Veritatis Splendor:
Mortal and venial sin
70. The Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Reconciliatio et
Paenitentia reaffirmed the importance and permanent validity of the
distinction between mortal and venial sins, in accordance with the
Church's tradition. And the 1983 Synod of Bishops, from which that
Exhortation emerged, "not only reaffirmed the teaching of the
Council of Trent concerning the existence and nature of mortal and
venial sins, but it also recalled that mortal sin is sin whose object is
grave matter and which is also committed with full knowledge and
deliberate consent".(116)

Is 1:16-18
Ps 51
Ps 32
Ps 38:182
Cor 5:17-21
Sir 4:26
Nm 5:6-7
Mt 3:6
Lk 7:47-50
Lk 5:30-32
Lk 18:9-14
Lk 15
Mt 6:12,14-15 Mk 11:25
Mt 18:21-35
Lk 19:1-10
Jm 5:16
1 Jn 1:9
Lk 23:34
Lk 23:42-43
Eph 1:7
Hb 10:19-24
From Introduction to the Devout Life by St Francis de Sales
PART I CHAPTER XIX. How to make a General Confession.
Tell everything simply and with straightforwardness, and thoroughly
satisfy your conscience in doing so. Then listen to the admonitions
and counsels of God's Minister, saying in your heart, "Speak, Lord,
for Thy servant heareth." It is truly God to Whom you hearken,
forasmuch as He has said to His representatives, "Whoso heareth
you, heareth Me." Then take the following protest, as a summary of
your contrition, having carefully studied and meditated upon it
beforehand: read it through with as earnest an intention as you can

Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit

Spousal passages (applied to Mary and the Holy Spirit):
Mt 19:6
Jn 10:30
Eph 5:21
Wis 7:21-30
Old creation: Genesis 1:2
New creation: Lk 1:28 Luke 1:35
Acts 2:1-13
John 12:50
Jn 20:23
Mt 28:19
Mk 1;8
Lk 1:15
Lk 1:41
Lk 1:67
Lk 2:25
Mt 3:16
Lk 12:12
Jn 14:26
Jn 16:5-15
Rm 8:9-17
2 Cor 3:17-18 1 Cor 12:1-11 Acts 2:41-47
On Obedience
Gen 3:1-19
Ex 20:1-20 Josh 24:14-27 1 Sm 15:22-23
2 Kng 17:7-23 2 Kng 23:1-20 2 Chr 11:13-17 Mic 6:8
Gen 3:6
Lk 1:38
with faith Lk 1:34
with doubt Lk 1:18
Ex 32:32 2 Cor 5:21 Hb 10:5 Mt 26:36-46 Mt 6:10
Mt 7:21-29
Peter denied Lk 22:31-34 repented Lk 22:61-62 Jn 21:15-19
Judas betrayed Lk 22:1-6 regretted getting caught Mt 27:3-10
For our own part we betray Jesus Mt 27:15-23
Jesus died because of disobedience but also to obtain for us
obedience Jn 19:17-30
We need the Holy Spirit to Obey 2 Cor 1:22
Rm 8:1-17
Holy Spirit is given to those whose obey Acts 5:32

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