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Gerke, S. (1992). Social Change and Life Planning of Rural Javanese
Women. Saarbrcken/Fort Lauderdale: Breitenbach (218 pages)
Gerke, S. and T. Menkhoff (2002). Chinese Entrepreneurship and Asian
Business Networks. London: Routledge 2nd edition 2005
Gerke, S, HD Evers and Anna Hornidge (Eds) (2008). The Straits of
Malacca. Knowledge and Diversity. Hamburg: LIT
Selected Articles
Gerke, S. (1992). "Familienplanung in Indonesien. Staatliche Ideologie
und die Rolle von Frauen in der Entwicklungsplanung". Internationales
Asienforum, 2/3, p.299-316.
Gerke, S. (1992). "Migration and Regional Development: Javanese
Transmigrants in East Kalimantan". In: B. Dahm (ed.), Regions and
Regional Developments in the Malay-Indonesian World. Wiesbaden:
Harrassowitz 1992, p.201-216. (with H.-D. Evers and W. Clauss)
Gerke, S. (1993). "Indonesian National Development and the Role of
Women". Indonesia Circle 59/60, p.45-56, March 1993, SOAS London
Gerke, S. (1994). Segmentasi Pasar Kerja di Sumatera Barat. Jurnal
Pembangunan dan Berubahan Sosial Budaya, Vol. 1, No.3, UNAND,
Padang (with HD Evers)
Gerke, S. (1994). Proyek Transmigrasi di Kalimantan Timur: Beberapa
Aspek Kerja Sama Indonesia-Jerman. Analisis CSIS, Vol. XXIII, No.3,
1994, 12p
Gerke, S. (1997). "Ethnic Relations and Cultural Dynamics in East
Kalimantan: The Case of the Dayak Lady", Indonesia and the Malay
World, No.72, 1997:176-187
Gerke, S. (1992). "The Culture of Planning: Transmigration Area
Development in East Kalimantan, Indonesia." International Sociology
7(2): 141-152. (with HD Evers)
Gerke, S. (1994). "Proyek Transmigrasi di Kalimantan Timur: Beberapa
Aspek Kerja Sama Indonesia-Jerman." Analisis CSIS XXIII(3): 247-258.
Gerke, S. (1997). "Global Market Cultures and the Construction of
Modernity in Southeast Asia." Thesis Eleven 50: 1-14. (with HD Evers)
Gerke, S. (1999). Globalized market culture and market
fundamentalism. Modernity on a shoestring. Dimension of globalization,
consumption and development in Africa and beyond. R. Fardon, W. van
Binsbergen and R. van Dijk. Leiden/London, EIDOS (European Interuniversity Development Opportunities Study-group): 141-152. (with HD

Gerke, S. (1999). Globale Mrkte und symbolischer Konsum: Visionen

von Modernitt in Sdostasien. Spiel ohne Grenzen? Ambivalenzen der
Globalisierung. C. Rademacher, M. Schroer and P. Wiechens. Opladen,
Westdeutscher Verlag: 35-52.
Gerke, S. (2000). Global Lifestyles under Local Conditions: The New
Indonesian Middle Class. Consumption in Asia. Lifestyles and Identities.
B.-H. Chua. London and New York, Routledge: 135-158.
Gerke, S. (2002). Asia's Transformation and the Role of the Ethnic
Chinese. Chinese Entrepreneurship and Asian Business Networks. T.
Menkhoff and S. Gerke, London and New York, RoutledgeCurzon: 3-19.
(with T. Menkhoff)
Gerke, S. (2002). Identifying the Poor in Indonesia: Poverty Measures
and Data Sources. In: Akademika, 60, pp. 87-10.
Gerke, S. (2003). "Poverty Alleviation and Measures of Poverty in
Indonesia." Internationales Asienforum/International Asian Quarterly
34(1-2): 85-106.
Gerke, S. (2005). "Local and Global Knowledge: Social Science
Research on Southeast Asia." SOJOURN: Journal of Social Issues in
Southeast Asia, Vol. 21: (with HD Evers)
Gerke, S. (2005). "Wissen als Produktionsfaktor: Sdostasiens
Aufbruch zur Wissensgesellschaft." Soziale Welt 55(1). (with HD Evers
and R. Schweisshelm)
Gerke, S. (2005). Theorizing Southeast Asia. Reconceptualizing
Southeast Asia. A. S. Acharya, ed. Singapore, Oxford Univ. Press
Gerke, S. (2006). Globalizing Local Knowledge: Social Science
Research on Southeast Asia 1970-2000. Sojourn 21(1), (2006): 1-21.
(with H.-D. Evers),
Gerke, S. (2006). Wissen und Entwicklung-Strategien fr den Aufbau
einer Wissensgesellschaft (mit H.-D. Evers, T. Menkhoff), ZEF Policy
Brief No.6, Bonn: ZEF, University of Bonn,
Gerke, S. (2006). "Unerkannte Wissensfalle." Entwicklung und
Zusammenarbeit (E+Z) 47(6). (mit H.-D. Evers, T. Menkhoff)
Gerke, S. (2006). "Little Understood Knowledge Trap." Development
and Cooperation 47(6). (with H.-D. Evers, T. Menkhoff)
Solvay Gerke (2007). "Knowledge for Social Development and Capacity
Building: Regressive and Progressive Governance Institutions in
Southeast Asia." in Paper to be presented at the International
Conference "Business, Social Policy and Corporate Political Influence in
Developing Countries" organized by the United Nations Research
Institute for Social Development, Geneva, Nov. 12-14, 2007.
(with H.-D. Evers, T. Menkhoff)
Gerke, S. (2008). Inter-ethnic Marital Practice of Bangladeshi
Diaspora. An Example of Diaspora Adaptation and This Age of
Globalization. Journal of Indonesian and Malay Studies (accepted)

(with Nayeem Sultana)

Gerke, S. (2008). Introduction to a Dynamic Region: The Straits of
Malacca. In: Gerke, S, HD Evers and Anna Hornidge (Eds) (2008). The
Straits of Malacca. Knowledge and Diversity. Hamburg: LIT, p. 1-5
Gerke, S. (2008). The Strategic Importance of the Straits of Malacca. In:
Gerke, S, HD Evers and Anna Hornidge (Eds) (2008). The Straits of
Malacca. Knowledge and Diversity. Hamburg: LIT, p. 7-21 (with HD
Gerke, S. (2008). Cultural Diversity at the Straits of Malacca: A Study of
Associations of Georgetown, Penang. In: HD Evers and Anna Hornidge
(Eds) (2008). The Straits of Malacca. Knowledge and Diversity.
Hamburg: LIT, p.153-203 (with Sarah Meinert)
Gerke, S. (2008). "Tri thuc va phat trien - nhung chien luoc xay dung xa
hoi tri thuc [Knowledge and Development - Strategies of Knowledgebased Society Building]." Tap chi khoa hoc xa hoi 6:74-80.(with HD
Evers and T. Menkhoff)
Gerke, S. (2009). Strategic Group Analysis. ZEF Working Paper No 34,
University of Bonn (with HD Evers)
Gerke S. (2009). Powerful queens, poor farmers: the realities of
tomato marketing in Northern Ghana. International Journal of Arts &
Sciences, Orlando-USA, February 16-19, 2009.
(with Martha Awo and Wolfram Laube)
Gerke, S. (2010). Von Asien lernen: Singapur auf dem Weg zur
Wissensgesellschaft. In: E. Deutscher, H. Ihne (Hrsg.) Simplizistische
Lsungen verbieten sich. Zur internationalen Zusammenarbeit im 21.
Jahrhundert. Badan-Badan: Nomos Verlag, S. 213-230
Gerke, S. (2010). Inter-ethnic Marital Practice of Bangladeshi
Diaspora. An Example of Diaspora Adaptation and This Age of
Globalization. Journal of Indonesian and Malay Studies (forthcoming)
(with Nayeem Sultana)
Gerke, S. (2010). "Knowledge Clusters and Knowledge Hubs:
Designing Epistemic Landscapes for Development." Journal of
Knowledge Management. (forthcoming) (with HD Evers and Thomas

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