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Name: _________________________

Advanced English III

Date: ______________ RN:
1st Period Class work worksheet

A. Determining your attitude towards READING

1. What do you prefer to read? Mark with a tick (
) Teen novels
) Signs
) Classic novels
) Billboards
) Newspapers
) Letters and cards
) Magazines
) Blogs
2. What theme do you prefer?
( ) Horror
( ) Mystery
Science fiction
( ) Adventure and action

How long would it take you to read a

) I dont know
( )
) Who cares
( )
) A day
( )
) A week
( )

) Biographies
) Comic books
) Nothing. Why would anyone

) Romance

) Factual

book with four hundred pages?

A month
A term plus
Depends on the book
None of the above

( ) I wouldn't read a
book that long

4. What do you prefer?

( ) E books
( ) Books
5. Have you ever felt any of the following after finishing a book or series?
) Like you lost a friend
) Fictional characters are way better than reality
) I fell in love with that book
) I can't go on
) All or some of the above
) What are you talking about?
6. Have you read any of the following series?
( ) Harry Potter ( ) Twilight ( ) Hunger Games (

Why do you usually read?

) To escape reality
) Because I can
) I get bored
) It's fun



) A series of unfortunate events

I like it
I don't read
It contains gossip ( magazines)
None of the above

) Numbers 1,2,4,5

8. Turn to your left and talk to your partner about the last piece of reading you did, it could be any
of the options in question 1

B. Determining your attitude towards WRITING

Your attitude toward anything that you do in life greatly affects your success in doing it. Writing is
no exception. Think about your attitude towards writing in your native language as you complete
the following exercises.
A. Circle the appropriate responses to the following statements about writing in your own language.
Taken from: Ready to Write More Blanchard & Root, 2004.

Use the following scale:

1= Strongly Agree
a I enjoy keeping a

2= Agree

3= Neutral

4= Disagree

5= Strongly Disagree
1 2 3 4


I like to write letters to my family and


Writing about my feelings help me


I enjoy writing on reports for school and


I enjoy writing personal


I like to write poems, stories, or

I enjoy using e-


I like to write for my school or town


Writing is a creative outlet for


I feel good about my writing

Add up the numbers for each of your answers and put that number in the
B. Take the number from the box on exercise A and divide it by ten. The final number is your
average score for the ten questions. Overall, it will tell you how much you like to write. The close
your score is to 5 the less you like to write.
C. Based on your answers, what general conclusions can you make about your attitude toward
writing in your native language?
D. Write a paragraph about your general attitude toward writing.

Taken from: Ready to Write More Blanchard & Root, 2004.

Small-group Discussion
In small groups discuss your main ideas from the paragraph you wrote in exercise D, and the
answer the following questions.
1. What kinds of things do you enjoy writing about?
2. What kinds of writing do you think youll be required to write in university classes?
3. What types of writing does your job or future profession require?
4. What do you hope to gain from this course?

Taken from: Ready to Write More Blanchard & Root, 2004.

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