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Japanese Nara Prefecture Coin Features UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site

Japan Mint has released the latest coin in their Prefecture series, commemoratin
g Nara. The design pictures the ancient ball game of Kemari being played before
the former Imperial Audience Hall at Heijo Palac--which is celebrating its 1300t
h Anniversary in 2010. This building is now being restored; it has been preserve
d as a national historic site and has been named a UNESCO World Cultural Heritag
e Site.
Torrance, California - February 27, 2010 -- The Japan Mint is issuing the most e
xtensive and beautiful series of coins in its history commemorating 47 Prefectures r
anging from the smallest population (Tottori, over 600,000) to the largest (Toky
o, over 12 million). The large Prefecture 40mm. coins are being minted in gem pr
oof quality from 99.9% pure silver, limited to 100,000 of each (with only 5,000
reserved outside of the Japanese market); they picture local scenery, flora and
fauna, etc. in full color. The Nara Prefecture coin is available at the issue pr
ice of $99 from the official American distributor, California-based Panda Americ
a; to order or for further information call 800-472-6327 or visit www(dot)PandaA
merica(dot)com. Previous Prefecture coins are also available.
Japan's current prefecture system was established by the Meiji government in Jul
y 1871. Although there were initially over 300 prefectures, this number was redu
ced to 72 in the latter part of 1871, and 47 in 1888. The Local Autonomy Law of
1947 gave more political power to prefectures, and installed prefectural governo
rs and parliaments. Launched in 2008, the series already includes Hokkaido, Kyot
o, Shimane, Nagano and Niigata.
Nara is featured on the sixth Prefecture coin. The design pictures the ancient b
all game of Kemari being played before the former Imperial Audience Hall at Heij
o Palac--which is celebrating its 1300th Anniversary in 2010. This building is n
ow being restored; it has been preserved as a national historic site and has bee
n named a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site. Also shown is the official flower
of Nara--a type of cherry blossom called "Nara-no-yaezakura."
Kemari is a ball game that is said to have come from China to Japan approximatel
y 1,400 years ago and was played by aristocrats during ancient times in Japan. I
t has been passed down through the generations and is still played today. There
are no winners or losers in this game, as the objective is simply to pass the ba
ll to fellow players.
High Res picture of coin available at:
Contact :
Mel Wacks
Torrance, California
Kemari, system, Coin, Heritage

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