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Google API

User Guide

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Google API user guide provides a brief introduction on cloud connectors and its features.
The guide provides detailed information on setting up the connector and running data
synchronization tasks (DSS). A brief overview of supported features and task operations that can
be performed using Google API connector is mentioned.

Table of Contents
Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Google API Connector ..................................................................................................................... 3
Enabling Google API Connector...................................................................................................... 3
APIs supported by the connector.................................................................................................... 4
Creating a Google API Connection ................................................................................................. 6
Creating Google API Data Synchronization Task ........................................................................... 8
Data Filters .................................................................................................................................... 11
Understanding Config.CSV file ...................................................................................................... 12
Reference Screenshots ................................................................................................................. 13
Google Developers Console: Obtaining Client ID and Secret ................................................... 13
Config.csv file containing URL request Parameters .................................................................. 13
Few common APIs list to obtain IDs .............................................................................................. 14
Creating a connection for Linux Agent .......................................................................................... 14
Config Prop file Screenshot ....................................................................................................... 17
Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................. 18
Increasing Secure Agent Memory.............................................................................................. 18
Additional Guidelines ................................................................................................................. 19

Informatica cloud connector SDKs are off-cycle, off release add-ins that provide data integration
to SaaS and on-premise applications, which are not supported natively by Informatica cloud. The
cloud connectors are specifically designed to address most common use cases such as moving
data into cloud and retrieving data from cloud for each individual application.

Figure 1. Informatica Cloud Architecture

Once the Google API cloud connector is enabled for your ORG Id, you need to create a
connection in Informatica cloud to access the connector.

Google API Connector

Google API connector integrates Google end point. The connector can fetch/read information
from Google analytics and AdSense management APIs.
Note: For all the APIs look-up is not supported. Data preview is supported for all APIs.

Enabling Google API Connector

To enable Google API connector, get in touch with Informatica support or Informatica
representative. It usually takes 15 minutes for the connector to download to secure agent, after it
is enabled.
Note: To install secure agent, see Installing Informatica Secure Agent.

APIs supported by the connector

Currently, the connector support Googles Analytics and AdSense APIs. The lists of supported
APIs are given below.
Note: If you want the connector to support other Google APIs, contact Informatica Cloud support.
The following picture lists the available Google analytics APIs.

Figure 2. Supported Google Analytics API

For more information on supported APIs, see: Google Developers Console.
Note: All the APIs support only Insert (Fetch/Read) task operation.
Note: For all the APIs look-up is not supported. Data preview is supported for all APIs.

The following picture lists the available Google AdSense APIs.

Figure 3. Supported Google Analytics API

For more information on supported APIs, see: Google Developers Console.
Note: All the APIs support only Insert (Fetch/Read) task operation.
Note: For all the APIs look-up is not supported. Data preview is supported for all APIs.

Creating a Google API Connection

To use Google API connector in data synchronization task, you must create a connection in
Informatica Cloud. See Also: Creating a connection for Linux environment.
The following steps help you to create Google API connection in Informatica Cloud.
1. In Informatica Cloud home page, click Configure.
2. The drop-down menu appears, select Connections.
3. The Connections page appears.
4. Click New to create a connection.
5. The New Connection page appears.

Figure 4. Creating a new connection

6. Specify the following details.

Connection Property
Connection Name

Enter a unique name for the connection.


Provide a relevant description for the connection.


Select Google API from the list.

Secure Agent

Select the appropriate secure agent from the list.

Google API

Select the Google API you wish to use from the list of available APIs.
See Few common APIs list to obtain IDs

Is Google API Dynamic

Tick the checkbox to make the API dynamic (Mandatory).

URL Request

Enter URL request parameters. For example,

Max-results=10;start-index=0. The URL request parameters will be
present in the config.csv file created. See Config.csv file containing URL
request Parameters

Request Type

By default POST is selected. Only POST is supported in the current

release. POST helps you to perform Read/Fetch operations. Other
options will be supported in upcoming releases.

Client ID

Enter Client ID obtained from Google Developers Console.

Client Secret Key

Enter Client Secret obtained from Google Developer Console.

Authorization Code

Authorization code for windows agent is automated. You do not have to

enter authorization code, when you use windows secure agent. When
you want to use connector using Linux agent, then use manual method
of authenticating Google API. See Creating a connection for Linux Agent

Response Folder Path

Enter Response folder path where file containing summary of DSS task
will be created.

URL Input Parameters

Config File Name

Enter Config folder path with file name. Config file contains details about
connection and end-point reference.

Secure Credentials File



Enter Secure Credentials File folder path with file name. When you test
the connection Secure Credentials File will be generated.
Example: \..\..\GoogleAPI\Secure_Credentials.cfg

Create the config csv file

Select Yes and then test the connection.

A configuration file containing API details will be created in the
mentioned folder path.
Once the configuration file is created, select No and proceed with
creating a connection.
Note: You need to create a new config csv file, for every Google API
you choose.

Authentication Required

Select Yes only for the first time you create a Google API
connection in Informatica cloud and then test the connection.
A browser window opens up requesting access to Google API. Click
Access and proceed with creating a connection.
After authentication, select No and then proceed to create a

7. Click Test to evaluate the connection.

Note: When you test the connection, config.csv and secure credentials file will be generated in
respective folder paths.

Figure 5. Sample Config CSV File

8. After connection test is successful, select NO in Create the config csv file and
Authentication Required fields.
9. Click Ok to save the connection.

Creating Google API Data Synchronization Task

Note: You need to create a connection before getting started with data synchronization task.
The following steps help you to setup a data synchronization task in Informatica Cloud.
Note: The first DSS task you will perform using the connector will be to fetch the Account ID. You
need to select Lists_all_accounts_to_which_the_user_has_access in Google API while
creating a connection.
The account ID and likewise other IDs needs to be entered in the Config.csv file to get different
Google APIs while creating a connection. Otherwise the DSS task will not run as expected. See
Understanding Config.CSV file.
Let us consider the task operation Insert (Fetch/Read) to perform the Data synchronization task.
1. In Informatica Cloud home page, click Applications.
2. The drop-down menu appears, select Data Synchronization.
3. The Data Synchronization page appears.
4. Click New to create a data synchronization task.
5. The Definition tab appears.

Figure 6. Definition Tab

6. Specify the Task Name, provide a Description and select the Task Operation Insert.
7. Click Next.
8. The Source tab appears.

Figure 7. Source Tab

9. Select the source Connection, Source Type and Source Object to be used for the task.
10. Click Next.
11. The Target tab appears. Select the target Connection and Target Object required for the

Figure 8. Target Tab

12. Click Next.

13. In Data Filters tab by default, Process all rows is chosen. See Also Data Filters. It is
mandatory to assign _FLT_URL_Input_Parameters_Config_File_Path data filter in DSS
14. Click Next.
15. In Field Mapping tab, map source fields to target fields accordingly.

Figure 9. Field Mapping

16. Click Next.
17. The Schedule tab appears.
18. In Schedule tab, you can schedule the task as per the requirement and save.
19. If you do not want schedule the task, click Save and Run the task.

Figure 10. Save and Run the Task

After you Save and Run the task, you will be redirected to monitor log page. In monitor log page,
you can monitor the status of data synchronization tasks.


Data Filters
Data filters help you to fetch specific data based on the APIs configured in Config.csv file.
The data synchronization task will process the data based on the filter field assigned. See
Understanding Config.CSV file.
It is mandatory to assign _FLT_URL_Input_Parameters_Config_File_Path filter field while
setting up a DSS task.
Note: Advanced data filters are not supported Google API connector
The following steps help you to use data filters.
1. In Data synchronization task, select Data Filters tab.
2. The Data Filters tab appears.
3. Click New as shown in the figure below.

Figure 11. Data Filters

4. The Data Filter dialog box appears.

Figure 12. Data Filters-2


5. Specify the following details.

Field Type



Select Object for which you want to assign filter fields

Filter By

Select the Filter Field


Select Equals operator. Only Equals operator is supported

with this release.

Filter Value

Enter the Filter value

6. Click Ok.

Understanding Config.CSV file

The config.csv file contains all the configuration parameters of the Google APIs. When you want
to fetch data from different Google APIs, you need to obtain different IDs as a key to access other
Google APIs.
While creating a connection, you generate a config.csv file. You need to update the config.csv file
with IDs obtained from previous DSS tasks for the DSS task to be executed successfully. The IDs
will be present in target .csv file.
Note: When you want to fetch Account ID which is the base to obtain all other IDs, you need not
enter any ID in the config.csv file created to fetch Account ID. To fetch Account ID, select
Lists_all_accounts_to_which_the_user_has_access in Google API while creating a
Let us consider an example to understand updating Config.csv file.
1. At first, let us assume you have obtained Account ID by executing a DSS Task. The account
ID is obtained from target .CSV file.

Figure 13. Obtaining Account ID

2. When you want to obtain Web properties ID, create a Google API connection selecting
Google API Lists_web_properties_to_which_the_user_has_access.
3. The following Config.csv file will generated while creating a connection.

Figure 14. Web Properties


4. Update the config.csv file with Account ID obtained.

Figure 15. Entering Account ID

5. Now setup the DSS task successfully.

Reference Screenshots
Google Developers Console: Obtaining Client ID and Secret

Figure 16. Google Developers Console

Config.csv file containing URL request Parameters

Figure 17. URL Request Parameters


Few common APIs list to obtain IDs

Google API

ID Obtained


Account ID


Web Properties ID


Profile ID


Goal ID


Experiment ID

Creating a connection for Linux Agent

When you create a connection for Linux environment, you need to manually authorize the Google
The following information helps you to manually authorize the Google API.
1. Create a Batch file by pasting the content given below. For example: Google_API.bat.
Batch file content for Google analytics API
start chrome
sponse_type=code&client_id=<Mention your client

Batch file content for Google AdSense API

start chrome
sponse_type=code&client_id=<Mention your client

Note: Mention the redirect_uri used in the secure credentials file. It is recommended to use
http://localhost:4000 as it is an unused port.
Note: The scope URL is different for Google analytics and AdSense API.
2. Click the Batch file.
3. Project Default Service Account browser window opens up.
4. Click Accept to access Google API.
5. Once you click Accept, you will be redirected to following page as shown below. The page
URL also contains the authorization code.


Figure 18. Authorization Code

6. Copy and paste the code in Authorization Code while Creating a Google API connection.

Figure 18. Authorization Code


7. Specify the following details.

Connection Property
Connection Name

Enter a unique name for the connection.


Provide a relevant description for the connection.


Select Google API from the list.

Secure Agent

Select the appropriate secure agent from the list.

Google API

Select the Google API you wish to use from the list of available
APIs. See Few common APIs list to obtain IDs

Is Google API Dynamic

Tick the checkbox to make the API dynamic (Mandatory).

URL Request Parameters

Enter URL request parameters. For example,

Max-results=10;start-index=0. The URL request parameters
will be present in the config.csv file created. See Config.csv file
containing URL request Parameters

Request Type

By default POST is selected. Only POST is supported in the

current release. POST helps you to perform Read/Fetch
operations. Other options will be supported in upcoming releases.

Client ID

Enter Client ID obtained from Google Developers Console.

Client Secret Key

Enter Client Secret obtained from Google Developer Console.

Authorization Code

When you want to use connector in Linux environments, then use

manual method of authenticating Google API. See Creating a
connection for Linux environment.

Response Folder Path

Enter Response folder path where file containing summary of DSS

task will be created.

URL Input Parameters

Config File Name

Enter Config folder path with file name. Config file contains details
about connection and end-point reference.

Secure Credentials File




Enter Secure Credentials File folder path with file name. When you
test the connection Secure Credentials File will be generated.
Example: \..\..\GoogleAPI\Secure_Credentials.cfg

Create the config csv file

Select Yes and then test the connection.

A configuration file containing API details will be created in the
mentioned folder path.
Once the configuration file is created, select No and proceed
with creating a connection.
Note: You need to create a new config csv file, for every
Google API you choose.

Authentication Required

Select Yes only for the first time you create a Google API
connection in Informatica cloud and then test the connection.
After authentication, select No and then proceed to create a

8. Most of the connection parameters are identical to creating a connection in windows

environment. Note: In the above connector parameter description, go through
Authentication Required property details.
9. Click Test to evaluate the connection.
10. After connection test is successful, select NO in Create the config csv file and
Authentication Required fields.
11. Click Ok to save the connection.

Config Prop file Screenshot

The URLs in Batch file are same as the URLs present in files. The following
picture represents the file.

Figure 19. Config Prop File


Increasing Secure Agent Memory
To overcome memory issues faced by secure agent follow the steps given below.
1. In Informatica Cloud home page, click Configuration.
2. Select Secure Agents.
3. The secure agent page appears.
4. From the list of available secure agents, select the secure agent for which you want to
increase memory.
5. Click pencil icon corresponding to the secure agent. The pencil icon is to edit the secure
6. The Edit Agent page appears.
7. In System Configuration section, select the Type as DTM.
8. Edit JVMOption1 as -Xmx512m as shown in the figure below.

Figure 20. Increasing Secure Agent Memory-1

9. Again in System Configuration section, select the Type as TomCatJRE.
10. Edit INFA_memory to -Xms256m -Xmx512m as shown in the figure below.


Figure 21. Increasing Secure Agent Memory-2

11. Restart the secure agent.
The secure agent memory has been increased successfully.

Additional Guidelines


When you get an error saying invalid credentials while creating a connection, test the
connection to authorize the Google API again. You can also manually authorize the
connection, if required.
Check the Config prop file to know whether the connection is authorized or not.
It is recommended to clear the browsing history, cookies and session information of the
web browser before getting started with Google API connector.

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