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Good morning to my fellow friends and teacher, today I

am going to give a speech about the example of problems
that may arise if standard unit are not used.
SI unit (International System of Units) is a standard
unit that is understood and recognized by almost
everyone in the world. First and foremost, the important of
having SI unit is to improve international communication
to avoid misunderstanding. Furthermore, international
trading can be also carried out smoothly. Last but not
least, SI unit can also make accurate comparisons.
The problem that may arise if there is no standard
unit is the communication in various field among countries
would be difficult. The sharing of scientific investigations
will becomes confusing and less accurate. Buying and
selling things at the market will be difficult. Lastly, the
international trade communication will not be easily
In conclusion, SI unit is the thing that cant disappear
in this world as it is so important.


Good morning to my fellow friends and teacher, today I
am going to give a speech about why human being are
complex organisms.
Human beings are considered complex organism.
This is because the human beings are made up of millions
of cells. The specialization of human cells enables each
cell to perform its function effectively.
The human body is well organized to carry out all the
life processes. Without such an efficient organization, the

human body cannot exist and function. There is division of

labour. Each cell, tissue, organ and system has its own
functions. There is co-operation among the different parts
of the body in order to make the body work efficiently as a
Human beings have the most developed brains. Besides
being a complex organism, humans are also very special
beings. This is because humans have intelligence,
emotions and moral values.

Chapter 3 MATTER
Good morning to my fellow friends and teacher, today I
am going to give a speech about how man uses the
different states of matter, how man applies the concept of
density, and carry out an activities to explore the
applications of the concept of floating and sinking related
to density.
Matter can exist in three states. Each state has
different properties. We use the knowledge of these
properties to our advantage.
For example, we store gases in liquid form by
compressing the gases under high pressure. Under the
high pressure, the particles of gas are forced to move
closer together, causing the gas to change into a liquid. In
this way, we can store a large volume of gas in a small
container which is more easily transported. The liquefied
gases will become gaseous again when they are released
from the cylinders.
The concept of density is used in our daily life. For
example, Logs are less dense than water. So, they are
floated down rivers to factories built on riverbanks.
Furthermore, the pieces of logs or bamboo can be tied
together to form a raft. A raft stays afloat and can be used

to carry goods and people on a river. Last but not least,

Plastic ball and metals ball are tied to fishing nets to keep
the nets afloat in the sea
To make a submarine rise, water is pumped out of the
ballast tanks, this make it less dense than sea water. To
dived, water is pumped into the ballast tanks this
increases its density and makes it denser than sea water.
Good morning to my fellow friends and teacher, today I
am going to give a speech about the meaning of the
preservation and conservation of resources of energy,
state the importance of the preservation and conservation
of resources of earth,practisng reducing the usage,
reusing and recycling of materials.
Preservation of resources is the act of keeping the
resources in their original state. Conservation of resources
is the use and management of the natural resources to
prevent waste, loss or damage of the resources.
The importance of preserving and conserving Earths
resources is to ensure that the air is clean and the
composition of gases in the air stay balanced.
Furthermore, the importance of preserving and conserving
Earths resources is to ensure that we will have a constant
supply of clean water. Last but not least, the importance
of preserving and conserving Earths resources is to
ensure that the soil is fertile and the forests are always
We must practice reducing the usage, reusing and
recycling of materials. For reducing, we must reduce the
use of electricity, the use of water and the use of chemical
products. For reusing, we must reuse plastic container,
buy refillable plastic container and use plates that are
washable. For recycling, we must send old newspaper,

batteries, tin can, aluminum, glass and plastic items to be

Good morning to my fellow friends and teacher, today I
am going to give a speech about what air pollution is,
examples of air pollutants, the sources of air pollutants,
describe the effects of air pollution, explain the steps
needed to prevent and control air pollution.
Air pollution is the addition of unwanted and harmful
substances to the air. The examples of air pollutant is
dust, smoke and soot, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide,
sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide, lead, pesticides,
chlorofluorocarbon(CFC), tobacco tar and nicotine.
The sources of air pollutants are burning of rubbish,
construction activities, industrial activities, smoking and
motor vehicles. Air pollution can cause health problems,
depletion of food resources, acid rain, global warming, and
depletion of the ozone layer, extinction pf species,
destruction of property and habitats and lowering the
bodys defense system.
To prevent and control air pollution, we must avoid
using fuels that release a lot of smoke, smog and soot, use
unleaded petrol, fix a filter on the smoke duct of the
chimney in the factory and control the use of fertilizers.
Chapter 5


Good morning to my fellow friends and teacher, today I

am going to give a speech about how life would
without clean air, suggest ways to keep the air clean,
practice habits that keeps the air clean.
Life without clean air will be like living in an
environment filled with smelly toxic gases, soot and ashes.
There will also be insufficient oxygen for everyone.
Oxygen gas will have to be supplied at fixed stations.

The ways and habits to keep the air clean is plant

more trees and practice reforestation, use unleaded patrol
to reduce the amount of lead patrol in the air, ban open
burning, encourage recycling by educating the public on
the advantages of recycling and setting up collection
centers for recyclable items, fix catalytic converters onto
the exhaust pipe of vehicles to reduce the release of toxic
gases and practice car cooling.
Good morning to my fellow friends and teacher, today I
am going to give a speech about why we need to conserve
energy, suggest ways to use energy efficiently.
We are using a lot of energy daily and they are
almost come from non-renewable energy. We must
conserve and save energy so that the non- renewable
energy sources will not become depleted so quickly.
We can save energy by switch off the light, fans and
air conditioners when they are not required any more in
the home. In some factory, we must also choose processes
and methods which use less energy and make sure
machines are working efficiently. We can also save energy
by walk, cycle or use the LRT train when going to place
instead of driving your own cars.
Good morning to my fellow friends and teacher, today I
am going to give a speech about the importance of
conserving energy sources, the use and management of
energy sources.
Energy sources from fossil fuels and radioactive
substances are limited and one day they will be used up.
Hence, we must conserve these energy sources so that
they can last as long as possible. WE must not allow these

energy sources to run out before we find suitable

alternative for them.
Energy resources have supplied us energy which has
made our lives more comfortable. TH ways to use and
manage energy sources efficiently is if the light is to be
switch on for a long time, it is more energy efficient to use
fluorescent light. We can also design and built fuel saving
machines or engines. Last but not least we can us public
transport such as LRT, buses and monorail, car pool to
work or school.
Chapter 7 HEAT
Good morning to my fellow friends and teacher, today I
am going to give a speech about the examples of the uses
of expansion and contraction of matter in daily life, apply
principle of expansion and contraction of matter in solving
simple problems.
Metal expand when heated and contract when
cooled. For example, a mercury thermometer has a bulb
and a capillary tube fill with some mercury. On hot day the
mercury will expands and rises in the capillary tube
showing a rise in temperature. In case on fire, the
temperature in the room rises. The brass on the bimetallic
strip expand more than iron causing the strip to bend
towards the metal contact and cause the current to flow in
the close circuit and the alarm bell ring.
Some problem can be solve apply principle of
expansion and contraction of matter. For example, when
laying railway tracks, gaps have to be left between
successive lengths of rail to allow for expansion on hot
days . Furthermore, the expansion of a steel bridge on a
hot day can exert great force which may damage the
bridge. A steel bridge is built with one end fixed and the
other end resting on rollers and this allow the bridge to
expand on hot day and contract on cold day.

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