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Treatment Solution for Early Stage Kidney Cancer

Kidney cancer, particularly renal cell cancer (also known as renal cell carcinoma or RCC), is one of the
ten most commonly diagnosed cancers in the U.S.. The disease tends to develop in older individuals
over 45 and very rarely in younger people. The disease is very treatable when it's detected at any
early stage and confined to the kidney. In these cases, surgery will typically be recommended unless
the patient is not a suitable candidate.
Surgery to remove a cancerous tumor can often be performed using a minimally invasive procedure.
This is a less invasive technique requiring unique skills and experience so you want to select a
surgeon whose qualifications include expertise in this procedure. The doctors at Comprehensive
Urology Medical Group are among some of the most highly qualified specialists in minimally invasive
techniques. Their skills extend to mastery of a robot-assisted minimally invasive method, which offers
greater precision in tumor removal.
Diagnostic tests are the best way to confirm kidney cancer. Often the disease does not cause any
symptoms until the cancer has grown larger. At that time, symptoms can include:

Blood in the urine

Low back pain on one side (not from an injury)
A mass or lump on the side or lower back
Feeling tired
Weight loss, if you are not trying to lose weight
Fever that is not from an infection and that doesnt go away

These symptoms are fairly general and could indicate another medical condition, but it's important to
consult your doctor if you have these problems. Your doctor can review your medical history, including
your family's health history. Then, if cancer is suspected, recommend tests which could include:

CT scan

If cancer is found, your doctor will make treatment recommendations. When the disease is early stage
and contained within the kidney then a partial or total nephrectomy could be considered, provided the
patient is an appropriate surgical candidate. The least invasive approach to remove a tumor is
minimally invasive surgery, which can be performed even with a total nephrectomy. Complete removal
of the kidney is required when the tumor has taken up most of the kidney or a partial nephrectomy isn't
medically feasible.
Total Nephrectomy Solution
A total nephrectomy entails complete removal of the kidney, but it doesn't mean the tumor has
metastasized. The disease is still contained but it's not possible to keep affected kidney. In addition to
removing the entire kidney, its surrounding fat and tissue are removed and depending on the patient's
case, the ureter, adrenal gland, and nearby lymph nodes might be removed as well. The majority of
people do not have any problems with only one kidney.

Provided a patient is medically qualified, the minimally invasive method total nephrectomy, called a
laparoscopic nephrectomy, will be performed. Not every surgeon is qualified for this technique, which
requires a unique set of skills and expertise. But the urologists with Comprehensive Urology are
experts in less invasive methods and can provide their patients with the benefits of minimally invasive
surgery such as smaller incisions, shorter hospital stay, faster recovery, and less surgical trauma.
Contact the Kidney Cancer Specialists
Comprehensive Urology Medical Group urologists are experts in medically advanced techniques and
personalized treatment plans for optimum cure rates. If you would like to learn about their scope of
cancer treatment solutions, contact the specialists at Comprehensive Urology at 310.278.8330.
To learn more, please visit

Fast Effective Painless Kidney Stone Treatments

Medical advances have led to tremendous change in the treatment of kidney stones. There are
numerous options depending on the stage of the condition and size of the stones. The least invasive
technique is ESWL (extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy), which requires no incision and uses shock
wave technology to reduce the calcium deposits into smaller pieces. Kidney stones can pass more
easily out of the body through the urine stream.
ESWL is a very effective and safe method for most patients, but as with any medical procedure, you
need a board-certified and knowledgeable physician administering the treatment. Our skilled urologists
at Comprehensive Urology Medical Group are recognized as leaders in their field and exceptionally
qualified in the most advanced urologic solutions. We can eliminate your kidney stones quickly and
without pain choosing the best treatment method for you.
Who Qualifies for ESWL?
ESWL is suitable for most patients diagnosed with kidney stones, even children, with the following

Stones located in or near the kidney

Stones blocking urine flow or painful
Stones measuring 4 mm and 2 cm in diameter

While safe and effective, the treatment is not recommended for patients with the following health

Bleeding disorder
Kidney or urinary tract infection in the kidneys
Kidney cancer

Whether or not you qualify for this treatment is determined when you see your doctor for an
examination and discuss your medical history. Contact the urologists at Comprehensive Urology to
learn if ESWL is the best treatment for you.
Simple, Safe and Effective Treatment
ESWL can be performed in the comfort of your doctor's office and typically takes only an hour. If you
prefer, you can be given sedatives or local anesthesia to help you relax, but medication is usually not
The procedure takes place in the privacy of an examination room while you rest on a water-filled
cushion. Your doctor locates the stone (or stones) with the guidance of X-rays or ultrasound tests, and
using the images for guidance, applies high-energy sound waves, which pass through your body and
break up the stones.
There's minimal chance of any large stones remaining following treatment with the sound waves, but if
helpful, your doctor could use a stent, a small, short tube of flexible plastic mesh, to open up the
urether which enables the stone to pass.
The Kidney Stone Experts Can Help You

The board-certified urologists at Comprehensive Urology are experts in the most advanced kidney
stone solutions. If you or a loved one needs treatment, call us at 310.278.8330. With our years of
expertise, we can help you find a fast and gentle solution to your painful condition.
To learn more, please visit

Are Kidney Stones Preventable?

Urine contains very small crystals which, by themselves, are not problematic and are easily flushed
out through the urinary tract from the kidneys. However, when urine becomes concentrated, these
small crystals coalesce in the kidneys forming hard deposits that can become unbearably painful.
These stones are usually made of calcium, but they can also be composed of other minerals produced
by the body
Knowing why kidney stones form could be helpful towards prevention, but before you try any
preventive measures, first consult with a skilled urologist such as the experts at Comprehensive
Urology. Along with expert advice, you can be tested for any health disorders or medication that could
be risk factors for the condition. The more you understand about kidney stones and conditions which
cause them, the better equipped you can be to handle them in the future.
Common Causes
Why kidney stones develop in some people but not in others isn't clear. Kidney stone disease is more
common in young and middle-aged adults than in the elderly, and more prevalent in men than women.
Dehydration or insufficient fluid consumption are a few of the leading causes of kidney stones. Some
other common reasons include:

Urinary obstruction
Family history of kidney stones
Metabolic disorders and diseases (such as hyperparathyroidism)
Chronic urinary infection

Stone formation can also be influenced by fluctuations of mineral levels in the urine, which very often
can be triggered by certain foods and beverages.
Living in a hot climate could also affect kidney stone production since it is easier to become
dehydrated in higher temperatures than in cooler ones. Dehydration can also come from drinking too
few fluids and increase the risk for kidney stones.
As long as the kidney stones remain in the kidney, they do not cause any problems or symptoms. This
is why many people with kidney stones don't even know they have them, provided the stones remain
where they are.
Symptoms emerge when stones move around in the kidney or attempt to pass through the urinary
tract to the bladder and cause:

Blood in the urine

Nausea or vomiting
Back pain under the ribcage
Pain in lower abdomen or groin
Urgent need to urinate
Burning sensation with urination

Contact the Urology Specialists

Certain lifestyle changes can possibly prevent kidney stone formation, but it won't help you if you
belong to a high risk group. For expert advice, consult an expert urologist to learn more about kidney
stones and the best treatment solutions for you. Contact the medical professionals at Comprehensive
Urology at 310.278.8330. We can help you by developing a solution that's best for you.
To learn more, please visit

Questions to Ask Before A Vasectomy

Approximately 15% of the U.S. male population elects to have a vasectomy. The procedure is elective
with a man choosing to have the surgery. However, before actually having a vasectomy, a man should
discuss this decision with his partner and also have a detailed conversation with his physician.
If you're considering having a vasectomy, you can discuss this with your primary doctor however, you
might prefer consulting a specialist like the physicians at Comprehensive Urology Medical Group. We
specialize in the male reproductive system and have helped many of our patients make informed
medical decisions such as vasectomies. Deciding to have a vasectomy performed is a serious matter
that requires thoughtful consideration, and it's important to understand all the facts about the
Important Questions to Ask
A vasectomy is intended to prevent the release of sperm with an ejaculation. The tubes that carry the
sperm are cut and sealed which stop sperm from mixing with the semen during ejaculation.
It's important knowing that the procedure doesn't sterilize the sperm, it just prevents it from being
released. Sperm is still produced, but after the vasectomy, it will eventually be reabsorbed into the
body. Additionally, patients will still ejaculate the same amount of semen as they did prior to the
surgery; the only difference is that this ejaculate no longer contains sperm.
The doctors at Comprehensive Urology are often asked the same questions, which can include
concerns such as:

Is a vasectomy reversible?
Typically, the procedure is intended as a permanent form of birth control, but reversal is
feasible. This procedure is more complicated and duration between the original vasectomy and
reversal is critical. Pregnancy is more difficult the longer the duration.

Does a vasectomy prevent STD?

No, the procedure does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. Condoms are the
best protection.

Is a vasectomy effective birth control?

There is a 99% effective rate with a vasectomy. With the first year, 1 or 2 women with 1,000
become pregnant.

Why get a vasectomy?

This is a personal choice with as many different reasons as people. Birth control usually remains one
of the main reasons.

Are there risks with a vasectomy?

A recent study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology reported that a vasectomy could
increase the risk for aggressive prostate cancer, but risk is small.

The report of more cases of prostate cancer following a vasectomy could be related to follow up
exams required for vasectomy patients.
Contact the Urology Specialists

If you're considering a vasectomy, you might have some questions about the procedure. Contact the
medical professionals at Comprehensive Urology who can help you with this personal choice. Call us
at 310.278.8330, and we can help you with a decision that's best for you.
To learn more, please visit

Stage of Bladder Cancer Affects Treatment

Bladder cancer is more commonly associated with older people with approximately 9 out of 10 cases
affecting individuals over 55. The disease develops more frequently in men than in women and is
ranked as the fourth most common cancer in men. The best approach to treating the disease is
prevention and early detection through screening.
Knowing the risk factors and symptoms of bladder cancer are key to early diagnosis, but your doctor
can't help you if you don't bring up the topic. Unfortunately, many people feel awkward about
discussing intimate topics with their doctors, and if you're one of them, don't let that stop you if you
suspect cancer. Physicians, such as the doctors at Comprehensive Urology Medical Group, deal with
patients' personal details every day and for them, it is business. You should not let any discomfort with
the topic stop you from talking with your about suspicious symptoms.
Commonly Diagnosed Bladder Cancer
One of the most common symptoms of bladder cancer is blood in the urine. Don't confuse this with
hemorrhoids, which develop in the colon. While it might be logical to think blood in the stool could be
from a hemorrhoid, blood in the urine indicates a serious health condition that you must share with
your doctor.
Specialists such as the Comprehensive Urology Medical Group would conduct one or more of several
effective screening tests when checking for bladder cancer. A combination of imaging studies and
cystoscopy are exceptionally effective in detecting bladder cancer. Comprehensive Urology doctors
will often utilize these tests so any cancer could be caught at its earliest and most treatable stage.
Early detection in bladder cancer would mean diagnosing the disease before it spreads beyond the
inner layer of the bladder. This stage of the cancer is non-invasive, or in situ cancer and easier to
Treatment Depends on Stage
Similar to early stage colon cancer, a bladder cancer diagnosis can be confirmed and treated at the
same time as the screening test. A cystoscopy removes the suspicious tumor and provided it's
noninvasive, no further treatment is required. In cases with more than one tumor or a recurrence,
additional medications will be administered.
Advanced Stage
Advanced stage bladder cancer requires more aggressive treatment such as surgery. If surgery is
recommended, it usually involves removing the bladder (termed cystectomy) combined with a
procedure to restore urine drainage.
A side effect of cystectomy could be incontinences and erectile dysfunction, but the surgeons at
Comprehensive Urology are experts in a procedure which preserves these functions. This procedure
is only possible when bladder cancer has not spread to the prostate.
Contact the Urology Specialists
Bladder cancer is treatable and with the help of the expert urologists of Comprehensive Urology, you
can learn about early detection and treatment options. If you'd like to learn more about bladder cancer

and its symptoms, contact the medical professionals at Comprehensive Urology at 310.278.8330.
To learn more, please visit

BPH Could be Causing Your Incontinence

BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) is an enlarged prostate gland. The condition affects the urinary
tract creating more of a nuisance than a problem, but it is treatable. BHP is considered an age-related
condition since about half of all men over 75 develop it. With numerous treatment options available,
there's no reason to endure the condition, and the specialists best qualified to help you are urology
experts like the physicians at the Comprehensive Urology Medical Group.
A diagnosis confirming you have the condition is the first step towards designing a plan best suited to
resolving your problem. Developing an optimal treatment plan first requires a thorough examination of
your medical history and your BPH symptoms, which typically differ by individual. Treatment is not a
one treatment fits all type of approach.
What Is BPH?
BPH is a common problem for older men typically affecting about 50% of middle-age men and most
men aged 70 to 80 plus. But, the condition does not lead to cancer nor does it cause sterility or
erection problems.
Symptoms for most men are moderate and even treatable with home remedies. Even with moderate
BPH, it's important to meet with your doctor periodically to monitor the condition as part of managing
BPH, and also to assess if the condition has worsened.
One of the more common complaints about BPH is its influence on incontinence. The prostate gland
encircles the urethra so when the prostate becomes enlarged, it can put pressure on the urethra
making urination difficult and creating problems such as:

Difficulty starting urine stream

Dribbling after urination

Urgent need to urinate

Weak urine stream

Sensation of full bladder

It's important to manage the condition because BPH can leader to other more serious problems such
as recurrent urinary tract infections, bladder dysfunction, and kidney dysfunction.
Multiple Treatment Solutions
Home remedies won't stop a prostate from expanding further, but it can manage the symptoms. If your
BPH is moderate, you can treat the condition yourself at home with the following methods:

Avoid medicines affecting urination includes antihistamines, nasal sprays and allery pills.
Double void" when urinating - urinate then relax for a few moments and urinate a second time.
Avoid stimulants - caffeine and alcohol stimulate urination so it's best to minimize or eliminate

Most physicians, including the experts at Comprehensive Urology, will first recommend conservative
treatment before trying anything more aggressive. If home remedies don't work, then you might need
a prescription to help you with the symptoms. Effective medicines your doctor might recommend

include alpha-blockers which treat symptoms or inhibitors to reduce prostate enlargement.

Unfortunately, when medication is stopped, symptoms return.
At some point if you have severe symptoms or you seek a permanent solution, you might want to
discuss surgery with your doctor. Recent advances have been achieved with BPH surgery and now
procedures are capable of widening the urinary channel. These effective methods are just a few of the
advanced medical procedures used by the specialists at Comprehensive Urology.
Contact the Urology Specialists
Certain lifestyle changes can possibly prevent kidney stone formation, but it won't help you if you
belong to a high-risk group. For expert advice, consult an expert urologist to learn more about kidney
stones and the best treatment solutions for you. Contact the medical professionals at Comprehensive
Urology at 310.278.8330. We can help you by developing a solution that's best for you.
To learn more, please visit

Did You Know Urinary Incontinence Is Treatable?

You don't have to live with urinary incontinence. You might think that age and urinary incontinence go
together, but this isn't true. The condition is medical not a sign of aging. Rather than endure the
embarrassment and inconvenience of urinary incontinence, you can consult with a specialist like
Comprehensive Urology Medical Group for help. We develop customized treatment to resolve a
specific problem.
What Causes Urinary Incontinence?
The condition affects both men and women but while it might affect older men more frequently than
younger men, anyone can develop the problem. The condition can be chronic or short-term as a result
of another health problem or reaction to medical treatment. There are several reasons that could
cause urinary incontinence:
Stress Incontinence: contraction of the bladder from laughter, cough, or movement that puts stress on
the bladder and causes urine leakage.

Overflow Incontinence: unable to empty bladder even though it is full and urine will leak out
Functional Inconvenience: either a mobility problem or obstacle interferes with getting to the
bathroom in time to urinate.
Total Incontinence: constant leaking since sphincter muscle not functioning properly and
unable to hold back urine.
Urge Incontinence: overwhelming urge to urinate or bladder squeezes involuntarily and cannot
get to bathroom in time.

Causes of urinary incontinence can worsen from alcohol as well as certain prescriptions or other drugs
including narcotics, antidepressants, diuretics, sedatives, and cold medicine.
Like other medical conditions, the type of incontinence you have will determine the best treatment for
you. You should consult a doctor who specializes in urinary conditions such as the board-certified
physicians at Comprehensive Urology and discuss treatment options that are the most effective for
you. With a urologist, you'll have a physical exam, discussion of your symptoms and medical history,
and a urine test. In most cases after gathering this information, your doctor can develop an
individualized plan for you.
Either one or a combination of the following could be recommended:

Medications - Different medications may be used to treat various types of incontinence;

sometimes stopping or changing a medication can be the answer. Multiple medications are
available to help manage different types of urinary incontinence. They must be balanced
against the risk of side effects or interactions with other prescribed medications.

Alternative A couple non-medical options have been helpful. Pelvic floor rehabilitation therapy
and peripheral nerve stimulation.

Surgical Several surgical options exist including pelvic and urethral support procedure for
men, trans-vaginal sling for women, endoscopic injections, and nerve stimulator implants.

Some treatments are better suited to different types of urinary incontinence, but typically it's best to
start with conservative treatment first before surgery is considered.
Contact the Urology Specialists
Why tolerate urinary incontinence when there are safe and effective treatments available. Contact the
medical professionals at Comprehensive Urology by calling us at 310.278.8330 or contacting us
online. With our years of expertise, we can help you with a solution that's best for you.
To learn more, please visit

Do You Know the Risk Factors for Bladder Cancer?

In the past 20 years, the number of individuals diagnosed with bladder cancer has grown 50%. The
disease develops three times more often in men than in women, but women have an increased
chance of dying from bladder cancer.
Knowing the risk factors and warning signs of the disease could help towards preventing this cancer
from increasing. Consulting with specialists like the board-certified physicians at Comprehensive
Urology Medical Group can help you to learn more about bladder cancer and minimize the risk of
developing a life-threatening disease.
The physicians at Comprehensive Urology Medical Group offer expertise in treating bladder cancer
and other urologic conditions. We develop customized treatment plans for our patients using the most
advanced medical technologies in our field. We strive for excellence and patient satisfaction resolve a
specific problem.
Monitor Your Risks
There are many associated factors, called carcinogens, which increase the risk of bladder cancer.
Smoking and tobacco use carry the greatest risk, contributing to over half of the cases. Smokers carry
four times the risk of developing bladder cancer compared to nonsmokers. Smoking cessation does
decrease this risk somewhat with time.
Additional risk factors include:

Advanced age
Bladder stones
Chronic bladder infections
Patients with internal bladder catheters
Previous pelvic radiation therapy (i.e. prostate, cervical, rectal or ovarian cancer)
Chemotherapy treatment

The presence of these risk factors will not necessarily lead to bladder cancer, but you should be
diligent in monitoring your health and take preventive action by having regular screenings.
Effective Screening
Blood in the urine (hematuria) is one of the most common symptoms of bladder cancer, but there are
other symptoms that could indicate presence of the disease:

Pain during urination (dysuria)

Frequent urinary tract infections (UTIs)
Urinating small amounts frequently.

Some of these symptoms could indicate another urologic disease such as urinary tract infections,
enlarged prostate (BPH), and kidney stones. To confirm if your condition is cancer or another health
problem, you need need the expert advice of a specialist like Comprehensive Urology Medical Group.
The physicians have several effective screening tests they use. These tests include: 1) imaging
studies, 2) cystoscopy, and 3) urinary evaluation. Diagnostics including a CT scan and intravenous
pyelogram are also sometimes used to evaluate the urinary tract (kidneys, ureters and bladder) for

Contact the Urology Specialists

Bladder cancer is treatable and with the help of an expert urologist, you can learn about treatment
solutions. Contact the medical professionals at Comprehensive Urology at 310.278.8330. We can
help you by developing a solution that's best for you.
To learn more, please visit

Medical Conditions Causing Sexual Dysfunction

Age admittedly can be the cause of some medical conditions, but sexual dysfunction doesn't have to
be one of them. There are numerous other factors that can be attributed to erectile problems such as
health issues, medications, or mental health conditions. You need an expert like the specialists at
Comprehensive Urology who will team with you for the right solution.
Comprehensive Urology Medical Group is composed of board-certified urologists with specialty
training in all aspects of urology including erectile dysfunction. Our physicians provide urological care
in a personalized and confidential environment that respects your privacy and offers solutions for the
best possible outcome.
Multiple Reasons for Erectile Dysfunction
There are numerous conditions that could affect sexual performance, and the medical professional
best qualified to treat you is a board-certified urologist. Sexual dysfunction is often attributed to certain
medical conditions and a consultation with a urologist can help towards identifying the cause and
treating you for it.
Certain diseases of the nervous, vascular, or hormonal systems can impair sexual function. Vascular
diseases in particular can be attributed to erectile dysfunction if men age 50 and older. Vascular
disease is linked to heart attacks, circulatory problems, and high blood pressure, and men with these
conditions often take prescription drugs, which can also affect sexual performance.
Other frequently diagnosed medical conditions affecting sexual dysfunction include:
Systematic diseases
Cancer treatment
Liver cirrhosis
Common Medications
High blood pressure
Cholesterol lowering
Nervous System
Parkinson's Disease
Multiple sclerosis
Some of these conditions often develop as we age and others are related to lifestyle. If you are being
treated for diabetes, heart disease, or high cholesterol and taking medication, the problem could be
associated with the type of prescription. Or, if a lifestyle change, like stopping tobacco use, will help
you to improve the condition. Consulting with an expert like the specialists at Comprehensive Urology
can help to diagnose the underlying cause of your problem and develop a treatment plan best suited
for you.
Contact the Urology Specialists
If you're having a problem with erectile dysfunction, consult the specialists in this field at
Comprehensive Urology. Contact us at 310.278.8330 for a confidential discussion, and we can
determine the best treatment solution for you.

To learn more, please visit

Fast Effective Painless Kidney Stone Treatments

Kidney stones are small deposits of salt and mineral in the urine, and most can pass on their own, but
sometimes medical intervention is needed. Larger kidney stones are painful and previously, in spite of
prolonged pain, many people chose to let them pass through the urinary system. Medical advances
have dramatically improved the methods used to treat kidney stones.
A skilled urologist, such as the board-certified doctors at Comprehensive Urology can eliminate your
kidney stones quickly and without pain. The more you understand about recent innovations with
treatment, the better equipped you will be to act on a solution if this problem develops.
When Is Surgery Needed?
Most stones leave the kidney and pass through the urinary tract while they are small, and no treatment
is needed for these stones. However, crystals which stay in the kidney grow larger as more crystal
adhere to it, and eventually, a larger kidney stone forms which is more difficult to naturally flush out of
the system.
An enlarged kidney stone causes pain when it gets stuck in the tubes traveling from the kidney to the
bladder. Urine can also become stuck and unable to pass out of the body. As the pressure builds, pain
increases but finally eases when the stone is eliminated. Surgery is recommended when pain is
severe and the urinary tract is blocked. You could also develop an infection which medical intervention
will treat.
Improved Treatments
Dietary changes can help to slow down stone formation, but if you already have kidney stones, dietary
change will not help. There are medications that help with kidney stone elimination, but exceptional
progress has led to effective treatments with the help of a skilled urological surgeon like the experts at
Comprehensive Urology.
Three recent advances include:

ESWL Technique using small shock waves to shatter stones for easier elimination.
Ureteroscopy A small fiberoptic device using laser technology to minimize kidney stones.
Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL) Minimally invasive surgery to treat kidney stones
through direct intervention.

Once you've had kidney stones, you're more likely to have another one in the future. But there are
some steps you can take to minimize the chance of recurring stones:
Drink more fluids
Make dietary changes
If you fall into a risk category such as a family history of kidney stones then medication could be
The Kidney Stone Experts Can Help You
Medical advances have introduced new methods of treating kidney stone through minimal
intervention. Learn how we can help you by contacting the medical professionals at Comprehensive
Urology at 310.278.8330. We can discuss an optimum solution to your painful condition.

To learn more, please visit

Is Minimally Invasive Kidney Surgery Right for You?

Kidney cancer accounts for 2% of all cancers in the United States, and many of these cases qualify for
minimally invasive surgery. In early stage kidney cancer, the disease is confined to the kidney and
surrounding fat and tissue and hasn't spread another part of the body. In these cases, treatment can
be limited to surgery without the need for chemotherapy or radiation.
If you receive a kidney cancer diagnosis you want to consult with an expert in cancers of the urinary
tract. The specialists at Comprehensive Urology are experts and most qualified to determine
appropriate treatment for you. Most likely an early stage kidney cancer can be treated by a partial
nephrectomy, which removes only the cancerous part of the kidney. However, this cannot be
determined until a complete physical has been conducted.
Who is Qualified?
Sometimes early stage kidney cancer is found during an imaging test for another medical condition or
a diagnostic screening. In these early stage cases when cancer is localized to a specific area of the
kidney, extensive surgery is not required and surgeons can perform a minimally invasive procedure
Patients best suited for a minimally invasive approach are usually younger or have pre-existing
medical conditions. Tumor location and stage of the disease also are key factors in the type of surgery
chosen. he advantage of preserving the kidney is that our patients will have better kidney function long
term and will have a much lower chance of developing kidney failure.
A recent innovation with the partial nephrectomy is a robot-assisted method, which adds another
beneficial component to this minimally invasive method.
Robotic Treatment Option
A robot-assisted partial nephrectomy conducts the surgery with the same steps as a standard version.
These include:

Expose kidney tumor

Control blood vessels into the tumor
Stop blood going to cancerous section of kidney
Remove tumor
Reconstruct kidney
Restore blood flow

Additionally, the robotic method offers some benefits unique to the technology:
Kidney preservation
Precision with tumor removal and reconstruction
Minimal operative complications
Fewer days in the hospital
The advantages of a minimally invasive surgery are credited to the procedure's smaller incisions and
specialized instruments. With less surgical trauma and a shorter hospital stay, most patients resume
normal activities within 1-2 weeks after surgery. Their only restrictions are avoiding heavy lifting or
strenuous exercise for a month for internal healing to complete.
Contact the Kidney Cancer Specialists

Comprehensive Urology offers the most advanced therapeutic modalities for optimum cure rates.
If you would like to learn about treatment solutions, contact the medical professionals at
Comprehensive Urology at 310.278.8330. We can help you by developing a solution that's best for
To learn more, please visit

How Is Robotic Surgery Used in a Prostatectomy?

Surgery will be a recommended treatment for men diagnosed with prostate cancer provided the
cancer has not spread outside the prostate gland and most likely staged a T1 or T2 level. Typically the
surgery performed is a radical prostatectomy, which entails removal of the entire prostate gland and
surrounding tissue.
Before making a final decision to have surgery and committing to the type of surgery, you want to
discuss the treatment and procedure with your surgeon. The board-certified doctors at Comprehensive
Urology are proponents of patient education for important decisions like surgery. When discussing a
diagnosis and treatment options with their patients, Comprehensive Urology physicians are very
thorough in explaining the benefits and results associated with a treatment option. This way, patients
can make informed medical decisions, and it also helps to manage some of the emotional reaction
that could develop.
Minimally Invasive Benefits
More surgical procedures are being conducted using a minimally invasive method and a
prostatectomy is one of them. Physicians including the doctors at Comprehensive Urology favor
minimally invasive over traditional open prostatectomies for benefits such as:

Reduced two-day hospital stay for minimally invasive surgery

Reduced transfusions to 2% versus 20.8% with open surgery

Lower incontinence and dysfunction rates

Fewer respiratory complications

Additionally, there is now a robot-assisted method offering not only the pluses of minimally invasive
methods, but also benefits of its own such as:
For surgeons:
Greater precision
Enhanced dexterity
Improved visualization
Ergonomic fit
For patients:
Less pain
Reduced blood loss
Quicker recovery
Combined, these characteristics optimize the way in which complex surgeries are performed.
Robot-Assisted Procedure Explained
Robot-assisted is an improvement to conventional laparoscopic technique, which required the surgeon
to manipulate awkward hand-held instruments. The surgeon would have to switch his focus from the
instruments to an adjacent 2D video monitor manipulated by an assistant
Alternatively, the robot-assisted high tech interface transforms conventional laporascopic surgery into
a better controlled and fluid procedure for a more efficient surgery. The surgeon has better control of
the instruments using more natural wrist movements and can easily view a 3-D screen throughout the

Contact the Urology Specialists

Prostate cancer is treatable and with the help of an expert urologist, you can learn about robotassisted treatment solutions. Contact the medical professionals at Comprehensive Urology at
310.278.8330. We can help you by developing a solution that's best for you.
To learn more, please visit

What Does an Elevated PSA Signify?

Monitoring your PSA (Prostate-specific antigen produced by the prostate) level is a smart, preventive
diagnostic for prostate cancer. But you might not know that PSA levels are affected by medical
conditions other than cancer, and it's important to know that an elevated score could mean one of
several things.
When you talk with your doctor about the results of your PSA, make sure that you fully understand
what the number represents to you. It's important to feel comfortable talking with your doctor about
medical topics and trust your doctor's expertise. The physicians at Comprehensive Urology
understand that some patients are not at ease discussing sensitive medical issues so they focus on
providing an environment of care and compassion when talking with their patients.
What Do the Numbers Mean?
If you have an elevated PSA, it could mean you have an enlarged prostate, which is a condition
common to men as they age. Another reason could be prostatitis, a noncancerous medical condition.
The cutoff number for an average PSA reading is under four (ng/mL), and while a higher number isn't
conclusive for prostate cancer, your doctor would request additional diagnostics including a prostate
PSA level can vary, and doctors consider PSA level trend as important as important as the number
range. Other key factors affecting PSA level include:

Age - PSA level increases with age, regardless of any prostate problems
Medication Certain drugs can affect PSA level; discuss all medications with your doctor to
rule this out.

While PSA levels have proven effective as a reliable diagnostic for prostate cancer, there can be
inconsistencies with the readings. This is why regular check-ups and screenings to track and monitor
your health should be part of your health routine.
Why Have a Biopsy?
A biospy takes tissue samples from the prostate and is examined for signs of cancer cells. When your
doctor suggests a biopsy, the procedure is recommended to assess:

Diagnosis of a lump in the prostate gland

Medical cause for high PSA level

This is a procedure only a urologist can perform. If a biopsy has been recommended for you, you want
to have the most qualified and experienced board-certified practitioner such as the physicians at
Comprehensive Urology to perform the procedure. A biopsy is a critically important, yet delicate,
procedure and having a well-qualified physician conduct the test is imperative.
If the biopsy results are positive, your doctor will recommend you to a specialist, however, the doctors
at Comprehensive Urology have extensive experience in treating prostate cancer and other urological
Contact the Urology Specialists
Comprehensive Urology offers the most advanced therapeutic modalities for cancer affecting the

urological system. If you would like to learn about treatment solutions, contact the medical
professionals at Comprehensive Urology at 310.278.8330. We can help you by developing a solution
that's best for you.
To learn more, please visit

The Da Vinci Surgical System

Advances in robotic surgery and medical technology in the last few years have revolutionized the way
prostate cancer is treated. Minimally invasive techniques allow the urologists and prostate cancer
surgeons and specialists at Comprehensive Urology to target tumors with greater precision than
previously possible, helping to minimize recovery time and side effects, as well as leaving surrounding
healthy tissue in tact.
The da Vinci Surgical System is a state of the art robotic surgery platform designed to enable complex
surgical procedures using a more targeted, minimally invasive approach.
The Da Vinci System utilizes advanced technology to help the surgeons at Comprehensive Urology
operate with mechanical precision and flexibility, while maintaining total control of the surgical
platform. Features of the Da Vinci System include:

Ergonomic surgeon console

Patient-side cart with four interactive robotic arms
3D HD vision system and proprietary EndoWrist instrumentation

The EndoWrist instrumentation technology works as an extension of the surgeons wrist, allowing for
greater flexibility and dexterity of the manual movements. This helps to minimize errors, and also
affords the surgeons at Comprehensive Urology greater control.
The Benefits of Robotic Surgery Treatments for Prostate Cancer at Comprehensive Urology
The development of robotic surgery techniques for minimally invasive prostate cancer treatment is
revolutionizing the field of urology for several reasons. In the past, prostate cancer patients and their
doctors were limited to open prostatectomy, a surgery involving large incisions, complicated and
longer recovery times, and potential post-operative side effects.
With the prostatectomy procedure, the entire prostate gland was removed, as opposed to just the
localized portion containing the cancerous tumors. In addition to the loss of the whole prostate gland,
the risks and potential side effects associated with an open prostatectomy included:

Excessive blood loss

Post-op infections
Longer hospital stays
Significant pain following surgery
Loss of bladder control (incontinence)
Loss of sexual function (impotence)
Permanent nerve damage

The da Vinci Surgical System, also known as robotic prostatectomy, helps to enhance patient recovery
time and outcomes, in large part due to the minimally invasive nature of the procedure. The da Vinci
Surgical System is considered superior and more advanced than laparoscopic surgery in many

instances due to its modern features and capabilities. The da Vinci Surgical Systems robotic arms
turn in all directions, with 90 degrees of articulation and seven degrees of range of motion.
Among the many benefits of robotic prostate surgery using the da Vinci Surgical System are:

Improved visualization,
Greater dexterity, and
Fine tuned precision and accuracy over open prostatectomy or laparoscopic surgery
Smaller (1-2 cm) incisions

Because of the streamlined accuracy and precision allowable under the computer controlled daVinci
robotic platform, the prostate cancer surgeons at Comprehensive Urology are able to target the cancer
to a more precise degree and location, and can also preserve prostate gland nerves that control the
bladder, as well as sexual function, in order to minimize the risks and side effects associated with
traditional prostate cancer surgery. Thanks in large part to the developments in treating prostate
cancer with less invasive methods, more men are seeking treatment and finding hope after a prostate
cancer diagnosis.
To learn more, please visit

You Are What You Eat - Lower Your Prostate Cancer Risk Through Your Diet
In addition to helping you look and feel your best - and perhaps dropping a few inches from your
waistline in the process - a low fat, clean, balanced diet is more than just a prescription for weight loss,
or a trend for looking good on the beach or at the gym. Taking a careful and sensible approach
towards nutrition has been shown to help fight disease across the board, and is an incredibly powerful
tool for men looking to lower their risk of developing prostate cancer.
Follow all or some of the following tips to improve your overall quality of life, and potentially reduce
your risk for prostate cancer in the process.
Cut the Fat
Lowering dietary fat can do more than help shed pounds. A low fat diet is important for overall health,
but has also been shown to help in the fight against prostate cancer. Some foods to avoid or enjoy in
moderation in order to help decrease your risk of developing prostate cancer include:

Red meat
Certain oils like flaxseed
Dairy products
Certain types of nuts

Worried about your prostate cancer risk? Prostate Cancer Specialists of Los Angeles Can Help
While prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer among men, diagnostic and treatment
options have come a long in the last several years, also making it one of the more treatable and
survivable forms of cancer when caught in the early stages. The board certified urologists at
Comprehensive Urology in Los Angeles take a comprehensive and well rounded
approach to diagnosing and treating prostate cancer. They also offer sound advice on practical and
preventive steps that everyone can take at all ages to remain as healthy as possible, as well as to
lower the overall risk of developing prostate cancer down the line.
Go Green
The benefits of a diet full of fruits and vegetables are already well known, and cannot be overstated,
particularly in the case of prostate cancer prevention. The traditional western diet of highly processed,
high fat and sugar containing foods are suspected to promote a range of serious health problems,
from obesity and diabetes to prostate cancer. Urologists, nutrition experts, and researchers have
identified certain foods that can promote overall prostate health, and help to decrease the risk of
developing the disease.
Urologists at Comprehensive Urology recommend some of the following healthy foods for prostate
health and lower cancer risks:

Tomato products - tomato paste, spaghetti sauce, sun-dried tomatoes, tomato juice, ketchup

Green Tea
Pomegranate Juice
Fish - salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines, trout

Foods lower in saturated fight and with known anti-inflammatory properties are ideal for regular
consumption in order to maintain a healthy weight, overall wellness, and lower risk of developing
prostate cancer.
Lifestyle modifications
Studies have overwhelmingly shown that healthy social connections and a strong support network are
essential to the overall physical and mental, as well as emotional wellbeing of all people. Getting
regular exercise, limiting alcohol consumption to moderate amounts, and staying active and connected
within a supportive community will go a long way towards promoting overall help, and lowering the risk
of developing prostate cancer.
To learn more, please visit

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