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The Speech in English:

A present challenger



The Speech in English:

A present challenger


The Speech in English:

A present challenger

Paper presented to specialization course in teaching of English, in the Universidade do Estado

do Rio Grande do Norte -UERN Campus Avanado Prefeito Walter de S Leito, in 2014.1,
as partial to obtaining the title of English teaching specialist.



The Speech in English:

A present challenger

Monograph approved in ______/________/_________


Prof. Ms. Luis Alberto de Lima - UERN


Prof. Ms. Antonio Gomes Diniz - UERN


Prof. Es. Akailson Lenonn de Arajo - UERN




"Though no one can go back and make a

brand new start, anyone can start now and
make a new ending."
Chico Xavier

I dedicate this work to my wife Vera

Lucia and my son Fabio Augusto, reasons
for my walk and to Socorro Santos, my
mother and inspiring.



To God, the magnificent gift of life made possible again;

My adoptive parents Julius and Socorro Santos Saraiva, the zeal to show me the best
way. Always!
My wife Vera Lucia, for never let discouragement and unbelief is abatessem about me;
His son Fabio Augusto, every day for giving me reason to move on;
To Teachers Leodcio Martins, Silvano Pereira, Luiz Alberto de Lima, Antonio Diniz
and Akailson Lenonn, and many others who contributed to this;
To classmates, the coexistence always productive and serendipitous.



This fieldwork, qualitative and quantitative nature, intends to understand the mechanisms
used by undergraduate students of Letras with specialization in English, to acquire speaking
this language. The theoretical foundation has been built from the investigations carried out by
Moita Lopes (1996), Souza Lima (2001) among other authors. For collecting and analyzing
data and questionnaires were carried out interviews with students from the 6th period of
Latras qualification in English, CAPWSL, Acu, RN. The results show that students enlist the
various resources for the development of speech as a linguistic communication skills, the
basic school prioritized the grammar-translation method and that there is a lack of spaces that
enable the student to develop speech in this language, also occurs as the lack of motivation of
this student to the use of English in their daily lives and that, among other reasons, the
methodology of teachers from primary school, does not favor the development of speech. It is
therefore, educators contribute effectively to the development of speech of students in basic
education, encouraging communication in the course of the oral English classes. Another
point to be considered is that the school should be motivating the student to learn the English
language through the expansion of the use of this language to the labor market horizons.
Key Words: Speech. English Language Learning. Effective Practice.


Este trabalho de campo e de natureza qualiquantitativa pretende entender os mecanismos
utilizados por estudantes universitrios do curso de Letras com habilitao em lngua inglesa
para a aquisio da fala nesta lngua. O embasamento terico foi construdo a partir das
investigaes realizadas por Moita Lopes (1996), Souza Lima (2001) entre outros autores.
Para a coleta e anlise de dados foram aplicados questionrios e realizadas entrevistas com
estudantes do 6 perodo de Letras, habilitao em Ingls, CAPWSL, Au, RN. Os resultados
mostram que os estudantes arregimentam os mais diversos recursos para o desenvolvimento
da fala enquanto habilidade lingstica de comunicao, que a escola bsica priorizou o
mtodo da gramtica-traduo e que existe a ausncia de espaos que possibilitem o
estudante, desenvolver a fala nesta lngua, como tambm ocorre a falta de motivao deste
estudante para o uso do ingls em sua vida cotidiana e que, entre outros motivos, a
metodologia dos professores desde a escola bsica, no favorece o desenvolvimento da fala.
Cabe, portanto, aos educadores contriburem eficazmente para o desenvolvimento da fala dos
estudantes no ensino bsico, estimulando a comunicao pela oralidade no transcurso das
aulas de ingls. Outro ponto a ser considerado que a escola deve ser motivadora do
estudante para a aprendizagem da Lngua Inglesa, por meio da ampliao de horizontes de uso
desta lngua para o mercado de trabalho.
Palavras Chaves: Fala Aprendizagem em Lngua Inglesa Prtica Eficaz


Summary Graphics
1. Graphics 1 ..............................................................................................................25
2. Graphics 2 ..............................................................................................................27
3. Graphics 3 ..............................................................................................................29
4. Graphics 4 ..............................................................................................................30
5. Graphics 5 ..............................................................................................................32
6. Graphics 6 ..............................................................................................................33




Chapter I Concerns and queries..................................................................15


Chapter II- Description of Research and Data Analysis..............................23


Chapter III: Final Thoughts....................................................................37




Attaches ..............................................................................................44


The process of learning English as a foreign language, in public schools, seems
geared just for structuring teaching grammar, exploring the grammar-translation method as
the only means of knowledge construction in the target language at expense of other skills
linguistic required. The speech - focus of this work - while linguistic element of vital
importance to learning seems is placed at a level of less importance. This situation restless
researcher and motivates this work that seeks to assess, and try to understand based on the
observations of Moita Lopes (1996), Souza Lima (2001), among others, the mechanisms used
by undergraduate students of Letras/Ingls for the speech acquisition in this language. For this
purpose, delimiting the 6th semester of the Course of Arts UERN / CAPWSL as field
investigations, using research as the method of qualitative and quantitative nature.
Hypotheses for such an occurrence, it raises the possibility that primary school
would be possibly one of the great motivators of the construction of this speech, the teacherstudent interaction through speech in English and in all levels of education, this process
stimulates development, there are spaces for the construction of speech is the basic school is
the university that enable effective experiences of language and the media, in all forms of
speech are facilitators.
Studies were carried out in similar perspectives without, however, exhaust the
theme of building speech in English. The master work in Education from UDESC, Patricia
Helena Rubens Pallu (2004), is an example of this line of research in that it investigates the
causes of the low use of speech in the institutions surveyed by it. For such an onslaught, she
worked with adult students and their questions seek to understand why because the adults
were difficulties in development of oral proficiency as language ability. To do so, she released
Hand questionnaire and observation in the classroom where he worked. The researcher
concludes its work, noting that difficulties could be divided into three categories, which are
actually occur: the first is the age of the apprentice to refer to the conformation of the
subjectivity of the subject is more difficult to make measurements; the second is the cultural
context that can be understood as the set of elements, such as, moral ethical and aesthetic
values, customs, habits, trends that are prevailing in the culture in which we live. The cultural
context can still be called the language of the nation in which the individual develops and
Pallu (2004) further expands the concept of cultural context stating that this can be called a

language and, finally, the third part, which is the teaching methodology used, which carries
the weight of the dichotomy of language learning and language acquisition.
It is justifiable, therefore, the present work, the need to provide answers and notes to improve
the quality of the Course of Arts, major in English at UERN / CAPWSL. Such matters could
be held here objects of evaluation of the University itself, the pursuit of excellence for
training in higher level and open new possibilities for studies based on what is put here.
This paper is not intended to eliminate all gaps in knowledge about the
acquisition of speech in English, but, offer reflections that contribute to the understanding of
the difficulties faced by university students in the development of oral proficiency as a
linguistic skill. It is understood that the observations presented here can guide future research
in the field of orality in English.
This graduation dissertation is divided into three chapters. The first chapter
presents the theoretical background to this research aims to illuminate the light of the
theoretical assumptions of Moita Lopes (1996), Souza Lima (2001), among others. The
second chapter provides the methodology used to collect and analyze data, and finally, in the
third chapter presents the researcher's inferences and final remarks / Concluding that deems


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