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Morgan-Stanley Interview Experience

Interview-1 (Technical Interview)

Tell me about yourself.

About your family.
Which platform you are comfortable with.
Some questions from written test coding part.
What do you know about data structure?
Which data structure had you studied?
What is stack?
Implement stack using array or linklist (I implemented using array).
What is the cons of this implementation and how can we overcome this? (I suggested the linklist
implementation to overcome this).
How to overcome this without using linklist? (using dynamic array).
Given an stack, and we need to find the minimum element of stack at any point of time.
Given a file, we need to count the frequency of words in a file. Which data structure to use and
explain how it helps in solving the problem?
Given a file, replace blanks with %20.
Implementation of one question from written test paper.
Some linux commands, like how to find running processes, what happens when we kill the shell
process etc
About your projects and submitted paper.
Interview-2 (Technical Interview)

About your projects.

Given a file of size 100GB and main memory size is 4GB, sort that 100GB file in efficient manner
(20 min discussion on this question).
Given a function
int *p;
int i=5;
return p;
What will this function returns? Then some discussion on this, like where this memory gets
allocated. What happens when the fuction returns the control?

One question on binary tree.

Difference between unix and windows based system.
Some linux commands.

Interview-3 (Technical Interview)

Explain your ongoing project. (20 min discussion on this).

Given a real-time problem in with we have a parking system and we need to find how many
slots are free and how many are used and then he start increasing the constraints like we have
different kind to vehicles, so which structure to use and how can you find the count and suppose
we have 2 in-gates and 2 out-gates, then what happens to count if this happens simultaneously
(45 min discussion on this).
About your family.
Interwiew-4 (HR Interview)

About yourself.
About your family.
Name of other 3 interviewer.
Why morgan Stanley?
Why not amazon?
Compare Amazon, Morgan Stanley and Nvidia.
Why M. Tech and not job just after bachelors?
Why M. Tech and not M.S.?
Why not PHD. now?
Why corporate field?
What is in your mind about what find of company your want, while enrolling m-tech?
Tell me something which is not in your resume.
What kind of project you want to work with?

Group Task
They gave us the senior architect game in which we need to design the structure which is good looking
and contains maximum volume available. We need to present that in 10 mins and then marketing. (we 8
are working in one group only). Then they ask us, who gave the maximum contribution, who you choose
as a leader of the group.

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