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HRNABrantford Six N ations D om ain < h rn a b ra n tfo rd @ g m a il.c o m >


Source of Empowerment, Community Discussion Deadline

HRNABrantford S ix N ations D om ain < hrnabrantford@ gm >
Fri, Jul 31, 2015 at 11:14 AM
To: A v a G ukk < a v a h ill@ s ix n a tio n s .c a >
Cc: Chris Friel < cfriel@ bra ntford .ca >, ron .e dd y@ bra , G D w orak@, brianvantilborg@,
davidneum ann@ ch e ryla n to ski@ b ra n tfo rd .ca , rickw e ave r@ b ran tfo rd .ca , larrykin gs@ b ran tfo rd .ca ,
dan m ccre ary@ bran , jo h n u tle y@ b ra n tfo rd .ca . INFO < info@ o m b u dsm an .o >

To th e O ccu pa n t o f the O ffic e o f E lected C hie f; for,

The S ix N ations E lected C ouncil, et al.
Dear O ccupant; A v a Hill.
The deadline you set fo r th e co m m u n ity d is c u s s io n has transpired regarding how th e band council, AFN, and
m unicipal governm ents are em powered by the people eg. kanienkehaka. H ow ever w e have had zero co m m un ity
d iscu ssio n on the e lem ents of representation and if your representation m eets th e se certain standards to qualify
you and or m unicipal council to represent the kanienkehaka.
Find th e attached pdf o f our m ost recent co m m un icatio n to your o ffic e dated July 31 2015.
P lease acknow ledge receipt o f this com m unication, I look forward to yo u r prom pt response.

B enjam in II
O ffic e o f P re s id e n t
H audenosaunee & R aseron:ni Neighbourhood A s s o c ia tio n of Brantford
s Letter to O ccupant of the Office o f C h ief o f S ix N ations Elected Band C ouncil - Ju ly 31 2015.pdf
- 1 501K
[July 31 2015]
To the Occupant of the Office of Elected Chief; for,
The Six Nations Elected Council, et al.
Dear Occupant, Ava Hill, in all your capacities.
Our association consists o f many individuals, some of whom are situated near Ohsweken. Many of our members
have expressed concern that your office makes claim to represent the people living on or near Ohsweken. Since
our last correspondence you acknowledged receipt of our letter dated January 7 2015. The letter was in regard to
your source of empowerment, and the community discussion which you encouraged at the December 11 2014
meeting with the AFN. However, we have not received any meaningful response from your office.
W ithout your meaningful response, our association can only presume you to be acting in de son tort capacity; we
are formally demanding that the questions we sent to your office be answered without delay. The information we
are demanding should be viewed as general knowledge and public property; we believe this information is ours to
demand to achieve a collective awareness and common understanding of the nature and limits of your official
representations. According to section 337 o f the Canadian Criminal Code which states:
Public servant refusing to deliver property 337. Every one who, being or having been employed in the service of
Her Majesty in right o f Canada or a province, or in the service of a municipality, and entrusted by virtue of that
employment with the receipt, custody, management or control of anything, refuses or fails to deliver it to a person
who is authorized to demand it and does demand it is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for
a term not exceeding fourteen years.
We want to know how you are empowered to represent the people. According to the law of the land; the
Kaianarekowa ethic 58, which states in part, anyone who submits to the laws o f a foreign nation forfeit their
birthright to their original nation. Willful breach of the Kaianarekowa is very unlikely and extremely outrageous,
however your official Oath o f Office evidences your faithfulness and loyalty for Crown and Canadian National
Interests. According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights article 15 which states; Article 15. (1)
Everyone has the right to a nationality. (2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the
right to change his nationality.
The two questions we asked your office again are as follows:
Do you represent the Kanienkehaka?
(We answered No, the Office o f Chief o f Six Nations Elected Council is a Canadian entity, any overlap o f
representation is evidently in direct conflict with; the national identity o f the Kanienkehaka, ethic 58 o f the
Kaianarekowa, the Two R ow ethic, and, Article 15 o f the Universal Declaration o f Human Rights et al. and, We
therefore have an ambiguity of representation that must be resolved.)
Do Kanienkehaka qualify to vote in the Canadian Elections?
(We answered No, the Kanienkehaka do not Qualify to participate in Canadian elections, in order to qualify to
vote o r become elected you m ust be a Canadian citizen. We have no record or evidence that proves that the
Kanienkehaka are in fact Canadian citizens and, we believe no such evidence exist.")

Benjamin II,
Office of President
cc. City of Brantford; Office of Mayor, Brantford City Council, Community Services.., County of Brant; Office of
Mayor.., Office of the Ombudsman of Ontario.
Attached: W indspeaker Article from Dec 9 2014 AFN meeting (printed January 2015), re: recommendation for
community discussion; timeline of July 2015; source of empowerment.
Follow us on Facebook & Twitter @ HRNABrantford
If you have any questions about the Haudenosaunee & Raseron:ni Neighbourhood Association of Brantford, or
have a great idea for a special event or program, call 519-720-0677 or email us at: HRNABrantford@
Registration No. HRNAB-000-056/3

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Follow us on Facebook & Twitter @ HRNABrantford

If you have any questions about the Haudenosaunee & Raseron:ni Neighbourhood Association of Brantford, or
have a great idea for a special event or program, call 519-720-0677 or email us at: HRNABrantford@
Registration No. HRNAB-000-056/3

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