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Adoption of Active Power H-bridge Filter to Vibration

Compensator for Machining Processes

Adopcia aktívneho silového H-mostíkového filtra
ku kompenzátoru vibrácii pre procesy obrábania
Saša Sladić, Branimir Barišić, Nicole Ungurean
Abstract 1 Introduction
Machine tool technology is getting more and more In turning operations, vibrations are a common problem
sophisticated in order to achieve high quality and high [1] as they affect the productivity and performance of the
accuracy of machine tools and fixtures. Different alloys and machine tool. Furthermore, acoustic noise is generated and
their properties are generally well known but new ideas for tool life is reduced depending on the vibration intensity [2].
the improvement tool quality are arising. It has been shown This problem is particularly emphasized in micro machi-
that a decrease of vibration during machine tool or other ning. Different alloys and their properties are generally well
part production increases its precision. This article is about known [3] but new ideas in order to improve tool quality are
the adoption of known engineering solutions (active power arising [4]. The race in improved product quality, between
filter- APF) for machining part fixtures during machining different producers has resulted in the need for active
processes. The results are extended to other problems where compensation of vibration (vibration control) with more
the same circuit-algorithm could be used (e.g. vibration precise fixtures [4].
compensation in refrigerators or air conditioners). The acti- For a quick view of active compensation, it is important
ve power filter was realized with a microprocessor system to mention the sliding mode algorithm that started its
(based on TMS320F240). Results were analyzed and further development with Russian space program in the 60s [5] and
expanded by the software (Simplorer) in order to predict it is still developing [6]. Simply bang-bang regulation or
vibration control on different frequencies and for different the sliding mode algorithm, both names for holding a
machining processes. Such a comparison is important in the certain variable near a reference value, was used widely in
sense of the price of vibration compensators because inte- the 80s and 90s for power factor compensation [7], [8]. This
grated electrical circuits with the same algorithm were method enables the same wires to transport more electrical
developed for almost three decades and they have witnessed energy in an electrical network. Could it be used for
a break through in mass production because of modern PC improving cutting, grinding or drilling? It has been shown
production. that a decrease of vibration during machine tool or other
Keywords: vibration control, simulation, mechatronic part production increases its precision [4], [9], [10], [11].
Usage of active compensation hasn’t been widely exploited
in fixture systems because standard solutions enable satis-
factory results, and industry mostly shows no interest.
Abstrakt Accordingly, [4] booth factors have been changed recently
Technológia prípravy nástrojov sa stáva viac a viac so- and known solutions have to be adapted to new applica-
fistikovanejšou, účelom je dosiahnutie vysokej kvality a tions.
presnosti nástrojov a prípravkov. Zliatiny a ich vlastnosti sú The main change in the adopted system is expected to be
všeobecne dobre známe, vzniká ale nová myšlienka zlepšo- in actuators and in sensors. There is a lot research in the
vania kvality nástrojov. Bolo dokázané, že zníženie vibrácii area of actuators [2], [12]. In low power applications such
počas výroby nástroja, resp. inej jeho časti zvyšuje jeho as the PC hard drive (HDD) vibration compensator [13], as
presnosť. Článok popisuje adoptáciu známeho inžinierskeho in high power applications, different mechatronic systems
riešenia (aktívneho silového filtra APF) pri výrobe príprav- have been proposed involving electromagnetic [14] or
kov. Výsledky sú rozvinuté aj na iné problémy, kde by sa piezoelectric actuators [2], [15]. In high power vibration
mohol uplatniť rovnaký obvodový algoritmus (napr. pri compensation, tuned mass dampers (TMD) [16] or seismic
kompenzácii vibrácií v chladničkách resp. klimatizáciách). isolation is usually proposed [17]. Passive solutions have
Aktívny silový filter bol realizovaný mikroprocesorovým also been applied for fixture solutions in the past but a need
systémom (založenom na TMS320F240). Výsledky boli for a more structured and scientific approach to the develop-
analyzované a následne zovšeobecnené softvérovou apliká- ment of fixtures has recently appeared [4]. The goal is the
ciou (Simplorer) s účelom predvídania kontroly vibrácií pre reduction of vibration in order to compensate noise or to
rozdielne frekvencie a rozdielne procesy obrábania. Takéto achieve higher precision during machining processes. In
porovnanie je dôležité z hľadiska ceny vibračného kompen- order to present a low coast solution for vibration control
zátora, nakoľko integrované elektrické obvody s podobným the H-bridge active power filter has been presented. Later,
algoritmom boli vyvinuté pred skoro troma desaťročiami the same system will be analyzed in light of vibration
a s príchodom modernej výpočtovej produkcie boli svedka- control.
mi nasadenia do masovej produkcie.
Kľúčové slová: vibračná kontrola, simulácia, mechatro-
nický koncept

exists the same as in the electronic system but here it has
additional meaning of force because it sets an actuator in the
motion. The analogy is obvious if the Faraday law of in-
duction (9) is compared with second Newton law of motion
(10) as follows:
V di
= (9)
L dt
F dv d s
= = 2
= a. (10)
m dt dt
Fig. 8 Lathe TU 360
Obr. 8 Sústruh TU 360
Measurements were conducted on a lathe (turning ma-
chine) shown on figure 8.
Frequencies which are usually compensated in electro-
nic systems (section 2) are 50, 150, 250, 350 Hz, which
means odd harmonic components of the mains signal (50
Hz). In literature it can be found that frequencies generated
by cutting are of several hundreds of hertz up to 1500 Hz
[2]. However, it’s maximum appears at 350 Hz which is
almost equal to that seen in the power filter application.
That means that the power factor compensator and the
vibration compensator could be implemented on the same
microprocessor system or with the same integrated circuit
(which could be appropriate for industrial application) so
the similar results in sense of compensating waveforms
could be achieved [18].

4 Sensor and actuator selection Fig. 9 Proposed vibration compensator for machine tool
It can be noted that current waveform is similar in applications derived from active power filter
waveform to the rotor vibration during acceleration of the Obr. 9 Navrhnutý vibračný kompenzátor pre aplikácie
electromotive drive (sections 2 and 3). During part machi- výroby nástrojov odvodený z aktívneho silového filtra
ning similar oscillation occurs and similar results (dyna- In spite of the fact that both systems need to be more
mics) are needed. Consequently, the same microprocessor precisely mathematically described, an analogy between
system or integrated circuit can be used for both problems. them could be observed in light of these two simple
The segment that differs at different applications includes equations (9 and 10). The vibration compensator has both
sensors and actuators. As it was shown in section 2 the electrical and mechanical time constants so it can be ex-
active power filter has a current sensor and an inductor as pected that its time constant will be larger than the electrical
an actuator. The fixture device would have a very accurate time constant. The dynamics of both systems could be ana-
displacement sensor and electromagnet actuator as proposed lyzed also as a function of filter capacitor voltage (VC1),
in Sturos et al. [14], which is an inductor with a movable which can be controlled, so in the sense of simulation both
magnet connected to machining part. Analogy between systems were assumed to have equal time constants.
mechatronic systems is obvious. For the fixturing device a Figure 10. shows simulation of vibration control in pro-
piezoelectric sensor would be appropriate [1], [2], [12], gram Simplorer followed by amplitude spectra of vibration
[19]. These materials (sensors and actuators) offer an displacement before and after compensation (figures 11 and
expansion deformation roughly proportional to the voltage, 12). Figure 13 presents vibration compensation for other ty-
up to 0.1% (1µm/mm) at typically 150 V. In electromotive pe (frequency spectrum) of vibration followed by frequency
drives the semiconductor or optical sensors also can be used spectrums of vibration displacement on figures 14 and 15.
[11] in order to sense vibration. All results were shown on the same amplitude scale. In this
way vibration reduction can be noted easily.
5 Proposed active part fixture device
The similarity of problems and tools used in power
factor correction and vibration control results in the adop-
tion of the systems shown in figures 3. and 5. for use in a
vibration compensating device or machining part fixture
shown on figure 9.
Depending on the machining process vibration in cutting
direction [19] or in some other direction, compensation can
be made. The simulation of a proposed circuit was conduc-
ted following the analogy presented in the electronic sys-
tem. In this way, current becomes speed and it is connected
with displacement, voltage in the vibration compensator
Fig. 10. Simplorer simulation results for vibration control;
filter capacitor voltage – measure of force (1), compensated
vibrations – motion of compensated device (2), vibration
before compensating (3), vibration produced by
compensating device – actuator (4)
Obr. 10 Výsledky simulácie kontroly vibrácii v aplikácii
Simplorer; napätie kapacitátora filtra – meranie sily (1),
kompenzované vibrácie – pohyb kompenzovaného
zariadenia (2), vibrácie pred kompenzáciou (3), vibrácie Fig. 15 Amplitude spectra of vibrations after compensation
vytvorené kompenzačným zariadením – aktivátor (4) Obr. 15 Amplitúdové spektrum vibrácií po kompenzácii

Fig. 11 Amplitude spectra of vibrations before Fig. 16 Sliding mode algorithm presented in program
compensation Matlab/Simulink for fixture application on lathe
Obr. 11 Amplitúdové spektrum vibrácií pred kompenzáciou Obr. 16 Algoritmus s kĺzavým módom vytvorený
v Matlab/Simulink pre aplikáciu prípravku na sústruhu.
Two different types of vibration waveforms are tested in
order to show frequency invariance of system. That is its
main advantage comparing with passive methods of com-
Figure 16. shows an adopted sliding mode algorithm for
vibration control applications.

Fig. 12 Amplitude spectra of vibrations after compensation

Obr. 12 Amplitúdové spektrum vibrácií po kompenzácii

Fig. 13 Simplorer simulation results for vibration control;

filter capacitor voltage – measure of force (1), compensated Fig. 17 Microprocessor system with single phase H-bridge
vibrations – motion of compensated device (2), vibration which can be used as active power filter or vibration
before compensating (3), vibration produced by compensator
compensating device – actuator (4) Obr. 17 Mikroprocesorový systém s jednofázovým
Obr. 13 Výsledky simulácie kontroly vibrácii v aplikácii H-mostíkom, ktorý môže byť použitý ako aktívny silový filter
Simplorer; napätie kapacitátora filtra – meranie sily (1), alebo kompenzátor vibrácií
kompenzované vibrácie – pohyb kompenzovaného Figure 17. shows the microprocessor system dSPACE
zariadenia (2), vibrácie pred kompenzáciou (3), vibrácie suitable for implementation of different mechatronic sys-
vytvorené kompenzačným zariadením – aktivátor (4) tems.

5 Conclusion
An adoption of an electronic circuit for power factor
compensation was presented. Its new application is
vibration control. The presented single phase circuit can
compensate vibrations in one direction. For compensation
of vibrations in two or three dimensions, two or three such
Fig. 14 Amplitude spectra of vibrations before circuits have to be used (or one multiphase circuit). This
compensation article describes an electromagnetic actuator, but also
Obr. 14 Amplitúdové spektrum vibrácií pred kompenzáciou pneumatic actuators can also be used for larger tool ma-
chines. One could notice that both the power factor correc-

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