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41. Unit - a subdivision of any government agency.

42. Work During Rest Day - a duly authorized work rendered during periods design
ated as regular rest day of the worker.
43. R.A. 6758 - An Act Prescribing a Revised Compensation and Position Classific
ation in the Government and for other purposes.
44. Part-time public health worker - those who are rendering services for four (
4) hours per day or twenty (20) hours per week.
45. Standard Ratio of Manpower to Population:
Rural Health Physician = 1:20,000
Public Health Nurse = 1:20,000
Rural Health Midwife = 1:5,000
Rural Health Inspector = 1:20,000
Rural Health Dentist = 1:50,000
46. Networking - an organized system of government and private hospitals helping
each other in rendering/providing services not available at their respective ho
spital. This includes sharing of equipment, manpower and other resources which
follow certain referral procedure. The agency concerned shall shoulder the expe
nses incurred thereof.
47. Professional Services - services rendered or extended by Public Health Worke
rs but not limited to medical, dental and nursing professionals.
RULE IV - Standards Applicable to Agencies Claiming Parts of its Organization as
Covered by Virtue of a Health-Related Function:
Section 1. The Agency should show that its health service function is specifical
ly included in the legal mandate of the agency as shown by the legislation or ex
ecutive order creating or establishing the agency or unit of the agency. The ba
sis will be an examination of the relevant legal document.
Section 2. In addition, the Agency should then show the official approved staffi
ng pattern corresponding to the unit or subdivision covered by the legal mandate
which include the health service function. The basis will be an examination of
the relevant administrative documents.
Section 3. Based on satisfying the above two (2) requirements, i.e. legal mandat
e and staffing pattern, the inclusion under the law's coverage will apply only t
o those personnel occupying the identified positions in the unit determined to b
e "health related" under these procedures.
RULE V - Recruitment and Qualification
Section 1. Appointment of a Public Health Worker in the service shall be made on
the basis of the qualification standards established the position. The qualifi
cation standards shall be used as basis for civil service examinations as guides
in appointment and other personnel actions, in the adjudication of protested ap
pointments, in determining training needs, and as aids in the evaluation of the
personnel work program of an Agency. Qualification standards for a position pro
vided by the agency concerned in addition to the minimum qualification standards
, as cited in page 20, Qualification Standards Revised 1997, of the Civil Servic
e Commission (CSC) for that particular position shall be binding as cited in Rul
e IV, Section 2 of Book V.
Section 2. The recruitment, selection, appointment and qualification standards o
f Public Health Workers developed and implemented by the appropriate government
agency shall be in accordance with existing and pertinent civil service law, rul
es and regulation as cited in Rule II to V, Book V.
Section 3. A Selection/Promotion Board (Rule VI, Section 9 to 11 of Book V shal
l be established in each Department or Agency in accordance with civil service l
aw and rules. The Board shall pas upon all applicants for original / promotiona
l appointments. Furthermore, it shall set criteria or guidelines in the deliber
ation of the applicant's qualifications, which should be made public.
Section 4. Each agency shall develop its own process, in addition to those provi
ded by the Civil Service Law and Rules.
Section 5. Permanent appointment shall be issued to a health worker who meets al
l the requirements for the position to which he/she is being appointed / promote
d, including the approximate eligibility prescribed, in accordance with the prov
isions of the law, rules and standards promulgated in pursuance thereof.
Section 6. A temporary appointment shall be issued to a Public Health Worker who
meets all the requirements for the position to which he/she is being appointed
except the appropriate eligibles in the area, willing and able to assume the pos
ition as certified by the Civil Service Regional Director concerned, and it deem
s necessary in the interest of public service a vacancy. Such appointment shall
not exceed twelve (12) months nor be less than three (3) months renewable there
after, but that the appointee maybe replaced sooner if (a) a qualified civil ser
vice eligible becomes available, or (b) the appointee is found wanting in perfor
mance or conduct befitting a government employee.
RULE VI - Performance Evaluation and Merit Promotion
Section 1. The Secretary of Health, upon consultation with the proper government
agency concerned and the Management-Health Workers' Consultative Councils, as e
stablished under Section 33 of this Act, shall prepare a uniform career and pers
onnel development plan applicable to all public health personnel. Such career a
nd personnel development plan shall include provisions on merit promotion, perfo
rmance evaluation, in-service training grants, job rotation, suggestions and inc
entive award system.
Section 2. The performance evaluation plan shall consider foremost the improveme
nt of individual employee efficiency and organizational effectiveness; provided,
that each employee shall be informed regularly by his/her supervisor of his/her
performance evaluation.
Section 3. The merit promotion plan shall be in consonance with the rules of the
Civil Service Commission.
RULE VII - Transfer of Geographical Reassignment
Section 1. A public health worker shall not be transferred and/or re-assigned, e
xcept when made in the interest of public service, in which case, the employee c
oncerned shall be informed of the reasons therefore in writing. If the public h
ealth worker believes that there is no justification for the transfer and/or rea
ssignment, he/she may appeal his/her case to the Civil Service Commission, which
shall cause his/her transfer and/or reassignment to be held in abeyance.
Section 2. No transfer nor reassignment shall be made three months before any lo
cal or national elections.
Section 3. In case of temporary reassignment, all expenses incidental to the rea
ssignment of the Public Health Worker shall be reimbursed by the government.
Section 4. In case of permanent reassignment requiring the relocation of the fam
ily, all necessary expenses shall be paid for by the government.
RULE VIII - Married Public Health Workers
Section 1. In case spouses are both Public Health Workers, they can be assigned,
as much as possible, in the same locality but not in the same office or unit.
Section 2. Couples wanting to be in the same locality of assignment shall signif
y their intention by writing to the Health of the Agency. Such request shall be
approved only if a vacancy exists.
Section 3. Request shall be approved on a "first-come, first-served" basis.
RULE IX - Security of Tenure
Section 1. Public Health Workers who are regularly employed under permanent stat
us shall have security of tenure and shall not be terminated or dismissed except
for cause provided by law and after due process.
Section 2. In case a Public Health Worker is found by the Civil Service Commissi
on to be unjustly dismissed from the service, he/she shall be entitled to reinst
atement without loss of seniority rights and payment of backwages/salaries and o
ther benefits with twelve percent (12%) interest computed from the time such sal
aries and other benefits were withheld up to the time reinstatement.
Section 3. Pubic Health Worker's right to security of tenure shall always be res
pected/guaranteed as provided by law.
RULE X - Staffing and Workload
Section 1. Each Agency shall conduct periodic reviews of the personnel complemen
t of its health and health -related establishments to determine the adequacy of
staffing pattern and work load of each public health worker.
Section 2. The Department of Health, in consultation with Department of Budget a
nd Management and other agencies concerned, shall set standard staffing pattern
for health and health related establishment.
Section 3. The standard staffing pattern shall not be determined based on health
workers to population ratio alone but must consider the terrain, road network,
population concentration and others that affect operations.
Section 4. Positions that are vital and necessary shall be filled to prevent ove
rloading of Public Health Workers and understaffed of the Agency as determined b
y the Health of Agency/Unit.
Section 5. The Head of the Local Government Unit concerned shall designate a Med
ico-Legal Officer for their Province / Municipality. The Rural Health Physician
or any Resident Physician in a non-training hospital could be designated as the
Medico-Legal Officer provided that the individual had undergone an appropriate
training for such services.
Section 6. In line with the above policy, substitute officer or employees shall
be provided in place of officers or employees who are on leave for over three (3
) months. Likewise, the Secretary of Health or the proper government official s
hall assign a medico-legal officer in every province.
Section 7. In places where there is no such medico-legal officer, rural physicia
ns who who are required to render medico-legal services shall be entitled to add
itional honorarium and allowances.
RULE XI - Administrative Discipline
Section 1. No administrative charges shall be filed against a Public Health Work
er unless an existing prima facie evidence is established in the preliminary inv
estigation/hearing. Administrative charges shall be made known to him/her and h
eard by the committee created for the purpose.
Section 2. The preliminary and formal investigation/ hearing of administrative c
harges shall be in accordance with the Omnibus Rules Implementing Book V of Exec
utive Order No. 292 and other Pertinent Civil Service Laws, Rules and Regulation
s, and other implementing rules and regulations.
Section 3. Local health workers' organizations duly recognized by the Local Gove
rnment Unit shall be represented in the investigating committee.
Section 4. Investigation findings and recommendations shall be submitted to the
Head of Agency or to the Local Government Unit within thirty (30) days upon com
pletion of the investigation.
Section 5. Administrative charges against a public health worker shall be heard
by a committee composed of the provincial health officer of the province where
the Public Health Worker belongs, as chairperson, a representative of any existi
ng national or provincial health worker's organization or in its absence its loc
al counterpart and a supervisor of the office mentioned above. The committee sh
all submit its recommendation to the Secretary of Health or the appropriate disc
iplining authority within thirty (30) days from the termination of the investiga
tion/hearings. Where the Provincial Health Officer is an interested party in th
e case, all the members of the committee shall be appointed by the Secretary of
Health or the appropriate disciplining authority.
Section 6. The national public health workers under the jurisdiction of the Secr
etary of Health and/or its delegated officer or officers shall be governed by th
e rules embodied under Executive Order 292, its Implementing Rules and Regulatio
ns, other pertinent Civil Service Laws, Rules and Regulations and Orders.
RULE XII - Safeguards in Disciplinary Procedure shall be undertaker to Uphold th
e following.
a. The right to be informed in writing of the chargers;
b. The right to full access to the evidence of the case;
c. The right to defend himself/her and to be defended by a representative of hi
s/her choice and/or by his / her organization, adequate time being given to the
public health worker for the preparation of his/her defense;
d. The right to confront witness/es presented against him/her and summon witnes
s/es in his/her behalf;
e. The right to appeal to designated authorities;
f. The right to reimbursement of reasonable expenses incurred in his/her defense
in case of exoneration or dismissal of the charges; and,
g. Such other right that will ensure fairness and impartiality during proceeding
RULE XIII - Duties and Obligations
Section 1. In addition to the duties of public officials and employees contained
in the implementing Rules of the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards under RA
6713 promulgated herein, pursuant to Section 14 of RA 7305, the public health w
orker is bound to:
a. Discharge his/her duty humanely, with conscience and dignity;
b. Perform his/her duty with utmost respect for life; and,
c. Exercise his/her duty without consideration of client's race, gender, religio
n, nationality, party politics, social standing or capacity to pay.
RULE XIV - Code of Conduct
Section 1. As provided for by Section 14 of the Act, the Code of Conduct for Pub
lic Health Worker shall be disseminated at all levels of the health system. (Pl
ease refer to pages 56-64)
RULE XV - Compensation, Benefits and Privileges
Section 1. Normal Hours of Work. Public health workers, similar to other governm
ent employees, shall be required to render eight (8) hours of work per day or fo
rty (40) hours a week.
1.1. Hours worked shall include: a) all the time during which a public health
worker is
required to be on active duty or to be at a prescribed workplace; and
b) all the
time during which a Public Health Worker is required or permitted to w
provided, that during times that a public health worker is "ON CALL" s
tatus as
defined in these Rules, he shall be entitled to ON CALL pay equivalent
to fifty
percent (50%) of his regular wage.
1.2 Scheduling of Normal Work Hours
a) Heads of agencies and managers or supervisors of component organizati
units shall have the authority to schedule the normal work hours of
Public Health
Workers according to the demands of public service. Administrative r
governing the application of flexible work hours shall apply as appr
b) In scheduling the 8 hours of work normally rendered by daily rated wo
consideration should be given to utilizing the daily work hours in o
nly one shift or
in no more than two 4-hour segments within the day.
c) In scheduling the 40 hours per week normally rendered by monthly or a
rated workers, any regular day's work required should not exceed 12
hours nor
be less than 4 hours, unless the public health worker gives a writte
n consent to
serve otherwise.
d) Public health workers required to render 24-hour service shall be gra
nted an
extra day off immediately after each 24-hours tour of duty.
e) In scheduling normal work hours, attention should be given to distrib
uting the
burden of shifts outside the normal office hours (8am to 5pm) and us
operating days (Monday to Friday) of government agencies. Normal wo
rk hours
rendered at night, on weekends and during holidays should be shared
with all members of the workforce.
f) Work schedules of all workers should be duly posted in the premises
of the
agency or unit so that Public Health Workers can determine for themse
lves the
fairness of distribution of normal work hours among all members of th
g) Any arrangement requiring less than normal full-time services (e.i.
less than 8
hours for daily rated or less than 40 hours for monthly or annually
rated workers)
shall be regarded as part-time employment and subject to proportionat
adjustment in salary to be computed as a percentage of actual time se
divided by the fulltime service required.
h) Any arrangement requiring Public Health Workers to render more than
8 hours a
day or 40 hours for a week shall be subjected to overtime pay and/or
night shift
differential pay for the periods in excess of the fulltime service.
i) During normal hours of work, the public health worker is expected to
perform his
or her duties and functions in a specific post or assignment subject
to a regular
schedule of work and rest periods, including sufficient allowance fo
r meal breaks
and short interruptions for the purpose of meeting personal necessit
ies as these
Section 2. Additional Compensation for Additional Work
2.1 Types of Additional Work Eligible for Additional Compensation
The following types of service rendered, in addition to the normal work h
ours covered
by the basic salary, shall be entitled to additional compensation:
(a) "On Call" service
(b) "Overtime" service
(c) "Work During Rest Day"
(d) "Night Shift" service
2.2 Conditions Governing the Grant of Additional Compensation for These Types o
f Additional Work
2.2.1 The following general conditions apply to the grant of additional compe
for the above types of additional work;
(a) Heads of agencies/local chief executives shall issue specific authorization
whenever workers are required to render any of these four types of additio
nal work.
Such authorizations shall include all the details necessary to verify to w
hat extent
the work required was actually rendered. The authorization shall include
certification that funds necessary for payment of the corresponding additi
compensation have been or will be set aside by the office to ensure prompt
of this benefit;
(b) Public Health Workers are required to render any of these four types of add
work that are duly authorized by the Head of Agency or manager of the
organizational unit. They cease to be obligated to do so;
However, whenever their previously rendered and properly validated additio
nal service
remains unpaid three months after such service, it is thus the legal right
of a Public
Health Worker to refuse to render additional work beyond normal work hours
prior additional work has remained unpaid three months after rendering ser
Such refusal to render additional work under this condition shall not be a
ground for
any administrative action made or basis for an unfavorable performance rat
(c) All additional compensation earned by rendering duly authorized and properl
validated additional work should be paid within three months after such wo
rk was
rendered. Payments for additional compensation may be made together with
separately from usual payments of regular salaries;
(d) No amount of additional compensation earned for rendering these four types
additional work shall be incorporated in to the basic salary of the worker;
(e) Funding for the payment of additional compensation for these four types of
work may be sourced from the agency's personal services, savings, as well a
s from
the agency's personal services, savings, as well as from other trust funds
purposes cover the activities included in the additional work.

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