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'0 Crier of Good News...shout with the voice of a trumpet blast...your God is coming."


"You folks gave us our first lesson about the Bible!" So said a wife of a Soviet army
officer. She and her female friend sat in our compartment on a train which was bursting at the

seams with Soviet people returning home from Poland. What a privilege it was to testify of our
Lord to her, her friend, plus to a father and his son who were also returning home from a
vacation in Poland. And right from the start we did it as an evangelistic team.
It seemed like every person had his or her own particular part to play, and the Lord used
each person's talents in the preaching and sharing of his Word. Allan Dunbar, minister from
Calgary, Alberta, served as our main speaker-evangelist. He spoke with great enthusiasm and
conviction. Clarence Brooks, a retired school teacher, from Bloomfield, Ontario, related his

life-story of how the Lord found him and how this event changed the course of his life and
life's work. Clarence took charge of handling and handing out tracts and Bibles that we were

enabled to bring in from Poland for Soviet citizens. Fay and Janice Rostvit from Colorado
Springs, Colorado, sang gospel songs in many languages of the world, including songs in
Russian, Belorussian, Ukrainian and Polish. You should have seen people's ears perk up when
they would hear songs in languages understandable to them. The twins gave numerous

examples of how the Lord took care of them in extremely tough situations. Furthermore, the
audiences reveled in their ability to make their "dolls" (puppets) talk about God, Christ and

things of the Bible. This was something completely new for most who came. My 83-year old
father also played his unique part, as he would speak of his early days in the very places we
were preaching. I served as translator for the group. I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed
translating the English-speaking members of our team into Belorussian, although at times, I
must admit, I felt a tad weary. The Lord, however, undertook for me and the rest of the
team's members in a marvellous manner. He's so faithful! I also spoke every night together
with the other team members.

Perhaps one of our greatest surprises was the fact that none of our pieces of luggage was
searched going into the Soviet Union. For me this was a first. We took tracts. Bibles, song
books and other Christian literature with us. All of it was handed out and left in Belorussia.

The hunger for Christian literature is insatiably high. We saw if before our very eyes.
What joy we experienced in seeing the huge crowds of people coming to hear the
preaching of the Word. One place that comes to mind is the city of Drahichyn in the Brest
Oblast of Belorussia. The church building could not even begin to contain the seven to eight

hundred people standing outside. An outdoor platform with microphone and loudspeakers was
set up to accommodate the crowd. When we first arrived, huge rain clouds hovered over the
place of meeting. "Lord," we prayed, "keep the rain from us this evening." And he did. The
service could go on. At the end, some 12 souls came forward in repentance and indicated their


desire to receive Jesus as Saviour and Lord. But many more came asking us for Bibles and
tracts which we gladly handed out. Believe it or not, those hundreds of people stood for 3

hours in the cool evening. Few, if any, left during the service. The crowd just kept growing.
Then there was the service in one village not too far from Kobrin. The local preacher
explained how he had gone to the local village authorities requesting the use of the House of
Culture for a Christian meeting. The minister himself feared to approach the locals for such an
unusual request. Five years ago this was the unthinkable. What joy it was to get the OK at
first, only to have it dashed by some whimsical higher authority. But when it was made known
that guests from Canada and Ae USA were coming, even that stubborn individual had to
capitulate. On the day of the meeting some of the believers overheard other fellow-villagers
saying that the local Orthodox priest warned his people not to attend the meeting of the
evangelicals. But seemingly few heeded his stem caution. The auditorium was packed to
capacity. When the invitation was given no one walked forward, but the local brethren later
assured us that our being there laid a solid foundation for future evangelistic fruit. "There are
those who are now closer to the Lord and they'll come in time. Tonight was a strong reminder
to them. They won't forget it."
Some churches are going through great growing pains. Take the one in the city of Kobrin.
The believers have completed about 75% of their new towering edifice. Their present place of
meeting pathetically houses their congregation. Talk about crowded! I've never seen anything
like it. Do these folks need their new "house of prayer" or what! Yet, to complete its
construction, funds are desperately needed. There just is not enough on hand at the present
time. Prices for building materials have gone up from 2 to 4 times that of last year. "Please
help us," they pleaded with us. "Or tell others there back in Canada and the USA that might
want to help us pay for materials and specialists. We're doing ourselves what we can with our
own hands, but need further help from others." It is such larger city churches that send

evangelistic teams into their own city and neighbouring villages. Unfortunately, they struggle to
meet their goals in matters of Christian service and providing adequate facilities for the crowds
that appear to hear the preaching of God's Word.
One other surprise awaited me personally. After our service in the Minsk congregation,

representatives of a Belorussian organization "Batskaushchina" (Fatherland) approached me and

expressed how pleased they were to hear my father and me spealdng and translating into
Belorussian. They invited me to speak to their group in the House of Literature in downtown
Minsk at a later date. I arranged to do this following my trip to Lithuania. It was a privilege
to have the excellent choir from the Minsk Church join me in this venture. The choir members

sang a couple of hymns in the Belorussian language

before and after I spoke. I simply shared the Gospel
and told of how the Lord lead me into a ministry in
the Belorussian language. Following the program
several people came up to me with my book "New
Life in Christ" which they had bought in bookstands in
Minsk and request that I autograph them. This I gladly

did with the prayer that those who purchased it would




be changed by its message. I thank the Lord for this

opportunity to share his Word with my people.
In conclusion, we went as a team to Belorussia and

we all saw the great need for a concerted effort on the ^

Singing How Great Thou Art'' in Russian

- Slutsk, BSSR.

part of local believers to evangelize and disciple their own people. Each one of us on the team
did his or her part. Many responded in repentance, obedience and faith. Since our return home,
the local believers reported that during July and August they will baptize unusually high
numbers of candidates. We praise the Lord for this. We thank him for giving us the
opportunity to play, at least, some small role in the harvest of souls. But, oh, so much more
needs to be done both in the area of calling people to faith in Christ and discipling them in his
way. The newly converted must, too, become fruitful servants of God in this present age.
We thank you for your prayers for us. Now let us pray for the believers in the USSR,
Poland and other Eastern European countries that their service will be a most effective one
during this time in the histories of their countries, for the glory of God and for the salvation
and Christian growth of precious souls.
ceorge Repetsid


"When I left Canada to visit my homeland of Ukraine after being away from it for a

period of 49 years, I had no idea that I would be mcluded in such an extensive program of
Christian service there." So writes Paul Diatel in a letter to his supporters. Already before he

came, the local preachers prepared a fiill schedule of meetings in which he was to take part in
various cities and villages of Ukraine. One of the first churches he visited was in the city of
Kovel. It was here that he first heard the Gospel message. Following this, he spoke in churches
in the immediate area of Kovel, then in Rovno, Lutsk and Kiev, the capital city of the Ukraine.

In Kiev Brother Paul had the privilege of attending a meeting of senior ministers from
various oblasts (regions) of the republic. One of the leading brothers introduced him as their
guest from Canada and one who broadcasts to the Ukraine. Paul spoke of GMRM's ministries
to the Slavic peoples including the sending of Christian broadcasts and literature to the Ukraine.
This gathering gave him ample opportunity to acquaint himself with the present church
leadership in the Ukraine. TTiey encouraged him to maintain close ties with them and have him
and GMRM involved in ftiture joint ventures with them. Paul reports that he served in Word
and song many times over and sensed God's presence and blessing.
One extremely encouraging thing that Brother Diatel experienced was the fact that both
believers and non-believers testified that they listen regularly to him over the radio and have
already successfiilly received Christian literature from him. This brings him much joy. He, too,
speaks of the great freedom to preach and spread God's Word to needy and seeking souls. The
Word is being preached in churches, public buildings, prisons, out on the streets. Believers are
busily building new church edifices for God's glory.
Paul wishes to thank all who support him in his ministry by prayers and financial gifts. He

feels privileged to have seen the land ofhis birth again, and stiu to be able to continue

preaching the Gospel through radio to his own people. We all look forward to new ventures for
Christ in the Ukraine. May the Lord guide Paul and all of us in these exciting days of


It is with great sadness and a sense of

great loss that we must report the passing of
one of GMRM*s Board Members, Bob

Memorial Gifts

Ewbank, to be with his Lord. On May 26,

our dear brother died following his final

struggle with cancer. We extend our deepest

sympathy to his wife and family.
Bob came onto the Board of GMRM in

1985 as a result of an invitation to do so by

our former co-worker. Brother John K. Huk,
Sr. Aside from his service on GMRM's Board

of Directors, for many years he served as

"That is why we never give up. Though our

bodies are dying, our inner strength in the
Lord is growing every day. These troubles
and sufferings of ours are, after all, quite
small and won't last very long. Yet this short
time of distress will result in God's richest

blessings upon us forever and ever!"

chairman of the Missions Committee of

2 Cor. 4:16,17

Springfield Christian Church, Springfield,

Ohio. Already this showed Bob's keen interest
in missions, specifically, his deep desire to

see the Gospel shared with the peoples of the

world. We all appreciated Bob's insight into
the affairs of the mission and valued his

advice. He will be missed by all of us and,

most of all, by his own family. We thank the
Lord for this servant who willingly assisted us
in making necessary decisions for the ongoing
ministry of GMRM. His example will
continue to inspire us all.


Vera BajenskI


George BsyenskiPolish Ministry

Paul Diatel

Ukrainian Ministry

George RepetskiRuss/Belorussian Ministry

Jacob Repetski Beiomsslan Ministry

In memory of: Matrona Uskow

Given by: Mary Huk
In memory of; Dr. Robert Ewbank
Given by: George & Vera Bajenski

In memory of: Mr. & Mrs. John Melashenko

Given by: Eileen Melashenko
In memory of: Tom Bematsky
Given by: John & Tamara Hiycak
In memory of: Zachary Hrycak
Given by: John & Tamara Hrycak
In memory of: John K. Huk, Sr.
Given by: Maijorie Walters

Our Mailing Address is:




M9C 4V2

tel. and

(416) 564-3578

Box 104, Geneva, Ohk)

Address Conrection Requested.
Published 6 times a year.
Printed in Canada

In memory of: Benjamin Bajenski

Given by: Boyd & Julia Lammiman
Florence & Kerry Wicklander
Glenn & Deborah Foster
Lee & Velma Farrell

George & Lucille Repetski

Wayne & Sally Rutledge


"O Crier of Good News...shout with the voice of a trumpet blast...your God is coming."


From the beginning of this year we could see that it would be an exciting and challenging year
for us. We prayed about it and made the commitment to use all possible strength and available
resources in the work of personal witness in the fields of our mission endeavour. God allowed
three of our GMRM missionaries to spend considerable time this summer in Poland, Belorussia,
the Ukraine, Russia and even Lithuania. In our previous reports you have read some of George
Repetski's and Paul Diatel's ministry. Now I would like to relate some of my involvements and

Beginning in April, I visited churches in the Soviet Union, travelling with a group of Korean
Christians, Pastor Sam Hwan Kim from Seoul, fourteen businessmen from his congregation, and
two American-Korean Christians from the United States. We were invited to take part in
evangelistic meetings conducted in three major Belorussian cities, Vitebsk, Minsk and Gomel.
Services were prepared and conducted in large public buildings such as the House of Culture, the
Opera House and a local Sport Arena. Several thousand people took part in these meetings. Each
evening in response to the Gospel preaching hundreds of people came forward accepting Christ,
praying with us and talking with persons designated for this purpose. It was a highlight experience
for all of us and I know that even Heaven was rejoicing as people were opening their hearts to
the Lord. We have already had several reports telling us of many who came forward and are now
attending local churches with many following their commitment to the Lord in Christian baptism.
Another exciting development during our Belorussian visit was the ground-breaking ceremony
for the first Christian Nursing Home to be built in the city of Minsk. Our Korean guests being
challenged by what they had seen and experienced commited themselves to the completion of
this project.
While visiting churches in Belorussia we were able to make arrangements for a group of
children close to the Chernobyl disaster area to come to Poland to the Ostruda Youth Camp. Here
at least for a few weeks they could breath fresh air, eat clean food and enjoy good Christian
fellowship. This project proved to be very successful and was carried on throughout several weeks
of the summer program. Thus this year we entered into even closer mission relationship between
Poland and Belorussia.

Now, coming to Poland, I have to admit I had a somewhat different feeling about this place
this year. It's true Poland is now a free country but this freedom exists not only for good things,
as corruption, crime and disharmony seem to be ruling over the land. The influence of the Roman
Catholic Church is felt stronger, everywhere. They boast of their religious Christian heritage, but


NO. 5

; t' :vs^t:t: they do not care and do not even know who
Jesus is. For most of them, Mary, the mother-of


George, Pastor Hwan Kim and Andrew Lee in Minsk

history from theSwedes and from theTurks and

Jesus, is sufficient. They say, 'She saved us in

tendency to include some of this emphasis in the

Polish constitution that is now being
Friends, all of this provides us with a true

challenge for we know not religion, not a change

in politics or the economy brings us salvation, but only Jesus Christ can assure us of this and this
was the essence of my message wherever I travelled. This started with Warsaw where usually I
spent more time because of our radio work and other mission activities, then to the east part of
Poland where we feel strong attachment to the people because of family and Christian roots, then
Katowice and south Poland, Ostruda, Gdnask and Kolobrzeg and all the northern territories.
From a most exciting involvement I will just mention four weeks of successful evangelistic

campaigns, 'With the Bible Under the Tent,' conducted under the skillful leadership of Andrew
Bajenski and a young team of dedicated Christians mostly from the Warsaw Church. Thanks to
this effort another four cities without New Testament witness have heard the Gospel. From all
previous similar experiences this was the most successful and rewarding time. We were happy
that in one of these places brother Allan Dunbar from Calgary, and Janice and Faye Rostvit from
Colorado could share the message with the people. We can definitely say that the Church is
growing. Although the visual structures or buildings are not yet built, yet the Church has been
started. The challenge belongs to us again. We must find and send dedicated families to work
with people in each of these places.
Now in sharing about the Warsaw Church I would like to report that the construction of their
new chapel was going on throughout the summer. There is still a chance that we will be able to
have our first meeting in this enlarged chapel by the end of the year. Everything however depends

on finances. In response to our Spring appeal

With Allan
Allan Dunbar
Dunbar and
and George
George Repetski
Repetski at

for this project we received approximately

construction site of the
the Warsaw
Warsaw Church

$2,000.00 which was promptly sent to

Warsaw. However, another $48,000.00 is still

needed. Friends, if anyone reading this update

can help and encourage in the work of this

growing church in Warsaw, we do heartily

recommend it. If able, please send even today
your designated contribution for the 'Warsaw



congregation located in the eastern part

Poland took place the last week-end of June.
This church is in the city of Bielsk-Podlaski

f 9 a^


and is ministered by Konstanty Jakoniuk

whorfi some of you might know. They just
completed their effort of building a new



church building. Many of us gathered for this

happy occasion to thank God for helping in


the completion of this project. At the same

time we asked for His blessings as the real


work of building a true living Church is just

beginning in this place. For me personally it
was also a very special occasion, for during
this time of celebration we had the opportunity
of meeting at a nearby village with a group of
about 20 young adult Christians who 25 years
ago came to this place as campers for the
first summer youth camp in Poland that was

organized by us. It was an emotional and

. i

Beside the plaque of the Memorial

' SChapel-Barn
hSp^-Ba^n^^in Ostru"?""^'

glorious moment when we could lift our voices

and thank God for leading us through these many years of life and service.
One more involvement which I would say was our major investment in the life of Polish
churches this summer was the Youth Camp in Ostruda. From the third week of June till the first
week of September we had about 1,000 children, young people, students and young adults
praising God and learning to understand His Word in deeper commitment to His service. During
the first week of our scheduled program which was Family Week, we had a group of 16 guests all
the way from Parkcrest Christian Church, Long Beach, California. They came to share their love,
time and talents. It was a very inspiring and rewarding experience. They left us not only their love
and Christian testimony but something more tangible. They came with hammers ready to work
physically on some camp improvements. One such project was our new Memorial Chapel-Barn.
This new Chapel-Barn was rebuilt and made available for use this summer thanks thanks to many
who gave contributions for this in memory of Benjamin Bajenski. We are happy to announce this
and to thank all of you who remember us and Benjamin too. The Chapel-Barn is in full operation,

bringing joy to campers and much glory to our Heavenly Father. Thank you friends!
In conclusion I would like to share one more development from our summer in Poland. It is
happy news but at the same time very challenging and demanding for the future. In July we
received the final written document from the Ministry of Telecommunication in Poland granting us
a broadcasting licence and permit for daily broadcasting of Christian programs over a local AM
radio station in the city of Ostruda. This permit has possibilities of being extended in the future to
other locations and different frequencies. Friends, this is a very unique opportunity for spreading
the Gospel message in Poland. We have been discussing and praying about such an opportunity
over the past several years. Now it is in our reach. To start with we have access to an available
AM station in Ostruda with a functioning antennae and transmitters. We just have to set up our
own radio studio by providing our own equipment, tape recorders, microphones, etc., and we
need to find sponsors for 3 to 5 local Christians who would operate and record new programs.
Monthly funds will be needed to operate this station. We could even use the help of experienced
technicians or a broadcaster who could come to Poland on a missionary basis and help in this
ministry. It is all possible at this moment.
May God grant all of us the faith and vision to walk with Him victoriously as we face our daily
challenges in His service. Any word of advice and encouragement would be appreciated. God
Bless you.


That something incredibly big is developing

in this world and that we of this generation
are privileged to witness is becoming more
and more obvious. No matter what sphere of
life we look into, religion, politics, economy,
ecology, medicine or morals - all seems to be

When in 1978 the Polish Cardinal, Karol

Wojtyla, became the leader of the Roman

Catholic Church, we thought it unusual. But
when soon after Poland started to break from

Communist rule we thought it was incredible.

And when the rest of East Europe decided to
end and withdraw from Russian domination

we were overwhelmed. All of it happening

before our very eyes. And the walls of Berlin
came tumbling down. The whole of Europe is
changing, possibly to become the United
States of Europe.
Then momentarily our attention was turned
to the Middle East and the Gulf War. Back to

Europe for Yugoslavia and its war. Then

unusual diplomatic developments with a
possible Middle East Conference. A dramatic
military coup in the Soviet Union followed by
the Independence of Lithuania, Estonia and

Friends, we cannot overlook these

developments. They affect our life and

ministry for many of these things are
happening where our missionary outreach is
directed. Most of all. as we look to Scripture,

Luke, Urszula, George & Vera Bajenski at the

GMRM office.

During the second part of July and part of

August, Urszula and Luke Bajenski from
Warsaw were visiting with us in Toronto.
Together with them we were able to visit two
Christian camps and several churches.
Luke as a representative of Polish youth
and the Christian Youth Camp in Ostruda
passed on greetings and a word of thanks for
all help given to our Youth Camp. In each

place Luke shared his very moving testimony

of how the short life and tragic death of
Benjamin Bajenski his cousin motivated him
not to wait any longer but give his life to the
Lord now.

we can see that all of this and much more

must happen before the appointed time in

history when God in the person of His Son
Jesus one more time will step down and put
an end to all of man's struggling. The
acceleration of these developments is felt
already and it simply confirms what scripture
has been telling us all this time. It won't be
long. Jesus is coming soon, sooner than many
of us believing people even think. May we
remain faithful to Him in our commitment and

calling for;
'The Lord is not slow in l<eeping his promise,
as some understand slowness. He is patient
with you, not wanting anyone to perish but
everyone to come to repentance.' 2 Peter 3:9


Vera Bajenski Secretary

George BajenskiPolish Ministry
Paul Diatel
Ukrainian Ministry
George RepetskiRuss/Belorussian Ministry
Jacob Repetski Belorussian Ministry
Our Mailing Address Is:



M9C 4V2

tel. and fax (416) 564-3578

Box 104, Geneva, Ohio
Address Correction Requested.
Published 6 times a year.
Printed in Canada


In memory of: John K. Huk, Sr.

Dewey & Barbara Thackston
James & Nancy Hill
Olga Mazovick



Stella Chmell
Anna Trush

Stephen & Nadia Matiko

"O Crier of Good News...shout with the voice of a trumpet blast...your God is coming."
In memory of: Mary Huk
Eugene & Sarah Kucenko
Gary & Alison Sylvester
John & Betty Trumpore
Margaret Keeling

Stella Chmeil
Dora Tederoff

Lee & Velma Farrell


Janice and Faye Rostvit

Borys & Mary Ann Boyuk
Florence & Kerry Wicklander
John & Tamara Hrycak
Marjorie Walters
Jacob Repetski

During the months of November and

December, George and Vera Bajenski will be
conducting their ministry in Poland and the
USSR. Please remember them in your prayers!

Robert & Ann Manwick


Dora Tederoff

Some of our contributors have inquired

about the cut-off date for crediting contributions
on their 1991 tax returns. A gift postmarked in

Joe & Mervina Repetski

Harold & Pheba Smith
Martin & Lois Derlak

Dewey & Barbara Thackston

Olga Mazovick
Stella Chmell

Stephen & Nadia Matiko

David & Margaret Eubanks
In memory of: Bertha M. Gordon
John Gordon, Sr.
In memory of: Robert Ewbank


In memory of: Benjamin Bajenski

Lucas & Sadie Naydiuk
Olga Mazovick


As the month of November has reached its half-way point, and we

rapidly approach the end of another very eventful year in our life, one
question comes to our minds. What might be the most timely and most

appropriate wish or greeting that we could share with you today?

Would it be 'Happy Thanksgiving,' 'Merry Christmas' or 'Happy New

1991 is deductible for the tax year of 1991, even

though we may not receive it until January of
1992. The date on the postmark makes the dif

To be accurate, all could be timely, however, none expresses the

depth of our inner feelings nor satisfy the gratitude we feel toward you,
our friends and supporters of Missionary Radio Ministries. Above all
else, none of these popular seasonal greetings reflect our love and


Vera Bajenski
George Bajenski
Paul Diatel

George Repetski
Jacob Repetski

devotion to God and His Son, Jesus, who, after all, is the real source
of all of our happiness. He, that is Jesus, is the reason for the season!

Office Assistant

It is He, the greatest Treasure, the real source of Joy, Peace and Love

Polish Ministry
Ukrainian Ministry
Russ/Belorussian Ministry
Belorussian Ministry

that we wish for you today.

May the history of the past two thousand years, Bethlehem and

Calvary, and the long journey in between be brightened for us today by

First Christian Church

Springfield. Ohio
In memory of: Naomi Eliason
Elvin Eliason

Our Mailing Address is:

the certainty of the promise of His soon return to take us Home where


we will have the real Christ-mas celebration. May Heaven, our real
home, fill our thoughts and add lustre and sparkle to our usual, tradi



In memory of: Fred Posnikoff

Pauline Posnikoff

In memory of: John Huk, Jr.

Olga Mazovick

tional Christmas celebration. God is with us! Maranatha!


tel. and fax (416) 564-3578

George and Vera Bajenski, George Repetski, Paul Diatel

Box 104, Geneva, Ohio 44041

Address Correction Requested.

Published 6 times a year.
Printed in Canada



NO. 6

MARANATHA"....the LORD is coming



"Amen. Even so,come. Lord Jesus!

"For unto us a Child is Born,

To us a Son is given...
And He will be called

Wonderful Counsellor,

Mighty God,
Everlasting Father,
Prince of Peace."
Isaiah 9:6



ilOHN SllboRCNUK 1991





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