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Ever wonder why change is so hard?

Whether it be creating new long-term habits or simply taking one small

action to change your reality, what is it that allows some to succeed
while others fail?
The ability to take action and keep taking action in the face of external
obstacles separates successful people from failures. Because the
reality is that no matter what your external circumstances, they are
never the problem. As Tony Robbins said "success is never a matter
of resources, it's resourcefulness."
There is nothing that any successful person has that you and I don't.
So why is it then that only 1 percent of the country controls 43% of the
nations wealth? Or more than one third of Americans are obese? Or
according to happiness indexes only 1 in 3 Americans is happy?
I mean there are enough free articles on the internet to help anyone
find happiness, double their productivity, achieve their goals and make
Clearly then it is not just about strategies. Of course they help and are
necessary as well. But there is something else that the 1% is doing
differently. Something else that gives them the ability to keep taking
action despite any obstacles that come in the way.
Why should you read this report?
This report will not teach you what to do to be more productive, make
money or create happiness.
This report will teach you how to ensure you implement the strategies
you learn on my site and others like it to achieve all of those things. It
will teach you how to take action.
I say this with the utmost conviction: this is one of the most valuable
documents you will ever read in terms of mastering your mind - which
is ultimately your most valuable asset. Use this knowledge, commit to

it and you too could run across every country in the world, or achieve
your own dreams, no matter how impossible they may seem.
I wasnt born being able to take on such an audacious endeavor. In
fact, I squandered away much of my life with drugs and alcohol. I even
have flat feet, scoliosis, and a blood condition called Thallasemia,
which 2 separate doctors told me would not allow me to survive
Marine Corps Boot Camp.
But I escaped my life of drugs and I survived Boot Camp. Since then I
have transformed my own life, traveled to over 50 countries and built a
successful business. How?
By using the techniques in this report to master my mind and take
control of my destiny.
Before we get into them, lets step back and look at...
How does memory work
There are two kinds of long term memory: implicit memory and explicit
To illustrate how they work, let me ask you a question: What did you
do yesterday?
You thinking back to what you did yesterday is your explicit memory in
action. This kind of memory requires conscious processing to access.
On the other hand, what does it take to ride a bike or drive a car?
You dont even have to think about it right?. Because that behavior is
automatic. It is a product of your implicit memory, which starts logging
information from the day you are born.
As a result, most of what you do everyday operates from this kind of
memory. From brushing your teeth in the morning to tying your
shoelace, you are just a creature of habit. According to Gerard

Zaltman, a business school professor of Harvard, 95% of cognition

happens here in our subconscious brain.
Which means that you are a product of all your past life experiences
that have been firmly planted into your implicit memory.
The worse part is that your brain preserves traumatic and negative
memories greater than it does positive ones. So while you may not be
consciously aware of the impact your past has on your present, as I
was when I found myself stuck in debt, the reality is that those past
experiences still live deep in your brain.
Does this mean everyone needs therapy?
No, it does not.
But whether we like it or not, we are molded by our past. It does not
define who we are, but it does affect us.
Dont worry though, you dont need to spend years on a couch or dig
deep into the past to transform your present and your future. Just by
bringing the subconscious into the conscious, you then have the
power to choose what to do with it.
How do you do this?
Work out the brain
Your brain controls everything you do, from reading this line, to picking
up a glass of water to taking any action you need to take to achieve
the results you want. So, like any muscle, if you want it to work for
you, you need to put work into it.
There are two ways to work out your brain, both of which are equally
important to create lasting shifts in your life.
Step 1 - Exercise
Exercise is the fastest way to change your life. It instantaneously
instills a sense of control, because it is a self initiated action that

imposes a necessary level of mental and physical stress to spark

In a world that is often outside your control, exercise becomes an
arena where you are able to regain mastery over your world. Only you
keep putting one foot in front of the other. Only you get to decide how
far you go.
Anyone can do it and it is easier than meditation.
During meditation, most of us find it near impossible to silence our
mind. As such, for many of us it does not instill the same sense of
power over our self over our world that exercise does.
Furthermore, exercise literally changes the physical structure of your
In the bestselling book, Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of
Exercise and the Brain, after years of research on the neurological
changes caused by exercise on the brain, Dr. John Ratey found that
exercise elevates a protein in the brain that Dr. Ratey calls MiracleGro for the brain.
He states that Exercise is the single most powerful tool you have to
optimize your brain function. Aerobic activity has a dramatic effect on
adaptation, regulating systems that might be out of balance and
optimizing those that are not - its an indispensable tool for anyone
who wants to reach his or her full potential.
Exercise is truly the best medicine to all our mental ailments. It
reduces depression, eliminates the negative effects of being
overstressed and lowers anxiety. And the best part is that it is not just
a physical workout, but a mental one as well.
Step 2 - Meditation
Although, as I have stated, achieving the stillness of mind that comes
with meditation can be a challenging endeavor, it is nonetheless a vital

While it may not instill the level of control that exercise does,
meditation brings out what is stuck in implicit memory into explicit
memory. It connects us with our subconscious by allowing us to
access all the areas of our minds we are usually disconnected from.
Neuropsychiatrist Dr. Daniel Siegel says in his bestselling book
Mindsight: The New Science of Personal Transformation, The more
we can shine the light of mindsight on the free-floating puzzle pieces
of the past - the implicit memories - and allow them to become explicit,
the more we can free ourselves to live fully in the present and have
new choices about how we live our lives.
By making your memories explicit through meditation you reduce the
impact they have on you and you give your conscious brain greater
power. It allows you to then take actions from a consciously directed
place as opposed to one controlled by past conditioning and implicit
The best part about this process is that eventually these consciously
directed actions become subconscious habits. The only difference is
that now these actions are in service of you living the life you want to
Additionally, meditation has been demonstrated to improve the parts
of our brain associated with focus and awareness. So in some ways,
like exercise, it too literally changes your brain.
To practice meditation, just sit still with your mind and focus on your
breathing for 12 minutes a day. This will create noticeable changes in
your brain activity within two months. Here is a great article on how to
practice meditation.
Both exercise and meditation are not just helpful practices, I believe
they are necessary ones because...
Free will is an illusion

As shocking as this may be, you have no control over what first shows
up in our brain.
It is just a product of conditioning and implicit memory. Neuroscientist
Dr. Jeffrey Schwartz says you really cant decide or determine what
will initially grab your attention your brain does.
The negative thought patterns, the fears and the self-doubt that are a
part of the human condition, they are beyond your control. They occur
because of a pattern that has been ingrained in your brain through
past conditioning. Which is why it is so important to bring that past into
the present and reduce the impact of these subconscious forces on
your present reality.
Besides, these are not obstacles anyway. They are normal and
perfectly human reactions to stepping outside your comfort zone,
which of course is a necessary element for success. The real obstacle
is when you have judgements about these emotions.
Most people judge themselves as weak or incapable because they
experience these so-called negative emotions.
One client I worked with could not get on the computer to write
because every time he did he would become paralyzed by anxiety. In
working with him, I told him the real problem was not the anxiety.
Despite what he had been told by everyone else, it was beyond his
control. The real problem was that he thought of himself as pathetic
for having it.
By first letting go of that judgement, in time he eliminated the anxiety.
He began his transformation by meditating and exercising. Those two
actions helped him change the inner structure of his brain, or as I like
to put it, they built his brain muscles, which allowed him to reduce
the anxiety and ultimately have enough strength to regain control over
his mind.
How did he regain this control?

Keep reading
Consistency is everything
The 2 steps above and the 7 below mean nothing if they are not acted
upon consistently. One day of exercise or meditation just wont cut it.
It is the compound effect of simple, seemingly mundane actions over
time leads to life altering results.
There is nothing exciting about putting one foot in front of the other
every day for weeks. But by doing so, I successfully crossed the
icecap in Greenland.
There is nothing exciting about sitting in front of a computer for hours
every day, but by doing so regularly for months, I finally got out of debt
and my client finally started writing.
Consistency is the key to success, no matter how boring or tough the
action may be.
As Darren Hardy, the publisher of Success Magazine states, Earning
success is hard. The process is laborious, tedious, sometimes even
boring. Becoming wealthy, influential, and world-class in your field is
slow and arduous.
But how do you keep taking action when the storms of life hit and
when the process is inherently tedious, laborious and even boring?
Step 3 - What would you run into a burning building for?
If you saw a house burning down, would you run into it? Probably not,
no sane person would. But what if your mom, dad, wife, husband or
child was stuck in there, would you run in there to save them? I am
guessing you would. I know I would.
Whatever goal you are working toward, I can almost guarantee there
will be obstacles. You need to create a strong enough reason to push
through those obstacles, no matter how tough it gets.

You need something that will motivate you to run through that fire.
The reality is your mind is lazy. This is not attack on you. My mind is
lazy as well. It is a trait common to all human beings.
Daniel Kahneman, a Nobel Prize winning psychologist says in his
bestselling book Thinking Fast and Slow, A general law of least
effort applies to cognitive as well as physical exertion. The law
asserts that if there are several ways of achieving the same goal,
people will eventually gravitate to the least demanding course of
action. In the economy of action, effort is a cost, and the acquisition of
skill is driven by the balance of benefits and costs. Laziness is built
deep into our nature.
Why is this important?
Because when those obstacles show up and things get hard, you will
naturally want to gravitate to the easiest course of action. And every
moment is nothing more than a battle between the right way and the
easy way. The easy way will not get you where you want to go, but it
will be the path your mind wants to take, like it or not.
Which is why only 1% of people control most of the nations wealth.
They are the few doing what I am teaching you in this report.
Darren Hardy says Commitment is doing the thing you said you were
going to do long after the mood you said it in has left you.
Remember, that mood of excitement when you first create an
audacious goal will leave you. You will experience days when you just
dont think you can keep going. So how do you stay committed?
You create a strong enough why. Just like that person you love most in
the world who you would run into a burning building for, you need a
compelling why to keep you committed in achieving your goals as
As philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche said He who has a strong enough
why can bear almost any how, or as I like to put it he who has a

strong enough why will create almost any how.

Your why will keep you driven to figure out all the hows, no matter
what you are striving for.
Running across every country in the world to unite the human family
and create a space for peace and community for all of humanity was a
why I created. I chose to do this to inspire me to wake up every
morning, go for a run, reach more people and change the world.
Before choosing to embark upon this audacious endeavor I found
myself avoiding a run in favor of the day-to-day grind of running my
business. I also found that the day-to-day work kept me away from the
larger impact I wanted to make on the planet. So I created a why, and
believe me I have no idea on the how I will do this, but the why drives
me forward with unstoppable energy almost every single day. (Hey! I
am not perfect either, I still have my down days :) )
So what is your why? Write it out, know it, memorize it, plant it into
your mind and soul. Then tell everyone what it is. But well get back to
that in the final step.
The next 5 steps to regaining control of your brain
Here is the good news:
While you dont have control over the triggers that lead to the patterns
keeping you stuck, you do have control over where you direct your
mind once those triggers are activated. This allows you to take new
actions and over time, create new triggers.
This is our greatest source of power as human beings: our ability to
choose the meanings we interpret to external circumstances and
direct our minds where we want them to go.
Even in the hell of a concentration, psychiatrist Victor Frankl found an
empowering way to interpret his experience. He didnt blame God or
anyone else. He found meaning in his suffering.

He says in his bestselling memoir, Mans Search for Meaning,

Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human
freedoms - to choose ones attitude in any given set of circumstances,
to choose ones own way.
This cannot be overstated enough: YOUR ABILITY TO DIRECT
When you find yourself stuck, use these five steps of The LMNOP
cycle to help you keep taking action in the face of any obstacle and
harness that power:
Step 4 - L - Label and Language
First label the emotion keeping you stuck. Labeling your emotion has
been shown to reduce activity in the parts of the subconscious brains
responsible for fear and emotion and increase activity in the part of the
brain associated with focus.
Then immediately shift your body language into what social
psychologist Amy Cuddy calls the power pose. Stand tall, open your
body and act like you are the most confident person in the world. This
increases testosterone and reduces the stress hormone Cortisol.
Yes, our minds control our bodies, but it works the other way as well.
Which is why, as I have said, exercise is the fastest way to change
your brain.
Step 5 - M - Meaning
What is the meaning you have created about the experience that led
to that emotion?
All life experiences have no inherent meaning. The meaning we
assign to them shapes the quality of life. Two people can go through
the same experience and walk away with two very different
interpretations for that experience.

In his research with split brain patients, professor of psychology

Michael Gazzaniga found that These findings all suggest that the
interpretive mechanism of the left hemisphere is always hard at work,
seeking the meaning of events. It is constantly looking for order and
reason, even when there is none
We are meaning seeking creatures and we are always searching for
meanings, even on a subconscious level. So now, in this step, we are
just making that decision a conscious one.
In the above example, the meaning my client had every time he got on
the computer was that no one would want to read his writing because
it was garbage.
Step 6 - N - Its Not you, its your brain
This is the revolutionary part of the process. You simply tell yourself
that this is not you, its just your brain stuck in a pattern beyond your
By telling yourself this, you separate yourself from those
uncontrollable subconscious forces and put awareness back into your
Most of us define ourselves by our emotions or behavior. People
almost never say things like my brain is experiencing a state of
depression. Instead they say I am depressed.
Tony Robbins says that one of the strongest forces in the human
condition is that we take behaviours that are consistent with our
identity. So when we define ourselves by the thought patterns that are
in reality beyond our control, we act in line with those patterns. We
stay depressed.
But as you and I know, we are not our emotions or our behaviors. If
we were, who we innately are as individuals would shift a hundred
times throughout a single day.

This step serves as a vital reminder that we are much more than that.
It is there to detach you from the emotions preventing you from taking
action, and to reinforce to you, every time you are stuck and the
journey becomes hard, that most of what happens in your brain is
beyond your control. You just have to keep choosing outside of those
subconscious forces.
The next two steps will help you do that by completing the shift from
subconscious to conscious processing.
Step 7 - O - Opt for a new meaning
Even if you dont subconsciously believe it yet, create a new meaning
to the event that interrupts the old pattern your brain is stuck in.
My client shifted the meaning he had about his writing to people will
love what I have to say and get a lot of value from it.
In another life he had been extremely successful so he began
accessing that part of his memory explicitly to create a new meaning
and even validate it with examples.
This new meaning will start to shift the neurological pathways that
your brain is currently stuck in.
Step 8 - P - choose in line with your higher Purpose and take
Preemptive Strikes
Finally, take a new action than what you would ordinarily do when you
are stuck. A new action in line with your higher purpose, or the why
you have for being on this planet.
Your why is the force that drives you. You would never run into a
burning building, would you? But if someone you loved was in there,
you probably would to save them right.
A strong enough why is like that person you would run into a burning
building for. It is an unstoppable driving force.

Get clarity on your why and then take actions in service of that higher
Taking a new action that is different from what you usually do starts to
create new neurological pathways. In time, this permanently
conditions a pathway so that the same old trigger that used to keep
you stuck naturally leads to this other action that serves you. You have
now created a new habit.
To further ensure things go differently the next time this brain pattern
shows up and condition a habit even faster, practice taking preemptive
strikes: write down in detail what you will do, when you will do it and if
need be how you will do it the next time you know your brain will
sabotage you.
For example, one particular morning I woke up after only a few hours
of sleep. I was exhausted and had two client calls scheduled that
morning followed by a 5 mile run. I knew that my lazy brain would
want to go back to sleep after my client calls.
To combat my brain, I put on my running shorts, my shoes, my GPS
running watch and sat near the front door for my client calls. As soon
as I got off the second call, all I had to do was step out the door. This
made it as psychologically easy as possible to take action. I
preemptively prepared for an obstacle I knew would show up.
Just as this worked for me, elderly patients in Scotland who used
preemptive strikes after going through knee and hip replacement
surgery recovered almost three times faster than those that did not.
Use The LMNOP Cycle daily to build any habit and overcome any
disempowering emotion. It is a scientifically proven way to transform
your life.
Exercise will optimize your brain so that it can function as efficiently as
possible. Meditation will make you aware of the the subconscious
forces in your way. The LMNOP Cycle will give you the ability to do
something about it. One without the other will not work though.

If your car breaks down, in order to fix it, you need knowledge on auto
mechanics, the required tools and then of course you need to get your
hands dirty.
Similarly, meditation will give you that knowledge of what is happening
deep in your brain, exercise provides the required tools and The
LMNOP Cycle is the process to get your hands dirty and take the
action you need to take to produce results.
Step 9 - The final step
You ready for this? This will accelerate your success in any endeavor:
Get others to hold you accountable to your goals.
Tell a friend, tell your family, tell the world through your blog, hire a
coach to hold you accountable, whoever it is, announce your goals to
others. Do not keep it to yourself.
Studies have shown that those who write down their goals and tell
others about it are far more likely to succeed than those that do not. In
psychology, this is called an external motivator.
Once you announce your goals to EVERYONE, maintain regular
communication with at least one person, checking in with them
regularly about their goals and your own.
I recommend doing this at least once a week, but for best results, do a
short check in call with your accountability buddy 5 days a week. All
you have to do is call your buddy every morning and tell them what
you got done from the previous day and then ask your buddy if they
completed their list of action items.
The best part is that helping someone else with their goals will make it
more likely for you to achieve yours as well.
In a study conducted by Dr. Carolyn Schwartz, she divided 132
patients with multiple sclerosis into two groups. One group received
moral support from someone else, the other group gave it.

She found that those who gave the support experienced significantly
better health outcomes than those who simply received it.
So by helping each other out, both you and your accountability buddy
are more likely to succeed. How awesome is that?
And thats it.
Follow these 9 steps CONSISTENTLY and you will turn success from
an uncertainty to an inevitability.
If you got value from this report, let me know what you enjoyed most
about it by emailing me at I would love to
hear what you learned and how you intend to implement these steps.
And if I can be of service to you in any way, please let me know, it
would be my honor to support you on your journey to success.
And if you have 2 friends who are struggling in life or facing obstacles
in some form or they are just up to big things in their life, share this
link with them so they too can learn the scientific formula for success.
Thanks for being on this journey with me and I cant wait to connect
with you, learn more about you and hopefully meet you soon as well :)

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