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The Law of Attraction - Quantum Physics:

Early Scientists:
Descartes - Newton believed in a classic Physics model.
According to the classical Newtonian model all things were considered solid.
Energy could be explained as a force to move objects or to change the state of
physical matter.
We now know now energy is much more than an outside physical force exerted on
material things. Energy is the very fabric of all things material.
Einstein came on the scene produced his equation E = mc2 - which demonstrates that
energy and matter are so fundamentally related they are one in the same.
He started an investigation into the behavior of light - scientists then observed that
light sometimes acts like a wave (bends around corners) and sometimes behaves
like a particle...
How can it be both? It couldnt according to the outlook of earlier scientists.
So out of this - to understand how the world works - was born the field of:
Quantum Physics.
See - Collapsing the wave function.
What quantum physicists discovered was that the person observing or measuring the tiny
particles that makeup atoms affects the behavior or energy and matter. Quantum
experiments demonstrated that electrons exist simultaneously in an infinite array of
possibilities and probabilities in an invisible field of energy but only when an observer
focuses attention on a location of any one electron does that electron appear. IN other
words a particle cannot manifest reality that is ordinary space time as we know it until we
observe it. This is known as: collapsing the wave function or the observer effect We
now know mind and matter can no longer be considered separate because subjective
mind produces measurable changes on the objective physical world.
At the subatomic level energy responds to your mindful attention and becomes matter.
How would your life change if you learned to direct the observer effect and to collapse
infinite waves of probability into the reality that you choose?
In the quantum model, the physical universe is an immaterial interconnected unified
field of information potentially everything but physically no thing. The quantum
universe is just waiting for a conscious observer to come along and influence energy in
the form of potential matter. This is us in mediation!

Another way to look at how we humans and the quantum field are interconnected is
through the concept of quantum entanglement or quantum non local connection.
Essentially once two particles can be linked in some way they will always be bonded
together beyond space and time. AS a result anything that can be done to one will be done
to the other even thought they; are separated. What we do unto others we do to
Think about this:
"You" that exist in a probable future is already connected to you in this now in a
dimension beyond time and space.
The Law of Attraction:
The Secret to the Secret The secret only works with your highest values?
Why - your highest values are what you spend 99 pct of your time thinking about.
Thoughts are electric - feelings are magnetic you get the magnetic draw back to you
based on your thoughts and feelings.
What are your 3 highest values?
Big Question?
What would you like to manifest in your life right now? Stop Could you use your meditation - your focused attention to draw the event to you?
Could you use gratitude to induce a state of being?
Show gratitude for the event ahead of the experience so that the energy world will
behave as though that experience is in the present which will draw the event to you even
How do we do this?
Focus your attention on what you want, with an elevated emotion, with leaves such
an emotional charge that it creates an instant memory - you have now just solidified
wiring in your brain. This will make you think easier on this subject matter.
Forget about the how or why... leave it to the universe..
How would you feel if you knew your desire was coming tomorrow?
Begin to think of yourself as a vibrational transmitter and receiver.
Every thought that you give your attention to expands and becomes a part of your
vibrational mix whether it is a thought of something you want or don't want.
Is there a desire you have always had but for some reason you have not been able to make
it happen?
1. Kelly - Building a website that flourishes. I would feel a sense of freedom and
wellbeing and fulfillment.
2. Something simple that you have not had much attention on experiment

Thought Process:
We as human beings are made up of what?
Systems of the body:
What are the systems of the body made up of?
What are tissues made up of?
What are cells made up of?
What are molecules made up of?
What are Atoms Made up of?
Sub Atomic Particles
What are subatomic Particles composed of?
Energy - .
We arrive at the conclusion that our physiological make up or vehicle is made up of the
same stuff as the rest of the universe. What animates our body is a form of energy.
The Same 99.99999 percent no-thing.
We know there is a greater intelligence that knows best how to keep you functioning.
Think about this - everything physical in your life is not solid matter, it's all fields of
energy or frequency patterns of information. All matter is 'no-thing".
On the tiniest
The observer effect: - Where you place your attention has an effect on the outcome.
Entanglement theory:
Some Examples of what this is and how this works:
What you think about - you bring about.
Where this is a will, there is a way.
"Whether you believe you can or you can't, you're right." Henry Ford

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