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Six Signs a Shy Guy Likes You

While the following signs a shy guy likes you are all accurate in some circumstances,
they are also generalities - don't assume that if you don't see them the guy doesn't like
you. In addition, they aren't necessarily unique to men - women do many of these things
as well.
1. The Stammer - A shy guy isn't going to come right out and let you know that he
likes you - that kind of fails by definition. But if, when you are around, he
suddenly seems to have trouble speaking, whether to you or someone else, it
could be a sign that your presence causes him stress.
2. Stressing Out - Aside from a stammer, there are other more directly physical signs
that a guy likes you. Does his face get red? Does he get goose pimples? Does he
suddenly get thirsty? Any of these could be an indication of an increased heart
rate or sexual attraction.
3. Acting Out - One of the less attractive signs is if the shy guy suddenly goes
through a personality change when he's around you. He may become more
belligerent, or seem to be showing off whether with extravagant gestures ("Buy
the bar a round!") or other "macho" methods. This kind of mating instinct is the
same thing that makes peacocks spread their feathers, and should be considered as
a possible sign that the guy is too shy to let you know he likes you by more direct
4. Anybody But You - If you see a guy who seems to be fine talking to many other
women, especially if those women are very similar to you, but he doesn't seem
willing to show you the same attention - well, it might be that he doesn't like you.
But it's also possible that he is doing it because he does like you, and he's only
able to talk to the others because he doesn't really fear their reaction.
5. Indirect Messages - Remember eighth grade, the little notes that read, "Do you
like Jim? Circle YES or NO." That kind of shyness never goes away for some
people - so they may show that they like you through indirect methods, like notes,
flowers, sweets, or other forms of appreciation. The best kind of indirect sign,
though, is when you suddenly find something that you want - tickets to a concert
you mentioned in passing, or a scarf you saw in a window and only lingered on a
moment - given to you. That shows that not only does he like you, he is also
paying attention to what you like.
6. Hovering - Do you notice that the shy guy who won't talk to you directly seems to
be around a lot, in social situations and other places? The cute side of this is that
he simply is trying to be near you, while still being unsure of how to show how he
likes you. Of course, the other side of this is stalking, and that may be something
to address.

Shy Guy Body Language of Attraction

Gaze: The gaze used in shy guy body language is the
opposite of usual body language. A shy guy who is
attracted to a girl will look at her often but will also
look away anytime hes spotted. To read shy guy body
language by gazes, pay less attention to the actual gaze
length (the length of time he / she looks at you in one go)
and more attention to the number of times you spot him
/ her looking at you.
Dilated Eyes: This is one body language tell that will stay the same for a shy guy as for
other people. A shy guy or shy girls eyes will still dilate when they look at someone they
like. This is one of the most important body language gesture in dating in both real life
and on webcam dating websites. Note that an individual wearing contact lenses may
appear to have dilated eyes even when they do not.
Dilated eyes are one of the most important clues in both shy women dating and shy men
dating, because we cannot voluntarily stop our eyes from dilating when we are attracted
to someone.
Smile: A shy guy will smile at someone they like but with a tight smile (their lips are held
tightly together). This is caused by the fact that the shy person is happy to see the person
they like, but afraid to open their mouth and speak. This can make them look as though
theyre being intentionally secretive, where in actual fact theyre shyness is forcing them
to keep their feelings secret. This is one of the most important thing to know about the
smiles of a shy person. There are many more important facts about smiles though.
Shy singles may smile less than other people because they are worried about seeming too
eager and opening up about their feelings.
Turned Head Rather than Body: Confident people turn their whole body to face
someone theyre attracted to when looking from a distance, but the shy guy / girl will
only turn their head while their body remains pointing elsewhere. They do this because
they want to feel like they could escape if they wanted to. They dont feel comfortable
with the fully engaged / committed attitude involved in facing the whole body towards the
person they like.
Forming Barriers: One thing I used to do all the time when I had shy guy body
language was to form a barrier on the opposite side of the person I fancied. This is a little
hard to explain, but imagine the shy guy / girl is standing at a bar and you are on their left

hand side. Theyll create a barrier to their right often by putting their hand up to their
face. This stops people on their right from being able to see them while they can still look
at you. If you then go to their other side, theyll change the arm theyre forming a barrier
Shy guys dating will use barriers all the time to hide themselves. When you see him
making a barrier you know hes having a strong feeling.
Looking at you Through Objects: In order to allow themselves to look at you
inconspicuously, the shy girl / guy will often put an object in between their line of sight
and you, for instance, by holding a glass in front of them. This allows them to look at you
while pretending theyre just looking at the glass.

Body language signs of attraction in men:

Signs that a guy likes you
By princesswithapen
Noticing body language signs of attraction can instantly tell you if a guy likes you or not.
Reading a man's body language includes looking at the way he carries himself, the
movement of his eyes, stiffness in his posture and some of the other obvious signs of
passive flirting. Glossy magazines and fancy blogs senselessly talk about male body
language signs in uniformity without considering the opposite behavioral traits of
introvert and extrovert men. This post helps women decode the male body language
depending on whether the guy is a shy introvert or an outspoken extrovert. Look out for
these vital clues to decide if he is really interested in you.

Body language signs of attraction in shy guys and

introvert men
1) A guy stares at you but takes his eyes away when you look at him
This is a classic body language sign of attraction especially in shy guys. When a guy
keeps staring at you but looks away at the very instant you look back at him, play this
game a couple of times.
If he keeps doing the same thing every time, it is a sign that he can't keep his eyes off you
but he does not have the courage to approach you.
2) Break down of body language: A guy suddenly starts fidgeting
Another clear sign of attraction is when a guy's body language seems to have a complete
meltdown and he starts to nervously fidget when you are in front of him. This is a

common trait in men who are not confident enough to stand up and ask a girl out.
He will start playing with his fingers, keep taking his hands in and out of his pockets,
move his tongue on his lips, shift his position unnecessarily, run his finger through his
hair and make other fidgety body movements. These are standard signs of attraction in a
classic flirting environment so you can approach a guy if you are crushing on him and
waiting for him to make a move.
Introvert guys will generally try to mask any signs of attractions emitting from their body
language and behavior. Pick up these soft clues and check if that shy guy likes you or not.
3) He become uptight and seems uneasy
Feeling anxious and uneasy could be a natural outlet in a shy guy's body language when
he sees an attractive girl walking towards him. His body will become rigid and still if he
finds you hot.
You can easily stop these signs when a guy suddenly starts sitting straight as if he were
doing Yoga or stands stiffly as if he had a back problem.
4) The guy suddenly looks for things to do

A shy guy will typically feel his anxiousness getting the better of him when he starts
getting intimidated by the presence of a beautiful woman. He is much likely to start
looking for things that he can do to keep himself busy and mask the obvious signs of
He may needlessly start going through different apps on his smartphone, fiddle around
with his laptop or do anything that makes him look busy. This is typically portrayed in
popular culture as something a shy guy would do in an elevator when a pretty girl walks
5) A guy flinches when you touch him
You can find out whether a guy likes you or not by engaging in some flirty body language
tactics to look for signs of attraction. Touch a guy by putting your palm on his thigh with
your fingers facing inwards or by placing your palm on his biceps.
If the guy was really waiting for a spark between both of you, these moves should
instantly evoke a flinch. He may suddenly act weird or have a quirky look on his face.
6) His eyes get drawn towards your curves
Take it as a sign of attraction when an extremely shy guy can't draw his eyes away from
your curves. He may be unable to stop himself from looking at your cleavage while
talking to you but don't mistake him as a pervert instantly because he is simply intimated
by your looks. Expect this nervousness in his body language to calm down once he gets
comfortable while talking to you.

Body language signs of attraction in extrovert men

1) A guy comes too close for comfort
A tell tale body language sign of attraction in extrovert men is when they come inside
your personal space. This will be a guy's way of heavily flirting with you and testing if
you respond to his moves. You will notice this when his body dwarfs your personal space.
This is typically the scene especially in crowded pubs, nightclubs and other public venues
when a guy stands foot to foot with you at the pretext of saying something to you in your
ear because there is too much noise.
2) A guy keeps staring at you, looks into your eyes and smiles
An extrovert guy who likes you will instantly look into your eyes and give you a small
smile. He will try to judge the way you react to see if you like him back. Extrovert men
don't like to leave too much to ambiguity when it comes to flirting with women. They
will want to give you every possible sign from their body language to let you know that
they are attracted to you.
Extrovert guys don't generally hold back their body language signs when they feel
attracted to a girl. Watch out for these classic signs of attraction and find out if that
outspoken guy likes you or not.
3) He pulls up his shoulders, holds his arms wider and pushes his chest out
A guy will instantly want to look his strongest when he wants to impress a woman that he
likes. This will involuntarily make him pull up his shoulders, suck in his stomach, push
his chest out and hold his arms out as if he were a bodybuilder with a massive frame.
This is a common body language sign of attraction in men who have a strong sense of
ego and pride in their bodies and physical appearance. They want to use their body as an
asset to show their masculinity and strength.
4) His voice become loud and affirmative
You can judge your first impression on a guy by the fluctuating pitch of his voice. A
sudden increase in the volume of his voice and crispness in his words is a sign that he
wants to get your attention. It is in an extrovert guy's personality to carry a loud and
affirmative voice when he wants to impress a girl by making his presence known.
5) He is sitting with his legs wide apart
A common sign of attraction and strong flirting is when a guy sits with his legs wide
apart so that his crotch area is on full display. Only alpha males and guys who have
extremely high levels of confidence have this involuntary body language sign built into

their genes.
A man with a reserved personality may not display this trait. Take it as a sign of attraction
if the guy is outspoken and a complete extrovert.
6) He shows disgust when you speak to other men
An extrovert guy who does not hold back showing his feelings will give out a sign of
disgust when he spots you talking to another man. Consider the classic example of a guy
talking to you in a party. He will frown or grimace if another guy approaches and has a
conversation with you. This will be evident because if he is really attracted to you, he will
want to have your complete attention.
7) He put his hands around you, holds your hands or get touchy
Guys who are outspoken and extremely friendly might get touchy if they are strongly
attracted to you. He can put an arm around your shoulders while you are sitting on a
couch or place his palms on your lower back to guide you into doors as you walk.
Getting touchy will be a natural sign of attraction for a guy and these movements will be
driven by his subconscious. There will not be any hint of nervousness in his actions when
he gets touchy because these levels of interaction are a normal trait in his behavior.

Body Attraction Signals That Tell You A

Man Is Interested In YOU
Gallery October 19, 2013 a comment
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Body signals of attraction

By understanding body attraction signals that males send out to you then you will be able
to understand the message they are trying to get across to you. You will be able to read
the cues of a good guy and whether he is interested in you and whether you will get a call
from him or not. It is all part of the game of attraction when you are in the world of

singledom looking for that ideal partner. This will save you time and effort as you will
know quickly whether a man is interested in you or not and you will not waste your time
on somebody who isnt.
It is well known fact that communication is conveyed through body language, and not the
actual words that are being said. So it is better to pay attention to where a mans eyes
move while he does talk to you, the way his body leans or they way his foot points, also
what he does with his hands and the way he tilts his head, all this will be able to tell you
what he feels about you more so than what he says, so once you have mastered the
insights of body language you will know whether a guy is worth your time as soon as you
meet him.

Signs he is attracted to you:

1. You will notice his eyes will move in a triangular shape i.e. eye to eye to bridge of
nose, as he becomes more attracted to you, what the experts state that this triangular
glance will continue from your eyes to other parts of your body. You no doubt are used to
noticing when a guy is checking you out, but next time, do check and see if his glances
are in a triangular shape and if it is then you will know that he really is attracted to you or
if he is scanning the room for a nice pair of breasts.
2. A man will tilt his head away from you like a bashful child, women also do this as
well, so think back to the last time where you were talking to a man that you were
attracted to, and you will recall doing this action.
3. He will glance at you from the corners of his eyes. He might do this from across the
room which is a good sign but the best sign is when you are near him and he does tilt his
head away from you to give you the sideways glance. So if the feeling is mutual you will
be able to see the sparkle in his eye.
4. You will catch him smiling suddenly the answer to the outburst of smiling does mean
that he is overflowing with excitement, he may also try and hide it but that could be even
more of a tell all.
5. Another sign to observe is when a mans tactile senses become aroused this is where
you will notice him rubbing his forehead or jaw, this is something he will do
unconsciously as a response to his heightened sense of touch. You may be able to tell by
how welcoming his reaction is to your touch, so if you are feeling flirty, then do go ahead
and find a reason to reach out and touch him.
6. You will find that his eyes will linger upon your lips, and of course this means he is
imaging kissing you no doubt.
7. He will use big arm gestures to get and keep your attention. When a guy is not
attracted to you they are not going to move their arms about wildly, but if any of them do,
you can take this as a good sign.
8. He could lean back against a seat or wall, and possibly put his hands behind his head, it
may sound weird but this is a way a man subsconsciously and animalistically attracts his
mate, just like an ape showing off his masculine physique.

Signs hes into you:

1. A man will tilt his head down, and the experts state that this sign has many possible
meanings, it could be a sign that he is shy, uncomfortable or lying, on the other hand it
could be that he is showing you his more vulnerable and tender side. He will tilt his head
down in an effort to quickly collect himself, to save face when he is feeling too
vulnerable. So do look out for other signs in conjunction with the head tilt to be sure
which sentiment it is.
2. He will look down at his feet with a bit of nervousness, when they look down for too
long this could suggest a low self esteem, guilt or disinterest in you, but a little is a good
sign. So if he looks up at you with a smile and a wrinkled forehead, then you can be sure
that he is definitely interested in you.
3. He will sit on his hands shyly like a little boy might do, this probably means that he is
a little nervous around you i.e. in a good way and therefore vulnerable. When he sits on
his hands it does make him a bit smaller and therefore less likely to be made a fool. It
could also mean that he is comfortable around you, and that he has no intentions of going
any where.
4. You will notice that he will tend to separate himself from the group and he does this so
you will notice him, where as a shy guy will not do this, but an outgoing one will be sure
to step away from the crowd.
5. He finds a way in which to touch your hand, this does show you that he is interested in
you, but it will also show that he does respect physical boundaries, so if he finds a way to
touch your leg or your tummy or even your shoulder the first day that you do meet him,
you can expect him to push your boundaries even more so the next time you do see each
6. When a man lifts his shoulders in a sort of childlike manner, then this is a sign that he
is excited and a little nervous as he has a crush on you. Also if he sits or stands with toes
pointed in this is telling you that he does like you a lot. Also if he extends his hand to you
with his palm up as this is an open handed invitation, where women cannot help but
respond with expectancy.

Signs hes interested in what you are saying:

1. He will sit with both feet flat on the ground, which will indicate that you do have his
undivided attention. If he is sitting down and has one leg crossed over the other knee and
his foot is pointed toward you tells you that he is listening to you but if the foot is
pointing away from you this could suggest that he is keeping his options open.
2. When a man is interested in what you have to say they will mirror your body language
and tone of voice, man or woman, young or old, this is something people do when they
are truly interested in a conversation.
3. He will lean towards you, therefore creating an intimate space. We all do it sometimes
knowingly or sometimes not, this is a way to separate your conversation from everything
else around you and this will not happen if they are bored with your conversation.

In conclusion
Our body speaks a language which will tell others whether we are interested in them or
not, it is good to understand and learn all about body signals that we do give out to others
so to get the real message across. So do take note of the above body signals and put them
to good use next time you are out with your friends.

20 Body Language Signs That Mean He's

Into You
Figure him out before he opens his mouth.
By Elizabeth Narins

Most Read
Getty/ Lauren Ahn
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13 Signs of Being In Love

Got this off places.. I'm pretty sure you might've seen them around
1. When you're on the phone with them late at night and they
hang up... but you miss them already when it was just two
minutes ago
2. You read their texts over and over again

3. You walk really slow when you're with them

4. You feel shy whenever you're with them
5. When you think about them, your heart beats faster and
6. You smile when you hear their voice
7. When you look at them, you can't see the people around
you... all you see if him/her
8. You start listening to slow songs while thinking of them
9. They become ALL you think about
10. You get high just from their scent
11. You realize that you're always smiling to yourself when you
think about them
12. You would do anything for them
13. While reading this, there was one person on your mind the
whole time.

Other signs
1. Your heart beats really fast when you're near them
2. You start blushing and possibly sweat a bit
3. You feel shy around them; or nervous

We all, men and women alike, might feel the same emotions when it comes to love, but
the journey to finding love is an experience differentiated by gender. When women fall in
love, they are filled with bursts of happiness and other mixed emotions, which a man will
never be able to comprehend. Men on the other hand, are a completely different
You see, unlike women who experience intense surges of affection as soon as they meet a
guy, men experience a phase of emotions when they meet a woman. This article will
explain the phases and journey a man undergoes before falling in love with a woman.

Phase 1. The I Like You Phase


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Unfortunately, men are very shallow creatures. This initial stage is all about instant
physical attraction. If you ever thought a guy initially liked you as a person oh boy,
were you wrong! Some women may fall in love during the first conversation, but sadly,

in the beginning stages, men are only attracted to a womans physical appearance. Dont
be fooled by the idea of a physical appearance.
It does not include the whole package. Every man is different and enjoys different things
about a woman. For example, most men are attracted by breasts (may it be small or large)
and also by your curvy behind (again, may it be small or large). Its never about the
whole package, but more about a mans specific appeal in a woman. Sometimes, a guy
may not even realize what attracts him most in a woman, but if he has such feelings, he
will begin the I Like You phase.

Phase 2. The Scouting Phase

Most guys find themselves attracted to a lot of women for many reasons, and as a result,
they will scout to see which one of them will respond to their advances. Yes, men try to
bait as many women as we can, at any given time. Its only when a girl has passed the
scouting phase (by accepting our small advances) that a man begins to focus his
attention only on her.
These advances are very discreet and are not upfront flirting. A man basically needs that
little confirmation that if he does start to chase you, something will happen. Even though
he likes a woman, in this stage, he doesnt really care about the outcome, so if she rejects
him or doesnt respond to his advances, he generally doesnt feel a thing and moves on to
another woman that catches his attention. Sure, there are exceptions, but generally, this is
how guys think at this point.

Phase 3. The Chase


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If a woman a man likes gives even the slightest positive response to his advances, he will
start the chase. Sometimes those signs arent even obvious; he just believes in himself
that you like him back, and as a result, he starts the chase. The chase is all about winning
your attention. In this stage, a mans aim is to get you to notice him and understand that
hes into you. Once this has become clear, and you have given him a shot (by agreeing to
go out with him, etc.), he moves into the next phase.

Phase 4. The Im Going To Impress You Phase

By this time, some women are actually starting to fall in love, but us men are not even
close to it. This whole stage is all about making an impression on you. A man will do
everything in his power to show you that he is a worthy mate. He plans dates; he floods
you with gifts, and generally tries to make you happy whilst hoping to really impress you.
Its in this stage that many women (that have held out, until now) give in to a guys


Phase 5. The I Want You To Love Me Phase

















If a guy is having success so far, he wants to know that you love him. Gaining your love
and commitment is his utmost highest achievement. Instead of falling in love with you, in
this stage, all he worries about is how to make you fall in love with him. He might even
show his relationship skills, thus proving that he is, indeed, a good lifelong partner. You
might have already fallen in love by this stage, but this is when he needs to see it.

Phase 6. The Decision Phase

If a man makes it into this stage, it means youve clearly expressed your feelings, and he
knows that he has managed to gain your love and commitment. Now, unfortunately, for
both parties involved, all he did up to this point was prove to you that he is exactly
what you are looking for in a man.
Because of this, two core problems arise:
-He wasnt actually being himself 100 percent, so the man youve fallen in love with isnt
exactly the man you think he is.
-He never wondered if youre actually right for him, since his desire to impress you was
based purely on his INITIAL physical attraction.
Its at this phase when a man finally starts to wonder if a real relationship may blossom
here. Its at this point when he starts to actually observe you as a real person (and I know
this may sound shallow) and see if he actually likes you in this department. Finally, its at
this stage when a man decides if you are worth trying a long-term relationship with. We
ask ourselves: Do I love her? Do I want to be with her? Will I be happy with her? Is she
the woman I want?
Its easy for a man, even at this stage, to dismiss a girl based on some seemingly pointless
reasons, but its how we are as a species. We are genetically engineered to spread thy
seed, so the girl that a man does eventually decide to love and be with has to be perfect
from his perspective. Its also the same for a woman the only difference is that she
probably makes up her mind much earlier in the relationship.

Phase 7. The I Love You Phase







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If the decision stage was negative, its at this stage when the guy will either dump you if
you had a short relationship, or start ignoring you if it was just a fling. On the other hand,
if he decided he does want to give love a try, he is now ready for it. The next three to four
months will be the best stages of any relationship. He will give into his feelings and be
overwhelmed with love. You will start to see him taking care of you, acting jealous and
all the other great things about love.
It may seem harsh and unrealistic that a guy has to DECIDE whether or not he wants to
fall in love, but we dont always rationalize what we are doing. These things are
imbedded into us at an instinctual level, and the fact that we DENY love early in these
phases is only because its our defense mechanism preventing us from getting hurt.
Important Note: This is how a man falls in love if the woman he is after gives into all of
his advances. If you want to turn a guy on his head, dont give in to ALL OF HIS
advances. Dont say, I love you when he wants you to say it. Basically, turn his world
upside down, and then, youll see a man falling helplessly in love, not being able to
control his own emotions.
This is the sort of content I discuss on my blog and in my free eBook. If you want to
increase your love life success, visit a place where the
conventional dating mindset is thrown out the window in favor of more direct and
fruitful methods of meeting, attracting and keeping a quality man in your life.
mailto:?subject=Elite Daily: The Brutally Honest Phases Of A Man Falling In
Love&body= We all, men and women alike, might feel the same emotions when it
comes to love, but the journey to finding love is an experience differentiated by gender.
When women fall in love, they are filled with bursts of happiness and other mixed
emotions, which a
mailto:?subject=Elite Daily: The Brutally Honest Phases Of A Man Falling In
Love&body= We all, men and women alike, might feel the same emotions when it
comes to love, but the journey to finding love is an experience differentiated by gender.
When women fall in love, they are filled with bursts of happiness and other mixed
emotions, which a
mailto:?subject=Elite Daily: The Brutally Honest Phases Of A Man Falling In
Love&body= We all, men and women alike, might feel the same emotions when it

comes to love, but the journey to finding love is an experience differentiated by gender.
When women fall in love, they are filled with bursts of happiness and other mixed
emotions, which a
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Alex Matlock

Alex Matlock is an expert in dating and relationships. Apart from working on his Ph.D. in
social psychology and writing for, he also owns two dating advice
websites. Both are places where the "dating" mindset is thrown out the wi ...
Alex Matlock is an expert in dating and relationshi

Biggest Signs That He Is In Love With

By eHarmony Staff
Dating, Dating Tips For Women

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He loves you, he loves you not. If you suspect your new boyfriend has fallen head-overheels for you, look for the hard-to-miss signs that hes in love with you.
Signs that he is in love with you: He treats you with respect
When a man is in love with a woman, he respects her. He cares about the details of her
life. He treats her well. If your guy values your opinions, compliments your character,
celebrates your accomplishments, pays attention to details, and even accommodates your
quirky habits He stocks the fridge with Diet Coke even though he cant stand the stuff,
for example youve got a keeper whos falling fast and hard for you.
Signs that he is in love with you: Youre always on his mind
Does he send you funny texts during the day? Do songs, signs and hilarious headlines
remind him of you? Does he Google last nights unresolved debate Which is
healthier: ice cream or gelato? when hes at work? When you become a very present
part of his day even when youre apart, hes invested in the relationship.
Signs that he is in love with you: He compromises
Love can soften the heart. Being right isnt as important as doing right by the other
person. When your beau starts to meet you in the middle on topics hes typically stubborn
about Maybe hes a movie snob suddenly willing to let you pick a flick hed otherwise
never watch hes leading with his heart instead of his head. Signs of selflessness are
huge indicators that hes in love.
Signs that he is in love with you: He touches you in public
Most guys have no qualms about touching their girlfriends in private. With public
displays of affection, however, they can be a little more hesitant. When your man puts his
arm around you in public, hes both proudly announcing to the world that youre together
and making a protective gesture. Another love gesture: when he starts offering the hugs
and cuddles you crave, with no expectation of sex. He wants to serve you with physical
touch, not use it just to get what he wants.
Signs that he is in love with you: He wants to take care of you
Women often roll their eyes at mens fix it instincts; and while he may not be able to
fix every bad day, the fact that he tries only points to the fact that he deeply cares about
you. He wants to make things better. He wants to provide for you, practically and
emotionally. He wants to make you smile. When he puts in the effort to comfort and
reassure you, hes saying I love you in both word and deed.
Signs that he is in love with you: He wants you to love his family

Does he want you to meet everyone whos important to him? When hes ready to
introduce you to people who matter most and is equally eager to meet your friends and
family he has no intentions of going anywhere. Hes proud to be with you and wants
his family to fall in love with you, too.
Signs that he is in love with you: Hes not afraid to fight or apologize
Sometimes it takes a fight or two to understand just how strong a relationship is. A man in
love is one who isnt afraid of conflict or apologies. Instead, he fights fair, respects
you when things get rocky, listens to your perspective, hates to see you upset, and wants
to resolve things well. Love means never having to say youre sorry is the most
inaccurate movie tagline ever. (Sorry, Love Story.) Love means dropping the pride,
admitting when youre wrong and never being afraid to say youre sorry.
Signs that he is in love with you: We has replaced I
Listen to his word choices. When he starts using words like we, us, and Team
Awesome Each guy will have his own way to describe the unit youve become
hes not thinking of himself as a single man anymore. Youre now part of his life. And he
loves that.
Signs that he is in love with you: When he talks about the future, youre in it
Does he make plans for the future that include you? Did he invite you to his buddys
wedding next fall? Does he joke about your future children together? When hes got a
future with you on his mind, hes already decided that he has no intentions of letting you
Signs that he is in love with you: He says so
If he says he loves you, believe him. A man in love cant keep it to himself for long.

11 Obvious Signs a Guy Deeply Likes You

by Chino February 4, 2015

14.8k Share

20 Share

1 Share


You like a guy but you are not sure if he likes you or not and its driving you insane. You
want to be 100% sure that this guy likes you before you make a move, but what are signs
that he really likes you? Thinking of this might give you sleepless nights so I decided to
make a shortlist of signs that will give you understanding and knowledge whether hes
into you or not. These signs comes from a point of view of men and also based on my
experiences, so Im hoping that you find this post helpful. Here are 11 obvious signs a
guy likes you deeply.
1. He find ways just to talk to you.

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The first thing to look out for is if hes eager to talk to you. He find ways for you to know
each other, he text you, email you, hes even always there liking and commenting on your
Facebook post and other social media accounts. But take note, not all guys love phones,
emails, and social media sites. Some guys would rather like to talk to you in person.

2. He loves exchanging personal information with you.

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irlta lk in g

He loves talking about your personal life. He wants to know your likes and dislikes, your
favorite color, music, food, and of course your birth date, every little thing about you. He
also shares his problems with you which clearly shows his trust. This may mean that he
wants to take your relationship with him to a deeper level.

3. He discuss your past relationships.


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Your conversations with him may take a dip into your past relationships. This indicates
that he is making a subtle attempt to see if youre single or interested in other guys. He
may even ask for some advises from you, like dating tips but actually he just want to
know your dream guy. But If he makes constant attempts to set you up with another boy,
it means youre just in the friend zone.

4. He teases you.
g u y te

s in g g irl

When a guy like someone, he would actually want to make a girl smile, thats why guys
would often initiate to tease you. Playful teasing is a hint that he wishes for you to tease
him back. He jokes around with you and if he teases you, its the type of teasing that
makes you laugh.

5. He compliments you and gives you unexpected gifts even without special
s u rp ris

e g ift

He often makes complimenting words like sexy, beautiful, gorgeous, lovable and many
more. Accompanied by those compliments are unexpected gifts. This sign is one of the
most noticeable among all. This only means hes making a foundation for a deeper

6. He acts different around you than with other girls.


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When a guy likes you he will treat you differently than other girls, whether hes around
you or not. Notice what he does with his friends, it could be like youre the only girl he
teases or hug, the only one he always pays attention or the only girl hes being sweet to.
However, if you notice him teasing and touching every other girl, then he may just be a
flirt. So better watch out for this.

7. His behavior and body language says it all.

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c o n ta c t

He will not only treat you differently than others, but will also behave differently when
his with you. Common signs are being nervous, fidgeting, mirroring or he may be a little
flustered and even blushes a bit when you talk to him. Blushing is a bodily function that
we cant control, remember when youre in grade school and you blushed in front of your
crush? Thats it!
His body language shows what he really feels, like those lovely smiles, he always tries to
impress you and most of all he cant get his eyes out of you. If he holds an eye contact
with you for longer than an average person, its an obvious cue hes interested in you. But
some guy might make short eye contact when theyre a little bit shy.

8. He touches you.

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Theres something precious when you touches the one you like and guys often do this to
their crushes. It could be a touch of your hand, shoulder, back and face or even just a
slight touch in your hair and skin. It means a lot to most men who truly like someone. But
beware, a flirty touch is different from sexual touch, some guys are just perverts who
want to touch you on your sensitive parts. This also excludes when a guy touches you

9. He find ways just to be with you, alone.

o v e ly


If a guy really likes you he will make an effort just to be with you. It could be by joining
the same group of peers you have or by asking you to hang out. Eventually he will
initiates to have time with you alone like going to church, shopping and later will ask you
for a formal date.

10. He becomes supportive and protective.

guy p

ro te c s g irl

He wants to be your knight in a shining armor. Youll know it when hes trying to protect
you in just simple ways, just like when people are pushing you around in a crowded bar,
hell positions himself in a way that others wont push you behind. Another good
example is when you two are simply walking down the streets, hell take the side wherein
vehicles are going and put you the safer side, chivalry always takes place. He is also your
number one fan, he encourage you and supports you in everything that you do. Hes
always there whenever youre feeling down.

11. He becomes jealous.

je a lo u

s guy

Lastly, you may find him jealous sometimes. Jealousy is part of it, guys cant help it
whether they show it or not. Most often a guy who likes you will act differently when you
talk about another guy within his presence, especially when you talk about your crush. He
might just keep it to himself but youll notice a hint of sadness or hurt in his face.

Edit Article

How to Read the Signs of a Guy Liking

Here is how you can read the subtle signs of a guy that likes you.

7. \l "

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Notice that if he flirts with you, then he has an obvious attraction to you.
Flirt back and have fun.
11. \l "



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Understand that if he wants to hang out with you one on one, then that
means he wants to be with you with no distractions; a definite sign of a guy liking
14. \l "


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Learn that when he gives compliments, plays with your hair, or just smiles
when he sees you, then he is happy to see you and likes things about you
17. \l "


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Remember that any guy will flirt with almost any girl, just because he is
flirting with another girl does not mean he has forgotten about you.
20. \l "


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Know that if he mentions kissing you or ask for hugs then he really wants
to kiss you or really wants a hug, most likely because he really likes you.
23. \l "


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Notice if he tries to make an excuse to hang with you (e.g) the guy you
think likes you asks if you have a dog (even when he knows you don't) you say
no, ask why and he replies with a "so we can walk our dogs together after school".
26. \l "


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Also notice if he treats you different (e.g.) when he's with you and other
girls, he'll talk a lot! But if your alone with him, he might act different by going
all quiet on you. Or sometimes, it could be a little awkward for him because he
doesn't like you in that kind of way.
29. \l "


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\l "

Watch his body language: Does he poke you, and you poke him back, but
doesn't poke any of the other girls? And when they do poke him, he claims to you
or other people that he hates it when people poke or hit him?
32. \l "


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te p 9

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\l "

If he tries to be alone with you,and seems exasperated if he cannot, he
probably wants to kiss you.

How To Tell If a Guy Likes You

By Michelle Keldgord on May 28, 2014

Prev1 of 3Next

At one point or another, every woman has asked herself: Does he like me? Its one
of the most confusing, annoying, and nervous questions we can ask ourselves, but
its something we are constantly trying to figure out. Make this question a bit
more easy and get the answer you need with these 25 ways to tell if he really likes
you- or sees you just as a friend.


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1. He Seems to Smile at You. A Lot.

Dont get me wrong. Theres always those people out there who smile at everybody and
everything. Theyll smile at strangers, theyll smile at the silliest jokes- theyll even smile

during a physics quiz. If youre talking to a guy who has one of those never-ending
smiles, he might just be doing whats natural to him by smiling at you often.
But lets face it: most people arent like that. If you catch him smiling at you often, it may
be a sign that hes into you and the sight of your face brings a smile to his lips. Pay close
attention to his smile, too. Is it one of those fake, forceful smiles? Or is it a genuine smile
full of love? This will really help you determine whether or not its a true, I like you
2. The First Form of Flirting: Teasing
Remember back in the day on the school yard when boys would chase the girls and call
them names, and everyone said its because he likes you? It may seem so kindergarten,
but even in our later years men still use teasing as a form of flirting. If he (playfully)
teases you often, then it could be a sign hes going back to his roots and using teases to
show hes interested in you. Of course, if he is just being flat out rude about something
than hes probably not into you- in a girlfriend or a friend way- and I suggest you run for
the hills.








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3. Flirty Compliments That Leave You Blushing


On the other hand, maybe youre talking to a guy whos matured past the teasing tricks
and actually knows how to flirt. If he compliments you a lot- whether its a simple
compliment about how nice your hair looks that day or how great you performed your
oral presentation- its probably a definite sign that hes interested in you.
I mean, yes- its completely true that people will compliment each other on a job well
done or a nice t-shirt. But a compliment is one thing, a flirt is another. Surely you can tell
the difference by the way its said and what words are used. For example:
Regular compliment: I like your shirt! (Pat on the back.)
Flirty compliment: That shirt looks great on you. (Smile)

See the difference?
















4. Playful, Accidental Touching

When you like someone, you want to be close to them. Thats just nature! If you find
your guy friend playfully or accidentally touching you on a regular basis, it could just be
his way of trying to get close to you. Some examples of playful or accidental touching
would include:
-Running up behind you and picking you up for a fun hug.
-Accidentally brushing your hand while the two of you work on a project together.
-Wanting to play a silly game like thumb wars or arm wrestling.
-Patting you on your thigh after talking to you while sitting down.
5. Men Hate Phone Calls. But He Doesnt?
We all know how much men hate to talk on the phone. When you ask them to call you,
its like pulling teeth. Or perhaps even a root canal. Without any medication for numbing.
(Yes, its that bad sometimes, right ladies?). But for some reason he will call you
completely out of the blue, just to talk. And he actually enjoys it and says hes had a nice
time talking to you. No, he hasnt been abducted by space aliens that changed the wiring
in his brain. Its as simple as this: man likes woman, man goes to great lengths to show
that he cares. Which brings us to the random phone calls where you spend 6 hours talking
about movies, sports, music, clothes, school, celebrities- whatever. So go ahead, pick up

the phone. He surely didnt call you because he hates talking to you!









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6. Not Just Your Basic Text Messages

So not every guy will suddenly enjoy talking on the phone because he likes you, or
maybe hes just too busy to call you. Insert: text messages, the most convenient way to
talk to another human being.
So you say hes texting you often, hmm? Well let me ask you a question first before we
jump to any conclusions. Is he texting you the basic texts like, When are you going to be
here? or Can I borrow your homework? or anything along those lines? Or is texting
you just because? If hes sending you good morning texts, asking how youre doing or
what youre up to, or trying to start an actual conversation over a text message, it may be
a sign he is interested. Again, lets do a quick example.
Friendly text: Hey, are you coming to Marks party?
Flirty text: Hey Molly. How are you doing? I was wondering if you were going to go to
Marks party. Cant wait to see you!
7. Pay Attention to His Grammar
When a guy likes a girl, he tries to impress her- we all know that! But sometimes its not

always about incredible out of this world gestures to grab our attention and impress us,
and thats why we need to pay attention to details. If he tends to talk in slang often but
really tries hard to use proper grammar and punctuation when talking/messaging you, it
could be a simple sign hes trying to impress you with his mind. Heres an example, using
the text messages used in number 6:
Friendly text: Wassup u coming to Marks party?
Flirty text: Hey Molly. How are you doing? I was wondering if you were going to go to
Marks party. Cant wait to see you!
Note how he is using bad grammar in the first text, while the second text is not only
significantly longer by texting standards, but also uses proper grammar and punctuation.
See ladies, even something as simple and subtle as this could be a definite sign he likes
you and wants you to notice how smart he is.

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8. Even Social Media Can Be a Hint!

Whether youre both on MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram (or any other popular
social media networking site), if he likes your post often, it could be a sign that he likes
you. Sure we sometimes just go scrolling down our newsfeed liking pictures we think are
cute or interesting, but if he has made it a goal to like almost all of your posts, from
pictures to status updates, he might be trying to show you that he cares. If he sends you
comments on your posts often, thats just another great sign he might be interested in

9. Make it or Break it: Eye Contact

Youve probably heard this over and over again, but eye contact is ridiculously important,
from first dates to job interviews. If you notice hes looking at you often and makes it a
point to have eye contact with you while the two of you are talking, this not only means
he likes what he sees but is trying to get you to notice him as well.

Friend: Will obviously talk to you, but will probably be looking around the room or
interrupting your conversation to holler at another friend. He probably wont randomly
stare at you with hearts in his eyes, either.
More than a friend: Will make it a point to focus on you and only you during
conversation, and you will probably catch him staring at you often. (And he might have
his jaw dropped sometimes, too- it happens).






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10. Him? Sophisticated and Mature? No Way!

So he is the kind of guy to make crude jokes and mess around with his guy friends at all
times. Even when there is a girl present he wont mind being his goofy, totally immature
and somewhat nasty self. But when you are around, everything changes. Suddenly he
turns into a somewhat sophisticated man who is reserved and respectful, and might even
tell his friends to stop with the crude humor while a lady is present. This, my friends, is
one of the easiest ways to tell if a guy is interested in you. After all, he doesnt want you
to think hes some disgusting pig with no respect for woman, so he knows to turn it off
when you come around. You should not only feel honored that someone would do that for
you, but feel confident in knowing what his intentions are.
11. Girl? What Girl?


When you are friends with a guy, you get used to that fact that they will probably be
checking out females often. They might even make a remark to you about how cute they
think the girl that just walked by is. And they wont have a problem telling you that
theyre planning on seeing Samantha from the coffee shop down the road. But if hes
interested in you and wants to be more than friends, you wont hear a single peep out of
him with regards to another female. In fact, you might notice a pretty girl walking by
quicker than he does.
If you notice he doesnt really say anything about girls or dating anyone anytime soon,
you might want to ask him if he is interested in anyone. His answer will say it all!
12. Curious About Your Relationship Status
When youre just friends, it really doesnt matter whether you are married with three kids
or never been on a date in your life. Nobody really asks, and why should they? The two
of you just go out as friends having a good time- nothing else. But if your guy friend
wants to know about your relationship status is or if youre interested in anyone, he could
be trying to ease his way into becoming your boyfriend. If he asks you what a guy would
have to do to get you to be his girlfriend, you can definitely take this as a sign he wants
you as more than just a friend.



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13. We Should Be Together. Just Kidding

Have you ever heard that saying that the biggest lie you could ever tell is just kidding? It
seems like adding just kidding to the end of something serious automatically turns it
into an untrue, laughable joke. But the fact of the matter is, 99 percent of the time when
someone says theyre just kidding about something, they really arent.
That being said, if your guy pal kids about you and him being an item, he might actually
want it to happen. For example:
The two of you are playing video games and suddenly start laughing out loud about a
joke only the two of you would find funny. As the wave of laughter comes to an end, he
jokingly says We would make the perfect couple. Lets face it ladies, he probably isnt
joking. And if this kind of thing happens somewhat often, Id take that as a definite sign

he wants you.
14. Where Are You Two Going?
Pay close attention to where you guys go. Do you do the basic friend thing, like go to
parties together, hang out downtown, or do a lot of other group activities with the rest of
your friends? Or are your hangouts a bit more romantic, with just the two of you? If the
bulk of your adventures are done in group, youre probably just friends- or he is trying
not to be so obvious. But if he asks you to do a lot of one on one things, he might be
trying to get to know you better and see if the two of you are a match made in heaven.

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15. Oh, You Shouldnt Have!

There is a huge, huge, huge difference between doing a friend a favor, and doing
something especially sweet for someone. If he gave you a ride home from work one day,
I wouldnt get carried away and assume he likes you. But if he does a lot of nice things
for you on a regular basis, like buying you those special shoes you couldnt afford or
offering to pick you up from work every single night, there might be more to it than just a
friendly gesture. Pay close attention to this, as this can sometimes get confusing. You
wouldnt want to mistake kindness for love!
16. Your Knight in Shining Armor
Its the male instinct to protect the woman you love- and if you notice he is acting more
like your knight in shining armor than your best guy friend, its a possibility hes into
you. It could be as simple as telling some people to stop saying mean things about you to
completely going berserk on a guy who shoved you in public. Whatever his knightly duty
was, dont take it lightly. He not only did this to protect you, but impress you and show

he cares for you and your safety.

17. The Green Monster Pays a Visit

When you like someone, you get jealous- thats nature. Whether its an innocent flirt or
they are talking about being with someone else, the little green monster pops his head up
instantly. If he gets jealous about you talking with other guys or mentioning other guys,
this is a definite clue he likes you.
18. Remembering the Finest Details
Remember when you told him you broke your arm when you were 5? Yeah, he just so
happened to remember that. He also remembers about that silly joke you said a couple
months back that had him rolling on the floor laughing during the Christmas party. Men
are notorious at forgetting things, especially the fine details. If he seems to remember all
that and more, this is a serious sign he is interested in you and actually listens when you
talk to him.







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19. Are You Impressed Yet?

As weve said so many times before (and youve probably known for quite some time),
men love to impress females- especially ones they are interested in. If he seems to try to
impress you, whether its with his clothing or picking up a giant boulder *right in front of
you*, hes probably trying to get you to notice him in a way other than friendly.








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20. Need Any Help With That?

This kind of goes hand in hand with doing favors for you more than the average friend.
But if he seems willing to do certain tasks- even the most boring or hard like changing
your oil or fixing your broken glass window- this is a sure sign he likes you. Plus he gets
to show off how manly and handy he is. Double win!
21. Just a Few More Minutes..
At the end of the night or a conversation with a friend, its usually easy to say goodbye.
But when youre interested in someone, you never want it to end. You could be together
all night long, not saying a word, and it would be the best thing ever. If he always tries to

spend more time with you or stay on the phone just a bit longer, hes probably very
interested in you.





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22. Asking Friends and Family for Help

There is no better way to get to know someone than by asking around. If hes asked your
friends and family members questions trying to get to know you better, Id take that as a
very obvious sign he is wanting to be more than friends. Some common questions he
might ask those closest to you include the following:
-Does she have a boyfriend?
-What kind of guys is she interested in?
-What are some of her favorite things to do?
-Any idea what her dream date is like?
Dont be surprised if someone close to you says so and so has been asking questions. Its
not weird, he just really wants to know more about you and surprise you with something
he knows you would absolutely love. Thats great investigating and really shows that
hell go the extra mile to learn about you!



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23. A Kiss to Remember

Your guy friend just kissed you. Like, woah. Completely out of nowhere. You two were
walking home from the party and he grabbed you and kissed you. You were left
completely speechless. And, you know what, this really doesnt need further explanation.
Either he was drunk out of his mind or hes been wanting to kiss you for awhile.
24. I Like You.
If he flat out tells you he likes you, then, well, he likes you. And thats that. No more
questioning or wondering. Its pretty much all on the table at that point, and its up to you
to decide how you will react. At least you wont have that lingering question in the back
of your mind, right? Even if its totally awkward, its a huge relief off of your shouldersand thats something to be thankful about. Lets just hope the guy youre friends with has
the guts to come out and tell it like it is! (Yes, men, we totally appreciate a guy who does

this. Be brave!)





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Thats right. Sometimes enough is enough and you just need ANSWERS. If he isnt
budging, just ask him to tell you so you can quit wondering.
It can be torture sitting around wondering if your guy pal wishes the two of you were
more than friends. It doesnt have to be hard, though. With subtle hints like playfully
teasing and touching to going out of his way to do you awesome favors, theres plenty of
ways you can put your curiosity to rest- and possibly land yourself a boyfriend.
Ladies- what are some great ways a guy friend has proven to you that he wants to be
more than friends?

Almost always, its extremely easy to find out if a guy likes you.
If hes a friend or someone you speak with, all you need to watch out for is the way he
behaves around you.
[Read: How to tell if a guy whos a friend is into you]
On the other hand, if youre crushing on a shy guy and want to know if hes interested in
you, you just need to give him the right opportunities to express his mind.

[Read: How do I know if he likes me if he wont even speak to me?]

But what do you do when the guy involved is someone you dont know yet?
What if you feel like a cute guy likes you, but yet, you arent too sure if he actually likes
Does he really like me?
Reading a guys mind is easy when hes communicating with you.
But when hes a shy guy or a guy youve not been introduced to yet, it gets trickier.
If a guy shows an interest in you but hes not really your friend, you can only rely on your
instincts to judge his intentions and find out if he truly likes you.
But if you learn to keep your eyes peeled when hes around, all you need to do is watch
his body language to find out if hes got more than just friends on his mind.
Decoding a guys mind by watching his body language
Reading a guys body language can reveal whether he really likes you, or if hes just
bored and having a bit of fun to pass the time. [Read: 30 circumstances when a guy may
never ever like you]
The next time you bump into him, sit near him or walk past him, pay close attention to
his behavior. In all probability, youll have your answer in no time.
If the big does-he-like-me question rings in your mind all day and the suspense kills you
just a little bit more each day, use these 18 body language signs to read his mind.
#1 He changes instantly. If a guy likes you or is interested in impressing you, his
behavior will change almost instantly as soon as he sees that youre around. If hes
laughing, hell suddenly sober down. Or if hes sitting quietly, he may get loud or try to
be the center of attention among his friends. [Read: 30 facts about guys that can help you
read his mind]
#2 He feels what you feel. When a guy likes you, hed always watch you from far away,
especially when youre with your own friends and oblivious to anyone else whos around.
If youre laughing at a joke, turn around quickly and catch his eye immediately. You may
just find him staring at you with a big smile plastered on his face because hes probably
laughing with you in his mind.
#3 The final eye contact. If youre wondering if he likes you, watch out for this sign.
Does he make eye contact with you just before he steps out of a room, no matter how
occupied he is or who hes with.
Big chances are, he wants to take one last look at you, and hes secretly hoping youre
looking at him too so he can lock eyes with you, even if its just for one more second.
[Read: 20 clear signs of attraction in a first conversation]
#4 He faces you. No matter where you sit down in an event or a gathering, youd always
find him positioning himself in a way that gives him a chance to stare at you directly
without craning his neck. He may sit down facing you, or sit away from you at an angle,
but no matter where he sits, youll see that he always has a clear view of you.
#5 He shows off a lot. He indulges in antics or does something funny when youre

around him. And he always looks at you first to see your reaction. It doesnt matter if hes
playing a game, pulling a friends leg, or just hanging out in the cafeteria. If he does
something eye catching, hell look for a sign to know that you noticed him in his moment
of glory.
#6 He gets closer to you. When a guy likes you, hed want to be in close proximity to
you even if he doesnt exchange a word with you. Does he stand next to you in an
elevator? Does he walk closely past you even if theres a lot of space around? Hes
probably dying inside and hoping to hold you in his arms one day. [Read: 10 fun and
sneaky ways to seduce a guy you dont know]
#7 He stares a lot. Do you find this guy staring at you constantly? Or does he look away
quickly as soon as you turn your head in his direction? These signs are big giveaways that
show that a guy is interested in you.
#8 He gets annoyed. If you want to know if a guy likes you, try flirting with another guy
when this guy is around. If he truly likes you, he may get annoyed watching you talking
sweetly with another guy. And at times, he may even walk away.
#9 The contrasting gazes. Does this guy stare at you long and hard for a few seconds
when hes far away? On the other hand, does he get timid and completely avoid looking
at you when hes close by? Hes probably too shy to make a bold move, even though he
likes you. [Read: 10 types of creepy guys you need to avoid talking to]
#10 He loves a surprise. Does the guys face light up with a happy grin as soon as he
sees you out of the blue? If a guy likes you and suddenly sees you when he least expects
to see you, he would involuntarily smile widely to himself. All you need to do is watch
his expression to read the sign.
#11 He tries to smooth talk you. The way he speaks with you is different from the way
he speaks to others. When a guy likes you, hed speak more boldly with you or seem
more interested in what you have to say. He uses a deeper voice to show off his
masculinity even if hes only asking you to pass the ketchup. [Read: The right way to talk
to a guy and make him like you]
#12 Hes a tease. This is a completely obvious giveaway and an obvious sign to find out
if a guy is smitten by you already. When you walk into the same room where hes
hanging out with his friends, keep your eyes peeled and watch the behavior of his friends.
If his friends glance towards him, punch him in the arm or even smile at him, hes
probably getting teased by his friends because youre around.
#13 He stands tall. When a guy likes a girl, he would want to show off his best side to
the girl. Does the guy stand up straight or stiffen up when you walk past him? Hes
probably instinctively trying to show off his best physical assets to you with the hope of
impressing you.
#14 He copies your movements. If youre sitting across a guy you like, youd
instinctively copy his behavior without even realizing it. If he sits back, youd sit back. If
he takes a sip of water, so will you. Its the same way with guys too. When a guy likes
you, hed start to copy your behavior too, and he wont even realize hes doing it.
#15 The sexy grimace. When a guy stares at you and likes you, his intention isnt just to

get an eyeful of you. He also wants to impress you with his intense, sexual gaze. When
the guy stares at you, take a quick glance at him to read his body language. If he rubs his
chin or his face slowly, or if he clenches his jaws and stares at you with a macho
expression, chances are, hes trying to *look cool* for you! [Read: 10 subtle eye contact
flirting moves that always work]
#16 He likes it groomed. Does this guy look like hes groomed himself just moments
before you walk into the room? If a guys constantly worried about his appearance or
tries to be on his best behavior each time youre around, hes definitely trying to make a
good impression on you.
#17 He asks about you. When a guy likes a girl, he cant help but try to find out more
about the girl by asking around. Did any of your friends tell you that this guy was asking
about you or trying to know more about you? Youve hit the nail here. This guy is surely
smitten by you, and wants to get to know you in a more-than-just-friends kind of way.
[Read: 30 subtle, obvious and sexy flirting tips to make any guy like you]
#18 You bump into him often. Bumping into someone you know now and then could be
a matter of sheer coincidence. But what would you feel if you keep bumping into the
same guy in different places all the time? It could be fate arm twisting you into getting to
know him. Or the timid guy is keeping an eye on you and waiting for the perfect
opportunity to walk up to you and say hello.
[Read: 9 sneaky ways to get a guy to ask you out]
If you understand these 18 does-he-like-me signs, you dont always need to wait for
a guy to ask you out to know that he likes you. Sometimes, all you need to do is
watch his body language and read the signs when hes around you.

Sometimes its not easy for a guy to tell a girl that he likes her.
He may be shy or even scared of getting turned down.
Met a friend who seems to have more than friends on his mind? Is he into you?
Its not easy to know if a guys into you or just being really friendly.
But if you know the signs that really matter, itll help you find out for yourself if a guy is
into you and help you make the next move.
If you dont like him, you can always back off.
On the other hand, if you do like him, you can warm up to him and let him see that the
romantic feelings are mutual.
Is he into you? Signs hes into you
Here are ten signs that can help you find out if hes into you. Even if your friend fits in

with a few of these signs, theres a good chance that hes into you.
He uses any excuse to touch you
If a guys into you, hes obviously going to be infatuated by you.
And infatuation also does involve a lot of sexual attraction.
He may not make it obvious or give away any signs, but hed try to touch you whenever
he can, be it crossing the street or hugging you goodbye.
Ever felt like he lingers his touch when you clasp his hand or when he places his arm
around your waist or on your back? Thats a good sign that hes into you.
He treats you like a lady when you go out
When just the two of you go out or hang out for a while, does he behave like youre his
girlfriend? Does he pull a chair back for you, offer to get you things, or does he insist of
paying for you even when all friends generally go dutch?
If a friend does this, theres also a good chance that hes just being a chivalrous guy. But
watch out for his behavior with other girls. Does he treat them the same way or is it just
you that gets the special attention? [Read: Are you more than friends?]
He flirts with you
If a guy is into you, he cant help but flirt with you. Flirting comes naturally when you
like someone, you really cant help it. Do you ever find him sweet talking you or asking
you personal questions in a funny way? If he does this in front of others and to all girls,
perhaps hes just the group jester. But if he prefers to flirt when youre alone or if he likes
flirting just with you, hes definitely into you!
Text him one night when you know hes alone at his place. Does he text back and start a
flirty text conversation with you? Or does he call you up and talk flirty? If a guy likes
you, all he needs is a little sign to push his luck further. [Read: How to flirt by texting]
He never talks about any other girl
When a guy likes a girl and hasnt told her that he likes her, hed want to make it as
obvious as possible without really revealing the truth directly. At the same time, just to
make it extremely clear that hes into you and no one else, he may avoid talking about
any other girl when hes around you. That way, at least hed hope to get the message
across that youre the only girl he notices.
A great way to test this is by talking about a few girls and asking him whom he finds the
prettiest. If your name pops up even when its not in your list, bingo! Youve got a guy
that fancies you. [Read: How to talk to a guy who likes you]
He wants to be with you
Even when youre hanging out with your friends, does this guy make his way through the
crowd of friends just to be with you? If he constantly chooses to be around you even
when there are several other friends he can talk to, hes obviously very interested in you.
This can be confusing at times because he may just like talking to you. So lets put this to
the test. The next time he walks up to you and your friends and starts having a
conversation, wait for a few minutes until he starts talking to someone else. As he begins

his conversation with the other person, excuse yourself from the group to go to the
cafeteria or some other place. Does he leave the conversation midway and tell you that
hell come along?
Well, thats a sure sign that he wants to be with you and that hes into you.
[Read: How men fall in love]
He likes your attention
If a guy likes you, hed try his best to please you. Have you ever told him he looks good
in a particular shirt? Does he wear it often when hes around you?
If he knows about your preference in music or places to hang out, does he have the same
preferences too? A guy who likes you will always try to become the perfect splitting
image of the kind of guy youd like. So is he into you? If you see that he changes his
preference whenever you change your interest, theres a possibility that hes trying to
impress you and make you like him.
[Read: How to make him want you]
These are a few signs that a guys into you. Use these tips to test the signs and find
out for yourself if a guy has more than friends on his mind. So is he into you? Read
the next five signs in signs that a guy likes you to know for sure.

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