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Characteristics of Organizational Behavior

There are several common characteristics of organizational behavior in the

workplace, but these are dependent on the current conditions of the workplace for
their continuation. Essentially, characteristics like these are caused by the state of
the workplace and the workers themselves, so changes over time can affect the
way organizational behavior unfolds. Behavior also depends on the type of
workplace and the expectations of the workers, among many other different
qualities. Generalizations about this type of behavior might include information
about what factors improve productivity and how the employees see themselves as
part of the company.
The best way to understand the characteristics of organizational workplace behavior
is to think about what states cause what behaviors in members of the organization.
Small actions in a large group can yield large changes on the institutional level. For
example, if each employee works just slightly harder, then the effect for the
company as a whole can be enormous even though each employee contributed only
a little. Organizational behavior studies focus on what states can create changes
like these, which affect the attitudes and productivity of workers.
Characteristics of this behavior depend on the culture, workers, and all other
variables in the situation. Even so, common characteristics include a relationship
between managerial style and worker satisfaction, a connection between worker
recognition and stress levels, and an overall tendency for power to cause feelings of
being above the rules. These factors play into the particular culture of any work
Role of Psychology in Organizational Behavior
The role of psychology in organizational behavior is related to its value in the
determination of the relationship between the mental health and general wellbeing
of individuals in relation to their behavior at work. It is actually a field of study
where psychologists use several parameters to access how different work
environments and trends affect the health and performance of employees.
Organizations may use the outcome of the study of the role of psychology in
organizational behavior in their hiring practices, in their assessment and relation
with employees, and in their training of new and existing employees.
An application of the role of psychology in organizational behavior is in the
recruitment of new employees. Usually, the results of conclusive assessments by
psychologists, who may serve as consultants to the organization, may be made
available to the human resource department for hiring purposes. These consultants
will normally conduct a study that is specific to the organization in question, taking
into consideration any unique environmental and organizational conditions in
producing a plan that is tailored for that organization. Where this is the case, the
result of the study will include recommendations as to the parameters to use in the
recruitment of staff to fill certain positions, which may include the kind of questions
and tests to use in their assessment.

This is a strange feast as it commemorates a church building, the basilica of St John

Lateran which is the Popes cathedral. It is a focus of the unity of our church and
gives a hint of the true meaning of a church building.

Scala_Santa_1Pope Francis says speaking of the Temple: the place where the
community comes to pray, to praise the Lord, to give thanks, but above all to
worship: we worship the Lord in the Temple. It is the place in the locality which may
lift our mind and heart to God, and the place where we gather for the big moments
of life, like birth, marriage and death. This refers to a church building also.

He speaks also of the other temples of the spiritual temples where the holy spirit
dwells in each of us. In both temples, he says, our attitude should be that of piety,
of loving and listening, praying and asking for forgiveness.

The feast today reminds of the coming together to pray, and of the temple within
each of us where we listen to God and to each other.

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