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To All Whom It May Concern:

Know Ye, that the Universal Grand Lodge, of Argentina, authorizes the
constitution of

Isis Lodge No. 2

to work under the authority and jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, and
Know Ye, also that the Universal Grand Lodge, of Argentina hereby appoints our
trusted and beloved brethren, Jonothon Boulter, as the first Worshipful
Master, Brother David Parry, as the First Senior Warden, and Brother
Vladimir Wiedemann as the First Junior Warden of Isis Lodge No. 2; and
Know Ye Further, that empowers these officers, as named, and their successors,
duly elected and installed, to convene Isis Lodge No. 2 within the City of
London., and therein to enter Apprentices, pass Fellowcrafts, and raise Master
Masons; to ballot on applications for affiliation; and to conduct all business of
the Lodge strictly in accord with the customs and usages of the Craft all of the
laws, rules, and regulations of this Universal Grand Lodge.
By This Instrument, the Universal Grand Lodge, of Argentina, authorizes
Brothers Boulter, Parry, and Wiedemann to install their successors, they being
the first elected as such, and thereupon to deliver to said successors this
warrant of constitution, thereby investing them will all of their powers and
dignities as Freemasons, and such successors, in like manner, install their
successors, on ad infinitum.
Be It Additionally Known, that this Charter is issued with the proviso that the
above named brethren and their successors are to unequivocally pay due and
full respect to this Universal Grand Lodge and to the ordinances thereof;
otherwise this warrant of Constitution will become void and of no effect.
In Testimony Of All That Is Herein Declared, and acting in my capacity as Grand
Master of Masons of Universal Grand Lodge of Argentina, I hereby affix this
seal and declare this Charter in force and effective as of this date, the twentyfifth day of September, A.L. 6014, A.D. 2014.

Grand Master

Senior Grand Warden

Junior Grand Warden

Grand Secretary

A todo quien pueda interesar:

Sabed, que la Gran Logia Universal, de Argentina, autoriza la Constitucin

Isis Lodge N 2
A trabajar bajo la autoridad y jurisdiccin de esta Gran Logia, y
Sabed, adems que la Gran Logia Universal, de la Argentina por la presente
designa a nuestros queridos hermanos, Jonothon Boulter, como el Primer
Venerable Maestro, Al hermano David Parry, como el Primer Vigilante y al
hermano Vladimir Wiedemann como el Segundo Vigilante de la Logia Isis;

Sabed, que facultamos a estos oficiales, debidamente instalados en la ciudad

de Londres a elegir y nombrar sus sucesores, iniciar aprendices, pasar a
Compaeros y exaltar Maestros Masones; y llevar a cabo toda actividad de la
Logia estrictamente de acuerdo con las costumbres y usos del Arte, las leyes,
reglas y regulaciones de esta Gran Logia Universal de la Argentina.
Conoced adems que esta carta se publica con la salvedad de que los
hermanos y sus sucesores deben rendir inequvocamente pleno respeto a esta
Gran Logia Universal y a las ordenanzas que se emitan, de lo contrario esta
carta de Constitucin ser nula y sin efecto.
En testimonio de todo lo que aqu se declara y actuando en mi calidad de Gran
Maestre de la Gran Logia Universal de la Argentina, por la presente sello y
declaro esta carta constitutiva en vigor y a partir de esta fecha, el vigsimo
quinto da de septiembre, A.L. 6014, A.D. 2014.

El gran maestro

Senior gran director

Junior gran director

Gran Secretario

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