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Comba Telecom

Installation Manual

Comba Telecom Systems Holdings Ltd

611 East Wing, No.8 Science Park West Avenue, Hong Kong Science
Park, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2636 6861
Fax:+852 2637 0966 / +852 2116 6055

Table of contents

System Requirement................................................................................................................ 1

Install MySQL 4.1.12................................................................................................................ 3

Install COMETS Server........................................................................................................... 4

COMETS System Setting.......................................................................................................

Comba Telecom

COMETS Linux Installation Manual

1 System Requirement

Operating System Redhat Verson 3 or above.

Hard drive space allocation

Create a /COMETS directory on an independent disk or partition. It must have at lease 200G bytes of
free space and set the access permission to 755.
If no independent disk is dedicated to install the COMETS server, then you could also create a
/COMETS directory at / root directory.
Enter commands on prompt:
# mkdir /COMETS
# chmod 755 /COMETS

Setup FTP Server

gssftp server will be used provided in Redhat. If other FTP server (eg. WS FTP) is also install on the
same machine, then it has be closed. Use ntsysv command to start or close FTP Server service.
Modify gssftp setting
# vi /etc/xinetd.d/gssftp
Original setting:
server_args = -l -a
disable = yes
Modifiy to:
server_args = -l
disable = no
If SE is installed in Redhat, need to modified setting that relates to it.
# vi /etc/selinux/config
Original Setting:
Modify to:
# vi /boot/grub/menu.lst
Original Setting:
kernel ........ rhgb quiet
Modify to:
kernel ........ rhgb selinux=0
Comba Telecom

COMETS Linux Installation Manual

If firewall is installed in Redhat, then close fireweall.

Go to main UI menu: system --> administration --> security level and firewall --> close firewall
Restart to re-launch services after finishing setting.
# /sbin/service xinetd restart

Setup Telnet (to allow remote maintenance)

Telnet Server will be use to allowed remote login to maintain the COMETS system.
Modify telnet setting
# vi /etc/xinetd.d/telnet
Original setting:
disable = yes
Modify to:
disable = no
# vi /etc/pam.d/login
Original setting:


Modify to:


Delete security setting

# mv /etc/securetty /etc/securetty.bak
Restart services after finishing up setting
# /sbin/service xinetd restart

Upload installation files

Upload COMETSServerSetup.tar.gz file to the /COMETS directory.

Decompress COMETSServerSetup.tar.gz file:
# tar -zxvf /COMETS/ COMETSServerSetup .tar.gz
# cd /COMETS/setup

Configure Host name

In main UI menu, go to System Administration Network DNS Hostname input systems


Modify hosts setting (very important)

# vi /etc/hosts
Original setting:


Comba Telecom


COMETS Linux Installation Manual

Modify to:
x.x.x.x (IP address) localhost.localdomain


And add: localhost

2 Install MySQL 4.1.12

cd /COMETS/setup

Check if mysql has been installed :

# rpm -q MySQL-server
# rpm -q MySQL-client
If already installed

remove it:

# rpm -e MySQL-client
# rpm -e MySQL-server
# rpm rebuilddb

Install MySQL 4.1.12 :

# rpm -ivh MySQL-server-4.1.12-1.i386.rpm

# rpm -ivh MySQL-client-4.1.12-1.i386.rpm

Change MySQL directory

# /sbin/service mysql stop

# cp -Rp /var/lib/mysql /COMETS/mysql
# cp -p my.cnf /etc/my.cnf
# /sbin/service mysql start

Comba Telecom

COMETS Linux Installation Manual

3 Install COMETS Server

cd /COMETS/setup

Install COMETS DB & Program files

# ./
# cp -Rp jre /COMETS/jre
# cp -Rp COMETSServer /COMETS/COMETSServer
# cp -Rp UpgradeServer /COMETS/UpgradeServer
# cp -Rp System_Backup /COMETS/System_Backup
# cp -Rp Habilis /COMETS/Habilis

Upload license to /COMETS/COMETSServer

Start COMETS Server

# nohup ./ &

Start COMETS client to test. If failed


/COMETS/COMETSServer/nohup.out error outputs/

Comba Telecom

COMETS Linux Installation Manual

4 COMETS System Setting

Setup COMETS Server to automatically start at startup.

# vi /etc/rc.local
Add following command lines:
nohup ./ &
cd /COMETS/UpgradeServer
nohup ./ &

Create a user account of CCU in the FTP server of COMETS (For use of CCU and RCU
firmware upgrade)

# useradd -d /COMETS/Habilis habilis (create habilis account)

# passwd habilis (set password to :silibah)
# cd /COMETS/Habilis
# chown habilis habilis-c (change owner)
# chgrp habilis habilis-c (change group ownership)
# chown habilis habilis-c+ (change owner)
# chgrp habilis habilis-c+ (change group ownership)

Setup routing tasks(database backup / ntp time synchornization)

# vi /etc/crontab
Add following setting
00 3 * * * root /COMETS/System_Backup/
00 5 * * * root /usr/sbin/ntpdate <NTP Server IP> && /sbin/hwclock w

Delete installation files

# rm /COMETS/ COMETSServerSetup.tar.gz
# rm -rf /COMETS/setup

Comba Telecom

COMETS Linux Installation Manual

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