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Flavio Ramos Ollague

Paralelo 2

Deber: Introduccin A La Ingeniera Mecnica

4) The astronauts on the Challenger mission were aware of the dangerous
nature of riding a complex machine such as the space shuttle into space, so
they can be thought of as having given informed consent to participating in
a dangerous enterprise. What role did informed consent play in this case?
Do you think that the astronauts had enough information to give informed
consent to launch the shuttle that day?
In this specific case they knew all the dangers that entails the mission, so,
NASA didnt have 100% of responsibilities, however, they didnt know
problem that they had with the O-Ring inside the fuel tank and if they knew
that, they could have abort the mission.
8) Should a launch have been allowed when there were no test data for the
expected conditions? Keep in mind that it is probably impossible to test for
all possible operating conditions. More generally, should a product be
released for use even when it hasnt been tested over all expected
operational conditions? When the data are inconclusive, which way should
the decision go?
It shouldnt be allowed because you should be attacking physically the
person you have on board. If a product dont have all the permissions it
shouldnt be released because you are playing with a persons life. If the
data is inconclusive I wouldnt launch the program.
10) It might be assumed that the management decision to launch was
prompted in part by concerns for the health of the company and the space
program as a whole. Given the political climate at the time of the launch, if
problems and delays continued, ultimately Thiokol might have lost NASA
contracts, or NASA budgets might have been severely reduced. Clearly, this
scenario could have led to the loss of many jobs at Thiokol and NASA. How
might these considerations ethically be factored into the decision?
I think that besides Contract is people, so, in this case I would have talked
with all the companies that singed the contract and request an extension of
the contract, due to the issues that we had. I would have solved the problem
with the people that could have lost his job by putting them in other
contracts and explaining all the situation.

11) Engineering codes of ethics require engineers to protect the safety and
health of the public in the course of their duties. Do the astronauts count as
the public in this context? How about test pilots of new airplane designs?
Test pilots of new airplane designs its a crucial stage of development in this
days, then, the idea of testing in that time it is not crazy at all.


Flavio Ramos Ollague

Paralelo 2

Chapter 6
6) Imagine that you are the president of a small high-technology firm. Your
company has grown over the last few years to the point where you feel that
it is important that your employees have some guidelines regarding ethics.
Define the type of company you are running, then develop an appropriate
code of ethics. As in Question 2.5, start by deciding what type of code is
appropriate for your company. Then, list specific points that are important
for example, relationships with vendors, treatment of fellow employees, etc.
Finally, write a code that incorporates these features. In developing your
code of ethics, you should think about the difference between business
policies and ethical concerns. For example, business policies might be
specific about what time workers should arrive each day and how many
hours they should work; a code of ethics would focus more on integrity in
following the business rules of a company.
Mechanical Modeling&Desing
The company develops important designs of cars (small and medium size),
using vanguard tech that associates 3D modeling and 3D prints.
Ethics Statements:
-Employee should be on time in his workspace.
-Employee is able to have prudential time for a snack or a coffee.
-Employee must be friendly while expressing with colleges.
-Talking between workspaces is permitted as long as the persons keep voice
tone low.
-Employee is unable to copy or ask for other designs from colleges.


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