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Lord, Help Me Love


Larry Nevenhoven

Copyright 2015 by Larry Nevenhoven

All rights reserved. This article is protected by the copyright laws of the
United States of America. Written permission must be secured from the
author to use or reproduce any part of this book, except for brief
quotations in critical reviews or articles.
Unless otherwise noted. Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible,
English Standard Version (ESV), copyright 2001 by Crossway, a
publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.
Published by Larry Nevenhoven

Author's Note
I first wrote Lord, Help Me Love Democrats as a
prophetic/teaching series on my blog: Except for a
few grammar changes, it's the same series.
Larry Nevenhoven

Part 1
What national leader do you trust? President Obama? Vice
President Biden? Senate Majority Leader McConnell? Senate Minority
Leader Reid? Speaker of the House Ryan? House Majority Leader
McCarthy? House Minority Leader Pelosi? Any senator? Any
congressional representative? Or even the Republican Party or
Democratic Party? Can you believe much of anything these leaders
ever say?
If you have the common sense of an amoeba, your answer has to
be "NO."
But maybe you think your favorite politicians and favorite political
parties are better than the opposition because your favorites lie less
than the other political side. Okay, maybe you are correct with your
assumptions, but a liar who prevaricates fewer times than another
politician is still what? That's right! That politician is still a liar.
Good golly Miss Molly!
How did America end up with shameless liars for leaders who have
not an ounce of remorse in them, even when they are caught in their
"We have met the enemy and he is us." (Pogo Comic Strip poster,
Walt Kelly, Earth Day, 1970)
Most of us Christians are quick to point our fingers at politicians,
judges, attorneys, the media, talk show hosts, or whomever and blame
them for America's downfall. But that is foolish because we believers
are the ones who should be wearing sackcloth and ashes, bowing down
before everyone in our shame for allowing America to undergo such a
horrendous transformation on our watch. We are the blame! Repeat:
we are the blame!
It won't be long before both political parties will be labeling the
2016 Presidential Elections as "the most important election" in the
history of America. So to be ahead of the curve, let's look at what I
consider are some bad choices we believers have made over the last
sixty years, which need to be handled now.

Part 2
In the late 1940's, Ja-shil Choi had her spiritual eyes opened by the
Lord to the ungodly direction South Korea was heading. Her heart was
broken by the nation's sin and she knew something had to be done.
At the time, 3% of South Koreans were Christians. These believers

were poor and powerless, mainly because of Japan's occupation of

South Korea from 1910 until the end of WWII. Japan banned Christianity
during the occupation. Those believers who ignored the ban and were
caught by the Japanese were thrown into prison or executed.
Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials,
knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. (James 1:23)
The "prayer mountain movement" began during Japan's
occupation. Believers climbed up mountains during the late night hours
and prayed until sunrise. They then climbed down to put in a full day's
work before returning again that night.
Ja-shil Choi followed the examples of these early believers and
began fasting and praying for her nation, even though she was
finishing up Bible school and had three children. She often prayed
through the night for ten hours or so. She continued this routine for
almost ten years before she met David Yonggi Cho.
The two then began a church in Ja-Shil Choi's house. The two fasted
and prayed 5 to 6 hours per day in what they referred to as a prayer
Their first church eventually grew to one thousand members. David
Yonggi Cho then started a second church, which grew to ten thousand
members. Along the way, David Yonggi Cho married Ja-shil Choi's
A third church, Yoido Full Gospel Church, was built in 1973.
Today, Yoido has over 800,000 members with weekly prayer
meetings numbering in the hundreds of thousands. A Christian retreat,
Prayer Mountain, has facilities for 10,000 believers to spend time in
secluded prayer and fasting.
South Korea is now home to six of the world's largest churches,
ranging in size from 47,000 to 800,000. Christianity has grown to 30%
and South Korea's economy is one of the strongest in the world.
How much of this came about because of Ja-Shil Choi's faithfulness?
We won't know for sure until we arrive in heaven, but my guess
would be: a large percentage of it.

Part 3
The landmark Roe vs. Wade decision by the Supreme Court on
January 22, 1973, blindsided Christianity. Confused Christians jumped
into foxholes and hid from the wicked aftermath of the decision.
Rev. Jerry Falwell, the pastor of the largest independent Baptist

church in America and the founder of Liberty University, realized Roe

vs. Wade undermined the moral fabric of America. He had long held
the belief that politics and Christianity should not be mixed and had
often stated, "Preachers are not called to be politicians, but soul
But two things eventually changed his mind.
First, Falwell was influenced by the writings of Francis Schaeffer,
who blamed society's downfall on secular humanism. Schaeffer urged
Christians, especially pastors, to become political activists, stating,
"Christians had a moral duty to step into political arenas to change
Second, Falwell studied the success of the Civil Rights movement.
He noted how America was forever changed because Martin Luther
King, Jr. and the other leaders forced governments to grant equal rights
to all Americans, not just whites.
So, in 1976, Rev. Falwell held "I Love America" rallies across
America. Large crowds gathered to hear him preach against the Equal
Rights Amendment, abortion, homosexuality, pornography, the family
breakdown, and communism.
These rallies catapulted Falwell into the forefront of the Christian
political movement.
In 1979, conservative leaders and Republican operatives convinced
Rev. Falwell to co-found, along with Paul Weyrich, the Moral Majority.
Weyrich was the founder of the Heritage Foundation and also coined
the term moral majority. It was Weyrich's knowledge of grassroots
politics, which helped set up Moral Majority chapters in states,
especially the South.
Rev. Falwell barnstormed America during the 1980 presidential
campaign giving speeches, holding seminars, and preaching sermons
in every major city. President Ronald Reagan won the election and
became America's 40th president. Many credited Moral Majority and
Falwell's preaching for the victory.
The popularity of Moral Majority lessened in the late 1980's and
was disbanded in 1989.
Now, I believe Rev. Jerry Falwell was a good man who had good
intentions, but I believe America is still burdened by his and other
leaders' decisions during the 1970's. We will look at what I consider to
be their mistakes in future articles.

Part 4
In the late 1980's, Charisma Magazine published an interview of Dr.
David Yonggi Cho, pastor and founder of Yoido Full Gospel Church in

Seoul, Korea. Cho stated the simple reason Yoido had 1,000,000
members was prayer. He went on to say that he and his more than four
hundred assistant pastors averaged three hours per day in prayer. The
church's prayer team consisted of 250,000 members, each averaging
between two and three hours per day in prayer.
Cho felt everything accomplished by his church began in prayer
and finished with prayer.
"Dr. Cho, will America ever have a church like Yoido Full Gospel
Church?" asked the interviewer.
"No," replied David Yonggi Cho, "Americans aren't willing to pay the
price it costs to pray enough to make such a church happen."
The accuracy of Cho's words bugged me then and still does today.
But interestingly enough, Yoido Full Gospel began in 1973, the
exact year Roe vs. Wade became law and also when Rev. Jerry Falwell
noticed the moral decline in America.
For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according
to the flesh. (2 Corinthians 10:3)
Rev. Jerry Falwell was first of all a speaker, as in preacher and
teacher. His radio and television programs afforded him speaking
outlets. The megachurch membership at Thomas Road Baptist Church
was built on his speaking abilities.
I'm not insinuating Falwell did not pray because I'm sure he did, but
his main tool, as with most American pastors, was speaking.
And what is the main tool of politicians? Of course, it's speaking.
Why do you think the conservatives and Republicans asked Falwell
to co-found Moral Majority, along with Paul Weyrich? Falwell was the
dynamic speaker who had a base of followers and Weyrich understood
grassroots politics.
All of this makes logical sense to fight bad laws and policies with a
dynamic Christian political speaker and super-activist political
organizer, but spiritual battles are not won with logic.
For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine
power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty
opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought
captive to obey Christ. (2 Corinthians 10:4-5)
I believe one of Rev. Falwell's main mistakes was fighting a spiritual
battle with fleshly weapons, much like politicians do. Sadly, this
mistake continues today.

Part 5
Does the word, Nehushtan, ring any bells with you? Probably not.
But it was the name of the brass idol King Hezekiah broke into
pieces and destroyed after he ascended to the throne of Judah. Yet,
Nehushtan was not created as an idol.
Seven hundred years earlier, while on their wilderness journey,
Israel sinned by speaking against God, Moses, and also complaining
about the food. God sent fiery serpents among the people to get their
attention. Many died, causing the others to ask Moses to seek the Lord.
Moses prayed and the following two verses were the results:
And the Lord said to Moses, "Make a fiery serpent and set it on a
pole, and everyone who is bitten, when he sees it, shall live." So Moses
made a bronze serpent and set it on a pole. And if a serpent bit
anyone, he would look at the bronze serpent and live. (Numbers 21:89)
Okay, put on your thinking caps for a moment.
Were the Israelites healed because of the brass serpent's healing
powers or because they obeyed the words spoken by the omnipotent
Obviously, the answer was their obedience to God.
Now, let's look at the Civil Rights Movement here in America.
Did the 1964 Civil Rights Act come about because of the many
marches, bus rides, and speeches or because God's hand was on the
Civil Rights protestors?
The answer is simple: God's hand produced the victory.
"The unwavering belief that we were doing God's work became a
daily source of faith and courage that undergirded our freedom
movement." (Coretta King)
When Rev. Jerry Falwell studied the success of the Civil Rights
Movement, he overlooked the three hundred years of prayer, fasting,
and crying out to God for deliverance by generations of black people.
He did exactly what Israel did with the brass serpent, Nehushtan.
Falwell looked at the end results and latched onto the vehicle of God's
deliverance for African-Americans, which was government.
Why did Falwell choose to emphasize the political arena rather than
prayer and fasting?
Here's my guess, which comes from thirty years of experience: he
took the easier path. You see, it's a lot easier to get people enthused
about laying the blame on perceived enemies, like politicians, judges,
the media, and so forth, than it is to get them to fast and pray, seeking
God's will and ways on handling issues.

Part 6
"Few Christians have had as great an impact on their generation as
Dr. Francis A. Schaeffer." (The Francis Schaeffer Foundation)
To say Francis Schaeffer (1912 - 1984) has had a profound impact
on American Christianity would be a massive understatement. Rev.
Jerry Falwell, Rev. Pat Robertson, Dr. James Dobson, Dr. Tim LaHaye,
Michelle Bachmann, Randall Terry, Ralph Reed, and thousands of other
Christian leaders have been greatly influenced by the writings of Dr.
Along with his wife Edith, the daughter of a missionary couple to
China, Schaeffer pastored two churches in America and then moved to
Switzerland to be a part of missionary group in 1948.
Dr. Schaeffer and Edith eventually founded L'Abri (French for
shelter) in Switzerland in 1954, which helped fulfill the couple's dream
of working with young people. It was a unique combination retreat,
commune, and seminary, without really being any of the three. It was
at L'Abri that Schaeffer wrote his twenty-two books and followed his
intellectual pursuits in art, music, science, and politics.
In the mid-1970's, Dr. Schaeffer produced a film/video series and a
book, entitled, How Should We Then Live: The Rise and Decline of
Western Thought and Culture. He toured America and was
enthusiastically received by Evangelical leaders. The video series
encouraged Christians to become active in politics to stop abortion.
A second video series, Whatever Happened to the Human Race,
and a book, The Christian Manifesto, cemented Dr. Francis Schaeffer as
the guiding light for the entrance of Evangelicals into American politics.
Schaeffer set the tone and agenda for today's Christian Right.
Schaeffer's books and videos are still used in Evangelical
seminaries today.
Rev. Jerry Falwell embraced the writing and teachings of Dr. Francis
Schaeffer. And because of that, Falwell arrived at the same wrong
conclusions that Schaeffer did: that the entrance of Evangelical
Christians into politics would remove abortion and other sinful
practices from our nation.
Sadly, we're still making the same mistakes today after almost forty
years of going down the wrong road.

Part 7

An electrician friend of mine worked on union construction sites for

over twenty years. The constant standing on concrete floors and
climbing ladders took its physical toll on his body, especially on his
back. The back pain forced him to take pain pills so he could work each
day. Over-the-counter drugs, such as ibuprofen, no longer deadened
his pain, but instead, only Vicodin or other powerful prescription pain
relievers helped him.
One Sunday morning, he attended church with his family. The
worship singing lasted longer than usual and since he did not take
Vicodin on weekends, hoping to protect his stomach and liver from side
affects, his back began acting up. The pain became so excruciating
that he sat down on his chair.
A person in the row behind him tapped him on the shoulder. He
turned around to look at a lady whom he had never met before.
"Jesus bore your sins on the cross. Can't you at least honor Him by
standing up a few minutes during worship service?" she said, glaring
into his eyes.
He nodded his head and stood back up.
Why did my friend stand up?
The lady's condemnation shamed him into doing it. He
knew Romans 8:1 and believed the words to be true, but he could not
overcome the power of the lady's condemnation at that precise
Let's multiply this one uncomfortable situation by a thousand
times. Then add in all of the words spoken by almost every Evangelical
preacher, schoolteacher, historian, government leader, news media
expert, military member, patriot, and all of our relatives about the
importance of Christians participating in politics.
Now, how willing are we to swim upstream against all of these
people's political beliefs and traditions? Admittedly, it would be tough
for us to do.
But let's be honest, what we have been doing for the last forty
years has not worked. So, are we going to continue walking down the
same road with the same results? Or are we willing to change?
If we do change, will the people tapping on our shoulders still
shame us?

Part 8
The first city Israel faced in the Promised Land was Jericho.
The Lord gave His leader, Joshua, unusual instructions for laying
siege to the city. Joshua was told to have Israel's army quietly march
around Jericho with seven priests blowing trumpets one time each day

for six days. On the seventh day, the warriors and the priests marched
seven times around the city and then the warriors shouted.
The walls of Jericho fell down and the city was soon destroyed.
(Joshua 6)
After sacking Jericho, the next step for Israel was Ai, a fortified city
of 12,000 men and women. (Joshua 7)
Joshua sent scouts to check out Ai. The scouts returned and said,
"Ai is a puny, insignificant city compared to Jericho. Just send two or
three thousand warriors to attack it."
Joshua listened to the scouts and sent 3,000 soldiers against Ai.
The Israelites were soundly defeated and 36 men were killed. (Joshua
Now, came the big test for Israel's new leader, Joshua. What should
he do?
After all, Israel had an army of three hundred thousand fighting
men. Joshua could have depended solely on Israel's numerical strength
and sent them all against Ai, hoping to crush them.
Or he could have sent a different scouting party to Ai. Maybe the
first group of scouts overlooked something.
Joshua chose neither of these options, but instead, he humbled
himself in prayer and fasting, seeking the Lord's answer for Israel's
defeat by Ai. Joshua was determined to do nothing this time until he
heard the Lord's voice.
What did the Lord eventually tell Joshua?
Israel has sinned...Therefore the people of Israel cannot stand
before their enemies... (Joshua 7:11-12)
The sin in Israel had to be identified and handled in an extreme
manner to ready it for future battles. You see, God hated Israel's sin
and would not be a partner with it.
What can we American Christians learn from this example?

Part 9
Is abortion America's Ai, a battle we can't win because we have a
national sin?
If so, what is our national sin(s)?
I have written and published an eBook entitled, New Wind
Blowing. The fifty-four page book declares an alternative solution to
the abortion problem and three other major issues:
I believe that one of Americas sins, which has opened the doors for

Gods judgments of first, abortion, and then, illegal aliens, national

debt, and Islamic terrorists to fall upon our nation was our
governments treacherous handling of the Vietnam War, especially in
dealing with South Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. Our broken promises
and lies have resulted in the deaths of millions of innocent people
whose blood has cried out to a just God. (An excerpt from New Wind
Blowing by Larry Nevenhoven, Amazon eBook, 2013)
New Wind Blowing is a prophetic book, which means I believe the
content came from the Holy Spirit. Could I be wrong? Yes, of course, I
could be totally off the mark.
But yet, all of my premises in the book are backed up with
numerous scriptures and historical points.
Okay, how many scriptures back up our dependence on
putting faith in America's political system to rid our nation of a sin,
such as abortion? Can you name one? Probably not.
And yet, we American Christians continue to walk down the same
path the Moral Majority laid out for us almost forty years ago.
What have we Christians got to lose by being open to new ideas?
Or are we just so determined to keep beating the same dead horse
forever with the same results at the end of the day?

Part 10
Brother Andrew, author of God's Smuggler and founder of Open
Door Ministries, has witnessed horrible persecution of Christians
firsthand by various governments, but yet, he refuses to take a political
position. He views North Korean Communist leaders, Hamas leaders,
and American politicians as all having the same problem: a need for
Jesus Christ.
He met with 400 Hamas leaders in Gaza and said:
"I can't change the situation you face here in Gaza. I can't solve the
problems you have with your enemies. But I can offer you the One who
is called the Prince of Peace. You cannot have real peace without
Jesus..." (Light Force: A Stirring Account of the Church Caught in
the Middle East Crossfire, Brother Andrew and Al Janssen, Revell
Publishing, 2005, pp. 182 to 190)
In an interview, Brother Andrew stated:
I always like to say at Open Doors we speak for those who cannot
speak. We have to be bold in our statement without offending the

government, because our role as dedicated followers of Jesus is not

political. I want to emphasize that strongly, it must be spiritual and the
moment we go off the track we are wrong... (The Christian Post,
February 19, 2013)
Brother Andrew wrote in his book, Secret Believers: What Happens
When Muslims Believe in Christ:
Christians need a new filling of the Holy Spirit to love those who
disagree with them...
Yes, Brother Andrew is a radical Christian, but do his beliefs line up
with the words of Jesus?
The Son of Man... a friend of tax collectors and sinners... (Matthew
The Pharisees asked, "Tell us, then, what do You think. Is it lawful to
pay taxes to Caesar, or not?" Jesus said, "Show me the coin for the
tax. And they brought him a denarius. And Jesus said to them,
Whose likeness and inscription is this? They said, Caesars. Then
He said to them, Therefore render to Caesar the things that are
Caesars, and to God the things that are Gods. (Mark 22:17-21)
Even though Rome ruled Israel with a cruel hand, Jesus never once
voiced a political opinion...nor did the Apostle Paul or the other
So, is it okay to vote? Is it okay to consider oneself a Democrat or a

Part 11
In the movie, Dave, a man named Dave (Kevin Kline) bears an
uncanny resemblance to the President of the United States. Two
political advisors convince Dave it's best for America if he would take
the President's place while the Chief Executive is in a coma. Dave, of
course, has problems posing as the President, but in one scene he asks
a Secret Service Agent named Duane (Ving Rhames), who knows he's a
replacement, a few questions:
Dave: "You know, I've always wondered about you guys. You know,
about how you're trained to take a bullet for the president?"
Duane: "What about it?"

Dave: "Is that really true? I mean, would you let yourself be killed to
save his life?"
Duane: "Certainly."
Dave: "So, now that means you'd get killed for me too, right?"
The Secret Service Agent stared straight ahead and never
answered Dave. His face revealed his conflicted thoughts about where
his loyalties began and ended in a situation like this.
I completely understand the Secret Service Agent's problem.
You see, for a little over eight years, I had conflicting thoughts
toward Christians who backed the Democratic Party.
I hate abortion and believe it's murder. The Democratic Party
endorses abortion as a plank on its party platform. Therefore, I judged
all Christians who voted as a Democrat to be a supporter of baby
Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you
pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be
measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's
eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you
say to a brother, "Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when there is
a log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own
eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your
brother's eye. (Matthew 7:1-5)
Ouch! The lessons I have learned always seem to be painful,
especially in time and money.

Part 12
Dad and I rarely talked about politics, but I remember one
conversation as a senior in college.
"How do you choose which political candidate to vote for?" I asked.
"I always vote for the best person," Dad said, puffing on his pipe.
"Really? Have you ever voted for a Democrat or even looked into
their positions on issues?
"No, I've never once voted for a Democrat or even bothered to
check them out. They never measured up well against Republicans."
"So, you always vote for the best person as long as he's a
Republican, right?"
"Yeah, that pretty well sums up my political philosophy."
As you can guess from this exchange, my parents voted

conservative and raised me to think the same way, which I did until
attending college. There I discovered being a conservative because my
parents, Roy Rogers, and John Wayne voted like that were not winning
arguments with my classmates, seventy percent of whom came from
the Chicago area. I soon followed the lemming herd, becoming a liberal
like most of the University of Illinois students.
I remained a dedicated liberal until my salvation in 1985, at which
time I changed my voting status to Independent. I did this not for any
political reasons, but because I no longer cared or read about politics.
It seemed like such a waste of time when compared to seeking the
A few weeks after the 1992 presidential election, I happened to
watch a TBN television program, featuring Pentecostal preacher
Carlton Pearson. He read a copy of a letter, which was written by Paul
Cain and addressed to Rick Joyner. The letter related the dream Paul
Cain had the night before the presidential election about the reasons
why the Lord was placing Bill Clinton into the office of President of the
United States. As a sign that this dream was from the Lord, Paul Cain
received the headlines for five major newspapers on the day following
the election on the morning of November 4, 1992. The letter was
postmarked and time stamped: 10:30 a.m., November 3, 1992. The
five headlines proved to be accurate.
I had read the book, Some Said It Thundered, by David Pytches and
knew a little about Paul Cain and his prophetic ministry. But yet, Cain's
accuracy and words still shocked me. To be honest, I figured Satan
elected President Clinton into office, but the letter blew my thoughts
about the election out of the water. The letter also opened my eyes to
the possibilities of God revealing ahead of time who would win a
political election.
Cain's prophecies directed believers to pray for Bill Clinton and his
administration in order for God's divine plans to become realities in
(The above is an excerpt from my memoir, The Hunt for Larry
Who, Amazon eBook, 2014 by Larry Nevenhoven)

Part 13
Let's fast forward to the year 2000. I still did not follow politics, but
I kept up with most of the prophetic words spoken by leaders in the
Prophetic Movement.
Bob Jones spoke a prophecy which grabbed my attention: "A
burning bush will come out of Texas and be elected president of the
United States."

Jones prophesied these words before George W. Bush had even

entered the presidential race as a Republican candidate.
I began paying more attention to politics when Bush became the
Republican nominee for president.
The contentious presidential election ended up being decided by
the U. S. Supreme Court when it declared George W. Bush the winner
of Florida. Interestingly enough, Bob Jones had prophesied that Florida
would be the pivotal state with the difference being a scant number of
Like Paul Cain's prophecy in 1992, Bob Jones gave specific reasons
why the Lord was electing George W. Bush to the presidency. The
Church needed to pray for President Bush and his administration for
these divine reasons to be fulfilled.
The 2000 presidential election hooked me into following politics
again. I listened to conservative talk radio when I rode in our vehicles,
watched Fox News, read conservative websites, and followed the
Prophetic Movement leaders.
The 2004 presidential race did not sneak up on me this time. I
followed the primaries, debates, and the election as closely as
possible. Many prophetic voices stated the importance of Bush winning
the election was so he could fulfill his destiny as the "burning bush
from Texas."
President George W. Bush won reelection on November 2, 2004.
The years between President Bush's election in 2000 and the 2008
presidential election helped set me up for my prophetic fiasco.
In the spring of 2008, I had a prophetic dream in which I saw the
Lord's hand on Senator Barack Obama. I felt the Lord would use Obama
to help reveal sin to our nation's inner cities. This revelation of sin
would help set the inner cities free of four hundred years of spiritual
abuse from demonic principalities.
But somehow I twisted this revelation into believing the presidential
battle would be mainly over abortion, which is the number one killer of
African-Americans. I prophesied on my Larry Who blog that Senator
Obama and Senator Joe Biden, both pro-abortion candidates, would
lose to Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin, both pro-life
candidates, because God heard our prayers on abortion and was
moving against the sin.
Everything seemed to be turning out as I prophesied until
September 15, 2008. This was the day Lehman Brothers filed for
Chapter 11 Bankruptcy protection. The following day, the Federal
Reserve authorized the $85 billion bailout loan to AIG.
Financial news then swirled out of control. The headlines pushed
McCain/Palin to the background and the Democratic Party to the
forefront, with the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 being
enacted. This act established the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief

Program or TARP.
McCain/Palin wilted on the campaign trail and Obama/Biden won in
a landslide on November 4, 2008.
(The above is an excerpt from my memoir, The Hunt for Larry
Who, Amazon eBook, 2014 by Larry Nevenhoven)

Part 14
"What is your problem?" Carol said in a recent cell phone call. "You
can't ignore how bad our government is right now and then allow
America to slide down the drain. What about our children and
grandchildren? Doesn't it make you angry? It does me."
"Honey, what are you planning on doing to help change things in
America?" I said.
"Well, I'm going to read and listen, then I'll write to politicians and
newspapers. I'll make my voice heard."
"Good luck. The trail up that mountain is filled with the bones of
people who tried to win one for the Gipper."
"Okay, Mister Smarty Pants, what are you planning on doing?"
"Wait on God. Then, when He speaks, I'll help build His kingdom."
A loud sigh came through my phone.
"Lord, I'm married to a man with his head in the sand." She paused
to add emphasis to her next point. "So, why build God's kingdom now
when nobody seems to care about God?"
"Ah, this is the perfect time. People have their guards down and
their hearts are exposed. Many are angry about one issue or another.
Many are losing hope. We just need some groups like the early
Salvation Army and leaders like William Booth to come forth right now.
The gospel will then invade cities. It will be a great time for all of us."
"Yeah, right! How can you and I be so different, and still get along?
"I'm praying God will change you."
"Funny that you say that because I'm praying the same prayer for
you," she said. "But still and all, I love you."
"Honey, I love you." (The Hunt for Larry Who, a memoir, by
Larry Nevenhoven, Amazon eBook)
In 1980, I voted as a Democrat for President Jimmy Carter when he
ran against Ronald Reagan.
I voted as a Republican for Senator John McCain when he ran
against President Barack Obama in 2008.
I now consider myself a political dropout who has not voted in an
election since 2008. I plan on remaining as a political dropout until I
die. Period.


Part 15
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to
do nothing. (Edmund Burke, 1729-1797)
Dont you agree that the desperate times we now face as a nation
demand a radical turning away from the things of the world so that we
can focus ourselves on the mercy of the Father?
But what if our radical turning away is labeled extremism and
unpatriotic by Christian leaders and other believers? Then what? Will
we cave in to the pressure and follow the same-o, same-o path that we
American Christians have trudged upon for forty years? A path that has
continually failed to produce any fruit for our efforts.
See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty
deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental
spirits of the world, and not according to Christ. (Colossians 2:8)
I believe Rev. Jerry Falwell, the Moral Majority, Christian Coalition,
other Christian conservative political groups, Christian leaders, and
fellow believers that have embraced the American political system as
the main way to invest their efforts in removing abortion and other
sinful practices from our nation have been sincere in their faith, but
We have ended up following human traditions and the elemental
spirits of the world and not Jesus Christ.
I believe our only hope at this late hour in history is to turn
ourselves one hundred and eighty degrees from our present direction,
like Ninevah did at the words of Jonah. Yet even with this, there is no
guarantee that America will be spared any of Gods upcoming
judgments, but we should, at least, have the same faith as the king of
Who knows? God may turn and relent and turn from his fierce
anger, so that we may not perish. (Jonah 3:9)
I believe we Christians need to:
1 Fast and pray one day per week for our nation,
2 Remove ourselves from all political party affiliations, becoming
3 Stay away from all political arguments, which only cause strife

and division in the Body of Christ,

4 Vote as the Holy Spirit leads us,
5 And if the Lord speaks to our hearts, drop out of the political
system altogether and not vote in the 2016 November elections.
Do I think many American believers will swim upstream with
me on this issue?
No! Two-thirds of Americans are fifty-years old and under. They
have heard the same message on how elections are the only way to
change America for thirty-seven years. Its engrained in their minds
and a part of their Christian beliefs. Its really tough to change them
as in almost impossible.
So, if Hillary should win on Tuesday, believers will point their fingers
at those who did not vote. Its their fault, they will say. They will then
double their efforts on the next election. And the next one. And so
forth. And so forth.
But if Donald wins, the believers will rejoice and believe the Lord
heard their cries. They will then do little, if anything at all, believing
President Donald will do all of their work for them. No fasting. Little
praying. Same-o. Same-o, which will also result in no changes in
And as far as fasting goes, we American believers seem to ignore
all scriptural references to this subject. This lack of discipline on our
parts is one of the main reasons America is in such sad shape.
But for the few who do make one hundred and eighty
degree turns:
The Lord will choose many from this group to be His peacemakers
to Democrats and Republicans when Americas political system finally
collapses under the weight of its corruption and greed. They will be
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.
(Matthew 5:9)


Larry Nevenhoven is a businessman and a former real estate agent,

living with his wife, Carol, in California. They are the parents of four
children and the grandparents of six grandchildren. Two ferocious cats
round out their immediate family.
More information on Larry can be seen at his web site and blog:
Or on FaceBook: Larry Nevenhoven
Or on Twitter: Larry Nevenhoven @ mrlarrywho
If you enjoyed this article, you might want to check out the e-books by
Larry Nevenhoven on
The Day LA Died
Deceived Dead and Delivered
The Hunt for Larry Who
New Wind Blowing
Prophecy 101
Planning + Preparation = Survival
Giving to the Poor: What's In It For Me?
Storming the Kingdom

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