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by Crosire

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Please take the time to read this whole readme ... Thank you! =)
--------1. About
2. Requirements
3. Installation
3.1 Setup Tool
3.2 Manually
4. Additional Credits
-----ReShade is an advanced post-processing injector. It features its very own
effect language, based on HLSL, which not only makes API and platform
independent shaders possible, but also introduces a wide range of useful
features designed especially for post-processing effect development.
In contrast to all the existing injectors ReShade was written to be completly
generic: it itself does not come with any effects, it's a toolset for shader
developers to realize their very own imagination. Define and use your own
textures right in the shader code, request custom timers etc., retrieve access
to every game's color and depthbuffer (which ReShade is able to genericly
identify and hook across games without any extra configuration), no matter if
it renders with Direct3D8 (which is wrapped to Direct3D9 to allow using higher
shadermodels), Direct3D9, Direct3D10, Direct3D11 or OpenGL (and in both 32bit
and 64bit). A highly advanced dynamic hooking system is reponsible for keeping
track of the APIs. And because ReShade as mentioned comes with its own shader
transpiler, shaders written once work in all five.
Use at your own risk!
------------ReShade requires a computer with Windows Vista or higher.
If you want to use it with OpenGL games, your video card needs to have support

for at least OpenGL 4.3.

It is recommended to update your graphics card drivers to latest version.
You only need .Net Framework 4.5 or higher in case you want to use the setup
tool to simplify installation progress. ReShade itself does not depend on it.
------------Setup Tool:
Run the provided "ReShade Setup" tool, press "Select Game" and browse to your
targeted game's executable file. The setup then tries to detect which API the
game uses for rendering and uses that knowledge to continue the installation
progress. If auto-detection failed, choose the correct API from the list
yourself. Setup then copies and renames ReShade + SweetFX to the game
directory and finally provides you with the option to start the game right
away. That's it!
Next time your run the game, you should see the ReShade greeting popping up
and a SweetFX welcome message displayed in your game.
If that is not the case, try to do a manual installation.
Note that the setup tool is just provided for convenience and in no way
required to get ReShade fully working. A manual installation will do the same
Figure whether the game is 32bit or 64bit and copy either ReShade32.dll or
ReShade64.dll to the directory the game executable is in:
Figure out which API the game uses for rendering, or any of the following DLL
names the game loads and rename the DLL you just copied to that:
- Direct3D8 => d3d8.dll
- Direct3D9[Ex] => d3d9.dll
- Direct3D10.X => dxgi.dll
- Direct3D11.X => dxgi.dll
- OpenGL => opengl32.dll (for 64bit too)
If it still does not work, make sure the DLL is loaded at all (a log file with
the DLL name is created). Repeat the process with another name from the list.
Sometimes the game loads its DLLs from a different directory (a "bin" folder
for instance), so try to install ReShade to that one instead.
If that all fails, please report back with a detailed description of what you
tried so far.
Additional Credits:
------------------Special thanks to Christian Jensen (
He was a very great help in every possible way, did a lot of testing

(especially regarding the shading language) and is always a nice person to

talk to.
Thank you to all the closed beta testers as well. You were awesome, notably:
- Marty McFly
- Matsilagi
- Martigen
- K-putt
Libraries used:
- Frexx CPP by Daniel Stenberg (
- GL3W by Slavomir Kaslev (
- MinHook by Tsuda Kageyu (
- NanoVG by Mikko Mononen (
- STB by Sean Barrett (

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