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Living in New Health:

Use your favorite search engine on the Internet, go to the library, contact your doctor, any
health practitioner or medical researcher and ask about the effectiveness and safety of flu
vaccinations. You will find nothing but pompous pronouncements promoting fear of
possible death and/or assurances that the vaccine is harmless and won’t hurt you.
However, through the Internet, you will also find much to cause concern, which is mostly
censored in the corporate media that dominates the every day mind, about flu vaccine

There is no scientific evidence or research information that verifies the effectiveness of

any flu vaccine. There is no scientific evidence or research information that verifies the
safety of any flu vaccine. To those who protest this revelation, please present your case to
New Health Citizen, for publication.

If flu vaccines are good and necessary to protect you, why are there laws protecting drug
companies from liability?

Simply said, the flu vaccine is not science. The necessity, importance and value of getting
a flu vaccine to protect your health is a theoretical fantasy that has become a doctrine of
faith promoted with pompous pronouncements by those holding the symbols of power
and authority. Science is following what we know is true. Doctrine is following what we
think is true.

Every year, the Center for Disease Control (DTD) holds a conference with a focus on
how to promote the flu season: What are the best methods and practices for getting the
most possible people to line up for a flu shot. The best practice, repeatedly from the
conference, is the promotion of fear. From this conference begin the pronouncements
from officials and experts, most of whom have affiliations with pharmaceutical industry,
that are repeated down the hierarchy of the medical industry, the media and local
loyalists. They all extol the importance of herd immunization; how all, with trusting
obedience, should to take part in the ritual of accepting the good medicine of man as
protection against the evil virus of nature.

The industrialists who control today’s government health care system have simply
transposed a page from medieval royalty for the same purpose: control and exploitation
of the ignorant masses, the herd of humanity entrusted to their care.

If you are satisfied being a part of the herd, this is not for you; line up for your herd
immunization and carry on with your happy life. If you recognize yourself as an
individual of intelligence and free will capable of determining the direction and care of
your own life; read on.
There are two sections to this article: 1. Exposition of Verified Health Science; 2.
Exposition of the Flu Vaccine Fraud. Feel free to choose which section you prefer to read

Exposition of Verified Health Science

The verities of Life have always been known. Throughout the ages the fullness of this
knowledge and awareness was limited to those few who through discipline and practice
developed great sensitivity and intuition. These individuals are the history and legends of
all societies: saints, mystical healers, shamans, spiritual teachers, chiefs and saviors
revered in all cultures.

Today, the a fuller understanding of Life is exposed with the advancement of technology
which provides empirical, intellectual knowledge and understanding available to all who
take interest in the subject of Life and Universal Laws. The revelation with the help of
technology that can observe and measure the finer substance of Life is that: There is only
Life; there is always Life; there is never not Life.

What we know today, (the word science means: to know) is that Life is in constant
transmutation from energy to matter returning to energy. What we know today is that the
manifestation of energy, what shows up in the physical realm, is determined by our
thoughts: individually and collectively.

What is commonly known, acknowledged and accepted throughout the biological

sciences is that everyday the body manufactures billions of cells; and everyday the body
dissolves billions of cells. In computer science, one would say the body is always
blinking. The mechanism of this daily and constant transmutation of cellular matter to
and from the surrounding fields of energy is the mitochondria of the cell. The activating
forces of this activity are the photon particles from the sun. The volition, initiating and
directing of this activity within the individual is willful thought and the function of
breath. The formula of Life derived from this knowledge is: Energy follows Thought;
Thought follows the Breath.

From this simple formula: Energy follows Thought; Thought follows the Breath,
accumulates all the complexities of Life and all the culminations of Life that we see as
our individual body, expression and experience and relationships. This is not philosophy.
This is now empirical science; it is what we know from empirical observation,
measurement and experimental verification.

Because this level of knowledge is unfamiliar to most, let us stay with the familiar
Physical Life functions and leave further explorations into our Energetic Life functions
for future publication.

It is well understood that Life begins with a seed holding instructions for assembly and
ascends to fruition. It equally well understood how, after fruition, Life disassembles or
deteriorates and descends back to earth to become soil for the next seed. Throughout the
ascending life cycle, we know there are virus, bacteria and parasites that support the
ascending life cycle in incredibly complex and clever ways. We also know that
throughout the descending life cycle, there are viruses, bacteria and parasites that support
the descending life cycle in incredibly complex and clever ways; that is why and how the
forest floors are clean.

There is no such thing as a good or bad virus, good or bad bacteria, good or bad bacteria.
All of Life shows up (manifests) to support life as needed and when needed to support the
ascending or descending cycle of Life. The phenomena of manifesting Life supporting
they cycles of Life is seen, known and observed more and more with greater detail
throughout nature every day in every field of science, research and study.

We, Human Beings, are equally a part of Nature as is every other manifestation of
Nature. This is not philosophy. The oneness of all Life, from the smallest bacteria,
parasite, virus to the largest mammoth, mountain, tree or blade of grass is a phenomenon
of science. It is something we clearly know to be true.

In this light, the theories that an artificial formula which contains known poisons and
carcinogens, are an improvement of Nature’s compounds or are necessary to combat the
evils of nature defy logic. Yet, the industrial medical minds declare this to be true and
insist that their formulas be applied to every baby, child and adult. The promoted “herd
vaccination,” practice acknowledges that 10% will have adverse affects and 1-3% will
die; this is an acceptable loss for the good of the herd. Many say the numbers are under
reported as evidence of increasing numbers of children suffering from autism, asthma,
diabetes and many other newly named diseases parrellel the increased application of
vaccines. We are told have no relationship to vaccination.

All human direction, attainment and fruition begin with an idea organized into action.
The consequential idea organized into a theory, declared as a doctrine of truth and
enforced with legal authority of the state is that the body is a machine. With the
establishment of the Food and Drug Administration in 1908, the Natural Human Being
was repositioned as a Human Resource. While the Human Being is measured by
creativity and personal industry for the benefit of society, the Human Resource is
measured by production and profit for the benefit of industry extracting wealth for the

The root cause of sickness today is the preponderance of artificiality. With a constant,
continued berating and ridicule of Natural ways for the past 100 years, along with a
famously sophisticated promoting of addiction to artificial food, clothes, medicines and
artificial relationships, Human Resources greatly outnumber Human Beings in today’s

The Human Resource is badgered, constantly to go like a race horse with the importance
of being part of the great social addictions to artificiality which is hailed as modern and
manly, pleasurable and convenient. The Human Being is ridiculed and berated as a
‘health nut’ missing out on the good life. But, look who suffers the most and is now
begging for help? The one is enslaved to the show of things that bring only debt, sickness
and a loneliness that has been trained to be content with a few momentary pleasures. The
other has the simplicity, health and enough wealth to follow the heart and live one’s
dreams. The one is nurturing heart disease; the other is nurturing heart fruition.

The simple remedy of our suffering is a return to Nature; natural foods, natural clothes,
natural medicines, natural relationships, natural enjoyments; and the freedom of Life to
follow your heart and live your dreams.

New Health Citizen is here to help all who are ready to leave the herd of Human
Resources and return to the beautiful world of Human Beings with an understanding and
enjoyment of New Health.

Exposition of the Flu Vaccine Fraud

The promotion of is based on a medieval fear of the unknown. It is predicated on the
notion that we have to prepare our selves, our bodies to do battle with a lurking, unseen
enemy of nature. The vaccine theory is essentially a lingering mentality that corporal
punishment is a viable method to improvement; that corporal punishment is a proper
technique to toughen us up to do battle with evil forces of Nature. This is simply
obsolete, old fashioned thinking. While we have laws against child abuse, doctors are
taught that the toxins, carcinogens and strains of animal disease should be given to
babies, children and adults is an oxymoron, to say the least.
A look at the history of vaccines will show that is a total fraud that has no justification
and should be considered criminal.

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