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Spring 2015

BBA Semester 1

Q1. Communication is complete only when the intended information reached the
receiver. What are the various barriers to communication? How can you overcome
Barriers to Communication

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McFarland has defined Communication as the process of meaningful interaction among

human beings. More specifically, it is the process by which meanings are perceived and
understanding is reached among human beings. But there may be some barriers in the
communication system, preventing the message from reaching the receiver. These barriers
are as follows:
Language barrier Different languages, vocabulary, accent, dialect represent national or
regional barriers. Semantic gaps are words having similar pronunciation, but multiple
meanings like- round; badly expressed message, wrong interpretation and inexpert
assumptions. The use of difficult or inappropriate words/ poorly explained or misunderstood
messages can result in confusion.
Cultural barriers Age, education, gender, social status, economic position, cultural
background, temperament, health, beauty, popularity, religion, political belief, ethics, values,
motives, assumptions, aspirations, rules/regulations, standards, priorities can separate one
person from another and create a barrier.
Individual barrier It may be a result of an individual's perceptual and personal discomfort.
Even when two persons have experienced the same event their mental perception may/may
not be identical, which acts as a barrier. Style, selective perception, halo effect, poor
attention and retention, defensiveness, close mindedness, insufficient filtration are
the Individual or Psychological barrier.
Organizational barrier It includes poor organization's culture, climate, stringent rules,
regulations, status, relationship, complexity, inadequate facilities/ opportunities of growth and
improvement; whereas, the nature of the internal and external environment like large
working areas physically separated from others, poor lighting, staff shortage, outdated
equipment and background noise are physical organizational barriers.
Interpersonal barrier Barriers from employers are lack of trust in employees, lack of
knowledge of non-verbal clues like facial expression, body language, gestures, postures,
eye contact, different experiences, shortage of time for employees, no consideration for
employee needs, wish to capture authority, fear of losing power of control, bypassing and

informational overloading, while barriers from employees include, lack of motivation, lack of
co-operation, trust, fear of penalty and poor relationship with the employer.
Measures to Overcome Barriers in Communication
Following are some of the additional measures to overcome the barriers to communication.
Developing good relationships

Purposeful and well-focused communication

Co-ordination between the superior and the subordinates

Avoid technical language

Right feedback

Accurate message

Clarity in message

Proper communication channels.

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: 0 ss
98 ign
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81 ts.
87 co

Q2. How something is said carries more weightage than the words themselves.
Discuss this statement and briefly explain the categories of non-verbal
How something is expressed may carry more significance and weight than what is said, the
words themselves. Accompanied by a smile or a frown, said with a loud, scolding voice or a
gentle, easy one, the contents of our communication are framed by our holistic perceptions
of their context. Those sending the messages may learn to understand themselves better as
well as learning to exert some greater consciousness about their manner of speech. Those
receiving the messages may learn to better understand their own intuitive responses
sometimes in contrast to what it seems "reasonable" to think.
Nonverbal communication occurs not only between people, but also internally. People
grimace, stand in certain postures, and in other ways behave so as to reinforce to
themselves certain positions, attitudes, and implicit beliefs.
Categories of nonverbal communications
1. Personal Space This category refers to the distance, which people feel comfortable
approaching others or having others approach them. People from certain countries, such as
parts of Latin America or the Middle East often feel comfortable standing closer to each
other, while persons of Northern European descent tend to prefer a relatively greater

2. Eye Contact This rich dimension speaks volumes. The Spanish woman in the
nineteenth century combined eye language with the aid of a fan to say what was not
permissible to express explicitly. Eye contact modifies the meaning of other nonverbal
behaviors. For example, people on elevators or crowds can adjust their sense of personal
space if they agree to limit eye contact.
3. Position The position one takes vis-a-vis the other(s), along with the previous two
categories of distance between people and angle of eye contact all are subsumed under a
more general category of "proxemics" in the writings on nonverbal communications
(Scheflen, 1963).
4. Posture A person's bodily stance communicates a rich variety of messages.

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5. Paralanguage "Non-lexical" vocal communication may be considered a type of

nonverbal communication, in its broadest sense, as it can suggest many emotional nuances.
6. Facial expression - The face is more highly developed as an organ of expression in
humans than any other animal. Some of these become quite habitual, almost fixed into the
chronic muscular structure of the face.
7. Touch How one person touches another, communicates a great deal of information: Is a
grip gentle or firm? Does one hold the other person on the back of the upper arm, on the
shoulder, or in the middle of the back?

Q3. What is external communication? Discuss the various channels of external


Q4. What groundwork does one need to do to make an effective presentation? How do
verbal, vocal and visual components of communication impact a presentation?

Q5. Different purposes of reading require different methods of reading. Describe the
various ways of reading. What are the techniques that you can use to improve your

Q6. Why is employment communication a necessary weapon for employer? What

should an applicant look for before he submits a resume to his prospective

Remaining answers are available in the full assignments.

For full assignments contact us:

Global Education

Rajdeep: 098662 48187 / 077958 40110

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: 0 ss
98 ign
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24 en
81 ts.
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