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Sunday, 18 May 2008

Past Future Tense

I would come to the movie when Tetty came last night.
You would come to the movie when Tetty came last night.
We would come to the movie when Tetty came last night.
They would come to the movie when Tetty came last night.
He would come to the movie when Tetty came last night.
She would come to the movie when Tetty came last night.
Our group would come to the movie when Tetty came last night.
I would not come to the movie when Tetty came last night.
You would not come to the movie when Tetty came last night.
We would not come to the movie when Tetty came last night.
They would not come to the movie when Tetty came last night.
He would not come to the movie when Tetty came last night.
She would not come to the movie when Tetty came last night.
Our group would not come to the movie when Tetty came last night.
Would You come to the movie when Tetty came last night?
Yes, I would.
No, I wouldn't
Would they come to the movie when Tetty came last night?

Yes, they would.

No, they wouldn't.
Would He come to the movie when Tetty came last night.?
Yes, he would.
No, he wouldn't.
Would She come to the movie when Tetty came last night?
Yes, she would.
No, he wouldn't.
Posted by Fajar at 09:30 0 comments

Present Future Tense

I will go to Surabaya tomorrow.
You will go to Surabaya tomorrow.
We will go to Surabaya tomorrow.
They will go to Surabaya tomorrow.
He will go to Surabaya tomorrow.
She will go to Surabaya tomorrow.
It will go to Surabaya tomorrow.
I will not go to Surabaya tomorrow.
You will not go to Surabaya tomorrow.
We will not go to Surabaya tomorrow.
They will not go to Surabaya tomorrow.

He will not go to Surabaya tomorrow.

She will not go to Surabaya tomorrow.
It will not go to Surabaya tomorrow.
Will you go to Surabaya tomorrow?
Yes, I will.
No, I won't.
Will we go to Surabaya tomorrow?
Yes, we will.
No, we won't.
Will They go to Surabaya tomorrow?
Yes, they will.
No, they won't.
Will he go to Surabaya tomorrow?
Yes, he will.
No, he won't.
Will she go to Surabaya tomorrow?
Yes, she will.
No, she won't.
Untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang akan terjadi / belum terjadi dan
kemungkinan besar akan dilaksanakan.
Posted by Fajar at 09:27 0 comments

Past Continous Tense



Contoh kalimat POSITIF
I was studying math when Dina called last night.
You were studying math when Dina called last night.
We were studying math when Dina called last night.
They were studying math when Dina called last night.
He was studying math when Dina called last night.
She was studying math when Dina called last night.
It was studying math when Dina called last night.
Contoh kalimat NEGATIF
I wasn't studying math when Dina called last night.
You weren't studying math when Dina called last night.
We weren't studying math when Dina called last night.
They weren't studying math when Dina called last night.
He wasn't studying math when Dina called last night.
She wasn't studying math when Dina called last night.
It wasn't studying math when Dina called last night.
Catatan :
Kata I, He, She, dan It diikuti 'was'
Sedangkan kata You, They, dan We diikuti 'were'.
Kalimat YES/NO
Were You studying math when Dina called last night?
Yes, I was.
No, I wasn't
Were We studying math when Dina called last night.?

Yes, we were.
No, we weren't
Were they studying math when Dina called last night?.
Yes, they were.
No, they weren't
Was He studying math when Dina called last night.?
Yes, He was
No, He wasn't
Was She studying math when Dina called last night?.
Yes, she was.
No, she wasn't
Untuk menyatakan suatu pekerjaan sedang berlangsung saat suatu
kejadiannya lainnya terjadi di masa lampau.
Terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Inggris.
1. Saya sedang mencuci baju ketika listrik padam.
2. Tami sedang mandi ketika telpon berbunyi.
3. Mereka sedang mengawasi para siswa ketika tamunya datang.
4. Yuni sedang membersihkan meja kantornya ketika bosnya data

Posted by Fajar at 09:26 0 comments

Present Continous Tense

Sekilas Grammar
Present Continous Tense
Contoh kalimat.
I am studying English.

You are studying English.

We are studying English.
They are studying English.
He is studying English.
She is studying English.
It is studying English.
Soni is studying English.
Soni and Banu are studying English.
Perhatikan perbedaan pemakaian ''is'' dan.''are'' pada contoh di atas. Untuk I
menggunakan 'am', untuk You, We, They menggunakan 'are', dan untuk He,
She, Soni, menggunakan 'is'.
I am not studying English.
You are not studying English.
We are not studying English.
They are not studying English.
He is not studying English.
She is not studying English.
It is not studying English.
Soni is not studying English.
Soni and Banu are not studying English.
Perhatikan letak NOT yang selalu setelah (is, am, are).
Are you studying English?.
Yes, they are, atau

No, they aren't

Are we studying English?.
Yes, We are. atau
No, We aren't
Are they studying English?.
Yes, they are, atau
No, they aren't
Is He studying English.?
Yes, He is, atau
No, He isn't
Is she studying English?.
Yes, she is, atau
No, she isn't
Is it studying English?.
Yes, it is atau
No, is isn't
Is Soni studying English?.
Yes, He is atau
No, He isn't
Are Soni and Banu studying English.?
Yes, they are atau
No they aren't
Untuk menerangkan sesuatu hal yang sedang dikerjakan saat ini.

Saya dan Tina sedang mengerjakan laporan penjualan.

Roni sedang membaca surat dari Saya.
Tania sedang memasak ayam goreng sekarang.
Ibu dan adik perempuan Saya sedang membersihkan dapur.
Posted by Fajar at 09:25 0 comments

Simple Past Tense

Grammar Sekilas
Simple Past Tense
I went to Surabaya.
You went to Surabaya.
They went to Surabaya.
We went to Surabaya.
He went to Surabaya.
She went to Surabaya.
It went to Surabaya.
Mira went to Surabaya.
Mira and Widi went to Surabaya.
Kata kerja yang digunakan ialah bentuk PAST.
Present (go) ; Past (went)
Present (come); Past (came)
Present (Do); Past (did)
Present (buy); Past (bought)
dan masih banyak lainnya.
Kegunaan Simple Past Tense ialah :

1. Untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang bersifat lampau..

I didn't go to Surabaya.
You didn't go to Surabaya.
They didn't go to Surabaya.
We didn't go to Surabaya.
He didn't go to Surabaya.
She didn't go to Surabaya.
It didn't go to Surabaya.
Mira didn't go to Surabaya.
Mira and Widi didn't go to Surabaya.
Contoh Kalimat TANYA
Did you go to Surabaya?.~ YA : Yes, I did / TIDAK : No, I didn't.
Did we go to Surabaya?.~ YA : Yes, we did / TIDAK : No, we didn't
Did they go to Surabaya? ~ YA : Yes, they did / TIDAK : No, they didn't
Did He/She go to Surabaya? ~ YA : Yes, he/she did
TIDAK : No, he/she didn't.
Silakan terjemahkan kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini.
Saya pergi ke Surabaya kemarin.
Mereka pergi ke Danau Toba bulan lalu.
Heri membeli buku dua buah Minggu lalu.
Kami membeli nasi goreng malam minggu yang lalu untuk makan malam.
Mereka tidak pergi ke kolam renang bulan lalu,
Posted by Fajar at 09:24 0 comments

Simple Present Tense

Grammar Sekilas
Simple Present Tense
I like to play soccer.
You like to play soccer.
We like to play soccer.
They like to play soccer.
She likes to play soccer
He likes to play soccer.
It likes to play soccer.
Kata like berubah tergantung Subyek yang mendahuluinya.
Kegunaan Simple Present Tense ialah :
1. Untuk menyatakan kebenaran umum.
The sun rises in the east.
The water flows from higher place to lower place.
2. Untuk menyatakan kejadian yang rutin.
I go to school every morning.
I ussually go to Bandung every Saturday night.
I don't like to play soccer.
You don't like to play soccer.
We don't like to play soccer.
They don't like to play soccer.
She doesn't like to play soccer.

He doesn't like to play soccer.

It doesn't like to play soccer.
Contoh Kalimat TANYA
Do you like to play soccer? Jawab ~~ Yes, I do atau No, I don't.
Do they like to play soccer? Jawab ~~ Yes, they do atau No, they don't.
Do we like to play soccer? Jawab ~~ Yes, we do atau No, we don't.
Does he like to play soccer? Jawab ~~ Yes, he does atau No, he doesn't.
Does she like to play soccer? Jawab ~~ Yes, she does atau No, she doesn't.
Silakan terjemahkan kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini.
Saya pergi ke sekolah setiap pagi jam 7.
Mereka pergi ke Danau setiap hari Minggu pagi.
Heri membeli buku dua buah setiap bulan.
Kami membeli nasi goreng setiap malam untuk makan malam.
Mereka tidak pergi ke kolam renang setiap hari Minggu pertama tiap bulan,

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