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IGAPO HSE Project Plan

HSE Ecuador

Latin America
PM Manager

Halliburton Project Management
HSE Manager

December 2014
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HSE Plan

1. Introduccin
2. Organizacin
2.1. Organigrama Halliburton
2.2. Organigrama Geopetsa
2.3. Organigrama PAM
3. Entrenamiento y Competencia
3.1. Programa de Induccin
3.2. Induccin de Petroamazonas
3.3. Poltica de casco verde
3.4. Requisitos Generales para acceso al bloque
3.5. Programa de capacitacin y certificacin
3.5.1. Geopetsa
3.5.2. Halliburton
4. Comunicacin
4.1. Plan de Comunicacin
5. Gerenciamiento del Riesgo
5.1. Registro de Riesgos del Proyecto
5.2. Comunicacin de riesgos
6. Procedimientos de Seguridad
6.1. Interface de procesos y documento puente
7. Plan de respuesta a emergencia
8. Desempeo de HSE
8.1. Reporte e indicadores de desempeo
8.2. Reporte de Incidentes
8.3. Investigacin
8.4. Planes de accin
8.5. Alertas y lecciones aprendidas
9. Inspecciones y auditoria
9.1. Plan de Inspecciones y Auditorias
10. Programa de salud

Dispensario Mdico


Requisitos de vacunacin


Requisitos de exmenes mdicos


Reporte de inspecciones

11. Ambiente
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Plan de manejo de desechos

11.1.1. Clasificacin de Desechos

11.1.2. Gestin de Desechos
11.1.3. Cortes y fluidos de perforacin
11.1.4. Desechos no peligrosos
11.1.5. Desechos peligrosos
11.1.6. Gestin de Residuos Lquidos

Monitoreo ambiental

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El propsito de este documento es describir la manera en la que Halliburton gerencia el Proyecto
IGAPO en aspectos de HSE (Salud, Seguridad y Ambiente) para asegurar la ejecucin segura y
efectiva del proyecto.
El Plan de HSE es un documento diseado para informar, coordinar y armonizar el cumplimiento
de los requerimientos, procesos y procedimientos de HSE en todas las fases del Proyecto por
parte de Halliburton y la contratista de Completacin y reacondicionamiento de pozos Geopetsa.
Este documento tambin incluye documentos y requerimientos por parte del cliente
Petroamazonas EP, Halliburton HMS y Sistema de Gestin de Geopetsa, definiendo los
documentos llave de aplicacin para el proyecto (Documento puente).
The following documents are taken into consideration:

Halliburton Code of Business Conduct

Halliburton HS&E Policy & Halliburton HS&E Global Standards and Guidelines

Halliburton Management System (HMS)







Projects and


Construction Standards, Processes, and Manuals


Halliburton MEDEVAC & Emergency Response Plan

Geopetsa HS&E Management System Manual, HS&E Procedures, and Operational


Regulatory Requirements

Drilling and Completion Programs

Halliburton Environmental Management and Waste Management Plans

Drilling Contractor HSE-MS manual documents

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1. Organizacin
1.1. Organigrama Halliburton

1.2. Organigrama Geopetsa

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1.3. Organigrama PAM (Lago Agrio).

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2. Entrenamiento, Competencia y Requisitos del Personal

2.1. Programa de Induccin
Por una vez en el proyecto el personal debe tomar un curso de induccin para contratistas
impartido por Halliburton en el cual se expondrn los siguientes temas:

20 reglas del contratista

Observaciones de seguridad STOP

Life Rules

Job Safety Analysis

Halliburton mantendr una base de datos con el personal de la contratista que ha realizado
este curso de induccin. Es necesario realizar el curso previo al inicio de las actividades dentro
del proyecto.
Las Inducciones son los das martes y sbado a las 08H30 en la Base Coca.
2.2. Induccin de Petroamazonas
Todo personal para el ingreso al bloque de Petroamazonas debe realizar la induccin y
portar la tarjeta de PAM. Los requeridos por PAM segn aplique son:
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Induccin General y obtencin de tarjeta

Curso de Permisos de trabajo para ejecutores

Manejo defensivo y liberacin vehicular

2.3. Poltica de casco verde

Se aplicar el procedimiento:
Halliburton: ST-GL-HAL-HSE-0109
Geopetsa adoptara la poltica de Casco Verde de Halliburton
Se aceptar 1 empleado nuevo por cuadrilla como mximo con la debida aprobacin
3.4 Requisitos Generales para acceso al bloque

o Tarjeta de PAM
o Curso de permisos de trabajo (PAM) (Segn la funcin que desempee)
o Induccin de Halliburton (Base de Halliburton)


o Tarjeta de PAM
o Curso de manejo defensivo aprobados por PAM y Halliburton (ANETA, San Francisco

Auto Club)
Obtener el sticker de manejo defensivo por PAM (previo induccin de 30 MINUTOS)

CONDUCTORES (REQUISITOS HALLIBURTON) - aplica tambin a contratistas que

trabajan directo con Geopetsa

Carnet de Identificacin de la empresa de Transporte con Fotografa reciente como

evidencia de la autorizacin emitida por la Contratada hacia el chofer;

Cdula de Identidad;

Licencia de Conducir del Grado correspondiente

Exmenes Ocupacionales Vigentes

Certificado de curso de Manejo Defensivo Vigente (Empresa Autorizada ANT)

Certificado de curso de Primeros Auxilios vigente

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Certificado de curso control de Incendios /Manejo de extintores vigente

Induccin Halliburton Contratistas

Certificado curso Transporte de Sustancias Peligrosas (FENATRAPE), si aplica

No Registrar en la ANT conduccin con presencia de alcohol y drogas

Disponer EPP Completo (Casco, Guantes, Lentes de Seguridad, Proteccin

respiratoria, Botas de Seguridad con puntera de acero, Delantales, Ropa de Trabajo


o Tarjeta de PAM
o Induccin de Halliburton (base de Halliburton)
o Certificacin de operador de equipo pesado.


Liberacin PAM

Licencia del Ministerio de Ambiente del Ecuador para Transporte de Sustancias


Certificacin de revisin tcnica vehicular vigente acorde a legislacin de cada pas

y/o estndar de Halliburton.

Certificacin quinta rueda, kin pin (Certificacin SGS o empresa certificadora)

Revisin vehicular (ANT)

Inspeccin vehicular Halliburton

Matricula Vigente de las unidades

SOAT Vigente

Unidades habilitadas en el Journey Management Halliburton (mensualizados)

El programa de mantenimiento preventivo para cada una de las unidades basadas

en el estndar del fabricante o en el programa definido por la Transportista.

La Empresa de Transporte deber cumplir con los siguientes requisitos:


Mantener las unidades en ptimas condiciones mecnicas, con todos los

accesorios funcionando adecuadamente y en perfectas condiciones visuales.

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Garantizar que las unidades no presenten fugas de aceites, refrigerantes o de

ningn tipo que pueda contaminar las instalaciones de HALLIBURTON o el
medio ambiente.

Garantizar que ninguna de sus unidades utilicen ruedas reencauchadas.

Usar unidades con antigedad mxima de Diez (10) aos

Garantizar que las unidades cumplan obligatoriamente con los estndares

mnimos de seguridad que incluyen, pero sin limitarse a
Cinturones de Seguridad.
Llanta de repuesto que tendrn como mnimo 3 mm de labrado.
Accesorios para emergencia en carretera (Gato Hidrulico, Llave Cruz,
Sealizaciones, Tacos o bloques de madera, etc.).
Espejos retrovisores.
Sistema de comunicacin (radio o celular)
Extintores multipropsito vigentes dos (1 en cabina y 1 en rea de carga).
Botiqun de primeros auxilios.
Caja de herramientas bsicas.
Bocina de reversa.
Parabrisas y vidrios en buen estado.
Eslingas/Cintas inspeccionadas y Certificadas acorde a la recomendacin del
fabricante (cadenas amarres de carga; una por cada estiba transportada, en
caso que la carga lo requiera)
Debe contar con sistema de tacgrafo de acuerdo con la legislacin vigente y
con dispositivo GPS SATELITAL
Seales de carretera
Stop, direccionales, luces delanteras y traseras en buen estado y
Cierres, seguro puertas.
Kiit de derrames. (Pala., Cinta de sealizacin. Manila/cuerda, escoba.
plstico grueso 3x3m, bolsas polipropileno para re empaque (mnimo 10),
Material absorbente (tela oleoflica), Equipo de proteccin personal (Guantes
de Nitrilo, Respiratoria con filtro para vapores orgnicos, Respirador N95
para polvos y partculas, Delantales de PVC ).

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Los Super- intendentes encargados de IGAPO son los responsables de firmar el formulario, a
continuacin se exponen los mismos;
Isaac Flores

Byron Nieto


3.5. Programa de capacitacin y certificacin

5 das

2 das

1 da

1 da

1 da

3 das

1 da

2 aos

2 aos

3 aos

2 aos

2 aos

4 aos

1 vez

1 vez

1 vez

2 aos

2 aos

2 aos

2 aos

1 vez

1 vez

ol Pusher

pervisor Dia/Noche





breros de Patio

pervisor Mecnico

pervisor Elctrico

istente Mecnico

istente Elctrico




pervisor HSE

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AuthorizedFall Protection

4 das

CompetentFall Protection

2 das

Explosives and General Awareness

Pressure Safety

5 das

(Evaluation by ThirdDefensive Driving

1 da

Maintenance TopElectrical

Stop / SOC

MaintenenceTop Drive

3 das

Welding Certif

1 da

Forklift Operator

1 das


Fire Fighting

2 das

Maintenence SystemMechanical

2 aos

5 das

(CICE)Electric Hazard Certif

2 aos


1 Vez

4 das

SupervisorWell Control

2 das

First Aid


4 das

Fundamental Well Control


PassRefresh Rig


Rig Pass / NEO

3.5.1 Geopetsa

HSE Plan


CompetentFall Protection

RadiationGeneral Awareness
Explosives and

Pressure Safety

Stop / SOC

Fire Fighting


First Aid

Well Control

Well Control

Refresh Rig


Rig Pass / NEO

3.5.2 Halliburton


4 das

2 da

4 das

5 das

2 das

1 da

1 da

1 da

1 da

1 da

3 das


1 Vez

2 aos

2 aos

2 aos

3 aos

2 aos

3 aos

2 aos

2 aos

2 aos

1 vez

Asistente Coman
Supervisor HSE

4. Comunicacin
4.1. Plan de Comunicacin

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Reporte Diario
HSE Geopetsa

identificados y sus controles. Riesgos
en prximas operaciones 24, 48 y 72
horas. Reporte de observaciones
stop y KPIs.

Company Man HAL,

Supervisor HSE HAL,
Rig Manager


Reporte Diario

Comunicar si la operacin es segura.

Project Manager, PM
Drilling Manager, HSE


Reportar las atenciones de primeros

ambientales. Determinar la activacin
del Plan de Emergencia. Este reporte
es preliminar y est sujeto a cambios.


Reportar las atenciones de primeros

ambientales. Determinar la activacin
del Plan de Emergencia.


identificados y sus controles. Riesgos
en prximas operaciones 24, 48 y 72
horas. Reporte de observaciones
stop y KPIs.



Reporte XXX




Reporte HAL



Project Manager, PM
Drilling Manager

/ Co Man



2 hora

Project Manager, PM
Drilling Manager

/ Co Man



24 Horas



incidentes /


Identificar y comunicar efectiva los

riesgo asociados a una operacin

Company Man HAL,

Supervisor HSE HAL,
Rig Manager, Cuadrilla
del taladro, PSLs HAL
y terceros involucrados
en la operacin




lecciones aprendidas, implementar
correccin en forma oportuna.

Company Man HAL,

Supervisor HSE HAL,
Rig Manager, Cuadrilla
del taladro, PSLs HAL
y terceros involucrados
en la operacin


Alertas HSE

Concluida la


simulacros y lecciones aprendidas,
implementar correccin en forma

Company Man HAL,

Supervisor HSE HAL,
Rig Manager, Cuadrilla
del taladro, PSLs HAL
y terceros involucrados
en la operacin



simulacro y


Presentar un reporte mensual donde

se evidencie la gestin de HSE
Hombre de trabajo, simulacros,
cantidad de residuos y aguas han
sido generados)

Company Man HAL,

Supervisor HSE HAL,
Rig Manager, Cuadrilla
del taladro, PSLs HAL
y terceros involucrados
en la operacin


5. Gerenciamiento del Riesgo

5.1. Registro de Riesgos del Proyecto
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Pendiente realizar anlisis de riesgos de locacin a trabajar (GEOPETSA)

5.2. Comunicacin de riesgos


6. Procedimientos de Seguridad
6.1. Interface de procesos y documento puente

Documento de Procedure Cross Reference HSE

7. Plan de respuesta a emergencia

Plan de emergencias IGAPO

Atencin a Emergencias Geopetsa PE001

De acuerdo a las Guas de SSA de Petroamazonas EP, cada contratista debe tener sus Plan
de emergencia.
8. Desempeo de HSE
8.1. Reporte e indicadores de desempeo

Los indicadores de desempeo reactivos se calcularn en base a los siguientes


Incidentes Personales sobre la base de 200,000 horas trabajadas. (Nmero de

incidentes X 200,000) / Horas Hombre trabajadas.
La clasificacin establecida para incidentes personales es la siguiente:

First Aid

Medical Case

Restricted Work Case

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Lost time incident

En incidentes personales la contratista (Geopetsa) deber reportar los siguientes

indicadores: Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR), y Lost Time Incident Rate (LTIR).

Incidentes Vehiculares sobre la base de milln de millas. (Nmero de incidentes X

1,000,000) / Millas. La clasificacin establecida para incidentes vehiculares son la

Document Only

Vehicular Reportable

Vehicular recordable

En incidentes vehiculares la contratista (Geopetsa) deber reportar mensualmente el

siguiente indicador: Recordable Vehicle Incedent Rate (RVIR)

Incidentes Ambientales sobre la base de 200,000 horas trabajadas. (Nmero de

Incidentes reportables + Incidentes Registrables X 200,000) / Horas Hombre
Trabajadas. La clasificacin establecida para incidentes ambientales es la siguiente:

Environmental Incident.

En incidentes ambientales la contratista (Geopetsa) deber reportar mensualmente el

siguiente indicador: Total Enviromental Incident Rate (TEIR)

Se adjunta el Estndar global ST-GL-HAL-HSE-0108 como referencia para determinar la

clasificacin de los incidentes.
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Adicionalmente la contratista deber reportar las horas hombre trabajadas y el nmero de

persona en el formato de Petroamazonas EP

8.2. Reporte de Incidentes

Todo incidente o Near Miss debe ser reportado inmediatamente al supervisor inmediato y
este debe realizar, Preliminar Incident Report en las prximas 2 horas en el que ocurri el

Posterior al reporte inicial el supervisor debe elaborar un reporte formal en el formato

REPORTE DE INCIDENTE FO-ECU-HAL-HSE-010 y enviarlo al Departamento de HSE de
forma electrnica en un periodo mximo a las 24 horas desde que ocurri el evento.
Equipo HSE Halliburton
Santiago Aguirre


Santiago Falconi


Jorge Granda


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Cristhian Cortez


Mauricio Pilacuan


Gilberto Heredia


Katherine Vargas


Jonathan Balseca


Veronica Ochoa (Medico)


Adicionalmente se adjunta el formato de Reporte de Incidentes para referencia.

El departamento de HSE de Halliburton y Servicios Petroleros IGAPO son los responsables

de registrar el evento en el sistema RHS.

8.3. Investigacin
Todo incidente o Near Miss debe ser investigado por un grupo multidisciplinario, el grupo
de investigacin debe estar conformado como mnimo por las siguientes personas:

Personal directamente involucrado

Supervisor del rea/contratista o PSL.

Representante de HSE del contratista

Representante de HSE de Halliburton y/o Servicio Petroleros IGAPO

Representante del Comit de Seguridad y Salud Local

Representante imparcial de otra rea/PSL

Los incidentes reportables se investigaran siguiendo la metodologa ISHIKAWA para lo cual

se adjunta el formato respectivo


Y los incidentes registrables o Near Miss High Potencial se investigaran con la

Metodologa del TAP ROOT

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8.4. Planes de accin

Las investigaciones tienen como objetivo identificar la causa raz de un evento y con esta
informacin definir un plan de accin efectivo para que el evento no se vuelva a repetir o
con la misma o mayor severidad/probabilidad.
Los planes de accin deben tener responsable de cumplimiento y fechas efectivas,
debern ser avalados por la gerencia de HSE de Halliburton y Servicio Petroleros IGAPO.
La contratista deber llevar un control mensual del porcentaje de avance y cumplimiento
de los planes de acciones propuestos.
8.5. Alertas y lecciones aprendidas
Todo incidente y Near Miss una vez que fue reportado investigado y definido sus planes de
accin debe generar una Alerta de seguridad local para difundir las lecciones aprendidas
El representante de HSE de la contratista debe generar la Alerta de seguridad en el
formato que se adjunta a continuacin:

Formato Alertas y
Lecciones Aprendidas.pptx

Estas lecciones aprendidas sern difundidas en los morning meeting, reuniones zero y
enviadas va correo electrnico a todo el personal previa revisin y aprobacin de la
gerencia de HSE de Halliburton y Servicio Petroleros IGAPO.
9. Inspecciones y auditoria
9.1. Plan de Inspecciones y Auditorias
El Plan de Inspecciones se ha establecido en funcin del Estndar Global ST-GLHAL-HSE-0101 Auditorias de Salud, Seguridad y Ambiente.

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El equipo de HSE de Halliburton, Servicios Petroleros IGAPO y Geopetsa son

responsables de: Atender auditoras de HSE Global segn los requisitos del estndar STGL-HAL-HSE-0101.
Adems son responsables de colaborar con la gerencia en la realizacin y preparacin de
auditoras globales, autoevaluaciones del sitio e inspecciones por niveles en su rea de

La Gerencia de Halliburton, Servicios Petroleros IGAPO y Geopetsa son

responsables de: Realizar Site Self Assesmente e inspecciones por niveles en su rea de
responsabilidad segn los requisitos del estndar ST-GL-HAL-HSE-0101.
Desarrollar planes de medidas correctivas e implementar medidas correctivas de Site Self
Assesment e inspecciones por niveles en su rea de responsabilidad.

Auditorias Globales

Las auditoras de HSE Global se realizan de acuerdo con los procedimientos de Auditora
de HSE Global.
El equipo de auditoras de HSE Global realiza auditoras peridicas de las instalaciones de
Halliburton y Contratistas segn lo determinado por un anlisis de evaluacin de riesgos de
HSE Global anual o cuando lo solicite el Departamento legal o la Gerencia de Halliburton.
El equipo de auditoras de HSE Global revisa el cumplimiento operativo de Halliburton con
los requisitos reglamentarios de salud, seguridad y ambiente pertinentes y las Polticas y
Estndares de HSE Global de Halliburton utilizando metodologa basada en los riesgos y
protocolos de auditora apropiados.
En la conclusin de la auditora, el equipo de auditora de HSE Global prepara un informe
de auditora describiendo las deficiencias identificadas y proporciona una opinin general
de la auditora sobre la efectividad del sistema de gestin de HSE para garantizar un
ambiente de trabajo seguro y que cumple con los requisitos.
Una vez recibida la aprobacin del gerente de auditora de HSE Global, se distribuyen los
informes de auditora de HSE Global a la gerencia pertinente.
Los planes de medidas correctivas para auditoras de HSE Global se preparan bajo la
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direccin del destinatario de la auditora que recibe un informe de auditora y sern

sometidos y revisado/aprobados por la auditora de HSE Global.
El equipo de auditora de HSE Global informa y realiza el seguimiento con el destinatario
de la auditora sobre las medidas correctivas rastreadas y controladas de acuerdo con los
procedimientos de auditora de HSE Global.
Las medidas correctivas tomadas para abordar los resultados de auditora de HSE Global
se implementarn dentro de los 120 das de la fecha del informe de auditora. Las medidas
correctivas que excedan los 120 das para el cierre estarn sujetas a informes a la
gerencia operativa y HSE.

Autoevaluaciones del sitio (Site Self Assesment - SSA)

Se efectuarn mediante la jurisdiccin pertinente y las listas de verificacin de Halliburton
proporcionadas en la pgina web de listas de verificacin de auditora de HSE Global.
El gerente designado del lugar de trabajo o la instalacin/ubicacin es responsable de
asegurar que se llevan a cabo las SSA de sus respectivos lugares de trabajo o
instalaciones operativas al menos una vez cada seis meses. La gerencia debe asignar
recursos competentes suficientes para llevar a cabo las SSA necesarias.
Las deficiencias detectadas durante las SSA deben ser abordadas por la gerencia de la
instalaciones/ubicacin designada mediante planes de medidas correctivas. Estos planes
de medidas correctivas estn sujetos a la aprobacin de la Gerencia de PM, la Gerencia de
HSE de Halliburton, la Gerencia de HSE de Servicios Petroleros IGAPO y el Departamento
Las SSA y los planes de medidas correctivas deben ser registrados en SHE-MIS (o
sistema de gestin de informacin de Halliburton) y conservados en un formato y una
ubicacin aprobada por la gerencia de HSE Global.
Las medidas correctivas tomadas para abordar los resultados de las SSA se
implementarn dentro de los 120 das (a excepcin de aquellos tems que requieran
medidas correctivas inmediatas o mitigaciones) de la fecha en que finaliz la SSA.
La realizacin de una auditora de HSE Global no reduce la responsabilidad de la gerencia
de la instalacin/ubicacin de llevar a cabo SSA segn este estndar.

Inspecciones Nivel 1 Inspecciones mensuales especficas del rea de trabajo

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Los supervisores de primera lnea del lugar de trabajo o la instalacin garantizarn que se
lleven a cabo inspecciones formales de HSE, al menos una vez por semana, en sus
respectivas reas de trabajo, usando listas de verificacin de inspeccin en niveles
adaptadas a las reas de trabajo particular.
Los supervisores de primera lnea del lugar de trabajo o instalacin establecern un
proceso de seguimiento de medidas correctivas para asegurar que las medidas necesarias
para resolver los problemas identificados durante las inspecciones en niveles sean
comunicadas a la gerencia, investigadas, registradas y controladas hasta la finalizacin.

Inspecciones Nivel 2: Inspecciones trimestrales

La gerencia estatal/regional/de la instalacin junto con los supervisores de primera lnea
del lugar de trabajo o la instalacin garantizar que se lleven a cabo inspecciones
trimestrales (nivel 2).
El personal operativo de HSE ser responsable de identificar y coordinar los equipos de
inspeccin. Estos equipos de inspeccin debern estar conformados por representantes de
la gerencia estatal/de la instalacin y equipos de HSE, pero tambin podrn incluir a
supervisores del rea de trabajo local y representantes de seguridad, segn corresponda.
La gerencia estatal/regional/de la instalacin, junto con los supervisores de primera lnea
del lugar de trabajo o la instalacin, debern implementar un proceso de seguimiento de
medidas correctivas para garantizar que se investiguen, mitiguen, registren, corrijan y
controlen las medidas necesarias para abordar los problemas identificados durante las
inspecciones en niveles.
Las medidas correctivas de inspecciones en niveles debern ser rastreadas en planes de
medidas correctivas o en una base de datos adecuada y las medidas debern
implementarse antes de la prxima inspeccin.

10. Programa de salud


Dispensario Mdico

Dispensario Mdico equipado en concordancia al Acuerdo Ministerial 1404 Reglamento

para el Funcionamiento de los Servicios Mdicos de Empresas. Adems contar con equipo
mdico para emergencias mdicas: DEA, tabla espinal con araas, inmovilizadores, maleta
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de emergencia, equipo de rescate de espacios confinados y de alturas si es que aplica.


Requisitos de vacunacin
Todo el personal debe tener vacunas vigentes:


Fiebre amarilla: 1 dosis (10 aos)

Hepatitis A y B: 3 dosis (5 aos)

Ttanos: 3 dosis (10 aos)

Tifoidea: 1 dosis (3 aos)

Requisitos de exmenes mdicos

Todo el personal que trabaje para la contratista deber tener los exmenes Pre-ocupacionales,
Ocupacionales (anuales), de seguimiento y cuando ya salgan de la empresa los Post


Reporte de inspecciones
Realizar inspecciones semanales del campamento en lo que corresponde a catering,
habitaciones y lavandera.

Verificacin que el proveedor del servicio de catering cumpla con los requerimientos de
Salud Ocupacional descritos anteriormente, en especial atencin exmenes mdicos y
vacunas vigentes, y carnets de manipulacin de alimentos.

Realizar anlisis mensuales bromatolgicos de los alimentos en un laboratorio certificado.

11. Ambiente

Plan de manejo de desechos

Los desechos que se produzcan en las actividades de las operaciones de SERVICIOS
PETROLEROS IGAPO debern manejarse siguiendo la totalidad de los lineamientos
aplicables establecidos en los Planes de Manejo Ambiental (PMA) especficos de los
Estudios de Impacto Ambiental de cada uno de los campos asignados a SERVICIOS

IGAPO, con el fin de manejar adecuadamente los riesgos ambientales

y cumplir con todas las obligaciones del Cliente as como condiciones especficas de las
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Licencias Ambientales otorgadas a la operadora de los campos y todas la legislacin

ambiental vigente aplicable a las operaciones dentro de los contratos suscritos.
Todos los subcontratistas de SERVICIOS PETROLEROS IGAPO, debern certificar que
sus trabajadores conozcan y cumplan con todas las normas para la disposicin de
desechos de acuerdo a este plan.
Para cada operacin de perforacin, se deber:
1. Realizar un anlisis medioambiental y la identificacin de los riesgos,
2. Identificar los requisitos legales y otros requisitos aplicables,
3. Definir








4. Garantizar la disponibilidad de los recursos necesarios para la implementacin,
5. Definir los roles y responsabilidades, los planes de entrenamiento, la
documentacin, el control operacional y la preparacin para respuesta a
6. Toda regulacin ambiental obligatoria ser ejecutada y auditada regularmente
por SERVICIOS PETROLEROS IGAPO. Adicionalmente a las regulaciones
vigentes o de cualquiera de las partes involucradas, siempre se debe hacer todo
lo posible para proteger el medio ambiente durante todas las etapas y en todos
los aspectos de las operaciones de perforacin.








reglamentacin y de las normas para el monitoreo ambiental permanente con el

fin de garantizar que todos los procedimientos se sigan correctamente y toda la
informacin necesaria se remitir al lder de HSE del proyecto.
8. Medir, monitorear y evaluar la ejecucin y cumplimiento del PMA correspondiente
y garantizar la aplicacin de las medidas correctivas segn sea necesario.
9. Mantener registros y gestin de la informacin.
10. Comunicar e informar al cliente sobre la aplicacin de los PMAs y su
11. Llevar a cabo auditoras y revisiones ambientales que lleven a la mejora

As mismo, el subcontratista es responsable de:

1. Implementar procedimientos para recoger, separar y clasificar los desechos
peligrosos de los no peligrosos para el almacenamiento temporal adecuado
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segn se define en el Plan de Manejo de Desechos del PMA correspondiente al

campo de operacin.
2. La disposicin de los residuos se deber realizar de acuerdo al Plan de Manejo
de Desechos del PMA correspondiente al campo de operacin.
3. Las aguas negras y grises, debern ser tratadas y descargadas de acuerdo al
PMA correspondiente al campo de operacin as como a la legislacin ambiental
4. Durante toda la operacin de la perforacin se la subcontratista deber en todo
momento actuar con el fin de minimizar la cantidad de residuos y deber
observar y cumplir con todas las leyes y reglamentos en relacin con la
generacin, transporte, almacenamiento, tratamiento y / o eliminacin de
5. Todas las reas deben mantenerse limpias y libres de desechos.
6. La subcontratista deber indicar sus fuentes de generacin de desechos,
volmenes estimados, y proporcionar los mtodos de reciclaje / reutilizacin, los
mtodos de tratamiento y / o mtodos de eliminacin y gestores calificados.
7. Promover e incentivar, una filosofa de minimizacin de desechos y de reciclaje
para reducir el volumen de desechos producidos.
8. Asegurarse que todo el material de desecho siempre est almacenado e
identificado adecuadamente, de tal modo a evitar contaminacin al aire, suelo,
agua superficial o subterrnea.
9. Garantizar que el almacenamiento, transporte y disposicin final de desechos no
causen un riesgo a la seguridad, salud o a la comunidad.
10. Disponer que todos los trabajadores estn provistos con el equipo de proteccin
necesaria para la minimizar su exposicin a los desechos.
11. Los trabajadores debern ser capacitados para el manejo y disposicin de los
desechos, e informados de los riesgos potenciales para la salud que puede
causar cada tipo de desecho.
11.1.1 Clasificacin de Desechos
Los desechos slidos se clasifican en Desechos Peligrosos y Desechos No Peligrosos, de
acuerdo a la legislacin ambiental vigente:

DESECHOS PELIGROSOS (Categorizacin de segn el Acuerdo Ministerial

026, Registro Oficial No. 334 del 12 de mayo de 2008. Acuerdo Ministerial
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142 del 21 de diciembre del 2012 (Listado nacional de materiales y

desechos peligrosos).
11.1.2 Gestin de Desechos

El manejo de los desechos slidos, iniciar con la clasificacin en la fuente, el

respectivo almacenamiento en recipientes separados y su disposicin final, en
recipientes claramente sealados e identificados; para lo cual se tomar en
cuenta los procedimientos establecidos.

Para todos los desechos generados se llevarn registros desde el sitio de

generacin hasta su disposicin final.

La subcontratista disear un procedimiento interno de gestin de desechos

donde se indique que una vez que se generen los desechos, sern clasificados
y validados en lo posible para determinar si debern ser reciclados, reutilizados
y dispuestos para su entrega y disposicin final.

Se deber realizar talleres de capacitacin por lo menos una vez al ao, sobre
el manejo de desechos slidos al personal que realiza actividades dentro del
rea del proyecto.

11.1.3. Cortes y fluidos de reacondicionamiento

La disposicin, tratamiento y disposicin final de los lodos y ripios, se realizarn fuera de
las plataformas de los campos asignados a SERVICIOS PETROLEROS IGAPO mediante
transporte, tratamiento y disposicin final con empresas gestoras calificadas con Licencia
Ambiental vigente en el Ministerio del Ambiente.

11.1.4. Desechos no peligrosos

En el caso en que la CONTRATISTA desarrolle sus actividades en reas donde

no existe el servicio de recoleccin de desechos proporcionado por la
operadora del campo asignado a SERVICIOS PETROLEROS IGAPO, la
subcontratista es responsable de la apropiada recoleccin, almacenamiento,
transporte y disposicin final de desechos. Adicionalmente la subcontratista
debe implementar un plan para la separacin en la fuente, de los desechos
slidos peligrosos y no peligrosos (ejemplo: trapos con aceite, fundas de
plstico, desechos biolgicos, metal, papel, elementos orgnicos, etc.) en
recipientes separados.

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Entrega de desechos orgnicos: este tipo de desechos sern entregado para

ser convertidos en biofertilizantes.

Entrega de desechos inorgnicos: estos desechos sern dispuestos de manera

provisional en los recipientes con la respectiva identificacin, conforme a la
clasificacin propuesta y posteriormente entregados para ser transportados a la
disposicin final con gestor calificado.

Todos los desechos biodegradables debern transformados en fertilizante

orgnico (compost) a travs del sistema de celdas podra ser utilizados para
fomentar el programa de rehabilitacin de reas afectadas o entregados al
recolector municipal para su final disposicin.

Los desechos para reducir la cantidad de desechos slidos, los desechos no

biodegradables e inorgnicos como: plstico, cartn, papel, metal debern ser
clasificados y pesados para finalmente ser reciclados o ser entregados a un
gestor de residuos calificado.

Los escombros sern enviados a escombreras autorizadas en los diferentes

municipios por intermedio de un gestor ambiental calificado.

11.1.5. Desechos peligrosos

Se clasificaran y almacenaran de acuerdo a su categorizacin.

La sealtica a aplicarse deber ajustarse a lo establecido en la norma INEN 2266

para almacenamiento de productos qumicos y peligrosos

Los desechos debern rotularse y adecuarse en base al norma NT-INEN 2288 para
su transporte

Entrega de residuos peligrosos: Se llenar el registro cada vez que los residuos
peligrosos sean entregados a un gestor ambiental calificado para su transporte,
tratamiento y disposicin final.

11.1.6 Gestin de Residuos Lquidos

Todo campamento temporal debe disponer de sistemas aprobados para el tratamiento de
aguas de desecho (aguas negras y grises). La subcontratista debe verificar y garantizar
que las aguas de desecho sean debidamente tratadas y dispuestas, y que stas no
contaminen ningn cuerpo de agua cercano. Los efluentes tratados deben cumplir con los
lmites permisibles establecidos en las Regulaciones Ambientales para Operaciones
Hidrocarburferas (Tabla 5, RAOH 1215). La subcontratista es responsable del tratamiento,
equipos y costos requeridos para mantener los efluentes dentro de los lmites permisibles
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requeridos por las Regulaciones Ambientales. Una copia de los resultados de dichos
anlisis debe ser entregada al Departamento de HSE Halliburton en campo.

Aguas Negras y Grises

Estas provienen de las descargas de los inodoros y lavabos, su tratamiento estar a cargo
de la subcontratista. Estas aguas se recolectarn y se canalizarn hacia una planta de
tratamiento, en donde se realizarn anlisis semanales de acuerdo a la siguiente tabla

Aguas Industriales
Producto de las actividades de lavado y/o limpieza de los equipos e instalaciones y otras
aguas derivadas de los trabajos. Su tratamiento estar a cargo de la subcontratista,
posterior a su tratamiento esta agua ser enviada mediante camin vacuum al sistema de
reinyeccin de la compaa operadora de los campos asignados a SERVICIOS

Se deber realizar anlisis peridicos de control, as como, anlisis para el cumplimiento

de los parmetros estipulados en el tabal 4a del Anexo 2 del RAOHE, previo a cada
descarga (reinyeccin). La contratista deber realizar los respectivos anlisis de laboratorio
de todos los efluentes que se evacuen.

Aguas de Formacin
Se reinyectaran en los pozos reinyectores indicados por la operadora de los campos para
el efecto, de acuerdo a lo establecido en el PMA respectivo.


Monitoreo ambiental

El monitoreo se realizara para cada plataforma donde la subcontratista desarrollar sus

actividades de reacondicionamiento/perforacin y cada uno de los puntos de monitoreo
ser testificado y aprobado de acuerdo a lo aprobado en el PMA correspondiente a cada
Los monitoreos se realizaran mediante metodologas validadas y los anlisis en un
laboratorio acreditado por el Ministerio del Ambiente y el Organismo de Acreditacin
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Drilling Contractor HS&E MS Document Architecture


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2. Halliburton Organization, Responsibility, and Resources


Halliburton HS&E Responsibility

Halliburton is responsible for:

Executing the work and delivery of the project scope detailed in the contract in compliance with applicable

national and international Laws, and all Customers and elsewhere in the CONTRACT and in a manner that is
ethical and of the highest integrity.
The development, communication, maintenance, implementation, monitoring, and improvement of the project

HSE documentation in line with Customers HSE Control Framework, Standards and Manuals and the
requirements stipulated in the Contract and for ensuring that all project activities conform to HS&E standards and
Ensuring timey and quality notification, reporting, investigation of incidents and the communication and the

implementation of actions to prevent recurrence based on lessons learnt.

Ensuring that Contractors and lower tier subcontractors

safety policies, standards and procedures are

acceptable to Halliburton and to Customer and implemented in order to maintain the highest level of health and
safety standards in all activities throughout the duration of the project.
Ensuring that Halliburton and Contractors management systems are aligned, compatible, and clarifying which

policies or procedures shall be adopted if conflicts arise.

Ensuring the availability of required resources for the implementation, monitoring, and improvement of the HSE

Establishing a clear and agreed command and control structure and communication plan

Informing its employees and those of its subcontractors prior to an employee commencing any work about the

requirements applicable to employees, instruct the employees to strictly comply with those requirements, and
caution the employees about consequences in case of any non-compliance.
Ensure that personnel working on the project have adequate safety equipment / clothing for all operations

required to deliver the scope of the project and appropriate training in the use of such equipment.
Ensure that personnel working on the project have the competence, is trained and is properly supervised while

acquiring the required competency level.


Maintaining and making available to Customer and authorities the required HSE records

Establishing a Management of Change process to promptly and reasonably address HSE recommendations
requested by Customer.
Implementation of an effective Risk Management Process and tools to ensure that work-related hazards and

potentially adverse environmental aspects are identified, the impacts and consequences analyzed, the risks
and/or impact significance assessed and evaluated, controls and contingency plans defined and implemented to
minimize the likelihood of negatively impact on:

The well being and physical integrity of all persons working in or affected by the project

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The integrity of the operation and the assets used or involved, and

The reputation of Halliburton

Reporting any hazards to appropriate contractor supervisors when situations exist where safety has been

compromised, following up to ensure that appropriate actions have been taken to correct the situation.

Ensure Equipment Integrity Plan and identifying responsibility for third party equipment maintenance and

Ensure that integrated project emergency response and contingency plans are in place and coordinated with
Customer and /or outside third party groups such as oil spill response, rig evacuation, and medical response

Measuring, monitoring, analyzing and reviewing HSE performance as per defined in the KPIs, incorporate
lessons learnt, drive improvements, and implement the required preventive and/or corrective measures required.

Implementing the Audits, Inspection, and Reviews to ensure compliance, adequacy, and effectiveness of the
Project HSE Management Documents.


Halliburton Project HS&E Organization

Clarificar los recursos dedicados y de ejecucin.

Considerar la parte operativa, superintendente co man etc.


Drilling Contractors & Third Party Management Responsibility

The DC and other Contractors are responsible for executing the work and delivery of the project scope detailed in
their respective contracts in compliance with applicable national and international Laws, and all Customers
requirements and elsewhere in the CONTRACT and in a manner that is ethical and of the highest integrity.
The DC and other Contractors management are responsible for their own safety activities and shall fully adhere to
the project Halliburton Safety Policy and Customers HS&E requirements.
The DC and other Contractors management are specifically responsible for:

The safety of all contractor & sub-contractor personnel.

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The integrity (certification, calibration, functioning etc.) of all assets and equipment used, and are to carry-out
their works in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, and the execution of their contract activities as
detailed within this project HSE Management document.

To develop, implement, and monitor a project HSE Management Document to achieve the project objectives.

Ensuring the communication to all involved meet Customers and Halliburtons expectations and requirements

Provide an adequate number HSE resources to fulfill the requirements of the project

Ensure that their personnel are familiar with Customers, and Halliburtons, and their own requirements, HS&E
rules, procedures, and systems, and are competent and trained to carry out their work safely and with due regard
for the environment.


Implementation of an effective Risk Management Process and tools

Compliance with subcontractors HS&E-MS and Quality Management Systems in line with the project HSE
Management Document and the Bridge Documents


Monitoring and Reporting on the implementation of the HS&E program and HS&E performance.
Ensure all personnel arriving at the operation site receive a thorough safety briefing from the site HS&E

Providing Contractor personnel with necessary protective and safety equipment and appropriate training in the
use of such equipment.

Timely performing proper maintenance, inspection, and certification to all Contractors equipment and facilities
furnished to ensure equipment integrity, safe, and uninterrupted operations.

Ensuring timey and quality notification, reporting, investigation of incidents and the communication and the
implementation of actions to prevent recurrence based on lessons learnt.

Preparing and ensuring readiness and functionality of adequate Emergency / Contingency plans

Implement a systematic Audit, Inspection, and Review Program

In addition, the following excerpts are below added from Drilling Contractor HSE management system to show
the commitment on management of HSE responsibilities.
The responsibility of implementing the HSE-MS lies directly and individually with Line Managers, from the President
through to every employee.
The responsibility for HSE rests upon all personnel and is an integral part of, and inseparable from, the daily
operations of the company and its rigs.
All Drilling Contractor employees are issued with an agreed description that overviews their individual general
responsibilities for HSE.
Detailed HSE responsibilities for senior positions are listed in HSE Management Plan (document # HSE-01-05)
under section 4.2 and embedded throughout the DC RMS.
All Drilling Contractor personnel are responsible for protecting the health and safety of our employees, customers,
subcontractors, 3rd party contractors, communities, and the environment wherever we operate.
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Effectiveness of the HSE arrangements are assured and measured in 2 ways; one by HSE preparedness (i.e.
assessment and review, pre-job communication / pre-tour meetings) and two, by delivered HSE performance (i.e.
against Goals & Targets & Area HSE ranking).

2.4. Sub- Contractor Performance Criteria (Incluir los contratistas y riesgos

The following steps shall be taken to ensure the sub-contractors, working for Halliburton in the project, are fully
conversant with their responsibilities regarding HS&E. These shall be verified during the vetting and registering process:

Ensure development, communication, familiarization and understanding by the Sub Contractor of their work
scope, Customers and Halliburtons HS&E requirements, policies, standards, the project known hazards and
risks, and the subcontractors roles, responsibilities

Ensure that subcontractors management system is consistent with Customers and Halliburton Management
Systems and develop and implement Bridging document.

Ensure that Subcontractors submit their own specific HSE Plans and work procedures for Halliburtons and
Customer approvals before commencement of the work by the subcontractor

Ensure that selected sub-contractors have sufficient knowledge of and resources to protect health, safety and
the environment, implement their project HSE plans, and fulfill the HSE requirements of the contract.

Ensure that Subcontractors Personnel is trained in all applicable HSE requirements and shall participate in
project specific induction or training requirements.

Share information that shall assist sub-contractors in planning and meeting the HS&E objectives and fulfilling
their role during the term of the contract;

Evaluate the subcontractors technical and operational capabilities, past and present HS&E and Operational
Performance during the sub-contractor selection process;

Hold sub-contractors accountable for compliance with standards, and assess and discuss HS&E performance
with them;

Review the performance of sub-contractors against the HS&E requirements periodically during the work and at
the end of the contract.

Monthly and Quarterly HSE meetings shall be held with sub-contractor management in the Project office.

Audit & Review sub-contracts on annual basis and measure compliance.

The HS&E department shall provide specialized assistance to sub-contractors to further improve their HS&E
Management system.


Responsibilities of All Personnel

While HS&E is a line management responsibility, each person working in the project must take responsibility for their own
safety. Before starting an operation, each person shall be aware of the hazards and risks know how to control and reduce
them, be alert to changing circumstances, and knowledgeable of how to respond.

Each individual has the responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others, and therefore must act

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It shall be the responsibility of every employee to follow the Project HS&E rules and procedures.
To take responsible action to STOP unsafe acts or operations until the situation is corrected and ensure proper
reporting of situations which could lead to HS&E incidents or near misses.

Drilling Contractor wish to add the principle of STOP work authority which is enforced and practiced
thoroughly amongst the Drilling Contractor worldwide operations.

All DC employees are EMPOWERED and REQUIRED to take responsibility for their personal safety and the
safety of their fellow crew members.

Every employee has the authority to stop any operation if they feel that the situation is unsafe or that the work is
being performed in an unsafe manner.

When an employee notifies their immediate supervisor of an unsafe act or condition, it is the supervisors
responsibility to either correct the safety issue immediately, or protect the crew from the safety hazard and then
develop a corrective action plan to eliminate the hazard.


Halliburton Project HS&E Leader Responsibilities

The Halliburton HS&E Project Supervisor reports directly to the Halliburton Project Manager and shall be responsible
for the provision of leadership, expertise and guidance on HS&E matters, processes and issues as they relate to the
operations under the scope of the project, helping to define, establish and incorporate HS&E responsibility and
accountability through the project and creating value for our customers and stakeholders by effectively and efficiently
implementing the Risk Management and HS&E program.

Roles and Responsibilities:


Demonstrates active and visible commitment, setting consistent examples and expectations in order to convey
clarity of purpose, motivate the employees and ensure conformance.

Leads and oversights of all aspects of the development, deployment and maintenance of the project HSE
Management Document to meet HS&E objectives and requirements


Ensures Customer, Halliburton, and Contractor standards are met

Provides timely and effective feedback to the project manager about the existing and/or potential hazards /
risks, system and non compliance gaps that could lead to incidents, injuries, and jeopardize the achievement of
the project HS&E objectives

Liaises with the Customer and Contractor HS&E Managers/Personnel to develop and maintain philosophical
alignment, assure clarity of expectations, compatibility and conformity between management systems, plans, and

Coordinates deployment of systems, tools and processes to facilitate management of HS&E requirements /

Facilitates the Contractor / Sub-contractor review and evaluation process

Ensure timely and accurate reporting and investigation of incidents as per Halliburton and Contractor

To ensure the implementation of quality incident investigations, definition and implementation of corrective /

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preventive to avoid recurrence / occurrence of incidents.


Measure and monitor HS&E performance and preventive programs, and provide timely and actionable feedback
to the Project Manager.

Coordinates the implementation and maintenance of the performance review process

Maintains regular communications with Project and Site Management to proactively identify potential
improvement opportunities

Plan, and conduct audits as per defined plan and requirements

Communicates with Customer and regulatory agencies to ensure compliance with requirements in all HS&E
related areas

Captures Lessons Learned related to HS&E and facilitates the process by which they can be applied for
continuous improvement

Ensures the implementation of the environmental pollution prevention, waste management plan, spill
contingency plan, and site reinstatement and abandonment

HSE Manager
HSE Coordinators


Project Operations Key Interfaces

For all contractual issues between Customer and Halliburton, the Halliburton Project Manager is the point of contact
and liaises with Customers FCP Wells Lead.
For all project operational issues the Halliburton Project Manager is the point of contact and has overall responsibility for
the Project Operational, Health, Safety, and Environmental performance and compliance to regulations, policies,
standards, and requirements and liaises with the main Contractors, Halliburton Products and Service Lines and other
Sub-contractors to manage the project operations.
The Halliburton HS&E Project Supervisor shall handle any issues concerning the Health and Safety of all employees,
and/or any issues concerning the Environment and is the point of contact with Customers HS&E Management,
Contractor, PSLs, and Sub-contractors regarding HS&E issues.
For all contractual issues between Halliburton and the main Contractors, the Contractor Project / Area Manger is the
point of contact and liaises with the Halliburton Project Manager.
For all Operational issues, the Contractor point of contact is the Contractor Operations Manager.


Rig Site - Chain of Command

Halliburton Drilling Supervisor at the Well-Site (HAL-DSV) is the responsible and accountable person for the safety of
the working site and the well, and for the protection of the Environment. The HAL-DSV has the authority to STOP delay,
modify or suspend any phase of the operations if he determines that is unsafe to proceed and shall only authorize
restarting of the operations when all corrective actions and precautions having been taken and it is safe to operate. His
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name shall be displayed and clearly visible for all at the project operations site or rig site.
The DC Rig Manager have overall responsibility and accountability for the Safety of their personnel, the protection of the
Environment, their equipment, and have authority over all their personnel. They shall ensure that all work is safely
executed at the worksite.
HAL-DSV or HAL- is responsible for ensuring the correct application of the regulations and HSE plan and makes every
decision regarding Safety and Environmental guidelines accordingly.
HAL-DSV is responsible to ensure the review and implementation of the Well Control Procedures. The DC Rig Manager
is responsible for the execution of the agreed well control procedures.
HAL-DSV or HAL- is responsible for the managing the Emergency Response and MEDEVAC plan at the Wellsite as On
Scene Commander in liaison with the Halliburton Emergency Response Team and the Halliburton Project Manager
and with contractors site manager and Emergency Teams.
Halliburton shall establish an emergency response plan in conjunction with the Civil Work Contractor and the Drilling
Contractor, and shall ensure that adequate procedures for MEDEVAC operations are established and agreed prior the
initiation of the project activities
The safe execution of the operations depends on the close cooperation between the HAL DSV, and the contractors site
manager and supervisors.





HAL Project


DC Operations

Project Leader


Rig Manager

HSE Rig Technician


Well Site Medic


Field Supervisor

Mechanical &
Electrical Support

HAL Company Man


HAL PSL Service &

Service Contractors

HSE Report Line

Operational Report

Drilling Crew

Advice & Support

Figure 1 Customer - Rig Site Line of Command

Halliburton DSV shall work in close cooperation with the DC contractors site manager / supervisor to:
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Ensure project requirements, rules, and expectations are clear

Ensure high levels of awareness of the hazards / aspects / risk at the work place, prior and throughout the
execution of all the operations.

Ensure high level of alertness among all personnel to observe and eliminate unsafe acts.

Empower employees to take responsible action to eliminate unsafe acts and STOP unsafe operations.

Ensure safety standards, procedures, and regulations are used at all times.

Ensure an effective risk management exists and implemented.

Be prepared to respond to any potential emergency situations.

Ensure an effective and continuous monitoring of operations and equipment integrity through effective
inspection and audit process.

Ensure a drug / alcohol free work environment is maintained.

3. Training and Competence Assurance


Manning Program

Halliburton shall make available sufficient and competent resources to the execution of the project activities, the
achievement of the project HSE and operational objectives, and the supervision of the project personnel and activities to
ensure adherence to applicable safety and operational requirements.
Halliburton shall ensure that the personnel required to manage and conduct the operations are competent, timely
available and ready for work at the work site or rig when required, and accounted for at all times.
Halliburton shall ensure the implementation of an effective hand over process including the documentation and personal
discussion of the hand over notes during the change. Copies of the notes shall be submitted to their respective line
management superiors and shall be filed in the project documents repository. This applies for all key project roles
including Operations, Drilling Supervisors, Rig Managers, HS&E Site Supervisors, crew changes, and other rotational
positions or shift changes.
Drilling Contractor shall provide every operation with standard manning needs for the rig operation; however they shall
also accommodate any additional manning / personnel requirements to suite customized project requirements (to follow
Government specific requirements, or Operator specific requirements etc).


Project Worksite Arrival Program

Halliburton shall ensure that new project personnel or any person that has not been at the project for the last 90 days
including client, subcontractors and visitors receive induction on the project HSE requirements, rules, expectations,
security and emergency procedures, hazards, risks and controls to manage those risks. Records of attendance of these
inductions shall be maintained.
Halliburton shall work with the project Contractors to establish process to account for any personnel working in the
project sites and shall provide to the new arrival persons, with the security and safety induction including a detailed
explanation (T Card system or Alternative as developed).
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Halliburton shall maintain and ensure that its DC Subcontractors maintain a rotation personnel schedule and shall
provide notification prior arrival or leaving the worksite the list of persons arriving or leaving the project site along with the
assurance of their training compliance, competency, medical fitness,
The DC and Civil Work subcontractors shall ensure that all employees and personnel arriving to the Work / Rig Site
receive a proper induction to include at a minimum: Signing in with the Wellsite HS&E coordinator, an ongoing rig
operations briefing, letting the site medic support know of any prescription medications or preexisting medical conditions,
the minimum level of required PPE in all designated work areas, current operations and hazards of the operation, any
special requirements, the emergency response alarm types and muster points, designated smoking areas and security
Drilling Contractor shall provide the company standard safety induction and a detail orientation to all new employees
and visitors reporting at the Drilling Contractor Rig Manager office.


Short Service Employees Program

Halliburton shall put in place a Short Service Employees (SSE) Program for all personnel with less than 6 months
service in the same job type or his/her present employer and shall ensure that no more than 20% of the crew members
are SSE.
Halliburton shall ensure that all SSE have completed the minimum required training, received the project induction, and
completed all requirements prior going to the worksite. SSE employees shall be identifiable by using Green Hard Hat


Training Program

Continued safety awareness training and education shall be an integral part of each employees expected job duties.
Halliburton shall ensure that its employees and subcontractors personnel prior to the start of their work are experienced
in their job and have received the necessary HSE and Job related training required by law, Customer, and Halliburton

See Attachment 5 Halliburton Training Matrix

See Attachment 6 Drilling Contractor Training Matrix

DC shall provide their respective training matrix with their HS&E Plan and demonstrate compliance to its requirements
and provide as appropriate certifications.
DC is responsible for providing this continued training and keep an up-to-date training log to illustrate each employees
proficiencies. This shall be done in compliance with Customer and Halliburtons minimum training requirements
Drilling Contractor shall provide the company standard training program to all its employees as specified in the RMS
Training Matrix Compliance Procedure (document # HUR-012) and also shall accommodate any additional training
requirements to meet customer or per legal demands.

4. Communication
To ensure the timely communication to the appropriate person(s) that needs to be communicated and reduce the risk of
miscommunications, Halliburton Project Manager shall develop and present to Customer the HAL-Customer
Communications Matrix addressing the contract and operations communications requirements.
This Communications Matrix is a living document and shall be reviewed, modified and distributed to appropriate
recipients. It is the responsibility of the Halliburton Project Manager to maintain current this document and establish with
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Customer representative the mechanism to incorporate changes required. Specifically the matrix should contain the
communications and approvals for change of HSE, programs, schedules, equipment modifications, and personnel
The same way, the Halliburton Project Manager with the Managers of the Drilling and Civil Work Contractors and
Halliburton Organization Management shall develop, distribute, and maintain a Communications Matrix to ensure that
proper communications are done to the right person, at the right time, in the proper format through the agreed channels.
This is a living document and shall be modified and distributed to appropriate recipients. It is the responsibility of the
Halliburton Project Manager to maintain this document and establish the mechanisms to incorporate and communicate
the changes required. Specifically the matrix should contain the communications and approvals required for change of
programs, schedules, equipment modifications, and personnel changes.
Halliburton shall ensure effective means to communicate effectively and appropriate language to the project personnel
HSE and operational issues and shall provide means to ensure that personnel are aware of the operations, the hazards
of the work; the risks and controls necessary to mitigate those hazards, and the emergency response actions in the
event of an incident.
Halliburton shall provide and maintain the required communication equipment to ensure that all field operations are
communicated with Halliburtons and Customer central operation centers.


HS&E Meetings

Halliburton shall schedule, arrange, conduct and ensure attendance to regular HSE meetings throughout the project
operations. The HSE Meetings Scheduled shall be included published at the beginning of each month Halliburton shall
communicate to Customer and all other parties of the Projects HSE meetings time and place.
These meetings purpose is to:

To maintain high levels of awareness regarding the hazards and risks of the operation

To disseminate and to ensure that Halliburton and subcontractors employees are familiar with their specific
HSE requirements, procedures, practices, and controls systems

To communicate lessons learnt, performance results and issues, and HSE Plan results

The following HSE Meetings shall be implemented for the project:

CUSTOMER Monthly HS&E Review The Halliburton Project Manager shall present to Customers Project Manager
the monthly HS&E and Operational Performance Review including, incidents report analysis, actions to prevent
recurrence, assessment of what is / is not working well, and actions for improvement.
Monthly DC HS&E & Operational Performance Review Review of the project HS&E performance, HS&E Plan, and
Operational Performance including incidents report analysis, actions to prevent recurrence, assessment of what is / is
not working well, and actions for improvement. The Halliburton Project Manager shall lead the meeting and as required
shall have the participation of DC Contractors Operations Managers.
The following project Operational and HS&E meetings shall be held:
Customers HSE Meetings Halliburton shall participate as required in Customers required HSE meetings and shall
ensure in its communication plan proper channels of communication to ensure timely and appropriate response to these
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Rig Management Weekly Tracking Review Parties shall meet after the weekly management walkthrough to review
and update to the inspection & HS&E issues tracking report and previous week HS&E issues. Lead by the Halliburton
DSV and with the DC Rig Manager, Halliburton HS&E Supervisor, DC HS&E Supervisor, and other DC Supervisors.
Daily Rig Management Meeting Lead by the Halliburton DSV and with the DC Rig Manager and DC HS&E Rig
Supervisor, DC Maintenance Supervisors, Third parties Supervisors and Camp Boss. These meetings are required to
discuss the daily operation requirements and forecast strategies for the subsequent shift and the next 48 hours.
Weekly Safety Meetings: To be attended by all personnel and led by the HSE Coordinator and with participation of the
HAL-DSV and HAL HS&E Coordinator. DC shall maintain records of attendees, topics discussed, action items arising,
action parties responsible for close out, and target dates for completion. The meeting shall review of unsafe acts
observations, any recent accidents or incidents, and encourage personnel to be aware and continually "self audit" their
own particular behaviors and work area. The Rig Manager / Tool Pusher should encourage crews participation by
expressing concerns, sharing experiences, and making suggestions. Two-way communication is a must.
Pre-tower Meetings: Discuss handover and shift work plan, current HS&E issues, and any expected hazards or risks in
the operations ahead. This meeting should be logged in the daily report
Tool Box Talks: Prior to hazardous and/or non routine operations (e.g. casing running), lead by the Line Supervisor with
all involved personnel, to ensure the job and its inherent hazards are understood, controls are in place, the tools and
work practices are appropriate, relevant expertise is available, and permit requirements are understood and verified as
being in place.
"On the Spot" Safety Meetings: Called by a responsible line supervisor to immediately correct any unsafe practice.
These meetings should be brief but directed at educating personnel. Note that the instigator must ensure the work area
is safe prior to the meeting and that monitoring of the suspended activity is maintained during the meeting.

Ver Anexo 6. Plan de Reuniones Rig 220


Safety Observation Program

Employees and all personnel working in the project are empowered and have clear expectations, accountability, and
authority to take responsible action to STOP and correct unsafe behaviors and or operations, as well as to pro-actively
recognize and reinforce positive safe behaviors.
Halliburton Project Management shall ensure the effective implementation of the Observation Program (STOP / HOC)
Critical elements in the implementation of the Observation Program are:

Leadership. All managers are expected to actively participate by making observations, monitoring trends and
participation, recognizing and reinforcing positive behaviors, and taking actions based on the results of the

Training and motivation to all managers, leaders, coordinators, and personnel prior the initiation of the project
activities and throughout the life of the project


Monitoring number of participants, frequency and consistency of participation. No Quotes imposed.

Systematic identification of significant hazards and/or behaviors and immediate actions at different levels and
frequency as described below

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Daily review and analysis of the observations to identify significant behaviors / hazards for immediate action and

to raise awareness by the Contractors Site Managers, HAL DSV, Project HS&E Leader for as appropriate
Weekly review and analysis of the observations data for identification of significant and repetitive issues at the

project level for immediate action and to raise awareness through the project
Monthly basis, analysis of data collected and report to management the following two areas:

Significant & repetitive unsafe acts and behaviors, and risks

Trends and variation of observations, participation of levels of supervision, and project

participants. subcontractors working on the project


Continuous feedback, recognition for consistent and quality participation, and motivation to front line on results
of the program

Halliburton Project HS&E lead shall oversee the implementation of the Civil Contractor and Drilling
Contractor and conduct weekly and monthly reviews

Drilling Contractor standard safety observation programs and details are described in RMS document # HSE-6-01
DUPONT STOP for each other program

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5. Risk Management
For the effective management of risk to minimize the likelihood of negative impact on:

The well being and physical integrity of all employees and other persons working in or affected by the project

The environment

The integrity of the operation and the assets used or involved

The reputation of Halliburton, Customer, and Contractors

The Project Management team implements the processes and tools to ensure that all work-related hazards and
potentially adverse environmental aspects are identified, the impacts and consequences analyzed, the risks and/or
impact significance assessed and evaluated, controls defined, implemented.
Halliburton Project HS&E Leader shall ensure alignment of Halliburton Global HS&E standard - Hazard Identification
and Risk Assessment - with Customers requirements specified in Customers HSE Control Framework, Managing Risk
Manual and as required shall modify the methods and incorporate them in the project HSE Management Document, and
communicate to all parties involved for proper alignment and management of the risks associated with a project.
Halliburton shall conduct the risk assessment of identified hazards for Worst-Case credible scenarios using the Risk
Assessment Matrix (RAM) and the hazards, risk assessments, controls identified, responsible for action and control
identified shall be documented in the Risk Register that shall be used for communication, tracking, monitoring and
Halliburton shall conduct the Health and Risk Assessment (HRA) and Environmental, Social, Health Impact Assessment
of security, and Health, environmental, and social aspects
Hazard identification begins with project planning and ends with the safely completion of the project and is done with
participation of employees involved in the tasks. Risk is managed throughout the well construction process. See the
attached Risk Management Map through Well Construction (See attachment 1000-MS-WC-Risk Management Process).
DC, Halliburton Products Service Lines & other Sub-contractors shall conduct Risk Assessments for the entire scope of
work activities including mobilization assuring all risks are mitigated to As Low As Reasonably Practical (ALARP). It is
mandatory to do a risk assessment prior the initiation of all non routine activities.
Documented demonstration of ALARP shall be produced for all foreseeable Major Accident Hazards identified during
Project Hazard Identification workshop. The process shall meet requirements of Customers HSE Control Framework,
Managing Risk Health Risk Assessment shall be carried out for the activities where there is employees exposure to
hazardous substances or conditions at work place, such as chemicals, noise, vibration, temperature, stress, etc.


Hazard Identification and Worksite Hazard Management

Halliburton shall use a variety of tools to aid in the hazard identification; among those are the Observation Program,
Planning Hazard ID and Program Reviews road and site assessments, Mob and Demobilization Planning, Hazard Hunt,
Walkthroughs, Analysis of Inspections, Job Safety Analysis.
Halliburton shall participate and ensure that Contractors and Subcontractors participation in Customers Worksite
Hazard Management Program

Drilling Contractor standard risk/hazard identification and management are described in RMS document #
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HSE-4-02 under Assessment of Operations.


Job Safety Analysis (JSA)

The HAL-DSV must ensure the systematic implementation of the JSA at the worksite.
All personnel shall be trained in Job Safety Analysis or equivalent method
JSA is mandatory for each medium and high risk activities, for the execution of non routine activities, and for
simultaneous operations including maintenance and / or Man Ridding activities.
DC or CWC Supervisors shall review and discuss with those involved in the activity the work the JSA as per DC Job
Safety Analysis procedure and shall complement it with the real time assessment of the area activities, circumstances
and conditions of operation prior the execution of the work activity.
The DC Rig Manager and the Halliburton DSV shall review Simultaneous Operations Conflicts and ensure they do not
approve conflicting simultaneous operations,
Halliburton PSLs and other well services providers shall review and discuss the work JSA as per HMS Job Safety
Analysis with those involved in the activity making sure to complement it with the real time assessment of the area
activities, circumstances and conditions of operation prior initiation of all new activities.
Drilling Contractor standard Job Safety Analysis program is described in RMS document # HSE-4-01


Hazards Communication & Awareness

Communications methods with the purpose to maintain a high level of awareness about the hazards and risks and the
controls and the appropriate methods include: Tour Changes, Safety Meetings and Tool Box Talks, Safety Alerts, STOP
Program, Management Safety Meetings, Induction Program, Location HS&E Briefings, Hazardous Materials
Communications, Material Safety Data Sheets, Posted Signs, Chemical Containers ID and Hazard Warning Labels, etc.
The Halliburton Project HS&E Leader in conjunction with the Contractors HS&E supervisors shall lead and cooperate on
the communication process to ensure timely and quality communications and availability of material for communication.

Well-Site HS&E and Operations Briefings


DC shall communicate to all persons arriving to the operations site during the site induction (HS&E Operations
briefings) the minimum level of PPE required while working at the operations site.

DC shall keep basic safety equipment for visitors to the operations site

DC shall designate the Safe Areas where personnel do not have to wear PPE and post signs clearly identifying
those areas.

DC shall identify for all areas where specific PPE is required and post visible readable signs advising all
personal of the protective equipment required for all working areas.

DC, Contractors, and Halliburton shall have available additional Personal Protective Equipment as required by
the specific activities through Job Safety Analysis activities, Material Safety Data Sheets, and Safety Procedures.

DC Shall ensure that the appropriate security briefing forms part of the induction process

Drilling Contractor well site safety briefings are described in Crew HSE Meetings document # HSE-16-01 and
in Safety Alerts document # HSE-17-01.

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Risk Mitigation and Controls

To ensure effective controls Halliburton shall implement the procedures as per Global HS&E Standards and Guidelines.
The Project shall maintain a risk register defining actions and controls ownership to ensure proper tracking and
implementation of the controls.
DC shall implement the Drilling Operational Procedures, the controls derived from the Job Safety and Risk Analysis,
check lists, Work Permit, Lock Out Tag Out (Energy Isolation), Work at Height, DROPS program, Confined Space Entry,
Lifting Operations, Hands Free Lifting Programs, Caving (Ground disturbance), Journey Management Program,
Measuring, Monitoring, and Inspections.
The topics on risk mitigation and controls are discussed and described in detail on the following procedures. They are
JSA document # HSE-4-01, Work permit system document # HSE15-01, and Journey Management Guidelines document
# HSE-WI-7.15.

6. Project Safety Rules


General Safety Rules

To achieve the requirements of the Halliburton HS&E policy and strategic objectives, Halliburton and all the contractors
involved in the project shall communicate and adhere to the following general project HS&E Rules:

There is no job so urgent that it cannot be stopped by any person if it is thought to be unsafe to conduct and/or
if violates HS&E regulations.

It is every employees responsibility and obligation to take responsible action to STOP unsafe acts or operations
until the situation is corrected and ensure proper reporting of any situations which could lead to HS&E incidents
or near misses.

It is mandatory the application of Customer Life Saving Rules requirements (see section 9.0)

Strictly follow HS&E procedures, work instructions and apply the HS&E training received

Mandatory use of proper PPE as required in the working areas. Jobs safety must not be compromised due to
the lack of proper tools or PPE.

Upon arriving at the location, report to the Company Man / Rig Manager and ensure that an HS&E safety
briefing is received prior to continuing to any part of the Project Worksite

Upon arriving at the Project Worksite, notify the medic of any existing medical condition and / or prescription
drugs that you may be using.

Smoking is only permitted in designated smoking areas that should be clearly labeled and enforced. No
smoking shall be permitted outside of these areas.

Use of cellular phones is not permitted at the rig and while performing working activities

Ensure good housekeeping and personal hygiene is maintained at all times.

It is mandatory to report all incidents and or issues to the company man/rig Safety advisor

It is prohibited to use or possess narcotic drugs or alcohol at the rig-site, while working, and/or driving vehicles.

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This shall include any unopened containers (Halliburton / Contractor drugs and alcohol policies). Halliburton
reserves the right to carryout random test any person at the Project Worksite.

Prior to driving to or from location, risks of the road conditions shall be made and drivers are to complete the
Journey Management Plans; Complete Vehicle & Load Security Inspections, and ensure the correct paper work,
and obtain authorization prior to commencement of the trip.



While operating vehicles:


Always observe all signs, signals, and directions including but not limited to adhering to all speed limits.


Do not use cell phones or radios while operating vehicles.


Ensure that seatbelts are worn at all times when driving, operating, and/or riding in any vehicle.


Do not drive a vehicle unless have been appropriately licensed, trained and approved by management
and strictly follow up the driving regulations.


Always develop and follow the prescribed Journey Management Plan and ensure there is no deviation
from the plan.


Follow the fatigue reduction principles


All drivers shall company with the Halliburton country driving manual requirements



The Supervisor shall ensure that all employees receive copies of the companys General Rules at their
induction. Each employee shall formally confirm his receipt of General Safety Rules (GSR).


The Supervisors shall ensure that new employees are tested at their induction to ensure they have an
adequate understanding of the GSR.


Rig Managers shall ensure that GSR is posted in prominent positions within the work site.


The Safety Supervisors shall ensure that any revision to GSR is communicated to the employees.

Lifting and Hoisting Operations

Halliburton shall ensure the implementation of the of safe hoisting, lifting, rigging operations throughout the execution of
the project operations at rigs sites or involving cranes, overhead cranes, and or winches in line with Customer HSE
Control Framework, Lifting & Hoisting Manual.
Halliburton shall ensure that its work processes and procedures for safe hoisting and lifting operations address the
controls (e.g. barricades, signage, lifting plan, inspection and certification of lifting and hoisting equipment, work site
management, etc), emergency response, tasks, personnel, training and equipment required.

Doc No.

Category /
Standard No.




4 Standard 6

Lifting & Hoisting Equipment Inspections (See attachment)

Guideline (See attachment)


4 Standard 7

Lifting & Hoisting Equipment -

Guidance (See attachment)

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Operations (See attachment)


6 Standard 6

Proper Lifting Technique (See


Guidance (See attachment)

Country Lifting & Hoisting Policy (See attachment)

Halliburton shall ensure that the Drilling Contractor or other Contractors assess the risk, obtain the permit to conduct
the operations, ensure the integrity of the lifting equipment through proper inspection, certification, and maintenance
program, and the availability and good operating condition of safety devices and protective equipment.
Halliburton shall ensure that the Drilling Contractor or other Contractors operators of cranes and heavy equipment
shall be trained and competent, posses valid heavy equipment operators license, have proper certification, and are
aware of the standards, procedures, hazards and risk associated with lifting operations.
Drilling Contractor lifting operations, precautions, and inspections are detailed in the Lifting Equipment Management
System (LEMS) document # HSE-WI-10.5


Permit to Work Process

Halliburton Project HS&E Leader shall ensure that the implementation of a Permit to Work Process to ensure that
hazards and risks associated with work activities are indentified and controlled and that the PTW process meets
Customers standards and requirements.
For all Rig site activities in the project shall use the DC Permit to Work System for the entire Well-Site operations. Critical
operations shall include the use of one or more permit types: hot work, simultaneous operations, working at height, man
riding, energy isolation, confined space entry, excavation and trenching, and handling of radioactive and explosive
The Drilling Contractor shall provide training on the Work permit Procedures to all Supervisors signing on and or
requesting on a Work Permit.
Operations / Service supervisors are responsible for obtaining a fully endorsed permit before starting any work covered
by the work permit system.
It is mandatory that all operations included in the Permit to Work System are approved, and the permits are signed by
HAL-DSV and the DC Rig Manager prior starting the operation.
DC Rig Manager is responsible for verifying that all the Work Permit requirements have been completed and satisfied
and it is safe to conduct the operations and then signing the Work Permit.
DC Rig Manager shall assign a Permit Controller to check the safety of work in progress, the validity of permits and the
adherence to the precautions specified.
The HAL-DSV must approve the initiation of work and sign all work permits after approval and signature by the DC Rig
Halliburton DSV and the DC Rig Manager prior approving the execution of Simultaneous Operations shall review the
work permits for potential conflicts and ensure they do not approve conflicting simultaneous operations.

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Doc No.

Category /
Standard No.




C7 Standard 1:

Personal Protective Equipment

General (See attachment)

Guideline (See attachment)


C7 Standard 2:

Head Protection (See attachment) Guideline (See attachment)


C7 Standard 3:

Eye and Face Protection (See


Guideline (See attachment)


C7 Standard 4:

Hearing Protection (See


Guideline (See attachment)


C7 Standard 5:

Respiratory Protection (See


Guideline (See attachment)


C7 Standard 6:

Protective Clothing (See


Guideline (See attachment)


C7 Standard 7:

Hand and Arm Protection (See


Guideline (See attachment)


C7 Standard 8:

Foot Protection (See attachment) Guideline (See attachment)

A Fire Watch is required at all times when any Hot Work is being performed.
The work permit program at the rig site is administered by the DC HS&E Supervisor.
The Drilling Contractor detail PTW version is included in HSE-15-01. The basic responsibilities are as follows.

All personnel are responsible for obtaining a fully endorsed permit before starting any work covered by the work
permit system.

Permit applicant shall specify the scope of work to be done and equipment to be used, when applying for the

Permit Controller shall check the safety of work in progress, the validity of permits and the adherence to the
precautions specified.

Permit Issuing Authority (Rig Manager / Night Tool Pusher and the Operator DSV) must be aware of the number
of jobs being performed in any one area, to maintain adequate supervision. Should also ensure that a permit is
issued for a job which shall not conflict with another task that could create a hazardous situation.

Permit Holder shall be responsible for the safe execution of the work under their direct control. Stop all activity in
the area any time a hazardous situation arises. And shall return permit to controller when the task is complete.

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A Fire Watch is required at all times when any Hot Work is being performed.

Personal Protective Equipment

Halliburton shall ensure that its employees and subcontractors working for the project at the worksites comply with the
Halliburton Global HS&E Standards for Personal Protective Equipment and Customers HSE Control Framework,
Personal Protective Equipment Manual.
Personal protective equipment (PPE) must be used to provide adequate protection to employees against identified
hazards that cannot be sufficiently controlled by other means and shall conform to local and international standards.
Halliburton shall ensure verification for adequacy of defined Personal Protective Equipment requirements when the
hazard, exposure or controls change.
The HAL DSV is responsible for ensuring compliance by contractors and all project personnel with PPE requirements at
the worksite.
All Persons on site shall be required to wear the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) required for the
working area.
Drilling Contractor or Civil Work Contractor shall prominently display PPE requirements and ensure that all persons at
the worksite have clarity of the required PPE to be worn, warning about the potential hazards in the respective area, and
restricting access to areas of exposure.
Halliburton, Drilling Contractor, and other Contractors management shall ensure that their personnel have available
and wear the required PPE and are trained in the requirements, correct use and maintenance of PPE
The Drilling Contractor guideline for basic requirement, issue, and use of standard PPE is described in document #
HSE-11-01. PPE is intended to shield or isolate personnel from chemical, environmental, and physical hazards up to
certain limit. PPE is supplied by the Company to all Drilling Contractor employees to wear while on duty.

Minimum Personal Protection Equipment Requirements

All personnel and visitors entering the designated rig area shall conform to the minimum levels of personal protective
clothing and equipment:

Long sleeved coveralls and/or long sleeve shirt and trousers (fire retardant)

Approved safety helmet

Approved eye protection (when grinding, or using high pressure water, a full face shield shall be worn)

Steel toed footwear with ankle support;


Additional to the basic PPE, special PPE shall be available and shall be used when regulations, hazard & effects
management process or JSA indicate requirement


It is prohibited the use of loose or floppy clothing while working around rotating or moving equipment

It is prohibited the use of rings, neck chains or loose jewelry while at work.

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No metal helmets or bump caps

The possession / use of mobile phones & lighters on the rig site beyond the non PPE mandatory area.

The Drilling Contractor list of prohibited items are detailed in document # HSE-WI-8.1 and the general
practices to be followed (Dos and Donts) are detailed in document HSE-WI-8.02 covering the DC Safety Rules.

Hearing Protection
Halliburton shall ensures that its employees and its contractors for the project comply with the standards to prevent loss
of hearing among employees by providing adequate protective equipment, managing noise exposure, providing
education and training, properly signalizing and warn people entering in high noise areas, by the following standards

Doc No.

Category /
Standard No.




C 3 Standard 1: Noise Management (See attachment) Guideline (See attachment)


C7 Standard 4:

Hearing Protection (See attachment)

Guideline (See attachment)

DC shall produce noise maps and put in place a hearing conservation program whenever employee noise exposure
equals or exceeds an 8 hour time weighted average (TWA) of 85 dBA. Hearing protection including head phone type
hearing protection or soft ear plugs, shall be readily available to personnel working in high noise level areas


Temporary Pipework

Halliburton shall ensure adherence with Customers EP 2006-5393 Standard for temporary pipe work, its requirements
and controls for all temporary pipe work provided to, installed and used at the Project well sites.

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Doc No.

C5 Standard 6




C5 Standard 6

Radiation - Ionizing (See attachment)


C5 Standard 4:

Explosives (Assembly and Use) (See Guideline (See attachment)



C5 Standard 11

Explosives Facilities (See attachment) Guideline (See attachment)

Exhibit A (See attachment)


Camp Issue of Explosive Guns (See



Camp Issue of Primary Explosives

(See attachment)

Radiation and Explosives Manuals & Processes

Field Explosives Safety Manual (FESM) (See attachment)

Middle East Asia Pacific Dangerous Goods Manual (available as needed)

Explosive Safety and Operation Manual (ESOM) (available as needed)

PM-GL-BU-HS&E-EXPRAD001 Radiation & Explosive Safety Alert Process (See attachment)

PM-GL-BU-HS&E-EXPRAD002 Global Radiation & Explosive Appointments Process (See attachment)

PM-GL-BU-HS&E-EXPRAD003 - Global Radiation & Explosive Random Compliance Audit Process (See attachment)

PM-GL-BU-HS&E-RAD002 - Radiation Storage Facility Standards (See attachment)

PM-GL-BU-HS&E-RAD003 - NORM Guidance (See attachment)

PM-GL-BU-HS&E-RAD004 - Global Radiation Incident Reporting System (GRITS) (See attachment)

All Temporary Pipe work equipment for drilling, completion and well services operations shall be:

Inspected and tested prior use and installation

Have servicing and maintenance programs implemented

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Service Designs and programs validated for adequacy

Halliburton Project Manager shall ensure that:

All Halliburton and its subcontractors are aware of the content of Customers EP 2006-5393 Standard for
Temporary Pipe work

Only 1502 2 Iron is used in their designs and operations

All Hammer Unions are verified prior use with a 1502 GO No GO Gauge to prevent miss-matches

Pipe is properly secured

Warning signs and isolating / restricting barriers are put in place

All pipe inspection and testing documentation is available at the wellsite and reviewed prior use, conducting
tests and operations

Drilling Contractor related documents are described in Cutting into Live piping document # HSE-WI-4.0


Ionizing Radiation and Explosives

Halliburton shall manage the administration, training, facilities, storage, transportation, waste, emergency and reporting,
security and wellsite operations of explosives and radioactive materials for the project as per Halliburton Global HS&E
Standards and manuals with the support of the country and regions radiation and explosives appointed officers including
as appropriate the Local Radiation Safety Officer (LRSO) and Facility Radiation Safety Officer (FRSO), or Facility
Radiation Safety Representative (FRSR) and the Local Explosive Safety Officer (LESO), Assistant Local Explosive
Safety Officer (AESO), Local Explosive Safety Representative (LESR), Facility Explosive Safety Officer (FESO), or
Facility Explosive Safety Representative (FESR)
Halliburton shall ensure compliance with the requirements and standards stipulated Customers HSE Control
Framework, Ionizing Radiation manual and all relevant laws and regulations of and the government authority.
Halliburton shall ensure to obtain and maintain all required authorizations, approvals, permits, licenses, inspections,
approvals, consents and clearance permits from any and all governmental or regulatory body having jurisdiction over the
radioactive sources or explosives.
Halliburton shall provide to Customer all the required documentation relevant to the radioactive sources or explosives.
Halliburton shall ensure that its procedures are in line with Customers general operating procedures and precautions
required at any and all times when electrically initiated explosive devices are being utilized for perforating, side wall
sampling, formation interval testing, explosive back off or cutting, and wire line setting of packers or bridge plugs:
The Project HS&E Lead with the Security Lead shall defined specific project controls and monitoring procedures for
operations involving radiation and explosives and shall ensure full adherence to standards, training requirements, and
implementation of procedures.
Drilling Contractor related topics are mentioned in document # HSE-WI-12.4 (Radiography)


Dropped Objects Prevention

Halliburton shall ensure the implementation of a Drops Objects Policy in the project sites that addresses the significant
challenge and risks associated with falling objects and that complies with the provisions of Customers EP2009-9039
Prevention of Dropped Objects
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Dropped objects are considered to be anything that can fall from height. Items left in the derrick can be vibrated from the
resting positions and fall to the rig floor. Additionally fixed objects can over time be considered a dropped object.
Halliburton shall ensure that Drilling Contractors Dropped Object Management System (DOMS) document # HSE-0303. is in place and implemented at the rig sites including:

A systematic Drops Objects Inspections program,

Worksite Hazard management for dropped objects and

Audits to check for compliance with the Drops Objects Prevention Program

Halliburton shall ensure that all subcontractors providing equipment or personnel at the wellsite are fully aware of the
program, actively participate in the Worksite Hazard management for dropped objects and as required take the corrective
actions resulting from any of the inspections / audits findings.
Halliburton shall include in the rig audits plan and conduct an independent Drops Objects survey provided by
Customers approved subcontractor
It is the responsibility of the Drilling Contractor Drilling Rig Manager to implement Dropped Object Management System
(DOMS at the Rig and ensure that all tools and / or equipment taken and used at height should be secured by a safety
Dropped Objects hazard identification shall be implemented and the MAST shall be inspected before each rig up as per
MAST PRE-RAISE SAFETY INSPECTION and during Rig Up and before acceptance of the Rig.


Worksite Hazard Management

Halliburton shall participate and ensure that all project employees (Contractor & Sub-Contractors) participate in
Customers Worksite Hazard Management Program based on Customers Worksite Hazards Management Framework.
Halliburton shall implement a Worksite Hazards Management Program in line with Drilling Contractor HSE-01-05
under section 5.0 Hazards and Effects Management to anticipate, recognize, evaluate, communicate and control of the
hazards and conditions that may result in injury, illness, impairment, or affect the well being of personnel at the worksites
in the project.
Hazards shall be identified and or reviewed for all worksite areas including the camp, the mud pits and chemical storage,
equipment storage, mechanical maintenance, the rig floor, cellar, pumps, engines/generators, SCR rooms, Well Control
Equipment, Chemical Storage areas, Circulating Areas,
Drilling Contractor related topics are described in document # HSE-01-05 under section 5.0 Hazards and Effects
Management Process. It starts with identifying the hazards, assessing the hazard, initiating sufficient controls in place,
and recover using training, emergency response plans, exercises etc.

6.10. Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)

The Halliburton HE&S SIMOPS Guidelines must be followed in the event two (or more) separate operations are taking
place on the same pad at the same time.
Under these guidelines, SIMOPS include:

Oil well drilling

Work over activities

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Rig-less work over(s)

Construction activities

Painting/sand blasting and

Other non-routine maintenance work that is to be performed in or close to facilities that are in hydrocarbon

6.11. Energy Isolation

For the project Halliburton ensures the implementation of the processes to identify and control all energy sources during
service and maintenance of machines and equipment in which the unexpected energy, start up, or release of energy
could result in an injury. Halliburton shall ensure that the Drilling Contractor implement at the rig the controls, have the
required devices, and have identified and given clear authority to the person(s) responsible for lock or tag the machines.

Category /
Standard No.

Doc No.


C6 Standard 2:



Lockout/Tag out (See attachment) Guideline (See attachment)

6.12. Confined Space Entry

Halliburton shall ensure the implementation of the processes to identify and classify all confined spaces at the facilities
and mobile equipment and makes sure personnel is properly trained to recognize and enter a confined space, develop a
plan, obtain permit, and ensure the availability of the required equipment to conduct the operation safely and to respond
to a rescue.
Halliburton shall ensure that the Drilling Contractor or other Contractors assess the risk, obtain the permit to conduct
the operation, ensure the availability of devices and protective equipment.
Halliburton shall ensure that the Drilling Contractor or other Contractors operators of lifting devices are trained and
competent, have proper certification, and are aware of the standards, procedures, hazards and risk associated with

Doc No.


Category /
Standard No.

C6 Standard 3:


Confined Space Entry (See



Guideline (See attachment)

confined space entry operations.

6.13. Working at Heights

Halliburton ensures with Drilling Contractor that the processes to ensure that all work at height is properly planned and
organized, that those involved in work at height are competent, the risks from work at height are assessed and
appropriate work equipment is selected and used; and the equipment for work at height is properly inspected and
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maintained. Equipment include the proper hand and guard rails, nets, personal fall protection (work restrains, fall arrest
and rope access, ladders)

Doc No.


Category /
Standard No.

C6 Standard 4:



Fall Protection (See attachment)

6.14. Control of Chemicals

All chemical substances shall be handled and stored in a way that is safe and protect the environment, and to ensure
that personnel has adequate information and training to protect themselves of health impacts and /or physical hazards
caused by hazardous chemicals Halliburton implement in the project the Global Standards
Halliburton shall make sure that any chemical sent to the operations site must contain the proper MSDS and properly
labeled as per regulations and safety requirements.
At the rig site a binder with hard copy of the MSDS shall be available with the doctor, at the place where chemicals are in
use. In addition, Halliburton shall keep at its operations center a copy of all MSDS sent to location

Doc No.

Category /
Standard No.



C5 Standard 1

Hazard Communication Chemicals (See attachment)


C5 Standard 2

Hazardous Substances Handling

and Storage (See attachment)


Guideline (See attachment)

DC and CWC shall provide the list of chemicals intended to use in their (and their sub-contractors) operations, their
Materials Safety Data Sheet, the amounts planned to use and store on location, the volumes of waste generated, the
recycling / re-use method and if required to dispose the appropriate mechanism.
Halliburton shall ensure that hazardous chemical containers include proper identification of the chemical, the respective
hazard warnings and organ targets, and manufacturers name and address.
Drilling Contractor related topics are described in Handling & Storage of Hazardous Materials document # HSE-WI10.17. The MSDS for all chemicals used at the site shall be maintained and displayed at the rig site. Drilling Contractor
uses MSDS / Chemical Hazard Data Sheet display board for this purpose.

6.15. Fire Protection, Prevention, Detection, and Firefighting

To minimize the risk of having fires at the Well Site the DC & CWC shall implement its Fire Prevention programs as
outlined in its HS&E-MS and in the project HSE Management Document including but not limited to the following:

Smoking Policy (DC & CWC HS&E Plan) Drilling Contractor HSE-01-06

Gas detection Equipment (DC HS&E Plan Drilling Contractor HSE-WI-07-07 subsection 5.2

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Alarm safety and public address system (DC & CWC HS&E Plan) Drilling Contractor HSE-WI-7.0 subsection 2

Hazardous Area Classification (DC & CWC HS&E Plan ) Drilling Contractor HSE-WI-7.5

Emergency Response Procedure - Procedures In Case of Fire (DC & CWC HS&E Plan) Drilling Contractor

Critical Actions:
Halliburton shall ensure the availability of a person responsible for the operation, maintenance and training of its
PERSONNEL in the use of the fire control and safety equipment listed:

DC & CWC shall implement the Hazardous Area Classification, designate smoking and non-smoking areas and
shall post visible and readable signs in English and Arabic. Non smoking areas are clearly marked off.

DC & CWC shall enforce the implementation of the Permit to Work Program for all Hot Work Activities (Welding,
grinding, cutting, burning, etc.) and assign a firewatcher for these operations. No operation involving any of
activities of this nature shall start without the Permit to Work duly signed and approved by the DC Rig Manager
and the Halliburton Company Wellsite Supervisor. Permit to work program is thoroughly followed.

Halliburton shall ensure that Fire and Gas detection systems are installed in defined equipment or items at the
operation sites and that they shall be integrated with the Drilling Unit and Work over Unit alarm systems. The
system shall be designed and installed such that a Drilling Unit alarm shall trigger a warning bell or light in
equipment or items and a fire or the detection of gas in equipment or items shall trigger the Drilling Unit alarms.
The same shall apply for the Temporary Main Camp, smoke and fire detectors shall be wired up to a central alarm

Halliburton shall implement a systematic inspection and testing of these systems.

DC & CWC shall enforce all procedures to ensure safe fueling & fuel transferring operations to prevent spills,
overflow, leaks, electrical sparks, risks caused by simultaneous operations, etc. Fuel delivery, offloading, general
fuel filling instructions are given in area specific manuals AMS-LOG-013.

DC & CWC shall enforce safe chemicals storage procedures, including segregation, labeling, isolation,
ventilation, distances, and other controls. Handling and storage of chemicals or hazardous substances are
covered in HSE-WI-10.17 under subsections 10.0, segregation of materials under 12.0, and stacking of materials
under 14.0

DC & CWC shall enforce the use of explosion proof electrical devices (lights, electric outlets, cables connectors)
in a potentially explosive area.

DC & CWC shall ensure that all areas at all times are clean, ordered, free of potential ignitable materials, trash,
rags, etc. and shall enforce safe storage procedures. Housekeeping of chemicals or hazardous materials are
described in HSE-WI-10.17 under subsection 17.0

DC & CWC shall implement a procedure to burn safely or discard in safe fire retardant or well-ventilated
containers any materials such as sacks, rags, domestic trash, etc. thus preventing spontaneous combustion.

DC & CWC shall adhere and implement the routine electrical inspections of the electrical circuits and devices to
ensure proper grounding and functionality and fix any problem immediately as identified. These are covered in
HSE-WI-10.11 topic involving Electricity hazards and precautions.

DC & CWC shall ensure the safe location of the fuel storage tanks in compliance with the distance

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requirements. All tanks should be labeled as to contents. Drilling Contractor follows international safety signage
as described in HSE-21-01 (HSE Sign Requirements).

DC & CWC shall never use flammable liquids as cleaning agents.

6.16. Change Management

Halliburton Project Manager is responsible for establishing a Management of Change Process to ensure that changes
are identified, risks assessed and controlled to acceptable levels, reviewed, approved, and communicated.
The scope of changes considered could include but is not limited to:

Halliburton - Customer contractual issues

Halliburton - Contractors contractual issues

Contractor - Sub-Contractor contractual issues

Variation to Contract Changes (VTC)

Scope Changes

Schedule Changes

Requirements Changes

Organization Structure and Staffing Changes (including staffing rotations)

Well Construction Program and Operational Changes

Equipment Changes

Processes, Procedures Changes

Performance Variances.

In the event that any changes are made to DC & CWC management system that affect any level of the Halliburton
Project Management, the DC and CWC must submit these changes to Halliburton Project Management prior to the
revision being implemented for their review.
The following areas should be addressed to manage change satisfactorily but not limited to:

Review process to be changed and determine the effect of the change on those that have input into the process or
are a customer of the process;

Development of a detailed plan that addresses the following:

Definition of resources needed to carry out the planned change;

Definition roles and responsibilities and delegate tasks to those accountable for carrying out the planned

Identification of performance measure for determining if the planned change has been implemented and is

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Communicate the plan to personnel and other affected groups or individuals including necessary training for those
personnel whose roles have changed;

Communicate and coordinate plans with internal and external groups involved in implementing the change.

Gather information during the change in order to monitor progress against plans and performance criteria and to
allow for meaningful review;

Review HS&E significant aspects to eliminate or manage potential adverse impacts in order to optimize resources.

Drilling Contractor follows the management of change procedure per document # QMS-012

A management of change system is a collection of formal, documented procedures that defines how the process of
changes takes place, be that on a rig, within a project, or across the company as a whole.

6.17. Equipment & Asset Integrity

Equipment Inspection, Certification & Maintenance Schedule
Prior starting any drilling services operations Customer Company Representative shall certify in writing on the IADC-API
official Daily Drilling Report from that the equipment is READY to commence the drilling operations.
Halliburton shall implement the Rig Commissioning Program to demonstrate to Customer that the equipment is fit and
operationally ready to commence the operations prior the commencement date. Project Manager shall coordinate with
Customers representative the dates, logistics, and those involved in the Rig Commissioning Inspection.
The Project Manager ensures that any items found out of compliance are communicated to Customer with the reasons
and the potential delays incurred.
DC & CWC are responsible throughout the duration of the contract to implement the certification, inspection, and
Preventive Maintenance Program to ensure the integrity and functional operation of the equipment and machines. DC &
CWC are to provide the Halliburton Project Manager the equipment certification, PM schedule and Halliburton shall
monitor and track is implementation.
Drilling Contractor follows a system-based thorough inspection and preventive maintenance program now on all of its
critical drilling equipment and these data is live monitored by appropriate Maintenance Supervisors. Any back logs
occurred are tracked and appropriate justification is marked prior to jumping into the next schedule of maintenance. The
reference document for this purpose is My Maintenance Users Guide version 1.4.
Prior the commencement of the operation Halliburton shall conduct an inspection by an independent inspection service
company of the in-hole equipment and shall send the inspection reports to Customers representative.
At intervals to be mutually agreed, Halliburton shall ensure a magnetic particle inspection of rig tongs, elevators, bails,
Kelly, upper string connections and other lifting equipment, including slings, shackles, nubbins etc.
Halliburton PSLs and other Services Subcontractors are responsible to perform the inspections, certifications,
maintenance and testing of all equipment used in the operations through a systematic program.
The Halliburton Project DSV is responsible to monitor the implementation of the schedule. All preventative certifications,
inspections, and maintenance (PM) records shall be recorded and maintained at the Well Site and copies sent to the
operations center.
The DC & CWC Project Managers are responsible to implement a proper not operational / damaged equipment or
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material identification and Quarantine process. Equipment out of order or specifications shall be identified, quarantine,
and shipped out of location as soon as possible and can never be mixed with operational equipment.

Equipment Inventory Control

The Halliburton Project DSV is responsible to maintain an equipment inventory log including a list of all equipment on
location. The inventory must be maintained and kept accurate clearly indicating the equipment on rental.
DC & CWC are responsible for maintaining an accurate record of the DC & CWC equipment on location and
communicate any movement of and changes to the equipment.
Tools are to be kept clean and in a designated area and returned when not in use. Any tools that go up in the derrick for
use must be brought back down when not in use with no exception to avoid the potential for a dropped object incident.
Drilling Contractor follows a thorough inventory process and this is in detail described in RMS-MAT-011 Physical
Inventory of Company Assets. All movable asset and equipment are serially categorized and numbered to enhance the

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7. Civil Construction HS&E Standards

To ensure that all construction activities are carried out to the highest HS&E standards Halliburton shall ensure that
CWC activities are carried out in line with the CWC & Sub-Contractor HS&E Management Plans
Minimum requirements for these plans shall include the controls required to manage the following activities:

Construction Site Responsibilities & Site Management

Customer ESHIA Alignment

Planning & Execution Guidelines

Permitting Requirements

Occupational Health, Heat Stress (& Ramadan) Management

Worksite Security

Working at Height

Ground Works, Road Works & Rock Breaking

Excavation & Trenching

Earthmoving & Construction Equipment

Specifications, Backfilling & Restoration

Overhead & Underground Power-line avoidance

Working Over Water

Lifting Operations

Scaffolding & Mobile Towers

Ladders & Access

Cartridge Activated Tools

Gas Cylinder Transportation, Use and Storage

Welding & Cutting, Manual Handling & Workshop Practices

Compressors & Compressed Air Use & Control

Electrical Installation

Chemical Transportation, Storage & Use

Where the CWC or contractors Construction Management HS&E standards & guideline are deemed to be inadequate
the following Halliburton standards shall be adopted and/or applied.

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. Doc No.

Category /
Standard No.




C4: Standard 1

Modification (See attachment)

Guideline (See attachment)


C4: Standard 2

Hand Tools (Non-Powered) (See


Guideline (See attachment)


C4: Standard 3

Portable Tools (Powered) (See


Guideline (See attachment)


C4: Standard 4

Grinders (See attachment)


C4 : Standard 7

Lifting & Hoisting Equipment Operations (See attachment)


C4: Standard 8

Ladders & Access Equipment (See



C4: Standard 9

Electrical Hazard Control (See



C4: Standard 10

Scaffolding (See attachment)


C4: Standard 12

Powered Industrial Trucks (See



C4: Standard 11

Vehicle Mounted Platforms (See



C6: Standard 3

Confined Space Entry (See


Guideline (See attachment)


C6: Standard 8

Excavations and Trenching (See


Guideline (See attachment)


C6: Standard 11

Welding and Cutting (See



C7: Standard 1

Personal Protective Equipment,

General (See attachment)

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Guideline (See attachment)

Guideline (See attachment)

Guideline (See attachment)

Guideline (See attachment)

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Camp Management
Halliburton shall ensure that its CWC and/or their Sub-contractors comply with the HS&E standards detailed in their
contractual documents to ensure that all Camp Construction, Hygiene & Maintenance Site Activities are managed &
controlled to the highest HS&E standards.

Camp Facility HS&E Standards

To ensure that all Camp activities are carried out to the highest HS&E standards Halliburton shall ensure that all camp
activities are carried out in line with the CWC & Sub-Contractor HS&E Management Plans.
Minimum requirements for these plans shall include the controls required to manage the following activities:

Camp/Facility Responsibilities & Site Management

Customer ESHIA Alignment

Planning & Execution Guidelines

Permitting Requirements

Signs & Marking

Facilities Maintenance, General House Keeping & Fault Reporting

Fire Prevention & Control

Water Supply, Controls & Testing

Electrical Supply, Installation and Use

Electrical Equipments, Electrical Tools & Testing

Gas Cylinder Transportation, Use and Storage

Chemical Transportation, Storage & Use

Cooking & Catering Facilities

Food Transportation, Storing, Handling & Preparation

Infection Control

Hygiene and Pest Control


Waste Management

Tank & Vessel Controls

Where the CWC or Sub-Contractors Camp Management HS&E standards & guideline are deemed to be inadequate the
following Halliburton standards shall be adopted and/or applied.

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. Doc No.

Category /
Standard No.




C3: Standard 6

Potable Water (See attachment)

Guideline (See attachment)


C3: Standard 7

Food Services (See attachment)

Guideline (See attachment)


C3 : Standard 8

Disease Protection (See



C4 : Standard 9

Electrical Hazard Control (See



C4 : Standard 14

Fire Extinguishers (See attachment) Guideline (See attachment)


C10 : Standard 1

Waste Management (See


Guideline (See attachment)

Drilling Contractor housekeeping process is followed per HSE-WI-12.1 Housekeeping and personal hygiene document.
In addition, the periodic in house housekeeping inspections are carried on form F0734 Weekly Hygiene Inspection
Report and form F0753 Monthly Camp HSE Inspection. These inspections are carried out by the HSE Officer, on site
Medic, and Rig Manager or Tool Pusher.

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8. Well Construction Work Processes & Procedures

Halliburton conduct its operations through the seamless integration of Managing Projects, Well Construction HMS
Processes, and PSL HMS Processes. The Well Construction Processes as well as the PSL Process incorporate the
specific actions to identify and manage risks around exploration and deep water well delivery.


Well Construction Process

The purpose of the Well Construction Processes is to ensure the drilling and completion of a well within a defined
reservoir, minimizing reservoir damage, meeting customer's formation evaluation, testing, production criteria, and
regulatory authority requirements while maintaining risk as low as reasonably as practicable. It is broken down in six
main stay process shown below.
Contained in the appendices of the Halliburton Well Construction Quality Plan including the standards, guidelines,
manuals, and processes along with the RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed) responsibility matrix.
Contained in the appendices of the Halliburton Risk Management action plan through the Well Construction Process
addressing at each step from well design through the end of the well the different risk management activities.
To manage systematically the construction of wells Halliburton Project Management defined the six main stay processes
(see figure below). The purpose is to ensure the drilling and completion of a well within a defined reservoir, minimizing
reservoir damage, meeting customer's formation evaluation, testing, production criteria, and regulatory authority
requirements while maintaining risk as low as reasonably as practicable.
Halliburton Project Management implements the processes as illustrated below and strives to:

Deliver wells that meet/exceeds customers well objectives and requirements

Well Construction with Zero HS&E Incidents

Wells Constructed on Time and on Budget

Improved Drilling and Operating Efficiency

Reduction of NPT

Risk as low as reasonable practicable

Well Engineering Design and Development of the Well Program

To develop a detailed well design and construction program to complete a well within a defined reservoir
The well construction program provides for the achievement of customers defined objectives, clearly defines the agreed
goals, it is integrated, technical and operational feasible, it is based on accurate design and engineering parameters and
calculations, provides controls to reduce HS&E and Operational risks as low as reasonable practical, and provide clear
guidelines to manage change
The program includes the detailed Operational Plan and Sequence, the Risk Register, the equipment and materials lists,
the logistics, and HS&E plans and includes directions for contingency and change management.

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1000-RM-Develop Well Construction Program Responsibility Matrix (See attachment)

1400-RM-Develop Risk Management Plan (See attachment)

1401-PM-Develop Risk Register (See attachment)

1402-PM-Develop the Emergency Response Plan (See attachment)

1403-PM-Develop the Spill Contingency Plan (See attachment)

1404-PM-Develop Site Safety Plan (See attachment)

1405-PM-Develop the Waste Management Plan (See attachment)

Prepare Site & Resources Process

To assess risk and prepare the access and the worksite and ensure that the Well Location, the Rig, the required
resources, products, and services are qualified, compliant to requirements, and timely available for the execution of the
Well Construction Plan
The civil engineering responsible, Halliburton Project Manager or assigned responsible person, DC responsible
designee have the responsibility to conduct the location acceptance inspection and sign for the reception of the drilling
platform at end of the civil work and before setting-up the drilling rig,


2000-RM Prepare Site & Resources Responsibility Matrix (See attachment)

2100-PM-Team Definition and Selection (See attachment)

2200-PM-Obtain Permits Approvals (See attachment)

2300-PM-Rig Selection & Preparation (See attachment)

2400-PM-Prepare Site (See attachment)

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Mobilize / Install / Rig Down

To ensure the safe, timely, and efficient mobilization of the rig and other resources to the well site, their installation, and
operational readiness for the initiation of the well drilling /completion operations.
The planning and implementation of the Mobilization and Demobilization operations are responsibility of Halliburton.
Before any moving operations are undertaken, Halliburton shall consult with Customer upon weather, local regulations,
customs or practices and other such similar information.
DC mobilization and demobilization procedures including risk identification, assessment, and controls shall be used
throughout the project under the command and coordination of the Halliburton Project Manager.
Drilling Contractor mobilization shall be per Drilling Contractor mobilization rig move procedure for each rig. This shall
be developed in conjunction with the HAL project / logistics team.
The execution of the mobilization of the rig to and from the Well Site is the responsibility of DC and those procedures and
risk assessment and controls are approved by the Halliburton Project Manager. All plans are to reflect the security
requirements of the project

Installation / Rigging Up / Rigging Down Procedures

DC installation, rigging up and down procedures shall be used throughout the project under the command and
coordination of the Halliburton Project Manager. The execution of installation and rigging up and down at the Well Site is
the responsibility of DC and those procedures have been approved by the Halliburton Project Manager.
Drilling Contractor normal rig ups /downs and rig moves shall be per Drilling Contractor standard rig move procedure
for each rig. This shall be developed in conjunction with the HAL project / logistics team.

Process / Activities

3000-RM Mobilize & Install Responsibility Matrix (See attachment)

3100-PM-Mobilize Rig (See attachment)

The mobilization and installation of the Camp and Rigs is a risky operation. Identification of Critical Operations and
associated hazards, assessment of risks, and implementation of controls is required.
Among those operations are fuel load, transportation, and transfer; heavy loads lifting, moving, truck transportation of
wide and tall loads, transport potable water, loading, downloading, and placement of equipment and materials.
Preparation of equipment and materials list for assessment of transportation needs and control of mobilization process

Execution of Drilling / Completion Operations

Halliburton Project Manager shall obtain prior the commencement of any drilling services activity, certification stating
that the drilling rig and equipment are ready to commence drilling services
For Rig Related operations, the Drilling Contractor operations procedures shall be reviewed and approved prior the
initiation of the project and shall be reviewed and improved throughout the project. The direction of the drilling operations
is the responsibility of the Halliburton Drilling Supervisor and the execution of the drilling operations at the Well Site is
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the responsibility of Drilling Contractor.

The Halliburton Drilling Supervisor (DSV) and/or representative shall not use the rig, nor allow any of its workers, agents
or contractors, to perform work that would involve additional risk to personnel, equipment or to the rig itself, other than
acceptable in common practice in onshore drilling, completion, and repair work.

Process / Activities

Manual - Guideline

4000-RM Construct Well (See attachment)

4100-PM-Pre-Spud Meeting (See attachment)

4100-GND Pre-Spud Meetings (See attachment)

4200-PM-Execute Well Construction Operations (See


Drilling Operations Guidelines (See attachment)

4200-GND Drilling Manual - Drilling Safety (See


4200-GND Guidelines for Pressure Testing (See


4200-GND Stuck Pipe Flowchart (See attachment)

4200-GND Stuck Pipe Freeing Worksheet (See


4200-GND-Drilling Manual: Hydrogen Sulfide (See


1701-GND-Drilling Manual: Well Control (See


Casing Design Manual (See attachment)

Casing Inspection Manual (See attachment)

4300-PM-Schedule Coordinate Resources (See attachment)

4400-PM-Monitor Daily Drilling Activity (See attachment)

4500-PM-Implement & Monitor OE-HS&E plan (See


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Emergency Response Manual (See attachment)

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Drilling Contractor Rig Maintenance and Operations Procedures (Drilling Contractor RMS 11 Well Control manual)

Demobilize Resources Process

To ensure the safe, timely, and efficient un-installation, and demobilization of the rig and other resources to the define
place, and the release of the well location to the customer as per regulatory requirements

Process / Activities

5100-PM-ImplementDeMobilizePlan (See attachment)

5000-RM Demobilize Responsibility Matrix (See attachment)

Well Construction Performance Review Process

To review with the purpose of comparing plan vs execution, understand variances, and effectiveness, learn and
implement actions for improvement of HS&E, operational, time, and cost performance and address lessons learned from
failures, incidents, and non conformities, , evaluate the effectiveness of the well design and program, and the risk
management plan and implementation of controls.

Process / Activities

6000-RM Analyze & Review Performance Responsibility Matrix (See attachment)

6100-PM-Review Performance Internal (See attachment)

6200-PM-Review with Contractor (See attachment)

6300-PM-Review with Customer (See attachment)

6400-PM-Produce End of Well Report (See attachment)

6500-PM-Manage Change & Improvement (See attachment)

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9. Well Intervention Management

Halliburton conduct its operations through the seamless integration of Managing Projects, Well Intervention HMS
Processes, and PSL HMS Processes. For existing well interventions a comprehensive CWOP shall be facilitated by the
HPM Well Engineer with participation from the Customer Completion and Well Intervention Engineer. The Well
Construction Processes as well as the PSL Process incorporate the specific actions to identify and manage risks.


Well Construction Process

Halliburton conducts its operations through the seamless integration of managing projects, Well Intervention HMS
processes, and PSL HMS processes. The Well Intervention processes as well as the PSL processes incorporate actions
to identify and manage risks.
The purpose of the well intervention processes is to ensure the efficient production, and maintenance of the wells within
the field today, complying with Customer and Halliburton well intervention guidance to minimize and maintain risk as
low as reasonably viable.
Contained in the appendices of the Halliburton Well Intervention Quality Plan including the Well Intervention guidance,
standards, manuals, and processes.
Contained in the appendices of the Halliburton Risk Management action plan for the Well Intervention campaign
addressing at each step the different risk management activities.
The Well Intervention Program has been divided in four stages
Phase 1 Preparation
During phase one all existing wells shall be identified along with the well histories and the principle equipment (X-tree,
wellhead, completion schematic). A draft of all equipment to be utilized shall be prepared between Customer and
Phase 2 Assessment
This phase shall be executed between Customer and contractor. Contractor shall check all surface facilities, cellar, Xtree, Pressure monitoring points, footprint available for well intervention unit, Check wellhead and confirm they are safe
to operate, prepare draft work scope for future well activities.
Phase 3 Testing
In the testing phase all integral parts of the well shall be tested. Tubing and casing hanger using external test ports,
inflow test all Xmas trees gate valves, all annulus outlet valves in leak-off mode, providing there are sufficient test
barriers remove swab cap and check internal seal bore for condition, replace O ring, clean threads, grease and replace
swab cap, witness downstream line valves tests and record configurations.
Phase 4 Operating
During phase 4 plugs barriers shall be set to facilitate gate repairs, repair failed gate valves, if required barriers for well
intervention are not possible, well needs to be killed. Run PEC tool into annulus to confirm casing integrity, log tubing
/casing to ascertain levels of corrosion, run drift to TD and conduct reservoir management surveys (FGS,TDT, static BHP,
To manage systematically the Well Intervention campaign Halliburton Project Management defined the seven main stay
processes. The objective is to ensure that each intervention activity complies with the clients requirements and while
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maintaining risk as low as reasonably viable

A core team from Halliburton composes of: Reservoir Engineer, Production Engineer, Completion Engineer, Well
Intervention Engineer and Field Coordinator along with Engineers from Customer shall evaluate and rank wells for work
over operations and rig-less interventions.


Well Control

Halliburton shall develop a Well Control Prevention and Contingency Plan as per Process 1701-PM-Develop
Contingency Well Control Plan (see attachment) and the standards and manuals listed below.
Halliburton ensures that all HAL Drilling Supervisors, Assistant Drilling Supervisors, DC Rig Managers, and Drillers have
received Well Control training certified by IADC, IWCF and/or IADC. It is the responsibility of the Project HS&E Leader to
ensure compliance to this requirement and maintain records of the certifications.


1701-ST-WC 01 Equipment (See attachment)

Manual Guideline

1701-GND-Drilling Manual: Well Control (See attachment)

1701-ST-WC 02 Material (See attachment)

1701-ST-WC 03 Personnel (See attachment)

1701-ST-WC 04 Wellhead BOP Tree Standards (See


1701-ST-WC 05 Well Control Barriers (See attachment)

1701-ST-WC 06 Pressure Testing (See attachment)

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Figure 2: Well Control/Blow Out Chain of Command

Halliburton shall ensure current certifications and operational readiness of all well control equipment throughout the
duration of the project. The Project Manager shall provide to Customers representative for review and agreement the
Well Control Procedures prior commencing well operations.
The preferred method used on all kicks with a full BOP installed is the Hard Shut-In method.
The DC Driller is authorized to shut the well based on any indication of a kick. Refer Drilling Contractor Well shut-in
procedure document # OPS-035 subsection 3.1 (Driller Responsibility for hard shut in).
The Halliburton Drilling Supervisor (DSV) and the Rig Manager are responsible to review and discuss the shut-in
procedures and to post them at the dog house and their respective offices in English and Arabic including the schematic
of the choke and kill valve position during drilling.
Drilling shall stop whenever problems are experienced with any of the BOP components or the BOP control system.
Customer is responsible for development and implementation of Blowout Contingency Plan (BOCP).

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PSLs Service Delivery Processes

From the early stages of the Well Design and throughout the well construction the Halliburton Project Management
Team integrates seamlessly the knowledge and expertise of the Well Construction Engineering, Drilling and Completions
Operations with the Product Service Lines Teams to design, plan, program, and execute integrated value creation
solutions that address customer challenges and project objectives.

The PSL Service Delivery Process ensures the quality design, planning, and delivery of the services required safely,
timely, and cost effective. The end to end process is broken down in the 7 main stay processes shown above.
It is the synergy resulting from the systematic transfer of knowledge, the expertise, the identification of hazards, potential
failures, and risks, and the coordination among different teams and disciplines leveraged by the information systems that
conduce to deliver quality wells, improve productivity, efficiency, reduce risk, and failures.

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Emergency Response Plan

The Halliburton Incident Management System describes actions to deal with an emergency occurring where
Halliburton has responsibility, or where employees or assets of Halliburton are involved.

See Attachment 7 - - Country Crisis Management Plan

The Emergency Response Plan shall establish, maintain, and implement Medical Emergency Response Plan including
first aid treatment, assessment and stabilization by a medical Emergency professional within one hour; admission to and
care at the nearest Local Hospital within four hours; and referral to an appropriate Specialist Hospital (casualty specific).
When response times or requirements above cannot be met, Halliburton shall perform a Risk Assessment and provide
medical Emergency Response Risk mitigation measures to ensure that the Risks are As Low As Reasonably Practicable
and shall present to Customer for approval its results and proposed mitigation measures.
The emergency response plan shall include the provisions for establishing, equipping, and maintaining the emergency
response centers and ensure proper liaison with relevant local authorities and industry groups.
Halliburton shall ensure that Fire and Gas detection systems are installed in defined equipment or items at the operation
sites and that they shall be integrated with the Drilling Unit and Work over Unit alarm systems. The system shall be
designed and installed such that a Drilling Unit alarm shall trigger a warning bell or light in equipment or items and a fire
or the detection of gas in equipment or items shall trigger the Drilling Unit alarms. The same shall apply for the
Temporary Main Camp, smoke and fire detectors shall be wired up to a central alarm system.
Halliburton shall implement a systematic inspection and testing of these systems.
All Halliburton Subcontractors and Service Providers shall be required to have in place, maintain, make available,
improve, and update their Emergency Response including MEDEVAC Plan and procedures, and shall communicate
and provide training and carry out the defined emergency drills to ensure all personnel response preparedness and to
validate the adequacy and effectiveness of the procedures.
Halliburton shall:

Ensure alignment and proper liaison, decision making, authority and responsibility with Customer, the Drilling
and Civil Subcontractors

Maintain proper liaison and coordination with relevant authorities and industry groups including Mutual Aid
Groups that provide support during Emergencies

Plan and ensure implementation and assessment of effectiveness of the Emergency Response Plan

Drilling Contractor Emergency Response Plan is detailed in RMS document # HSE-ERP-001

Halliburton shall ensure the implementation of the T Card Box system to account for all personnel at all times and during
an emergency. The HAL HSE site Supervisor shall be responsible to check T Cards for missing persons on muster
points. The Halliburton Logistics Manager shall maintain a list of personnel on site at any time. In case of an Emergency
it shall be use as second validation to account for personnel on location.
The Emergency Drilling Plan shall be available at the office of the WSS, Rig Managers, CWS, and the emergency
response centers. The DC shall post at strategic points of the Rig site the emergency contact list detailing the order in
which to contact them. Format and content of the contact must be clearly defined for each situation. It is particularly
important that the instructions with respect to reporting the category of emergency are specific and defined, and that
immediate contact with the base is made regardless of time.
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DC shall have available at the operations, a site specific release (environment impacting incident), well control, and
medical emergency. They describe the incident, organization, and response of teams, which deal with it.
The entire above mentioned crisis scenarios are detailed in Drilling Contractor Emergency Response Plan. A more
compatible model (country / area specific) in conjunction with Hal-Customer shall be developed for a quick and effective
response to emergencies in order to safeguard the operation, personnel, and equipment.

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Figure 3 Emergency Organization / Lines of Communication

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Halliburton Emergency Management Response Team (EMRT)

For any emergency, the Halliburton Project Manager becomes the Incident Commander (IC) and is the initial point of
contact on a 24-hours basis. If he/she is not available or out of reach, the caller should notify the Project Logistics
Manger. The caller can also request the Radio Room / Switchboard Operator to alert the IC and/or the Project Logistics
Manager if is unable to contact the Halliburton Project Manager (IC) and/or Project Logistics Manager. If necessary, the
Project Manager (IC) is responsible for authorizing the medical evacuation from the Well Site.

The Team is formed by the Project Manager, the Logistics Manager, Halliburton Security Manager, Halliburton
HS&E Manager, and as required a Halliburton Doctor.

Manage all emergency incident response on behalf of Halliburton.

Maintain communication links to the incident site, responding to request, providing advice, and where possible
anticipating needs.

Ensure coordination of all emergency response efforts to deal with the emergency.

Provide coordination links with Client, Halliburton, DC, Contractors, Government departments and any other

On Site Commander - In the event of an emergency at the operations site the Incident on Site Commander is the
Halliburton Drilling Supervisor who shall work and make decisions with Drilling Contractor Rig Manager or Contractor
On Site Response - The Drilling Contractor Rig Manager manages the resources and implementation of the response
on site as per Drilling Contractor Procedures (HSE-ERP-001)

Emergency Preparedness: Emergency Drills

Halliburton shall plan and conduct simulated emergency drills and/or exercises at the worksites including offices and
camps as per plan to assess the adequacy and to demonstrate its ability to respond to different emergencies, train the
personnel in responding and handling emergencies, and test the equipment required to respond in case of emergency.
Below is the list of the different emergency drills conducted for the project at the rig site, camps, and offices:


Frequency / Attendance

Pre-spud ER drills

Stretcher / MEDEVAC Drill

During the first two months of operation every two weeks at each
working site. Thereafter, based on performance once a month All

Rig Fire Drill

Once per week All persons on location

Kick / Shut / Pit Drill

Once per week All drill crew members must participate

Stripping Drill

Prior to drilling out the casing shoes

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Full emergency exercise

including Camp / Rig

After drilling the first well and then once a year to involve all HAL,
Customer, and DC Emergency Response Teams

H2S Drill Including

Breathing Apparatus

If H2S is expected Prior the initiation of the drilling operations and

once a month combined with the Fire Drill

Camp / Offices Fire Drill

Once a month All people in camp must participate

Security Drill

Once per month, at the start of each new well

It is Halliburton Project Manager Responsibility with the support of the Project HS&E Leader to develop, maintain, and
approve the Emergency Drills and exercises plan.
The Halliburton project HS&E Leader shall coordinate and ensure the execution of the plan with the Site Operations /
Drilling Supervisors and Drilling and Civil Works subcontractors
It is the responsibility of the project HS&E Leader:

To measure and report to the HAL HS&E Project Leader the results, analyze proficiency, identify areas in need
of improvement, and validate the effectiveness of the actions implemented to address previous drills
deficiencies. The report must send immediately following drill and Drilling Contractor shall record on them on
the Daily Drilling Report Log including the type and quality/duration of drill.

To ensure the competency and assess the proficiency of the crews (speed and effectiveness) to respond,
handle, and regain control of the situation and the implementation of actions for improvement of preparedness
and response and to communicate to the project manager results and actions requirements.

To communicate to Halliburton, Drilling Contractor, Civil Contractor and other Subcontractors know the
Project Emergency Procedures personnel comply with the pre-requisite training for emergencies.

Drilling Contractor shall record on the Daily Drilling Report Log the type and quality/duration of drill. Drilling Contractor
follows the minimum required drills on site per RMS document # HSE-WI-10.1 (Emergency Training Drills) and the drill
schedule is followed by the HSE schedule for the current year (document # F0807) and all training drills details to which
it accomplished is recorded in the form F0801 Emergency Training Drill Report. These records are maintained by the rig
HSE Officer and reviewed by both Rig Manager and the HAL DSV.

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Land Transport Driving Safety

Driving and mobilizing personnel, equipment, and or materials to and from the project location and the well sites,
presents a significant risk for the execution of this project. Halliburton shall establish and ensure compliance of the
Project Land Transportation Policies and Procedures in line with:

Halliburton Policy No.


Halliburton Driving Manual (See attachment)

CP 3-10050

Driving Safety-Operation of Motor Vehicles (See attachment)

CBP 4-11257

Driver Employment and Continuing Qualification (See


CP 3-15680

Use of Cellular Telephones and Mobile Electronic Devices

(See attachment)

Doc No.

Category /
Standard No.



C9 Standard 1:

Pre-Trip and Post-Trip

Inspections (See attachment)


C9 Standard 7:

Vehicle Equipment (See



Guideline (See

Halliburton shall ensure that its employees and its subcontractors for the project are conversant with and, at all times,
strictly comply with the Project Land Transportation Procedures. The procedures shall be communicated in writing to all
parties involved in the project, through specific module of the project induction program and through drivers education
during the inspections.
Halliburton shall implement specifics processes and controls and shall maintain records to provide evidence process
compliance with the requirements of these policies of all parties involved in transportation and driving in this project.
Halliburton shall communicate these requirements to all project parties and the Halliburton and Sub-Contractors
employees prior commencing the operations and shall ensure that they:

Are at least 23 years old and have at least 4 years of experience driving similar vehicles unless the local law
does not permit this restriction

Have at least three years experience driving Heavy Goods Vehicles unless the local law does not permit this

Received the induction training, including the basics on (i) defensive driving, (ii) fatigue awareness, and (iii)
product knowledge of the Product where transportation is of Dangerous or Hazardous Goods

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Completed and passed the accredited defensive driving training within three months of employment and a
refresher within two years. Bus and minibus drivers complete this training before driving and a refresher every

Are medically examined and found free of medical conditions and/or is not being prescribed medication, which
may affect their driving ability,

Passed the medical examination required by local but not less frequent that: every 5 years up to the age of 40
years; every 2 years until the age of 60, and annually thereafter

Must be assessed for fitness for work after returning to work after prolonged sickness absence or physical injury

Halliburton shall validate maintain records of verification of these documentation and appropriate databases for tracking
drivers compliance to requirements.

Driving and Duty Hours

Halliburton strictly forbids operating a vehicle under the influence of (i) alcohol, (ii) drugs, (iii) narcotics, or (iv)
medication that could impair driving ability and shall implement a testing program for drivers which comply with its own
driving policy, industry standards and local legislation and regulations, including random testing where permitted by law.
Halliburton shall implement the following minimum mandatory requirements:

Controls, tracking mechanisms, and daily verification to ensure drivers compliance with the duty, driving, and
rest hours specified in HSE Control Framework, Professional Driver Safety, and Section 7 or with local
legislative if these are stricter, the Journey management and legislative requirements.

Equip and/or ensure that subcontractors vehicles are equipped with In Vehicle Monitoring Systems (IVMS)
and that Daily Compliance Checks with required data is recorded in the IVMS

Data from IVMS is downloaded to a computer and driver performance monitored and analyzed over time.

In the event of failure / damage of the IVMS unit, the drivers must complete trips sheets, and immediately report
the issue for prompt correction.

Halliburton Project HS&E Leader shall facilitate the monitoring and analysis of the IVMS data and identify the actions
required, and review them with the Project Manager and parties involved for implementation of appropriate actions.
Halliburton Project Manager shall present to Customer on a monthly basis the analysis of the IVMS with any actions
required to ensure that processes established for the operation of the Project in comply with requirements

Vehicle Requirements
Halliburton shall assure that Vehicles utilized in the project are fit for purpose based on its established assessment of
usage and comply with OGP Land transportation safety recommended practice, Section 2.8.
In addition to OGP requirements, Halliburton shall ensure that vehicles meet the following specifications:

Cabs of the vehicles to be fitted with a serviceable air conditioning/heating system that is able to maintain an incab temperature range of 5oC to 30oC under all local climatic and driving conditions.

Heavy Goods Vehicles with Load Bed or Trailers shall have a solid headboard at the front of the load bed,
capable of restraining 0.4 times the weight of the maximum payload and configured so that all forces imposed
by the load are transmitted to the main chassis;

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Trailers designed specifically to haul container only i.e. not flatbed Trailers, but Trailers with twist-locks do not
require a headboard.

Halliburton shall ensure that:

All vehicles used in the project either for the field services, supply purposes or security forces shall be diesel
powered or that each vehicle is serviced prior to start up and is maintained thereafter according to Halliburton
standard schedule.

All vehicles shall be subject to daily service checks and weekly inspections, shall be fitted with safety belts for
driver and all passengers, roll cages, fire extinguishers, first aid kits, radios and emergency survival packs, to
include flares.

Project Transportation Management & Control

All drivers and vehicle documents must be submitted to the Project Management Logistics Mgr, vehicles and drivers
names and data shall be maintained in a Project Central Data Base
HAL HSE Project Leader shall ensure verification of compliance and provide authorization for drivers and vehicles into
the project operations.
HAL HSE Project Leader in conjunction with the Logistics and Security Leaders shall document, communicate, and
establish a cohesive Journey Management Systems (JMS) that is understood, communicated and followed by all project
All vehicle movements shall be managed and controlled through the project logistics group. A central transportation coordination center shall be established (eventually in the project Main Camp) and Journey Managers & Security advisers
shall co-ordinate all project vehicle movements in the area.
Where required Subcontractors shall manage their (and their Sub-Contractors) driving activities through their own
Management Systems processes/procedures. It is the responsibility of the Subcontractor to ensure vehicles and drivers
meet the requirements stated above and to implement and report on daily basis their IVMS data.

11.1. Journey Management System

Halliburton shall document and implement a Journey Management System (JMS) for all journeys in compliance with
OGP Land Transportation safety recommended practice, Section 2.5. The JMS shall apply to Halliburton and
Subcontractors and include the development of specific Journey Management Plan (JMP) for remote operations in the
Halliburton shall not allow any vehicle movement between dusk and dawn (night driving), unless specifically authorized
by Customers Representative. Movements between the central camp and the rig sites within the field, and limited to
5km distances shall be allowed under a JMP procedure.
The Journey Management Processes shall ensure that:

The driver understands the JMP before each journey.

Drivers report any change from the plan that occurred during the journey, and changes shall be reviewed by
CONTRACTOR to decide whether to update the JMP.

The required equipment and materials required for the execution of the operations in the project arrive to their
destination safely, on time, efficiently, and in compliance with regulations.

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Identify the loading and discharge site, the authorized route, and the identification and assessments of route
hazards and communication of requirements during the journey.

Its own and subcontractors personnel implement road transportation security risk mitigation measures in line
with the Security Threat Level at the location.

Man or Vehicle lost procedures are in place

The transport vehicles are functional, adequate and maintained properly

Drivers are qualified and fit to drive.

Tracking of vehicles, cargo, and drivers trips are maintained.

All journeys plans are complaint with project security requirements


The HAL Project Manager shall ensure that the Project Journey Management is implemented and is effective

The HAL Project HS&E Leader shall ensure that the project driving process is compliance with Halliburton
CDM, Customer, and regulatory requirements, shall monitor and provide timely analysis and feedback to the
Project Manager and Customers representative in the JMS effectiveness and results.

HPM Logistics coordinator is responsible for the Journey Management for the project vehicles (Halliburton,
CWC, DC & all Sub-Contractors) and shall manage a system for tracking and controlling the load movement

All contract line-management personnel & drivers must have a thorough understanding of and comply with the
CDM & JMS requirements

All project Halliburton Services and subcontractors operations coordinators are responsible to provide the load
movement plan and tracking on a daily basis and prior to depart to / from the worksite shall communicate the
departure time and the JMP to the logistics and destination centers.

Halliburton and Subcontractors QA/QC Inspector Persons responsible for the final inspection and validation
that all requirements are met before dispatching the cargo shall be clearly identified and a their contact
information maintained current.

Drilling Contractor Journey Management guidelines are per HSE-WI-7.15. But shall be modified to suit with the
Operator requirement and follow accordingly to align with the specific security protocol valid in country. All Drilling
Contractor vehicles (if available in ) shall be fitted with IVMS units and shall be monitored by the Drilling Contractor
QHSE Manager.


H2S Operations

Halliburton shall ensure alignment of its standards and manuals for operations with Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) to the
provisions of Customers EP 95-0317 Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) in Operations, EP 95-0210 Drilling HS&E Manual, Section
6.5 Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) and EPT-HS&E-W 07 M-001 Manual of check sheets edifications for the control of H2S in
sour gas wells.

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Category /
Standard No.

Doc No.



C5 Standard 7:

Hydrogen Sulfide (See attachment)


C7 Standard 5:

Respiratory Protection (See



Guideline (See attachment)

Doc No.

Document Title Manual, Guideline, Form


4200-GND-Drilling Manual: Hydrogen Sulfide (See attachment)

HSE-WI-7.7 Hydrogen Sulfide Gas

RMS 3 HSE-MS manual

Halliburton shall establish a contingency plan when H2S is expected during well operations, shall ensure to provide a rig
with adequate fixed monitoring and alarm system for detection of H2S, shall have available certified breathing apparatus
(15 minutes escape sets) available to all personnel on worksites with risk of H2S and shall provide personal portable
H2S detection instruments for use to all personnel on site.
Prior the contract signing with DC, Halliburton Project Manager shall review the DC H2S Contingency Plan and discuss
with the DC management any required modifications.
The Drilling Contractor H2S contingency plan includes the following aspects; the exposure limits and its hazards,
detection and measurement of H2S gas (this has to be done at the pre-well planning itself) and all related actions as

Precautionary measures to avoid or reducing the gas exposure to the crew.

Emergency measures to counter act in the event of an H2S scenario at rig site.

Availability of necessary quantities of Breathing apparatus and supplied air breathing systems at various
locations of the rig. Also necessary training & practical for personnel to don the BA & SABAs.

Provide training for Medics and crew (rescue breathing / CPR) for providing First Aid treatment to counter act
H2S victims.

H2S Training
Halliburton shall ensure that all its personnel and of the contractors potentially exposed to H2S are trained as per
requirements in the basic fundamentals of hydrogen sulfide safety, in the emergency response, rescue, maintenance and
use of the respiratory protection equipment and shall maintain proof of competence for all workers. In addition ensures
the implementation of the emergency drills in all the above procedures to ensure effective response when an actual life
threatening emergency arises.
Halliburton shall ensure that the implementation / validation of a Training Program including full instruction to all
personnel on the work site about the: On the location of H2S detection equipment, alarms and their significance,
response to alarms, and location of emergency equipment.

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In addition, ensures the implementation of the emergency drills in all the above procedures to ensure effective response
when an actual life threatening emergency arises.
Drilling Contractor have a mandatory requirement for all employees to undergo for the IADC accredited H2S training on
a frequency of every 2 years. Also for every visitor also should undergo the full H2S course prior to the arrival at the site.

All employees who are to work on a well site who may be exposed to H2S must receive a physical examination to
determine respiratory problems and or hypertension.
It is not permitted facial hair (beard or long sideburns), or who wears glasses that could interfere with the sealing of the
face mask. Contact lenses should not be worn with breathing apparatus

H2S Communications
All personnel shall be informed by the DC of the hazards relating to Hydrogen Sulfide and shall receive instruction in the
correct use of any personal safety equipment, Hydrogen Sulfide detectors, and warning systems associated with the DC
H2S equipment.

Safety Equipment for H2S Operations

DC is responsible for providing, placing, maintaining, inspecting, testing, certifying the rig H2S equipment, and ensuring it
is fully operational. Drilling Contractor shall make available the H2S and other Safety equipment inventory list with
Serial Numbers, equipment lay out diagrams, maintenance, inspections, certifications program and records
Drilling Contractor rig assigned HSE officer conducts the daily walk around inspection on H 2S equipment and updates
the Rig Manager and HAL DSV, should any corrections to be made.
Halliburton shall ensure the equipment compliance with requirements and specifications for sour service (NACE
Standard MR-01-75 for sour service) and required integrity verification and function checking prior operations.
DC shall submit to the Project HS&E Leader the list of the equipment and the maintenance, inspections, certifications
program and report on monthly basis compliance to the program.
Drilling Contractor uses the monthly SCBA inspection report form F0792 inspections conducted through the HSE
Officer on site for the inventory, condition, and usability of the units. This is filed at the rig office and copy given to the
The HAL Project HS&E Leader shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with these requirements.

Emergency Safety Equipment

Halliburton shall ensure:

The availability of the Emergency Safety Equipment such a Wind Bug Blowers, Wind Socks, Flare Ignition System
as per requirements

That the rig has automatic detection and alarm devices with distinct audible and visual warning for the presence of
H2S, as well of portable detection devices, and the associated calibration equipment for use at location. All warning
systems connected to the fixed H2S system shall be set to operate at 10 ppm H2S

The availability and placement of the continuous combustible gas monitor and alarm system with Lower Explosive
Limit (LEL) sensor, spare sensors, audible and visual alarms, and two continuous LEL monitors.
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The availability of portable H2S detectors (2) and portable combustible gas or vapor monitors and test kits for

Availability of the 15 minutes escape breathing apparatus

All personnel on a drilling location where H2S is anticipated must have access to suitable breathing apparatus.
Those who are designated as essential personnel shall be provided with positive pressure breathing apparatus with
a full face mask.

H2S Emergency & Contingency Procedures Included in the Emergency Response Plan

Halliburton shall ensure the development and implementation of a project emergency and contingency plan for the
H2S Scenarios. This shall be developed in coordination with Customers Operations Department the development of
the Emergency Response & Contingency Plan, defining a clear line of communication, and responsibilities for its
execution in liaison with Halliburton HS&E and Customer.

That the communication plan in case of presence of H2S shall include prior to start, during operations, during
emergency, and after the operations is finished, and consider internal, Customer, and regulatory, external
emergency support entities such as fire department, clinics, etc.

Halliburton shall ensure the implementation of H2S drills to rehearse emergency response procedures and verify
that all personnel on site know their duties according to the plan.

Drills for H2S emergency conditions shall be carried out once each week or more often if conditions warrant.
Records shall be kept on date of drills and names of personnel who participated.

A survey shall be carried out following any H2S alarm

Halliburton shall ensures the positioning and maintaining warning signs, escape routes, and site entry logs for H2S
monitoring and the availability of streamers to show wind direction and for the provision and layout of mustering

Where portable detectors are in use, their location and operation during alarm condition must be demonstrated.


HS&E Performance Measuring, Monitoring, and Reporting

13.1. HSE Performance Reports

Halliburton shall measure, track, and monitor the implementation of the project HSE Plan and shall also conduct regular
reviews to validate the plan adequacy and effectiveness.
Halliburton Project Manager shall timely submit to Customers Project Representative the monthly HSE performance
The Project Manager is responsible for reporting accurately and on a timely basis to Customer Project Manager the
number of operational incidents and the associated Non Productive Time,
DC & CWC shall measure and submit, on a monthly basis, a formal HS&E performance and activities report in the
Halliburton advised format. Drilling Contractor uses the Monthly HSE report in form F0791 compiling all HSE issues
and data about all the HSE inspections, drills conducted, HSE meetings conducted, JSAs developed / reviewed, and
HSE statistics for the month (the statistics is with specific information including the number of working days, TRI free
days, LTI free days, and Milestone achieved data).

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DC & CWC shall measure, track, analyze, monitor, report, and review the HS&E performance including the same KPIs in
the Attachment 1 of the Section V HSE ITT document.
Drilling Contractor headquarters management team issues the monthly HSE statistics across the operation and forward
the results in the Monthly Safety Results Review meeting. This information is then distributed to all rigs for display and
discussion during the weekly safety meetings.
The report summarizes DC & CWC (and their Subcontractors) HS&E performance. Monthly reports shall include, as a

HS&E Performance Index Frequency and Impacts

Analysis of the unsafe acts observed and reported including: Frequency of Observations per 20000 hours,
tendencies, participation in the Safety Observation (STOP) Program by levels Supervisors Level, Crews, and Areas
of observations

Compliance to and effectiveness analysis of the Drills and Inspection Plan

Inspections and /or audits carried out, identifying the type of audit, actions recommendations raised and number of
actions closed out.

Summary Incident & Accidents and root cause analysis reports, identifying the type of incident /accident, action
recommendations raised and number of actions closed out.

A status of the action tracking register, identifying the recommendations raised and number of actions closed out.

DC & CWC are responsible for gathering the data for the activities at the Rig Site & construction sites under their
control and Halliburton assume the responsibility for the data collection for the areas under its control &
responsibility and for aggregating all data into the project data / records system.

In addition to the HS&E data, the Halliburton Drilling Supervisor is responsible for gathering the operational data
including all Non Productive Time.

DC & CWC are responsible for maintaining records of the operational activity. The DC Rig Manager and the
Halliburton Drilling Supervisor (DSV) shall ensure on a daily basis the accuracy and consistency of the data
reported in both DC and Halliburton systems respectively. Any not agreeable time or Non Productive Time must be
reported in writing the next day of the occurrence to both Halliburton and DC Project Managers for investigation and

Drilling Contractor shall record all operational activity data in the IADC tour sheet daily activity. This data shall be
verified and approved by the HAL-DSV on site.

All operational activity data are recorded in the IADC tour sheet daily, and obtained the verification & approval from
the HAL-DSV on site.

DC & CWC are responsible to send an end of the month and end of the well report with the pertinent month / well

In addition, Drilling Contractor practices an intra company performance measuring tool (administered & monitored
by DC corporate management) named as the DC Benchmark program. This helps Drilling Contractor
Management to assess and analyze the performance of each rig and each area against certain set criteria uniformly
defined as the major Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). This benchmark program is carried out on a monthly basis
and the result for a particular month is declared by every following month (usually by the 3 rd week). The details can
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be verified on RMS document # OPS-094 Rig Performance Benchmarking

13.2. Accident, Incident Notification, Reporting, Investigation and Learning

Halliburton shall review Customers incident, reporting, and investigation, and learning from incidents and shall align its
procedures to meet Customer requirements and incident classification. These procedures and requirements shall be
incorporated in the project HSE Management Document and communicated to all Halliburton managers, supervisors,
and front line personnel.
All reporting shall be done in compliance with the Law and as per established Halliburton, customer, and regulatory
requirements, timelines, standards, and procedures. All incidents shall be internally reported and investigated in
compliance with Halliburton Global Standards and the project HSE Management Document ensuring to meet Customer
For project incidents classification, reporting, notification and level of investigation Customers Risk Assessment matrix
shall be used. High potential and significant incidents shall be investigated in accordance with Halliburton and Customer
investigation and learning procedure.

Doc No.

Document Name Link


Incident Reporting/Recording System (See attachment)


Incident Investigation and Follow-up (See attachment)

ESG Incident Reporting Process (See attachment)

ESG Internal Significant Incident Communication Process (See


Injury/Illness Reporting Requirements

Halliburton Report an Incident Forms

Fax Form (See attachment)

Excel Form (See attachment)


Drilling Contractor Incident Management document

All incidents shall be recorded in the Halliburton Radian Health and Safety (RHS) system ensuring proper classification
of parties i.e. Third Parties, Subcontractors, and Contractors.
All members of the Project Core Team and Drilling and Operations Superintendents and Drilling Supervisors must be
aware of the notification and investigation requirements and procedures and shall subscribe to HS&E Incident
Halliburton shall cooperate and participate as necessary with Customer in any case when Customer investigates the
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Halliburton shall provide incident investigation for its contractors including High Potential Incidents and Significant
Incidents as defined in Customer Incident Reporting and Learning Procedure.

13.3. Notification of Incidents

DC & CWC, HAL Contractors, HAL PSL Service Supervisors, and project personnel shall notify the Rig or Work Site
Manager immediately (as practicable possible) upon an incident, accident, health case, high potential incident, near
miss, or environmental spill occurred during the performance of the operations at the Camps, Well or Civil Construction
If the incident occurs during mobilization to / from the project Well Site or other project working location, they shall notify
immediately the HAL Project Manager or Project HS&E Leader.
The Project Manager shall notify the Customer representative immediately (as possible) of the incidents as per Customer
requirements and as required to competent authorities through appropriate Halliburton country procedures.
All initial (normally verbal / brief e-mail notifications) shall be followed by a written report of the incident within 24 hours in
the project approved report form or the Halliburton RHS Form. This is not an investigation report, it is the detailed report
of what occurred, those involved, witnesses, etc.
The Project HS&E Leader shall maintain in a format approved by Customer representative, a current record showing
incidents and to include all incidents in the Radian Health and Safety (RHS) database within 24 hours of the occurrence
of the incident.

13.4. Investigation of Incidents, Root Cause, and Corrective / Preventive Actions

Halliburton shall:

Implement and ensure the quality of the investigation of incidents in the project and shall submit to Customers
representative the incident investigation reports in line Customers procedures.

Provide Customer with unrestricted access at all reasonable times to the facilities, equipment, materials,
personnel and records when an incident occurs at Halliburton premises to investigate any of the incidents,
wherever they occur, subject only to any statutory or contractual obligation prohibiting disclosure of any such
records by the Halliburton or privileged information.

Co-operate and participate as necessary with the Customer in any Customer investigation of such incidents.

Follow Customers process for High Potential and Significant Incident investigation and learning from incidents

Halliburton shall participate in Customers Serious Incident Review panel as required.

Provide Incident Investigation for its subcontractors.

To support the incident investigation process and the determination of root causes, Halliburton uses initial incident
investigation (Fish Bone) processes. Depending upon the severity of the incident full TapRooT investigation
methodology shall be initiated to determination of root causes of the event. Halliburton shall use the TapRooT
processes for all:

HIPO/Significant Incidents


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Medical Treatment Cases

Motor Vehicle Accidents

Environmental Spills

Security Incidents (HiPos)

PSLs, DC, CWC and Contractors shall conduct and complete initial incident investigation within 5 days of the incident
occurrence. Where TapRooT investigations are initiated the initial Draft Report shall made available with 15 days of the
incident. Depending upon the severity of the incident and with previous agreement with Customers Representative an
extended period could be granted.
These reports shall be presented in an approved Project Incident Reporting Format meeting the requirements of
Customer and Halliburton. All reports shall be submitted to the Project Manager with copy to the project HS&E Leader.
The Project HS&E Leader is responsible to ensure the quality and timeliness of the incidents recording, their
investigations and shall report on it to the HAL Project Manager, Customer representative, the Region HS&E Manager
and the Global C&PM & HPM HS&E manager. Among the parameters of evaluation of the investigation include the
appropriateness of the investigation team, the determination of the facts, and the corrective / preventive actions). Any
conclusions derived from the investigation, are to be entered into the Halliburton database for tracking to closure.
In the event of an incident or accident where the worst probable outcome could have or resulted in a serious injury,
fatality, major environmental damage, significant operational performance, major business, or reputation loss, the
Halliburton Project Manager can initiate independent investigation into the incident. This does not limit the HAL PSL, the
DC & CWC or other subcontractors from making their own investigation and does not relieve the HAL PSL, the
subcontractors of their responsibility to present a quality root cause analysis and the corrective actions to prevent
The Project Manager and Project HS&E Leader as appropriate shall timely report and present the results of the
investigations with the actions to prevent recurrence through appropriate channels to the Customer representative and
shall ensure as appropriate the presence of any of the responsible management parties in these presentations.

13.5. Corrective / Preventive Actions Effectiveness

The Project HS&E Leader shall:

Maintain records of all project issues / incidents / inspections and audits findings, and a corrective action
tracking spreadsheet or database

Follow up on the effective implementation of the Corrective Actions and report to the Project Manager and to
Customer Representative of the status and effectiveness of their implementation.

The Project HS&E Leader shall have the copy of the Drilling Contractor PCAR in form # F0529 for verification and
tracking all issues, actions, and findings for systematic rig management advise. The responsibility for PCAR to regularly
update is by the Rig Manager and it shall be made available to the HAL-DSV and HAL-HS&E Supervisor.

13.6. HS&E ALERTS and Sharing of Lessons Learned

The Project Manager and Project HS&E Leader as appropriate shall request the DC, CWC, Sub-Contractors and
Halliburton PSLs Management to present their findings, actions, and tracking of implemented actions to prevent
recurrence of incidents in formal monthly performance review meetings. The HPM HS&E Project Lead shall share the
lessons learned from the incidents and as required issue HS&E and or Operational ALERTS within the project.
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Drilling Contractor aggressively pursues the usage of safety alerts, bulletins, OEM equipment alerts etc from industry
accepted sources like IADC, other Oil Companies, Drilling Operators and so. This information is being discussed in the
daily safety meetings and displayed at the rig site QHSE notice boards. More information is described in RMS document
# HSE-17-01 Safety Alerts and General HSE Promotions.


HS&E Audits and Inspections, and Review

Halliburton shall establish a self-audit system, inspections and reviews to determine the effectiveness of the various
HSE programs and initiatives. It is the responsibility of the HAL Project Manager to define and participate as appropriate
in these activities as well as to ensure the participation of other members of the HAL Project Core Team and of
management and supervisors of HAL PSLs and HAL Subcontractors.

14.1. Reviews
The HS&E Plan reviews shall be chair by the Project Manager and require the participation of the Project Core Team and
as required of the Key Contractors as detailed in the project HSE Document
The Project Manager shall chair a monthly and Quarterly HS&E Performance Reviews to assess Project Performance,
Significant Risks and Issues, Analysis of Observation Program, Audits and Inspections results, Lessons Learned, and
Progress in the Implementation of the project HSE Document and status of findings.
The Project Manager shall submit and formally present the results of these reviews to the Customers Representative on
monthly and Quarterly HS&E Performance Reviews

14.2. Audits
The Project Manager and Project HS&E Leader shall participate and support Customer Audit and Reviews Program prior
to initiation of the work, during execution of the work, and at the conclusion of work and shall promptly address any
notifications, findings and recommendations received and shall keep track in the Project Tracking record.
The Project HS&E Leader shall plan for the implementation of the HSE audits including project self audits and
assessments performed by the Global HPM Team or selected auditor
Need to develop Project HSE Audits program/schedule and include in Appendix to this document

14.3. Inspection Program

The principal purpose of the systematic implementation of the planned inspection of work site facilities, tools and
equipment is to reduce the exposure to unsafe conditions by the systematic examination of worksite facilities, tools and
equipment against a controlled checklist.
Halliburton shall implement an inspection program, including an initial acceptance inspection and a monthly inspection
each month thereafter of the unit and all associated equipment. The Project Manager shall give reasonable prior notice to
Customer representative of each inspection providing the opportunity to witness the entire inspection.
The Project HS&E Leader shall plan, coordinate and participate in the weekly walkthroughs to the worksites and ensure
proper recording, prioritization, tracking of issues and closure of findings.
All members of the Project Core Team are required to lead once a month the site weekly walkthrough and the follow up
meeting to review the open pending issues, verify the closed ones, and establish priorities of the new findings. In these
events is required the presence of the subcontractors management. The site walkthroughs include site or focus areas
inspections, document revision, employees interviews, and work observations,

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DC & CWC are responsible to plan and conduct the Inspections as per Inspection Schedule (see the table below)
throughout the life to the project, shall maintain records, monitor, follow up, and track findings and issues using the HS&E
Tracking Register. Copies of audit / inspection reports shall be submitted to Project HSE Leader.
Wherever possible and to minimize the disruption to the operation activities DC & CWC has the flexibility to adjust the
inspection schedule and integrate different inspections. However it is mandatory to comply with the project HSE
Document requirements.

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Inspection Schedule



Water Inspection

Rig Paramedic


Hygiene Inspection

Rig Paramedic, Camp Boss


Smoke Detector Inspection

Rig Paramedic, Camp Boss


DOMS Inspection

Derrick man, DC HS&E


First Aid Kit Inspection

Rig Paramedic


Forklift Inspection

Mechanic, Forklift Driver, DC HS&E


Crane Inspection + Light vehicles

Mechanic, Crane Driver, DC HS&E


Mechanic, Driver, DC HS&E

Medical Facility & Ambulance

Rig Paramedic, DC HS&E


Rig Site Management Walkthrough

& Tracking Review & Update

One Member of Halliburton Project Management Team

(HAL Project Manager/ Ops Mgr / Eng Mgr /Logistics Mgr) &
Company Man HAL HS&E Field Coordinator


Rig Manager, DC HS&E, and as operations permit involve

other HAL and DC supervisors
BOP Well Control

Drilling Manger Witness HS&E Rig Supervisor


Work Area Daily

Tool Pusher Rig Area Responsible for Assigned Areas


Security Walk through

DC Security Rep


Fire Extinguishers Inspection



Rig Inspection

Rig Manager, DC HS&E,


Fire Hoses and Pumps Inspection

DC HS&E, Rig Mechanic


Camp HS&E Inspection

Rig Manager, DC HS&E, HAL HS&E Coordinator


SCBA Inspection



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DC & CWC shall assess Non-Conformances, corrective actions, and inspection findings for resolution and close out
identifying areas with recurrent and systemic issues for continuous improvement.
Halliburton shall conduct a weekly walkthrough lead by a member of the HAL Project Core Team and the HAL DSV with
the support of the HAL HS&E coordinators. This activity requires the participation DC Rig Manager and the DC HS&E
Coordinator. At the end of it shall follow a review of the priorities and a follow up of issues in the HS&E Tracking Register.

14.4. Corrective, Preventive, and Improvement Measures

Halliburton is responsible for documenting and analyzing operational failures, delays, and performance below expected
results, and report to Customer on their findings and Non Productive Time Analysis with actions to prevent recurrence.
The Project Manager shall ensure that failures or operational incidents causing delay to the operations as well as
Equipment, Materials, or Services Non Conforming with requirements are properly documented, investigated, and as
required appropriate actions taken for the prevention of recurrence or occurrence. Halliburton shall make sure that its
own PSLs and Contractors conduct these investigations and root causes determination timely and good quality.
The DC and CWC shall maintain a log of the activities and a tracking record of all Non Productive Time (NPT) incidents
and shall ensure proper closure of non conformities, failures, problems as appropriate.
Once DC and CWC are responsible for the implementation of the corrective, preventative, or improvement processes
and shall ensure that incidents / issues requiring action are documented and corrected in a timely manner.
DC and CWC shall ensure an effective system is available for the recording, monitoring and the follow-up of corrective
actions; findings and recommendations arising from, as a minimum, inspections, all forms of exercises, audits, incidents
and accidents or near misses, operational failures. Based on priorities, the system shall effectively manage the close out
of all actions in a timely manner. Halliburton shall use a Halliburton HS&E Tracking Register for action tracking.
Drilling Contractor uses a live document for this purpose; the Preventive and Corrective Action Register, better known
as PCAR in form # F0529. This is for entering, tracking, and updating all issues, actions, and findings which need to be
recorded and followed up for systematic rig management. The responsibility for PCAR to regularly update is by the Rig
Manager and the rig HSE Officer helps him to achieve it.
DC and CWC are responsible for providing to Halliburton a monthly report of the corrective actions taken and the
actions to prevent recurrence along with analysis of Non Productive Time.
The Halliburton PSLs are responsible for implementing the Corrective, Prevention, and Improvement Process (CPI) as
detailed in the Halliburton Standards and shall present a report of the root causes and actions to prevent recurrence to
the Halliburton Project Manager.

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Health Program

Halliburton shall implement procedures as to ensure the implementation of the Health Program and ensure the
employees well being, control of health, and hygiene conditions at the project sites in line with Customers and
Halliburton Global Standards for Health and Hygiene and Ergonomics.

Health and Hygiene

Category /
Standard No.




C3 Standard 1:

Noise Management (See attachment) Guideline (See attachment)


C3 Standard 2:

First Aid (See attachment)


C3 Standard 3:

Blood borne Pathogens (See



C3 Standard 4:

Thermal Stress (See attachment)

Guideline (See attachment)


C3 Standard 6:

Potable Water (See attachment)

Guideline (See attachment)


C3 Standard 7:

Food Services (See attachment)

Guideline (See attachment)


C3 Standard 8:

Disease Protection (See attachment)

SARS Guidelines (See



Category 8 /
Standard No.




Standard 1:

Ergonomics of General, Assembly, &

Computer Workstations (See

Guideline (See attachment)


Standard 2:

Equipment Design - Hand Tools (See


Guideline (See attachment)


Standard 3:

Manual Handling (See attachment)

Guideline (See attachment)


Standard 4:

Equipment Design - Machinery (See


The program shall address Health Risk Assessment, Health Monitoring & Awareness Improvement, Noise, Smoking,
Camp Infrastructure, Heat Stress, and Musculoskeletal disorders, Disease Protection, Potable Water, Food and Nutrition.
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Halliburton shall document and implement an effective process for the identification of the HSE risks associated with the
activities in the scope of project, including all subcontracted activities and the process and controls to manage these
Halliburton shall identify the hazards associated with the project in scope of work including all subcontracted activities
and maintain produce an inventory of the major HSE hazards and shall ensure to comply with Customers Occupational
exposure limits for benzene.

The use of asbestos is prohibited in the project

15.1. Medical Screening

Halliburton, the DC & CWC shall ensure that all its personnel are medically examined for fitness to work as per
Customers Standards, legal, and own requirements and shall maintain records of the certifications and of any medical
condition that the medical support team need to know in case of an emergency.
Halliburton shall ensure that its personnel and those of its subcontractors shall have medical insurance cover and
access to medical services, including medical evacuation, and appropriate Health Risks associated with the conditions of
the project operations in .
Halliburton shall implement an HIV policy and supporting procedures and implement a NO-DISCRIMINATION policy
with employment independent of HIV status to the extent permitted under country laws.
Drilling Contractor Medical screening requirements are described in Employee Post-Offer Physical Examinations
document # HUR-050.

15.2. Site Medic and Medical Evacuation

Halliburton shall ensure the availability of a qualified Paramedic for the Rig Site and a medical clinic to support the
Medical Evacuation Process. The Rig Site Paramedic is responsible for:

Responding to all emergency situations and providing first aid and stabilizing the patient in cases of injuries or

Making the Medical Decision for MEDEVAC

Provide basic health checks and education on site

Providing First Aid Training

Ensure camp hygiene standards are maintained

Conduct as programmed the alcohol and drug tests

Perform regular health and hygiene audits

Ensure that all personnel arriving at the site have the medical clearance for the project

Maintain records of the personnel specific health conditions for case of emergency

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Verification of the prescribed drugs taken into the worksite.

Halliburton shall have and ensure its subcontractors shall have a documented effective medical emergency response
process and plans integrated with the site emergency response plan and shall ensure that those meet Customers
response times requirements specified in Customers Emergency Response manual.

15.3. Substance Abuse

Halliburton shall have and ensure its subcontractors shall have and implement a Substance Abuse Policy in line with
Halliburtons Substance Abuse Policy and ensure its personnel and subcontractors are fully aware of its requirements
and as permitted by Law shall conduct screening and random tests for personnel working on the project.
Drilling Contractor substance abuse policy is described in Drugs, Alcohol, and Contraband policy document # HUR-021
and the random drug test protocol is detailed in Drug and Alcohol screening test document # HUR-049.

15.4. Medical Inventories

Halliburton shall maintain an inventory of medical equipment, stores, and drugs (including First Aid kits) at all work

15.5. Medical Log

Halliburton medic / paramedic shall maintain a medical log recording all activities of each facility.

15.6. Return to Work

Halliburton shall implement its return to work procedures that defines how an employee is determined to be fit to return
to duty.

15.7. Smoking
Halliburton shall implement its No-Smoking Policy and shall communicate to all parties involved and visitors in the
project operations of the smoking policy.
Halliburton shall designate and ensure proper signalization of the Smoking and Non-Smoking areas. No smoking shall
be allowed in enclosed common areas such as the galley, meeting rooms, and cabins or offices. The rig perimeter area is
a Non Smoking Area and it shall be clearly identified and adequate signs posted in English and Arabic.
Drilling Contractor follow a strict No smoking policy at the worksite and it is described in document # HSE-01-06

15.8. First Aiders

Halliburton shall and ensure its subcontractors provide Basic First Aid training to all personnel (with 2 years renewal
scheme) and provide the necessary medical equipment (in accordance with the training received).
Drilling Contractor provide basic first aid training to all employees and is included in the standard training matrix as part
of the IADC Rig Pass program.

15.9. Camp
Halliburton shall implement procedures and controls to ensure wellbeing and minimize the risk of injury, illness of
personnel while in the camps.
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Well being Program. Nutrition, exercise, entertainment

Religion Practices

Stress Management Education

Violence in the Worksite

Potable and Drinking Water

Exposure Control Plan and Procedures for Bio-hazards (sharps), Hygiene and infectious diseases

Garbage and Waste storage and disposal procedures and facilities

Emergency Preparedness and Emergency Response Plan, Evacuation Plan integrated with Project ERP

Carbon Monoxide detectors required near all carbon producing appliances

Fire and smoke detectors and alarm system in all cabins connected to a central alarm system unit

Control and Safe of Camp Machinery and Equipment

Lock-out or De-energize equipment or machinery

Fall Protection for working at heights

Electrical Safety Generator and cabins grounding

Fuel transfer and storage fill up vehicles, storage tanks grounding, and distance to facilities

To manage the potential health hazards associated with the catering process Halliburton shall ensure the
implementation of processes and control procedures for refrigeration, pest control, and use of potable water for cooking
and washing, food storage, washing facilities, food handlers, waste disposal, supply delivery, food preparation, clean up,
and regular facilities inspection.
Halliburton shall follow HACCP principles in which food safety is addressed through the analysis and control of
biological, chemical, and physical hazards from raw material production, procurement and handling, to manufacturing,
distribution and consumption of the finished product.
Halliburton shall conduct weekly inspection of the catering facilities and services and shall submit reports and analysis
for corrective actions and improvements
The Project HS&E Leader is responsible for planning and ensuring the implementation of the catering services
inspections and audits prior the beginning of operations and then every quarter.
Site responsible shall implement water analysis on a weekly basis. See Global Standard - BP-GL-BU-HS&E-HYG0307
Food Services for Halliburton Standards and guidance (see attachment).

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Halliburton shall ensure that at the RIG and camps all the taps and showers are supplied with potable water and shall
implement a systematic water inspection program to confirm its suitability and compliance with Guidelines for Drinking
Water, 1993, published by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Halliburton shall ensure adequate supply of drinking water at the worksites and shall provide education for proper body
hydration, prevention of dehydration, recognition of the dehydration symptoms.

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Environmental Protection

Halliburton shall implement an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) to minimize impact on the environment
throughout the projects area of operations, including flora, fauna and aquatic life, and the special ecological conditions of
the Mesopotamian Marshes (Check)



Category 10 /
Standard No.
C 10 Standard 1:


Waste Management (See



Appendix A (See Attachment)

Appendix B (See Attachment)
Appendix C (See Attachment)
Appendix D (See Attachment)
Appendix F (See Attachment)


C 10 Standard 2:

Authorizations/Permitting (See

Guideline (See Attachment)


C 10 Standard 4:

HS&E Filing System (See


Guideline (See Attachment)


C 10 Standard 6:

Environmental Site Assessment

Pre and Post Site Usage (See

Guideline (See Attachment)


C 10 Standard 11: Spill Management (See



C 10 Standard 13: Vendor Procurement (See



C 10 Standard 14: Washracks/Washbays (See



C 10 Standard 15: Bulk Cement and Chemical

Handling Plants (See Attachment)


C 10 Standard 16: Fuel Dispensing (See Attachment)


C 10 Standard 19: Explosive Disposal Operations (See Guideline (See Attachment)


Guideline (See Attachment)

The EMP shall be a site specific environmental management plan in order to comply with the environmental conditions of
approval and any additional commitments made by the Customer in the Environmental, Social, Health Impact
Assessment for the project and to properly manage the environmental risks. Halliburton shall

Develop the Project Environmental Plan:


Conduct an environmental review and identification of risks associated with the project operations

Identify the legal and other requirements

Define environmental objectives and targets in agreement with Customer

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Ensure the availability of the resources for implementation

Define the roles and responsibilities, training, documentation, operational control and emergency
preparedness and response

All mandated environmental regulation shall be enforced and audited regularly by Halliburton.
Outside of regulations in place by any party involved, every effort should always be made to protect the
environment during all aspects of the drilling operations.

Halliburton shall ensure compliance with regulation and standards for permanent environmental
monitoring to ensure that all procedures are followed correctly and all necessary information shall be
forwarded to the Project HS&E Leader.

Measure, monitor, and evaluate the implementation of the environmental plan, performance, ensure the
implementation of corrective actions as required and shall maintain records and information management);

Communicate and report to Customer on the implementation of the environmental plan, performance

Conduct environmental audits and reviews and shall drive improvement processes

16.1. Pollution Prevention

Halliburton shall use Customers Environmental, Social, Health Impact Assessment (EIA) to develop its Environmental
Management Plan and minimize operational impact on the environment.
In order prevent or minimize environmental impacts resulting from drilling operations at both rig sites and work camps
Halliburton shall ensure the implementation of procedures and methods aiming to prevent pollution by confining the
movement of any contamination of the ground to a limited area and to minimizing downward migration.
With attention to site design and construction, housekeeping during the operation and reinstatement afterwards it should
be possible to leave the site in a state similar to that found and without any concerns over future pollution from the
wastes left behind
Halliburton shall develop a waste management plan together with the DC & CWC to ensure that all waste generated on
the well site are disposed properly. Drilling Contractor standard waste disposal process is detailed in HSE-20-01 Waste

Halliburton shall identify all sources of emission to air (stationary and mobile) and shall keep records of all emissions in
accordance with the defined Customers requirements and shall monitor and report the noise level on WORKSITE.
Halliburton shall minimize atmospheric emissions and operate within emission limits set by the local agencies in relation
to the project permits.

Halliburton shall not discharge any waste materials or effluents to surface waters except and/ or shallow aquifers with
the written agreement of Customers and written permission from local authorities and in accordance with license and
permit limitations.
Halliburton facilities shall have an effluent treatment system; this should be maintained and used for the treatment of
domestic sewage waste in compliance with local standards and requirements. Drainage should be prevented from
entering the surface water.
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Halliburton shall ensure that all hydrocarbons and chemicals are properly stored and portable containers are secured to
prevent leakage or spill. All equipment containing chemicals, refined hydrocarbons, or other pollutants shall be provided
with a drip pan or other method of containment as agreed.
Halliburton shall take all necessary precautions to prevent accidental spillage of fuels and chemicals and shall
implement contingency plans for any uncontrolled release, spill, or leak. Halliburton shall ensure the availability of
sufficient and suitable emergency response personnel and equipment to respond to spills if they occur.
Halliburton shall ensure that the fluid waste pits and cuttings pits shall be lined to contain all containments and the
implementation of the Customer waste management requirements for storing fuel and lubes, possible oil spilled and
storage, tubular washing, chemical storage, drilling waste, well cellar decontamination, septic tanks, and site
reinstatement. To minimize the loss of surface drilling fluid, the treatment system solids shall be used as effectively as
possible to improve the treatment of mud.
Halliburton shall co-operate with Customer in the compilation of all necessary data and documentation, for the certain
construction and other operations that require Environmental Impact Assessment, approvals, and permits from the
authorities. Halliburton shall confirm that its activities are covered by the necessary approvals and to bring the attention
of the Customer to any deficits in a timely fashion.
Halliburton shall plan its operation in accordance with and limited to the approved periods of time in order to mitigate
affects on migration of birds.

Halliburton shall ensure that all petroleum or chemicals storage tanks are installed above ground and provided with spill
containment and leak detection devices to avoid the potential for releases to the surrounding environment.

16.2. Waste Disposal Waste Management

Halliburton shall develop and manage the project Waste Management Plan as per Global Standard BP-GL-BU-HS&EENV1001 - Waste Management (see attachment), associated appendixes and Customer requirements and in
compliance with Law. And shall follow the OGP Report No.413, Guidelines for Waste Management on Areas with Limited
In developing of the Waste Management Plan Halliburton shall confirm with Customer the availability and use of its
permanent waste treatment disposal.
Project Waste Management plan to be developed and referenced in this section.
Halliburton shall:

Implement procedures for and control of treatment and disposal of all effluents arising from the project facilities
in compliance with Customers requirements and local legislation.

Identify and keep records of all project generated waste in accordance with Customers requirements

Mutually agree with Customer the approach to dispose non-hazardous when no regulatory disposal
requirements exist.

Halliburton shall submit for Customer approval the hazardous waste disposal methods where no regulatory

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disposal requirements exist.

Implement procedures to collect, segregate, and classify as hazardous and non hazardous waste for proper
temporary storage as per defined in the Waste Management Plan. All waste shall be placed in appropriate
waste containers with proper identification and visible labels. Drilling Contractor follow the waste segregation
at the primary source itself at all its rig locations. The waste disposal is followed per Green Book direction given
as Appendix 10.1 of the Waste Management document.

All combustible domestic and industrial waste shall be incinerated if acceptable in a specially constructed burn
basket, box or pit prior to burial on site. Non combustible waste materials shall be placed in the pit without

Sanitary facilities shall be provided at the well sites and at the camps. These shall be sized to suit the maximum
number of personnel expected on location. Sanitary wastes from accommodation shall be disposed as per
allowable infrastructure preferable to an approved sewage plant.

In the performance of the scope of work activities, DC, CWC and Sub-Contractors shall at all times act to
minimize the quantity of waste and shall observe and comply with all laws and regulations concerning the
production, carrying, keeping, treating, and/or disposal of waste. All areas must be kept clean and free from
improper waste management.

DC, CWC & Su-Contractors, and/or Halliburton shall identify their Waste Streams, estimate volumes, and
provide the recycle / reuse methods, treatment requirements, and/or disposal methods, and vendors.

16.3. Oil Spill Contingency Planning

Halliburton shall have in place an oil spill cleanup plan for the site which should detail means of waste disposal. This
should include provision of ready-use oil spill cleanup equipment.
To be submitted for approval to Customer and referenced in this section
Halliburton shall ensure the availability of sufficient and suitable emergency response personnel and equipment to
respond to spills if they occur. The contingency plan shall be developed and included in the Project HS&E Management
Halliburton shall maintain a record of all spills of hazardous substances and hydrocarbons and report spillages in
accordance with Regulatory, Customer, and internal requirements.
The Drilling Contractor oil spill contingency planning and related activities are detailed in RMS document # HSE-WI20.1 Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan (SPCC).
The standard oil spill cleanup kit and its parts are described in RMS Equipment Standards manual document # 57-ES-04
Emergency Response Spill Kit.

16.4. Site Reinstatement and Abandonment

Halliburton shall implement the remediation actions of land / soil / water which may be necessary as a result of its
operations to acceptable levels as agreed with Customer.
Halliburton shall ensure that all extraneous site materials is collected up and deposited in the waste pits.
Any contaminated soil, for example from fuel or chemical storage areas shall be placed deep within the waste pits,
entombed and buried.
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HSE Plan

Any plastic sheeting or ground protection membrane shall be removed and buried in the waste pits.
sized to accommodate this waste.

Pits need to be

16.5. Environmental Monitoring and Reporting

Halliburton shall monitor the implementation of the environmental plan and the environmental performance and shall
report to Customer as the Attachment 1 of the section V HSE ITT and any required by local authorities or Customer in
order to verify HSE performance and compliance with environmental regulations or permits.

16.6. Environmental Training

Halliburton shall identify KEY PERSONNEL and shall provide them environmental management training and maintain
appropriate record of such training. This training is reflected in the training matrix.
ESHIA will be developed by Customer.

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