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18 Section A JULY 2007 The Woodside News


Grass other surfaces including artificial grass are now com-

mon. Golf still requires large expanses of well-tended
algae, plants continuously convert light energy to
chemical energy. All life depends on the photosyn-
natural grass. The agricultural development and mar- thetic work plants do storing sunlight as chemical
S ummer time is lawn time.
Lawns provide enjoyment
but consume much labor, time
keting of grasses for golf courses is a full-blown
energy and producing oxygen to breathe.
Leaves are “solar panels” packed with photosyn-
and money. Recently I stood thetic cells. Chlorophyll is the green
in my yard chatting with a MUSICAL GRASS pigment which absorbs light for use
“green-lawn” salesman. Music is mentioned early in the Bible in photosynthesis. It is contained
LawnGuy: I can take care of WILLIAM T. PELLETIER (Genesis 4:21). Jubal, six generations inside cells in organelles called
these weeds for a nominal cost. PH.D.
from Cain, premiered wind and string chloroplasts. A square millimeter can
Me: Take care of? Do you instruments. contain up to 800,000 chloroplasts.
mean fertilize, water, and ten- Musical instruments like the clarinet, Animals do not have chloroplasts.
derly nourish my weeds? saxophone, and oboe use grass. Reed Photosynthesis is superbly effi-
LawnGuy: No. Kill them. instruments go back at least 4,000 cient, capturing 95% of the light
Me: How? years—ancient Egyptian art depicts clar- energy hitting a leaf! Today
LawnGuy: Herbicides. inet-type instruments. Skilled musicians researchers strive to understand pho-
Me: You want me to pay you to spread poison prefer natural grass reeds over plastic. tosynthesis better, possibly leading to
around my yard? Harvesting and curing reeds takes 9 improved solar cells. If efficient
LawnGuy: Toxicity fades in a week. Then we’ll months. A 7-foot tall plant may yield methods for storing sunlight energy
come back to reapply. You should keep your kids off only 1 reed with clear tones over a wide falling on roofs could be developed,
the lawn anyway. They’re wearing holes in it. range of notes and volume. Top-quality Todd Proctor expertly makes all domestic energy needs would be
Me: We raise kids here, not grass. reeds cost $25 and only last 6-12 months. music with grass at Woodside satisfied. Despite vaunted knowledge
LawnGuy: How can you find them in the Thank God for grass when worshipping of physics and chemistry, man has
weeds? with Woodside’s orchestra. not developed effective and economic methods of
Me: I blow my whistle and they come running. converting light energy to chemical energy. He
LawnGuy: You really should do something PHOTOSYNTHESIS depends almost entirely on plants to do this for food
about these weeds. Lawns work hard on sunny days. Grass blades are and fuel.
Me: Why kill perfectly healthy green plants? The complicated factories. Each cell has hundreds of Photosynthesis must have had a Designer. Such a
broad leaves are better ground cover than thin grass component parts and subsystems for nutrient and staggeringly complicated procedure couldn’t have
blades, and leaves produce more oxygen than blades. waste transportation, information storage and trans- randomly gradually evolved by chance because there
I like oxygen.
LawnGuy: (yanking up dandelions) These
would be easy to get rid of. No scientist has ever made a
Me: Never! Those beautiful yellow flowers
are natural lawn decorations. Besides, their
greens are nutritious.
blade of grass or fabricated grass
LawnGuy: Well, I could at least fertilize
so your grass would grow thicker and greener. seeds. Scientists cannot even
Me: That’ll force more grass-cutting time
and pollute the atmosphere with gasoline
exhaust fumes.
construct a single cell of grass.
LawnGuy: But your yard would look better.
Me: Are you an evolutionist? fer, reproduction, and manufacturing essentials for are too many interdependent complex component
LawnGuy: Of course. Do I look stupid? life. In millions of cells at incomprehensible speeds, parts, subsystems, and processes. These must all be in
Me: In that case, why would you interfere with thousands of chemical reactions occur every second place and work together to convert light to chemical
nature and impose your values on plants? Shouldn’t in an organized, integrated way. Grass makes carbo- energy. Moreover, it is balanced by the reverse process
we let the fittest plants survive? Who are we to say hydrates and releases oxygen. of respiration in man and animals which burns car-
one plant is more deserving of space in my yard than Photosynthesis (photo=light, synthesize=put bohydrates and oxygen to produce energy and CO2.
another? together) is the process by which plants turn light
LawnGuy left shaking his head. It was one of my plus CO2 and water into glucose sugar plus oxygen. GRASS IN THE BIBLE
most effective dealings with a salesman ever. The Photosynthesis converts light energy into chemical Hebrew and Greek words for grass are used over 60
conversation caused me to ponder grass, a seemingly energy. Plants fix CO2 into carbohydrates which are times, from Genesis 1:11 through Revelation 9:4.
simple plant. used in forming other organic compounds like cellu- To allay clothing anxiety (still prevalent today),
lose, fats, and amino acids (building blocks for pro- Jesus observed that if God arrayed grass—destined
GRASS FACTS teins). Carbohydrates fuel humans and animals who for burning—more fabulously than Solomon, then
Grass was one of God’s earliest creations. Grasses convert plant-stored energy for their use. He will certainly clothe us. (Matthew 6:28-30)
were the first plants and preceded all animals, birds, Almost all energy for life and technology derives “Flourishing like grass” is used metaphorically to
and fish. God created grass before the sun, moon, and from the sun. From trees to grass to microscopic describe abundant offspring and prosperity (Psalm
stars. This strikingly contradicts the theory of evolu- 72:16; Job 5:25). Grass is also used to picture the
tion which says sea organisms evolved before grass brevity of man’s earthly existence (Psalm 103:15;
and says sun and stars preceded grass. Not true. 37:2; Isaiah 40:6,7). Withering grass is used by way
Grasses comprise 10,000 species of plants of contrast to emphasize the eternal permanence of
including most grains, reeds, canes, and bamboos. Scripture (Isaiah 40:8; 1 Peter 1:24,25).
Grasses are the most versatile and widespread plants,
being found in practically every environment on SIMPLE GRASS?
earth and growing on every continent except Never take grass for granted. No scientist has ever
Antarctica. made a blade of grass or fabricated grass seeds.
Lowest on the food chain, grasses are vital food Scientists cannot even construct a single cell of grass.
for man and animals. Krispy Kreme doughnuts, pizza Each cell is more complicated than man’s most elab-
crust, oatmeal, and sugar are made from grasses. King orate invention. Within each cell reside many
Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon (now Iraq) spent seven organelles which perform functions man still does
years subsisting on grass when God judged him with not fully understand.
insanity for his pride. (Daniel 4:24-37) God grows grass for food for man and animals
Insulation, rope, furniture, clothing, and paper (Psalm 104:14; 147:8; Deuteronomy 11:15). Through
are among innumerable uses for grass. God’s merciful provision, grass may be common, but
it’s far from simple.
Baseball, football, soccer, tennis, bowling, cricket, Dr. Pelletier may be contacted by email at
polo, and lacrosse all have been played on grass, but ©2007 William T. Pelletier

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