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Chapter II


What is a strategy?

Barriga (2002) define strategy as all the procedures that the people use on a
reflexive way for promote the goals of the learning in the students, this are
unconditional allied of the professor in the learning process it also defines the
strategy as procedure (steps, abilities) that a learner uses in a conscious way as
flexible instruments for learning and solving problems.
Nobody can teach what do not know, that is way is necessary form strategic
professors for having a better education and better students
We have to construct the knowledge, the teaching is uncharged of us and we have
to find ways to facilitate the learning for the students and innovate the traditional
teaching, for this we have to consider the use of some strategies, these ones are
all the procedures that we use in a reflexive way for encourage the learning in the
students, we can see the strategies as a ways or resources for helping us in the
But there are some things help us to analyze which is the best strategy, when we
are teaching and for this there are some essential aspects:
1. - General characteristics (previous knowledge, motivations etc.)
2. - The domain of the general knowledge and the curricular content that we want
to check
3. -The goal we want to achieve and the pedagogical activities that we have to
4.-The enforcement in the teaching process (the strategies)
5. - the context

All this factors will help us to choose a strategy for the group; the strategies can be
applied when we start a class, in the middle or at the end.

2.2 Phonetic symbols

(Playing with symbols and sounds)

The phonetic chart is a system that contain symbols to represent the exactly
representation of the sound, the purpose of this, is give a precise sound of every
oral language, and can be used for students, professors, translators,

Topic: Phonetic symbols

Additional resource: phonetic chart
Age group: 12 and 13
Learning outcomes: The students will learn the utility of the phonetic in their lifes
and how this makes a better pronunciation
Previous learning: Alphabet
Possible problem and solution: The students are worried about the pronunciation,
some of them are confused because they read the English words as in Spanish,
and get frustrated, so the professor decided check the phonetic symbols for
facilitate they learning
Assessment evidence: letters; students by lines have to pass, the teacher said a
word and they have to form it with the symbols.


When I applied the diagnostic exam, I was interested in that students get a better
pronunciation so, we decided make activities to develop their pronunciation and
the listening ability, for that reason we explained the use of the phonetic symbols to
the students using a chart, I gave to students a sheet of paper with the symbols,
in the board was a big chart with colors representing the vowels, the diphthongs

and the consonants, so I explained first the consonants making gestures and
practicing with the students, successively we did that with the other parts of the
chart.( appendix)
Once that the students had the chart I noticed that was fun and interesting for
them, thy were having fun, even they do not find the functionality of this in their life,
but I can say that the activity is working on and some students were asking me
some things as:
S: Teacher zam para que se usa esta tabla cuando hablamos?
T: it is used when you do not know how to pronounce a word you look up in the
dictionary and the phonetic symbols are net of the word, you read them and you
will know how to pronounce correctly the word even you never had heard it .
With this I can see that students are interested in the function of this chart on their
lives, (BROPHY) (2000) says that we must give to students the function of the
things and explain the usage they can give to their lives

1. - Pre-listening: The professor check the chart and explain what is the utility of
the symbols in the English, and how the chart is divided; also checked the sounds
making gestures, the professor make emphasis on the difficult ones, and the faces
of the students showed they were interested in the class, they did the exercises,
and the gestures, they were really accessible to the class because of the faces
that the teacher made, and the faces that their partners did. (see annex. )
2. - While listening: The professor gave to the students a sheet of paper with a
phonemic chart that contains the symbols, the chart contained vowels, consonants
and diphthongs, when the professor explained each one, they were following the
pronunciation that the professor did, some students were confused and others
were laughing, but they were interested, the most difficult for them were the
diphthongs because they forgot the pronunciation. (see annex. )

3. - Post-listening: The students work in pairs for doing the activity and they were
checking the gestures they have to do, face on with their partners, when the
professor said change they have to change their couple for listening other peers
pronunciation, when they finished the activity in front of the classroom there were
some symbols in the floor, the teacher said a word and they have to form the word

with the phonetic symbols, this activity were easy for them and they were having
fun. (See annex.)

4. - Suggestion: it is necessary give to the students the chart with colors for
facilitate the learning, and with this will be easier identify the vowels, diphthongs,
and consonants, we have to check that students realize the activities for have

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