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Why has judge Deed passed a custodial sentence on the young footballer?

Because he thought it is not enough the young defendant feels remorse for his actions to remedy the loss
of the eye the injured man has sustained.

Who can claim diplomatic immunity?

Diplomatic immunity is a form of legal immunity that ensures diplomats are given safe passage and are
considered not susceptible to lawsuit or prosecution under the host country's laws, although they can still
be expelled.

What is Young Offenders Institute?

Young Offender Institution (or HMYOI) is a type of British prison intended for offenders aged between 18
and 20,[1] although some prisons (particularly Ashfield[2] and Huntercombe[3]) cater for younger offenders from
ages 15 to 17, who are classed as juvenile offenders.

What does it mean to treat a witness as hostile?

It means a witness at trial whosetestimony on direct examination is either openly antagonistic or appears to
be contrary to the legal position of the party who called the witness.

Is it possible to cross-contaminate forensic evidence?

No. :D
What is a writ of habeas corpus?
is a summons with the force of a court order; it is addressed to the custodian (a prison official for example)
and demands that a prisoner be taken before the court, and that the custodian present proof of authority,
allowing the court to determine whether the custodian has lawful authority to detain the prisoner.

Is it possible to hold the defendant in custody after he has been rightfully acquitted
In modern England and Wales, and in all countries that substantially follow English criminal procedure, an
acquittal normally results in the immediate liberation of the defendant from custody, assuming no other
charges against the defendant remain to be tried.

What is an alibi?
An alibi is a form of defense used in criminal procedure wherein the accused attempts to prove that he or
she was in some other place at the time the alleged offense was committed.

What is irrefutable evidence?

irrefutable evidence is a evidence that is Impossible to deny or disprove

What is protective custody?
Protective custody is a type of imprisonment (or care) to protect a person from harm, either from outside
sources or other prisoners.

What is a pre-trial review?

It is a hearing and is usually fixed to take place up to ten weeks before the date listed for trial.

What is a remand?
A remand is an action taken by an appellate court in which it sends back a case to the trial court or lower
appellate court for further action.

What kind of evidence can be excluded

Under English law, evidence that would otherwise be admissible at trial may be excluded at the discretion of
the trial judge if it would be unfair to the defendant to admit it.

Define a criminal act of fraud.

In law, fraud is deliberate deception to secure unfair or unlawful gain.

What are victimless crimes?

A victimless crime is a term used to refer to actions that have been made illegal but which do not directly
violate or threaten the rights of any other individual.

What is abuse of power?

Abuse of power is the commission of an unlawful act, done in an official capacity, which affects the
performance of official duties.

What is circumstantial evidence?

Circumstantial evidence is evidence that relies on an inference to connect it to a conclusion of factlike a
fingerprint at the scene of a crime.

What is pro se legal representation or litigant in person?

means advocating on one's own behalf before a court, rather than being represented by a lawyer.

What is a plea bargain?

A plea bargain is any agreement in a criminal case between the prosecutor and defendant whereby the
defendant agrees to plead guilty to a particular charge in return for some concession from the prosecutor.

Who are first cousins?

The children of two siblings. First cousins have grandparents in common.

What is a contract killing?

Contract killing is a form of murder in which one party hires another party to kill a target individual or group
of people.

What is domestic violence?

Domestic violence is a pattern of behavior which involves violence or other abuse by one person in a
domestic context against another, such as in marriage or cohabitation.

Who can be sectioned?

someone has to be suffering from a mental disorder of a nature or degree which warrants your
detention in a hospital for assessment or treatment and that you ought to be detained in the
interests of your own health, your own safety or with a view to the protection of others. (Mental
disorder is a broad term that includes conditions like schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorder or
personality disorder).
What is a leading question?
is a question that suggests the particular answer or contains the information the examiner is looking to have

Who is a character witness?

n. a person who testifies in a trial on behalf of a person (usually a criminal defendant) as to that person's good ethi
cal qualitiesand morality both by the personal knowledge of the witness and the person's reputation in the commu

What does it mean to be sole signatory in the bank?

A bank account signatory who may act alone

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