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Chirea Alexandra Mdlina an III ID RE restan an II

COURSE ASSIGNMENT (2) Write a book review. Review a non-fiction book.

Book Review
God versus Satan
(imaginative title)

This new edition in a single volume of the book Healing Through Deliverance is
published in a moment which exist much greater appreciation, within the Church, is need for
the release process than in past. Things were much different in the early 90 when appeared
the first edition at the first volume and much different than in 1986 when the work known as
Ellel Ministries was born at Ellel Grange in the north of England. Then I had not the
faintest idea that God will extend that ministry, ongoing maturity, in an organization that
spread in all world, bringing hope and healing to people from every continent. ().
Book that is reviewed is called Healing Through Deliverance and my Imaginative title
is God versus Satan. The real author is Peter Horrobin and his book is named Healing
Through Deliverance. In this current book the subject which is described with a lot of passion
is that Peter Horrobin wants to teach us how to make the difference between God and Satan,
between good or evil, he want to teach us how to heal in the church today because we are all
Gods creation and He is only one who can heal us by everything make us suffer.
The author is writing about next main ideas such as: the land of angels, Satan and his
kingdom and he tells us about how man fell into sin and what is the Gods redemption plan.
The author has some purposes he is writing for, and thats are to inforn and explain all this
spiritual problems, what is the value of church, and what represent God in our souls.
As an opening sentence i can say that Healing Through Deliverance is one of the most
biblical, comprehensive, practical, wisdom-filled, and Spirit-filled books that I have ever read
on the subject. It deals with deep concepts in language that everyone can understand and it
was so interesting that I could hardly put it down. I am sure it will become a reference book
that I will return to again and again. I thank God for the teaching and experience that is
captured in the book.

One aspect of the book is its theme which contain the ministry in the Church
demostrating that Gods kingdom manifest itself with power, with authority and with
authenticity. The main idea is that in the pages of this book, Peter Horrobin combine biblical
theology with serving authentic practice from Church which presents to us the heart of our
Saviour Jesus Christ.
Some quotations I will write now and also I will try to explain what it want to say. I will
keep with all my power to support my own ideas and to highlight some of author ideas that
led to the creation of this book.
Death- Time of Death- it is a transition moment, a transition from the limits of body which
we were received from God, through conception, from embryonic phase, to eternity that
follows. Christians who believe in Jesus knows from Scripts that after death, the following
step is separation (sheeps from the goats), and then the judgment.( P. 408)
[ My explications for this theme comes from what i feel about death. I feel that, death
is also sacrament because it occurs only once in the life of a person. All these sacraments such
as sacrament of marriage, of baptism is good that each person meet it only once time in their
life. If you want to live forever near Jesus you must to save from sin and escape about it. If we
done good Jesus judgment, well become angels and live forever because if we fall in Hell,
from that moment we will be ephemeral. So my conclusion is that until death, do not forget to
save us and do good deeds.]
Soul- when we talk about soul, we entering in a zone that can not be scientifically explored
(...). When God created the human race, He gave to each person a living soul. The soul is
eternal dimension of our being. Physical side of our being is unquestionably temporary,
limited to a very small segment of eternity- a time capsule in the eternal realm.( P. 59)
[ From my opinion, i think that soul is the most important part from human body. The
soul will represent our identity forever and it will be happy or sad, it is the reason for all
current feelings which we feel day by day, and also for the future feelings. I understood in this
life that is no treatment for the soul pains. The soul is only part from us which will live
forever, of course if our souls will come in the kingdom of heaven. So, my conclusion is that
spirit of a person can be seriously affected due to life circumstances. We feel that when the
soul is crushed, dynamics of life seems to be missing.]
Origin of Satan- Satan is real! He is a fallen angel, who sought to rise above his angelic
state of archangel. His originar name was Lucifer and he was a splendid, Gods wonderful
creation. Most commentators plays Isaia 14:12-15 as a description of how Satan ( Luciferportrayed as the king of Babylon) wanted to be like God. The result was rebellion that took
place in the army of heaven, this angel, who choosed to use his own volition to oppose at the
Creator being banished from heaven. (...). ( P. 73)

[ From my point of view, i think that Satan is alongside his demons an ugly presence
near us which want only bad things and above all he want that all people to worship him. I
know that Satan is his current name which means The Opponent, and his past name was
Lucifer which means Light and also i know that he is capable to destroy us because having
the experience of thousands years he can read our thoughts only if he look into our eyes, he
will know what we think. So my conclusion is that we must pray at God and we have to
ignore Satan signals which make us nervous and through these states come problems in
family and between friends.]
In this book the author says about some important themes which is important for all of
us. He says about how to healing in the church today, he teach us what is humanity and make
us understand that we are the special God creation. Also the author teach us about Satan and
his kingdom, the character and work of evil spirits, direct meetings of Jesus with Satan and
other subjects with the same themes of spirituality and the life after death.
Conclusions of the book i will illustrate through some suggestions for action or how to
change something in your life taking a new approach. So, when we deal with the spirit and
soul, we refer at one form of healing which is generally described as inside healing. Most of
people who need physical treatment they are not ill only at the body, but they are ill in their
souls and spirits. So we must take care about our souls because for this domain are not doctors
besides God.
The author conveyes his own ideas with power, cause he used some specific words that
make the reader feel an impact when he read his book. A second aspect of Healing Through
Deliverance is its style by means of which the author make oneself conspicuous because from
the moment you read few pages from book you feel like one person is near you and together
will enter in another beautiful and strange world.
The attitude of the author towards the subject is very positive, he is capable in
positive thinking and also can discover solutions for each problem that meets. He does not
fear by nothing and much less by his characters such as Satan or God, superior beings which
can destroy him in one second. The author is calm cause he knows that God will not hurt him,
and Satan cannot do that without Gods approval.
This book was worth reading cause it has an unique value. I think that for every
christian is important this book, of course that besides of this book are any other books who
deserve be read. But the current book looks like an Catechism, which teach us about any
curiosity that we should know, and also this book can respond us at any questions and
curiosities that we have.
Ideas useful in our lives are those ideas in which teaches us how to be closer to God
and how to avoid impure thoughts, sins and all that includes evil itself. Is normal that each of

us to fall everyday in sin and therefore this book teaches us how to avoid as much as possible
sin and ask God lighted day without sins.
Information learnt from my point of view is that in this book which show us the
release process, which is a legitimate right of Christians, God wants for Christians in their
lifes that this process to be supernatural in the natural way as possible, because the demons
are real and with Jesus we have the power and authority to act in front of them without
surrender of fear and if we can do that we also can help anybody which is shackled by the
powers of darkness.
Attitudes and opinions changed which are developed sounds like title of the book.
Understand the concept of healing, that has changed in the last 50 years. I am going to respect
this process of release because this is my only escape that I could live a life in peace and
quiet. This fact will be possible with help of church with determination and own volition.
A final aspect of Healing Through Deliverance is its value which Ill conclude the
material. I would like that no one to not involved in the release process, if only, that person
has a well-founded belief in Jesus, or he has permanent availability to be an evangelist and
also he has a deep love and compassion for people. Its value is very big because in this
book are explained every verse and Evangel from Bible which represents the Word of our
Glossary (to other religions)
(). Animism- faith that inanimate things such as plants, rocks, trees, etc., have a soul
or spirit.().
Armstrongismul (universal church of God)- founded by Herbert W. Amstrong, this sect
has a large influence because of its magazine Plain Truth, with over 8 million copies
distributed free monthly due to radio broadcast (from S.U.A. and Radio Luxemburg) and
TV broadcasts (widespread in S.U.A.). ().
Ayyavazhi- a sect of Hinduism, founded in XIX century and located in southern India.
Bahai- belief derived from XIX century from islam.().
Living Word Church (Path)- Founded in 1954, by John Robert Stevens. ().
Brahma Kumaris: - Founded in India, in 1936 by Brahma Baba, this organization has
centers in whole world, promoting peace through yoga, meditation and study. ().
Buddhism- Founded by Gautama Buddha around the 500 year B.C. After a deep
meditation he received enlightenment which became known as Buddhism. ().
Alei, Dee, From Bondage to Blessing, Sovereign World, Lancaster, England, 2002.
Anderson, Neil T., Freedom from Addictions, Regal, Ventura, 1996.().
Anderson, Neil, Rich Miller and Paul Travis, Breaking the Bondage of Legalism, Harvest
House, Eugene, 2003.

Baer, Randall N., Inside the New Age Nightmare, Huntington House, Lafayette, La., 1989.
(n. ed. Within the New Age nightmare)
Banks, Bill and Sue, Ministering to Abortions Aftermath, Impact Christian Books,
Kirkwood, Mo., 2001.
Basham , Don W., Can a Christian Have a Demon? Impact Christian Books, Kirkwood,
Mo., 1991.
Bevere, John, Bait of Satan, Charisma House, Lake Mary , Fla., 1994. ().
Bevere, Lisa, Kissed the Girls and Made Them Cry, Charisma House, Lake Mary, Fla.,
2002. ().
Bodishbaugh, Signa, Illusions of Intimacy, Sovereign World, Lancaster, Anglia, 2004.()
Bubeck, Mark I., Overcoming the Adversary, Moody, Chicago, 1984. ().
Chandler, Russell, Understanding the New Age, Word, Milton Keynes, 1989.
Cloud, Dr. Henry, and Dr. JohnTownsend, Boundaries, Zondervan, Grand Rapids, 1992.
A abuse, 81, 108, 162, 163, 286, 366, 373, 378, 389-392, 400-403, 424-425, 505.().
- acupuncture, 353, 519, 537.
- accuser 57, 76, 131, 140, 196, 214, 306 ().
B - bestiality, 397, 475.().
- baptism, 124, 241-244, 263, 345.
- bulimia, 313. See also eating disorders.()
C Cabala, 351.
- cancer, 107, 152, 268, 406.().
- conception, 250, 304, 343, 364, 390, 392, 408.().
D disease, 30, 31, 34, 82, 115, 252, 321, 328, 381, 406, 455, 471.().
- diagnostic, 220, 321, 331-332, 334, 344, 381().
- devil, 42, 67, 73-75, 209, 213-214, 237, 257, 258, 360, 386, 439, 441.().
E () emotions, 60, 61-63, 102, 108, 119, 291, 292, 293, 308, 313, 332, 421, 432
- epilepsy, 115-116, 157, 159, 167, 372()
- evolution, 58, 555. ().

About Author
Peter Horrobin is the founder and international director at Ellel Ministries, founded
in 1986, in the North East of England, as a ministry of healing. In 2008, this work was
spread in almost 20 countries, and the students trained by Ellel Ministries serve in more
than 40 countries of each continent. Peter was born in 1943, at Bolton, Lancashire, in
England. His parents gave him a deep Christian education, with strong evangelical trends.
Knowledge of Scripture was, then, more helpful in his work. After graduating from
Oxford University, licenced in chemistry, he teaches several years in academia, and then
he turned to the business world. He founded his own company of publication and sale of
books, and after 15 years of writing, publication and sales, was open the doors to start his
work at Ellel Grange, a rural residence outside the Lancaster city. The entire period of his
university career and business, he known that he is in a time of preparation of a Christian
work that follow to change his life. ().

After the composition of a support group through prayer, in November 1986 was
completed buying office Ellel Grange . From this time, Ellel Ministries was developed
steadily- now there is a team over 300 people dedicated pertaining uninterrupted series of
training courses, healing schools, in the almost 20 centers from whole world. ().

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