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The Controllers Bubble

Religion, Education and Money

Ernie Venn

Mankind has given up their freedom to banking dynasties that operate all religions, education and
monetary systems worldwide. Read about their modus operandi and take back your freedom.

This booklet is the third in the series of awakening programmes clearly proving how the
elitist controllers are enslaving the people of the world.
If you have not yet read the sister booklets: The Economic Bubble and The Time Bubble I
would recommend you do so now as they set the scene for this booklet. All booklets are
less than 20 pages long to make easy reading, regardless of your background.
This booklet explains the techniques used by the elitists to control the human population by
what I call REM Religion, Education and Money.
To gain maximum enlightenment try to remove personnel prejudices like I have plenty of
money because I worked hard to earn it. There are billions of people around the world who
would willingly work hard if they had the opportunities, but they dont. These people are
living in army controlled squalid camps, drinking parasite infected water, no form of heating,
no medical assistance programmes, no true educational programmes and no way to move
forward. I want YOU to stand in their shoes and appreciate the hopelessness of their
situations when reading this booklet and watching the media controlled TV news channels.
Lift up your heads and see above the quagmire of the media controlled news channels
brainwashing the populous and you will see the true power manipulators of planet Earth.
Whilst man is fighting man, black is fighting white or Muslims are fighting Christians you
have surrendered your freedoms to the elitists power mongers agendas of enslaving the
peoples of the world.
The big pharmaceutical companies around the World developed Prozac and later Seroxat to
chemically and electrically modify the brains behaviour; in the name of depression
medication. However, the truth is these drugs have been known to create uncontrollable
physical actions leading to self injury and serious physical harm to others the World over.
The elitists regulate the drugs industry thereby controlling what doctors can and cannot
prescribe. Power over life and death is the mosr awesome power of all.
By reading this booklet and the sister booklets YOU WILL shake of your shackles of
enslavement and by working together YOU will bring about a new world of peace, love and

The Controllers Bubble

By way of an introduction I will set the scene with a brief introduction to REM.
Mankind has defiled the laws of God by allowing the elitists to make up their own legal
systems that now control all of humanity; and we have all fallen for their false promises that
have deceived us. All Earth based religions are base on invented beliefs called religions
that continue to confound people with lies concerning our true place in this magnificent
universe. We are all one people, regardless of colour, creed, background or political
ministries. The elitist controlled parties are desperate to break up unification of the people
for fear of losing control. No religion can be higher than truth so seek the truth in all things
before bowing to self elected mortals wielding fear against your spirit.
Tell me you sins so that I may forgive you. Who do these people think they are? Why do
you need a middle man to ask forgiveness from God? When did God tell his flock these
self appointed religious leaders have such controls over fellow man? Answer: he never did!
God did create physical man as equals as catalogued in all historical and religious texts.
Meaning, unless man returns to the cosmic laws as written in the Ten Commandments and
the books of the Torah he is committing unlawful acts in the face of their creator, God.
According to the Church of England website almost one million pupils are educated in more
than 4,700 Church of England controlled schools. RE are working together to imprint their
doctrines on young people.
In conclusion, religion is a financially and morally corrupt organisation operating behind the
scenes that is more than capable of controlling world governments.
I have more to say concerning religious controls later in this booklet, especially about the
wealth of the Roman Catholic Church.
Humanity, under the manmade legal systems, is legally obliged to send their children to
school to be educated from the age of 5 to 18, say. These are the most important
development years allowing those in power to brainwash your children with controlling
agendas that will remove their natural inquisitive reasoning. The old 3 Rs Reading,
wRiting and aRithmetic are important communication skills but schools also cram useless
data into your kids heads stating things like: 1066 was the date of the Battle of Hastings;
who cares? Mount Everest is 29,029 ft in height: who cares? Educational establishments
take control of your children at least 5 days a week for most of the daylight hours but it
doesnt stop there. Your children are sent home with tasks to complete that evening, called
homework, and failure to comply results in detention or worse. All day schooling followed up
with homework doesnt leave time for the inner child to develop their god given skills. By the
time the child is 18 they believe anything taught at school, college, university and whats
broadcast on mainstream TV because thats how forced acceptance of explanations works.
Does this cramming of useless data help a developing brain or stagnate it to shutdown, I
leave you to answer this question after reading this booklet? TV programmes such as
University Challenge and The Chase only test the memories of the contestants not their
intelligence to think outside of the box.
Education or more precisely dis-education is being taught at all levels throughout all
educational faculties. Cramming the facts into childrens brains is not encouraging the
young brains to develop their creative thinking. Being able to use your mental abilities has

been seriously affected by letting your children attend such institutions on a daily basis.
Formal education is breeding the new TOMs, Totally Obedient Morons; a phrase that came
out of the early days of computing reflecting the fact computers can only perform the
functions as programmed, even when the programs were incorrectly structured. All the great
ideas that has moved man forward has come from those who can think outside of the box.
Most college certificates are based on 100 year old programmes that do not help the
developing child to become an inquisitive, creative and self learning being. Instead the
formal education system certificates in learning focus on data cramming which only tests
the memory functions and nothing else. Those people who come through the system with
great mental abilities do so because their brains have found their way through the quagmire
of not being able to follow anothers instructions that are based on lies. From the age of 5 to
21(graduate) years is ample time to turn your child into a TOM, a dutiful puppet to those
elitist controllers.
Education is supposed to enlighten all peoples on Earth and share truthful knowledge
amongst all mankind because we were born equal in order that we embrace the world as
equal brethren. Unfortunately, education is brainwashing us to accept their facts as truths
because we are told the scientists know better. As you read further into this booklet you will
see these self elevated scientists are extremely well paid puppets of the elitists. Learn to
use the senses you were born with to unravel the pack of lies called formal education.
You need money to buy things. By accepting monetary payment for your work means you
are indirectly working for the banks, as only the banks can print money into existence to pay
you. Thats right folks the 60 private family owned banks create money out of thin air,
then lend it to you, with interest, in a manmade legal contract until you have paid back the
loan and the unlawful interest charges. Failure to meet the terms of the contract means
confiscation of the goods purchased with the money the banks created out of thin air. You
also have to face the stigma of being a bankrupted individual for the rest of your life.
Why do banks need to create money out of thin air? Because the real asset value of all the
banks in the world is zero which is why humanity will forever be taxed and taxed again to bail
them out when they screw up. Bank officials around the world have been caught time and
again laundering money for their financially rich clients; a tax avoidance service. You and I
have to pay our taxes but if you are paid tens of millions of dollars per year the banking
services will siphon it off to Switzerland or the Cayman Islands by way of tax avoidance
services; ONLY available for their richest clients!
It is estimated that $2.8 billion, between the year 1988 and 2006, was transferred on behalf
of 1,200 clients to Swiss financial institutions through partnerships registered in Panama or
trade links in the isthmus accounts. The information comes from research carried out by the
French newspaper Le Monde in collaboration with the International Consortium of
Investigative Journalists ICIJ, after a former employee of HSBC in Switzerland, Herv
Falciani, released banking information about 9000 customers who allegedly hid funds in that
European country to avoid paying taxes. Countries with most accounts mentioned in the
research are Switzerland (11,235customers), France (9.187), UK (8, 844) and Brazil (8,667).
A new report finds that around the world the extremely wealthy have accumulated at least
$21 trillion in secretive offshore accounts. Thats a sum equal to the gross domestic
products of the United States and Japan added together.

Why does the legal systems the world over protect these tax avoiding criminals, for that is
what they are, when they should be facing public prosecution for their financial crimes?
Obviously it is because the manmade legal systems only protect those in power and of great
financial wealth! I am sickened by these people who live and breathe can operate above the
legalities their fellow brothers and sisters are forced to comply with. If we commit such
fraudulent crimes we will face prosecution and imprisonment. Do you still think you live in a
democratic society, or are you waking up to your acceptance of slavery as dictated by the
elite banking families around the world?
Payday loans:
If you dont have any form of savings and you are desperate to borrow money to bridge a
financial shortage here are some typical annual interest rates you pay:
WageDay Advance Ltd charges 7,069% = 70.69 interest for every 1 borrowed
CFO Lending Ltd charges 6,759% = 67.50 interest for every 1 borrowed
Wonga charges 5,863% = 58.63 interest for every 1 borrowed
Ferratum charges 3,113% = 31.13 interest for every 1 borrowed
These companies, and more are opening, are not controlled by government legislation
meaning they can legally rip you off and there is nothing anyone can do once you sign on
the dotted line.
Ever heard of Fractional Reserve Banking? This legalised system, under manmade laws,
allows banks to lend out several times more money than the assets they actually have. Yes,
thats right folks the banks print into existence paper based money all day, every day.
Money is only a number stored on a banks computer, it is not real it is only a digitally stored
number. Todays money is evil; never accept it as anything else! Do you enjoy swanking
about your monetary wealth and thinking this makes you better than your fellow man; then
think long and hard about your true purpose here on Earth?
REM operates on FEAR. Instil fear in the people and you control the people.
Fear of failure at school makes you intellectually inferior to your classmates thereby
disappointing your parents. Without good educational qualifications you are not
employable. This divide and rule tactic is a deliberate policy based on money
Fear of being penniless is just one step from living in the gutter. Living in squalid
conditions without adequate life supporting systems based on money is a deliberate
tactic creating a divide and conquer rule.
Fear of not complying with an elitist led religion means your soul is destined for an
eternity in hell. Where is hell? How do these frock wearing men know this? Who
gave these self appointed people the right to stand in the pulpit and spread fear
amongst the congregation?
Now reverse the fear elements and youre seen as a success. A well educated financially
well off god fearing person is what we all should embrace as a god like status; really! This
is how the REM controllers brainwash you into submitting your freedom into their hands.
Every day I make an effort to feed the birds that enter my small back garden. The
enjoyment of seeing such beautifully coloured birds reminds me of my childhood. Look
around you and observe WE are the only STUPID animals on this planet that needs money
to live. Ant and Bee colonies work for the betterment of the colony and in the case of the
Bee we humans benefit from their hard work in pollination that creates food for all, yet we
take them for granted. There are many stories that relate to dolphins and porpoise helping
mankind in times of trouble at sea. These are examples of unconditional love coming from
all life forms and all I ask you to do is reflect this love each day of your life.

Back to the plot:
The real evil controllers of planet Earth are attempting to create disharmony amongst the
people thereby creating a global conflict that will lead to nuclear war! Over recent years
these conflicts have destroyed the Middle Eastern countries forcing millions of people to flee
their homelands almost 4 million (2015) and counting in Syria alone. What have these
innocent people done to deserve such UN organised atrocities be levied against them?
Where are the world religions, the so called agents of an all loving God, when these people
need them? They are hiding behind their pulpits spouting off brain washing ridiculous
sermons. Where are the world Governments in times of need? These puppets of illusion
dont care, in fact I would say they agree with the programmes of atrocity for they have done
nothing and will never lift a hand to help as history has proved. I ask you just to imagine
being one of these Syrian people fearful for their lives and the lives of their innocent children.
From their perspective they must think the UN and all world governments have betrayed
them for nobody is helping. Each day the fear they face is worsening with no sign of love
coming from the rest of the world. All people fear weaponry because you cannot fight back
without an equal amount of weaponry. Legislation will make sure you will never have the
same arms power as the elitists, so what can you do? What you do not do is roll over and
give in because you think the battle is lost. Be wary for divide and conquer is the name of
the game.
Fear not your neighbours and they will not fear you. Recognise those with evil intentions,
those who have already built and used true weapons of mass destruction on innocent
people, then remove them from power. This world is as much yours as those who
continually create conflict. You have rights, God given rights, to protect all life here and in
the Universe so speak out as loud as you can and oppose the (REM) tyrants you did not
elect to represent your views. Look behind the scenes to identify and depose the elitists who
pull the strings of the puppets of illusion, better known as the world governments.
Recognise a man by his actions, not his words for words are cheap but actions are
measured by the consequences of lives destroyed.
Thinking outside of the box:
Many people who have made significant contributions to humanity have done so because
their own beliefs pushed them in different directions to the accepted and proven ways, as
taught at prestigious universities. Nikola Tesla was a brilliant man who was ridiculed by both
academics and industrialists the world over when he proposed alternating current (AC) was
superior to direct current (DC). Most people have never heard of him, he is not a taught
figure in history or science, yet this physical world we live in today would be at a loss if he
had given in to those educationalists who thought they knew better.
Tesla was infamous in his day. He wanted to give electricity freely to mankind and as soon
as his investor, J P Morgan, discovered this he withdraw all funding from the project on the
grounds Where does the payment meter fit? Based on this truth what is your opinion of the
ruthless greedy banking systems now? As Tesla grew older the establishment discredited
him by publically stating he was going mad, thereby implying all of his ideas were also mad.
At that point a tragedy and disgrace was bestowed upon the inventor and engineering
genius of this millennium.
Many other courageous and brilliant men and women have followed their own passions only
to be ignored, humiliated and ridiculed for their self belief that goes against the flow of
current accepted best practises. Some, unfortunately, like Stanley Meyer who claimed to
have invented a water powered car and patented it only to die of poisoning once his secret
was leaked by the patent office. Stanley to this day has many opponents claiming he was a
sham and the technology wouldnt work. If the patent was flawed why was Stanley
murdered? Ask yourself: Assuming his technology did work, whats in it for the

petrochemical giants if you can fill up your car from the kitchen tap? Nothing is the answer,
except for the global collapse of their empire and that cannot be allowed to happen, not at
this point in time, say the controllers of Earth! Goodbye Stanley, you and your passion for
honesty will be missed but never forgotten.
Self belief cannot be taught as it is a passion you embrace and live your life by just like
Nikola Tesla did, dying penniless but giving to humanity the inventions of his dreams. You
too can make this world a better place if your love for humanity and all other life forms
exceeds your greed for money. Release your creative abilities by freeing yourself from the
REM controllers and in so doing embrace love and peace to give your life a true meaning.
Live your life in service of all to bring about betterment in the World. Those who receive your
love and kindness will do likewise creating peace and harmony upon Earth for this is your
true purpose.
The new game play: What happens when the elitist controllers need to move their hideous
agendas along at an ever increasing pace? Simple, create a problem that will lead to an
outcome the people will willingly adopt then execute your devious plan; its called ProblemReaction-Solution, also known as The Hegelian Dialectic process. A few examples will show
how it works.
Lets apply the Hegelian Dialect to more familiar news worthy coverage. The first Hegelian
process is imminent, regardless of which political party is in charge in the UK.
Problem: Government NHS inspectors have stated: Our studies clearly prove too many
people are dying whilst in NHS care.
Reaction: The people insist the government should investigate and correct the problem.
Solution: Privatise the NHS as the investigation has shown the NHS and all of its
management is out of control.
This is what the puppet masters have wanted for decades. By agreeing to their bogus pack
of lies you have now given them permission to put the NHS into private hands, resulting in
more money for the rich as you will pay lots more money for medical insurance under
privatisation. Pity the poor who will suffer long painful periods and most likely die an early
death because they barely have enough money to feed and clothe themselves let alone buy
private medical insurance. Did you spot the fear elements in this proposal? Without money
for private medical insurance you fear becoming seriously ill. I encourage you to research
private hospitalisation programmes in the USA; they will bankrupt even the richest of families
and its coming here in the UK!
This next Hegelian process was committed by UK security services to promote hatred by the
whites against the Islamic and Muslim faiths.
Problem: BBC news channels have stated terrorists have planted bombs on the London
transport systems killing and maiming many innocent people.
Reaction: The people are horrified demanding this must be stopped at any cost.
Solution: Implement a British war on terror invading other countries killing innocent men;
women and children then take unlawful control of their precious assets such as oil
The above Hegelian exercise needs more clarification as faked photographic CCTV
evidence was used to convict 3 innocent Muslims. The reader should research Dr. Nicholas
Kollerstrom, since stripped of his honorary post at University College London, for telling the
truth and exposing the lies about the London bombings on 7th July 2005; also research John
Anthony Hill and Tony Farrel; a former analyst for the South Yorkshire Police who lost his
position for also telling the truth about the London bombings.

John Anthony Hill has proved beyond any doubt that digital image fakery was used, on his
DVD 7/7 Ripple Effect, to construct an unlawful case against three innocent Muslim men for
masterminding the London bombings on 7th July 2005. Unfortunately this blatant fakery was
accepted and used by the court as evidence to convict these innocent men of a series of
hideous crimes they never committed. John Anthony Hills lawfully abiding action of
submitting his true and accurate analysis that the men were innocent for consideration by
the court was seen as attempting to pervert the course of justice resulting in his unlawful
imprisonment by the UK judicial system. Humanity is facing an evil and self appointed
uprising within the top positions of our legal systems that has to be stopped.
This next Hegelian exercise was committed in the USA by their internal security services
Problem: Terrorists have flown aircraft into the world trade centre buildings killing thousands.
Reaction: The people demand the government needs to take retaliatory action immediately.
Solution: Implement a US war on terror invading other countries killing innocent men; women
and children then take unlawful control of their precious assets such as oil repositories.
The first thing you should note is aeroplane collisions cannot cause such buildings to
collapse even with head on attacks; why? No civilian or military aircraft could ever have
carve through the massive steel girders (H or I beams) surrounding the inner walls of the
towers, as faked photographic evidence claims. Back in July 28, 1945 a B-25 bomber
crashed, due to thick fog, into the Empire State Building, then the tallest building in the
world; killing 3 crew and 11 people in the building. However, the accident did not
compromise the building's structural integrity. This horrific accident surely questions the
official story behind the twin towers incident on 9/11. Secondly, the building collapses were
not controlled demolitions as the lies being purported by the Architects & Engineers for 9/11
Truth suggests. This group of shadowy people are obviously there to misinform people into
believing their official and unquestionable story, thereby covering up the true weaponry
used in the dustification of the towers, most definitely not controlled demolitions. Readers
should research Dr Judy Wood, a former professor of mechanical engineering, who has
proved beyond doubt that all official explanations given to date are lies. Dr Judy Woods
analysis proves the buildings were turned into dust from the top to ground level zero by a
weapon of great power. Note: a former professor, suffered ridicule, harassment and loss of
position for telling the truth. Note: John Anthony Hill, Dr. Nicholas Kollerstrom and Dr Judy
Wood all thought outside of the box to unravel official lies.
Do you have a say in the UK?
Most people would respond with yes because of the freedom of speech act or more
formally: Freedom of expression. So, what can you say according to legislation? This right
shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas
without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. This Article shall not
prevent States (peoples and organisations) from requiring the licensing of broadcasting,
television or cinema enterprises. Standing on a soap box on a Sunday morning spouting off
in the park is OK but to broadcast your views is likely to be censored because the licensing
regulation authorities; think MI5 as well as regulatory licensing bodies in the UK, can and will
stop all such broadcasts that do not fit within their agendas for mass control. Here in the UK
we used to have a news channel called Press TV, an Iranian based company, until 20th
January 2012 when they were told they no longer had a broadcast license. The UK has no
law against conflicting with the freedom of expression act as in the days of Press TV but
because the UK elitists could not control the content being broadcast Press TV were denied
a broadcast license. So much for the Freedom of expression act! The Internet will soon
succumb to country base filtering allowing only their news worthy articles through, based
on rules devised by the security services.

Can you appeal to your local member of parliament? You can but do you really think he/she
can rock the boat on your behalf, even if he/she has the same views? We firstly need to
understand the Promissory Oaths Act 1868 that binds MPs to their allegiance to the
monarch of the day. Back in 1868 a newly appointed MP would have to swear I, name, do
swear that I will well and truly serve Her Majesty Queen Victoria in the office of (to be
defined formally) So Help Me God.
Today, the oath is: "I, name, do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm that I will be
faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, her heirs and successors
according to law". Note: the role of all MPs is: to be faithful to the Queen, not his/her
constituency. Failure to comply with this oath is seen as a serious misconduct of office for
all MPs with serious penalty consequences for offenders. Can your MP break the rules? For
this we need to understand the powers of the three line whip. Whips are MPs or Members
of the House of Lords appointed by each party in Parliament to help organise their party's
contribution to parliamentary business. One of their responsibilities is making sure the
maximum number of their party members vote, and vote the way their party wants.
Defying a three-line whip is very serious, and has occasionally resulted in the whip being
withdrawn from an MP or Lord. This means that the Member is effectively expelled from
their party (but keeps their seat) and must sit as an independent until the whip is restored.
Source: This means your
MP is a dutiful puppet to his/her political party who, in turn, are dutiful puppets to their party
leaders who are dutiful puppets to the elitists on planet Earth; so much for democracy!
The idea of voting is no more than kidology. TV debates by politicians are controlled
agendas used to influence your voting opinion. You need to know all questions asked by the
so called independent interviewer are made available prior to any debate to those who the
elitists want as puppet leaders to control governments the world over. The best thing you
can do when these TV events are broadcast is to switch your TV off and save yourself from
more brainwashing claptrap! Who controls the multimedia giants? The elitists do, so you
need to ask yourself this question: whats in it for them to broadcast such debates? You
got it more brainwashing BS to con the audience they are putting their future leaders on
the rack! Utter rubbish; dive for the off button is my advice.
The elitists controllers of the world own all the main media outlets and use them to
brainwash the people every day to gain your support in the actions they take. Recently on
19 August 2014 Michael Brown, an innocent young man going about his day, was shot and
murdered by police authorities in the USA. A cover up exercise by the police and the media
giants ensured the murderer walked free from prosecution. You must see through the lies
being broadcast into your brains on a daily basis. The police/media cover up is a crime in
itself but the real agenda, that will escalate, was to create hatred between black skinned
people and the white skinned people whom, by the way, form the majority of police forces
throughout the USA. The legal systems have failed us, the people, regardless of our skin
colour or belief systems. The once peaceful law abiding suburbs of US cities are now
starting to look like war torn zones in the Middle East as military, highly armed, vehicles have
taken to the streets. The people who are now operating these unjustified weapons once
swore this oath:
On my honour,
I will never betray my badge, my integrity, my character, or the public trust.
I will always have the courage to hold myself and others accountable for our actions.
I will always uphold the constitution, my community and the agency I serve.
When did carrying murderous weapons escalate into the police authorities manning arms of
such destructive powers in the streets of law abiding citizens? The police state is now upon
all of us.

Divide and rule now overrides this oath as in the case of Michael Brown proves. Does this
mean we should alienate all police forces? No, definitely not, they need to be brave and
commit to their sworn oaths by refusing to accept new rules just because some high
ranking officials think the police departments are their personal armies of street
terror, for that is what they are rapidly becoming. The same is true for all police authorities
the world over as can be seen by watching news channels portraying violence by police
against peaceful protestors. Agent Provocateurs, paid for thugs, infiltrate peaceful protest
marches with one intention: to disrupt the marches by attacking police boundary lines,
thereby sparking a conflict that will escalate causing harm and imprisonment to innocent
individuals and injury to police officers. I beseech all police authorities the world over to lay
down their riot shields and embrace your brothers and sister in love and peace.
The REM controls are everywhere. Formal school educational systems make all people
think along the same lines when interpreting and accepting explanations. I recently set a
theoretical experiment to test my hypothesis by asking several people, in a group, the
following question: I have two identical balloons, each filled with the same volume of gas. I
release the balloons and both rise to the ceiling and stay there. Question: Explain why this
happened; and you may ask me questions? Most people jump to the conclusion the
balloons are filled with Helium, since Helium gas is lighter than air. This is a programmed
response, not a well thought out exercise that would lead to the correct answer. I then state:
Hydrogen is also lighter than air so your answer could be incorrect. By now the group think
they are homing in on the answer to the question posed. After a couple of minutes of group
discussion I state: One of the balloons starts to descend to the floor. Another programmed
response is: You rubbed the other balloon against your sweater creating static electricity
which is why the other balloon stays stuck to the ceiling. The group went straight into
solution mode because the educational systems have removed inquisitive reasoning
capabilities, just like the TV shows The Chase and University Challenge.
The exercise above quickly becomes boring to the group because of their frustration of
incorrect guesses. You can modify the question to look for other programmed learning
responses and they always work too. In my example one balloon is filled with extremely hot
air whilst the other is filled with warm air. Hence the one retaining the hot air stays tight to
the ceiling for longer. Thinking outside of the box is the only way they will ever converge to a
guaranteed method to finding the answer; this is known as lateral thinking.
I was first introduced to lateral thinking problems by a PhD student many years ago. The
problem he set me was: Cleopatra is on the floor with Antony lying dead beside her.
Question: You can only ask me questions that I can respond with yes or no. You need to
ascertain Antonys cause of death. This is a great question because schooling assumes it is
the tragedy written by William Shakespeare. However, in all lateral thinking exercises you
must not make any assumptions or jump to any conclusions because you think you know
the answer. As ridiculous as the answer is it proves all people believe in data retrieval rather
than proving any and all data based assumptions. The answer is: Cleopatra is a girl who
happened to be lying on a couch when she fell asleep and as she rolled over she knocked
her goldfish bowl off the small table beside the couch holding her goldfish named Antony
who died a few minutes later due to asphyxiation.
The term lateral thinking was coined in 1967 by Edward de Bono a Maltese physician. Most
problems cannot be readily solved by a step-by-step approach based upon school educated
data retrieval techniques. There are many lateral thinking problem books and websites the
reader can follow up on if they are interested.
We are now living in a heavily censored state here on Earth designed to remove all personal
freedoms. The fact is many secret organisations pry upon your every movement using
CCTV, all phone calls, message texts and email; such actions can only be interpreted as the

start of what will soon be a heavily censored police state. The New World Order, a fascist
agenda carried over from WWII, is gathering their data on you, meaning the profiling of the
populous began over two decades ago or the start of the personal digital revolution. Are you
fit to be a member of the New World Order or are you already being seen as a radical
opponent to their agenda of world dominance for this is what the real power brokers are
The old Nazi empire is still alive and very much kicking and orchestrating the REM
controlling agendas. You are the new Jews they will persecute regardless of your colour,
creed, religious belief or millionaire status! These fascists have infiltrated all walks of life,
especially in local and central government offices, hiding behind the name Common Purpose
in the UK.
Every year the most powerful (military and industrial complex members) and extremely rich
billionaires attend a conference, behind closed doors, called the Bilderberg conference. The
reader should research the attendees on the web and discover for themselves just how
powerful and rich they are. What is not so evident is the concept of such meetings was
deeply rooted in the Nazi party in the midst of WWII. The Nazi party have just renamed
themselves as Bilderberger members; more correctly known as the 4th Reich wanting
nothing less than fascist world domination. These evil controllers fear the day you awaken
from the slumber they put common man in many hundreds of years ago. That day is at hand
and you must move forward with great haste to create the momentum of change thereby
casting off the shackles of poverty, racism and hatred. You can make a difference once you
trust a greater force is here to protect you, a force of light that cannot be destroyed here
because you need it and the light needs you. You are one with the light of all positive
energy so embrace this and move forwards into your creations.
The Vatican represents the powerbase of the Roman Catholic Church the world over but
did you know it owns billions of shares in the most powerful international corporations, some
being General Electric, IBM the computer giant, Trans World Airlines, the car giant General
Motors and many more. Why would a church want to own shares in such mega
corporations? The Church of England also owns many shares in major corporations such as
Shell, HSBC and GlaxoSmithKline totalling over 5Bn in securities and properties alone.
The third world countries are in desperate need for food, shelter and medication but the
church ignores their pleas by ploughing money into the greedy, avarice and world
domination corporations. Are they following the faith in an all loving God; for if they are its
not the God I was brought up to respect for his fairness to all life forms.
I mentioned at the start of this booklet that according to the Church of England website they
own and run around 4,700 UK schools. The Roman Catholic Church owns and runs around
2245 UK Catholic schools. These churches have the power to influence young children in
what is deemed right and wrong thereby creating an army of followers that in later years are
only too willing to serve their masters.
The Vatican are also in bed with the Rothschilds family of Britain, France and America, and
with the Credit Suisse banks in London and Zurich. In the USA their financial connections
stretch into the Morgan Bank, the First National Bank of New York, The Federal Reserve
Bank and many others. Why is it important you should know these facts?
The Bank of International Settlements (BIS) acts as the central controlling bank for all sixty
privately held central banks, including the Bank of England, the US Federal Reserve and
other money printing institutions around the world thereby controlling at least 95% of the
worlds money. The BIS, located in the City of London, is a totally unlawful institution that
was created by the elite banking dynasties that stretch back centuries. Names associated
with these banks are the Rothschild family, the Rockefeller family, the Bush family and the

Windsor family, previously known as the Saxe-Coburg and Gotha family. Putting all this
data together strongly suggests the Vatican is in bed with the elitists controllers of the world.
Are we alone in the universe or are beings visiting us to help?
The truth is we are being visited and have been for a very long time by beings from many
planets, the majority coming in love and peace. The evil controllers do not want you to know
this so they hide the truth from you on a daily basis around the world. The elitists lie to all of
us and you need to see through their lies for this will awaken your immortal being.
UFOs buzz the world skies making fantastic manoeuvres that your jet based planes cannot
duplicate. But wait a minute folks; they are not UFOs as your puppet governments continue
to deny, they are only weather balloons blowing around in the high altitude winds. If you
believe this lie you must also believe mankind is performing many simultaneous weather
forecasting measurements in the same locations, which of course they are not. UFOs are
real; they have been here for millennium monitoring humanitys progress and awaiting your
awakening before introducing themselves.
I am sure you have heard the numerous accounts of flying saucers (UFOs) crashes where
military personnel later recover the debris and crew, dead and alive. They crashed? Super
intelligent beings traverse the universe to visit Earth only to crash and kill themselves, really?
Now, I could accept such craft being brought down as a plausible and believable
explanation, but not crash landing after safely navigating untold space debris. The truth is
these flying machines are being brought down and you now need to prepare yourself for a
galactic war between the light and dark forces that is forming here just outside of your
planets atmosphere; and you are the spoils of this war the dark forces are battling for.
Our brilliant ancestors knew the day of awakening of mankind would be when we could
decode the built in architectural mathematics of the Egyptian pyramid Cheops. By
inscribing the largest circle within the base of the pyramid Cheops; its radius will measure
4,382.9 inches. Divide this number by 12 and you get 365.242 which is the number of days
in a year. This figure exactly matches the scientific value that is used today which means it
cannot be any form of coincidence. This encrypted information was set when the pyramids
were built meaning the human race has not just evolved but awakened to the fact we are not
alone in the universe. It also means the real pyramid builders now know we are now ready
to meet with them. But I can hear you say If the measurement was made in metres and
centimetres the results would be different, right? Now give me a plausible reason as to why
the metric measurement system came into being if not to hide these truths, as I do believe?
The Near Eastern or Biblical cubit is usually estimated as approximately 18 inches. Feet and
inches were good enough to build our ancient buildings and bridges so why change? Its
called confuse the masses else the masses will find the truths that are hidden in plain sight.
Remember all the ancient sites were built thousands of years ago, long before the metric
system was conceived. To this day professors of Egyptology the world over tell us primitive
man came out of the caves and jungles and decided to quarry, then shape stone cuboids,
then erect structures embodying mathematical numbers like pi to a high degree of accuracy,
but why? Why would burial chambers for pharaohs need such mathematical elegance built
into their design? Considering the builders were primitives, according to Egyptologists, it
certainly wasnt them. Our educational leaders deny the truths concerning the true purpose
of the pyramids but do not be swayed by their lies. You need to accept and work with the
forces of light that will save humanity from eternal slavery and imprisonment.
As I have stated in my other booklets: Recognise your enemy by the evil and hideous
actions they take against all humanity and listen not to their words for words are cheap and
they will deceive you. Mind games of deception are more crushing than bullets; be wary of

hidden agendas that will lead to your capture. We, the people; demand our planet Earth
be returned to us along with our freedoms with immediate effect.
Even if you do not believe in extraterrestrial life visiting Earth let me reassure you special
beings have been born unto humankind since the 1980s. These extremely important beings
have been given special descriptive names that are recognised the world over as:
1. The Indigo children. In brief, after the early 1980s, using auric field photographic
technology, showed many young gifted children are surrounded by a new deep blue
hue named "indigo. Indigo children are selfless cosmic beings wanting to join forces
with others in order to bring about much needed changes here on earth. They have
been said to see angels, auras, fairies, even deceased loved ones. Their abilities can
immediately sense a lie and they detest greed as this opposes their sense of
fairness. They are here primarily to set new lawful systems by recreating the
fundamental purposes of government, education and our legal systems that have
become totally corrupted by the dynasties that control all money. If your children
were diagnosed with ADHD they are probably Indigo children frustrated with the lies
our formal education systems teach. The time of the scalpel is rapidly coming to an
end because the Indigo children possess healing powers that work with your spirit to
help you heal yourself.
2. The Crystal children are the generation following the Indigo children. It is agreed by
all researches interested in this area they begun to be born from around 2000 and a
few early scouts from around 1995. These children are born with a mission, most
difficult to execute in present times, to take humanity to our next level in evolution by
revealing to us our inner power and divinity. These children need to function as a
group consciousness rather than as individuals because they believe we are all one
needing to live in love and peace on all planets.
3. The Rainbow children represent the third generation of children that are here to
help humanity evolve by accepting the help and guidance given to us by the Indigo
and Crystal children. Rainbow children have psychic abilities possessing strong wills
and strong personalities. They respond to colourful surroundings and brightly
coloured clothes. These children will bring about a new wonderful existence upon
planet Earth using their divine will.
There has been an urgency applied by higher cosmic life energies to correct the imbalances
here on Earth and they have gifted to us these special beings in order that we can hastily put
to right all wrong doings. These children are extraordinarily gifted beings we need to trust
and listen to for without their guidance this planet Earth is doomed to die along with all life
forms, not just humanity. Do you or any human being have the right to kill every life form on
this planet? Some people think they do have the right because they do not care for any
other life forms; they only care for a world they control with YOU as their servants in
perpetuity. Your guiding angels are here living amongst us and you will recognise them by
their actions, not their words.
I realise many of these suggestions probably challenge your deep rooted thoughts and
beliefs created by brainwashing. By now you should be awakening and seeking self proof of
all things written if you are to move this planet back into balance and bring about pure
harmony; so listen, watch and research the truths. You are no longer a child in need of daily
guidance by the puppets of illusion. However, you can learn truths beyond all formal
educational programmes by observing the selfless actions these children give freely to all
humanity. The wise ones will not come from our corrupt leaders and their unlawful systems
for their days are numbered.
Exposing the corruption is the truth that will set you free.

Let all people have the same rights else we all face extinction little by little, including the
elitists! Nobody, but nobody, can survive a worldwide nuclear war which is why the USA are
feeling threatened by Irans bomb making capabilities. No country should possess nuclear
bombs yet the USA think they have the right to keep theirs and threaten their use against
less technological enabled countries. I do not favour taking any side when the stakes are so
high. However, when the threat is on the other foot it is good to see the USA administrations
taken down a couple of pegs in their fear mongering power as rightful justice for the multiple
wars on terror they have committed against the Middle East.
Imminent threats:
All three booklets prove money is the corrupt power controlling humanity around the world.
Even the Roman Catholic Church invests money in shares in big corporations as mentioned
earlier in this booklet. This fact is not particularly comforting as we are led to believe the
churches represent faiths in Gods, not money!
Most high street banks are pushing contactless payment services. Contactless payment
systems are credit cards and debit cards that use RFID (radio-frequency identification) for
making secure payments by simply waving the card in front of the card reader at the point of
sale requiring no pin or signature. You should be asking yourself Why do the banks want
me to adopt this technology?
You have become accustomed to pulling out a note or coins to make a purchase so whats
in it for you to walk about with empty pockets? Nothing is the answer. When you make cash
purchases you leave no audit trails unless advanced CCTV is in operation. Using
contactless payment services means the banks know where the debit/credit card is and how
much you spent with a particular trader. Do you want your bank to know this or do you
prefer your anonymity? Once cash trading is eliminated you will be enslaved by electronic
trading. Your friendly drug trafficker will have to front his business with an unsuspecting
name like Hypnotic Regression Experiences Inc. Trouble with this is once registered Uncle
Sam will want his tax on the sale of products because he will know exactly how much money
was involved in the transaction. Enter under the skin RFID implants and the banks will also
know who is using the contactless payment services.
Taken from my booklet: The Economic Bubble: Very shortly when you next shop at your
favourite supermarket you will be allowed to leave the store with a fully loaded trolley without
checking out. Every product in your trolley will be RFID tagged communicating with an
electronic reader that will detect every item in your trolley and instantly total up their costs.
The electronic reader will, via electronic data networks, send this information on your
trolleys contents to the supermarket HQ and their partners. Your bank will automatically
receive details of the transaction who will automatically deduct this from your account.
Sounds good, no more queuing and no more wasting time in queues? If you fall for this
convenience trap then you are inadvertently permitting RFID technology into your daily life.
The technology footprint behind RFID is shrinking to the point whereby all people will soon
be legally forced to have one or more RFID chips implanted into their bodies using a simple
hypodermic syringe. It will be sold to you on the basis that it will protect you and your family.
The world governments will state kidnapped children will be a crime of the past due to RFID
tracking and you will fall for it.
World government news agencies are broadcasting such kidnappings on a daily basis to
prepare your mental state into wishing for such a technology to be available; ProblemReaction-Solution. Once you have an RFID implant you become totally controllable see:
The Economic Bubble.

You must never accept money as real; it is only a concept that was criminally conceived to
replace trading of real goods and services. As far as the banks are concerned your money
is nothing more than a digital number stored on a digital computer. Money is a fictional
token that has no real value. Now look at the big Picture: Current accounts, savings
accounts, credit/debit cards, mortgages, shares, derivatives, pensions, loans, insurance and
many more are examples of financial instruments all based upon digitally stored numbers!
These numbers now control all lives in the vast amount of countries throughout the world.
Have you seen through the scams yet? He who controls the banking systems controls the
world; and the controllers are the banking dynasties read more in the booklet: The
Economic Bubble.
The reason why such criminal activities have survived for thousands of years is because the
banking dynasties have invented their own legal systems that protect the unlawful gains
made at the expense of the common man. Before going into detail of this corrupt financial
system I first need to explain why charging interest is totally unlawful.
Suppose it is possible to put a monetary value on all the goods and services around the
world whereby all countries agree that value. For the sake of simplicity I will set that value at
1,000,000 units, where a unit is the only world currency in existence. Also for simplicity I will
assume the world consists of 1000 countries each country owning 1,000 units of currency.
You can change the number of countries and number of units and the maths work the same
assuming an equal share of units per country.
The world banking systems declares a charge of 5% interest for providing loans. Where
does this 5% currency interest come from? No country is prepared to lose units to allow the
banking system to make this gain. The only way the banking system can make this charge
is for them to be the sole providers of all currency units. Behind the scenes the banking
systems PRINT into existence new currency units and award themselves the new units
printed which equals 5% of 1,000,000 or 50,000 units. This is exactly what happens in the
banking world today! Even though all countries never agreed to interest charges there is
now an extra 50,000 units in circulation. What has happened, in real terms, is the bank has
devalued the world currency because the original world wealth was 1,000,000 units but after
printing more money there are now 1050000 in circulation. Without knowing it each country
has suffered a loss of value whilst the banking system has made a gain! Lets now apply
this process to more familiar examples involving the world banking systems lending Greece
and Iceland more loans to pay off their original interest based bank loans. If Greece and
Iceland agree to more loans they will face even greater debts to the banks they can never
pay off, making them bankrupt! This is a tragedy because both peoples are the most kind
and loving people the world could learn from.
As you can see charging interest has two effects:
1. It devalues world currency and that means your currency holdings has less value
2. The banking system will eventually own all the worlds assets
Throughout the world there are 60 private banks that do print money into existence on a
daily basis. They channel their unlawful gains, what they call balancing the books, through
the Bank for International Settlements, based in London. The Bank for International
Settlements does control 95% of all currencies around the world proving my analysis above
as good as accurate! However there is a flaw in the analysis that I will delve into shortly
just to please the economists.
No country should submit their independence to the banking dynasties that have taken
control of the world making all of us slaves to them. We need to disband the world banking
systems (IMF, the World Bank, the European Central Bank, the International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), all

the Federal Reserve Banks, Bank of England and many others). Only when we have
disbanded these private banks can we start to construct a lawful an honest banking system.
Economists the world over will argue that goods and services can achieve higher, or lower,
status thereby changing their value based on demand. Again, this is a false proposition
because it is based on short term values thereby creating more wealth than is in existence;
better known as greed. The worst concept economists dreamt up was letting the market
decide the value of products and services. Basically this suggests if a new product or
service is in great demand the buying public will pay whatever price to purchase it; this is
how Apples iphone shot to financial fame in 2007.
Earlier I said there was a flaw in this financial market analysis that I am sure you have
already worked out for yourself. Putting a financial value on anything is just plain barmy!
The original concept of money was to alleviate trade of goods and services by issuing
promissory notes, as in I promise to pay the bearer etc found on all bank notes. Promises
can and are broken yet we have succumbed to the wiley guise of the banksters lies and
schemes of deception.
Back in the Klondike days prospectors dug gold out of mountains then went to the assayers
office to exchange it for promissory notes! How crazy was that? The banks did absolutely
nothing yet now own the worlds gold reserves by conning the miners that the banks paper
based promissory notes were of equal value to the gold! We still believe in this crazy world
today as TV adverts are offering to buy your gold in exchange for promissory notes and you
fall for this con all day every day. The craziest thing is the organised crimes running these
TV adverts are hoping the value of gold increases in financial terms then they sell that gold
to the banks (indirectly) reaping greater monetary returns than they paid for it. Do they
realise the banks are swapping promissory notes for gold just like in the days of the
The worlds financial systems are broken beyond repair causing untold suffering to all but the
banking dynasties. Live and breathe as one people honouring only Gods laws by rejecting
the elitists as the unlawful power mongers they are.
Do you now see how REM controls all human lives by the corruption we are failing to
We, the human race, are not so different regardless of traditions and skin colours. Look
upon others as you would look upon yourself in a mirror. As each day passes make it your
mission to share kindness, love and peace with others in order to raise the vibration of all
energies of all life forms on Earth thereby bringing about universal peace and harmony.
Your kindness and love will overcome all evil and you will inherit the Earth you always
wished it to be.
Can you now smell the coffee or are you in need of cataract surgery?

Ernie Venn

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